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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
tiis cnrcsu daily jouhijal, fchtlaiid, Friday ' EvgriiKo. august si, irss. . . : . : ; TODAY'S iETS Plwity cf Turky and Cranberries to Feed, Amreloan People Thle Year Coth Product. .Chow a Good Gain Durinj Present Season. ; ) JOURNAlS 0AILV- DOCTORS yloi 1 'DRMIDERRIEOTt I TIPS ON MARKETS LITTtEi.10E1E.IT III TJIIE11T PIT Eunion PACIFIC BE CHEAPER- Heavier Production Jt Noted' All v' Over the Country'biirin g 1 Present Season. ,V'' oastjojble; THAT OF A YEAR AGO ,.- , ' - - '. .,.:' r-.--v.v-, . . : - .'-:.." i Turkey Production Alto Ssaviar Ow In to .Dry Weather HereEggs " and Poultry Firm Rumors of Hop " Sale Unconfirmed Glut in Produce Tb principal features at tht Portland whole dale mnrxete today era: - Cranberry crop w'U he aeavy. ..Tarhey npfUM to be good. -Market oreratocked with cantaloupes. , , ffonatoea la too heavy supply. . , Fhi lower with as eversupply. , Eixa and poultry very firm. , . rwk grapes art onoted Ilrmer. - Salmon pack larger thaa year ago. - ' Peach euppllea are rathar llbaral. " Rin eearelty of dressed aieake. r Wheat tad floor trada heslthy. - ' ; Buoraca of bop Mlaa ara onconflrmsd. ' Cranbsrry Crop WUX B Heavy. . ' Special reports received by The Journal todsy v. from various cranoerry- eeaiar. aa um . State ahow that tha coming crop wtU ba almoet v twlea aa heavy a a peer ego- The tocraaaa la noted both la tha eaet and la tba weet. Arooad -Uwaeo the bof ara mM to ba m tha kaat of condition and tha crop eTBMInrrtir la expected to ba -fully twles aa boat aa a w (. Some reports state that It will ba heavier than tbat. Beporta froea Jersey and " Cape Oed ara ta tba same effect, aad wblla i good prlcaa are expected thla season for - tba ' frnlt, dealers da not expect tba quotations to - 'teeeb ap ta tba figures of a- yser ago, when - a abortaca ailatad almost every placa owing -'to anfavorable weether. This aaaaoa weather emxllttooe wars Idaal for a good crop of cran " berries. . - . - .. : Turbay lap pliaa o Vae4. , NM anlr wUl thars ba pUnty at araabarrlss ; tbb) aaaaoa to aolt aU tba raqulmaaats of tha trada, bat tba tarkay era wUl ba ona of 'tha baartMt la tba blatory at tba aoaat. . Dry waatbar baa baaa tba. rnla ararrwhara, n; torkara bara tbriaad battw tbaa la anr raaaat aaaaoa. ' Aa a rala eUmatla eondltloBa aa tba 'coaat ara too damp for torkaj-ralernf on a Tory - aitraalra seals, and . away aawll torks ara " klllfd by tba btry1 rains. Thla yasr frowara . 'rapert tbat ant of tba roans' thrlrsd wall, and at tba prasant tlma thay ara batnf fattaaad for aiarkat. Prk aa mack of a avtry ss arar. Poaltry damaad la vary kaay abwf Front atraat thaaa daya. Bsealpta ara fair to alow, . wit aanad kaary la dU Unas and arias raacbtag ap to tba tap. ' . Efts ara flrmar. with awart of tba aalda af strict) fraab ranch today at Me. ' 0 Tarn took af rrsdaoa. - . la tba' frU aad prodnoa aiarkat tbara ia sa ararstock ta aaany Unas. Too ajsay aaata loaaaaara comlnc for -tba trada and prices sxcapt for atrlctlr tasey ansds ara draaflnc. vwtta aaiaas ary aw, aor tarn amr ai aa.toa at I1.T1L and auny aalas of that qoaucy axa repwim wwiaj niwyiwyi wpiw Touatoas art lurwaa ia aa vrarappiy. oi , aa acomint of tba bleb prlea rulla tha trade la aot Shu-UK as Ubsrally as It atnarwaw wouio. A loos tha atraat today tomatoas ara .top. at Too, with aaany aalaa down ta 60o a hot,, ftnal Mr la saw aoad. . ; - Tbara mi an orarabondaasd .of pssrd b tba saarkat todar aad Bartlatta ara aclltns aa low as aOe for ood a lock. Tbs prasant heavy ajova- mcnt b) aipactad to eon ansa (or bat a law AmT. Praak faapsa ara rathar ararea today, bat aid stock hi plan ttfnl, aad for thai raaaoa tbara hi a wldo raaca b 'tba aaktnf prlcaa aloaf tba atraat. . balm on Vaok Larraa Tbaa Yasr Asa, 'As tha official flsuraa ba(la to arrlra a bat tar sbowlat as atada for the sprlnt-aoajmar . pack af salotoa la tba iMasibia. vrneiai tic araa thaa far rscarvad ahow a fair teeraaaa orar tha flcorsa aatlaiatad a waak ago also arar thorp of tba prarioaa aaaaoa. ' r aWaf Jfata af Otbac atarkats. . . A sals af aarly funis boos at lis la rspsrtsd araand tba HalTiosrs, not it eaaaot Da con xlrmad. Otbarwlaa tba aiarkat la aalst. cardty ta atlU abowa la stocks at draaaad rata akmg Front atraat. Prlcaa assaa. Wkaat trada eontlaoaa quits actlro. with prlcaa sialntalnad at yastardsy's flavaa. Floor trada only fair. - amira nrai anaar niisrai aayiaa by Alaaka poluu. Ray Is doll saespt for fancy. Offorlaga af cheap rradaa rathar baary. Tha trada pays tha following prlcaa ta Front itrwrt. Plica paid ablppara ara lass ralar .COBimlaaKaia: . atratat.tloar aad Faad. -SltAIrf BAGS Cabratta, rMd baytnfl -Atlah, -c oU ear, blaealem. TOi rallay. tOffiTle. - - " BAKLafY Naw Faad, roUad. 