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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
t:ZW TODAY. Nctliincr Succeeds 5 Like Success This anylnr Jirorlnf mora than trua tinder our method of bundling inventors '-nsoVi Twturnlns- to-them the actual ae , curtly, paying? the Tull dlemeril of W- , taruwL :' ," ' .v v i mm w worn , hit pr cent psr aunum In Oregon 10 Am w mnA tha man who Advlaan you to taka laaa ta making aa much in profits n your money aa ha pajra you to Inter- eat- -'-.,.-. ' otj noBUHmMnouu-. la aviaencw iiusi -- Ins o the ImporUnca of requiring First Atorigmgo or nwn-f.MMvn BJ p Sy ST,,. . .U I.I BIT i-T Cannot hypothecary or ra-dlacount M eurltlaa that ara hald by youraalf, or that nxn regiuiwiv-A w." TTvTr.. Honrf. Una In from ona to tan veer, with Internet at , m par cam i-wr ""'" i ', Ir..iiw re. bia have a larae num- peY of farm and city Morta,e. paylna a M.iiit.M annum, ail based on, 40 par cant TamatioiiB. Information furniahed for tha aaklnf. Northwestern Guarantee vand Trust Company LOOK! LOOK! Taw CBOtoa 6 New Bungalows Portland Heights lid on MAB . .1.'. ma aosioo. -. " FOB UU U1WMIL1, TtrntB If XnttfreA. , ;.7;7 D. E KEASEY & CO. Mxolasrvs Paalara Portland Kelrhta and OewaaO Ore lToperty. omn opt. oimTAToar. . raona lCaln US. - Kilt miTiiiitra?.. ' Possibly ya bavc seme deposited whera tt la drawing aa interest. Possibly ftM hrt ImmI II la your frlrmd. only ta flod tbt vkcr yoa MfM H yaa imU aot . ,PrhP aemtlOM roa aara kat both trim aad BMoay. W waht yoa ta kaow that aar bank In f farlllttta ara axUal tkat ya will auka ao Bknaka la affllltli( with aar haak. : wi autrt arxciAi, mTmoira . or SZVMR. HO OB OTEE, '..'' Pyabla'oa ahart U. i, (hi TWr ara awMlabla.. v ' ' c) rrertda tor 1 ta I X ant tntaraat. Va ahaU ha glad a- aaplala- ar and yoa fcoofc ! . , i- - , - Y"v awiTaATioa r:'ri!::i Trail j&rjaaj c! Ortjoi a E. Cat. M aad Oak ata. FboM Ex. Tl. TeKJi. rr cnHEirTS'.i B. L. PITTOCK.. Tlea-Prealdeat B. LEE PAOtT...... j.Darretary . a GOLTkA... .....AMlataat aacratary IXyEL GROUND. Jt'ST THE PLACE TOR A OROCERT STORE OR TENE MENT HOUSE; tOT 10x100. PRICE, 1.00. CAN GIVE TERMS. . .. 11 ; O tl. JOURNAL. . A 5-Room j Kaw and modern, tha S. W. corner 17th ad Clinton Eta., aaat alda, ?-mtnuta ear trie. Thar la no batter beuaa la ht city for tha money. r - 4 - Price $2,250 I AM THE OWNER. O i. JOURNAU Hand Furniture Wanted Will buy 1, worth at one. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. 101 Drat atraat Fhona Mala !. , 10 ACRES SSM Fa Aera rina garden land; lay Km?tu, ,,n-.; " '" hT TOWNE, 268J4 Morrison ; OREENWAY 1 . siBvf.i vr. atii-sMi : ,' The most beautiful loratipna In this addi tion remain anaold. Bull Haa water, elec tric light, ga and graded streets. Superb view of Hon at Bend, Eaat Portland aad W Il ia aaette river. Choice let, $Aia seek. , : .. white a M'LEjrBAx. .. t , 804-808 Orageaiaa kldg. FOR RE INT TVaw atorea and office rooms, with xfeam 'at and elect rio light. N. E. corner nlrtl and Madieon etreeta. Apply room I. AN INVESTMENT In Wlreleaa will e good aa Bell Telephone. Writs for .ruculars la - , , BBOOXal SAUXaTT, ' 411 Lumber Exchange. ' ;jai LttNTS CROW 'itl . co.S ads our ays on WTLET ALLEN (or fin pargains in rata aetata. rr MORTGAGE LOANS V vauiit i OUt, raUla Bidf. " mzio-icm n. c:u LOBS AND 18. 8411 WASHINGTON , I sew spsaj tag recepteoa of papll. Rne Lot on Grand Avenue "Cottage THE NEW TODAY. AD!,i!fJI8TRAT0!IS Executors or Guardians wha haa traat read la their poaumlna whlrh tkty win la Ibtmi traipararlly ar pcrauBvatly wkara tha bkt will b rira and wbara It jin aa aai il iad aui Spe cial Certificates of Deoosit fcxarily (ultra ta' thflr mulrnmli. Tn KpwUl' CartlOrataa ara ImumI tor aaMiiata ar or ow, rrpayabl aa 10, SO, HO or 0 day' call, and bear 3(a. I4 aad i par cant lateraet. raayartlTaly. . 'TBI "Oldest Trust Company In Oregon" tm vuf l III 1 J It - k4li.l..l m.llUI. Iiwm llill I UU. IUMIIIHHMi rata and corporatluna ; .tea from 3aaka-ad Banker la Orefon. Waeblufloa aad ldaha aa hwh apet'iei cartinratea. Oorrnfoootaea lnrlled oa tall eubject." U X USnm VXAaXT M TXalt.. asaoiTBOxa ' otzb ti,TM,ooo.M : Portland Trust Company, of Oregon 8. K. aar. Sd aad Oak ata., Paooa El. Tl . BEN. I. COHBS.....i.V,...... Prealdeat B. L. PITTfM'K 8. LEE PAGET.........,.;.'.... .Secretary J. O. GOLTaV. ...Aeeletaat Secretary WEATHER REPORT. The aarthan nartloa ai the waaierm traneh ef few ure baa deel9ed lata a dlatarbaace ef deckled character. . wboee center la oeei Alberta. Ke rata haa rat en-arced in easeee. tloa with tkla dlatarbaace. altbouahnhe weather m aeneraiiy ciouay ana JArralrmne la loe th Paelde etatra. The Daireiaetvhaa rleea la the eoatbweat aad along ftie facifle atatea. Local ratoe bare occurred Ai I'lab, Arlaona, weatera Colorado aad at lettered alacea la Texee. Kaneea and weatera Wftulb Dakota. A wall-leeeloped blah preeeura area ht central ever the upper Mlealaalppl valley aad fair w earner preeartk In tbat aertloa and alaa ta the lower lake rex ton and lower Oh to valley. The amall dlatnrheaca yeaterday ever the apper 81. Lawrence valley la advancing elowly aaat- ard and It haa ceaaed lixht raloa la the New Enxlend. the middle AUaatle atatea aad the Vb'glnlaa.T " The Indlcatlona are for Bench cooler weather la tbli dlatrlct -thle efternoun and tonight, with three tenlng weather, which probably will deer Saturday without cauelax any rala of canaeoaence. ..... Obeervatlone taken at a. ta.. Peclfle tine: . , -Temp.- . - Stxttone ' ' ' kin. Mln. Prectn. Baker C'ltv. Oreatm ........ M , 4 .9 Boetoa, Maeaarhuaettx... ... bd , " T rhlcagdTTlIlnoIa. V ,. frt . .o Denver, Colorado. .. . i' Ta ' 82 ' .O Kanaaa City. Mlaeoorl.'s HI TO - .PS Loe Angelca. Calif ore la.... T 2 .0 Sew Orleana. Lenlalaoa.... an .. 7 T New iork. New Tork 84 To , .0 PortUnd, Oreoa.....,... 84 '-. M ' .. .0 Roeeburg, Oregon. M M .0 8t. Loo la, MI.eoarl. ........ M . -. a ... ' .0 Rait Lake. I tab 84 . . H2 , T Han Prancieco, California... 84 84 ."1 pVpokaae, Waablnxton " . .9 Tacoata. Waablnxton IT8 Ad , ,0 Walla Walla, Waebtngton.., 4 ' .0 Waehlngtna. I. C 84' M .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. fharlee W. Bowie Jr., TM Johaaea treat, 80 i Alice C. Penine. S3. Wedding Carda. W. O. Smith A Co.. Wa.h Ingtea bldg.. ear. Peorth aad VWaahlogtoa ata. Weddtag and ariated. E. T. calling carda engraved er Baabtoa. Ett4i Waabingtaa at. Mlaa Bertha Martla. raoxi SIS Allaky bldg. Stexiplag aad toe aeedlewerki liao.1 gtven. BIRTHS.- BATES August 8. te Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Batee, Beauvelr heights, a boy, M'DOl'GALU August 8. to Mr. aad Mrs. Aa . drew- McDongaU, Good Bamstitsn boepltaL girl. CLARK Aagnst 8. te Mr. aad Mrs. Denis! Clark, 808 Grand avenue. Berth, a boy. COHEN August 14. to Mr. aad Mrs. Loala . Cobea. 202 Meade, a boy. - - NICHOLSON Auguat IB, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Homer Nlcbolaoe. Good 8a marl tea hospital, a boy. . nMT.LKB Aao-Bst U. te Mr. aad Mrs. J. O. Miller, 8u8 Eaat Eleventh, a hoy. PICK Aoxost IS, ta Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlee 0. Pick. 828 Pront. a girt CUM BY Anguat 18. tn Mr. aad Mrs. Jama B. Cnnthv. ltd North Twelfth, a boy. W18MER Anavat to, ta Mr, aad Mrs. Joba J. Wtamer, 242 Knott, a boy. Kl'DELMAN August tn, to Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Nudelmaa. Ztu-4 Hall. boy. TAN DEB KELEN Angnat to. to Mr. and Mrs. Peter t. Van der Keln, 81.1 8. Tier, a boy. CORNISH Aagnet 22. ta Mr. aad Mrs. George A. Cornish. 482 Stsrk. a boy. KAIB AngiMt 28. to Mr. aad Mia. Boy W. Kerr. TU8 Vanghn, a boy. BAXET AngTHt 28. ta Mr. and Mm. Barley S. Raney. 181 Glhba. a girl. KIRCHEIMER Angnet 28. to Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Klrrhelmer, TPS Vancouver avenue, a boy. BCPPBECHT AngrjaJUMJO Mi end Mea William Rnpprerht. 7A8 Morris, a hoy. HI ATT Anxut to. to Mr. and Mr. Hlatt. 418 Hlbbard, boy. DEATHS. PATTERSON August SS, Etna M. Patterson, t . yearn, lues Eaet Saiasoa, ralvaUr heart dle- CAHTER Angurt 28. Pel ran M E. Cxi lei. 4 months. 828 Usnteubeln avenue, lleo-ooUtle. BARBER Anguat 28, Morrten J. Barber. 40 years. Oovd , Samarltaa hospital, metered eknll. MA PES August 28, Mildred A. Mspes, 2 yean, 1 in olnbe, tithevculsr meningitis. STEWART Augnat 28. Ellaabetb Stewart. I months, Crtt teuton home, rnealtkm. FUNERAL NOTICES. MORRIS- Rachel Well Mnnia. eleter ef tbe lete Rt. Rev. B. Wletar Morrlav bishop ef Ore eos. died oa August SO at ber residence, 884 Flanders et.. In the 88th year of her aye. F users I services a I Trinity church Saturday, September 1, nt S p. m. ' - UNDERTAKERS. Dawning. McBntee A Oilbeugk. a see r takers ad embalmers: naodera la every detslL Seveatb ead Pise, kilt 480. Lady sestets at. , - A. B. H reset ork. andertaker aad emsMlraer, Easv Thlrteeatk aad linsatllU are. Pbeew Sell. Tl. Brlckaaa I'ndertaklna Co. aad embalming. 408 Alder et. PboOe Mala 8122, Lady a as Is ta at. 1. P. Pinter A Sons. Third aad Midi) ata. OfSce ef eosaty coroner, pfcoee Mala 8. CLARKE BROS., riorlete rine flow era gad floral designs, zap Morriaoa at. Edward Flolmsx; andertnker, 220 Tklrd at. , . BITEBTIZW CEMITXET. WttfU grave 118. Pmlly lot T8 te 81.006. The only cemetery la Pert land which per actually maintains and cares for lota Per full lafiiemarfein apply tn W. B.-ttckenate.' Wor cester block, dir. W. M. Led, prealdeat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. l. H. and Maggie Mnrse te Margaret A. Bames. 1st 14. block 88. Suanyalde...fl,S0O Title Ouarantee A Trust aonspsny te A. , t L. Miller, lot Id. block 2. West Pled- ' mOBl -r,,..,m. , 400 D. W. aad M. B. Butler to Bishop B. L. Kelly, trustee, lot 12, block 4, Laarel rare 100 Belubeld Hoffman to Amslle MV M. Boff- man. lot 8. black 28. Klng't Second ad- on ma George W. Rrowa te Joba C. Brrant. Iota 1. SO. Mock 2, Lanrelwond 200 w. w. aad Ad M. SnefOeld to W. O. Monsetl. lota. 4. .8. block E. HlakUad Park log Albert aaa Cecil E. Clark t T. S. Me Itenlel. lot 2. block 8, Eiamare tract.,. (2S Biiaarn ana HarloB E. Clinton te Rltta B. Pelton, South st aoatkesat H ef . aonthwest S eerttoa 8. . township - I south, rsnte 2 east Nellie T. and Prank S. Waitoa te C. U Cese, lota I. 2. t. aectkm 88. town ship 1 north, rang. 8 eeat 1,000 r. H. ana petr Wlrsrtiing to Prances A. Bsrtriwa. Ut 8. bbk SI. Tlbheita' sd- -tloa to East rorrmnd , , 408 Jamee E. Morgan ta Edward Wetiler. lot 12. block 2. Sklna addltloa ta Sell- 1,860 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PAY REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Beglnald D. ' and Edltk M. Pol awe ta. ' Cbarlee B. Benedict, 284 S feet, aer tloa IT, tewaablp 1 . xoatk, range I eaat , '. Prank L. and Boee A. WHeoa ta Oenrge Knight CUu-k. tut It, block 1, Eden dale .....,. ,, , , oeeph H. and Mat tie K. Eaae to Cbarlee K. Short, Barrel of laud at Intereer- . ttoa Newell atreet with aouth line ef 100 Rrracaae atreet, lu Nertkera Rill ad- J II. aa'd'aie'lrlr fH'Hlan'e'oartea' "fc 8Uort, fete SO to 28 aad SO to 84, la ciualva. block IX Northern Illll addi J00. tion .7. 