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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1906)
c zz:i daily jcu-::al, i zzizl.::d, vzdmzsday' iv-z:n:;Q, August cb, iz:z THREE SCHOOLS Co A. McKenna of Portland ' ' Making Good Irv the Edu-cational-Llne? A-h 'LEAVES FOR NOTRE DAMS - TO BEGIN WORK THERE 'Will Afterward Study In Universities of Mexico and Brazil to Fit Himself ". for, Prctlctif-Internattonal -Le and for the Diplomatic Service. . A remarkable record that of having puMd through throe schools and won the highest claaa recognition In oaoh Institution ha a been made by Coe A. McKenna, Portland young man, who left yesterday to enter the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, After eouree -Coe -A- McKenna. these he will go to Mexican and South American "universities, and fit himself for the pnestloe of International law ana the diplomatic service. He ie a eon of Mr. and Mrs. F. X. Me- Kenna of University Park, and hie first : schooling wae received In Portland. He wae a graduate of the D. P. Thompson grammar school and wae elected preai dent of the alumnae association. . He i then took a eouree at Columbia unl ,' reralty and wae elected president of hie class. Qonsaga Jesuit college at Spokane wae selected ae hie next eeat , of learning. He attended a year as a freshman and wae elected president of , hie claaa. During hie course at thle school hie standing In every study was the highest, and he also found time to attend to the duties of coach of the football team and play the position of snorts top -in the Dell nine. -At the oonclualon of the eprtng term JafcKenn came - to Portland, secured ; twork-at civil engineering andcaarlpd a ' taanalt all aummer.'earrilhg all hie va 'cation expenses and a surplus of 1100 to apply on hie next college term. He will take a two yearseourse af Notre Dame. In history, economics, law and - the Spanish language. He will then go to Mexico City for a year's study of the Spanish language and government In the Univerelty of Mexico, thle to be rouowea oy e- year in the Univerelty of vrasu, ax tuo Janeiro. In planning a future career Mr. Mc Kenna haa Redded that the next decade will witness great development In com mercial relatione between the countries of North and South America, and the facino coast will be tee scene of moat of the activities following construction of the Panama canal. . JHJ KE, Y0U TELLERS, VrH' DOG CATCHER'S CQMIN' Remember your dog licenses, all ye owners of canines! : Pay before September IB or darling Fldo may be missing some fine day.' ' Tor verily, before the end of Sep tember that hated and dreaded person, - the dog catcher, will be abroad In the "land." 'With his net will he catch Ffdo and then It will be your darling doggy to the tank wherein lurks the deadly bl earbonlde. , t " The open season for dog licensee be gins September 1. No tags will be onl ; band before September 15, however, but ' receipts will be Issued during the first two weeke of the month and the tags ' will be mailed as soon ae they arrive. So yon might Just ae well make a pilgrimage to the etty hall early In September and pay up for Fldo. Don't 'take out a license now, but wait until ' September 1, for . all licenses for the 'year must be Issued on or after that date. ... . .; . NEW COPPER MINE . SHOWING UP FINELY ' (Speetal Dlspetek ts ne esraal. v Grants Pass, Or., Aug. St. The Buck eye Mining. eV Milling company hae placed a compressor and air drills on Its copper prospect, near Grants. Pass, and has double shift erewe at work. The Buckeye Is a new mine, but He .' progress during the past. few months has been phenomenal. Manager W.. H. . Ramsey has completed the new wagon road from the main highway to the property and will soon begin shipping ore. The .Buckeyehas one of -the largest bodies ef base quarts, carrying copper 'and gold, of any property in southern Oregon, The -ledge has-; a .width of too feet Most of the ore Is - .low grade, though considerable of It has assayed ae high as fit a ton In gold, besides the eopper. It Is good smelt- . ing rock and the company Intends to placw a smelter as soon as the mine Is Schedule of T. J. Potter. . . The T. J. Potter leaves Ash street dock for North Beach, touching at As toria, as follows: August IS, : a. nu August 10, II a. m.: September I, 11:01 p. . m. September 4, T a. m.