3llo; brswlns. 2J 00. i . - ,, OOKM Wbola. 17.00i arackad. (3S.00 par isa. . BTB ll. per ewt. '"- , 1 OATS Naw Prod Bears pries Its. 1 White, fs.ooi pray, 12 oa FLOUH caacsra ureana psrawTa, (imq dllnca, - $M.00i ahorta, country, . fls.B0 city. IT. do: cnop, pio.uuajsi.uw. HAT Prodncaro' price Ttnethy. Wlllamatt valley, fancy, fltXM; ordinary, I10.00O10 oOj . aaatara Orcfoa, lia.00qiT.O0: atlzed. 10.00i ..'10.101 dorar, rala. t,0Ja.0! akaat, -IT.goot.oo. ------ . Batter, Xrt and realtry. , - BTJTTBB' PAT P. a. b. Portlaad Bweat "craaai, J0c aoor, 84c. , . , miT-rvn ('Iit creamery. STUe: oatalila 'fancy,: iHJ ordinary. Safest ,etsr, Jefc os 1 freab Orafoo, candled, iej ' 'sucsndled, asajMVkc; ssstern, . 21c tl ORBC8B New Full cream, flats, UUOlori . ,. Xeana Amencs. lomtowe . ' POCM'BT WUed eblekeas. BUlTBT MUed eblekaos. lHs par lb; y bene. 14 per lb, roostara, eld, I0Ha Ibl stars, Uefllfea par lb! fryers, lies i 14a ear lb: 'Old dacks. lauAiae, ,Tanc; ' bar brallers, . Ibl' aprlng aacaa, uioqa hi seeaa. sajiec IDi pw"'w i aaajararaaai, 4.VV : : '! Vepa. Wool aad . BMea. " ' ' nnpaContracta. 190S eroD. 18a ear. lb. . A fje. Boa, lea: aaatara Or son. BOOtla, ; UOHAIB new, aoaaiuaa, . SriEKPBKIMB CbMirlna. lli eacbl abort 'E2 toOeOe; media aOtJTes aaehi ol, aaarsi oa A1XOW PrTwa. par lb, IVisjeai Ma. aad .rUTTilll'ARK MOa stock, tMOto Pet ib'i woo, raiv r" HiDhS Dry, no. 1,10 lbs. aad ap, l . arr eaii, we. , Biriw w at.ara. aoood. 00 lbs sad arar. lOOllci sows, juaiHi ati as sad bulla seaad. eofoi hip, 1 S Z fba. o; calf, aoaad. aader Id lha, Uei - inn anaalted. la lasat calls, le perlb lsaa boraehldM, aaltad, each. ll.2SOt.Tti dry, sart, tliWdtlJOl aolt Jildes, ,t6souai root skins, , cemmoe, each, 10los Aaora. aacb, UefJ ; . T" ty. its ".ad TeaotaUoa, ' ' ' ' J POTATO Fd New, SOefltl OO per aacti pre- FRIDAY PRICES y'V . THE WHEAT MARKET sa ' ' ' ' -v Bapl. De.. X vZllc.o": .;.; . .7014 - .71 : e dNow York.,... ,K1H , dvvet.. Loula...... ..... .71 H '' . d Liverpool ...w (lVad Is IHd - k Kanaaa City... ..... , . ; d Mlnneapdlla .71. d e Milwaukee ... . .7014 ; , .71 H " . ., f? d f f t While tna rumor - concerning ey rtha aalo of ta block of oarly Fuddle hopa at a valley point d yesterday at II cents a pound d 4 eannot bo-connrmed at tola time, a e tho trada la Inclined to believe e e that tba market will open W17 ! e r and II oents a pound thla aea e d eon. . There la, but little oust- ey s naas of any kind of farad, t thla e d ' time, fro wars and dealera takins ' d a raat untU b crop 1a In tht e d bala or until mora daflnita re- d porta regardlnv crop elswher e dnrera, 'price for car tots, ; TC804 par ewt; eweets, tHIfeo per lb. ONIONS Jobblnc urlca New Walla Walla. Il.od pec sack! aew Ore con, 1.60; garlic, SOOs per lb. . 1 j ... FRESH l-BUTTf New apples, IOeOllJM)t eraagee. Falencla. la.TSiOn.OO; banaaas, 50 (He lb; lemons, choice, .mjll.00 boa; fancy. 1 5.0005.50 per box; llmea. Weilraq, i.B pel luu: Hawaiian, t jj piuma, WMtt ioc per cratei eantalouDcs. ll.00lfltl.Toi . raanbarrlea. i : hUck figs, I 1 1 grapes, 1.00Ol.e0: black berries, gl.SSQi,g5 per erata; watermelons, fl.OO; crated. 11. 16; peaches, TRCfOOe; nesra, sOr($l,0O; prunea, balk, lie per lb; pecked, 00c per box; huckleberries, 1012He. . VHilBTABr.RHTnrnlpe. pew, (1.00 per sset! carrots, 1.50 per sack; beeta. Sl.ftO per each: Kranlpa, , 1 AO per each; Oregon' radlanes. per ' da: cabbage, Oregon, be; bell uennara. " euajooe per "box i. tomatoes. TAc Ctaoe nor . box: nsrantM. OOcffltl.00: atrlng baane. Oregon, M7o per lb; cauli flower,- al 00 par dosi pcaa.f-SttBc; borse. radlah. eaTe ner Tb: artichokes. - Tie nr doe: eqiiaah. lc; green onlona. Oregon. 11 Ha per doe bencbea; cacembera, ' (oe per box: celery. ioc per ooa; green corn, ixacriae ooa; enm mec aonaabi TfieertlOO ner boat eaenlaak. (l.Mial.l per crate; pampkhia. IWc - vkieu rituiTBj Applea, araporatea, iscj 14c per lb; apricots, ISHQlte par lb; peaches, !2J18H per lb; sscks. Ha prr lb leaa; pronea, PO to 40, He drop en aacb 1-ld anuUer slaa: iza. California black.' daldHe per Ibt fallfornla whltada Ua per lb dalea. golden. THc per lb tarda. gl.40l.a0 oar IB-lb bos. : - . ejrooartoa. ajata, xta. RnOAR All ref Inarlea . Cube. 15. AO: powdered. (6.16; trait, gra Delated, 1(6.06; dry graanlated, (6.06; eonf. A, (5.06; weetern P. 0, H-fii Hawaiian 0. C, (4 : extra 0, (4.66; golden C. (4-66: D. yellow, (4-66; bbhV 10c J U bbla. M boxes, aoa advance ea sack baa la. less toe per wt far cask, la daysi aaaple, 14jU r lb. I Above ' aarlees anoly aa sales of lees thaa ear lota. Car lets at apodal prices auojeet to actuations. 1 - " Bonn-fs.oo par orate. t; COprBB Packare brands, (lVtSOlS-Tt. SALT Cnarae Half rroaad. lOow SS.OO oaf tea; 60s,- M.60: table, dairy. 