1.S0O George w. Brow a to P. D. Boyd, lot 30. oiock t. ana lot in. . niaek s Laurel wood 7. BOO Unlvereity Lead company to 11. King An- litre ao end si. n Lwi i i . n- vereltr Park B00 J. T. and Annie M. Keff et al. to Loo Pafrlnuln. lota in. la. XI. 22. Klork JT. Point View 500 Dora 8. Martin to kabecra A. Wllllame. lot 8. black 88. Woedlawa j.uoo Oenrge B. ami Julia K. King to Grace , -orr-at nana, lota a aaa T. atonal acott '. Aerea, excepting a a mall triangular niece about X Olio aouere feet deeded to Mrera f.800 Neleoa J. and Barak B. Tneant to Bertha Moriree. lot T. block S. Nortk Albtua... l.oao. Mary E. Andrewa to A. W, Ocoturh, eaat t ot lot 1. block 123. Eaet Portland.,. Oregon A Philadelphia Becnrltiea com pany, truatee. - to Mary S. Andrew a. aet.S, ef lot. U block 12S, Eaet oPrt land ' Banuel t. aad Naomi Bath McCormlck ta Ure Ada I. Hnffn.n. eeat . U Ot 1QC 8. block 6, William Meighta TSB imael J. and Naomi Buth Mccormick to ana RoaritreaB. weet U. of lot 8. block 8. Willamette Betgkte TtB William H. Wllllama to Jamea Shkaaeaay. lot 10. block 28. Willamette College Endowment aaeoclatloa ta O. A. iniih m. ii m. si. xi neocK am. um- leae Place 1,000 Moore tnvretment company to J. A. HarbtM. iota it ' ana in. niocK an Veraoa 1.W0 roe ehatracte title. Inanrance er neorteaxe loans, call oa Pacific Title A Treat company. formerly racine :oaef anatract uoaraaiy e Truet company. 204-8-S-T Palling building. Get voar Inanrance and abatr.rr. to real eat ate from the Title uaaraatee at iwet nweiVi S4n Washington Itreet. NOTICE. IN the circuit court of the atxta of Oregon, tor Mnltnemah eoanty. In the matter of the appltcattoa of Newton McCey end Kate N lobe la a to have reglatered tbe title te the eoutb H of the northeeet Hi the Bortheaat of the Bortheaat Vi of tbe aoatbeaat t the aootb" H of tbe Borth eaat H of tbe aoatbeaat H end tbe aoatbeaat I,: ik u of aeelloa 81. of town- ablp S north of range' I weat of tbe vWI nrOrCgon. applicaata. va. J. A Kpnlng, C. i.MMt, rbm.iii.n la, un mnu nm.ii ! r. Venahn. 1. H. leoriney, aaeiiae i. iwii- a.e 12 n UMrllekanrli. A. H. Aitkin. E. M. Stangeland.- John Popp. B. Lee Facet and , Cbarlee Cbrlateneen and all others whom It may concern, aelenaanra. To aald above-named defendxntx and te all whom It may concern la tbe name of the tare of Oregon: Toe will take notice that oa the tweaty ftret day of Auguat.-1808. aa application wax Sled by eaid Newton McCoy and Kate Mehnlaa In tbe above-entitled court for tbe initial registration of tbe title of tbe above-described ' Now, therefore, yoa are hereby required te appear and a newer aald applleatloB or other wlrxj ebow ranee why each application shall not be granted and anleee you do so on or before the thirteenth day of October, 1808. the name will be taken ax coareaeea ana a decree will be entered according te tbe prayer of tbe application (n4 yoa will be forever barred from disputing the as rne and ueh other relief will be granted ax may aa equitable. . This nnmraona and notice is published by order of the Bon. C. IT. Gantenbeln, fudge et aald court, dated August twenty-three, 1808, directing tbat the aame be published once each week for eix eonsecativsr weeks, la tbe Oregon Dally Journal, the first publlee- Ugn beginning Angaae at ui liven under my band and the seal of aald court this twenty -third day of August. 1808.. ISesI P. S. PIELDS, Clerk. By H. BAVPORD, Deputy. H. B. Nlcbolea. attorney for applicaata. MEETING NOTICES. WEBPOOT-CAaTPnto. 5. Kirteen can chartered for a trolley ride Friday evening. September T, around the city and o St. Johna. Daacing and refreehmeuta. All mem bers rcoueated te come to enmormw nlebt - and get your tickets; If yoa don't you'll get left. Visitor welcome. K. G. MORROW, C. C, A. L. BAKBL'R. Clerk. . ' Mt'LTNOM AH 'Camp, No. TT. will have aa at home entertainment tonight; aasstc, xsagie and leger domsla (or wambera, their fsmillee and ienr)s. at m 8:80. Eaat Side W. O. W. ball, 112 Eaat SUth. corner Alder fc M. W. A., Oregon Orape Camp. We. ,878. Moa. days. - ITth aad Marshall; vktlbors weleesxe. A MEETING ef Importance to 1. m.mbcr Hatarday, Sipttmhar lr- V. S. B. M. W. A, EVERGREEN CAMP. 8488, meets Wednesday evening. Allrty bldg.. Third and Morrtsou ata. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Gold opee-faee watch.' Betttra to Bnsh, . 88 Harding at. Phone Esst 3387. ' Reward. STRAYED f white 'marea and bar colt; re- ware. A. ncemaie, tiaesemes. uresjon. HELP WANTED MALE. STATION MEN. railroad eonetl-nrtlon wheeiDarrow. . ram oar row eau ria-csj rln-rss work i I, good prices; of aioiinlalns. tree csrs and rail: gong work free fare: on 0. R. A N.. eaat ef mount Apply Johnson A Co.. can tractor, room 141 - Plrnt nt., Portland. , Oregon, or Mea'rham. tlregen. . A THOBOC0HLT competent architectural . draiightamen wanted at gona salary; stesny . position. August Nordln. 883 PtUmore t-. 8sn e'ranclsew. ; , WANTED Bnyt . corner Devi. ateady work. :: 88 M. treat. LEARN TO WRITE ADVERTISEMENTS By mell: Pare-Davl men and women earn from $28 te tlOO per week. Call er writ for particulars. Advertising book free. . v PAOE-DAVIS CO., Dept. St. V Roam 418 Commercial Bldg., Portland. AGENTS wanted to Mil superior, bleh-gradej nnrsery stock; complete outfit furnished treen cssb weekly; write toosy anr cnoicn or tev ritory. Capital City Nursery Company, Salem, Oregon. WANTED Bright yoang man. good solicitor, to sell good line to la re stores; prerer one poated In stationery: ealary $11 .Jo start. Address 0. It. csrs Journsl. WANTED Young met to leara telegraph v aad rill roe accounting; sals nee amov to avo.uu. Por free eatiW-eue addreee Morse College af Telegrsphy, Sod 12th St., Oakland. Cat VTrn Two er three fleet claee, a 1 a-rlilne menf permanent position, good wages. irregoa rurairure atrg. Co.. Mecxaam rono. , WE get work for onr member! a poets! meea bers. 82. T M. O. A Penrth and TambllL Union Hotel " SI NORTH SIXTH ST.'