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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1906)
ll, rcr.TL., rniDAY cvz::i::3. august si. 1 LailLe..J bJe.U : SEDI-FlilULS " imt UL.. Considerable Cpccutxtion at !ry )ntfton Rttrtfnj Who Shall i Wilson's Cala Unsil to Up Paca? VVIth Htrd-HIttiff2 ' Win tS4 Honors. .Glanti.-" -,jLi TURNER' 13 CZFZATED t . ; BY CLEVER FARRELL caufp3 curve3 wsr ; Of puzzuno variety Bertram. Ia Lucky Man of.Tflgny Locals Becamd au Hittlnf Terms ment, Playing: but nro. jaatcneajro lUadTFtoata Wklrahm aj Bel- nine and WaDopei Him for Eight tlni BwfrScott aa Jtaisy.-V ....... ; -'", .!,. Runa In Four $eaaionr Th Scora. r r Tha Handicap" atnglea, tha biggaet mat to th Irvlagtoa tournament, has prog t th semi-finals la two of th tout "oart,- and it loou very much as If a lower olaas player will win tha cup offered by Mr. Fiaher. The two men to reach, tha aeml-aaala or Bsnham aad - FarreU. Beaaam la rataft at ewe 4-4 and FarreU at rooeive -l. Three of tha four play bandi caped heavier than owa it hav - baaa defeated. Tha fourth la MaoBWaln, the Stanford ohamploa, who, an account of necessary trip oat of town, haa boon compelled oo far to play bat twloe. H moat win-twice f mora would bo reach tbo eeml-nnals and must dsreat flrst Andrews and than Maekle, ' Bellinger want oat of tbo handicap aingica on tha flrat day, beaten by Ma i Swain. Wtckeraham wait' eat Uio third day, beatea by Ferris, a new man In town.' Who waa given a bi handloap under tha mleooneeptlon that ha waa a " beginner at tha Kama, when, aa ft mat- - tar of foot, ha bad baaa aa intercollegi ate champion. Taatarday Turner, ,P lav ing from owa It -, waa defeated by " FarreU, receive man, , ;,-j.v :i ' -t .Vanatra CrodoV Work... - Mo ateadier game haa ad -far" boon aaen In tha ainglaa than- that put up by .F.rrell. Ha continually hit tha back llnd with hla loba and by that means kept hla -opponent la tha back court. With tha aoora i-t agalnat him, 1ft tha Drat est. Turner made a hard try am pulled up to 4-4 and 19 all, but after overcoming bia handicap lot tha game and aat 14 tha next aat Pdrrell won every Kama, playing fully aa steadily aa Turner and nearly aa feat, and thereby " making good hla handicap. A look at ' back aooraa abowa that rarroll baa won all hla other - matehea with Surprising ease. H flrat mat Matlaa and, playing 'on even.terma, beat him -, -0., He than mat Baler and. airing t-f.. beat him 4-1, -o. Ha will naat moat the "winner of tha Tarrioook match, which la aobedulad for I .a'alook thla aftar noon , , . . . ' a i 4 j ' Benham' rot1 Into tha aaml-flnala br 'defeating Wilbur. Benhant haa boon the luckjr man of tha tournament. 'Drawing bye la tha flrat place, he waa warded hla flrat match on tha default of Lead better. It waa therefore only iteceaaary for him to gat two matehea ; to reach tha aeml-flnala. , .v.'...1- l:2'?:;: I'.- Vaiag of Tourney. .''.".,, Macawatn la book, and wUl be aeon , In both altiglea and double. .-.-.'. Tha ladiea ainglaa ohamplonahip bo gaa yeeterday. MUo- rordtng beat Mra. ale)L -..-..'.- ' .,-!-( .. .It la,ilkalr that two or aeo.flnala win no played Monday- nesa. : ..- r Tha arandatand contlnuee to orerflow. The .match between .. BalUncer , and ' Wlckeraham and Scott and ' Raley waa , ' lota of fun- .- j. .