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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1906)
THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAt. PORTLAND. 'X-WEDJISSDAT - CVZ:ni:a, AUGUST.' Z?. IZzi. r 7 TODAY. ' Feasibly To hsve anese deenelted wbete It a orawlag M Interest, Possibly vo bars mm4 It to Taw frames oaly to flud thst when yoa aw It yea could not ret It. Per ha pa Sometimes yo kv hart beta triced ad ana. W weet r'M know that 'eer lmBklng facilities arc exrelleet that jo" win make M mattes In affiliating with eu hut , . wx wninoui cwnncini of " 1 J.I V-"HLe m iktf Mil. : (bl They are negotiable. ' -" " . It) Provide (or te 4 per cent htaml. Wt' shall tw glad to CxpUm r cms ye JUlTSTBATlOaTB fcit:. Trust (qq'cl Or$a B.S. Cor. 84 aed Osk ets. ' nan x. n. BENJ. I. COHEN... President H. .. prTTOt'K .Vlra-Preektent BJLEB FAKTrvtiir..-..r.i T.:arratatT T. O. UOLTRA... Aaaataaf secretary on Grand Avenue LEVEL GROUND, JC8T..THS PLACE FOR A GROCERY STORB OR TENE MENT HOUSE: LOT tOxlOO. PRICE, 11,000. CAN GIVE TERMS. . ', i' -';; O It. JOURNAL, . . A 5?Roqiti Xew and modern, tha 8. W. ornr 17th and Clinton Bta., aast Hid, l-mlnut ear Barries. Tbara.ia no batter houaa la tha alt for tha jmobojr. -Price2i250: I AM TBS OWNER. O M, JOURNAL. STOP TO THINK . L . !Why would yaa roh out ta anina aolata auburb, pay from 1200 to 1400 for 10x100 foot lot. whan you can buy a lot eontalntn nearly an aora, rlfht In tha elty, hlh and Blhtly. rich soil, ready ta cultivate? Tha moat beautiful balldlnr altaa ta be found anywhere. MOO to flOO each, for 110x150 feet ot r round. Terms. AddI to . saaa raw Lcc!t Here but Don't Look Elsewhere 40 omt H nila R. R, fT00. . ' 1M ansa. 4 mUn af ear Una; Urlng . aratar. tl.S00. : - M aoiea, llrlnv water, bulldlnga, t mllea of car una, Oi.iuo.. PACIFIC REALTY CO. ', - 14H liiw Ml, Boom .- . jOAGIXES tSM Vs Aara Fine garden land: lay tli faat on ear Una; to fare. Phone Paolfle Itll. ... ' . TOVfTO, Morrison Second Hand ' Furniture Wanted Will bay $10,000 worth at onoa. 3. T. WILSON, Avetlonaer. 101 rirat atreet Pbena Main lilt, 40 Acres of Hops ' Tine Telle farm, well atoekad; rood bulldlnfa, driara, ato. with all the crepe, If aold Immediately. STCaX A(IENCir,305UtwdLiL- Close -In Corner 880.000 Big batMlnaa all araaad It, The seat say ea tee market. T. L. Garland , S84 TUedaer B14gM 10th aad WaeWngtoa. near th city for fS,0O0 ua- lmprovad. t -.. '., ' $?C11X ACEKCY, 305 Stark St 5 MORTGAGE C LOANS wxlxoam mnozM. ratiinr Bids'. . 'AW riCTESTMENT In Wlralea will be good ae Bell Telephone. Write for partieulare to . - f . noon BAOir, '-. ' " 411 Lumbe-r Exchange. . WATCH LENTS , CROW And keep year aye en WILET ALLEN ' e CO. ada for flna bargain In real : aetata. WEATHER REPORT. ' A mn high era area I central erer eeetere Moataaa, ana fne oeromerer m re is tlrelr low eve California: and weetera Ore ana Tbeee Condi t lone here esneed generally fair weather In the Pacific and Roi-hy mountain el a tea. except that along the Immediate coaet toe weather la either clnadr- or focsy from the Bioetk ef the