- -Trek employment te our se freer. Weekly rules: Boom, l.tS np; room aad -board. 84 80 an, ' A noeraoa.-proprietor. WANTED Loanre makers: stegely . srorkl hi North Front, corner' ef Davis. J- SALK8MEN to introduce the world' wonder In -irnlts Berbank' new atone Isn plsm (Miracle). Choice ef territory. Cesb weekly. Address Wasbingtoa Naraory aampaay, Toa penlsh. Wsehlngioa. - MEN AND WOMEN to- leara barber trade la eight week; graduates esrn tram 115 to $28 . weekly; expert Instructor; cnUbsru free: pedsl rstes this month. Mnler System ef Colleges, 88 North Fearth at.. Portland. DON'T MONKPTI Be g WHOLF) MAN. FREE OF ALL r.ISKABEB. Dr. Madison, successor te Red Cress Dispensary, cor. Third and Aaa. $28 TO 888 per 'week eaally made selling sick nd ueelrirnt benefit; city er country. L'nles Mutual, TiA Marquam bldg. , BOYS wanted tn work la ready factory. Ap- aaafiDa ply PaelA Coast Bieealt Ce Uth Tlx, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. AUGUST 81. ltZZ. .PAGES You don't know how much human interest there them through aid advertise for something you want the I i 1 L Ana ' HELP WANTED MALE. WArCTED-OooJ advertising max for new prop loaltloa; good money for the right eay- dam .Newman, lent aiitn e- . ivrin unvhiBirrjir. . macbhie nperatore will teach yoa the bualaeex. terms reasonable. Boaltiona eecved: good celery. Nswmsn, leAta Blxtb, WANTKD AU-arowRd, first -c la ee man la paMto. xranbie xallery la city. B 82. care JournaL wantkiw to ewamnera at good wagea ft . iue hm BwtleaX end one mile from rail road. Apply- Western Cpg Co., 804 Stearns bldg., rot-tuna. . ' MAN te ma lath mill. Oregon A Wasbingtoa Lamber company, Booth Portiano. WANTEI A partner la real eetate office! one of eipertence ana a gooo nnanev. rw e-e- tlculara apply at 884 Sixth at. riRT-CI.A88 pshta-raakers. Nlcoli. The Taller, ius Tura at. . . WANTED Store mounter and- fitter; ateady work. PortUnd Steve Works, gas Hoea n. TWO bora, from 18 ta 20 years, for faetorr. Apply ooz Kan am et. SEWER xbovelerx. X2.o0, S hours. Exat Mad oa and 2ath ata. CARPENTERS wanted, corner tlst and Beat Everett, aorta. EPBRIENCBD aatoamblU ! repairmen xt 80 Be renth at. WANTED -By Baatera and Western Lumber Co..- at Enrauu.. waeniugron. a nnraera, a rlgglng-ruatlera, I chaser. It grader far rail road work. . . EXPERIENCED Baa te operate Allan pa tent Brundrler tor aeaaoa. r. n. -A aim, two Chamber of Commerce. - . - ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Toang people to prepare rbemaetvee a Bookkeepers ana eteaograpoers; 648 calls elnce September 1; placed 288 la positions. W will place yoa when eotaa iietent. Day or night. Catalogue. Bobake Walkar Bualnesa college... WANTED 23 xlila-ar wsooe-a-xt once at caa- nery or tne tiregon rnt-ninx vo., " " and Tambtll ata. Both piece and day works piece workers eaa make 82 per day.' GIRL for general housework, family of S loca tion. Irvlngton; pleasant earronnajnxe. r home. Applicant address until Septembur T, P. O. Box 308. Portland. Oregon . - WANTED Lady of neat xddrese for raepoaalble position wltB urge manuiarmruw roe.."! aUry position; opportunity for advancement. Address O Te. care Journal,, HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. SatU Washing ton St., cor. Seventh, upstair a. rnoae asaia test yeanala kelp wanted. GIRL8 WANTED Operators to work en ablrts ana- overall., iesaone a 1 -w ,.i. Apply it Standard factory Ma. 2, Grand are. aad East Taylor et. - THE BOMB LArst KS' AGENCT. reawle kelp fornUbWd free to employer. Reglstratloa Pree. -18BH Poorrk xt., upetalra. room 2S. Mats 8828. WANTED Oompetent girl for general kosuw werk Apply 188 seat iota ac WANTED Lady: eeay, profiuble posit Job; salary aad commission. 141 11th it. GIRLS wanted for general housework; ronka - aad waltreaa. City Employment Office, : salts 1, ttH Wasbingtoa at. Mala 2410. LADIES wanted to da easy fancy work at home, span time er ateady; experience an. - net senary; good pay. - Call a a, 838 Fleldner Btdg., 40T Waebtaigtoa at. . St GIRLS wanted ta work ta paper-box factory. Apply xt P. C. Stealer', corner 10th and - Gllssn. -- ' WANTED by good family company ef girl 18 to 20 years of age, for S weeks' nsountaln trip; , ail expenses paid. . Telephone Eaat ' 4878 WANTED Woman clerk for dry good de partment, aad one for crockery depart ment. Ken sard A Adams, 888 Wllllama a. Take C ear. . TOCNO girl to assist In cooking and general housework;. small family. 60 North litk at. WANTED i fWC---CookfoT amall hotel. Apply at 288 &iBCoia at. Phone Pacific BBTT. WANTED GlrL ateady work, at 88 M. front, corner Devu. WANTED Girl Mala 8388. for light boose work. Pbona WANTED A young Udy to doable In veodevllle with a gentleman; give asigsi nnu un pec- tleolara: mast sing, a, a, -core 1. WAITBB88EBI cbsmhermalds, cooks and girl' for general aooseworn. vy Office. 