(- Vv, ' . Both Wlckeraham and Bellinger are sow out of the atlsed doabiea-aa wail aa tha handicap ainglaa. - .....The Irrlngton olub'a ayatonvof handl- veaplng .plaoea .. nearly 100 par oent - boarlar odda agalnat ft player of the ; flrat claaa than would bo placed agalnat ' blm In handicap tournamenta In - aome other plaeoa, Ban rranciaeo, for in atanoe. , t..v . . . ' Toatorday eoea, , - v t - Mlaed Doubloa Mlaa Moore and Dr. - Barber beat Mlaa Schaefer and Wicker- aham T-i -10. -. Men'a Double Wlekeraham and Bek- linger beat Scott and Baler -!, T-i. ' -Men'a Single Boaenfeldt beat Caw eton -, a-lj -Farrell boat Turner 4, -0; Ferrla beat Barber -!, Benham beat Wilbur T-f, . Ladler glnglee Mra. Lockwood boat Mlaa Bohaefer. - Mlaa root beat Mra. Judge -4, 4-t, T-I. , Lafliea' Champlonahtp Mlaa ' Fording beat Mra. Raley $-4, a-1. - - -j. . . Ladiea Doublea Mra. Baley and Mlaa Schaefer beat Mra. Lockwood and-Mlaa Sou i.e. t-1. .- : t , - Voaay'a Sobednla.' 'I- "19 a. m. Mlaa Qray ra. Mra. North , 11 a. m. Mlaa Campbell tb. Mlaa Fok. t p. ra. Mra. Lockwood 'ra. Mlaa Heltahu. 4 p. m. Mra. BaJey and MflAlpln a Mlaa Caratena and Scott; McSwam va. Andrew. .... p. m. Mra. Northrup and Flahef ra. -Mlaa Moor and Barber! MeSwatn and Turner ve. Warren and trlTely; Cook ra. . Ferrla. ..-. , , -, RACING SUMMARIES AT 4 BUTTE AND SEATTLE J 'l v . mHl tMepateh to Tbo Jnernel.) -.-Butt, Mont., Aug. , tl. Race aum marys . - 1:10 trot, aUkea 11.000 Robbie Mo- Oragorwon In throe atralght heat a. Johnny K. aaoond, Keer Guard third; time. l:ie4, I:I4H and 1:184. -i 1:09 pace Mlae Oeorgi won - aeeond and third heata In l:0IH "and i:0tu. Jib won flrat heat la 1:094. MUo alao tarred. ';: .-. . .-. Selling, fle furlonta Ooddeea of Night won, Tin Loch aeeond, Michael Mulvaney third; tlma, 1:01. . riva furlong Red Ruby won, Caaa aeeond, Nanon third) tlma, 1:014. , Fire and one half furlong -Tom o etiloht won, Alman Boy- aeeond. Beauti ful and Boat third; time, 1:074. " . Selling, mile Pearl Driver ' won, Flourlah aeoond, Baldo ' third;, tlma, v ,::'.,;.,.! ' ' : At ioatua, - -' ;;. ' (ipeelal Dlipateh te The ?onnwl. t Seattle. Aug. 11 Teaterday at the Meadowa: : " Fir furlong PlmkUl won, Ella True aeeond, Mra. Matthewa third; tlma, 1:014;. - '...,- Seren furlonfa Silurian won,' 0. W. Tuthlll aeoond. Lurene third; timai 1:MM. -'" Beven furlong Paddy Lynob won, Mlmo aeoond, Redmont i third; - time, 1:T. Five ahd en balf furlong & M. ttrattaln won. Sua Chiiatlan aeoond, Elfin King third; tlma, 1:07..' Fire furlong Entre Nou ' won. Soundly aeoond, Tltua IL third; tlma, 1 One mile Dora L won, Merry-2o- 'Bound aeeond, - Legal Form third; tlma, 1:41. ' . -' . ' r . ' One mile and to yrd J. C Clem Won, Atklna aeeond, Bolomaa third; time, lift. , , . : t Forfland , San Franolaob 1. ' Batterlea Callff nd Donahue) Brown. Jfltldebrand and Sploa. That m between tha Olaota and Seal might )uat aa well be rubbed off th glar ao far a good baaebaU I con cerned,' After Wedneaday'e corking oontetet, when Benderaon and Ultt ahown to euch aplendld advantage, It waa thought that the matehea would oomtlnua to Improve, but, aad to relate, yesterday' - exhibition waa enough to give tvn" bard-footed Doo Aaderaon a. pain In hla big left toe. IV waa too aeaided to be even ludloroua. The plain truth la that tha SeaJa are not tha aura that ther wera heralded to be. The lack apeed on baaea. excepting MohlerJ the field and alow aa a molaaaea atream at the north, pole.. WUltama and Mohlor play good ball, but the reat pf the crowd need, injeetlona