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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
tiis orL"3:i daily journal post-land. .Friday . gvnrr.:3. y: jttjt n. r.?. t s . 4 1 i - DM8 OF GOJ I EST ffl HID I'M DV COi'llEST1018 . Thoss at Head of List Stnigsfs to Rttaih Their Positions of v ' Advantaet, Whils Others Labor to' Overcome the -. Leaders. - - - - The announcement that the educational eontaat will cIom . September IX. three daya earlier than wm expected, la ceue loc contestants and their friends to Una no thair support tor tba flnlah. "" People, ara now returning from the beaches and from tba mountains, an ablln tba contestants to make oalla which thair absence haa heretofore r.n derad Impossible. As aoon aa Mia city torn fill wa-Ttea BvenHii wanted aa ona of the flrat raqulslta supplies. . When tha contestant or his representative la an hand an advanve - subacriptloa may be secured and votes added to tha contestants score. City newspaper -readers who can af ford to go away from home for tha sum mer can afford to advance weir ' auo ' acrtptlona for a few months, when - In doing- ao a worthy boy, or alrl Is helped te an education which mlht otherwlaa be denied. ... ; -v.' ' -1 - Sew Bneonraffe Patrons who wUhxfb help conteaUnta can J enooursce them ereetly to notify them" by postal to call on them for the advance payraente on auoscripuona. in makins; such calls the contestant often ; picks up other subecrlptlona in tha same neighborhood. ; Swedish Boy mrowi fled , One of the boys- who has held his own wry well throughout the contest Is Paul Nygren. P East Third street. Portland. Re has never dropped below the position where ha began, and, he haa worked wp the Una -somewhat- At present he Ms among; the scholarships, but ha wants to go higher in .order to ' be sure -of tha school of his choice. .-f..,v-'. Paul's former Sunday ' school ''teaoher, : now . at Tacoma. , Washington. recom mends him aa follows: . ,-'.: ' ., The Contest Bureau, TheDreron Jour nal, Portland Oregon In regard to Paul Nygren (one of youn Journal , carriers and scholarship .contestants) 1 his for mer Sunday school .teacher of tha Swed ish Mission church In Portland, want to state that he la a very good and honest boy In every "respect. Have alwaya found him very studious and ambitious,' and be deserves suoeass-Tours truly, . -HULDA 8. CARLSON.", 'This "Indorsement Is attended 'by one from Rev. Theodore Ouatafaon, pastor of tha Swedish Mission church, as follows: ."Paul Kygren cams to Portland In Jan uary. 104. . He is U years old. He haa attended our Sunday school regularly; haa proved himself te be a bright and honest little man. I am therefore glad to introduce him to you as a good scholar. Hoping you will help him in his striving for a course la electrical eogl- J neertng la the Internationa) Correspond ence school, I am, respectfully, ' THEODORE. OUSTAFSON, "Pastor 8wedlsh Mission. ' aTugeaa for Charles Crroea. ' : O. J. Hull of Hull's drug store. Kngeab, la a prominent member of the Chris. tlan ohurch of Bugeae. Ha advises The Journal that tha members of this de nomination of Eugene are much ln?er.J- eated tn ChatteS Oroea of the T. M. C. A. contesting for- a scholarship In order to prepare himself to become a, minister of tha Christian church., Mr. Hulr says STAJTsnra) or oosmgTAjnrs nr Tons. NelUe May Shannon, if Tenlne. PorUaad. Or. ......Il.t . . m... . . If am nore.ce A. wusoa, IDS tisisyu, roriiana, ur. .. IIUtaa McVlcker. St. Johns. Or... ..7,J Mildred L. Clemn,a. University Park. PortUnd. Or. ....,...;.., .4.0 Ouy Orahara. Troutdala. Or... J. Rhode I Bulnaker; Albany. Or. .. ... .,v.', .. M,H Clay Jonea. 4 Baat Twelfth SU Portland. Or..................l Bertie O. Chaa. Ill CUy St, PortUnd, Or...,,. i. ,,..ll.7 Edith M. Harris. 41 Oxford SL. Portland, Or. ...... ..........".. Charle'a Oroea, T( M. C A, Portland...... ....................... .T0 Cart.Shelton, Forty-eighth St. Mount Tabor. Or......... '...... .1.7 Mary E. Powell. 4JT Salmon 8L, Portland. Or, . ... .T.4 Roy Johnson. 74 Dlvlaloa St. Portland. Or. .. ......... .IS1 Maa Pandergraaa. til North Seventeenth St. Portland. Or..... ...11.011 Paul Nygren. Ill Eaat Third St. Portland,' Or...... ...... ...... 