The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 29, 1906, Image 9

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    daily journal, VcnTLAiiiy vD::r:DAY cvsnmo, auqust t3.
c. -
sl .
Electric Une Down Willamette
Valfej Seemt Now . a
cf ths CircU
Portland Man to Journey to Korea In Search
' of Cure for Morphine Habit Tolls Port
lancrtoctOTfiiis'lntentions -
l8even thousand mile oyer land and
a for a morphine curt-
Such a Journey haa actually been
undertaken by a realdant of Portland
- for tha purpoae of undergoing treat
ment for tha drug habit, if tha atate
mcnt of tha man himself la to be b-
lleved. i- '- :: .
Th -destination of -. tha - travel hp -4s
Pysng-Yang, - a city In the' north of
Korea, tha place of treatment tba Caro
lina A. Ladd hospital and the physician
tr. J. Hunter Wells, aon of pr. George
M. Wei hi of this olty. , .
. Xaat Friday Tha Journal published an
account of - the discovery by lr. 1.
Hunter Wells of a preparation which
curea tha opium or morphine nablt In
three or four days. Tha following 'iy.
according to Dr. George M. ' Well i. a
fashionably dressed. Intelligent-looking
man came Into hla office and brought up
the subject of tha morphine cure. The
stranger aaked Dr. . Wells what - he
BUI Klernan. baa scored again, and
thla time on hla old friend Abe Tlchner.
Klernan la said to have a tendency
' toward practical Joke. ,"'
: - Mr. Tlchner eat In his'- office -on
Fourth street yesterday afternoon In a
very comfortable state of mind. . He
deals largely In city and county - war
rants and ha had lust completed sort
ing out several score which were due
oe-caenea.-jairt-ir,oouworin alto
gether. ' He wss beginning to total
them up. There waa a aeparata pile
- for each fund, each street Improvement
ins so" forth. Everything was nicely
laid out on the table.
And then appeared Pate In the ehape
of BUI Klernan. He atalked In, faced
Abe at the table, and yanked off hla
Panama. '.. r ';.. - ;
"Ooeh, but It's a hot day," he ex
claimed, and ha awung hla hat down
violently In front of those neat piles
of warrants.
Are deuces and treys necessary In a
deck of cards ' in order to play poker?
Attorney A.! Walter Wolf, representing
J. A. Erlckson, Oscar Ltndgren and It
' F. Monk, arreated In the Edelbrau sa
loon, at Sixth and Pine streets, yester
day morning st 4 o'clock, by Patrolmen
Wendorf and Ehmsen. on a charge of
gambling, maintains that the national
Kama cannot be played without these
Csrea tildnoy and Clad
der Diseases In Every
Fcrn.-r.lany People
Have Kidney Trouble
end Co Mot Know It.
how jo riNO out. . -
- It It the function of the kidney, to fUtot
" and purify tha blood which Is coastantlj
passing through them. v ' ',".
- Whan tha kidneys arc oat of order the
-other organ aw Affected Immediately
and you may have aymptona of heart
: , troublo, stomach and liver trouble, and
other ailments, which are all owing to the
kidneys being weak and out of order;
If you are sick Ft)ie)y' KMMf
Cure) will strengthen and build up the
y ,Wora out tissue of the kidneys so they
f will act properly and the symptoaa of
. . weakness, . heart, . stomach and 11 vet
trouble will disappear and you will be
, restored to perfect health.
',' Too can easily- determine If your kid
aey are out of order by setting aalde for
ti hours a bottle of the urine passed
upon arising. If upon examination It is
- cloudy or milky or haa a brick-dust Bed
. ' -. Iment or small particles float about in K,
your kidneys are diseased and Felya
- Kidney Cure) should be taken at ones.
Foley's Kidney Cure is pleasant to
1 take and acta directly upon the parts
; affected and you begin to feel better
' atone. i
1 LItJPQrrects sllghtjdlsordm In a few
' days and it has cured many obstinate
after other treatment tad failed.
. Deciers taU Ns Weald Not Ure.
