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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1906)
C:i DAILY JCUIAL, rOHTLAKD. VSDHZCDAY EVENING, AUGUST 3, i::3. . EUHUER RESORTS. fmul HlMritaM mm Bad . IhimI ea mi at g.aiHa. eag wm aad arwnrt. A riila ear. ' m delivery will ke alntalaed, Or direct (rua ear ml M relate Sad hs will eMead pmpUy to f L0& BXAOB-&eIs ftMir-tlrtl - kaedf Mil St IlWSOT, Wk. TI- llnr to all setota n the beak. , SXaJ AkB (l.wJLH.U.r BAAX " w. a. Wkitmea, eseati mmmdm at Lewto 0e.' drug etera, leastee. Or. Delivery to Kit relets ea Se il every vcur;G nAriy-fFVFnv lk I I I Liill I 1 .All I YtiinS ;c:,iA!i. MXWrOB , Bleelblaa. wws anal OmUU - Kaetaa.--fai.eaa4, iiali H4 . euartora at Bewpert. Or. Delivery to 41 WQin9 ea IM MH ABD TAQtmTA-Sum UUtS HOT LAIC Hot L -. mat. k Lake. Or. OAASOV, WAS.I MlMral Bsrhtga s tl CO., SfentS. OAOAvi WAA& fheatss MatteM, cofiiag iriAL iTBnrot, vaik, . 0. X. Belehes, wut, OeUiaS. Wuk. .. f . ioirioHT'1 aitos nrares. . ., Irrte....... "As Iriek Widow" Star "A OrMl TemDtetloa" Paatages ............ , . , VeudevlUe Grand VaedeT.Ue Do you want a mIcsquui? A thrt lint advertisement under "Help Want 1 ed,Malc,w will get you that talesman. : Andrew J. Murphy, a driver for the , Albina stablsa, waa seriously injured yesterday afternoon aa the remit of a eollleon bstwssn the truck he waa driv ing and a Northern Paelfio awltch en line. - The vehicle waa heavily loaded with tin at the time and the nolee made by the rattling of the load made It Impoaeible for Murphy to hear the approach of the engine.. The accident ooourred In the terminal yards in North Portland. . ' Murphy waa knocked from me . seat , oy tne roroe or roe impact mnA Ana. .Via. ,hula flf th. trunk paaaed over one of hie band. The dray waa wreoked and both of the horaea In jured. The Injured team a tar wae re moved to hia home and will recover. d. r. Moral waa arreatea oy veiooim Circle on Third atreet thla morning and locked up in the elty prleoa penaing a uvminiiwuvn v. - ...a mm Maw. - " . reported to the police laat nlaht that the man waa acting aa If demented by aalutlna a number of women-on waen Ington atreet. Thie morning he visited th office of , the Weatera Union Tele rraph oompany and demanded that he be put In Inatant communication win the menace r in New zone, xna em ployea of the of floe ejected him from the premleea and notizied the ponce. When taken to the atatlon Mordt talked Incoherently and Dr. Wheeler, who waa preaent. cave it aa hia opinion tnat the man waa demented from over in- dulgence la liquor. - : '. Aa the reeult of a defective flue in the rear of a lodatna-houee,' at .Second and Burnelde etreeta. a fire, which threatened to deatroy the building, broke out at C o'clock laat. flight. Pa. trolmaa Wanleea dlacovered the flamea and Immediately turned In an alarm from box 15. Upon the arrival of the aoDaratua the rear walla or the atruo' ture. which had been recently coated with tar. were burning fiercely. 8ev oral well-directed atreama aoon est! gulahed the flamea and the damage will not hmm B5uo. t rana &iernan the owner of the building and A. EL Jamaa - Ttamlnrton. allaa TTocknar Kid." who gained eonalderable . un enviable notoriety aeveral montha ago for aa aaaault committed, on w. u, Rainier. . waa - aoundly thraahed laat night la the Faahlon aaloon on Fourth ' atreet - From the atory told by Reming ton he was beaten by one of the em- sloven of the aaloon and after leaving the resort waa attacked by two rougna. His Injuries were dressed at the city prison by Dr. Wheeler and the police are looking lor hia assailants. Mrs. Ban Whlttaker, realdtng at 111 . Willamette boulevards resorted to the Klloe yesterday afternoon that - two ya atole her puree containing IB while ehe