The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 29, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    '-tThb .oesooh daily lonitnALi T05TLAHP. wbphesdav- pvawBtft- -Accnsf ti. "K
iOf ; mot
V ' i
Wall Wallan Dos Not Under-
? t 'stand Absence of Governor'
t 'I From Present Contest
"Ti v." - ...
iAithoufB Everything Appears to Be
'V Coming Way of Waahingtoa Solon,
' He Is Distrustful of the Outcome
.. .''of the Caucuses. '
I t i , (Bpectel Dispatch to The JosrssU
f,r Statu, Aug. J. There , le but one
; j W&shingtoaV politician worrying over the
r i result of . the caucuses held over the
' tUU Monday for the ticket to be
4 nominated frlday, end that to Senator
I lvt Ankeny. Why h le worrying U
a source of wonder to local Bepub
' llcana, hut that he la all acre. Bo far
f ae can be determined, th chief cauee
; f of Ankeny'a worry la due to th eb
' aence of Governor Mead from th pree
f ent eonteat. . At- no tjm haa th gov-
amor abown a hand la th earn and o
t far aa carr be learhed he haa no Inter
: t wets. That, la Juat what keep Ankeny
on the anxious aeat. t '
: In Walla Walla county, where th
r eenlor aenator come rrora, suspicion
: i I covers every man, be he but the veriest
- want-heeler, and ao Ingrown- has thla
v becom In , Senator , Ankeny'a makeup
that na cannot dui regsra jaesa a w
einne mm Amlnous
Men who have -followed the political
1 same in thla statei however, aay that
Mead can be the only kwer by thla
- alienee, tie naa contented nimeeii win
making speeches before achool convea
tlona and aoctetlea and haa left politic
severely alone. If be la a candidate
for re-election In 1 lot, th politicians
ay that be ahould be taking a hand la
: the gam and prepare his fence.
' ' Aakeay Saaaieatly gosplcloms. ' '
?V Walla Walla politician are stirring
things up. for Ankeny and Warden
"' Xeea' action In the laat city election at
' that place haa given Ankeny'a cohorts
". the chance to accuse th governor of
. fighting Ankeny.1 This waa -th theme
of aa editorial which appeared in An
keny ' Walla . Walla paper Tuesday
'. 'morning. Local politicians discredit; it
end say it 1 due to Ankeny'a inherent
. suspicion of everybody. . It la well
known that Ke' appointment waa the
-only favor asked by Ankeny from Mead.
It waa readily granted and ao etrlnga
' ; attached to It, hut Ankeny waa never
i"; given reason to - believe that Mead
-would allow Ankeny the right t vae
. state appolntmentaeagalnat Mead'a own
- Interests In every little political con
test that waa to be pulled off.
The selection of th nominees named
' 'by Pile for etate eenat la considered
-but th fulflUment of Pile- pledges'
mad to Ankeny. . That many of these
., men are persona noo grata te Mead la
' well known. Anybody who la sequalnt--'.
fed with Washington politic can pick
. f out' these men by looking over th list.
Th Xirat one lhatrattract th jtye. It
; Pliny U Allen.
Many politicians remember with glee
. the picture ntllen presented coming oat
; cf th exeoutlve mansion , at Olympla
.; :on an early spring day In 1905, after a
; brief, bnt nevertheless comprehensive,
, chaf wlth Mead. It waa at th Urn
. the etate printing bill waa up. Allen
had formed a combination with Al
How of Tacoma and Gordon Corbaly
of Spokane, by which Allen waa te get
' the Job ef - atate . printer. He had
1 i thrown over the - nomination for etat
aenator at th preceding election te
Frank TwitchelU who managed Piles'
; campaign in the aenatorlal race aad
"Who waa eubeequently elected. .
Me Salaey fee COerka. '
The bill which the combination waa
4i working to put through waa noticeable
for th absence of a provision for cler-
leal hire. 'Allen waa aaunterlng through
. th capltol building tone day and met a
..young man whom 'he thought would
. 'xmaka a clever clerk. Later Governor
'-Mead called Pliny into th executive of-
lic and apoke brieny ror a few min
utes. Alien came out with hi faoe aa
red as the proverbial utile red choel-
. ' bouse. Later a clause waa added to the
, bill providing, for extra clerk hlr In
th executive office for the aid of the
' atate printer which carried a salary of
7 a jraae witn It. When th amount
of this salary wee announoed, it la aald
that' the youngs menwhomAUa
' thought would make an ideal , dark
carolled. :..... . ',.