( September , S:S0 a. m. September I, tilO a. m. from . Ilwaco, August SI, I p. m.j ittmit it. a. m.: Ausust II. t a. m.: 'September t, p. m. September S, Ji:iU a. m. i npninuir i, p.,iu.l SfPivmuvr i e . . - TlCKSie a A niru wum tt eeuinfriu. streets and at Ash street dock.. )eeis ' may be secured on-the boat. . - , hml enaenr Aannad i Allen A Lewis' Best Brand, fifth, siktu r.r.D uriSiiuiGion sts. YUE Ohm, UORTUim & Kim -STOSE; DIF Special Card to Those VJho've Monthly Credit Accounts- All goods bought at the store tomorrow and Friday on the monthly settlement system will be charged oav September bills. T This will afford timely and '.opportune privilege to patrons to pur chase liberally during these' two gresf bargain days that put a fitting cli max upon the most successful summer season the store has ever known. EXTRA SPECIAL 8 A LI. TO I P. II Forenoon Alt Items in This Division are at Special Advertised Prices Only Betv?en the Hours JS.Jt: LI. and i P.LI. Stile of Women's VJhite and Colored Thorough Sveepjng Cleanup mmSMm Grand Salons Second Floor. There are weeks yet ahead for general wear of the cool and pretty Wash Skirts, and they make neat, attractive garments for home wear during the morning housework hours all year through. The lots are small that remain with us. We're decided to bid good-bye to them to morrow at these "farewell Fnces ; 17S to 3.Q0 Skirts........ 8T . $3.50 to $5.00 Skirts... .....f 1.T9 7 PosiimlYlasilhis Yearl Tomorrovi Ends the Summer's Famous -Seml-DaYrDemW 7 Final opportunity to secure desirable and dependable year-round mer chandise at the 'twecn-sessons drastic reductions and clean-up prices. ' Th&LittleWss Will Soon Heed" In white or colors, neat round walking lengths, duck, percale, linen, khaki and twilled cotton .serges, gored and circular styles, plain or plaited flounces, all prettily trimmed in strappings, braids, , stitching', embroideries, 'buttons, etc, or plain tailored; white, natural linen shades, tans, oyster grays, etc.. with some smart mixtures, give sen- 'erous color choosing. Reductions ae above make this the most important sale of .Wsin bkirts held in Portland this year. ; - . , ' i A. M. to I P. M Dress Goods Store Annex First Floor. J ' X''. 7eiv $1.50 Fall Suitings 98c Yard New Fall Suitings, 56 inches wide, at a big sav- , ing Thursday Morning Sale New Illuminated' Panamas, the late gray shade, with old roso; Alice blue, green, heliotrope and blue combink 1 tions, 56 inches wide, regular $1.50 grade; special for Thursday morning only at............ ,'.98e g A. M. to 1 P. M. A Snap for Housekeepers Annex Second Floor. ; J " 35c Gingham Aprons 2Hc : Women's ' Blue and White Checked Gingham Aprons, extra full and long, with or without bibs, . long tie strings and pockets, regular price 35c; special st ., ...244 4 5.50 to $ 8.50 Skirts . .... ,f S.49 $10.00 to $15.00 Skirtsi.:.a..f4.08 8 A. M. to I P. M First FJoor. ! C ; Vomen's Lisle Knit 75c t4Llerode" Underwear Wc Women's Extra-Size White uMerode"-Made Lisle Knit .Vests, with long sleeves, knee-length pants to match, regular value 75c; special, each.. 4s) 1 And there are othersperhaps you've ; one St your house in the same fix. We . foresaw your need and provided for the emergency. Now, we dont affect any greater power of discernment than other r .stores in this respect we presume others, .' too, "foresaw," and provided. But right . (here we do register a claim, "backed by the 'goods."- We ; believe we have provided ' better for the wants of children and misses . in the apparel lines than any other Port land store. We'd like for you to look into the matter if you're interested and see if we've grounds for our faith. Some new arrivals which came in yesterday strengthened our imprs- sions. . ; , y -y. .y:. f Children's New Fall CoatsBeauties I For lassies ranging in age from 6 to 14 years. Cut full length, fash ioned from swell fancy effects in splendid woolens of newest weave, smart checks and plaids predominating, and trimmings of pretty braids, rich, handsome velvets and novelty buttons adding beauty to the en semble; splendidly tailored .if.....4.T5 TO V20.00 "Fir Vhat to Shun Uill Io GkzI Knowledge Heed, But Vhat to Follow, VJcre a IfJUCCUe The summer seems, indeed,rto be the "silly season" among many of the city's store advertisers. ' The extravagant and ridiculous claims of 'some may befuddle a few shoppers, but they, disgust more, end they learn to shun' the stores that give cry to absurd and impossible stater ments- Then j hat-to Jelievei.l 'upon the "OldHomestead Shops' that insist that every word of the printed announcement must be backed np by the goods In the store. , EXTRA SPECIAL- TO 6 P. M. . ' Afternoon Special Items in this pi vision Sold at Advertised Prices' Only During Hours Specified, viz: 1 to 6 P. LI. Pretty, Piituresque m sti&nos retry Neck-lJress- 8 A. M. to 1. P. MA Sale of ings First Floor. 