60a, (1100; 100a, (ll .TI; 1m sorted Uverpael. (Oa. (IT OOi looa, (ld.SO; t24s, (18.00: extra fine, bble, ba. Sc. 10s, (4.6006 .M: bulk, MO lbs, e.OOOB.OO: sscks. (Os, doasdes Llrerpoal lump rock, (18.60 per tea; oo-ia roea. su.uo; luoa. swam. . , RICaV-ImoerUl Japan, No. 1, del Ha. t. B0614a; New Orleans bead., Ts AJas, M Creole, BHa. RRANb BmaTI erblta. (4 BSt larso white. B.60; pink. (J.TB; bayoa. HH Umaa, exlcaa reds, 4 He. " n UTa reanata, jumoe. m per nt Tirgtaia, saoUe oer ibl reeated. 8 He per id; jape- anDai reaeraa. Tazae aer in nutn, B&aeOe per doa; walaata, ISOUHa per lb plnennta, loaiSH per U aVkory seta, luc per id: cneataoia, aaaiarn, isajioe par io; Braall Mtn. 16a. fllharta. MO 16a bec Ibi faacy peeaas, 16c; almeada, lddjlTe. : alata, Oaa! 00. Zta. .:. BOPBPaes kUnlla, 14a ataadard. KUst aUal. lie-. : cxial, tnierean or aarrai uaaea ua aer gal water white, troa barrela lee pet gal. woooea no per gaii...Baauugat, tiv-oaa. 11 He par c UigilLlAX- B ii PS dag, saaaa S4c per gal, araa r gab . bbla lfte per gab BBNCINB eS-def, oaaaa abe pes gat, troa bble lHe--nee owL - TUR PEN TINT. la eases Sdc par gat, wooden la pse per gaL WRITaf LKAD Too lota. Te per lb SOS-lb ta. 8c per- Ibl leas lota, (He par lb. hkta. WIRB NAILS Present heals at SS 88. LINHCBP OIL Pore raw. la S-bbl lora. Sdei l-bbl let, 68c; raaes. (do per gal; gvnalne bettle. boiled, eaeee, due per gall S-bbl lots,. See; l-bbl lot aoe per gal; ground cake, car lota, (30.0 aor xeatlras tbaa ear lets. (SO. 00 per tea. eats. Flab aad Preelatoaa. . , PBBRR 11 SAT Front Street Rosa, faaev. (He; ordinary. 7HJc; Poor, TQTHc per lb; bulla, (8H per lb; veal, extra. SHa per lb; orumary. TH per lb; poor, oa per lb; mutton, fancy, 88We per lb; lamba, 8c. BAMS. BACON, ETC. Portland pack (local) ha ma, 10 to 14 lbs, 1H per lb; 14 to IS lbs. joat per in; oreasiaai oaoon, leafeie pea lb; picnics. iaH per lb; cottage. lOHe pet lb; regular short elesrs, anamoked, LXc par lb; aniokad, 13C per mr clear aacss, nnsmoasa. lie per lb; smoked lse per in: vnioa batta lo ta id Iba: cnamoked. 8e mr lb: amoked. as per lb) dear bellies, Baamnked, 14o per Ib amoked, 16c per lb; sbealders, ltd per lb pickled tocfoee. ae.uu nanar ooi. LOCALTabD Kettle leaf, 10a, lSa aor lb: 60. UHa par lb; 60-lh, tins, lSe per lb; ateam reodered. 10a. 11 He per lb: 8a. IIsac VArtrtaVa1 (3 M JOm ves u aaa vsea a a wot. g,-aw latltv, H, S-lb talla, (S.T8 faacy, l ib data, fl.poj faacy Sau. $116; faacy l ib avals. $i7(: s talla. plakv (BdJOOsi red, (1.60; aomlsai Ss. tall. (3.00. riSH Reck end, T par B Soaadera. St par : kaUbul, Se par lb; crabs. (I.s0 per doe; airload kaaa. 11V40 ner lb: ratnab. Se aer Ibl aalmoa, Columbia river Chinook, 8c per lb; steel- reade, gc per lb; pineoacta. as per in; nerrtng. ee per lb) eolea, Se per lb: sarlmpo, 10s net ! lMrcb. Se per lb-, black ood. It per lb tomcod. Ta per Ibt silver smelt. So per lb; lobatero per lb; freak mackerel, (a per lb; crewdab, SOe par doa; shad, (a par lb; atorgesa, lOe aer lb: black baaa, SOc. OTBTERS Shearwater bay, par gal, SS,SB per 110-lb sack. (4-00. CLAMS Hardahell. per boa. . (XOOt , raaar alssas, SS.M par boa. . 1. HOG RECEIPTS A TRIFLE BETTER III YARDS . Demand Continues Strong and Values Remain With-Seven. J ; ... and a Half, as Top.:' - Portland TJnloa Stockyards, Aag. 81. Llve- atock receipts: , . , , ... - Boss Cattle., Sheep. Today ...848 114 . .., weea ago.., ,... ....... , so ... ... ... Month eeo.... .............. ... ISO ... Vear ago...' 144 ' V3 Hog reeelpta were a trifle better Ih tba yards today, but demand Is very strong and former top prices remain today. Cattle arriving- la fair numbers, with price unchanged today. No arrivals of sheep- today. Price Juet holding Its Official livestock quotations-. ' ' '- Rose Beat eaatera , Orejtoa,.... $T.t50T.5O hlockera and China fata, td.60. - ' Cattle Beat eaatera - Oregon -erears, IS.50A s.noi neat eowa ana neirere. ax-Mnarxaui siocb era and feeders. (2.16(93.00; bulla. (1 M. . aneep aneaninga, e4HCl aamoa, DC, . . EASTERN MARKETS STRONG .. , v ii i . : ..' load ta Chioasw ood fo aTora, Cattle aa - phoop. ; . - rklMn. Ana- R1- eaeelnte Chicago ...........12.000 ' 1.600 10.000 Kansas City.,. 4.nio I,0o 1,600 Omaha ... ,i ............ .60,000 1.(00 1,600 Hogs are strong ta be blgher with 4,900 left aver. ..efceceiDis a rear aao were in.uuu. ivrea: Mixed and butchsrs. (6.T6ad.80; good . aad hesTy, (A.86i8dJ0i roagh, (3.3lSS.eO; light. Cattle Strong. ' ',, ', t '.', v ''.'' aaeeerrong. '. - , 4)old for Hew York. fymiloB, Ang. (1-It w atated that (1600. 