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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
;u;t :i. y.zs popular , , - PEOPLED'-- ; .: FcrCccJ Tea The Wauel 'Basket: f -.a Tiis czl:cx daily: jouh:;al, Portland. ; Friday ev Lcilth and Th other day a, Portland Arm ahlpped to Vladlvoetok, t.000 miles away, . the f Irat 1 conairnment of watermelons for that city.. Until tha arrival of thla fruit tha people of tha Russian city will navar hava known' what watcrmclona look- or tasta Ilka. In this city watarroeiona ara now ao plentiful that they ara chaap enough to eat by va tha poorest- Dur- trie tha past waak or two tbr na been considerable Improvamant In tha qual ity and tha prlea he. f ona downward. A larra par rant of tha preaent supplies of vatarmelone ara rrora uregon pomes. thara being arrivals from Rogue river, Hood River, Tha Dalles and other sec tions. Thus far thoa from the eout hava been tha beat, because ripest, and for thla reason they hava bean htgbeat Cantaloup are now ao cheap that they are almost riven away In tha store. In tha wholeeal ' merkete , tb receipt have never been ao heavy, and a 'con slderabl. amount has gone to waata be- eauee of the Inability of the publlo te take car of them. . .'r " , ' Thla U tha laat warning for you to put vp thoaa peaches for winter. , Suppllee are now at their beat. and It wUI be tha matter of only a day or two before stack will begin to deoreaaa. ana aooa there will be no Craw fords to put up. Price are a a low a they will ro thla eaeon. Thla la the general oplnloa mt tha fruit trade, and the dealer know by experiences Tomatoes are now la better sanely than at any tin during the present season. Local stocks- ax w coasts In very rood shape.' the eases are k Bine; to tncre and tb eater h prove. Price aa alaeoat down to tb bannaa. -Apple r ry cheap for erdlnary , Mock, bat fancy frmlia are stm rather " blah, oa accent of tb great d'aaaad for th. latter.' . Tb marks to w bav emit Ubaral aaDDlle of. aiarea. batb . freea Mead totnU and frees Cbitforabv. and there la also aom npiisMk ta tb Quality. Price (otac dowm. . .V ;i For the best few day to) wlU be able to pure has freah Coraaabia river salmon la tb retail asarketa. bat after that time the colostorag product will be tha only kind for sale. Tb sprtng aummer eeaaoa a the Columbia rtver and ita trlbutarie baa closed and tb pack la not any greater- tbaa a year aro, when the production was ama.ll. Thla will cause oannad salmon prices to remain - very high all through .tba ' winter month. .','."'".',' The agitation for cleaner and purer meats Is causing; dealers everywhere ta fli up their ahopa and purchase only the beet stocks. Several arrest made by the food - Inspector during . the week 1 brought this about, v Moat of the, mar kets hare - always t been selling good meats, says the trade. Freeh pork Is rather ecarce, on account of the very alow arrival of hog In tha kwal -markets. . Weather conditions are rather warm . for successful shipping, and raisers are holding off their ship menta until - the weather get - cooler. There la also somewhat of a scarcity of beat -real, and on thla account price at FARLEY'S HEI1 TO ARRIVE: TODAY D!ived Calm Attitude In San f rancisco Will Be Abandoned , ' ' i,Thle Evening. vSV-.; , Can Francisco, Aug. .11. Th arrival of Farley'a strike breaker tonight V expected to aggravat th preaent com paratively calm attitude of both fac tion of the street railway strike. : All tlforts to bring about arbitration ao far has met