Cotwbi rlrer . aouth to Baa I'leg. A email dnrurbaare la central arer lahe Rapertor. which hee reaeed light rsls hi eeetsra Montana, North Dakota, Mlrmraota. , Iowa . aad- a peer- Michlgea, 1 V- harotnetcT " la rektllrely high ia the Atlantic atstes. Iorsl ralna; beery in places, bowerer, bare occarred In taeorgle, eaat Teaaeenee, the Virginias, the Iiletrtrt of CMsmbta and aoatheaatera Pennsyl eanla. Except la New England, where It Is aiech cooler, th chaage ia temperature a lace yr-terday bar heea anlmportaat. loa ladlcatmaa ar for fair weather la thai dia'rtct tonight and Thnreday. ubeereationa takes at 8 a. as.. Pacific timet Temp. Rtatlnne ' - Max. -j Mia. Preclp Paker tl'f. Oregoa Boeteeu MaenschueetU....M T4 .0 1 4 81 1 fV T4 .0 .0 c9 .0 A .a .0 .a .a .a .0 .a i A I btcesn. IHIoote ,. TA IVarer. Colorado . Bd K ansae City, Mleenarl. ..... M In Anteles. lellforala.... Te .New Hrlran. Lotilalana... . M r New York. New Verk... Pertlend. Oregon...., Kit M . 4 ... 78 ea 84 as Beaofrarg. tregna. B'. koala. Mlaee) Salt ih. Meh. 84 Fine Lot Cottage tan FraaHacw. t'ellforale... M . 84 tmkaae, 1 aahlngma T 81 ina, WaaMngton Tl . M , Valla, a aahiagloa.. ft ' . tea, A. U ,. 84 .04 r THE variety of ing ever MARRIAGE LICENSES. William Parks, 70 Columbia treet,S0 Pclto Horace Oil lard Jane. 80; Mrt CccUU Ne hauaea. 11. Jueeph C. Oram. II Kail Feertecath street. : Bute, Byae. an. ..... : en- 0 M PetereoB.--- Greed -0 eeBBBr- SO, arnca Mill, aa -T-fTotT, ! inula Draw Filming. 81. . . a . j ii . j . 1 . i.Li. aa Baa C. Maeeev. 1083 Hawthorne avenue, M; uerwa at ay ecofieu, D. . Wedding Cards. W. G. Smith Oa- Waaa ingtoa tuag.. ear. reorte aaa rtesoiuexaei ma. Wedding aed calling card enr raved a Brutes. B. T. Boaatoa. azxte waaaiagiea aw Mlaa Bertha Harris, roest (it snaky Mo ItaaiplBc ss4 sua seedlewerk; leaaaas- aires. :U)EATHS MAEtiLV I. Baa Joaa. Cel.. Aaraet M. ltM. - aire. Jkfartaret Maaflr, balorad swloer e( titom U Maafly of Kamaa City, Ma. I 4- H. fiaiy-ar rortUnd, r.T-iraT-,WUla ' aue mima Miy ar Baa joae asa r. v. Maealy ul Ohtrace. 111. Dareaaad was acad M yeara and days aad waa a slater ta the tate Aaaai siippal or tnia ciiy. UNDERTAKERS. ' DaaDlas. McBntae 4r Ollbaofli. Badartakara sod embalBierei atodars la erery satalL Be Tea U and Plea. Mala asa. May eaitataat. A. B. BaBwtoak, aadertaker aad tnbelBMr, aat TblrteeaU aad UavaUlla are. tBeae Ball. wood 11. Krlcfcaoa UndartaklBf Co., end embalming, dot Aloer at. rsoee Mala aiu. uv aaaiataBC I. P. liBley bobs. Third and Madleea eta. Oftee ef eooBty eeroBar. Psoaa Mala s. - Ct.ARKB BBOS., Plorhrta Viae flowers ssd Uijrai saaiitna. jaw jtwTKca as.-' Bdwar Bolasa, aadartakar, M Third at. KITIATIXW CHinilT, ' llstls frsras f 10. ranlly lots fTf te 11.000. The oaly eamatary ta Port land which per Bataelly BulBtalea aad esresfor lots. Per fall laforaaatloB apoly ta W. R. Mackeaste, Wor orator blork,-city. W. M. Ladd, pfeeldest. - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. O.. W. B. and Wllbelmtna Morrta ts . H. Plaaott. lota 4. X. B ana I tihiort t. f uitoarr. . r.TrTrfnr. ..... . 