of ginger to, make them atep lively.. . , .v., :!,.v i " ... Really,- Portland fan war made , to believe that - the Seala war wonder, that they would awoop. down upon tha poor little Olanu aad aat them up la the flrat Inning of every game, but,, and to relate; we wera -misinformed. . In throe eoateata thla-week tha localg ran away from the allppery 'floala. The rla Itora didn't have a chance . They may crltlclae the umpere. they, may kick up aeedleea, doat. yet they know la their owa heart that PortlandV eU- la too much for them: ' t ',, ' -' Brown atarted to pitch for the vis itor yeaterday and received The friend Heat kind of a. recaption. In -tha ver naoular of every-day a port," he got hla. Jimmy McHal,: first up, amaahed Out a double. Sweeney sacrificed, and In fielding tha ball Brown tried to throw It over to Irvlngton, aoortng MoHale and allowing Btllie Sweeney to -perch On third.- Mike Mitchell swished one to a fa grouad and BlUla ooored. ; Mo Cradl puahed Mlka to aoeonon ft sao rtftoe. Jud Smith took pity and struok OuC " ' ., - ,: ' : Ftmrarka lm ha Whlva. . ' :, J'Charll Moor, who afterward broke1 on or hla fingers, round ft curve to hla special, liking aad biased it afar' for tw baa. - scoring Mitchell. ... Donahue ended the deal by flying to Spenoer. There waa nothing .doing In tha aeoond. but the third eaw a flash of . fireworks. Sweeney singled and MltOheU sacrificed and Charlie Irwtn throw1 the ball ttt tha direction of Taooma, resalUng la two mor runs. : . ,, ..'' In. the fourth inning Brown received a terrific pummellng, . three Atlanta scampering . home. n At .- this - -painful atage Wllaoa- waved -Brow a to left garden, and called 'HUdy" to th firing line. In thla Inning Spies got in Mo- amirm way near trie .put and the Seal catcher waa given a -aevere Jolt, finally landing- on' his nose. Of course his nose bled. - HUdy- stopped the slaughter, MIQphell scored In tha sixth oa a peaa, a bit aad- Spies' arror. v- t ., .; , , . f Th , Seals' only tally came la' the eighth, on three hlta. The gam waa a tireaome affair, and ther waa a aigh of relief when It waa over. Th aeorei ".'": ban Francisco,' Spencer, c. .i....... 4 1 ( 0 .1 Wheeler, as. .S...... , 4 1 f Mohler, 2b. ., I Hlldebrand, If. ...... 4 Irwtn, lb. 4 Williams, lb. ........ 4 Walthour. rt ...... a Spies, o. ..4 Brown, p. .......... ( 0 1 Totala . ......... ..M, 1 I 14 T - , ; Portland. - .,- " ; :,J, ' . . ..''' : - AB.K.H.IKX A.R McRale, ef. , i 11 t a 0 Sweener, ss. 4 11 I t 0 Mitchell, If. I t 1 0 1 MoCredie, rf, ........ 4 I 1 ' 0 1 Smith, tb. , I 0. 0 r Moore, ttv .,..,..,. I t 10 10 Donahue, o. ,. 4 1,1 0 Lister, lb, 0 10 0 0 Callff, p. ....,,,., 411 0 if 0 Henderson, lb. ...... t i ' t I l-I 'Totala ...... .15 "T Hi IT 11 "i SCORI2 BT INNINGS, r . , : ' San Francisco ... 0 0 0 0 0 1 01 Portland " '11 !j 0 1 I i 1 0 0 i I Hlta . ..7T...i 0 1 I 1 1 1 1 11 r- ' -8TJMM ART. ' Struck out By Brown, : by Callff, 4. Base on balls Off Callff, i. Two-base hit MoHale. Three-baee hit MoHale. Double plays Sweeney, to Lister; Hen derson to Sweeney to Lister; Wheeler to Williams. Sacrinoe bits Mohler, Swee ney, Mitchell, Lister, MoCredl. Stolen baaea Spencer, Mitchell, MoCredie. Hit by pitched bait Walthour. Flrat base on errors San Francisco, 1; Portland, t. , Left on base San Francisco, 7; rortland, t. Innings pitched By Brown, 1-1; by Hlldebrand, 4 l-. Base hit Off Brown, T; off Hlldebrand, i. Time of game One hour and 80 mlnutea. Umpire Mahaffey. . , , -" National league. ' ; ' -' a'' . ' Won. Chicago ............. 