failure. - - Preparatlona for housing t.000 strike brakera wa completed this morning, which Include cots, provisions and fir arm a. ..,.., The strike Is proving dlaastrous to the city bualness Interests, which' ar struggling to get on It feet after th fir. A prominent wholeeal broker thla morning predicted that should th trik continue for any length of time many retail merchant now doing bual rs on a credit bad will be forced to th waa - i It 1 reported from authentic union eourcea this morning that ' If th ear trike lasts a week all union In th ' city i will join jln a ympathatle etrlke agalnat the United Railroads. Preal- ' dent Cornelia refused to' confirm this, earing he' did not Intend to ahow hla band Just yet. Cornelius and th mayor acre In conference . at noon over tb It nation. ' . ' . AUTOMOBILE ROBBERS -- SUCCESSFUL: IN RAID , ' Kingston. N. T..'Aug. II.- Automobile robbers mad another deecent " upon Long Ialaad ' this -morning and blew open a - sale at 'Highland poatoffice. They stole $500 In canh and ft tog la stamp.' Myaterloua cottager, who bar been sleeping during th days and mak- - ing long trips In motor cara 'at night, bav attracted attention lately. Renders th bile more fluid and thua , helps tha blood to flow; it afford : prompt relief from biliousness, indi gestion, tick and nervous headache, and overindulgence In food and drink. A t Caldwell. Agt. M. K. T. -R. R., Checotah, Ind. Ter., wrlUs, April It: "I waa sick for 'Over two yeara with en largeraent Of th liver and spleen. Th doctor did me uo good and I had to give up all hof cf being cured, whea . ay drugglat advised me t-se -Herbtna, t haa made me sound and welL" 60a, Woodard. Clarke A Co. . - Posltlrelr ere4 Vy STTERS tbesc MMXtc ruis. They ttoevg Db tresg from Dyspepsia, In dlgestloa aad To Baarty aatlns. A pertectreav edj tor Dtaitaaaf, Kaasea, Diusiuiaaa, Bad Tasts lb tb Hoath. Coated Tonraa. Pain ta tb Bwla, i m MV i in 1 a- i TOnMTD UYXH. Tbar zzr:zi c?:xtit;t.:. IIBtl la .1. WBUVWU.. .... - plentiful enough, but ehotoeat cut ar Harder to get unieaa you pay nviw prlea. ' A r - ka.' kam mAAA to tha v Muvtnvr m wi.wm -. prlc of city creamery butter, and out- aide brands bav advanced in propor tion. A' ahortag In grass for th eowa and th diminishing ot cream supplies me oniy cause.. Egg are becoming very . scareo for strictly fresh rancn stoca, ana ior some of the growera ara aaklng aa ad vance f I cent a -doses. . Borne eastern a.m am tha mrkat. but are selling at about It cents a dosen leas than best Oregon. . : - 4 - .. ' Tha long dry span has cut th produc tion nf nhkin In nnm tO SbOUt half the normal supply, and this la said to account for th high prices Deing aesa in th retail marseio.- Vnt.inx r .nil rather man on ao onnnt r,t . the heavier , demand from a i. air rwiinna ' hirh on . account of t.m. ! ta drv weather, Bgg- plaht U now vary plentiful and price ar low.- Best quality now being shown In th markets. .-- , t lluaiua ana Aamm ta VerT lOW Dtice on account of very good supplies. Large lae and scellnt quaiiiy. R rirm BlarkhorrlVt.:--IPO Pr box; Bucueoarne. ito pouno. . , Fruit Bananas. Wc dosen; lemona. Be dosen; lime. JOe dosen; cherrlea, av. miiiwI- annita 7Scfill.75 box: plums. We basket: pineapples, tMHOo each I -aMiiiMiil two nounda for SSe: grapes. We basket; Casabas, aOflSOo each; figs, t dosen; peaches. 