11, II Melale O Donnell, Buxton. Or .................... !, John Benson, Chsmawa, Or ........... .. IO.TIs Mabel Magnaas. Amity. Or...'. .i ...14.I4I Dorcaa Tan Schoonhoven, Cove. Or.........,.., ...... ......1..... 14.18 Xoula Serra, Aatorla. Or. . ........ ....4.., ...I,7II .. I.oao W-. i eii". vurvuiii, v . .......-........ 4 Ruth Turner, 101 Kerby St. Portland, Or 31ena Patlllo, Oranta Pass. Or, ....... Harry Brant. Tha Norton, Twelfth and Morrison, Portland. Or.... XJoyd Riches, Sllverton, Or.. ................ Clsy Cary. Sa)em, Or.. .:.:..V.. ..... Aileen Hackman. Myrtle Park, Portland, Or. .. .. . , "Louise Scott Central addition. Portland, Or Ouy Johnson, 10 Grant St, Portland, Of. .Vr...... R. W, Cyriis, Selo, Or..,".".',, ................... ........t.... ..... Ivy Oweaa, Cedar Mills. Or..... Edward I Kinsman, Linnton, Or................. AgiiM jbTane, juaiourai, ur, ........... .... .... Tz'acs (tzzlily to Czrr; X:z .layer Ubzl 1 W. E. Owynn. 14 Eaat Thlrty-aaventh St, Portland Or.,...,... RJghard W. Ollvln. Roseburg, Or..w. ................ ........... uwi u. Jvina . Jkangawm, yr, ....... ...... . ....... ...... ........ .TS ... ....... Mil . I.II .oe 4.M 4,140 1,111 Mil l.lf I 1.T1 Ml 1.10V ' 00 100 Mabel Magnega, ' Amity Girl Worldng Hard . for t On ; of . The 'Journal' Scholarship. ;."- l '""; that a large .number of subscriptions could be secured for the benefit of Gross If .there waa some one to carry on a canvass among tha people of the church of Eugene. ' ' , ' ' PeoBla but feel wan dlsooaed toward m cause, and yet fail to act In relation to It unless a collector stands tn front of them ready to -take their money. This is a peculiar philanthropic and bene ficiary enterprise. A few" persons will be sufficiently Interested In scholarship oontestants to volunteer subscriptions In their favor. But generally ' the con teatanta must wait upon .their friends who ara kindly disposed and receive their money and directions as to where to send the paper, earing tha subscriber Pabst Malt Crovn 1- - :.. t In FHtcrcd Air PABST beer Is made from Pabst exclusive deht-day cnalt, manufactured ia Pabst'a own specially con- '.. . structed malt bouse, fatnoaa the world over as the lie est, most complete and cleanest malt house built. This . ; mammoth malt Uouae, five stories high and covering' half -a block of ground, ia ao constructed that air can not enter it except through fourteen aheeta of filtered waterthus the malt ia growing ia moistened with filtered water and comes ia contact only with filtered air. . Besides its won derful cleanness, Pabst exclusive eight-day malt, grown , in this malt house, is the only malt grown in nature's owa '' way to retain all of the rich food value of the barley, thus Pabst Bine Ribbon Beer ia the richest in food Talus ' ' aa well aa the cleanest beer in the world. ; - - - ' When Orwarfag Beer, call for ' ; Patet Bus Ribbon ' CHAS. ItjOHN Q, CO. Third and Pino Main 460 1 II rji SCHOOL DAYS And School Boys and Girls are almost ripe. - We haye in stock a line of '' ' V SUBSTANTIAL : SHOES In calf and Tici kid, patent tip and extension soles that will afford the children ?the time of their lives" in kicking them vuw-. au utictiii ocwjais in uicie anoes lor a tew days. $1.39 SIZES 5 TO 8 98c SIZES yt TO 11 $1.24 rJmm A '., G- r 3 ju: lCyft also carry the celebrated AMERICAN GIRL and JULIA. MARLOWE SHOES for women and misses best footwear for the money ever placed on a woman's foot. BAR; ON SHOE STORE; Koney-Savers in Footwear-23C-232 Morrbon Stmt Near Second the trouble of writing; a letter te the publisher or of calling; upon the local news agent. l- - allot Bom Vote. t C-Ik Morse, rural free delivery N Hood River, Oregon, sends a bunch of votes In favor of Nellie Mar Shan. non. ' - ,. (. Uarr B- Powell Is helped In her con teat for a scholarship , by a voluntary subscription from Bcappoosa, sent , by William Patterson. Dean Knox at Corvallls. Is fsttlng; sub scriptions so ast that .ft hardly can keep a supply ofjwotes. n Edith Harris the refugee from San Francisco, striving; for one of The Jour net's scholarship. Is doing; remarkably well, considering; the few acquaintances sbs has in-Portland. : Mabel Maxncsa of Amity ia buay with tha people of her. locality oonvtnolng them that, they ahould prepay their sub scriptions ' to Tha Journal In order to Insure hsr a scholarship. ' .' Rev. Qeorre .T. Houghton, rural free delivery No. I, Troutdale, - la aatberina subscriptions foa- Ouy Graham, tba am' bltioue eon of lira. Graham, ona of the teachers In the Troutdala schools. .. Mssav a Staxa. SJ.;" Tuition In beat Oregon achoola, 7( tn cold and cash commissions. . r. Following Is -the list or scholarships. with approximate eaah value or aaan. offered as prUea. Detailed Information. concernlnc them will be publlahed from time te Ume, or furnished on applica tion te the contest department: V .. , Aoademy of tha Koiy Namee., Aa- -' I torla. value ..