1 Pittsburgh , . 74 , New York . .....,.., .74 1 Philadelphia . ........ .14 Cincinnati. . ......... SI ' frooklyn ............ .45 L Loula ,..... 45 Boston , . ,.40 , Lost. 4t . PC. ,T4 .44 .(II .4(4 ill .til At Chloago. V .V ;;V- i Chicago -X :;.,,;'.-t. Cincinnati , . 0 ! Batteries Taylor and Moraty: Firaser and 8c h lei. Umpires Johnsvoie . and Emsll. ' , . ' St. Louis a is i Pittsburg . , , I 1 ft Batteriee Karger and Marahnll; Lt- nw.i . rnnpyi, tt ii.t. mil a wioson. vm pire Klem. ' . t :".-JlJ!'.,.: . At Ifroa'tiya.' Boaton ...I 14, t Brooklyn . . .......... ........l 11 Batteries Lindaman and O'Nell: Scanlon, Strloklett, and Bergen. Umpire ..Flrat giuno-rT' fc. new xorK , .0 ...0 I 1 nwaaeipnia :ui.M.iyii . ...... , I , I . e Batterlee .wathewaan and nA.rmi- WtA . m A Sperke and Donovan. . , ;. j- nsuuno aJ31 R.H. a New Tor k 1.10 Philadelphia . , ,..,...,,.,... Batterie McOinhlty and Bownrmaa; Duggleby wnd aava Umpires Con way, aad OKay, - - . .. . ' " ;. '-',. ;'r'L;,: - ' ' . ' ..,-.. , i -. i f I . " . '.',,! - . k-M HALL ' "il J hj$ )Jl ' - ' COMPLETE SHOWING OF I'S fPS I ij if ! NEW CREATIONS IN MEN'S 4 1 " WM$$ J h' , . FASHIONABLE APPAREL; Mr 4w-' '-' C- P. BISHOP - P7 . .. ft ; m : -. " -87 third : wjml ' :5! I ?r - THE STORE WITH THE OPEN WINDOWS Jf FUTURITY IS FOR TOrslORROW i .i : .... ' - f. ........ '. .;, . Biggest Stake of trie Season Will Be Contested for at Sheeps - head Bay.--;- IMMENSE CROWD IS EXPECTED AT THE TRACK Event JVill Bt, Run Oyf tha Six- Furlongs Straight Courae and Faat ' eat Two-Yer-Oldi In Country W1H " Comptta Uit of Staxtera.' (Joerael Speetal aervtea.) v'Kaw York, Aug. IL The great Fu turlty, worth about 161.000, will be ran over tha slx-furlong straight course at Shepahad Bay tomorrow. Tha pre dictions are for favorable weather, and th Coney Island Jockey club antici pates an attendance, of. at least (0,000 persona. ' -" Tha Futurity la tha largest stake of fered In this country. It is not an old event, but Is the precursor of a num ber of similar large stakes, like tha Matron and Brighton Produce. None haa attained the celebrity of th Fu turity, however, which has - come to moat race followers outside, tha regular track oontlngent to be the one race of the year, to rank at least with tha Suburban and Brooklyn handicap aa an event to be watched at all coeta. The stake waa started In 1I8S,- and tha Tory first la deemed In noma ro epecta the beat of th ' series, when Prbctor Knott defeated the mighty 81- ' - erase eatsnoA. fter W. L, Riley, LL. D.r Cuba, New Tork, writea: "After fifteen days of excruciating pain from' aelatlo rheuma tism, wnder various treatmenta, I was Induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment: the Brat application giving my flrat re lief aad the aeoond entire relief. -I can rlv It unqualified recommendation. Ie Oo. 11.00. Woodard. Clark dt Co. - vator In a great race and won a fortune for hla owner, who waa accounted a poor man to be la auch company. The race In lltl, when Hi Hlghnee de feated Torkvllle BeUa and Dagonet. was another on to be remembered. In 1811 Domino and Dobbins were the con tendere, beginning then their remark able rivalry tor turf honora. Ia HIT eame th greatest surprise of tha : series, whea L'Alouett captured the etake an titter outsider, wholly unregarded by tha wise ones In turf form. Since then colts Ilk Ballyhoo Bey, Solvable, Hamburg Belle and Art ful have captured the stake, fully re warding the hope of th atudenta of form. The probabl field of starters, weights. Jockeys aad prices follows: Horse and Jockey. , weight. Odd Okenna, joneo Paumonok, Henneeeey ,,..