11 box. , Vegetable Ei-g plant, loo - pound: peppers, bell. I2fe0ttc pound; pea, tele phone, a pound: ' atiing beans, three sennas for 15c; cucumber. Ko dosen ; summer equasb, lo pound; -new Cali fornia onion, to pound; rhubarb, to pound: pvtatoea, 1c pound; greea onion. Ke dosen bunches: new carrots, three bunch for to: bead lettuoe, to head; watsrtra , ao; hothouse lettuce, to bead; radishes, te a bunchrr riulinower. 100 ut hail; tomatoea.". lOOUe: ' hotbou. laii lICa WM.nat- I aaw..'-fl a,,-ti. Ka AViaant mushrooms. Mo pound; celery, twe bead Be;- sweet potato, three ' pound - for Be, Freak Fish Halibut. 10o bound' aal- DXTBc; aol. UVrOlBe; black cod. llo; perch. Me; 1 flounders, '10c;- shad, UHof aea trout.' 10c; crabs, Ue each; salmon cheeks. Be dosen; shad ro. Be pound. Ih.,u.:aHll V . aaaaaiaM U tOc put two-pound roll j cooking. Be rou; xresa rancn egaer sve aoaro. Baa..lH. nkl.W.aa a . A t- ncAtl.B aach: .aauaha. 7&o nalr; aftrnte chickens. Bo pound. . BaaaaaMapaMaMaaaMaa i: J FHomairtw Poisoning. This deadly dlaeaae Is lmpoaalbl where frulta, vegetable or pah ar pre aerved In Everlasting Jara, All glass covsra. . Preserve perfectly. . Abso lutely sanitary. Portland retail prices, pint 710, quart 6o, .half-gallons f per dosen, at all grocers. Wadhams Co., wholesale distributor. SOfl'S LIFE Mrs. Sloane Begins Preparations Immediately After Funeral ; - of Husband. . ' - (Special Dispatch ts The Joarasl.) . Spokane, Wash., Aug. II. Th funeral of Jamea F. Sloan yesterday waa pri vate, under the ausplcea of th Elks. Judge H. U Kennan, exalted ruler, read th service. Mrs. Sloan, bar son Lloyd, ad a few friends were present. Mrs. Bloane did not view thd remains, grant ing th request of friends not to do so. After, leaving tha cemetery ah held a coneultatloB with Foster and Wakefield preparatory to a stubborn lg.l battle they ar planning to fight for th life of her eon. It 1 . announced ' that wealthy relative of Mr. Sloane ar en rout frem California, on a brother, a prominent lawyer of San Francisco. Friends of th family ar ateedfaatly adhering to th stand that Sidney Is not degenerate la hi tendencies. They af firm he la a perfectly normal boy, and that th assassination could not bav been don except under a condition Of Inaanlty. , ' ,- . Letters ar expected from professors at Berkeley to prov that h wa a good boy at school, ranked well In his studies and that his moral habits war equal to thob of other college boy. .Th complaint charging young Sloan with th murder of hi father waa' served In th county jail. Th young man calmly heard th reading.. Fred C. Pugh, assistant prosecuting attorney, filed Information ohsrglng murder in th first degree alleging, "that th de fendant, Sidney Bloane, on th 17th of August, loot, in the county of Spokane, tat of Washington, did then and there purposely and of hla deliberate and pre meditated malice kill Jamea F. Sloan, striking, cutting, beating and mortally wounding said James F. Sloane with an ax." , In deciding who -win try th murder ess against Sidney Sloan in th su perior court, the famous gama of gold and blue balls. Invented by Judge Hun eke two year ago, was used. Th blue ball wa drawn and Judge Huneke will try th caa, probably In November. Had th golden ball com first from th bottle the trial would hava fallen to Judge Potndexter. ' Common belief Is fixed that Polndexter -1 th aterner Judge. . '.'