' Peter Prey, of Woodruff, Pa., writes:
' "After doctoring for two years with the
best physicians in Wayneaburg, and still
getting worse, the doctors advised me M
I had any business to attend to I had bet-
tor attend to it at once, as I could not
possibly live another month, as there was
no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure
was recommended to me by a friend, and
I immediately sent my son to the store
for it and after taking three bottles I be
gaa to get batter and continued to laa
prove until I was entirely well..'.
Twe Ins, 0e aad lt.00. '
c:loi:3e:::--ei::ed it
' Wevdasd, , Olarki a Oo. a4 kldsaer
thought of the medicine and when the
latter spoke favorsbly of It tha stranger
exclaimed; ",.,. : -
"If It la true then this la tha greataat
medical . discovery of the age. Don't
you know, doctor, there are hundreda of
bright young men In thla town who are
'dope fiends' 7 Why shouldn't they all
be. aavedT"J-- - - -
Tha man seemed so Inordinately In
terested that Dr. Wells, remembering
thath bdhls son's ' prescription.
stepped to his cabinet to search-fee
He got the paper and turned about. Just
In time to aee hla rlsitor going out
of the door.
. "I'm off for Korea!" floated back the
words, and the man waa gone.
Dr. Wells hsd never aeon his visitor
before and he did hot learn his name,
but he thinks , the man -a wealthy
morphine victim who tntenda to go to
tha Pyeng-yang hospital to be cured of
hla awful habit. ,
Abe shouted a warning, but It waa
too late. Tha air became filled with
the city's promises to pay; ' It looked
Hka a snowstorm,' and In tha midst of
It waa Abe wildly clutching at the pieces
of paper. Bill departed. ..
Three hours later Abo reached the
city treaaurer's office. Perspiration
dripped from eyelid and chin. He
hadn't . been able to find aome of the
warrants.- Borne haif fallen on the aide-'
walk, aome down hla collar: every nook
or tna orrlce has received Ita share
Por a couple of hours he had been on
hla handa and knees, and he felt sure
several were loat 'for good. ' On these
he had payment stopped. Hla total
were all wrong, and he couldn't for the
life of him get them separated according
to the funda again.. It had been a mean
trick for sure.
"I-Iffl ever c c-cateh 1m 11V but
tha rest couldn't be said; tha English
language la weak at tlmea, you know,
card. AMeast. that waa the basis of
his unususl argument In moving for a
dismissal of tna esse agalnat hla cli
ents. The deputy city attorney refuted
mis .argument by declaring that thou
sands of dollars were loat or won annu
ally by a bluff on a pair of deuces, and
Wolf accordingly did . not press his
point, . , ' ... , ,
- The testimony of the police wss to the
effect thst they had aeen Erlckson, .the
proprietor of the resort, and his two
eompaniona, playing poker. Erlckson
denied, on tha atand of , having any
knowledge of tha asms In question, bttf
wss unable to explain aatiafactortly how
they happened to be In the place at the
early hour. - Judge Strode found Erlck
son guilty of keeping his saloon open
after houra and gambling, and Imposed
a fine of fSS. The other two player
escaped with a f 10 fine apiece.
Will Care for Several Parties of
Visitors Coming to Port-
land Soon.
' Delegate to represent the Portland
Commercial club at tha Forest Grove
meeting of the Willamette Valley De
veluunieiit league September 7 herr
been appointed by President F. W. Lead
better. The liat Includes Robert Ken
nedy, W. F. Woodward, Martin Winch,
R. M. Hall and W. J. Hofmann.
Preparations are being made to en
tertain large parties of Callfornlana,
who will arrive In Portland Saturday
morning. ' A party of about 12s people,
comprising a Los Angela Time excur
sion party to the orient, will spend Sat
urday here. They will go to Seattle, and
there take eteamer for Yokohama. A
party of about 40 Irrlgatlonlats. headed
by Governor George C. Pardee, will atop
over a day here en route to the Boise
national Irrigation congresa. In the del
egation la a number of the best-known
Irrigation engineers In ths country.
They will be joined her by the Oregon
delegation, and leave Saturday evening
for Boise. During the day the Commer
cial club will ahow them the city and
entertain them at the clubroome.