25c Turnover Collars 16c Ladies' Fine Embroidered Turnover Top Collars, in assorted patterns, out 25c value; special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, rich 16a) 8 A. M. to 1 P. M Netd an Extra Hat Pin? An nex First Floor. in F6r7c You Buy i Pretty 15c Initial Hav Pin Tomorrow Morning What remains of aline of Initial Hat Pins round. shield and hearUshsped tops, regular value 15c; special .. . . ..v., t r 8 A. M. to 1 P. M-Third Floor. Pretty Gefrmap Fruit Bowlstlc Blue Uecoratfd uerman fruit bowis,. iu in cues in I diameter; special . 8 A. M. to a P. M-Annex First Floor. i Sale of Men's $1.50 Out ing Shirts at $1 : igee Shirts, wttn sou couar, tan ana ford and Pongee silk fronts, regular f x.vw t m e W a. Men s . iMAffiieee white j Oxford and Pongee value $1.50; special 1 TOS P. M. A Tempting Magnet for Silk Buyers .Annex First Floor, . r A. M. to 1 P. M 1,000 Pairs in a Slaughter Sale Thursday Morning Annex First" Floor Sixth Street. ' . A Remarkable Sale of . Women's Vhite Oxfords About 1,000 pairs of .Women's White Canvas Ox fords,' an assortment of our msny different lines, in Blucher or regular cut, with light or heavy . soles, stylish lasts and patterns , Values tc; $2.00; special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, ' the- pair .v...:, ..'.....91.19 Values to $3.00; special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, the pair "..................1.89 8 A. M. to 1 P. M-Another Millinery Selling Sen . sation Annex Second Floor. " $3.S0to$SStrawShapes$1.98 A line of Smart Neapolitan, Chip and Milan Straw . Shapes, in all colors, newest styles.' These hsts are- just whst you want for. late summer and esrly fall wear, and require but very little trim ming. Values from $3.50 to $5.00; special from ; 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, each..... ..fl.98 I A. M. to 1 P. M Get the Lace Curtains in the Morning Fourth Floor. 53.50 Lace Curtains $2.35 250 pairs of White Lsce Curtains, in Brussels and --"Renaissance effects; 3j4 yards long, 54 inches wide, our $3.50 vslue; special from 8 a. m. to 1 p. m. at, the pair f2.3S I A. M. to 1 P. M At Notion and Stationery Counters First Floor. ; Basting Cotton and Writing Papcr5pecar White Besting Cotton, 200 yards on spool. No. 40 and 50; special, 3 spools.;....... ..i.54 vOne-pound package White Linen Cloth Finish Writing Paper, regular value 25c; special. ,.15 8 A. M. to 1 P. MLlneni Section First Floor. Handsome "Diced" Damask 16c Yard Heavy Cotton Damask, in dice patterns, 36 inches wide; special at, yard 16f Best $1.50 Black Taffetas $1.22 Vard We shall offer tomorrow afternoon our 35-inch . All-Silk Black Taffeta, all the different finishes to select from, every ysrd fast dye, and silk you . can depend on, our regular $1.50 grade; special , Thursdsy afternoon only at, yard....... f 1.22 1 TO 0 P. M. .The Last of the Summer's Ducks Take Flight From Millinery's Realm Annex Second Floor. , ' 'v . Ladies', LHsses'DuckHats39c Every Duck Hat in the department, both lot ladies and misses Embroidered Flop Hsts, Smart Sail ors, Corded Crowns, etc., trimmed with soft ro- : settes and bands of velvet, values $3.00 and $3.50: . special from 1 to 6 p. m. at.... ......89f IN A SALE THE AFTER-LUNCH ATTRACTION TOMORROW IN THE GRAND SALONS SECOND FLOOR. ' A stampede of these pretty oriental breakfast garments before the on slaught of an army of eager buyers is on the boards for Thursdsy after noon's last Semi-Day Sale of the season in Portland's Largest and Fore most Apparel Store. 9 i.?u nimonos oc ' Long or short, dsinty colorings, prettily figured, lawn or dimity materials, . kimono . or dressing sacque style. 