C W. Gorham. formerly editor of the
rrSnoleealsa Tribune, wsa given th po-
- siiioa ni printer ana A"n nan
'bad for Mead since. Nothing
would have attracted further notice to
Mead and Allen In the present fight
Come where you can get aat
lef action to the letter. -Theee
suite are designed, fit.
-ted-and-tailnrrd with eat rema-
careeuita that Ire a eat iaf ac
tion to buy and a aatisf action to
wear. .
They have the right lines, pat
fern and material.
$20.00 Summer Suits are . '
now .....f 14.00
115X0 Summer Suits are
, now .......f8.S
Two-Piece Outing Suits
tt..r.. ........ HALF PRICE
f.C3 Trousers. at.......$2.3S
ii.CO Trousers at.......t3.45
, Cee the Window Display.
, lien's and Boys' Outfitters.
Mohawk Building. -
Boys' dubs of Kelso and Caatla
; were organised and are conducted by Rev. FreOackaciirpMtbToTlhe
i velopment of Christian character.' The clubs are managed by a committee composed of ministers and business men, ., ' . - " . : . '-. ,. '
had it not been for th arrival laat
night of A. N. Brown. Mead's private
secretary. Politicians aay they want
to know whether Mead is atlU after
Allen and will try to put him out In
th convention Friday. Th knowledge
of a Mead representative arriving will
probably give Senator Ankeny a sever
turn and caus him .to deepen big sus
picions of the govamor. '
Mead and llee rrtende.'
But thla would be useless for Mead
and Piles are friends. Absolute friends,
say- those who - have watched their
actions, and even if Allen were turned
down at the laat moment. Mead would
not oppose th naming of any other
man Pile might select. " .
' Polltlclana aay that Crocker ia ' to
blam for' Ankeny'a worry. . Soma de
clare that th -"boaa" played double
with Ankeny in th last fight Th llt
tl incident over Tom Palna in the
Seattle revenue office rs remembered
and it I said that Crocker 1 pointing
out With sinister meaning ' the action
Pile took ta that affair.
Pain waa a clerk in the revenue of
fice and Crocker discharged him. Piles
turned around and appointed Paine to
a. little better Job In Waahington. Thar
waa no open rupture between Crocker
and Pile over th affair, but Crocker
haver forget and. in eprte of the faltb
fuloess with which Pile la keeping hla
promise of securing an Ankeny delega
tion of 'holdover aenator from King
oounty, is pointing out to the Walla
Wallan thst because Pile opposed
Crocker, it must necessarily follow that
the Seattle man la opposed to Ankeny.
And it la aald that Ankeny la Juat sus
picious enough, to believe It, or rather
haif-belleve It, which mak ltL worse.
: ' Wo Baaeoa fog Bietraai .: ....
Piles ha made hla pledae good and
did it by selecting a list of men for
the atate eenate whom be can rula ab
solutely. - These men war selected
without consulting Mead and the com
plexion f the elate la unfavorable to
the chief xcutlv. What else Ankeny
can ask for cannot be fathomed by
local people H haa no reason to be
suspicious of Mead, and yet be dla
truata th lattar. . n ;.'..,
John L. Wilson's position jn the atate
polltlca haa com to b regarded aa a
aort ef hippodrome. Wilson states that
b doe not want an office. The next
day he turhe around and tells his ne
mles to "go to hell." He i a parados
in himself and politicians expect the
next announcement 4o ba to-t he effect
that ha- will enter the senatorial, race
against Ankeny la IrOI. He le eject
ed to do so anyway, wbejher he Tnmkm
the announcement or -aori cl3t ia well
remembered What he had to amy upon
the matter' of obtaining a aat in the
United States eenate. ?AnsHtan can
buy bla way Into the eenate," aald Wll
son, "but It takes a man of bralna to
get there without - th eld of bank
notes." Wilson baa the money now,
something 4m did not have when he
made the remark, and ee one politician
put It, "Ha didn't gala control of the
P.-L for fun. ..- ,' . .... . . .v v
Chauffeur Says She .Emerged
From Path In Front of Car
- : Police Doubt Story. T
(Joarsal gpeelal BerTlee.)