286H Wsshlngton ax., .ream 1. " j 1 M A CHI NB-OPE BATOR experienced on Udles" skirt. Charles voepsy wosh apsulr. , - uyawTinv-i mod wiltra and kllrkaa gUI. 104 north seventa ex. EXPERIENCED millinery frtmmsrs and msk- srs. Apply te uewsngsrt ei vw., m . - WANTED A girl to do general wage g.. bo ma st. WANTED First 1n waltreaa. Csscsde HoteL Blxtb ana xianoere. WANTED yoong gM to toad 8 atora. Apply 24B AKier SI. , MALE AND FEMALE HELP. BOPPICKEBS We pay 880 000 for picking oar ... . . I -. V.l...l Mamnln eeoOfllOS. axe screw vi oov", . --w deligbtful bathing, grocery store, batcher, shop, bakery, barber-shop, dancing pavilion 80x100 feet, music by M PortUnd orchestra, pure water, plenty ot wood, telephooe. pbysleUm booklet giving fall perHcoUra; Be charge for job; low cxcnrelon railroad rate. Beglster at once at 82 Fourth at. Pbeaa Mela 4870. Krebn Bros. WANTED Good live agents to represent aa la different section of etty, eeuntry una la smsll town, writ ar eau 280 -Third et - - : - -.. ; HOPPICKBRS W pay BOe per bol. bank bonse free. Will be at the At. Cbsrlee hotel this week to selt rnuan irip '":"T" "T Come by train September 1. - Address Hornet Gmiley. Brook, Oregon; T2 acree. - P.. P. Oouley, Brooks, Oregoa; SO aersa. ' " ' WA ANTED Hopplckers ta take profitable aid line with thmi there I big money In- It. Csll morning R. M. riummer, aier ashu CAPABLE (elldtors. every lty aaa eoaatyi commissioa or seisir, mw ir. ' company, - 224 Lamber Exchange. Portland. BELT wsstrd ead eonplled. ntala ar female. ,. G. Drabs. 208W. Wsablngten St. Psclfie tSTa. HOPPICKERS wanted 882 Oorbstt. cornerPen- noyer; gooo snecx. nops nnu ww.. - .www Pscifie 1118. Mrs. Kaapp. -. , - FIRBT-CLA8S axlsewiaa or jlewemB for money-maker. leu ronea a tvasow uei., S.Vs Grand are., esst side. - WANTED Local snS general . else sryanlsers for tesctilnx muslo by mail. O 41. -Jot WAN-TED 100 atora hopplckers. Tsylor t. Apply 288 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. CAB CENTERS of 20 yesra' eipeHence, la city - without tool, will take other honest employ. moot ; state atyle ef work and wga. M IT, care JournaL EXPEMKNCEP lineman wtabe ) 'inataUtna Addreee W. f. private iciepnouu .y.irn. BmitB, Bcappoose, ineon. EXPERIENCED n,nk ltnatlon driving laundry wagoa i eefercBC. Address O T3, 'er JournaL f y ' BANCHOWNERS If in need ot mantger -asV dress S 1, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE FIR"T-CLA88 srenegrapher and reenter, thVes yesra etperivBC,, best references. 0 81, csrs Journsl. . WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS wanted, could mak $4 to $1 8 day. TsVb M. Tkird. , . ., .a-nri r nhone vour -Want Ad" FOR THE SUNDAY JOURNAL CLASSIFIED EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOY! 0FFICH tut MEN. 28 North Becoad at. Pboa Mala 1B2S. TH B PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., 'SuBVt Morrtaea Bt. Pheae Psclfle i ' WANTED tO RENT. WANTEry TO RBNT Heuees, aottagen, flata. stores, efflcea, rooming beusse. etc. aei Ineris will At. Mil to .a 1 1 oa PORTLAND TBLST COMPANY OP OBBOOR. ...... ; faoo ex. iz, a. XL var. aa aaa wsa. noi-HRA. rermln. boneea. stores, offices etc.; prompt atuuttoa aaaured. , Pbona Mala 1171. H, W. Llndbard, McKay kldg. WANTED To rest eau 11 furniahed bows, weet slue, good location will pay liberal tea: P 10, sure Journsl. ' WAISTTED REAL ESTATE." To Tne Portland Capitalist ' Wa make a SPECIALTY ef COLLECTING BENTS of LARGB BUILDINGS, placing PIBB INSURANCE, payment ofTAXM and - GENERAL CARE OP PROPERTY. We have the beet of tecllltiee for carrying eat your wlahsa x aa ageat. We solicit your natroaaaa. Our references: Ladd A Tlltoa, banker, asd Merchants National Bang. R. H. BLOSSOM. Sid CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. WANTED Baal nee er the dtr In exchanxe residence atepeity m for good farm laada; From $1,000 te $80.00O '' mmm Ihatwlle anvthlne feni ; we also have some excellent burs la timber aad erasing land. Call aad aee as; we wept to get acquainted with yoa. ' TURNER A WALKER. . . Boom d. SOSIh Wsshlngton at VI WILL SELL year property, ae sxerta whet It Is er where Iocs tea. Ben a aescriptwa bow and wa will do the rest. Investors' Gold Co., all Marquam kldg., Psrtund. Orsgoa. WANTED Houses nd lot to list; win bay or sell your property; Ainin home a spe cialty. Carraa A Kirk, 988 Russell at,, near Wllllama ar. I WANT a S or T-room boon oa at aide: gtee prlee and rocatloo la first , latter. o i cere JournaL ... WANTED Modern fcnwns vseant lota. aa installment; have nay era tor all et xa above. . ,,-.-.- LAMONT HARRIS, ' . -' . ' 10TH Blxtb St. WI xen fnrnisk nemo and address of reelty ewaere aad other Information Iron ta reooros, to ettomey aad reel eetate eiente with es tsbllabsd business; iBexpeaalve. Mala 1148. WANTED A hooee or lot oa Best 28tk et twsea Anksny and Ullsani elate srweex e price. Owner only. Pboaa Mala 8800. GOOD Income and reeldeaaa property, . lots. ' farming and timber landa. Fnoaa Mala tin. H. W. Undhard, McKay bldg. . PARTY wtabe to eemmanlcata with , owner ef modest home, Borthera part of city, eaat er weet aide. 0 44, care Journal. ; WANTED I lot, well located, la exchange tor aew B400 piano, none Mala wa. - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAntTTNO. spraylag aad whitewashing trees. baeementa. herns. Boeks. etc; largeet gasoline spraying oatflt on tbe eosst. M. O. Morgan st Co.. ga uaioa a vs. . raoae Bast si i. CRANB BOTTLE CO. buys all kind ef tank. rags, hot ties, sacks. Iroa and metals, raeae Mala 2288. 14th aad Couch. fE WILL BUY year rami tare say old time. Wootom Salvage Co.. 827 Waablagtoa at. vTB WILL BUY. BBIX OB TRADI ANY. OLD THING. WESTERN BALVAGB CO., S3T g28 WASHINGTON. PACIFIO TPS. YslaTtoae Mala 8868 rugnlTUBa WABTBO ' . fob ,j, . , SPOT CASH"-. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS 811 First at, - . Mala 8888 WANTED Te rent a furnished farm, en halvea. not ever 20 mils oat. Address Bert LsnMR, St. Johna, Oregon. . WANTED Tbe address of a maa wke ha M 18, csrs JournaL ... . 85.000 ta loe HIGHEST aask pitotMld for axasnd-l goods. Phoaa Bast 8077. Its Dale, sve. WHO IS M. . MOBOAN C0.1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOB BENT Newlr renovated T larre bath and foil base meat. Inquire 672 Mill THE 0 BAND. 4ft H North Third et. Beam for gentlemen $1.28 per week aad an. THB BICHBLIBU. 88 H North Sixth st-Ble-' gsatly taralshed: ateax beat and hatha. NICELY fern la bed rooms, stagl ar en tertto. board If desired. Tree oata aaa n. trie lights. Mrs. Brown. SOS 10th St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. t OB 4 Bew1y rlnted nnranrtshsd roonur gs aad ase ef phone aad bath; la private family; la ksst residence sect km; easy walking die. ' tance; very reaeonable to respoaalble parti ee. Pboaa Parlflc 28ut. - 8, 4 OB 8 alcely farabibed, bright, convenient rooms tad bath, complete for keasskeeplng; garden. 188 Porte at. 1 . S OB S furnished botjeekeeplng-rooms: u nhone and bath; at 607 Misalselppl ara.. - Goldsmith et. . . ttib ' MITTHII f. tiaaOers . aad Rsoms, bousehseplng and transient! venieatt prices reeeosable. LARGB slegently frrmlshed boassheeptng. rooms; gaa range, running water. The Lewne dale. tOSH Aider ex. 281 SIXTH ST. Nest, cleea Broom bowse keep Ing nits, $10 per month; eeay walking dis tance. ...,,... $1.28 PBB - WEEK Large, atoaa faratabed housekeeping-rooms t laundry aad bath. 184 Sbermaa, Bonth PertlaaA - SAVE kslf hotel sxpenees; tl week up. clean, fnrnUbed bonsekeeplng-mome, euttabl for . two; parlor, txaedry, bath, yard. 208 4 Stan ton, u ear. DOUBLE bar-window aai rlor. kltebra aoemect- d"i: wroajrMf Third at. nooera, antral; L depot ear to door. TWO neatly fnrnlahed rooms for housekeeping, $10 per month. 8"8 Harvleoti at. ROOMS AND BOARD. Excellent table board la strictly nlect family bnerdlng-bonn, "The Woodland,". 286 Sixth; 828 8 month, $1 per day. . For specious rooms In on of Portland' ehotceet residence, only 4 block from post office, call at "Tbe Woodland." 216 Sixth: J rices very ressonebat; excellent table board 26 pay month. - , THE WOODLAND, tba r hot rest private board ; Ing place In tbe city: seeing I believing; ' com and see. 161 Blxtb t close In. WANTED Boom and hoard hi private family, on seat aide. Bear Ankenr earlrae, er in Holladay Park preferred. , M 16. care Joaraal. GOOD board and clean room for reepectsMe firm, II B0 weekj bstk and alttlng-room. 880 est Ankeny. Pbona East 281. GOOD table board only; home eooklog. Jeffersoa St. 442 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. NEW room, 8; t-room flats, $11. ISO Market i st. Mala 6884. FOR RENT HOUSES. KAPDERLT TRANSFER CO., prompt aad re Habb) plane snd furniture-movers: slse stor ' age. Pbooe Msla 1888. Often 110 H. Third. FOB BENT- Two 6-room cottages on Grand sve.r ale sue tetory houa. Hawtboras are. .. ... .( i. a Fsee, dot is in these pages until you read fwults will be gratifying. Indagcl f w.T.ow vecNvvciveo - FOR RENT HOUSES. FOB BENT 2 haodeom modern T-room fcoasaa, conveniently located on Tblrdet. car line; 810, 812 and 814 Corbet t at.: rent reasonable te desirable tonaata. David a Stearns, 249 Waahlngtoa St. " , , - . FIN slightly used ' high-grade plana for ssls st s barsaia Dries. tin to sse it. . Auts st Gilbert Co., fAxth and Morriaoa 110 AND 818 8 modern houses, newly finished, SUth and Caruthers. -Tel. Mala 4828. 8-ROOM cottage; ao bath. Phone Eaat IBM, Jar auAre 801 Eaat 12th at., onr. Powell. FOR RENT 8 room hease with bath, 870 But Irrlng at. - Phone Eaat OPT. 1 8-ROOM boase. first -clas repair, food location. saw meiawniisi hu. FOB BENT A 4-room cottage, et. - Phone Mala A74T, 188 North tut 8- BOOM cottar.-I -nostoffka, 812.' Ell Be Tenth at. Hurry. MODERN 8-room home. 687 Gantenbeln ave. FOR RENT FLATS. TWO 8-room fltfa; water paid; Ds tmaU okll dran. 628 Mill t. 8 12. B0. 1 1 , in 1 - i I i . i i x FOR- - RENT STORES-OFFICES.- PART ef xhep to rent aulUble for palatar at plant ber. 208 Fearth st. 0FPICB-BOOM8, nnfaralshed rooms aad asm pla toon fur teat. Osodnsagh bldg. Apply sie ve tor. OFFICB ee dsskroom, front ef elevator, newly kalsosntacd aad carpeted. .820 Commercial bldg. , , , FOB BENT Ground floor office apical office building ta city. X 48, JournaL heat DESK ROOM for teat at 822 Chamber of Com. PART of furnished office for rent; 427 Lamber Exchange bldg.- Phone Mala 6884.. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL snd . ballroom, ae pa rata er together! Bow ana witn an conveniences, rnone Main ami. AUCTIONS. ' PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. , -, v - A. SCHLBACH, - Prep. . : c ... 211 First rt. Pkeae Main 8881. - Asctloa dally at 2 p. m. HI sheet ceeh price paid for faraltant ah good sold oa oon. slgnment. , . BUSINESS CHANCES. $4.000 HALT, Interest la shlngle-mlU; good , flO.000 General merchandise (tore, es stern Washington; average seise $6,600. per month. Boemlagdioaee chancee , , i THOMPSON A OAOB, 4 . 