. ' Attendant of th Jail say Sidney ha a good appetite, and eata tha regular paaosvrr ei- given Treed om - of two connecting cells on tha second floor of th JalL It 1 clear ' th young man 1 beginning to fully realise bis position. Ha wept yesterday whan Mr. Will Oravee visited hlra, and also when hi mother called. . Except member of th famtlyT or , thos accompanying them, call era ar refused admission, on direc tion of th prosecuting attorney. - INCENDIARY STARTS ' 7 TWO FIRES IN SALEM I "J ("peehl IHspatefe to The Jenraal.) Illlm. Alia, tl Ta .1 KL.. out In Salem laat night inald of half " nonr, ona in Partington ' meat mar ket on Stat street and th aecond a half hour later la t. N. Sbants' second-hand tore on Court Street. Charles Tt. Ful ler dlecnvered the first fir about It o clock and promptly turned In th alarm and th fir department had tb bl"ee-jet!na"utehed hr few momenta. A- Thomas, one of tha proprietors of th California bakery, discover tad th fir In th aecond-hand ator adjoining hi place ant aauniiarf k. ...t In company arrived in time U put out WILL FIGHT FOR :, trwmerly raiaisfs.1 ' ; . Wu&LEtaLE AX'3 6S0CEI ml. X. MS Third's ear, fetferssa. ' ' Bis Storw of Uttl Prlc. ' roiaLOwnr nion irrii bati tov m 0V ITIIT DOUAJL, aVAUTT VAlAaTX scnrn.T.nrot but BAXiiig nvnn la till, m lb ...Me 9BT O k AWIATIO gUSAS, JKS IAOX..M.00 wriTEii pit eiAmins oais POAk. Rt BACX M.N M IBS. WEiTEBB DBT BAJTuXATU OABI IVOAB , U.a pas afsgsolls elessed enrsata ......... pkss aew grswa seeded randos I lbs aew 1 stows knee ateeeateie Mb eaa Roral asking eewdsr 40s Oesse b Ruekwell's eUre olL at bsttls..o I lk ekf Ami A BsaiaMr seda ..... 1-gsl eea fsary taale syrap.. ....... .a. ..a. H-gal eaa fssey teble srniB...............Bat eareaded Wheat blscalt. see afeg .....10 ?'.ner Etrly Jnoe Pees, per So. ......... ..0t S bars Boral Sitob mi a.,a., ........ ...SSe T esse beat H sardine la Oil. .............. XVt Hb caa .pare Ur4. ............. ....See 10-lb caa pare Urd a. l.l Cove ersters. 1-lb eaae, solid, set oe tl 00 n-w nam. m-im pss, pw psg.....,.,o..,.ius nmuri CDEWmi, PW IV aa..........a.lV Hrd-wkMr aoer, per meh Beeteb eats, per pkg .aa,........a-....,10e Postaia ewvaL per pkg ............ ...... .to y.ll's Nsptas sesp. per bar .....a.. ....,.. BMt soft-wbeat floar. per seek ....11.00 Java Mocae exitt ramiar soei ........ass u box soda eraeKers (a Dot. I is la) .......sot Kasltah Breakfast tee. PT B .............10 rswda Bl-ralt. see ........... SprrllT. too boms of Ifaseet taaadrv seep, loo eers to pes. per sex... IWIIverlos Tmadara non haib aoa. aad meaya. OXA MMUABZM Dalles Diamcud floor baa never failed to pi eaae. It ha al ways been the standard for family use. Ask your grocer. . , . -ai mm Y-1 M"t TrII ' ( The Original XMaatoad Brand. R. He QUTHRIE Portland R(C 111 Ablngton Bldg. Phone PaclBo IttL '. Eggs! Eggs!! Eggs, dosen .................. ..2S Best Creamery Butter.... B5 and QO Dairy Butter ...407 nd & Beat 8ugsr Cured Ham.. 1T Breakfaat Bacon '.,......1T Full Cream Che, lb.Y. ........ .1B4 Swlaa Cheeaa, lb......,.-, 2S Cream Brick, lb 201 Llmburger Cheea. each 8B Saturday Chicken Day. Chicken, 18 and 174 lb. All good retaUed at wnoleeal prlc. LA GRANDE CRE AMERY m ta: the fir before any damag was done. . Th origin of these fire la unknown and th polio and firemen bellev they were both of Incendiary origin. . . . ONE FRENCHMAN IS INSURANCE COMPANY . , 1S A i . , . ,. . 