San Francisco, Aug. ' St. -A young
woman, well dressed and from her gen
rat appearance probably well connect
ed, met . death on , Ocean boulevard
shortly after 11 o'clock laat night by
being rua- down by a n a ut omobtl t..
The machine, driven by Eugene
Nleol. chauffeur . la ' the employ of
Dunham, Carrlgan at - Hayden. waa
apeedlng alons the boulevard whan th
woman suddenly emerged from a foot
path into, the middle of the - road and
waa struck by the flying ante. Nlcol
waa unable to alacken the speed of th
machine In order te prevent striking
the woman and aha waa tossed eome
distance. .;,...'.
As quickly aa possible Nlcol brought
bla automobile to a standstill and went
to the assistance of th -woman. - At
thla Juncture another touring car came
up and, noticing the accident, the driver
topped. It passengers assisted Nlcol
to remove the woman to a hospital, but
she was dead on - her arrival. Nlcol
aye he waa alon at th time, but gave
no satisfactory axplaaatlon ef his pre
ence there alone at that hour of - the
night The police think th case, merits
careful investigation.
(Jooraal Bperial avrvlee.)
Racine. Wis., Ang. . Union labor waa
dealt a heavy blow by,th decision of
Judge Chester A. Fowler In th boycott
suit for 125,000 damages brought by Otto
Bi Bohulta. a. bakss, egalast tBTTTaaei
and Labor council, Benjamin Dress en
and others. By th decision the contract
exacted from the boss bakers by th
union men' In an effort to enforce the
closed shop la held -Illegal; th trades
council and the Individual members are
enjoined from using the "unfair" list;
the boycott la declared an actionable con
spiracy to accomplish a criminal or un
lawful., purpose: Bchults is allowed te
recover damagea of SXSfip for th los of
profit from the time of the commence
ment of the boycotting sets up to the
time of the trial, and 13.600 In damagea
for the amount of Injury to his business
property In relation to ita selling value.
Wyoming Bepablioaaa. - :
(Journal Special Service.) '
Casper, Wyo., Aug.' . One hundred
and forty delegates and a considerable
number of other visitor are In Casper
far the Repebllcan state eonventl jn.
Th convention WllH perfect a tempor
ary organisation this evening, and wlli
proceed with th work of nominations to
morrow. Candidates will be nsmsd for
governor and other etat officers to bo
voted for at the November election -
Rock, Waahington. now in amp at
Unknown Man Caught Unreeling
Wire Belonging to ' Home
- Phone Wounds Officer. '
Patrolman Falls Mortally Wounded,
.' but Firea at Fleeing Assailant No
Trace .Found of Assassin, Who
Makea Good Mis' Eacapa. ;
(Journal SpKlal Service.)
v San - Francisco, Aug. . An un
known man ahot and ' probably fatally
injured Policeman 3. 3. Cook, at Sev
enth and Brannan streets shortly after
midnight thla morning. A special
aquad of policemen from all stations la
town comprised of all available offi
cers, waa at one detailed aa a acouring
party, but nothing haa been learned
which might lead to the capture of the
man who committed the crime.
Policeman Cook had been atatloned
for eom time at a bank at Seventh and
Market streets and. going off duty at
midnight, etarted to walk down to the
Southern Paclflo yarda in order te
catch a- freight train to Ocean View,
where b lived. At Seventh and Bran
nan he came .acroaa four man who were
engaged in unreeling wire from a cable
of th Kom Telephon company, wnicn
had been left there by workmen pre
paratory to putting It down manholes.
The men were euttlng the cable and the
policeman placed them under arrest. He
began to question one of them and
learned from him. that h lived gt
Ble-hth and Barry streets. .
At that polnt-th man suddenly drew
rrevblver and. placing It to the police
man's stomach, fired- three staota in
oulck succession. Cook felt to -th
ground, but as he Jar woandsd in the
street managed to draw hla- own gun
and emptied th. contents ef its cham
bers at the fleeing men. The man who
ahot him turned and fired back two
more shots and disappeared into the
darkness. '.
Cook was ahot three tlmee in the aide
end abdomen. The surgeons de not
think he can live. He ha a wife and
two children. . '
. tJoeraal Special Servlse.)