waa In the City park. The reticule waa lrln on the grass near where Mm. Whlttaker waa reclining and. before aha could prevent It two lade, whom ahe deaoribes as being ! and It years old respectively, grabbed the purse. - The youthful thieves then ran out of the para ana aown me jerrerson -strr road. The polloe are making a eearch for the oulprlte. . Four civil eervlee examinations 'will be held In Portland September zs. one . will be for an artlsf itr-'nhe hygirato laboratory, publle health and marine hoepltaf eervloe. -The position paye ll,00 a year. Two of the examinations will be for a pack master and wagon master In the quartermaater'e depart ment . at large. The remaining exami nation 1 for an engineer. This sxam ; I nation waa scheduled for September i, but' waa postponed in order to 'fill a list of eligible candidates. . r ... i v ' Pardon was received at the county fkll thla moraine1 from flovarnnr Cham berlain for Gustaf Brickson, who waa erring a sentence of one year for lar ceny. Hia term would have ' expired October II. The governor granted the pardon on the petition of men who had known Rrlckeon for a long time and vouched for hie previoua good character, and because of 111 health, which waa W. W. Merrlam haa been appointed receiver of the Argyle lodging-house, at 111 West Park street, on the suit of Ida M. Allen. Mra. Allen alleges that her partner, Margaret Bunnell, refuaed her aoceee to the books, or to. give her a etatement or me ousinsss. ena aays aha baa received nothing from the part nership except the board of herself and daughter for January and February, We'aim to give you the tery best Printing Service that can be had QUALITY HIGHEST & PBICES LOWEST V. yf . Baltes & Co., Printers WEST et OAK STREETS Two Direct Uaaa, Botk Mala lit S HOULD lay aalde a pof . tloa of their lnoome. And the time . to begtnT , Right now. The easiest and surest wayT To open an -aocount with thla bank, starting In with a small de posit; and to add' to thla regularly each week or each month. Many have tried thleJ?plaat-many have suc ceeded. This bank receive deposits as low as a dollar. ' and la alwaya glad,, to help those who are trying to help themselves, and pay . ' .4 Per Cent INTEREST OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK ' PORTLAND, OREGON W. H. MOORB, President -W. COOPER MORRIS, Caabiar SAFE-DEPOSIT BOXES BEST CITY Commercial Traveler Declares 'Other Coast Towns" Are Dead i - .... Compared With It. " , SEATTLE'S BUSINESS : EXAGGERATED, HE SAYS llel. Mra. Allen alleges that' ahe and Mra. Bunnell bought the Argyle la November 1101, for 11,500, of which Mra Allen esya ahe paid titO and Mra. Bunnell 1710. . , Suit for 11,101 damagea from the quarts Gold Mining company and A. K. van Em on. secretary of the eomoany. has been filed In the circuit court by W. Combe. Combs charges that D. H. Latham sold to him II shares of stock of the company, and Indorsed It to him, and that secretary Van Em on refused' to transfer the stock on the books of ths corporation. The II aharea are said to DO WOltB I,00. . ,: ,,M;,.;.,., Deputy Sheriff W. B. Holllngswerth haa returned from a two weeks' outing at Marion lake, east of Albany, in the Cascade mountalna. Deputy Holllnga worth aaya he found better trout flatt ing In Marlon lake .than ha haa ever found anywhere, and he aaya be haa been fishing sver since he waa a boy. He waa acoompanled by his family. Ha resumed ma dutiea In the enerlfra of floe thla morning. . f , , . - Arthur Brown, 'a 1-year-old boy. re siding at tie Hooker atreet while play lag with aeveral other lads near the gulch at First and Arthur atreeta at T -o'clock laat night fell Into . a alough and broke One of hia lege above the knee. Patrolman Hoealy, hearing the cnud'a cries, hastened to the scene and carried the lad to hia home, where the broken bone was aet Jbr a physician. The Northern ' Faclfle Railway com pany will have special round trip ex- oursion tickets from Portland to points east on eels September I, 1 and 10. Call at the ticket office, 161 Morrison atreet, corner Third, Portland. Oregon, for full particulars, or addreaa A. D. Charlton. aaslstant general paaeenger agent, above address, and detailed Information will be given you. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or sidewalks, or washing porches or windows, must be paid for In advance and uaed only between the boura of a and I a. nu and I and I p. m. It must not be ased for sprinkling atreeta . Jf used contrary to theee rules, or waste- fully, it will be shut iff. Artlclea of incorporation of the Ore gon Loafing Timber oompany have been filed in the otrioe or the county clerk by George H. Hill, T. T. Burk hart and 'John B. Altchleon. They will deal In timber land, operate logging campa and lumber mills. Capital stock 11,009,000. , . , September I, I and 19,'apeclal round trip excursion tickets will be eold by the Northern Paolflo railway to points east. Partlculara can be had at ticket office. ISt Morrison street; corner Third, or by letetr to A. D. Charlton,. A. O, P. A., Portland, Oregon.. H. W. Prettymore. W. O. kerne and TT. Michel appraisers of the estate of Henry Holt grieve, filed a report In the county court this morning stating that the eatata baa property valued at $11,- Articles of Incorporation of the Ore gon Brass Works have been filed In the office of the county clerk by Arthur P. Piier. William F. Prler and Oeorga U Heeter. Capital stock $10,000. Artlstlo tailoring, perfect fit and rea sonable prices; new fell goods now In. Armstrong the Tailor, Raleigh building, Washington and Sixth sts. Paclfie 1181. Tour Eves Examined Free -We are still selling eyeglasses at 11.00. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger'. Co- jewelera and opticians. 111 Sixth street Launches to the Osks every few min utes every- evening from Favorite Boat ing' company's, south side bridge, foot Morrison street ' - Special Excursion East. Full partic ulars at Northern Paclfla ticket office. III Monieon atreet, corner Third, Port land, Oregon. Acme OH Co. sella the beet ssfety coal Oil and fine gasolines.. Phone Eaat Til, lunch 11:10 to I; bustnees men's lunch, Dr. W. C. Shearer has returned. ;.ll Dekum building... . ..... .1 ,.. Rental Slgna, Ansley Printing Co. ' Msry -Davis Maginnls. teaoher of con ventional and naturalistic china. Stndlo ta East Ninth street North. Water color aeada iReclalty, - - Lot Anf elea Iifcleaa and Sao Fran cisco Shot to Piecea, Whilg Port land's Bnaincaa . and Population Shows Steady Growth. ' . Business conditions' In Portland at the preaent time are eatd to be better than In any place between Vancouver, Brltix Columbia, and G-alveeton. Texas. A trav eling man who haa California and Oregon territory for. one of the large furniture manufacturing - concerns of the Paclflo coast said: i mammww ,iwi , a. jam., V . .H. uv A a . n my present trip, and hava closely ob- i served the situation at every point.' And I hava returned to Portland to find the best city on the coast. Seattle, from a bustnees' standpoint la exaggerated. San Francisco la shot to . pieces. 