$!( Albany College, Albany, value 109 Bahnke-Walker Bualneaa , College. Portland, value It Capital Bualneaa College, Salem. . value .'. let rv.1i.mhla . YTntwaw1t-v . PnHl.n value lef Dallas College, rallaa, value....... it OlUesple- School - of expression, Portland, value II HUT Military Academy. Portland. value its Holmes Business College, Portland, valuer...... lev Holmea-Flandera Private . School, Portland, value Itt International Correspondence Schools, Bcranton, Pa value.... 11 KcMlnnvllla College, MoMinnrllla, value 4 Oregon College of Optometry....... 0 Oregon State Normal. Ashland. Oregon, cash prlsea and ......... Jl Oregon Conservatory of aluslo,.' . t Portland -i ,-, Ona Pianoforte Scholarship, value tot One Tlolla Soholarahlp, value.... 12 - One Ouitart and Mandolin Scholar. ahlp. valua . -n..., 10 Paelflo College, Newberg. value..... lit Paclflo Telegraph Institute. Port- - land, value lit Pags-Davls Company Original Cor- . . respondence School of Advertise ing, en commercial ouuaing, Portland Portland Sohool of Oomestle Bci- . aitea, Portland- (T. W. C. A.), value 104 Sacred . Heart Aoademy, Salem, value lit St. Mary's Academy, " Portland, value . lot Whit worth College, Tacoma, Wash-., Ington. two year'a acholarahip, - either preparatory ' or collegia, . value 10 Besides ths cash commissions which the students receive when they secure new subscriptions eash purses to tba total sum of tTIt will be. awarded as .follows: . - A purse of 1100 foe the general ex pense of the winner while attending any public or private Institution providing free tuition. " I. A purse of f 10 to be used la the same manner aa tha above. I. A puree of 1100 for Incidental ex penses to supplsnt a scholarship se lected from the foregoing list 4. a purse or 17 in addiconwte ene of the foregoing scholarships. V . A purse of ISO in addition to one of the foregoing scholarships. . A purse of tit in addition to tone of the foregoing scholarships, ,- -,-M. 0 justifies the motto which It has aumad: "Sohool of .Suooeaa .- A scholarship la the Paclflo Telegraph institute, valued at 1125. Is-one of the beet scholarships la a technical school which The Journal offers to Its contest anta.. . .- .: -v . :.-:'--. LEivjsTon u;:wo open : BYAKUARTT FIRSTS v 4 Scarcity of Labor Has Caused Contractors to Make Slow "''"''! ; Progress. t "At the .present rate of progress, the O. R. A N.'Co. will open ita new Una from Riparl to Lewlaton the first of next January.- The bridge over the river admitting the road into Lewlaton may not be'completed by that time, but tha road will be completed to a point on the opposite aide of tha river. - The urangevllle extension under con struction by the Northern Paclflo from Culdeaae will be 6 mllee long. At pres ent the company is working all the men H can get and haa It miles graded. The scarcity -or labor make progress slow and It will be months before the grading Is finished. ... -.'. ' Low water in the Snake river haa add ed to the difficulties - of construction work by the O.'R. A N. contractors on tha R! par la line. " There haa beed no appreciable Increase in tha number of available men to work on tha grade slnoe the harvest : ended. '- George W. Boachke. chief engineer of the. O. R. A N.. returned yesterday from Spokane, where ha haa under construction a nsw 10,00 depot of pressed brick and ' the moot modern plana. The depot will be com pleted in December. - Work on it has been delayed by difficulty in eeouring materials. The company will en Sep tember ( let a contract for a new depot at Walla Walla to cost In tha neighbor hood of 140.000. The building will be pressed brick and atuooo. Allen A Tewls Beet Brand. SHREVE :& C