000 b gold Has bees aocured ber for sblpmebt to New fork. - ITedr Tork Oaah Ceffeo. -New York. Any. 8l-raah eoffeol No. Rio, SC No. d Samoa, Hc. , . ,, . ' . ' Sterling Xxoaaage Bates. New York. Aug. 81. durllogl ' dSSJOi 0 daya, eeO.SS, . - Demand, r Price Shows Uttle Change From " : Thureday- September Off ; ,' an Eighth May Down. LIVERPOOL COMES UNCHANGED AT CLOSE World's Market Dull and Lifeless y Elevator People Begin to Change . Position and Hedge Over Into De- : cember Oats Lose Early Gain. BBLATIVB WHEAT TALCBS. Aug. 81. Aug. 80. Loac. IPO". S .00 .78 September. IVcember. May.....'.. Oaui ...a .TOH .. .7S .. .7( 78 B ,TT3bB O.0014 I If Chicago, Aug. 81. When local bears la wheat discovered no apecial selling praaeure la tha September and noticed that the eloTater people were cnanging lueir bedgee over Into December, they look it aa an Indication that the deliveries tomorrow may aot be sa heavy - aa predicted. Shorts are active. The market fell flat at the cloee, with prices showing very Uttle gala for December and Way. Caeh wheat Is getting Into strong bands. The aewa la that cropo ara aot moving, but It conflicting aa ta yktld. la coca the reeelpta ara expected to ba muck larger, as the country Is offering com freely. The export movement amoants to nothing. Oata prices bad a Uttle rally from tha aarly weakneaa a Ions with wheat end corn, bat they cloaed heavy at a little decline. The selling preeeure waa aot great. 1c are was no volume of business to give any trend to the trade. Provlalons were a little firms bat Inactive. It to a packers' market. Official auotatloae by Overbook, Start Cooke com pa ay i . . ' WHEAT. '.. .v . , Opea. High. - low. Cloae. September ...t. tot, T(J 70 70 December TSH 74 ' 78 . T8B may ........... 11 (a II 7S Septembep M,.a dd' December ..... 48 May 44 4 44 . d4 e4B w. - OATS. September ..... IP 4 . SB. A December ..... -SO , SI 80. SO May (8 (3 SS , SS MESS PORK. v Santambar .....KMT 100 lam io January , UsO 1860184T U60A y . . LABD. .... Seplembar 80 a arf - T7 October ,... SN8 887 8T0 STA January ....... TOO TOT 70S 7M ...... SHORT BIBS. . ' September ..... 171 m STJ ' 8TT October SOS SMS STS . ' 8TS . January ....... 127 TiiT 727 ' 72S nnusr eurt vorninn. : Chisago, AuatJ SI. Primary receipts: . Today , . Vsar ago . . nuan. Must, wheat .:. . AMVnoA . sao oen Cora S21.0O0 t 666.000 Bhipmentai -... j Wheat (Tf OOO 488.000 America ncie a ra n ceif : Wheat, ld4.4ftTbuahels: corn. 11.108 busbeUi oata, (.000 baahols; floor. e,vw mi.w, LTTXaPOOL 0BAIJI MABKXT. Lrrerpool. Aag. St Official prioeo: A WHEAT. . . - ' Open. Cloee. Leas. Aag. SO. Sept...... de lHd oa jnd ... , da lHtf Dec..... Ss Sd ' Sd ... Ss Sd dofd 4e8d d 4e (4 Dec 4s ' t as Td : d t da 74 MANIPULATION EVIDENT IN - MINING STOCKS Great Northern Drops Again With Asked Price Two and Seven EighthsHeavy Sales. ! Great Northers mining remains tba aeatatJoa af tba Portlaad stock market. Tsstordsy this stock waa-freely-bid for at Te, but Se was ue pneo asked. Today tba asked price dropped to a saw low level at Sc, with Se bid. Eight tbeoaaad shsree were aold today. Includ ing (.000 Laos Creek gold at lHc aad 1.000 sbaree oregoa aocarlUea at Sc . uncial prlcaa: ' - Bid. . Asl BANK STOCKS. Bsak of California SftS ... Merehaate'. National 122 ... Oregon Traat A Saelngs 140 I'nlted States National SOS ' ... Portland Treat Company 110 Bankers' A Lumbermen's. . . . ...... . T - - log MISCELLANEOUS STOCKd. Leaser Manufacturing.....,.,,.. ISO Campbell's Oaa Burner. , Union Oil .101 . SOS . dt ioo BO (0 1000 Associated OU.... 80 ?3 Alaaka Packers' S7 raciuc otaiea aaiepooaw... . Home Telephone .'. SS Pucet Sound Telephone....... ....... Ore son Life-Insurance........... Cement Products r. .. . -eO- Empire Contracting Co........... 110 J. C. Lee ; O. R. aV N, Ky. da ..t 100 Merlin Towaslte. ............ SO NIools. Cool US International Cosl.... ' 06 160 10a 26 02 ... mftwiwa nwti . Alaska Petmienm Alaake Pioneer...' SUndard Cooaolldated..... ...... IS 47 i ' 11 8 17 ' B3 12 .'sS "T 06 02 oa Oreron Secnrltles., ..... Snowstorm .,... aTadTV Lees Creek Oold. ..1 01 Tacoms Steel 10H Oallce Consolidated. ....... ...... ... Gallaher ....... ... -QoMen: Rnle Cooaolldated........ ... - Bullfrog Terrible...... ... OfllfondB r. ......... .'..... 04 North Pslrvtew 04 Ls IVry., .......... Hiawatha ,.! Caacadls la Lucky Buy.............. 10 Heel'...,.. S2S Rambler-Cariboo 26 Dixie eadowa... .. 08 flreat Northern v;'..V.V.ViV.r.Tr.-. 08 iountaln View... 4 .. SS ' 1 ' 8COAB STOCKS. Hawaliaa Commercial.,... , Honokea Hutchlnana Makawall .....,........ so IS io 14 Sd S4 rlnoflnea .........h. .............. as Paauhau ,. ..,!,... .., I .' Union ' . rrr 60 ... Total sales today, S.OOO at araa. , BOSTOX COPPra aUUUCXT. ' Boatea. Aug. SI fteml copper close,, nriraa! Adventars. S8.OO1 Allooea. SS4.