Columbia. S. C, Aug, . As a result
ef yesterday's primary election a ma
jority of candidate favoring Tillman's
state dispensary law ware successful.
Insuring th continuance of . the law.
Partial . returns Indicate- the nomination
of M. B. Ansel for governor, who waa
opposed 1T T1""-", '" iffiral
option and J.- F. Iyon foe attorney
(Special rxspateh te The Jooroal) "
Albany. Or., Aug. !. Mrs. H. M
Duns worth of Oakland. California, who
haa been visiting in this city at the
home of Mr. Blaser, . died - suddenly
Monday morning at their bome. The
cause of death la attributed to Jieart
disease or aeut indigestion.
Bh was 74 years of age, X eon who
Is nrthe Alsea country on an outing
trip, and a daughter of Oakland, Cali
fornia, survive her.
Rich Food Value
' Of Pabst Beer
Good Reason Why the Finest Bottled
Beer Should Be in Every Home.
There le no beverage more healthful
and none mora satisfying and refresh
ing than good beer. Thst Is why we
ay that Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer, the
choicest of all bottled beers, should be
In . every horn where thing to eat
and drink are valued according to their
purity, cleanneae and actual . food
strength.- Before or with your meala
It la appetising and invigorating and at
all tlmea it ie a cool, refreshing drink.
Pabst Blus ' Ribboir Beer is- the supe
rior of all beers In cleanness and purity
and also in food value. Thla ia becaut
of the Pabst exclusive eight-day method
of making malt. Malt la the soul and
body of beer, and the richer. the malt
the more wholesome th beer. Malt ta
made from . barley by a process of
growth and perfect malt, Pabst. elght
dsy malt, contalna all the food elements
of barley In predlgeated form. '
Most' brewers grow their malt la four
days, but four-day malt la an un
natural development and necessarily
Inferior because In the rushed growth
of the grain Ita vital food value la
thrown 'off and lost. By scientific ex
periment end 10 years of - practical
brewing Pabst has proved-that eight
daya are required te make perfect melt.
This give th oaney alow growth and
all the food : value of the grain la re
tained In Pabst eight-day malt. That ia
why . Pabst Beer la so nourishing and
strengthening, ,. . '
CHARLES KOBlff at CO. . Mela 4SS
-V Ceraer Third aad Pla
Paoit Blue Ribbon" Beer '
' ' .a i.i
wnwrn suBRina asst. ron pabsi
Ooble Creek whencs they marched from
City Fathers Denounce Each
V.Othe In Words That Hiss
and Sting. v
City Treasurer and Recorder Corns in
for Little, Pleasant ; Personalities
That Keep , Crowd With Bated
Breath All During Session, v
- '; Beet Side Bepeatament. .
,' The St ' John councilman at their
meeting laat night bad the time of their
Uvea, The atmosphere wa heavily
charged with excitement. . Th little
ball waa packed with an expectant
crowd, all looking for a warm session,
and they were In no wis disappointed.
Rev. E. S. Bollinger, recently of the
First Congregational church of
Oregon City, who has accepted the
pastorate of the Highland Congre
: gational church, .East- Sixth and
Prescott streets, Portland. ,, '.'J
City Treasurer HaU set off the flre
worke by presenting th following reso
lution, which h asksd th council to
I adopt
'Beaolved, That we, the council of
the city of 8t John hereby declare aa
legal and valid all our acta sine tb
present mayor became poatm aster of
thla city, and w will protect W. B.
Hall, city treasurer, la paying any and
all warrants signed by said mayor since
said data." -
In explaining the resolution, Mr. Hall
tsted that hla bondsmen had directed
hlra to tak thle course for Jhelr pro
tection. H Intimated that unless th
resolution was adopted ha would sew the
town up tight ao far ae the continuation
of all city work Is concerned. City At
torney Oreene suggested to th council
that it was entirely unnecessary to paaa
such a resolution, that the mayor waa
and la mayor de facto, that aa long aa
he held on to th job th acta of the
city government, were legal and could
not be questioned by a subordinate of
ficer, aueh as the treasurer.
