The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 29, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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    1' ' ' .
.rim . Jbiiscs::- daily jouriiAU roaTEAi:g,r vz:d::i::pay iivzix.'C, 'Aucuzrr , i u:?.
! .',
4 : 1 '
Once More Ambitious Girl Stands at Head, of Score In The
" : Journal's Scholarship Contest Other Contestants Are
:' 't.:''--J:-'S 'y" Rushing In 'Their Votes, 1
'"'"' -P' TAJnX OP 00TSTAJrT TOTSS. 1; J ' '
,.. - Nellie May-Shannon." 001 Tentno." Portlandr-Orrr.-v; ;;r:;-.;TrT7v1.0e
v a uorae. A. "Wilson. US Halaey Bt.' Portland. Or. ........ ... ..11.070 V
; e Mildred Clemens, University Park, Portland. Or. ........... 04,100.
Guy Graham, Troutdale, r.tT...... ............ .01.170
, Lillian MeVlcker. St Johns. Or. ....... ,. ..... ..., ............ 01.MO.
' a' Wharf, f.: aralnakar. Albany. Or'..".'...'......-.'.. .SMI"
1 rifr ft..r-" fulfill ai I'Miiwnii Or.......'..,
V. o Bertl Q. Chan.- lt Clay St, Portland. Or..............
Charles Grose. T. It C A, Portland...... ......... .,..4 .......
SMith if. Harris. 411 Oxford St- Portland. Or. ., ...ILIUO
Carl Shelton, Fort-eig hth St. Mount Tabor, Or..'. .'. i. .. .10,005
Mary tt Powell. 417 Salmon Bt, Portland. Or. ... .17.110
Roy Johnson.' 74 Division St. Portland. Or... .'. .. ............. ..10.110
Mao Fendergrass. Ml North Seventeenth St. Portland, Or:.. .....11.011
Paul Nygren. I8t East Third St.' PortUnd, Or. ............. I. .. .11.300
Malala OTJonnall, Buxton. Or.............. .11.141
John Benson, Chemawa, Or... ....... .......... ............ ...... .10.700
Dorcas Van Bchoonhoven. Cora. Or.. r. ....... .. ...... ........ ....14.10
Mabel Msxnaae. Amity. Or. i. ....... ........... 11.140
Lou la Berrs, Astoria, Or..
Dean Knox, Corvallls, Or........ ,
Ruth Turnar, 101 Kerby' St. Portland. Or
31enn Patlllo, Grants Pass. Or
Harry Brant, The Norton. Twelfth
Lloyd Riches, Bllverton, Or..................... ...............
4 Clay Cary, Salem, Or. ,.......
e Ailean Hackman. MyrUa Park, Portland.- Or
e ' Louise Scott, Central addition. Portland, Or. .... .
Guy Johnson, 101 Grant St Portland, Or..
4 R- W. Cyrus. Bcio, or...
4 Ivy Owens. Cedar Mills. Or....
Edward L. Kinsman, Llnaton, Or.,.,
Agnes Evans. Latourell, Or.................... 1,100
W. E. Owynn. 140 East Thlrty-ae Tenth St, Portland, Or.. ....... 000
Richard W. Gllvln. Roseburg. Or...
George O. King. Klngaton. Or......
Nellie May Shannon, after 10 days
of desperate oonteat has paaaed HoraoO
. Allen Wllaon, who has led for that
length of time, and now sits In the
curule chair as ruler of tha contest
'Miss Shannon had led tha contest
from July 10 to Auguat 1. Evan before
that data aha had enjoyed a brief spell
of power. But tha , leadership was
wrested from her on July 0 and 10 by
. Horace Wilson.
.Both .contestants are - indefatigable
workers. They are making a systematic
and general canvass for aubaerlbera.
; Bealdes tha scholarahlp at stake both
are anxloua to win tha 0100 In gold coin
. which goea to the conteatant who fin
ishes the race In tha lead.
Usap am slew. ...1'
With reaard to securing new aub-
acrlbera the contestants hava earned
, honors In the following order. In the
work of the laat few daya:
1. Louie Serra, Astoria, Oregon.
.- S. Nellie Shannon, 001 Tentno street,
Portland.- Oregon. ' ' - -
', 1. Mildred Clemens.' University Park,
Portland, pregon..'
.. 4. Ouy Graham. Troutdsle. Oregon.
-:- i. Horace Wllaon, 160 Halaey streat.
Portland, Oregon.