(0i bntlc, 113.60; Bingham, " (.11.60: Calumet, I7HO.00; t'entenalal, (14.25; Opper Moantaln, idt.OO; Copper Bange. (77.78; Daly West, (18.76: Franklin, (W.A2H: Greene Copper. latfixHI Uranby,- (1200) Maaaaebneetta, (R.HHI Michigan. $1(25: Mohawk, $81.60; ilte. tl per. (A21 12 82H; I'tkh. (AO26: Victoria. $0 60; Winona. $7.78: Wolverine $la.00 Ely, (0.T8; Boston cooeelioatea. fa.iay , , . ,. ?omT1JUnJ , abx it Arutrrr. cWertnga v..$n8S.7wT.M Clearings pear ago.. ...,..., ....... Too.40P.4d Loss (oday .....JlUMJl 0A1HS L10ST Nearly Three Points Advance In 'Ir Price Over Yesterday Despite ,'4 - General Weakness. call: oanstwelve j PER CENT ON 'CHANCE Higher Money Causes Weaker Feel. ing-i-Small Trading During Dajr Keport Showa Rail Lines Prosper ous-Industrials Down. ( ' r NET LOSSES.' '' '" :,.:, Anaconda Suaar ... IPannaylvanla ...... needing ........... Republic Steel. Bock, laland. . do preferred . . Diiunoa ........ Colorado Fuel...... Canadian ......... trie Great Western. . . . Katy, pfd Missouri Pacific... .Rout hern Railway.. icxaa ot -ream..... V. S. Bteel do prtlerreo...,. . Ona. Western. .. ,' NET GAINS. '. . .. , '' Amalgamated ..... HI Denver ........... 1 Smelter llwlaTllle V, Brooklyn HINorfolk Bt. Paul IV Pacific Mall....... , N. X. Central..... 1H People's Gaa V Soathera Pacific... HlUnloa PacUlo JT, 1 Locomotive ....... , Wan Street. Now - Torb Aag. SI Money rates went to 13 per cent today. Thla caoaed a lack ot apecalatlve interest and caused a ten era 1 decline la tadnstrlala. Ralla were held more firm and some advanced. Despite tha general duUncea t'aton Pacific waa aulte active id cjoeed nearly a soiau aigner. .v Ball t inea Preaparaoa. '"' ' ' Traffla ofriclals at tba vertooa rallroadi ces- terlne la Chleaao bava reaeaed the eonclnsloo that tba grain traffic thla fear SO per cent la excess of tbat of fsat year. Ia soma sections It will be moeh larger tbaa this, but tsklng tha country as a whole, a one fifth In crease, It Is believed, will cover the ease pretty correctly. . . --vS .- Ia tba aorthweet tha eropa of " wheat,' oats, barley end other grains are simply emarmpna. and anlaaa aa excessively wet a pell should eat la to prevent suoreeaful barveatlng tbs retornra to tha farmera and rallroada will ba larae anougb to aeeura general proaperlty. xne only aenooa eirricaiiiea wnicn now con front tnoae dlractlv interested ha thla veer's crop returns are ba connect Ion with the fact 11- uee ror nanaimg ins proauci. it m searea uai the elevator aapadty of the north west will be ineufftclent to boose tba a rain aatll It can be shipped to market. Official e notations by Over beck. Starr aV 'ooae company: i : SBSCBIPTION. - . ,., AmaL Copper Co Am. Cotsoa OIL com. 10s 10011081100 01 TS as 1 si niw ToHl 71 HI T2H Am. Lnoomotlvo. com.. Am, Sugar, com ,. 188 16d 118 18diJ3H IliPJ 16d166!16 ll18lll0. m, amttt., 00m do preferred Anaconda Mining Co... X1B tl sVTdi lOVaatl ' Am. woolen, coca,,,, Atchison, eom.i...... . do preferred.. BaltlBKe A do preferred ......... , Brseklya Rapid Transit Canadian PaetOo ...v Central Leather, enca.. do ref erred (d 110004,1 .11"! . ChL A Ut. West., co Chi., Mil. St. Paul.. Chi. a Northwest. , eon Obeaapeake A ' Ohio.. . . Colo, rual e, Iroa. com Com, Soatb, com...... do Sd preferred....... do lat preferred...... Cora Producta. do preferred , Delaware A Hndsoa CAR- O.. do preferred Erie, com ,. do aa prererrea. co lat nrereiiea...... nilnola Central Leulevtlle A Naabville.. Mexlcaa Central Ry... Federal Bmeltera , Missouri Parltto. ...... National Lead New Tork Central.... N. T.. Ont. Waat.. Norfolk A Waa tare, aoa do prefOired ......... North Americas....... Northern Pad 8c, com.. Pacific Mall Steam. CO Pennsylvania Rr P, It:, I a r. 11a..... Beauing, com, ,, ...... do 3d aref erred...... ee let preferred en. iron at nisei. u preTvirwe ......... Bock laland, coal do preferred St. L. A S. P., Sd pfd do lat preferred...., St. L. A S. W.. com... dO Bl4fif ('tl . a a a e e ei a Soathera Padfle. do D ref erred . . . Soathera Railway, do preferred.......... Tanaeeseo Coal A Ireav. Texas A Pacific... h toL, St. U A W.. com.. . do ore f erred. . . . Union Pacific, do Breterred. 0. S. Rubber, I do preferred., D. S. Steel Co.. do preferred.. Wabaah, com.., do preferred Weetern Untoa Tel...., Wisconsin Central, com do nref erred Tirgtaia Cmerlcat. v. . Amerlcaa iugar, common, ex-dlvldeBd lk sac- eeat. CaaadUa Pacific, eommoa, ax-dlvldead of S per cent. VToUl sabM for day, (88.000 shares. SAX PBANCTSOO MTNIsTO ZXCHAJTOX. Saa rranclaco. Ana. , . Bid. Belmont ......SS.OO Caah Boy , .16 ' Goldea Anchor, , .08 Home ......... .18 Xtetlee . ... 1.42H 81. Official close: Bid. 0. Bolt Prog...