1,100 utara ana nu Knyaer te VToeencB ana wuneimins J axe. tot a. block a. ut- nun Park l.eSR William and Margaret. B,..jTailar 4e.-F.- 4. Mann, fractional lot a. block 13, . Bmltb'a ntHllrlaloe and sddltloa is . East Portland ' m ariata una company to V. Chrlatenaea, lot 21. blork 14. Ariata Park Nn. 1M Point View Real Berate roes pa ay te W. ". ana aiynia a. wreaa, iota SB, XT . and 38. block UL Point View BOA Victor Black to Blaworth B. Steea. lot - U, block C Boaedale Annex..... 100 Mathilda B. sad Joaapk O. Stniaoe) to - Klliworth A. Steea. lot 14. block a, . Boaadala AnnOT. 1 Kl Blrant O. Tarr ta I. 0. Prlaatly, lot , ' blorn II, roxrhsse sddltloa te East Portland - 1 . B. ritspatrlck ta W. W. Oeorge sad . Josrph Shannos, lot , block T, AlMna ' 10 hflnnle B. and Janes a.' Locke ta Creels m. MPU-anorn, parcel, or land at eoatb line of Eaat Madison atreet. Intersects ' weat line of doaatloB land claim ef sal don Morrsy sad wlfs; slss fractloBal lou 1 and S, blork 11. Seaworthy 'a addition ta Sat PnrtUd . Portland Trnat Contpaar of OreVoa to A. " . b. nrBom. ante 1 u XL tnrlnalra. alack , Albloa addltloB te Albtna d.000 v. ana nfnrr tj. kmi m r.n si. Parte, eaat U of lot 4. block ta. Um. Mlllea's sddltloa f,am . v. anoi nrnie lj- bsbos is vreffoa Trnat A Barlnn hank, lots 1 and a, block 12, Doacber's flecend addlties; . alae lota 1 and S. block lo Wast Irr lnton; alae lot 2, block IS, City View Park; alao aonth B8 feet of weat 70 . fret of lot X. block 24. Albiaa. Ion ! Frances te Minnie If. te and Wil liam Hayknret, lot .4. block ITS. Couch's sddltloa ... 0.000 asrno ana jnariaa Boofatrsar to Mariano Cbaramonts, lot 1, block B4, Tlbbstt's reddltloa i XaUa sad-CaaiL-W. Pl.aoe 4e team Uhmaa, lot 11. block la. Bsst Part- .'no .' ta sinan nawima to a. r. aad Dors D. riessl, lou aad 0, block 6, Llneola ' Park , fg( Lonlae sad Robert B. Cottar te Mrs. Cora Rica, lots 4. a. 0. T sad 0. blork 10, - Ckrrerdale Bitenaloa J.O00 James sad Nancy oiaeoa at al. te Da rid . B. Joanaton, 46 aeras ef Plympton i : Rally's doffatton land claim, actios , tewnablp 1 eonth, raaca S eaat ' 1,000 Oreroa Mortjrara company, Ltd.. te One- . taf V. Uudqnhrt, lot 1L block 4. Willamette HeUrbW.. ISO ax. w. ana Afnee Kiacald and H, H. Bhaak ta i. B. Rcatt, lota sad 4T. block 45, Peninsular addition No. 4.... eeorire W. Arery to Victor Lead eenv . paay, lot 14, block DC Portameath Villa Bxteaatoa to t. w. aaa eeaie a. Hasting te Alfred Brngasr. lot 14. block 14. Arleta Park No. a LtOO . w awnai vnaa, iov f , nana J- ' wood . ........ ........ ..,...,., ' 1.000 Mary B. Andrews te K. Jens Otoea. lot T, Haaelweod..... , 1 Mahata 1. Beaa ta Meier A Prank com- paay, lota 1. A T, S, 11 sad IX block , 01, Llnnton, and lota I, a, I aad 4. block 7, Conch's sddltloa I Oeorse B. Bbepberd to Mrs. A. J. Meier, lOOxMO feet at Mill aad Fifteenth etreete' 1 '7'Tjtri '"r --'-"-a ti wil Ham 8. Grim, lot 90, Babdlewloa A of ' eretlna 4, Rlrerrlew cemetery IB ww u. ana Mary ward, ae ta arm, a, M. Swain, eaat H of lot A block 1. P. T. Smith' addltkmrte St. Johns.... 1.100 B. Henry Wemme to A. P.- Smith, tot 4. 