0. Lillian MeVlcker, St Johns, Ore
gon. ' .' . -
7. Roy Johnson, "74 Wvtslon street,
Portland. Oregon. ' '
0. Mabel Magneaa, Amity. Oregon. '
: 0. Bertta Chan, 201 Clay atreet, Port
1 land, Oregon. ..
' 10. Edith Harris, ' 400 Oxford street
Portland, Oregon. '
11. Mary Powell, ' 417 Salmon street,
Portland, Oregon.
i ll. John Benson. Chemawa. Oregon. '
11. Aileen Hackman, Myrtle - Park,
'Portland. Oregon. j " -
. . BTews Votes af Albany Collage,- -
. - Charles Duncan Montelth, one of the
' popular atudenta of Albany college, has
; Juat returned from Prineville, where he
.. has been applying principle of survey
ing learned in the classroom during the
1 past year. "Dune," as he la familiarly
. known. Is a grandson of the Rev. W. J.
Montelth, who with his brother deeded
i the college alta to tha presbytery of
Oregon. He baa been with a eurveylng
party doing contract work for tha gov
. . The Albany collage students working
In the lumber mill at Mill City have
recently had experience aa fire-flghtera.
Iurlng the forest are- near Detroit - the
Albany crowd, did valiant service. - The
boys who have not lost day's work
in -tha mill, except to fight fire, since
commencement are Ralph Knotts. Harry
Merrill, , Ralph Stewart Irwin Schults,
Hiram Torbet Roy Morgan, Evert L.
. Jonea and Grover Birtchett For the
. ordinary hoy such work would be 1rk
: soma enough, but as a year's college
'Ufa depends' on It toe proverbial light
,neartedneea or tha college student still
' characterises these embryo lumbermen.
- , Prises) Stake.
' Tuition In beat Oregon schools, $710
in gold and cash commissions.
Following is tha list or acholarahlps.
with approximate cash value of each,
. offered aa prises. Detailed information
concerning them will be published from
time to time, or fnrnlabed on applica
tion to the contest department:
'Academy of tha Huiy. Names, Aa- -
,' torts, value ;..l!60
-Albany college, Albany, value..... lot
Behnke- Walker Business College,
Portland, value 10
' , Capital Bualneas College, Salem, -'
value".... ,. . 100
' Columbia University, Portland,
value ;ao
Dallaa College. Dallas, value....... 100
, Gillespie - School of Expression,
Portland, value ., 120
urn Military , Academjr : Portland,
, - value i 100
. Holmea Bualneaa College, Portland.
value 100
Holmee-Flandera - Private School,
Portland. '" j m
' International Correspondence
Bchools, Bcranton. Pa., value..., lit
McMlnnvlUe College. , McMinnvtlle,
value .......... , 40
i Oregon College of Optometry 10
uregoa eiaie normal, Ashland,
. -Oregon, cash prraes and 26
'Oregon : Conservatory -Mualo.
One PtaaofoAe Scholarship. Value 100
' 'One Violin Scholarship, value.... 120
One Guitar and Mandolin Scholar.
ahlp. value loo
Pad no College, Newnerg, value..... loo
Paclfle Telegraph Institute, Port
land, value 120
, Page-Davla Company Original Cor. .
- -respondeooe . School of -Advertls-
Ftev. W. L Riley, LL. D., Cuba, New
York, writes:- "After fifteen deys of
excruciating pain from aclatlo rheuma
tism, under varloua tree-tmenta, I waa
Induced to try Ballard'a Know Liniment:
the flret application giving ry farst re
l f and the eerond entire r I ran
e It unqualified reoomm 1-0,
' ' . , oc'ari, t 1 1 i i 1
and Morrison, Portland, Or..., 0,110
000 , 4
........... ........... 100
Ing, 411 'Commercial building.
411 f Coram ere tal
Portland 00
Portland School of Domeatlo Bot- '
. ence. PorUand W. C A.), -
value 100
Sacred Heart Academy, Salem,' '
value ...100
St Mary's Academy, Portland,
vajua 1D0
Whitworth College, Tacoma, Waah-
' ington, two year's acholsrshlp, .;
either preparatory or collegia,
value 101
Bealdes tha cash commissions which
the students receive when they secure
new subscriptions, cash purses to tha
total aum of 1700 will be awarded as
followa: ' , . ,
' L A purse-of 1100 for the general ex
pense of th winner while attending any
publie or private Institution providing
free tuition. ".-,
l.t A purse of 1200 to be used In the
same manner aa tha above.
, 0. A pursa of 1100 for Incidental ex
penaea to aupplant acbolarahlp se
lected from tha foregoing list -
4. A purse of 171 in addlUm to one
of tha foregoing acholarahlpa.