After the counoll had threshed over
th matter for half aa hour and th city
attorney had given several legal opin
ions concerning It, the half dosen law
yer spectators broke In, uninvited, and
ahed a mixture of light and darkness
en the perplexing question. ' At this
tags of the proceedings th Rev. Fred
3. Warren engaged in a lengthy and
animated colloquy with the city attor
ney concerning the mora sbstrus and
technical questions Involved ia the pas
sage of the resolution
Councilman Hewitt, who seemed to be
at oute with everything and everybody,
proceeded to grill th mayor to a brown'
turn for not resigning. He charged the
mayor with being responsible for ell St.
Johns' , municipal woee and dramatical
ly demanded that he forthwith resign,
and give eome other' good man a chance.
Following Mr. Hewitt, Attorney, T. T.
Tarkersquared. away, f or.a speech, of
advice to hi honor, the mayor, . but
Councilman Raser awor he wouldn't
stand for It and ordered the loquacious
lawyer to desist. v-
The Rev. Mr. Warren seamed to hav a
bannering to return to th limelight and
engaged in a second animated discussion
with th city attorney, coming out a
close second.' Councilman King her
aought to cut the Oordian knot by sug
gesting that the councilman sign tb
treasurers resolution, instead ef pass
ing It ae a body, but Councilman Raaer
balked at putting hla John Haaeock to
such a paper. . After an hour and a half
discussion. In which- half the residents
of the city took part, the council de
cided to turn down the resolution of
Treasurer Hay. . '
- The Improvement of Philadelphia
street which leads from th river to th
business part of th city, provoked th
expression of a variety of opinions. D.
C Roger presented a remonstrenc
against the Improvement embracing two
thlrda of the abutting property, which
waa adopted by the council.
u. (j, wooanouse preaenieg a map or
new "grade, for thle street which he
claimed was two per cent less than the
tfieir; horns towns. ' These, dubs
one made by Engineer Goodrich ' and
would do away with nearly half the
cuts and f Ilia of the Goodrich grade,
The Woodhouse grade waa discussed by
the council and spectators - alike for
half an hour. Action upon It was post
poned until ths next meeting.
Councilman Hewitt poured a few hot
snot into Recorder Thorndyk ror oon
tlnulng ' to accept municipal funds in
pit of the tact that be bad been or
dered by the council at. the last meet
ing not to do so.. The recorder didn't
seem to be disturbed by the roasting,
Claiming that under the circumstances,
hie notion waa Justifiable.
A committee consisting ' of Counoll
men King,' Norton and Doble waa ap
pointed to inspect v chemical engine that
wee offered to the city and report to the
next meeting as to the advisability ef
Eurchaalnar it. - .
The recorder submitted ths following
report of bis receipts and disbun
inent: Received from all aourcca. III,-
.I42.IS; paid out, fM.6ls.ei; balance ea
nana, siivte.
Shall the new bridge ecross SuUlvan'a
gulch be concrete or steel T was tb
principal . topic under dlacuaalon ' laat
night at the meeting of the East Side
Improvement association. The aasocia
tion finally went on record aa favoring
ooncrete, provided . th coat . did not
greatly exceed .the prpoeed steel struc
ture. It was announoed that the city
engineer ' bad advertised for bide for
both concrete and ateet Upon motion
of H. H. Newhail the concrete men will
be invited to come before the associa
tion next Tuesday night and explain the
merit a of the concrete bridge. C. H.
Reffety, H. H. Newhall and C. HTlelds
were named on a committee to urge the
council to build a bridge ever Sullivan's
gulch without unnecessary delay, aa it
la one of the pressing needs of the east
aide. It was agreed to make a strong
f fort to hav ears, crossing Morrlaon
bridge, proceed up Morrison etreat aa
far ae Tenth or Thirteenth street.
Joseph Buchtsl, E. J. Daly and W. H.
McMoniea were appointed a epeclal com
mute to, confer with weat aide busi
ness men with reference to thle proposi
tion. ... .'
W. Ik Boise, C H. Raffety and othere
discussed the Eaat Third etreet fran
chise. It waa finally decided to make
the franchise question a epeclal subject
at the meeting next Tuesday evening.