8 and A blork 84. Saanyalde 1,600 aaary aieuowaa to tteorga w. aad Bereh , M. Welgl. lot 1. block t. North Irrfaw - toa , - fas Ftrland company to 3. Margalta, lot T ' aad 8, block 10. Ftrland S00 . asa weeaie Margniis to i. u. ana Snaenneh C. Lambersoa. lota T and A. - Mock 10, Flrlaad 1.TB0 wano ana iu uooaseii to lionme i.ea . nil. lot A block 14. Eaat Portland Helgbte , 00 u. u. ana h. r. Lerrejny te ire iiOeeoy, lot 8, block 117. HoUadsy addltloa to Beet Portland 1.000 Margaret L. Holme te Thome P. . Holmes, part af block 1 la enhdlrlaloa of Browa'a tract la eectloa 14, tows- " ' bio 1 south, ranas 1 eaat I Charles Orltarnaeher to Mary Orttamaeher, - -' part or nmrs aes, eaat rortiana. .. .. , f.otaj B. O. Henderena ta Sonbonla Allen, eaat . 1. V aUti ex aonth H or aorta 44 of aortheeet of aorthweet V of aectloa SI. town. te 1 aoath. tans S earn 1.800 Mary O. and iamc D. Hart to - John -Helm, lota 4, 8, 14 and 18, block 1, Belmoat 1,000 S. D. and Jennie M. Smaller to H. F ', Conrtney. lot Id. block A Erelya Park. " I For abetracts ' title. Inroranc ' or mortgage loans, rail oa Pacific Title A Treat company, formerly Paris Coaet Abatraet Guaranty A Trnat aompany, S04-8-4-T Falling bnlldlng. , r Set year Inenrinr and a be tracts to real aetata Tram the Title Oaaraate A Trnat comae ay. 140 Waehlngtoa atreet. eorner aaeona. MEETINO NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBORS Something Dohir TONIGHT! BETTER" COME M. W. A- Oregoa Grape Camp, No. S.0T8, Moa dare. 17th and Marahall; rial tore weleoaee. M.. W. A. BVEROREEI CAMP, 84C14. B Wednesday erening, Alteky hldg.. Third Morrleoa sta. , LOST AND FOUND..: LOST Oa e Union ar., between Beat Bnra. , aide and Coach ta., a diamond rings Finder J'leaae return ta Woodlawa Hotel, Woodlawa, iregea. Reward. POI ND Black horsa. brand on right bin "H." white Itreak fc forehead.- Call t 88 Haw thorne are. STRAYED S white mares and bay colt; ward. A. Bchmale, tlackamae, Oregoa. HELP WANTED MALE.' WANTED Bey; . steady work, (a M. Flwat, corse - Darw. 1 v , . - m. .RTIAi the little want ads appearing in The Joufna returns and cost but 5c a line HELP WANTEDMALE. ST A TTftH aivaf i . ...i ii. . , wheelbarrow, rock bar row and lip-ran work; free care sad rail; good work, good prlcee; free fare; oa O, Br A N.. east of awantaios. ppiy .mana m 19., cnntreriore. raoaa aia. . Wi u irtH. . . LXARSTTO WR1TB ADVEKTISKMBNTd By mall ; Page-barla an aad woman ears from-028 to 4100 par week. Call or Write ror aartM-aiere. AdTertieing nook tree. . PAGK-DAYia ext.. Iot. 11. au wnuaerciai wf roniaaa. . AOBNTB wanted to Ball saperkw, high-grade aaracry atock; eomplete eatnt vrnlaked tree; - eeak weakly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nareery Company, Salem, Or son. . -...-..,.. ACTIVB man waeted te advert las, eaklbH mode and manage branch ef large mall order kouee: aalary 118 per weak, einensee paid; -peroiaoent noaltlon with sdrancemsBt; honesty more raeantlal thaa exnerience. -hlattoaal Co., TOO OwataBt at.. Philadelphia, Pa. ' WANTED BrUht yeotut nil, seed sslldtar, to I tell Kpdllna to. large atoraejorafer ana poataa in atatioBary: salary j is . 