88T Sherlock bldg. FOB 8AL6V t-story bouse, tig SB by 140 foot lots, barn, squab breeding house 12 by 80 feet and 800 choice breeding Homer pigeons; a ap-to-dat pleat; good markat; ran ship either way. Writ fag price. Geo. B. Houta, Ittant, Wash. BEST after this week bare the only drug atora ta gooa vauey wjwbi everyming np to ante, food corner location; ne reasonable offer re used.. Write et cell Drugs tore, Meant Angst, Oregon. FOB taformatloa er for shares af the Nicola coal mine, limited, write to Paal aMcXBUer, toaaager, Palonse, Wash. FOR BALB A general Banrekaadke (tore; stock IBjovies snout a,ooo, eneep rent, in rows wtthla 28. miles ef PortUnd. ea Bouthern Paelde railroad; paying business; good rea sons tot selling. Address E 28, care JournaL' PHILOMATH, OREGON, . wants a bank. ereamsry, trait cannery ana a near mm; x fine opening ken tor each ef then eater eriees; capitalists please - investigate: aak for list ef Sue farms aad properties for ssls or exekxaga. Caldwell A Ce-, Philo math, Oregon. .. CORNER grocery for ssle, weet side; about B 88, care JournaL gi.uuo reqairea. PHENOMENAL rise la prlee of Bant Switch expected any day; tola .assy ae year wst opportunity to buy, before subscription bonks are cloeed. 1. r. Hurst 80S Me- Bay bldg. WHO IS M. G. MORGAN A Cat FOB BALB Bswmill oa railroad, 40.000 rapacity, 40.0u0.000 feet, timber; new operat ing ea gilt-edge orders; clearing ap several thousand dollars par month; If yon are look, lag tor something worth wktle, sd drees H. C. Man on, Eugene, Oregon. - BOOTBLACK parlor an Mala at., Pendleton, Oregoa, cheap for eae a. rar parncaiara ap ply at Journal ofSce. - PARTNER wanted: energetic yoang aaaa to tsks active Intereet in aiatanusnsa giwcsvy bnslBsss In PortUnd; $1,000 required, . Ad dreee Y 40, csrs JournaL CLEANING aad dyeing baatnesa for nle; clear Ing 840 weekly; owner is siesr sna must wsv eltv st snosi will tsaoh bostaemi say reaeon able offer accepted; will bear lavsstigstlo. B 88, cere Journal. FOB SALE Good paying betel dining -room. Ineladlng aonaeaoia rural ture: axuo tain it; owner going to Europe. B 74, ear JournaL lT-BOOhf lodging bouse on Washington at.; enoa rnrnirnre. la see good. location next. Call 242 Madlaon. FOB BALE Old sstsbll.bed confectionery, dgsr aad trait store; 1 urge uving-reome in con nection. 8ot First L FOR SALE General a tore In tha richest part ot Willamette valley; inJ reel et aepot oa main Hue of B. P. railroad; good business; bo competition; no drayage er delivery: no city tax. Whitney Bros.. Irving. Oregon. BARB chance to bnr clean atock of and fixtures: cheep rent aaa lease; O 88, care JournaL i $800. WANTED Partner with $n00 to help run a first-clan bnalness; pront 860 per week eack. Address O 88, cere Journal. - LODGING-HOUSE on Fifth, near courthouse. far rent: romitnr of 12 room for sole: a good chance to make money. CaU 242 Madl aon at, 40 ACRES, T In cultivation, (mail kouss. barn nd other eotbullillngs. to trade for bouse and lot. vseant lot er rooAlng bouse. Call 206Vb Morriaoa at., room I. 7 .- FOB SALE Cigar . and confectionery tor ebeap. No. 4oilb wsspington at. FOR SALE or trade, a $8,000 atock ef good. ail aew ana a gooa socbiiob, 4. w. iron, KUmath Falta. Or. - , . y FOR SALdt or exrbsngs for reel estate a lunch counter restaurant. Call at 644 Wil liam v. . GROCERY tore, hi new building, doing good - buelnees: will Invoice sboat $1,800: rent ressonsbla. Csll 842 Madleoa. ' WB bevw htryevT frtr grocery stores.sbont $1,000. 0. Tapfer, 288 Washington at., room 1. WATER WORKS with good franc lee, paying 10 per' cent on Investment now, Increasing every month.. C. Tapfer Co., 28H Washing- Iob at, ' MONEYED mis will Snd extra good Investment la business corner ant city kill. Call 242 ' Madleoa. at. . - GOOD-PAYlNft ss toes near PortUnd; long lease, fine Uvea tloa mast be sold at ones. Call 242 Madlaon at. FOR SALE Half Intereet la Well-established real estate buelnese; good location, good of. tee, low nnt; price reaaoaablt. V 18, cart Journal. " . I' ' ... $800 SMALL grocery doing - rood bus I Bean; cheep. 2861 Washington St., room 1. . WATER WORKS, wltb nle suburban borne, for nle cheep ' Inqulr C. Tapfer, 2VHa trV ashtnf too. FOR SALE Good bargala In th bakery bust bcss; living-rooms, furnished. O 68, Journsl. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 0. W. P. CARLINE 6 acre eery choice land - and excellent spring running water, beautiful residence property. I. C Frost, , BtanUy . ststloa. " r $2,880 GOOD 8-cnotn houee on' Eaet Waehlnx ton it. $600 kea than real value. . 107 Vk Id. FOR SALE H3AL ESTATE. f- TT Aeea. Y. A sjegFia e-j-j1 Ch?sTFli: Bir-iini 82H aerse Fair. S-roost boase. 2 aeret' or oo orchard. 12 aerea under cultivation, r av acres ot gooa umber, near onr Una aad aa good rosdi only tod. per acre. , Sever si tae please ot beeverdam land en Johnaoa creek. Bear LenU) Srat class Vfog garden purposes. j Also U and acre trscta with" resideacee; , ' bouses to rent, furnished and 'unfurnished, al reaeonable rent. ' , - 4 6-aera . tracts. sll Unm.1 im. buildings, t wlnutse' walk flom sckoel and" csr ststloa, 6 fsrsa to sny part of Pert, land, and tbe ebsspsst Iota oa the Mouat Soott line. .Wiley Allen & Co, ; : . nJNTs; oreoon. 1 t-B0OM enttage, 8780; 8-coots cottage, 8880. See owner, Joe Nssh, at NashvlUs addition, ep the Mouat Scott ear line. Also cbcice ' building kits cheap. . , . Cbolce -ttabersAiatr several hundred sera of coal landa; sat stock ranches od email tracts la the Coot bay oouutry, ntiudx .AAa.xui at iu., - OCSES belli ea tnatallmenta, lot if dsslrsd. ail commercial Did.. Main 1BSU. FOB SALE FOR 1.200 6-cr tract of land located at Uwace ' beach life-aaving station: all cleared aad - fenced, good . 10-room house, food dairy bora, ststloa for 1$ now; aew cream separator sad milk cans, t kugglea, 1 light wagon, t pfewa, 1 new harrow, 4 No. 1 milch eew( title guaranteed. J. W. MILLER. Maeatto, Washington. 