1 TO 8 P. M-AnnexrrSecond-FlooTr" Women's 75c Flannelette Knee Skirts 59c Women's Fine Flannelette Knee-Skirts, in dainty gray and white stripes, with deep flounce and scalloped embroidered edge, regular price 75c: special i . . . ...,59f I TO 8 P. M-A Clesn-Up of the Wash Belts. 65c and 75c Wash Belts 48c Ladies' Fine Washable Belts, with pretty ' pesrl buckles, our 65c end 75c values; special from 1 'to 6 p.m. at.. ...:...48e) 1 TO 6 P. M 8.000 Pairs of Women's Oxfords ' Slaughtered Sixth Street Annex First Floor. Women's Oxfords, Values to W for $2.69 About 8,000 psirs of Women's Oxfords, in patent or dull leathers, hesvy or light soles, best' lasts and pstterns and the season's moatpopular- styles, valueito JAUUrspectai lrom l to 6 p. m. 'at, the psir ; 99 1 TO 6 P. M. A Big Purchase of Women's Hosiery in a Bargain 8crambls Tomorrow First Floor. Extraordinary Hosiery Sale 40c Values 19c Pair A lot of Women's Splendid Hosiery, bought ot the manufacturers at an unususl price concession, will be distributed to. our pstrons tomorrow' Finfc Black Cotton Hosiery, values in the lot up to 40c; tomorrow! afternoon they go st, pair. 19 51.75 to $3.50 Kimonos $1.29 Very handsome, long or short 'models, dimities or dotted Swisses, sacque or kimono style's; long or elbow sleeves, snd all prettily trimmed in dainty laces, ribbons, etc., dark or light colorings. ; The biggest vslues in town as above. . . ' ' 1 TO 6 P. M. Annex Sixth Street First Floor. Men's White 75c Golf . Shirts Wc Men's Plain White Golf Shirts, tucked front, regu lar value 75c; special 40e 1rORJMj Gd Buy Hamnks FourthT $1.75 Hammocks for $1.15 Hammocks of Cartvss Weave, in plaids snd stripes, assorted colors, full size, with pillow; wide val ance and concealed spresder, our , $175 value; special from 1 to 6 p. m. at.......... 1.15 1 TO 6 P. Mv Annex First Floor Sixth Street Women's 65c Handbags ; 39 c A line of Grain-Leather Handbags, all-leather hanr . dies, moire-lined and fitted with coin purse, black or brown, regular value 65c; special....... 89f I TO 6 P. M. Third Floor. . V i China Cuspidors Half Price 25cj- r German China Cuspidors, 7yi inches in diameter, decorated in tints snd gold sround top, with neat sprsy of flowers, regular value 50c; special.. S5e I . ' ' 1 TO 6 P. M- First noojrJ r-'- -Toilet Sundries at Bargain 1 Prices Imported Tooth Brushes, reg. val. 10c i special.. 64 Witch Hazel Toilet Soap, regular value '5c; special Per cake Per dozen ... .......30e 1 TO 6 P. M Domestic Aisle First Floor. R Big Value in Table Pad Covers Tsble Padding, good heavy quality, size - 1x2 ysrds; specisl .............................9 . . j Yli I -Mead-FatfieratnuBT Clood Housekeeping for - September tells of the good work done by the Moth- and Fathers' elub ef Boston. This i has Uken for Its motto, "The child today Is the ruler ef tomorrow. and th thle thought In mind It seeks the tterment of ehlld-llfe In the home. Of course, the most vital and over- BAwarina- evil Is eblld labor, ana tne cfub fa endeavoring to do as much ae r isible , to k abolish this blot on our bMsutifal country. The elub hae also established - a . country, home f or , poor orilldrea. v ',, " ' I In our lovely Rose City "the cry of tQie children" doee not seem so piercing. V Cheart-rendlng. Child labor hae not toome a. aueetlon of, pressing Impor- u nee, perhaps, because we have plenty efVble-bodied men and women to do the wolrn. There are more opportunities for tb'i poor man In the west, and we have X advanced so far (?) that the poorer c'- ios are obliged to live In close, 111 m nins end death-dealing tenements "r,t roenUl sUgnatlon and death, then Physical. But even In thle , fair elty therev ar, children to he helped children on til, streets of Portland that are grow In io without the training and eare that shall make them good future cltl sens. Scowtown Is full of them. Many of our suburbs have unenviable reputa tions as regards tough boys and vulgar, Ul-bred glrla. If we need a Juvenile court, we also have need of a Mothers' and Fathers club that will direct their attention and energies to betterment of home condi tions. The child mirrors the defects of the home, and the only lasting way to help the child Is to Improve the home life. , -Y ft ' Crab Croquettes. 