5. A purse of too In addition to one
of tha foregoing acholarahlpa. .
' 0. A pursa of 111 in addition to one
f tha foregoing acholarahlpa.. . .. ':
Scholarship Seoared foe Bop o 6lrl
Contestant In State. '
The Journal's educational congest la
attracting attention In the ' atata of
Waahlngton aa well aa In Oregon.
Several inquiries have been received
from young people who would find it
more convenient to attend a school near
their own homea and homea of their
relatives than In any of the Oregon
schools which are Included In Tha Jour
nal' a scholarship prises.
To meet thla request Tha Journal has
secured a scholarship In Whitworth col
lege, Tacoma. Now let the Waahlng
tonlana who say they would compete for
a scholarship In a home school "make
good" by entering and finishing tha edu
cational race. Thla valuable prise will
go foa loss than three weeks . of work
gathering subscriptions.
The contestant In tha state of Waah
lngton who secures the moat subscrip
tions will be awarded tha acholarahlp. if
there la mora than one. if there Is but
one. the acholarahlp will be added to tha
general llat of prises to be selected by
any -contestant In turn according to tha
order tn which" contestants stand' whan '
tha laat votee were counted, s
A statement aa to tha advantages of
Whitworth college, Tacoma, la given In
Tha Journal for readers whose location
causes them to be interested In a Waah
lngton school.
sttanda foe' Want Ze See.
Whitworth college stands for what la
best In ' education. It haa attained a
position of pre-eminence in the atata of
Waahlngton. It la located In the north
residence section of Tacoma, Waahlng
ton, and thua haa the advantagea of a
large city and the quiet and refinement
of home life. Ita scholastic atatua Is
recognised by the leading universities
and colleges of the east and west and
Ita graduates are admitted tipon the
presentation of dlplomaa to graduate
and professional study ' everywhere.
Scholarships ere held In the University
of Chicago, and Whitworth waa awarded
the Cecil Rhodes acholarahlp for the
successful student in - ItOK. This
scholarship will entitle the recipient to
three years In Oxford at 11,000 per year.
Eastern culture, refinement and, training
are aimed at
.The school Is high class. T Only stu
dents of certified character ere admitted.
The growth In five years has been from
20 students to 170. There are five large
commodloos buildings, with an environ
ment that la exquisite, and a view that
la superb. '! . , . .
- Comprehensive Cwxrlealnaa.
The college curriculum this fall will
Include a complete course In civil engi
neering under the direct supervision of
rroreasor Atnoa ox. The college now
provldea four yeara instruction In
physics, chemistry; biology, . geology,
mat hematics, history, economics. Ens-
llsh literature, philosophy," paychology,
logic, ethics, Greek, Latin, French, Ger
man, Spenlsh, Italian, music, srt ora
tory and Biblical literature. There la
also a commercial school affiliated with
the college where typewriting, atenoe-
raphy, bookkeeping, commercial law and
Knsiirh can be had at half the uaual
coat of such subjects. There is also an
academy. coiiueuted with the" college
where a preparatory course can be had
to nt a peraon for a college course.
Pee Bot Boys na (Hrla.
Three degrees are offered by the col
lege proper, vis.: A. B, B. 8., snd PK B.
It Is co-educational with euperintendenta
In charge of both the hoys and tha girls.
President Kroese haa positive tdeaa
npon the mixing of the sexes In schools.
He writes upon this subject -as follows:
"Whitworth college believes that the
person of character la tha product of
natural condltlona kept aweat and pure,
and that a characterless person Is the
product of conditions which are aru
tidal, theoretical and unreal to Ufa. Co
education la natural condltlona atlmulat-
Ing to character building, kept Jiealthful,
moral and pure.' If a girl -wan ta to
build character, what la true to nature
ana what la real to lira la Imperative.
Bitch rondttlene denied lier wlll thwart
the trite dealgn and warp tha beauty
and nobility of her being, co-education
does .pot mean training a girl, or -boy
where the objectionable In lire prevalia,
hut rather where the horlsona are pure
and the 'atmoaphere broadening and
aweetenlng and strengthening. It Is the
opposite of cloister training with the
aame care and attention.
--Xrge aaY Able Tacnlty.
Whitworth has 20 profeaaofa and as
slstanta on Ita faculty. Professor Henry
H. Armstrong, Ph. D., a well-known
archaeologlat from the Unlveralty of
Michigan, and a fellow of tha American
School of Claaalcal Btudlea. at Rome;
Professor F. T. Vorla, A. M., a gradu
ate atudent of the University of Wis
con sin. University of ChlcagoJmdCo-Jumblaainiveeayr-'
Professor W. IS.