A number of Washington newspaper
correspondents who will attend the Irri
gation congress may include; Portland in
their itinerary. It 1 desired to show
them the resource and opportunltlea
that are being heralded In the east
through Paolfle northwest advertising,
and especially to familiarise them with
Columbia river navigation. It la be
lieved the newspaper men of the na
tional capital can and will be of great
assistance to the people of Oregon when
ever questions arte affecting - appro
priatlona for the jetty, the Celllo canal
and other improvements and project. -
(Speetal XHapeteb to The Jtoael.t
"Sriverton," Or., "Aug. S.-Herbert
Ne, son of A. S. Ness, who live on
mile east of this city, was injured In
ternally by falling from a scaffold
while at work on a barn at hla father's
farm. The young man was brought to
the city and I now receiving medical
attention at the Cottage hotel, but hla
recovery I aald to be very doubtful.
He fell a distance of about five feet,
striking hi aid against a stump.
' (flpeetal Dtepeteh te The Jooraal.)
Salem, Or., Aug. II. Newe was re
ceived here last night thst Lachmund
A Plncua yesterday bought SO.eoe pounds
of hope from Isaso Torum of Dalles at
10 cent a pound. At the same" time a
sale of 100 bales at the same figure
Is report d but it la impassible-1 learn
either tba buret ei the Ue
Oregon Water Power ' 4 Railway
, Company" Believed " toBe Back of
New Line To Build to Wilhoit
ngs. . .: ' r'-
. (Special Dlepates ee TW foaraeL) '
Salem, Or., Aug. t. It la now gen
erally believed here that tha electrlo lifts
between this olty and Portland, closely
paralleling the Southern Pacific and
keeping altogether on. the eaat aide of
the Willamette river, will be speedily
built. John B. Ryan of Portland
haa filed In the ' office of - the
county recorder the contract for all
tha right of way for the road in Marlon
county. Thla give the company a elear
right of way except over two or three
email farms, and Mr. Ryan aald that he
thought no difficulty would be experi
enced In obtaining these.
The contract are made In the name
of Alex Sweek, attorney, and It I be
lieved here that the O. W. P. at Ry. Co,
1 the power behind the movement. Mr.
Ryan haa been at work for some time
In securing a right of wsy In Clsckamas
county, nnd this work Is also practically
complete. Mr. Ryan will leave here to
day, for Wllbolt Springe and will at one
proceed to get a right of way for the
company from Oregon City up the Me.
lalla river to wnnoit spring,
i Iti believed, ,jHiat they company wuj
Tat onoe build tue road from Canemanto
Salem and from Oregon City to Wilhoit
It 1 not positively known'Trotnlt 1
believed that all arrangementa have 'been
made to run the care Into Salem' Over
the present tracks of the Willamette
Traction company, and into Portland
over the O. W. P. lines from Canemah.
That will leave only about 17 miles of
track to build to connect Salem, with
v Tha right-of-way contract call for the
completion of the road by July 1 next.
and thla will make the epeedy construe
tlon of the line a necessity. .
It ia well known that the O. W, P. Co.
haa long been contemplating" the build-
in; of a branch line up the Molalla river.
and It will only be carrying out old plan
to connect Oregon City and Wilhoit
Oars to Be manning From Xndiaa school
' to Salem Vest Month.
(Sneelet Dispatch te The Journal. i
Salem. Aug. 29. Unless something
unforeseen shall occur to pcovent It,
cara will be running on the new electric
road between 8alem and the Indian
school at Chemawa by Friday, Septem
ber 7. ' .
. In order to procure a charter from
the city of Salem the company stlpu
lated that the road ahall be complete as
fat as Cliemswarand that ears should b
running by September 10, the date for
the opening of the. atate rair. uenerai
Foreman Tiffany of tha construction
work said thla morning that there waa
not the slightest doubt qf the section of
the road being complete by the stlpu
Isted time and It waa hla intention to
have the car In operation three day
Three mile of rails are already laid
and by tonight the track will be com
plete for four and a half mile. This
will lesve only a mile and a half te finish
and all thla will be done by Saturday,
Men began digging holea for the trolley
poles this morning and that portion of
the work will be out of the way in a
few days,
All the grading is done and the bridge
over Mill creek Is practically complete.