5 Pick the meat from one dosen crabs and out Into tiny pieces, mix with three eggs, be till very light, add three ta blespoonf ule of eracker dust, two tea spoonfuls of mustard, one tablespoonful of butter, and one of vinegar. Mix thor oughly until all the Ingredients are blended,, then roll out or form Into cro quette ahape; dtp each ' croquette Into beaten eggs, roll la fine eraoker duat and fry In boiling Hard until a light golden brown. Arrange on a platter, edging the platter with parsley or oreea. Serve' cheese stloks with the croquettes. ;.: ft ft ft. i When Mayonnaise Turns. '. Every one who has had any experi ence in making mayonnaise dressing knows how provoking It Is to have It curdle' Just about the time the last drop of oil has been-put In, says the New Tork Mail. As a remedy for this very provoking situation try the following: Take a lump of lee ae big as your flat and rub It quickly through the 'mayon naise for about two minutes. Then take It out snd stir very briskly. The evil will have been remedied without the bother of using a fresh plate and egg yolk. The point le to chill It thorough ly, so he euro to use a good-elsed piece of Ice. Small onee wlU have no effect whatever. ... ft ft ft . ; ' Bits for Baby. It's pink for a girl and blue for a boy, after ail, with "Little Boy Blue" to re member It by, . Plllow-ellps open st the back, but not at the ends. All sorts come, from the plain little -ones, trimmed with only a oluster-f -flne-tocks rtinnlngacroaa each side, to heart-shaped bits of beauty, em broidered in tiny, fine patterns. Baby veils 'are oftenest made ef net, edged with lace, or with a plain little hem, exquisitely stitched. Frenoh knots and brler-atltchlng made to follow regular patterns, make the daintiest kind of sn Inexpensive trim ming for dresses snd slips, snd for the finer sort of bibs. " 'vt ' There's a vast difference between christening-robes Some elaborate ones, all a mass ot lace and ruffles, are lens expenalve than the simple but beautiful hand-made ones. But the hand-made onee are ohoaen nine times out of ten. "ft ft ft ' 'A Question Game. y '.. An old game of questions recently re vived glvee the hidden names ef stand ard authors In their correct answers. Here Is a list of questions that can be extended ea you desire: The questions are read by the hostess, the gueete answering according to num ber en the slips of paper provided. 1. What a rough man said to hie eon whan he wished him to eat properly. s, A lion's house. dug In a hillside where there Is no water. t. Pilgrims, flatterers have knelt low to kiss him. 4. . Mends and makes for first-class customers. I. Is A kind of linen. , 5. Can be worn on the head. 7. One name that means such fiery things I ean't describe Its pains and stings. J , S. Belongs to a monastery. e. Nnt om of the noints of the com pass,' but Inclining that way. 19. le what an oyster neap ie api to ba. ' : . . " 11. Is any chain of hills containing a certain dark treasure. . it. Alwave youthful, but not much of a chicken. . ' The appropriate answere of theee mt.M K mm .n Ia . ftiaiiAA n,4.IL Pope, Taylor, Holland, Hood. Burns, Ab bott, noutney, nneiiey, coienage, xoung. a r Floating Fichus. . Fitted fichu draperies of sheerest linen embroidered and lace-trlmmed are ehaped so that they may be easily adjusted, and late Importations' are long sheer scarfs of linen or batiste, which are to be drawn around the shoulders after being plaited end caught by a buckle or ehou between the shoulder-blades and to ahow In long floating ends in front. RAIN NEEDED TO STOP - ; . BREITENBUSH FIRES 8pHl Dtepitra to The Joe rat I) -Albany, Or, Aug. M The forest flree that- have been the toplo of Interest for some time past are. reported as still burning, and until 'a heavy rainfall , v.r. v ! ' ' ' ' v, DON'T BE MISLEAD There are man good breads but only one good 17T- When yon ask for it . at your grocer see that you ; '.'get ttl-.'"- .'.;,,-...- V Ptrmtt no Subtfltutlon, Thii Ubel on very lof ;v 'i: 5c per. locf-tt " tU croccn 1 ,, comes It will be difficult to cheek lie progress. Due to the many fires In the mountains, the valley Is overhung with a thlok eloud ef smoke, making the sun appear red In the. distance and causing the atmosphere to become Impregnated with Its smoke and vapors until the peo ple long for a rain to eSear the t give relief. The cause of most of 1 ' mountains Is sparks tro" or other sources, for v In the forest and sr.. j 1 blame than the earner. I'.