1m An galea and Other southern ' California towns have a lifeless appearance. There la a slump In business In that quartsr tor the reason that ths tourists have this year cut out the California trip on ac count of the devastation worked by the earthquake." . He ' said -Portland . seems to have felt good . effects from a combination of every circumstance that has a bearing on business. Ths city Is getting many more transportation facilities, numerous Industries In the manufacturing .line, new territory Is beins ooened by lrri ra tion and railroads, the Columbia river la being opened at Its mouth and at Ce lllo falls, prices of timber and lumber, Oregon's greateet product, are going up, and prloea of hops, wheat wool and oth er Oregon staplee are good. . Every ave nue of Immigration' Is alive with travel toward Oregon. Portland la believe 1 to be growing at a permanent' ateady In crease of about 2S.0OO population annu ally." i- - Traveller Kea nmlse City. ' Traveling men say trade In Portland products throughout Paclflo coast terri tory has never In Its history been so enormous aa at the present time. Mills are overwhelmed with orders, and un a blotto meet the demanda. The Cali fornia trade especially - la drawing heavily on Portland manufacturing In dustries. Some of the furniture facto ries have been obliged .to cancel orders because they could not be filled within a reasonable' time. No city ln the United Btatee today offere so attractive a field for the locating of new manufac turing and jobbing concerns aa Portland. Only one reason exleta for the failure thus f ar tp pueh Portland into the Alas ka trade, and that reason ta the Immenee growth of the city's domestic trade. One leading wholesaler, asksd why bs did not put forth an effort to atart Alaska shlpe, expressed the situation In this reply - . , "When a man. Is working II hours a day and you ask him to work 10 hs balka. It la - necessary to, ths human machinery to have a little rest." Nevertheless a systematlo effort la now thtder way to give Portland direct Alaska shipping facilities, and doubtless It will succeed. . SAYS THE DIRECTORS IVERE HOI CAREFUL ENOUGH Visitor Says Failure of Real Estate Trust Company Is t Due to That Cause. Myers Ssldenbach. one of the directors of the Philadelphia Rapid Tranalt com pany, la at the Portland hotel and la familiar with the men connected with the Real Eatata Truet oompany, which went under yeaterday beoauee of the mtamaaagement of Ita preeldent Prank K.- Hippie. Mrr,- Seldenbaeh- attrlbutea the cauae of the failure to the careless ness of the directors of ths trust com pany, stating that they allowed nipple to run things to suit himself. 'Hippie waa In complete control of the company s affalra and allowed Adolf Segal to Impose upon him to an extent that could only reeult In disaster," he aal& - "Segal la daring beyond all rea son. Hs purchased an apartment house at the corner of Gtrard snd Broad ave nuea from William L. Elklna of the Weldner-Elklna syndicate and Just be fore leaving Philadelphia on my western trip I read In one of the newspapers that he had . placed a mortgage for 12.000,000 on the place. X would not give 11,000,000 for It "If this property was given aa se curity for loana from tha defunct truet oompany, then there can be no wonder at the failure. If the Segal security was a sample ot the kind the company haa been taking on loana there will be a great deal of money lost ' ; "The directorate or tne trust company la composed of some of tha beet-known capitalists In the east , They are capable business men and honest but allowed Hippie to run thlnge. They are men who can best be described aa hav ing too many Irona In tha fire. ' - "The par value of the company a stock Is 110. but it waa sailing last July at 1110 a share, "his apparent pros perity was" probably' the argument that convinced the dlrectore that everything wae all right They allowed themselves to be deceived aa to the true conditions of the benk and Instead of devoting their entire attention to the trust com pany's sffalra looked after their other Interests." . ' 4"', . ,; ; TWO ENLARGEMENTS FOR r SALEM MUTUAL CANNERY Salem. Aug. II. -When the season for canning peare began a week ago, busi