The Monta villa Improvement league
is aot quit so onthualaatle aa It wee
ever the fact that BuU Ren water waa
turned Into the malne of J. M. Arthur
Mount Tabor Water company. For sev
eral daya pgat It haa been noticed that
the pressure morning and evening was
altogether too week for BuU Run pres
sure and an inveatlgatloa waa started,
which developed that the thrifty Mount
Tabor Water company waa turning an
honeat penny by' reducing the flow of
city water Into tte malne. By an ar-
rangement made between the Mount
Tabor eomnanr and the city water
board the latter agreed to furnish water
to the Mount Tabor company at so much
per 1,000 gallons. The bill appearo to
have been piling up raater tnan Mr.
Arthur, owner of the Mount .Tabor com
pany, liked, hence the reduction In flow.
The league went on' record aa vigorously
opposing the curtailment of belr water
aupply. Secretary Carter waa instruct ed
to notify both water companies to thla
Th. T.nt.TI,'.t1i fttrM, Tmnmvaw
Imtnt "ltnn and the ralt-viaw-aaJ
aoclatlon were invuea to join me
eaiTue In its effort to establish aa
10-foot boulevard along Villa avenue.
It waa announced that the O. R. s N.
officiate bad agreed to establish a flag
station at North Montavllla. The rail
way people Informed the committee that
it would not pay te eetabllah a -depot
there end put in an agent and operator.
The league concluded that nothing better-eaa
be eeoursd now
Mrs. Laura Dickenson, a resident of
Monta villa. In attempting to board a
moving Mountavllla car laat: night fell
on the pavement and was badly bruised,
though not seriously Injured. vSh waa
helped te the car and waa later able
to be carried to bar bome.
rSpaela Mspatsti Is the SeeraaL) ''
Grant Pass, Or Aug. it. Shipments
of melone are now being made daily
from Granta Pass melon fields. . About
IS cars of melone ere shipped from here
annually, though the output this season
will probably be a little short on ac
count of the ravage don by "melon
wilt," a new pest that haa found Its way
Into the local flelde. ' The melone are as
large and of the eame excellent quality
as In former seasons. A large number
of caaabae -and eantalbupee are aleo
being ahlpped from here. . :
(Journal Special Strrlee.)
"Chicago, Aug. J Th Investigation
by the police of the death - of Edna
Jon of San Franclsoo, California, on
August It at the homeopathio hospital
In thla city proves that th girl died
naturally . from heart dlseas superin
duced by consumption.
At the time the authorltlee thorough
ly Investigated' the coroner's verdict es
above. . The young woman left I10.0SS
worth Of property. -which la supposed
to have caused persons to declare her
death to be suspicious.
X ' (Sped! Dlspstsk to The Joarsal.)
- Albany, Or., Aug. !. Albany now
boasts of es perfect S water supply a
I possible to any city. The large
double filter recently Installed by the
Willamette Valley company was yes
terday placed in operation and la giving
tne people water a nearly abaolutely
pure a money and science can mak it.
' Taking th excellent system-th city
bss bad for years and augmenting thle
with one of the most up-to-dattf latere
WE TCSACM j -v' :
" We have class in real business writing the kind worth
money two evenings per week.' , A special Instructor give
the whole evening to that Subject. , Any one can improve hit
handwriting.;, s , -j ;-v. '--,,' --, . ?
v-v-o THE LEADINO '-:l
are so taught: at our; school that, students mlways becoms: " 1
competent stenographers. . The incomparable Benn Pitman
system is read0y mastered, and Uads mil ethers fot jppced
and ctrtaintyTlX was awarded the gold medal at the St
Louis Fair for uperiority. i Mimeography, card indexes, ,
methods for filing, follow-up systems, etc., are included :
in the course. JLearn what and how we teach. Call, phone
or write for new catalogue free for the asking. D it now. 1
vrk sael Waaktagte Strosts
S Hen tall. t fer klfi than W4 at
BeaattfsuY located ia Portland. Ores,
gets asarasessd IscUines ler the cat-
lure aad adscatiea el f Sang waste. Special
ppertnsities la Music. Art, Laasuases aad Liter
stars. Well eealpped Pbrsicsl aad Cbeailcal Lab
erstoriss. Herbsrtasi ssd Mloersl Cabinet. Tb
largest aad oldest Ladies' Seminary la tb Pads
Nerthweet. it enjoys a aatieaai reeutanea Isr las
artiag the best pbrsicsl, araata! aad si oral trsia
Ing aad developlag tree weaaaabaed. Eeslps
socially and dcaneasllr for tb aet sisited
statkta. Csaiers Atadeak aad Collegiate Dearees
by Stsle Astberlty. lateriereaca with ceavictloB
et aeaCatbeUca Is acrapaloiaalr areidee. A cad aay
Is Ideally lacated. saald inspiring scenic a eras-
Social eepertaslties seek as are avsiisbte
as se-etser cny ea the Ceesl Bandings large end
cesiSMdle. waU-Uabtsd. heated aad veauistsdi
derautorie aad private reeau saeelled with all
saedem eeaveoisaces. Tb iaatiratlea la liberal
aad progressive witbeat sacriaciag th cbaracts
aad tradineas et g sa acaisvesMBt. lerass
svadest Sanaiacterr ressreeceereaislred. Write far
saaeaacesMat beeklet Beard aad tains Slav sag
yaar. A4dreas &ter Seperier. !it.Msnp'i Acseeaay
Q,p TM TJpftsrstflfl Iff, 'tT.S.A.