$ .14 ' Stelnway ...... ,46A Con. CaL-Ta..., .02 Ophlr ,. ......... S-80 Mexican- .87 Caledonia 20 Exchequer ..... .60 Norcroao ....... Gold Crown ... .18 Rearoo 20 Black Bntte Ex. .04 ' Montgomery Mt. .61 .. Sunaet .......... .15 Bceptrs .4 Saykir-Buaprey. .23 Deiter .07 Graaay i ,25 -(told Wedge ... .10 Loae Star ..... .18 . Gt. Bend Ex... -.18 Ot. Bend Annex, .13 Creacent .14 Cowboy .11 Denver Annex... .24 Bulla A Beers... .OS . Blsck Rork..... .04 Llttls Joa.nm- ,l Msydower Be) Jumping Jack... .Od Red Top Eaten. .08 Mustang .23 Bullfrog Mia... .47 Triangle ....... i .07 MacNamara .... .74 ui, - ... a mu. Montana ....... 1?H North Star .48 Ohio '7 Tea. r-xtea..... a.oauj Nevada -v 18 ??. West End...... S-0A Adama 08 Atlanta ' .... -J? Bluebell .04 Booth ..v.-iiT-ifA-Columbla Mt... .IS IMrmoodeid( . .. " Wxle -7 flttldAald Jumbo Jumbo Ex ten... .JT Kendsll Lagans .?i Mohawk Red Top 62 Sandatorm .... Silver Pick..... .J St. Iveo j!' National Bank.. 81 Gold Bar 1 VBITXD BTATIS eOTEEaTMXBT BOSTM. .New Tort, ABA-. ll.--OeTerne.ent bondai - , d'm ley, arv i. pawala Twos. reaUtarod .....Opt. 04 los no soupne,... uptitx-a iuo' Threes. rVgletsred Opt. $ an aoapon .1.. K&xi-::::::::z ax 235 '. riafarrad BTtocrb: OaamM Soda. AUen A Leywla Baal Braad. - -f-'-'-v .---- t...,-..i... ..-..: 10T fl0ft10 I via e.ltb ee 75 T5 T6 T5 174 174 1711178 ..... 1 87 101 18 18 IT IT 176 17T 1TB 1T8 S10 210 210 210 (4 04 04 4 6d 85 86 87 (7 87 87 . .(0 Bo 60 60 60 00 08 SO com. ...I 19 1A 1 10 1 Jiis" jjrii" iW 2i?v 48 44 48 4H , S7 I 87 I MH So ; kins mm T7 77 77 H T7 ' eesfeta a a a ITS 148 148 SI SI SI 21 pi'" 'f 'd an T8 TO T8 78 143 148 143 14.1 60 60H 4 40 8 S3 2 2 ...14 bo i..T. 218 21d 214 216 1 ) ao 1 ao 1 po lo 1 aTH sohI 81HI 21 vwliT so a eo 37 87S as os 45 06 34 BO BO 60 (0 com... j vvykj eu'aj L2 ' mV. IS8I4 IMH IS7 87 :: :::::::::: 8$ ,rjlW llll,88 m . OSS.... 48 I 4flHI 46 4d 107 l07iloe. imn 30 30 10 10 44 44 44 44 01 1 1 1H 29 25 28 26 BI 61 61 BI I (8 88H 88 88 of I m m rM-ni w - - - reur- recistersd I'M 181 181 do coupon . .v..,..-.. 1W8 ; 181? 181 Pletrlet ot Corambla..... ... 1034 118 ..... Philippine 4e.......... 10a ..... cunE Men Now Visiting the) r City Invited to Call, r:f510 Examination i - Uiven rree. ' Tt payo men to o to tha Dr. W. Norton Davla company. Their phy alnlann ara ot - tha wnrld'a heat . aneclallBta. They aro known throbah- out tha northwest "to. t Tellable honeBCuprlght phyaldana and aurgeona. Quick and lastlnjg cures have oatabllahed their repujauon. career pa uenta. lodoraa tham. Orateful man rocommond them. P'. , ; Call at Once If You Are in Trouble ' -Tounar and mlddle-aaed man body and mind, with weak back, falUntr strenfth, aunken cboaka, ayes, bad habits, dissipation, poor Over 50 Per Cent, of Our Patients Have Been Cured for $10 and Many Only $5 During the Past 17 Years In This CityWe Qlve the T r Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices. Wo are lUwaya willing; to arrange tale hv ha aiek k tha nMth. Remambar, our cnargea ara..tne lowest ana moat rrawnaoia in v v.., and you aret tha vary boat treatment. Call and find out about your case at onto: It will be tha happiest day of your Ufa. Consultation free. - TASIOOBB TMTjra, wormy vinot varloooalo, reduced and cured with out cutting;. No pain. Rupture, hydrocele and plleaofcured without op eration. Conault us free and flnd-out, how wa euro without the knll Our price for euro ta tha cheapest In tha northweet. ' t ' CXXOBTIO akin dlaeaaea. ecxema, ulcers, aorce, piles, constipation, Itch Ins, heart, kldnoya. liver, stomach, catarrh, rheumatlam. palhB. - , tns of Towa atoa Tlalttma; tha City Conault ua at onco upon arrival and maybe you can ba cured before raturnlns home. Many caaea can ba cured In one or two or mora vlaita. ConaultAtlon and advlea f rea. WsUTB People who Hvo-ln outside towna. and In the country who cannot call ahould writa for conaultatlon and advice, free. x Many caaea , liva bean cured by homo treatment . v , ' 7'r'.-'" Our naw treatment hag cured S.90O othoro-and will cur you. Coma , to ua and you will alwaya remember It aa tha moot Important ti-anaao- -tlon of your Ufa. If you can't call. Bead for our free symptom blank. We will tell you If you are afflicted. Conaultatlon free. , -'"- -i XT yow uwa em of tka elty, aoxaa fog one Tfi yo go MM " tb bos tnUa. . . , ,;.,r-'' . V.-r- 'T You Need Not Pay Until You Are Cured . Should you dealr. you may dapoalt the foi with any bank or bugl naaa houaa in Portland, to bo paid to u after you have boon restored to health. v : -''.- jtr-: Offlc houra $ a. m. to $ p. ra.; Sundays and holiday. 