ness at the Salem Mutual cannery aa- Sumed auch Immenee proportions that It was at onoe necessary to enlarge the plant A few days ago workmen were hurriedly got together and e-ahed for storing fruit 40 by 10 feet waa erected. Thie proved Inadequate and ! men are working today on another shed 19 by 71 feet In else. In ths meantime pears era pscked all over the place and the man agement la working aa many people as can find room . to move about In the cannery. t peara are coming In rapidly, the warm weather ceualng them to ripen very feet, and after as many are can ne'd here aa the capacity of the plant will-admit the remainder-era ahlpped ! lo yi Portland factory , ..... CtESlT rUTXllASHS flAPi TCMOSROW CO CN ZZVTZHZZX ACCOUNT Trcz!a cad Tray:.:? The Largstt and Pest Selected Stock Jon ths Cosst Tfie; Mener (G HTcannIi Store HMs-; Is ; Last WeeEi f- ms Great "August Uiieii Sale" ' 4 Antlclftste yonr Linen needsfr rasnymoaths to come Only tit days mors of the great August Sale Every DOasevvtfer tiotet-and boareJing house-keeper should arofit bythe grand special valqes we are offering in all lines of Table and Bed Linens - Mail orders wi 1 he promptly filled Fringed Bedspreads in red, navy, blue snd pink; best $2.00 values on (l je . sale at this low price , . . . .'. . . . V eUeV - Cotton Russian. Crash Towel- !.r r , ing at this low price, yard.....-.'. Marseilles Bedspreads; fringed ; cut corners )j , $3.00 values on sale at this CO OA low price... .... .v. v. . . . .vy0 bargains in Sheets and Pillow Cases All our fine1 sets of Table Linens on sale at greatly reduced prices. Bargains in Doilies, Tray Cloths, etc.':..1 v, ;","r " '' -All our 75c Table Linen at, yard, . . .7.661 Over 100 patterns to select from. ; " 50 styles oi $1.00 Table Linens at Ol v. this low once, vara ". wrw .- r w j - - - - - - - - - - 15c bleached hemmed Hack Towels, each . . ;v. 10 18c bleached hemmed Huck Towels, each. ....... 13 ,20c bleached hemmed Huck Towels, each. . ...... 14 30c bleached hemmed Huck'Towels, each ,'. . . , . .21e 60c bleached hemstitched Huck Towels, each. , . . .48 ? 20c bleached Bath Towels, each. v. . ;', , .'. . , ..K..3f ,35c bleached Bath Towels, each. .......... .7.. ..24 1 20c bleached Bath Towels, each, . . . . . .. . . . ,14 15c unbleached Bath Towels, each....... 7V.... 10 ;l2yic bleached linen Toweling, yard . .. ,10 20c bleached linen Toweling, yard . . . . ... . ." . 1: . . i 16 75c hemstitched bleached Bath Towels, each. .58) ' $1.00 hemstitched bleached Bath Towels, each. ,V.78f '' Hemmed Marseilles pattern Bedspreads ; best 'OfSe $1.00 values on sale at, eacht , . : .v. . w w " $1.50 Marseilles pattern Bedspreads. . t. . ..$121 50 styles of $1.35 Table Linens , C 1 1 O at this" low price, yard. . . . . . . V 50 styles of, $1.50 Table Linens' ' t 1 A. - at this low priceyard. . . . . V Entire stock of $1.25 bleached Table Nap kins on sale at this low' orice. AO J al 1 ; uutcii Entire stock of $2.66 bleached Table ."Nap . : kins on sale at this low - LA . price, per dozen . .. .." . . .. , ... .V Entire stock of $2.50 bleached Table Nap kins on; sale at. this low ; 1 A price, per dozen . . . . V. ". I . , . . . Vwe 1 0 '' AH our finest Irish, Scotch, Austrian and German Table Linens at special low price?. Pv4en!s.$!