Tnm 5chooi. that Placcj
Writ Direct to Principal Room SIS.
J Portland Oregon .
iatb txab wsu om sarv. it.
Pits boirs and airla for Eastern aad
Western eollagea. .
Includes , a .primary ; and grammar
Boarding hall for girls affording th
comforts and care of a refined home.
A limited number ef boy will be re
ceived into the bome ef one of the In-
a tractors. - .-:..
Offloe hour during the Summer from
t a. m. to II m.
For ttataiogu writ te the addreee
given Above-
Medical Department .
. , I ;' .' Of THS. .... . '
University of Oregon
SOtk Ananal Jksalen Boglss Beet. ' IT, ISOS,
e m. a. JomrpM, M. v.. Peas.
S10 Dekaa Sldg.. Pertlaa. r -
will give the elty the finest water sup
ply la Oregon, Albany - drawa ' her
water from tne Santiam river, a moun
tain etrcant about 10 miles away, and
th bringing of th same to Albany
glvea th filter almost absolutely pore
water to work en. the filter taklna out
th foreign matter and removing any
possible germs that may find lodgment
In the stream carrying the water te Al
I 1 w - m
FOR A P?bi:QTIOW - '
SPELLING ::';;,:, V'
A. P. Araaatreeit, LL. B., Prioctsst
mtt It fay U etttnd ur tckaitf
ivrvaee. Collegia,
.. Oo-SdaaattenaU aad .
zn ran
" a , .
v . .
',-; '-. ".v AND " 'j'-..'v .'.,, i..'
" SCgterior Scbclirsbl?
Tertlflcat from Paolde TJnlveraity
heva admitted etudente- from - ear
classes to exactly the earn grade in
Williams. Amherst, . Princeton. Tale
and Columbia."
' , t :'.. . Class of list,
Tsa abeve Is frooi as artiele by Be.
Bnrai-e U . Raaaey, ef et, Sreehaa'a
Chnreh, ' Portland, Is a booklet, - eatltlei
"Te Seekers of Higher Bdneatlea." - The
artlelas Is the booklet art all written if
alumni lad sraeVsts ef PaclAo, aad Stag
ke had fee tb aahlog. . , . . ....
Tbe frtptrtlsrj Eessrttsf
High School grednatee and other
having credit to make up for col
lege courses can do so la Tualatin
Academy.....'.,:.. .-. ; i. .
rom oatasoovx. :
Fill Tern C?:s SepL Ita
A Boarding and Day School for Boy.
Inlng, - Military
Military pteelpllne,
Boys of any age
College Preparation. Bo:
edmltted et eny time.
Write for XUua-
t rates catalogue.
Dr.J. W. HHU Prop, and Principal
rail term win epsn sept, is. iio.
" ." POBnASTB, OSUBSMtaT. . ' ..:
Corner Bast Twelfth end Salmon atreate.
rreparss pupus ior coneges ana tecnnical
schools. Sixth year begina September
. ror cataioguee address . ,
- . 'oka' BrewaB 'ay. ' ,
Topeka, Kas., Aug. SI.-Petaratlona
have been completed by the cltiee of
Osawatomle for the big celebration to
morrow of the flfteleth anniversary of
John Brown's historic light there. Vice
President Palrbanka, Governor Hooh and '
other men . of national fame . are .
aoheduled as speakers,
...J. i ' ..
' : 1 . - ...i .... ...