'I - NEW Th V, block Union an.; easy terms. laqnlro TIT Rodney. -'ChoittJaUlli.'Lob BLLSMERB On Beat STtk and Hawthorne: Til; : lot rxnirO, . A naonthlv. $360 aad apt $60 down. PARK VIEW Tract ef 80 lota an Beet ITth St., 82fiO aad ap; 10 per cent down, $10 , monthly. . SWAN ADDITION Beet 27th and DivMoa eta., 60x100 lota, I860 each; $10 down sod $10 monthly, 8 per eeat interest. . CONKLIN BROS., : SIT Marguerite are. Take Mount - Taker - , iUeervolr or Mount Scott Can.. 12,500 MODBBN and faU- 1st; part ca.ih and balance ta monthly payments For full particular phone Sellwood 228, at tnqulte ea premise, 1048 Eeat Lincoln. FOB SALE S modern 8-reom hoaxe la good location; buy of owner aad ears saunlasloaw . Pboa Woedlawa Sod. j. - Sellwood ,' Morebona A French, 18T0 B. lltk. Phone sVellereod T4. ..." - City View Park loU, 8878 and np: Boat Addltloa lata. $100 and ap; 88 down and $8 a moo til. Home from $600 to $8,600. LoU $208 nd apt la all parts ef Sellwood.. List year -' property with aa; we -will nil It. A LOT, block of Meant Tabor ear haa, etsee .. by; great bargala thla week; $42s. -. i,,., S cbolce Iota,. Lasrelwood, tUI SeptoBbtp' L, $1,000. , :r-i 10 acre, cloea to a W. P. tst Bsa; Bear ' town, fine- $200 n aer. BMITH A H0LLIN0W0BTH. 888 Belmont, Pboaa Tiber IdS. .' I HAVB 14 8-acre tracta eae mOe weat of , CUckama ata tloa tust platted; tbare. Is water rlped to'Mch tract from a large eprlag, an nch pipe for each 6 acree under 40-foot pres. are; price from 8600 to tl.000 per tract; will sell ea easy term or exchange tor Port. ' land property. O 86. care Journal. TWO fine lot on ast Portland Halgkts. hg. tween Dtvleion aad Clinton ata.. en list. $860 each, en term; then are tha a bee peat ' tot tx Beat Portland, location eonatdared. , O 84, care Journal. I HAVB 6 acne of fine lead, nay to clear, sne . mil south ef Oednrvllle etatloa on th O. W. P. electric line; pries 1TB per acre; very eeay . terms. X 86, cars Journal.' . FOR SALB Small keoad aad ehean foe eaab. Inonire ef I Implored Vat M BosenkUda. 1 block aoutk. 1 block eeat et firland ata tloa. . Take Mount Soett exr.. , . ' A WIDOW, waving Oregon sffsra, bar T-eaom boon and krt with part ef xutbii Altera, for the sacrifice arte ef t"T6 yen eex par 82TT1 a and til per menu: tha rant will as prlaclpal; own year home. Bona Land down the Drinclpel Co.. i6H Pint at. BARGAINS Bargains going keggtagl It. houses snd lete, acreage and farm; are Mil the earth oa tbe Inslallmsst plea. Meant Scott Real Eetate Co., LenU, Oregon. Pbooe 'Scott 2284. I ACRES for putting: pat $1,000 an interest that yon never owned. Meunt Soott Real Fatate 0s, Lea ssts, Onion, Phone , toott 2284. HOW'S THIS FOB SUNNTSIDBT Aroem bouse, msdsrn, new. never price tkto week $2,160. l-roem boo, trlctly am ten, saw, ale- gaat .12.200, 4 t-ntm boose, lU Basdera, atan by, bergatai ''svnrH a holunowobthv- 808 Belmont. I TO 8-room boaese and large Iota nt ntou ba rilla ea year own tons; will toko pan ex change labor, piano, bone end buggy sr any. thing ef value. Call. II Casso st- a pboaa -(Beet 4168.- ' .'"T ' ' . FOB SALB or teat to right party, new I ensm plastered . boom, Bsllwsod, 100 feet to t carltnea. .Ownsr. 688 Lynn, , Sellwoed, . eg K 1, cr JournaL - , : FOB SALB 8-reom cottage, lot 60x100, barn. . fruit. CaU 81 Eaet 18th at. . . - All ef at can aee where ,;, . r; WE MIGHT HAVB GOT BICH. -If doa so or so. How many reader realln that weat aide aereaga sum a amall fsr tnuef Bee 244 Stark St. . at aaca; t-scr trscta, eaay term. 100x100 NEAR two carllnes, good Mil, $176t 128 rash, balance easy payments) 80-foot lota nearby eelllng for $128. Pbooe Tabor 188. . ' BARGAIN) Belladay Park edition, swell quar ter block for sals cheap; will Mil 80x100 if desired; don't mlaa this bar a a In; part nsb, bslance eaay payments. O 46. cxre Journal. -ACRE tracta near electric line, 10 fare) - Eatacsda nr. lequlre Benedict, at Gates. TWO tot wltb good new 8-reom boose. In good . location, at New berg. Or for ah, or will .. exchange for acreage near Portlsod. Ineulre t 20 Eat Emerson at., Portlaad, Or. CORNER lot. 6 room bona, baeement, hnsdern In every' reepeet, 8 mlnutea' rMe of city hall: owner needc ready money; price $1800, half cash. Call 242 Madlsoa t. FINE home en PortUnd Helrhts; T-room aodera house, lot 80x100, on carllne, taa view; price lTHB. CONTIKENTAlV CO 4t SUrb atvi AT a Meriflce, by ewaer. t-room hoan en the esst slds; owner leaving tha eityv CeU 63 chamber of Commerce. -4. - SL'NN Y8IDN mt. Stxlon, for 1276; Ssllweod block, 4O0al2T. for $800. with creek and bed. Tyson Kinssll. Commcrclsl blk. . FOR SALE 8-room bouea and corner lot: price I2.KIO Inquire owner, 1170 Eaat Madlsoa - at. Phone Eaat 8878. ' . - ' . ' ACRE TRACTS ' . . 7. ' ' ' From 1 tn 6 I err I en nrllne, B fare, as Ksvel, $860 to 8428 per scrs;10 pet cent wn. baUnc $10 per montfc,. Town, S8Si4 Morvlsoa st. ' $1.260 8-ROOM konse. lot 80x100 la .Pied mont Tart I term. ' Town. 288 Morrl ' ana t. ' ' . . ' ' WEST SIDE A good 8-reom bouse on Job neon et. wltb lot ar.xioo, for 2.8ut; thla k) a nap. . Tyaon Klneell, Commercial blk. . Ii. 5B0 BEAUTIFUL home, a eaerlflre, Bntll September Bin: modern: T Megs moms: tee., raced lawn; fruit, flowers; Firxt at. carllne; Sum cash; . balsaca time. lust Moor,. 164) iebraek at. OWNER 100x100, 'Willamette! eholn lots; Bt." eyaients. . aeiia tiosssti, nivsrsioe station,. eonna car. . . SMALL grocery ind borne bakery combined; llrlng rooms, K 12. rare Journsl. , . . , $1.860 BEAUTIFUL building ht en ThormaS at. (wnt side), 107 V. Third. , ' . .. IT