& .GOto $30.00 Suits at One-Half OnrRegdar Prices mm;: Men's high-grade three-piece Suits at extraordp nary low prices All this season's newest styles and materials Hart Schaffher Marx. L. Adler Bros. Co., Stein-Bloch Co.. are all rep resentedLight and dark fancy worsteds, fancy cheviots and fancy Tweeds All finely hand tailored garments, cut in the latest fashions Wonderful values at these low prices; M MAa' C 1 R OO Cvia n St O Rfl If AVlt 9- V e W ' UUIW aa y aww Mcns-g20aOO Smte.QtvT0700n Mcnys $23.50 Suits at $ 1 1 .25 Men's $25.00 Suits at $12.50 Men's $27.50 Suits at $13,75 Men's $30.00 Suits at $15.00 POSTLIISTRESS IS - ' i- - - T ROUBLE Miss Uzzle .' Caughell of Gold Beach ; About to Be Put Under Arrest. . .. ACCUSED OF OPENINQ V REGISTERED LETTERS - ' l Grots Mismanagement of Office Af fairs and Even Forgery . Charged Against Pretty Young Woman Who Ran Things HerOwn Way. inut hv TTntted Statea'. of fleers will i..Mh.hl. .ntilmlnil. thA MTIMtr Of fl Llssls Ceuahell of Gold Beach, te prettv ' poetmlatresa, telephone operator, eeneor and aeneral factotum of the little .-wn. irnllnwinr an InvMtlratlos by Postoffice Inspectors Blches and Camp, a warrant tor tne arreai oi tn pretty youna poatmlstreee waa sworn to yeaterday by Riches. . uiu (-'iiar hall not anlv held no letters from delivery. but opened them. Regis tered letters snd official correepotideiioa from the postoffice department stood un opened snd undelivered for months la ths little backwoods poetofflce. Telev phone calls were alven the busy s1nal anless Miss CauchsII pleased ta call the eoiiRht-for parties. - That Miss Cauahell did not open let ters for monetary gain was evidenced by the finding of registered -letters con taining bank notes.. One of ' these con' i.inul . wn aiA treaaiirv noted., and whan atound It waa Ivlna on the floor behind i f-.'.-7 a counter. This letter wss sent months ago by Mrs. Martha MeVey of Gold Beach to Mrs. Mary McVey, Sen Fran cisco. No return receipt wss ssnt to Mrs. Martha MoVsy at Gold Beach, and Inquiries failed to give satisfaction to ths sender. Finally when pressed too hard Miss Caughell signed the name of 3. P. Hart, In whoee care the letter was sent, on a return receipt card, thus giving aa opportunity for a charge of forgery to be pressed agslpst her. .' Othera MmA Trouble. -' Another person who had untold trou ble with hie mall was. 1. N. True, aa attorney of Ckjld Beach. Mail eent by Mr. True never reached the person to whom It waa addressed, and letters to Mr. True were held up In the Gold Beech office. They bad been opened probably to satisfy the curiosity of the poetmlsr, tress. . When confronted with this evi dence Mlsa Caughell etated that Mr. True-bad- given her pormlssloau.0. .open the . letters. Mr. True stated to ths noetal tnanectors most smphstlcslly that he had not. Then Mlas Caughell re-J marked with an Indifferent air tnet ens hsd opened them, "shs guessed, because she wanted to." ' Thousands of dollsrs hsve been ' paid out by the postmistress In ths way o( monsy orders without opening the let ters of advloa accompanying them. The authorities ari wondering whether any of the money went astray. Just what charge to Indict Miss Caugh ell on Is worrying Assistant United Statea Atorney Jamea Cole. Miss Caugh. ell ,1s ths daughter of M. Caughell. for Ynerly master pf the gaeollne launch Berwick. '-' '. "POTTER" SCHEDULE EX V ." TENDED. Popular O.'B. M sexeloa Steeaaef , i ' ta Make AddlUeaal Trips. Owing to the delightful weather at North Beach the "Potter schedule has lieen extended and those who have not already vlalted North Bech have an ifwnortunlty to do so. trader the old aabvdule the last trip Sown wss to 4mvs been made Satwday, September, a d.l;:j. Cones Teafla !. -i . mt - -. ; POIITL '.' VOe sXri fixaijc: eaaea Called at ttTI p. r erasssa Cauied M p. a. .Jl,iaalaa-.a ruiL?,- Asmsnoir, ssa. ORANDSTANIV 1Ke CHILL -,BOX SEATS, 26c, tm t i ,( THE BAi: . . . iXAaoa aiAt sau sow orxx lint ' perftwauaee Seadar aiitiiiee I .. " Tkeatre gtevk Coaipauy la , !liTHE-CR!!3'- aveslat see.' We, tee. MatUeea lie, f empire theath: All Week, atartiasr SnMUy Katlaae, lept. t - , . I jbor li.r Uatlnee.t ; ' Tle C'b.rtiilns oons Actrp- MIM BA('R AIl.LSWORTtJ And a Fowerral feet Is the Mi.H Drsmat' Novelty of fbe rentnrr. "uoKTa of raisco." - Sale ef eeete et box afrit Thunder a. B. PRK R8 Evenlnsa. IV. 2Ae. , Ue aad Sua Matinees, 10c, Ue aad 2.V. .. It? Grand .. Bad tmjit ': tieateet Bleyeliat la the Wert. Charles Lew. ' Save aad rwete Martin, Oeartrtsht A lee. ' . The Twe reeks. Mr. Haee Baike, Prlcee Matlneee. 