- Convllle, Miller Ballot, Wlahard .......... lit 11T 117 ; 1 .10 'I ll-l ia-i n-i hi to i I i to 4 tl IK Pour Paa, Coohraa ........ lit rope Jwn, nwe ........ 11 lit Orlmaldl, Koerner Tankea Gun, Nottr.,..,.. 11 Mcuintr, . ..I Oran, Martin Chartea Edward, Lyne .... Water PoarV Horner ...... D Mund, Finn ......... ,i Pursulane, Olandt W antursk - Olrl. Wllliama .. . Tanks Olrl. Hlldebrand... 11T . AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost. PC. Chicago . ...iiiiiiir.Tt 4t .01 Philadelphia ..,..( .10 !55 New Tork . .......... .44 - 41 Cleveland . . II . 11 St Louie . ....,,0 , 44 .( .140 ,tl .471 .1(1 .101 Detroit . .......... . .11 . . o ' is ia w..hlnton .. i 4( Boston . ...It . , x A Bofttoa. v-; Boatoa . ...(.,............. J 0 Philadelphia . . .........I r 4 Batteries Winter and Carrigan; Dy- tert. Cooms, WaJdell. Powers and cttreck, ' . .. '. At aw Tork, .. First gam . . B. IL II New Tork ..... ...... .,...,. I Washington . . ..... ... ..... I Batteries DoyU and Klelnow; Patten and Warner, , ' i ' aeoond game 10 lnnlnga. R. H. B. Waahlngton . . ... 11 1 New Tork . ,,..,.... 14 I Batterlea Kltson, Smith, Waksfleld anov Warner: Barger, Hogg, MoOulr and Thomas. ... ,t - . -t' NORTHWEST LEAGUE. ', At SaakaaMb " - ' Betterlea Tonaeaoa, Brlnkei and BoetUgerj Blexrud, Rush and Stanley, ''V.; ',";-.V;. ' :.','','. "v YESTERDAY'S DOINGS AT READVILLE AND SARATOGA (lenraal Speelsl Swvlee.l ' Readville, Mass., Aug. II. Grand olroult results: t:0l class," pacing; parse 1 tttO. di vided 1120 each heat Oratt won three straight heata In 1:0IH, 1:014, S:4!H. 1:11 claaa. trotting; puree tSIO, di vided 111 each' heat Mack Mack won two atralght heat In 1:01, 1:09; El Milagro won tha third heat la I:0K. 1:11 claaa, trotting; purse 1940, di vided 1110 each heat Dr. Chase woK the second-heat In 1:1014: Budd won tha flrat heat, tlma not announced. ..'' At Saratoga, "-s" : . . C'earnal Bpeetal Servlee.) ' -- Saratoga. N. T., Aug. 11 Saratoga track closed yesterday for tha aummer season. - Results: '' .-, Five and one half furlong Solly M. won. Miss Stroma aeeond, Pussant third; tlm. 1:0. About two miles,4 steeplechase Alle giance won. Sandalwood second, Llgero third; time, 4:11 '-. . . Six furlongs Olvonnl Balerto won, Bertha K. second. Calabash third; time, 1:11.- -Ons mile and ons furtong, Champlaln handicap Dandelion won, Entree aeo ond. Ravenna third; time,. 1:44. . , . iOn mile Columbia Olrl won, Bryan aeeond, Cadlchon third; time, 1:41 1-1. . Five and one half furlong pau monok won, Flshhswk second, Joa Mil ler third; time, 1:07. " ., Oaklaad Kit Kara. . Uearaal gpettal BwvW.1 Oakland. Aug. 11. McGregor found for II hlta yeeterday by was the Commuters. Score: . R.H. . Freeno ' 00410010 01 T I Oakland 0 0 0 4 1 a II . 1 Batterlea McGregor and Hogan; Catea and Bliss. ? Umpire Perrlne. : Aagels Took Another. .. (Reeelal DMpetk to Tke Jeeraal.) Seattle, Aug. II. Tha Angels , took another, game from the SI washes yes terday: ' vOtH. X. Seattle ....1 I 0 I I fl T t La AngTa.a MIMII 1 I .41 Batteries Vickers and Blanksnshlp; Nagla and Eager. , . ., , .. .( " PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE.' L ; Won. .Lost. PC. .4! .110 .411 .194 I.III Portland San Francisco , .,.,,. ft j Los Angeles . ...'..-..41 4 Seattle . . . Oakland .......... .44 ", 71 Fresno ..M 71 BLACK EAGLE pdosie 7 . FACT I ..'. - ' - - . ..J. . . . , - ' F. B. Jones i: Co. GANS IS ANXIOUS TO TACKLE THE DANE (Rpettal Dleeateb te The Jenraal.) Ooldneld, Nev, Aug. II. The sole of aeata for tha Cans-Nelson fight today shows that aa enormous erowd will wit ness tha battle. From San Francisco, Seattle, Loo Angelea, Denver, Salt Lake and from Chicago " and other distant points delegations of the sporting fra ternity will be on hand to see the light weights conteet for the championship. Oana la Impatient for the light to be gin, as he declares he wants to show the public what he can do at a weight which suits him. All reports from tha Dane oamp are to .the effect that ho is In splendid shape. He sayg hw t In Just aa good trim aa he waa when he met Joe Watcott at San Francisco, whsn hs stood the rushee of . Walcott and landed at wilt on the Barbados demon. Reports from the Nelson camp say the Dene Is aa fit aa a fiddle and la aa confident aa Osns. He Is said to hare bet a large bunch 'Of ready money on hlmaelf and to havd edvleaa his friends to take the sbort ehd. .,. . . . . i if 1 '.- SPORTING GOSSIP. , Sporting Editor I sea where "Buck" Keith la willing to bet bis saloon ngntnnt 500 cash that Nelson will defeat Oana. Now, 1 would like to bet with "Buck." but being oppoeed to tha liquor trade. I would not know what to do with hla saloon. In the event of my wlnnlns- IL Do you really think that ha Is anxious to get out of the eaieon ooatnesaT ' TEMPERANCE. While not having seen Mr. Keith's written declaration regarding hla unique wager, we are unable to say anything detinue aoout it. rrnm wnat the sport ing world thinks'Of Keith, however, we are certain tbaa-ha would make good his' bet. It you should win the saloon and didn't care to keep It, ther la ao doubt that you could easily, find any ji (ZD COAL $7XD tz 112 1 DELIVEZI3 181 E. Water Strcc: number bf your friends who would gtai ly relieve you of the responsibility aad tha saloon. ., .-.a e. , The arena for the Gane-Neleoa nv"" wss completed yesterday at a cost Batunl ia auu about 14 t on the colored man. , Jimmy MoHale played 'k HtUe revir' ' football -with "Helney" Splea yeater In the vicinity of th home plat. l Splea landed he waa aomO dlsUnoa fre the' Scene of collision and waa aare a bleeding noae, MoHale ottered k a hnnky,M but "Helney" declined 1 charity. He naed handful of duat 1 stead. , . . :;: Oever Charlie Moor while eaUk: g ball in tha third Inhlag broke ao his finger. "Too -bad, -ChvHf-. mlaa you. e Announcement waa mada today th all classes eaoepUng th bualneea m-t at the Multnomah elub would resume September 17. v The business m olaa will Start aa October 18. Ae Irtg to the club officials, th ola thls year will b larger than aver. Tha Loa Xngelee Baseball ehroyir' tsed yesterday. The cspltal sloe -111.400.. aad the officers arai ' Senator C. W. Pendleton, pr Fred Malar Jr., . vIce-preeK Clerk Harry Inland, seer Berry, manages. . W.rr.a ldent of tha Broadway ban. cheap c:::: r..ViJ. wsry W T t f , Mrs- !.- . September 1 aad I the O. ' places on sale very low rmi,. ts ewvnint the Nuttonal Irrl rrese, Solee, tdeho, epti- oalllng upon Mr. C. J. r ii...t .(. Third ttreeta, portlaaA i