1 ' ' (jearaal gpeelal Service.) ' ' Paris, Aug. II. It I a fact that cannot- be- denied that th most extra ordinary charlatan and adventurer th world na known . hava hailed from France. There 1 on now In Pari who, according to-al record, may claim a place . with - th most clever and no torious of hi : class. This Is a man named Laparre, - who ha - Juat been placed on trial 'for forgery, bigamy, fraud and Illegal wearing of decoration. Th evidence goo to show that he ha posed a Russian prlnoe, a Polish count, a French general, and an Amer ican millionaire. He began life aa a common soldier and rose to be sergeant, major. Then leaving th army he be came successively schoolmaster, book agent, fruit merchant,'' building con tractor, church organist, mine manager and eventually Insurance company dlW rector. Th company consisted of nim elf . alone, but before that fact was brought to light ha had secured many thousand of dollars. In bis various Impersonations he la said to have mar rled-li.womeiv soma. Six of whom have com forward to glv evidence agalnat him. . Laparre speeks eeversl language, and what - makes his conviction moat difficult Is th fact that h haa de veloped th art of facial alteration to Townsend & Van Schoonh oven '-' ' - Wholesale snd RetsQ Grocers !; : r 147 FIRST STREET steady on price then yon will ee why tma trad aa Uirisiii. eu ffsoaa ar f ta klgkeet goality aad w lvllnaw a oaparlaea wttn tn Snast that an be fonnd tn aay gtor. , Fresh Gcamenr Batter.. ,.50c Fancy Geimerf Batter ....... .5 5c Oregon Ranch Egj-s, 2 dozen 55c We get our egge from the farmer, but ter from th creameriesdo middleman. Croe dt Black well Lucoa Oil. qt...6S Cross Rlackwell chow, H plnt.r.20 H. O. Oata . XOj 1 can good Peaohas or Apricots... lBf Standard tomato i. ...lOf I cana-orn, pea or string beans.. 25 Evaporated cream, I aans for... 'r - , i ' ' is&k..uof' Portland's Popular Purveyors nrttg.Tty.ers: Portland SATURDAY'S BARQAIN COUNTER 2 LBS.' GRANULATED SUGAR.'. . . A . . 91.00 gQ LBS. NW POTATOES .25? 8 CANS OIL SARDINES. .25 8 PACKAGES TOOTHPICKS 25 10 LBS. YELLOW CORNMEAL. . 1 SACK GOOD FLOUR. IS r 5 DOZEN CLOTHES PINS 3 QUART BOTTLES OP CATSUP .25 Drolls toilet-paper. alo? 1 PACKAGE POSTUM 20 8 CANS ANY KIND SPICE. 25 , g CANS ANY KIND OF CREAM . . . . . ........... 15d 8 LBS. OF RICE............. .............210 These Prlcieii for Saturday OnlySpecial Delivery V HONEST VAUU8 HONEST MBA8URB r MONBST WBIQrlT . , New Yoirk rar.iet & Grocery; Phon.Et46o' G0CCCIE5 II lb. Sugar H. B...........9I.OO 100-lb. Sack Sugar... '........f 4.T5 T lb. Wl)lt Bean..........a6 T lbsJPln Beans...; ......S5 10-lb. Sack K. JP. fittnir. . . . . .f l.lO 10-lb. Sack S. D. FloW. ....... ,9SV ' 10-lb. 8ack o t. C Maal. :....S5 10-lb. Sack W- C Meal. . . . . .. .'.XSf t BotUea CaUup,... ....... ..,.2Ba) S Bottles Helns French If usUrd 25a) t Bottl Stuffed Olive.....'... 10f 1 BotU Mixed Plokle... ...... 104 It Bars Savon Soan.. ......... 2S t lb. O. D. Blended Coffee...... 20f 1 lb. NwTork Moeha Java i Coffee .....2B 1 lb. B. F. Japan Tea...........2S FRESH CHINOOK SALMON 10c a Piciund ' FRESH CHICKENS 18c a Pcwvd Shipment of Salted Eel Arrived - - 15c a Porond Columbia Fish Co. Third and Ankeny Phone Main 5 Rainier Market ' Freah meats always on hand aad prloos within the reach of alL .. Fresh Ranch Eggs, do.,.. 304 Best-Apples, box. . . r. . . rr;.80 rrn jar noney......vs; af OUf Fresh - Fish very Weaneday-rrlday. FsH Brssssd Okloksn Sataany. . BaStar, Bgga and Chases. . '.',';.-.,.; MX.VM, .it: : , 17th and Savlcr Sis. COOLER;; Weather now here and w long for an other finer PRIME, RIB ROAST OF BEEF. ; , . CENTRAL MARKET dafTfurnlah It,' or any kind Of ROASTS, STEAKS. CHpPS OR STEWS, FISH, POULTRT or GAME.- ; - KltidoriBrQthers MO Crraad Ar. 41S. such an extent a to mak Identification alraoat Impossible. . . 1-lb. can baked Beana. ........... ..54 1-lb. pkg. Arm and Hammer soda... 6 Naptha eoap, for..'