o ni p a ny will occupy about Sep tember first, their tem porary building st rr- SCHOOL OF TELEGRAPHY Semaad for Operators : in . Vorthweet ' . Ireatst Thaa the Supply. . Taking advJnUee of - the fact that Portland ,1a the railroad center of the Paclflo northwest, where large numbers of 'telegraph operators are employed, N. W. Oaterhout decided to esUbllsh a school . la teach telegraphy A modest beginning wss made in rooms over the .Grand theatre. The pa tronage grew ao rapidly that larger Quarters became necessary and tha school waa moved to the Commonwealth building, Sixth,' Ankeny and Burnslda Streets. The classes In telegraphy and type writing are growing. But the demand for operators is greater than the aupply. The rapid development of the northweat is making nsw stations for teleg raphers. Telephone companlea, fn their long distance official work, use telegraph op erators and every large telephone office is being fitted i up with receiving land transmitting keys and furnished With operators as fast as thsy can be had. Ths Paclflo Telegraph institute is equipped with M ohm- aoundera, keys, snd relsys, glaes partitioned telegraph tables, reannaters, typewriters and main lines, switchboards snd everything nec essary for practical work. The rapidity with which the institute is Of aMfytng onorator to take issponsJbla position Van Ness Ave. and Sacramento Street Complete stock of nTAMONT) a rt A GOLD JEWELRY; WATCHES. SIL- , VERWARE, GLASS WARE, STATION-' v ERY, ETC, now on : sale at j , .. Post . Street and drant Avinue SAN FRANCISCO WARM WEATHER WILL HELP Now Is the Time to Get Rid of Your v Catarrh by Using HjrotneL Every one who Is afflloted with ca tarrh ahould take advantage of the warm weather to get rid of this annoy ing and distressing disease, for the right treatment in August and Septem ber will give benefit much mors quickly than in the winter and early spring. Tha gsrm-kllllng and health-giving Hyomel when breathed In - the summer months hss an even more Beneficial ac tion than when . used in the colder weather. It is nature's own remedy for ths cure of catarrh. It goes to the moat remote atr cella In the nose, throat and-l lungs, killing and driving from ths sys tem the catarrh germs. a '. ', Hyomel la ths simplest, most blsaa- ant and the. only guaranteed cure fot catarrh that has over neen discovered. It Is sold by Woodard. Clarke A Co. under a guarantee to refund the money If it doee not give complete satisfaction. At this season of the year, tha first day's use of Hyomel will show a de cided Improvement in health and in a short time there will be no further trouble from catarrh. Tou take no rlek in'buylng Hyomel. The complete outfit ooote but 11.0, ex tra bottlea SOe, and If after using, you say It has not helped you,. Woodard. Clarke A Co.' will retarn your money. - 3 umwm mm: am . ' ' ' ; ' ' . ' 1ft- W'- Thcrc is morc value to the square inch in these business suits of ours fof men than you : will find in the " ordinary kind for fifteen dollars, ? : These suits are trustworthy, stylish, perfect fitting and worth Ten DollarsT v.. yf . .-.''...". j ) .--,'1'.; V--:-, jr...: .,,..:;...(;.'.' fancy woot Single or double breastecL ',;- ; V ''.i . MaanaaaM I WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO wm. TH RD & OAK 171 7-E ARE NOT MOVING, V y nor are weselling out, and are iidt oixeririg' always; rely on getting at qui? store first dass merchandise and at the LOWEST .-ft MARKET PRICE. ; Give us t a . ; fehow -to figure;on what you need. Vc'll sliow you it will be MONEY IN YOUR POCKET. lliiiiiii FURNITURE CO. 184-186 FIRST STREET AGENTS FORj L VV' ; i .; 1 IS ') - - ' ' I BOND BBOTHERS ; V-y- i.VV'v'-?''- "? men's rcxNisHiKaSt'-Vi' -1 Ylni-"i;-"'',-;v.: .' 'V ; ' .,; :'-'1.,r"'"'. 4, "."."U "..- .'' 1 , v -4 y i ''t' 1 '"i 4 - ' :' .':. '''. ' ; A ' ' . ;ry. v' y; ' y-. imMiNie. Augu3t,Y27,; : 4 1908 Pe 'E. -BEACH it CO. ; . :. ' PIONEER ; PAINT r CO . : v '''':.;'l-.'-.'::o. Portland,', Oregdji. ; :yyyyirl-':.J':. : k' ; Gentlemen s : ',.v.'l,:.;;..'.,:.";:.;M ' : . x Inolosed" pleaae. find, our oheok. f 0112.60 payment Jbf '-invoice August 9th. ; ' v''.'",,-'..',' V---.' We like the Japanese Anti-Dust .Compound very much. Yours respeotfully. k V BOND BROTHERS, r t i . . . v renaxeon, ureeone 7