Beardaley, A. B., a successful teacher of
German. French. Italian and Spanish In
Port Worth university; Mlaa Mary M.
Belden, A. B., formerly deen of women
of Blackburn college. Illinois, and a
graduate atudent of Yale, and Professor
A. H. Heath, A. M., head master for 10
years of Lowestoff college, England,
and unlveralty roach for Oxford and
Cambridge, are among the' additions, to
tha faculty thla fall. ry- , v
The fall term opens September 18.
Literature -and catalogue will be aent
upon application to the president B. H.
Kroese, D. D., Tacoma, Washington,
Whitworth Station.
Bertie Cfcaa Asaits Xerself CTredttably
U XBtertainmemt at Sraoe Oharoh. -Bertia
Chan, tha Chinese girt In the
educational eonteat aeeklng one of The
Journal's scholarships, took a promi
nent part In an entertainment yeater
day evening at the Grace M. E. church,
Portland, and acquitted herself credit"
Miss Chan recited "The Shadow on
the Blind" with good expression . and
aultable gfiturea and responded to an
encore with a humorotia selection with
good effect She was heard in a vocal
duet with Mra. Margaret Hawlay, In
which' she exhibited a trained alto
vole and clear . enunciation. She
ahowed versatility by playing mandolin
and piano aelectlona; also entertaining
tha audience with a lecture upon the
education of Chlneaa girls.
Miss Chan appeared in Amerloan cos
tume In which aha ahowed few Chlneee
characteristics, and then In Chlneae
royal costume, in which she looked very
Chinese. The program Included musio.
recitations and addreaaea by other mem
bers of tha Chan family. This family
Includes Seld Back Jr., who married one
of the Chan tlrla.
' . September S aad 10.
- On the above datea tha Great North
ern railway will have on aala tickets to
Chicago and return at rate of 171.00,
St. Louie and return 117.60, St Paul.
Minneapolis 'and Duluth. Superior or
Sioux City and 1 .turn, f 10. Tickets
flrst-claaa, good going via tha Great
Northern, returning same or any direct
route, atopovera ailowed. For tickets,
sleeping-car reservation.! or any addi
tional Information call on or address H.
Dickson. C P. T. A, 111 Third atreet
Terp turn Figaro Made Aoeonnt sTa
, . eionnl Irrigation Oo agree. .
Sentember 1 and 1 tha n. SL A M
places on aala very low round-trip tick
ets aocount the National Irrigation con
gress, Boise, Idaho, September 1 to I.
Particulars and Pullman reservations by
ealllne unon Mr. C W. Sttneov
ticket agent Third and ' Washington
streets, Portland.
oat f Thanks. . .-7
Mr Otto Rummel desires to express
the heartfelt thanke of himself and
family for tha klndneas extended to
them by their friends during tha last
Illness and funeral of hla late wife.
II' ..- .'. - - - CYW A mt " .a'Vv cj. & I .1 - ,. XT; : . . II I
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ll - ...'.. - . . -. aw -. .i :". ' II
Deeds .Recorded Show Further
Purcheses in Packing-House
' District.
Gets Twenty Acres en Bag Line
Road and Will Erect Summer
Home Other Deals Announced In
Different Parts of City. .
Deeds recorded today ahow further
purchaaea In tha packing-house district
Two of tha deeds are given by jqrk
Hoover to tha Knight Packing com
pany, and they call for the tcanafer of
one email tract of less than an aore
faslng on the Willamette slough and
along tha right of way of the North
era Paolflo railway. The other calle
for the transfer to the aame com Dan r
of 10 acrea adjoining. The conaldera
tion In both deeda la given as nominal.
u. f. Morden haa aold to Rev. Clars
snce True Wilson; paator - of Grace!
Methodist Episcopal church, 10 acrea
on tha Baaa Line road, aaat of Monta
vtlla. The price paid waa 11.000. It
la understood that Dr. Wllaon will erect
on the tract a modern summer home.
One of the largest transfers resorted
for eeveral daya Is that announced to
day whereby the. Meier Frank 'com
pany purchases from Mahala J. Beam
and husband six lots In Llnnton and
the half block on the north, aide of
Everett atreet, between Fourteenth and
Flftenth streets. The consideration la
announced as nominal.
The Portland Trust company has sold
for 10,000 to A. a Nichols all of -the
entire block, except two lota, bounded
by Milton, Holm an, Boston and Omaha
streets In Albion addition to Alblna. .