10 te all eeate exce-'t texee. Krenlas. 10. JO and fro eea.a Sue. Perforaiaiioee S:n. T:SO, It . m. THE STAR AIXZW STOOX CO. ' Weak ef Aaaast 17, "A GREAT TEMPTATIOr Daily aatlaeea at t:4. Kveaing set tw mast, at SMS e m. Prleea Mettneee. except ftander. Me V all seats. Erenluss 10. to end W eeat Reeta eerared foe erealnc perforauaeea b phooe Mais B4se. - Boxoface epea tnm 1. a. aa. te p. m. UrYRIC theatre: WEEKr BEOINKINO AVOTBT IT. - teaaatleaal Oeaety-Braauw "THE IRJSH WIDOW la fear eeta. ; ,.i i . Three performaBees dally: -ene eaeh"-'aftr-seen and tw In the eveaiag. Admlaaloa luet reeerved eeate tDe. I ii n . ,- PAINT A Q BS TO aS , wzzx or AuotriT ts. Sreasast ef All Jagtlers aad Faa-Mikits, Bereade aad Oraea. The Big Tear. Sadie Kite. ' aaa WUaea. . . David WUllatae A Oa. WUlle Xtavia. The Bias repfc. ' Perforaianvea dally at 3:30. J.Iki end p. a. Adnlaeinn Hie end 30e. Boxes Inc. Ladlee and children tahe any aeat at wees day sutlaees fox TEN CENTS. . - . Free ILIUSTRATED SZT.ZZ AND VIEWS Every -evenlnltc'cloclt. Bring the children. Corner , Morrison and Third. Change of program weekly. , HARRT SHUMAN, General Advertiser. HOPPICKERS RUSHING TO SILVERTON FIELDS (Spertal Dtspatrk to Tha JnsraaL) 8llverton, Or., Aug. tS.-r-Bvsry train coining . Into thla city Is loaded with hopplrkera, and ths harvest of hops will begin In many ysrds. today. At ths Al Jerman yard south of ths elty 150 pickers were unloaded last evening and picking will be In progress today. One or two ysrds In this vicinity com menced the harvest yesterday, but In moet cesss the harvest will not be an until the first of another week. . The hop crop Is excellent and It la ssld that some growers have been of. re red IJ cents for the crop In the field, but refused. On the strength of the favorable conditions In the hop market growers are decidedly Jubilant, and Just aa Independent . . WELLMAKTP0STP0NES ' POLAR EXPEDITION if: . ' .. ' (jMtraal Special Berries.) Chicago, Aug. . The American flag te not to be pulled to the peak of the north pel. thie year, by the Wellman Chicago Record-Herald polar expedition. Obetaclee feared and not wholly unfore seen snd the haste with which wlntsr came to the Dane's Island party - of Arctic explorers compelled the final de rision of Mr. Wsllman to postpons ths finsl dash to the pole until the summer of HOT. , , . '. SOUTHERN TRACK IS - BLOCKED BY SLIDE Jesrnal gpeelal BerrVe.) Dunsmulr, cel.. Aug. . A slide oc curred at Csntara.4 In Siskiyou county, yesterdsy morning SM feet long and from 10 to SO feet deep. It will Uke four days to clear the track. Rev. A. a Xyarrell of Louisville, Ken tucky, wll preach at the Alllanfe mis sion. Sixth snd Msln streets, Wednes day., Thursday and Friday evening. - REGATTA. I2th Annual Regatta Astoria, Oregon August 30, 3 1 and Sept 1 TXST rWM BMOATTA ABTD STOP AV HOTEL MOORE. Seaside - Trains run ssrly and lets to aecommo dite visitors. Upend the day at the Regatta and the nights by the sea. DONT MISS THE Astoria Red atta EXCURSION RATES Au. 29, 30, 31 and Sept. Irt FasTSfrTTELEGRAFil , Will leave Alder atreet dock T . a. m.', arrive at Astoria 1:J p. m. ; Leave Aatorla 1:10 p. m.;, arrive ' at Portland p. m. . ROUND TRIP $2.00 Tickets Limited to, September S. Meela oerred a la Carta. Tie, eta aa aalsr a Alder street dock. ' . now MAXsr sas. : ABSOLUTE SECUiilL: Cenulno ter-c Uttle Liver Pillr ' Must ar Signature) of Terr IBs r:ir: " ;;k:::t: . ei rsay cu2tic::( 7 7