10 a.' m. to 11 in. I DR. W. NORTON &UUs BlpaoUUata la tka worthwoa. ptbUaba4 lat. : TAJT BTOT-XOTU, M TaXSUB ST, OOBSTBB VtKM, TQTLAm, OB. ;MMMM Diseases Wl WOl Treat ITILalllleJ m $12.50 for the : Most men suppose that tha conssquence of those offectlone ara confined to the BXBTOI,X! or lafMOBAXl but such ia not tha case They often Invade tba SCABBISD to an aTiaBHTBTO extent; although perhapa . the ortglrTTl disease mlht hare boon contracted In tha forgotten , paat, but through neglect or bad treatment it has boon lurking; In tha Bysietn f for montha and yeara, and will aooner or later break out In aoree, badj laera, a Zm nd aorenoea of the throat, plmploa, and ltohlngr o kaf-wreaat and heid. There will bo frequently A dry kooAMho, with dimnwsa Of-elgHt, froot aownaaa of aplrita, with aohea and peine In tha limbs, particularly in the Ian and thighs. In many caaea there will be a Blight aealdln; of the water at times, with a twltchln and twinging In the urinary passage and very often aoma PAIBT In tha dlaoaumiw o water. It acldom tappeDS'that . ;fwo doodIo are attocted alike; but In each and avary one Buffering from disor ders! which have their origin In "maladled of ladlaoretloa" aoma of yia above rnantionaa ynipiorao r"v W are ever adyancing. Tha combined knowledge ol the most -eminent- physiclane-ol -the world is ours and. we are still As specialists to men we ac knowledge no superiors. -We cure to stsy cured. -; It is no unusual thing for us to cure esses of nertnus debility, vari cocele, contagioua blood poiaon and special trouble after the pa tient has been pronounced incur able by other physicians. . The diseases of men due to the abuses of youth arc an open book en ua. WBXTB FOB aTTatPTOBt 1U XT TOXT OABTaTOT OAXA. , ' Houra t a. nt. to p. Bvaninga. T to $; Sundaya, I a. m. to IS noon. St. Louis UED1CAL AND SURGICU OOBBXB SOOXB ABTD TAMaTTT.Xi TRANSPORTATION. , Regulator Line Steamers THB EXCURSION STEAMER "BAITT OATZERT" makeo round trips f CAB rafiF. LOCKS every Sunday, loavlns PORTLAND Tat S al'nx. roturnlni. ar- )" dIht tePr'lca botwaarTTortlandnd 'Tha DillaaVoopt Bunday, living Port La nd at 7 m . arrtvlns about fp. m-i rarrvltiB freight and paaaonsiera fiplan dTrVwommodaUons "Tf or outflt. and foitof 5ourt attou tha Dallaa. Phone Mala S14. PorUand. S. S F. A. Kilburn ,.': fw Ceoa Bay. Barsba aad Sea rraaetsea. Bait Bailing frota rXtUnd Tbarsday. Aageat SO Baxt celling fgooi Saa rraadace, Tbara, Sept. S r'.X. aBISKOCflH, Ageat, vacoaawleb Poeb o. A Paoae Mala Uk BIW TO: POTTOS? atABXII, Meax Xorkv-Aag. . SI. Tottoa Aitarea Closed barely steady. 10 to' IS Point a lower, Official qaetenona ey vraraeia. Starr A Ooaka eoaiBenri Opea. yanoary i... 1 renraary ... Old Mareb 2T April May ...., Bd Septenber .. OcMbev MO Kovembaff ... eV4 beeeaiber W7 ColumbiaRiverScenery , High, i Low. Aag.SK Aag 0. l bob - aiO . BZl 1S 014 S14 ' B-jn -r ts ''" aas 2t""":" m JO ' M , ' fl'JH bid 40 , pm am . 042 74 BHT , eVW BIT BHg BtJ Bt Hf4 aU fUO) Bug BA4 SIS , SOI - ' till S14 mm Nsn 1 S XII X who have Injurad thomoolTea In hollow . memory. torma to ault. Tou can pay anrf m ariva llharal dlaoount f pay by tha nt for caah, , DAVIS D CO. M Mt Cured for Any aUnila UnoompUoated Ailment, fog :- ". 1 ' : - -vr'.. " -rr.J-- -Z' r .aaxS-orf . T 1 12.50 CONSULTATION FREE a A Life-Long Cure ! for TJXiOBBS, bTTBZOTVBB, XTSBOOB&B, TABIOOOBX.a, rmOSTATIO SIBBARBS, BTRmVO-TITAX BISOITT, XaDBTTJT A ITS lLADDEB DIBBABBB, BT.OOI . VOI OBT, OBmOBTia SISCHABQSB, BKIsT dissaus, aoT OBBXOIA,' BTOOTVBBTAXi BsVIBeUOBTS). We cover the entire field of private and chronic, deep seated, complicated, -difficult diseases. ' :'' -V '; " ' Wfe want every man who is suffering from any . special disease or condition to come and have a talk with us.. No man whose weakened system is crying out for help ' through contracted disease, or who has been guilty of early indiscre tions or later excesses, is safe in life until such time as his errors have been corrected. . ' STBBXTS. TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA VAST AMD POPtrLAB STBAMSBIPB Leeva Seattle ;'"' DOLPHIN," August 31. .'..'. , CALL1N0 AT ' KetcbniaB. Tnneea. Dnaglae. Barnea, Sba(. way, Ooanecta with W. P. A T. mate ter v A tils, Daweea, Xanana. Mooes, eta. Pot All Soatheeetera Alaaka Ports. Call or sead fnrTrtp to Wonderful Alaaba, "iBdlaB Baabetry." "Touai Poles." .,, TSX AIUUIKA ' aV A CO. , . Praab Wasleay 'Cav.- Areata. i BBS Oak at. Portlaad. Or. TELEGRAPH ragteot tha Wwo , Tha only steamboat making!. ronnd trig -.. ' .' DAHVT - 4 - . Except Cunday Betwewn PORTLAND tnd ASTCniA ' - - ABTD. WAT POIJITS - ... Leave Portland. ............ .,7:0 a. aa. Arrive Aaeorla, .......... .,..140 p. n. lave Aetorla. ............... t:S p. m. Arrlvd Portland.sri.i..,,,,..:00 p. ta, MI.S SERVED 1U CARTS Ptrtlaad tVakdlnp, Aide Btroet Does. - Astoria, Trading. OallemdoB Dock. SV.B. BCOTT, Ascot. phono Main (tl V The meal XataAe OolauaiBa at TBe fonraaj ara latevoailjxa; ba ayat aad Dispensary : ypBTivajrp. oa.J iu Union V-Trains to , the East Ds.!y i .JThMaajb PbIIbmhI ataedard aae) liailit aeee !" daOy be eek Ckaaee. bean owlet aleanlna-eara dally te AaaaaS I.. Tbieaigb recliulag rtalreara tatets Sraal ta the Cast dalle. . Oalaa Depot-. -, - 5 -5'-. Laave. Cklc aro-Portland gpeetal a i" via Bssttngtm. dlv. 8:S8 am (40 pes Tr.toVCiws? 