For a nominal consideration Georare
R. Shepherd haa sold to. Mrs.- H. J.
Meier a lot 100 by 110 feet at the
aouthweet corner of Fifteenth and Mill
streets, .. ' t
. Momee Oolag tTp. r : -Henry
Fltspatrlck has started work
on a home at East Morrlaon and Eaat
Flfty-aecond etreeta. It will cost about
1,000. , .
A. Raffling, the tailor, haa had plana
drawn and secured a permit for an at
tractive home' which he will build on
Cactus drive, near Cedar hllL It will
cost upwsrd Of 14.000.
Whldden at Lewis, the . architects.
have completed plana for a brick dormi
tory for woman at Paclfio. university.
It will cost about 140,000 and the bids
will close in a few daya
Minnie M. Lee . and William Hay-
huset have purchased from Louis
Brandes a houee and lot on Fifteenth
atreet, between Kearney and JLAveJoy.
for 10.000. T
Goldsmith tt Co. .have sold for
Loweneon Brothers to A. Bernstein the
8 pel gel property- at Twenty-third and
Overton etreeta. The conalderatlon Is
given as 11,000. .
J. W. Oorman has purchased from
the Paclfio Coast Abstract company of
Ban Francisco the quarter block at the
northwest corner of Twenty-first and
Thurman streets for 1 11.000.
Hart man ft Thompson report the aala
to Carl King of McMlnnvlUe, for A. O.
Sherman, for 13,000, a house and lot
at East Tblrty-aeventh and . Madison
streets tn Bunnyslda,
Reed, Fields eV Tynan have sold to
Wllaon eV Morgan 10 acres at Hazel
wood, about two mllaa from Monta
vllla. The purchase price Is given as
11,600. v
; What Jar? '
Why, the Everlasting, of course. Once
use the Everlasting Jar and you will
never put up fruit in any othere. ' Ask
your grocer. ,
Yswfegvssl Btoek OasBaeS e)eedab
Allen A Lewis' Bast Brand. -
. ; '
The spectacular prodoctlon of the
beauUful fairy play "Aladdin, or the
Wonderful Lamp.' which is to be given
ita first; production at the Oaka on Sat
urday afternoon at t o'clock, promises
to rival anything of Ita kind yet aeen
on the eoeet A, large and unique open
air stage Is to be constructed among the
oak treee en the lawne of the grounds
that will look as It nature bad grown
It there. -
About 100 children will participate In
the serf ormanoe. The caat - includes
many well-known professional children.
Tztics (iualilv to Czrty ihz fcoyzr Lclcf
' . ' , " ''.'..'.''."" 'i;'' . v .'..:'' : ' .' .' , '' ' .
There is more value to the
" . square inch
suits of ours for men than you
will fend in: the -ordinary kind
for fifteen dollars.
-v':;'.;--'t.;' "'vi;v-'Ti':'V;;;v:-'..;;
These suits are trustworthy,
stylish, perfect
Ten 'Dollars.'
In blue or
fancy wool
single or double breasted.
who will introduce the popular nursery
rhymes In the play.. The costumes Wtli
be all new and there are many sir
prises In store for both old and young.
The children are being rehearsed by Mrs.
Ada. DoW Currier, the well-known pro
fessional stage director. The perform
ance at the open-air theatre will be free
to all who come to the Oaka on Satur
day afternoon. , ' -; V . v
Manager Frledlander bee arranged for
a great cake walk by 10 colored ladles
and gentlemen, which will be led by the
famoua Blng Henderson of Omaha. Nebraska,-
known as the moat celebrated
leader of cake walk la America.- Varl
oua eouplee will represent . the leading
olttea of Oregon and a prise will be
awarded to tha couple voted aa the
"In these business
fitting and worth
; y - ' ". -
black 'worsted, or
cheviot patterns-
champions. Thla eake walk will be seen
for the first time On Mondsy night, dur
ing the Labor day celebration. s
, Cheap Rates East. '
: On September I and 10 the Canadian
Paolflo will sell round trip ticket a to
eastern terminals at very loie-ratee.
Tlcketa good tor stop-overs with prtvi- ,
lege of returning; same line or via any
direct line. It will eoet you no more
to travel via "The Great Scenle Route."
Double daily train service .and tha best
of everything. For full particulars call
on or address F. R. Johnson, F. P. A
Portland, Oregon. - ; . :
. iSorerrad eeek Canned Orseda,
Allen 4k Lewis Bast Brand.