.,... ...SS bar Cryatal Whit Laandry soap.25 1 lb, Engl I ah breakfast tea. .15 1 lb. Gunpowder tea 2fti 1 aack Beat Valley flour. ..... ..f l.OO 1 sack good hard wheat flour aOf 1 sack best hard wheat flour ' (patent , . . ; ,r,i i.-,t,,r,IU9 1 bottl Worcestershire. Sauca, iso sis i.lOd 1 lb. whole nutmegs 86 East Sid delivery Tneaday and Friday. Xnwm saAin 1211. I? ..25t .....T..5 - 8 a -r-ciVtri ""'' "eSar!! 1 477-479 WLLIAM3 AVC MCAT0 Caadquerters for Hop Pickers Table Supplies Lowest market price Sid Baoon, Lard, Breakfast Bacon, Salt Pork. 'Sausag.. y (-.. . .,.. Chickens . . .17c A fan stock Prim Natlv Meat. Veal, Pork,. Lamb, Mutton. Beef. FISH -:ri" I lb. Halibut Steak SB) I lb. Salmon SteaaT.;i:...,..aBa) ' Smalt, pr lb......,v.C. 5f : MEATS ? QROCERIES IFELILOWSGK C0MPAR1Y 349 and 351 Oak St Phone Main 2598. 348 and 350 Ankenj Si Quality the Best and Qoaplity the r,!ost 1 Are you going to join the crowd at the hop fields? If so, and you want a bill of Groceries, Fellows is the store that can supply your wants at the least possible cost. Remember, we hare one of the best Meat Markets in the city and can supply you with , everything you may want for your Sunday dinner ' w A Few of Gii Regular Prices Best Fancy Creamery Butter,-per roll. ..1. . . ; . . . . . . . .50t 12 Cans Deviled Ham. . . .45V 7 Cans American Sardines.25 1 Can Baker's or Ghiradelli's ' Cocoa ... ... . ,20 1 Pkg. Tdstum or Fig 1 Prune ..20e 10 Cans Star Cream (10c size).... ....... 60 1 Caii Eagle Milk....... .15 Rose City Flour, Jbest in the CEYLOW TEAS. A : ' DIRECT. PROM The Great Hit of The Cheapest -JTe to Buy- T fa 5 S I I No. 1 Ceylon and India 1-lb. can. T5. No. I C. and I., t IK,.S)8 ' No. 1 Ceylon and India H-lb. can, 40. No. t a and t, H Ib...3S joio ar ALL GROCERS.. A. H. Willett & Co. Wliolcsolc and Retail Grocers ;il " THB HOUSE OF. QUALITY", Remember Our Motto "Promptness 2nd Quality" Our interests are your interest, so let us serve you. it. please both in price and quality and once served by us will always bring you back for another order. . , . ' . 120 GRAND AVEINUE T NEAR EAST MORRISON PHONE EAST S3 MEATS 'Visit Oar r.!ect D2F:rtr.:Rt ' And See Everything for Saturday at Reduced Pricea. Cn. Yttn: '$3 lb. E. B. Ta. .' ... . ; . .0 1 lb. G. P. Tea. . . . ... . . . .v.3 1 lb. N: C. Japan Tea. .5 7 Cant Deviled Ham. . . . r. ,25 18 Bart Royal Soap. . ... . . .25 8-lb. Box Soda Crackers. . . .25) 10 lbs. Rolled Oats. . . . . . . , ,S5c to Any Part of the City Phone Eauat 4GO FRUITS VEGETACLES : We Hew No liesltatlea In sarlng. w carry th largeat atoot -of hlgb-clasa freah frulta 'on tba east aide Call and see. Basket Tokay Orape........'. ,SO li-lb. Box Fancy Prune...,.. 80 . Fancy Larg Bartlett Paara, - " par . dosen -v., ,.,t.....lBe -It-lb. Box Bartlett Paars......60 10-lba. Fancy Apples .....28 Fanoy Solid Tomato, per lb....6 , Larg Pumpkins, each.. ........ Bf , Fancy Cucuaaber. i for....... ,S iLarg Summer Squash, aB.,.ftf Orn- Peppers, par lb ....10- Bvreet Potato, par lb..........6 Bananaa, Lemons, Peacbe , . Carrots, Tumlpa, Beeta, 4 buachea for ...Bf tl-lb. Box Klbert Peaches for ' - canning.. ,,...........l,9Ss) MEATS GROCERIES' X 3-Ib. Bos Crackers. . . . .20eV ,1 8-lb. Box Crackers..... 60 7 lbs. best Eastern Rolled v Oats ... ... . ; . ...25 1 Pitg. Scotch Oats,.....10f 10-lb. Seek Graham Flour 25 f . 10-lb. Sack Yellow or White . ? Cornmeal . ........ . .25 city at any price, sack QLIB THE GARDENS the Portland Fair 1 One Pouri& t ': IquihJhree :.:;''Ccy!cn Peculiarly nefreahlns. Sealed Packsts Only.' Qosset ca Devera BeaatUaUr located la PortUnd. Oregon, . mmw ansarpaassa isciiuiee lor tha cul- mr sod dacatloa ei yeaag weaiea..,,, Special pportaaltles la Music. Art. LunHH aad Liter- Stare. Well equipped Pbrsical and Cbealcal Lss rateriea, Herberiaa. aad Mineral Cabinet Th braest aad oldest Ladles' Seminary la the Pads Northwest, it eaters a national reputation for lav -aartiag th beet physical. BMBtal aad moral trala- -sag aad develeplag true weaisnheoa. Eqalpa socially aad educationally ier the stoat exalted statioa. Coofars Academic aad Collegiate Degrees by State Authority. Iaterieraace with, coavfetioas '' iaea-CstheUcslsacrupaleusly avoided. Academy is ideally located, astid Inspiring scanic adTaa- tagea. Social epportanities sack a ar available ' la a ether city ea the Coast. Buildings large and ceniai odious. well-Itch ted. heated aad ventilated: , doraitoric aad private rooast euaplied with all ssodera caaveoieaee. Tha instltatiea la liberal aad progressive without saerinciag tha character ., sad traditions oi age aad achleyesient Terms ' Ssadaat Sattsiactery refereacae reqaired. Write to -aaaoaaceaieot booklet. Beard aad tuition tl 80 par -gear. AdereesMetsf Superior. St Maa'sAcBdea.r . PORTLAg D, 0RE00W, U.S.A. Since Tn -School nuu Pmccs tov m a 000s Totmcnu- 111 CUS:rtEC3 CCLLII WAfH. e TENTH STS. PCRTLANDb ORXOON Writ Direct to Principal Boom lid. PORTLAND ACADEMY Portland Oregon , utk nus wzu. om sxrs. xt. ; Fit boy and girl for Xastera nasi Wee tern college. . . . - laoinda a primary and HDOW. Boardlna' hall for girls affordinar tha aomfort and ear of a refined horn. A limited number f boy wUI be re oelved Into th hom of on of th la struotors. . .,' :",. x ... Offlo hours during th Summer jfrom ; a. m. to It as. For catalogue writ to th . addraaa given above. . Columbia University Unjvertitr Psrk, Portland, Orefon. 1 Gatsical, scientific, commercial and grammar grade courses. Apply . for ; catslogue. ..- .j TOE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCHOOL Corner Bast Twelfth and Salmon atreeti Prepare pupil for college and technic school. Sixth year begtna September .1. For catalogues addreaa TEE ALLEN PREPARATORY SCCOOL 9VTAMOr- OSIvtV- Frank L.Smith FJeatCb. LAldarBt. Soath Firs St, r th Bridge. Beef Trust" Eat Smith's meats, Th Standard Of Purity.". Smith's meata bav been examined by Stat Food Commissioner Bailey and have been pronounced abo lutslr pur. Smith 1 th only whole eal a butcher and pacner in th city who do not uee preeervatlvea nor adultera tion in any form. , I ; . ' Porterhous Steaks ........ ,,..18d Tenderloin Steaks Sirloin Steaks .; Small Prim Rib Steeka ..12H0 Large Prim Rib Steaka.. 10 Rotind , Steak ....lOS Fin Shoulder Steak. tii Beat Pot Roast. 80 Fin Bpil Beef.............. 6a) Best Stew Beef 60 Plat Cuts Beef.. ............. .....5 BrUket Beef ......f... .5 Corn Beef ...,..a..................6 Rolled Roast Beef ..........,....10 Lean Rosst Mutton . st Mutton for boiling...., 6e Mutton for luw,....,., ,...5 Loin Roast Mutton 18tt Loin Mutton Chops. 12H Rib Mutton Chop .......12Hj Shoulder Mutton Chops. .10 Lean Roaat Veal... 10$ Breast Veal Roast. ........ 10) Veal Stew 8d Veal Chop 1 ,.t..l.H Leg Veal-.. 18 He Hamburger Steak ...............10 Pork Sauaag ...,j ......10 Frankfort Sauaag , . . 10 Bologna Sauaag 8 ' BreakTaat Bacon ..t..l7H Pur Lard t.....lf THE ; HIGHEST GRADES of coffee roasted; IN THE ( Fighting the JgIguaoaes?rj AT YOUR GROCERS.