'dllawr'n " ' ' - 7" ""J-era polar., dally, f IS pal S.SSM atianeie Ktnnm for the Bast Jta Reeflrjavaa. dally!?:, S IS aa) tttBa. Portlaod-Rleee loc-l. for .r , v : ,, - berea Blmrs.- pad - - . . COf.lTknilA RtTCK TOTlinOrt. -For Aa.M-- . -- . H. . ,,- h-at- laavee S a. BV ... eent Song... a-raMl.. It a a Aaatse ooat a n na..' a,maee. - ' ' tlbmt BtTRB BfrBTS. T" "vtoB. Cram City and Tambtn rvvof ""-eteenjers Rath sad Vndae. Aab-st. AeeB. aa. dally, eaeee Saadar Iweear see. S1'" Arrive T: a. aa. da fly, eaeeat SlfAKB EI1TK BOTTTB. v Rlnarta. w.rtT mZ.Zl-TjrwZZZ ! If? S:40 a. sa.. ar apea arrival rata He. 4. Salle eieept ha tarda;. Arrive 4 e, as. dalrv evcant FrMer. 0 Tieaet oe.Thlr nl WiA'jtbt aba.''. Telephnne Main Tit. - - 1 or arrvaaa r- -e,-. - Waa. aieMnBBAT, Oanersl Peaaeaavr Aaeat. SOUTH -i-t - Pate Overland lot Balent, Boaeborg. A ab le aa, eaeraai.uto. Ogdea. . i. faa rranrteee. : Stack tea ' . Lot Angeles, BI Pees. V New Orleans aai eke . aa.aa MS ' T:lltai Morning train naas ate mf Wasdhora dally except Snaday wttb trala far - 1 waont Angel, -Bllvertmi. Brewnevllle. Snrlnsdeld. Wandling and Katree.... S:00a Rnsvne aanver eea. neeta st Weadbnra wtrb -a Mnamt An 1 mA ailn-. .njsaa ,-1 1 ten Inesl.. eg.eaiwej -tera-easaa Cocvallla pa aaeneer ....... ar nn am ' eft so jrm Sheridan paaan(er. ...... 4:S0pa S"5 pas rereat orove neeaenser. . 1'aton pat ls:eo pas . Hs'lr. Iirtariv xeit laandssv k ? IK7BRimrtrBBlrT BTATTOJt.'H Per Bellaa end Uterxtedlate polnta dairy T'.M a. at. and 4 18 p. as. . Arrive rsrttsBd 10:10 a. m. and d:2S p. m. Per time aed card of Oawege aeheraa trabat appiv ar t-ity xicaev omce. er etariea. - TicKera re Beerece notnrs aoa Bom Isnan. Chine. Dnnehila sad A a. trails. tltr Tire-ei nmca mrner Tnlrd ragtna street., rbewe Mara TIB, C. W. WTTrTrjBB . - WB ra. McVtmfiAT. (IT Tleet agent. TIMECARO , " lorVVtll '.....TRAINS. PortlancSi aea, ' Arrive, a.nteH - Ctty-St. Lents Srwelsl for Cbehalla. Centra Ma. niyaa. , Ki vraj a niruw, eoeie sd, Taeoaur. Seattle. Soo. kane. Lewlstoa. Bette, Mi. lines. Men ter. Omaha. Kaa- - e4- .. ee mmA . a. Bnatheas't'. daliy StSBaa ddSpaj rtnrta tnaev uanirea. ew- , ' trie Mfhte.1 ear Taeoeaa . nearcie, npoaanr. ' aaroi at, wolla r. Peal aad ' ' the Bsst. dally ........... 1:00 pet TlSSaa PRiet Bonne MonTeaj, rar . naressent. Chebalta. Can. trails. Taeaeae and Seattle only, dally ......j...,.. :so pel a.-aaaa) Tarts Cltv Bvnreef for Ta. . . mm, B-.ttle. Spokane. , .-. t Bfl.l. . Xt-fte Bt tanl. -Mrnnea'pnlle. Uiieoba. St, joaepn. aiiw , . ha. St. LaobK wlrboest , etianee of cere. , I'tieei eoa. , na, Haas roe en ""- m. . - au w a-n . tt aB ia tA.BB s A. D. CHART. TOU. Aaetrtaat teeiteratPoe. eaagor Agent. SW.Merrbaetreet!aev I ran "Bivvea mi p bb. Astoria tt CoIumbia River Railroad Co. ' Cnloe Zepot ' Leave. Antra. Per Msygere, Rainier. Clsn. ; kanle, Waatport. Cllftna, ... '' Asterle. Wsiveataa, Fu. ... ., . , ens. Oearbart Park. Seaside. IMn tlabS sat Astoria and . Seashore.- ex , preee dally frtnt pas Sdetee Portland-Beaalde : Plyer" Ba let day eai-. leaves Portland :ld p. aa. -AH are,.-, tmirv. ' ... I. a MA TO. a. P. and p. A.. Aeearaa. , r a iriwitf r,. -lei - - k 1 . ' - n. thk cobuomAAix mt, ; " 2 Overlsai TrsbsCj 1 'tbs Orleatal Lbalted. tee last btaB' VIA SBATTLB ABB SPOKApa, . ; . Pally. Do". Lawva, , Anra, Portlaad tints arkednla . ' ., To and from Spobane, . Sfc Paat, MlaneeeeMo. ' - - '. ' Imlaih and sll polnta Bast eta Seattle...... S-0 aag taee .. llted pea Stedpat To and froaa St, Paat, , Mtnneanolla. Dvjlntb -. ' . .'. and alt points Beat ' vie Saobaae SrtR era ' StS ea e Oreat Mertbera Staainabre Oa. Balling froaa Seattle lor Jasaa e-d China sorts sod Manila. earrriaeT aae .tensers sad fretgbt... . , TJaheta, Ssptawibei S. . 8. s!'Mlnnea;taV,Ootoeer U." "' , -,v ' BIPPOB TVSBaT KAL"l ', - . I ' - (Japan Malt Bteaanehla Co., S. A Abl Mara will sail freea Seattle ahoal Saptemher d rot Japan a I I Iklaa parta, eerrylag Bsaaaagaes . B.V freight. , . . . . Pot tirkets, eetea. berth seeer.. tlons, etc.. earl ea or sddreaa It. BICKSOB, 0. . T. A.. f r at.. PaetlaaA. fteaaaal Pbeae a a SQtrraTXASTSBW AX' inw. . fne Bet . 1 war, - a a--.-, . aad Pau-f-ako g. g. t e of asf -a,- -ew- e v. A A b)ioa i, k A IS. . S. S. r- i r oi.b-i a..., ... r , .MOKI : port i". S ' From neattis si w Cltr of poeoav. Bee. 7; Partlaad Offloe. Waat a , V, 1 " fava. a . an. ptdAei, a. . EAST- Mi A5eeV Oler-N.iaeMwai Uava. ArHve.