One of the safeguards la that all the
material to be used In construction la si
ready on the job. Tha work cannot be
delayed on aecounfof -railroad -congestion,
lack -of freight cara or anything of
that kind. The manager intended to
make good and used the precaution of
having all inn material rn mi grain
several week before it waa necessary
to use 'It. -r v
' Speelal Dispatch te Tks Joarset) '
Free water. Or., Aug. It. At Free
water today the first round in the legal
battle which I to teat tha right of a
saloon to exist . In this city- will be
fought. A complaint haa been mad
agalnat McElrath, the new saloonkeeper
here. The first case will be tried- todsy,
with Dlstriot Attorney Phelps present
for the state, in behalf of the saloon
man the district attorney will seek to
prove that the last local option election
at Freewater was illegal because only
the county Judge algned the order for
the election. At the time District At
torney Phelpe advlaed . that the Judge
waa alone competent . of signing . the
& Company
. will occupy about Sep
tember first, their tem
porary building at
Van Ness Ave. and
Sacramento Street
- C o m p 1 t itockof
ERY, ETC, now on
' tale at -. . .
Post Street and
Grant Avenue
one -
Leading Lawyers Gather at St.
Paul President Peck' De-
livers Addi ess. 1 1 '
Reports of Officers Follow No Gen
eral Session to Be Held This After
noon but There Will Be Confer
ences of Several Sections..
(Journal Special Service.)
St. 'Paul. Minn., Aug. X. Nearly 00
leading Jurists and member of the bar
filled the hall of the house of repre
sentatives of the atate capltol thla
morning, when . President George R.
Peckr of Chicago called to order the
twenty-ninth annual meeting of the
American Bar association. After thank
ing the Minnesota representativss of the
profession ftir the enr1tl r...pll.
tendered the visitors, the president read
a ahort Hat of the most noted Jurists
present, who were Invited to aeata about
the rostrum. . Prssldent Peck then pro
ceeded with the reading of hla annual
After stating the object of the asso
ciation President Peck proceeded to re
view the most noteworthy changea made
In statute law In the eeveral states and
by congress during the peat year, giv
ing the moet salient feat urea of the
new enactment. In commenting upon
the legislation thua aummarlsed, Mr.
Peck said that the association. In pro
moting uniformity of legislation, wishes
that object effected .by a general ac
ceptance of the beat "forma of legisla
tion arfS not by bringing about a gen
eral uniformity. The prealdenf ad
dreaa waa listened to with closest at
tention by the distinguished aaaemblage
and eeveral tlmea the speaker was In
terrupted by applause. The president's
address wa followed by the annual re
port of th ecretary. treasurer and.
executive commute, wmcn i. wi in
terest only to the member of the ae-
aoclatlon. . .
No general aesslon of th aasoclatlon
wa hold thl afternoon but there were
conferencee of th eeveral aectlona.
William Draper Lewi of th TJniverelty
of Pennsylvania and Chsrles M.; Hep
burn of Indiana unlverelty spoks be
fore the section of legal education.
The program arranged for the session
this evening of the general association
provides for paper by Rosco Pound of
Lincoln, Nebraaka, on "The Cauaea of
Popular Dissatisfaction With the Ad
ministration of Juatlce,"and by John
J. Jenkins, chairman of the Judiciary
eommlttee of the houae of representa
tives, on th subject, "Can Congress
Tranafer. to - the . 8tateJtsPowsrjto
Regulate Commercef , ...
' (Special dssetrs te Ts obtbM
Aurora, Or., Aug. t. Hopplcking In
thla section will begin Thursday of this
week in a few yards but the msjorlty
of th growers will not begin until the
Sd of September. Some of the ysrds
re very late and picking will not be
gin until the middle of September.
There Is a larger acre re thl year
ghan formerly and taken a a whole the
crop I looking exceedingly nne, tnougn
In enme Instancee the extreme hot
weather haa 'had the effect of burning
the arms and stunting the growth of
the hops. About TI per cent of the
growere are going to pick by the box',
snd msny of thos who will start In
picking by weight say they will g back
to th box system If their piekers make
ell cCIzzt Dcbing Potvdcroi end tkooo too, -CI:ot
coot thrao times co much
Your grocer sells K C Baking Powder
complies with all pur food lab,
absolutely fr from adulterations
third what you pay for other baking powders; anywnere
ttality- Tt' revelation
Try it for just one baking ; if not satisfied your grocer will refund tne fall price paid,
' ; ti ounce tins for jc. Get it to-day and surprise the family with the tastiest,
, flakiest, airiest dainties they ever heard of. . " . '
Nothintf will cure indigestion that
doesn't digest the food, itself,. and give
You can't reasonably expecftnaf
any weak stomach will regain its
: strength and get well when it is
compelled to do the full work that a
sound stomach should do.
You wouldn't expect a sick , horse
to get well when it is compelled to do s
full day's work every day of the week.
Your stomach must have rest.
: But it isnt necessary to starve your
self in order to rest your stomach.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a perfect
digestant It will digest all of the food'
you eat regardless of the condition of
four stomach.
Dyspepsia , Cure
For Indigestion Dyspepsia, Sour
Stomach, Flatulence, Headache, Water
Brash, Belching of Gas, Nausea, Gastritis,
Heartburn and all troubles v arising
from indigestion and non-assimilation
of the food.
' I had dyspepsia In Its worst form was re
duced tn weight to 118 pounds. After using two
and one-half bottles of Kodol. I was completely
cured and restored td my usual weight of 145
pounds. J. LUTHER JOHNSON. '
Att'y At Law, Cleburne. Tex.
Hmi ee eieak ee
Wei, se
Sold by Skidmore Drug Co.
F. B. Jones & Co.
any objection. Forty-five and IS cent
a box will be paid around here. No con
tracts are belne mad In thla territory
and th grower say they will wait un
til the crop Is picked and baVed before
they will talk about price. Even JO-oent
hop doe not appeal to them.
1 yeadletoa Trlbma Xneorporated. '
(Kpvrl.l Plaeatet o .IS. Juereei.1 i ;
" Salem, Or., Au. t. The Fndleto
Tribune Publlehlne eompany ' filed It
artlelea of incorporation In th of floe
et th seeretarsi t etavtOt Zh iaor
under ov legal, written guarantee that it
both state and national, , ana
of any nature whatsoever. K
of goodness! C
rr..4 ts. tee. 1
0..C.Iet..S a.
and Woodard, Clark h Co.
181 E-Water Street
poratore are former Governor T. - T.
Oeer of thl city, E. P. Dodd, th pres
ent publisher, and XI. W. Phelpe. The
eapltal atock la siren at 110..00. Thl
I th culmination of th deal that Mr,
Oeer made eeveral day a so with th
Tribune people. He will leave for Pen
dleton In a few day to take adltorlal
jnare oi toe paper.
i Kaatera and - Seattle raee. Take I
Be 11 wood ana Oref oa Citj oars at First J
mat it is
C costs
r '
Jaques Tffg. Co.,
Don't Chase Raintors,
In the Tata Imaainatlon that yon ean
get tools, nalla, crwa, bine, build
era" or ahelf hardware of better price
than w ask. . W ask only on thine
from you see what w bare to sail and
get our prioea.
Avery Et Co.
For Iced Tea
Golden West
, Pecaliarlyltefreanlnf.
Sealed Packets Only.
Closset C& Devers
old by all Druecl. .
as. iv::::lc ;73
bss ba e br 11Ha --. fos '
eaUdru we e Twuibi for e. r fi
It eootaea t-e ofand, swffes She ( a
all pela. eores iwl4 eatia, KM at mm j
lei ly for iafree .
TWKSTY-riYK turn a Pern
eMtOMrTew jrljn"e
ssMeiaM hha. tawel
sau tsrer-. r: :
. i " s .ta .
W,aara.i .)
. M I 1 a t v
f'--. i