10 . aiarc Addraea O TO, cere Jowrnal. WANTED Tonna mas to la era telegraphy aad railroad accounting; aalarlea fTSOO to gwCOA, For free eetalogne eddreaa Morse Collage ef Telegraphy. 8U4 lath at., OakUad. Cat R'ANTED 5Sre e three nnt-ewss, sll-sreand aiacniaa men; permanent peeitioa. gooe wages. Oregoa Porn 1 tare Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WB get work for ear meoiberai speetsl bmmb- ssrs. s x . M. tA A, roorta aad lamatu. Union Hotel 1 NORTH SIXTH ST. , Free employment te ear patrons. Weekly rsteei . Room. 11.28 opt room Board, 84.80 Bp. Anderson, proprietor. W A NTKDLoaage makers; steady work; 51 nana rroai, .eorner ax. SALESMEN to iBtrodacB tha world' wander la traits Barbae 'a new a ton aloes plnm i Miracle). Choice ef territory. Caah weekly, ddress Weahlagtea Kareery eoBBaay. Tea. penlak, Weahlngtoa. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade In eight weeks; gredaatae earn from 818 to 838 weekly; expert laetroctora; oaukwae free: pedal rata this month. Meier Byetem ef College. 80 North Foarth St.. PortUad. DON'T MONRETI Be a WHOLE MAN. FREE ur iLb jjibkabxh. nr. Madiaoa, to Bed Croae Dlepenssry, cor. Third SEVEBAL laatera, ale ratters and ether sboe- maaere; eteaay work. wsentagtoa BBO Maanfactaring Co., Seattle. Wash. WANTED Flrat-cUes blackamlth, II day; more If Satlefsctory. Addreea , W. ,P. BcrtTner, aieppner, vregea. . - . - i STRONG hoy wasted la greeery. , Call 001 waaaingtoa ax. BOY WANTED to ride pony aad djellrer hone. Apply ts uewitt lingers, ax esimoa at. WANTED Mea to balld blllboarda. Apply T:S0 h. m., roeter Rlalaer, Flflk had Oak 2S TO fyi per week esslly made ealllng sick na accioenc penenie; city or eonnu7. . unwa Mutual, T08 Meronam hldg. BILLING OLBRK, wbelaeale hoase: stato age. expeneaee aaa rerereaee. Aaoress a 11, ear Jouraal, ., . BOTS wanted to work ta.esady factor. Ap ply raeine ceaax Biaeait c, izta aaa oTia, MATTRESS-MAKERS wanted. Tensing Bros., 08 Morris t. TOUNO maa wanted la wholesale hoase.' Ap ply at no. m nana ruta el., ear. riaaaer, apatalra. : . WANTED Goad adrertwlng maa for new , oaltloa; good money for the right party. Newman, 148 Sixth at. WANTED hfortng-pletsre machme-eperatora; will teach yoa the basineati term reaeoaabla; , poaltlona eecured; good (alary. Newman, ieo) aixuw v WANTSD A drtrar abarea; married a 80S Dan at. foe aa express wagon am aa preferred. Apply at r ANTED All-area nd. ftrst -class ana la Bhato. graphic gallery ta city. . B 81 ear JoaraaL WANTED SO (wampar at good wage; ft miiee xrom rortian ana one mile rrom rail road. Apply Weetera Cpg. Co., SOS Btearae mag., roruaao. MAN to tea lath BtlL Oregoa A WashlngtoB Atamoee aompany, Boata rortiaao. . WANTED Boy to work hi library. . Apply at puoiie uornry, aeTanta aaa Biara. WANTED Strong hor abont IS, with wheel, at uregoa creamery, iue roarta at. CARPENTERS wanted, eorner Slat aad Beat SJ reran, norm. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTBD Tonng people to piwpar tfaemeelvee aa bookkerpera and eteaographari; bare had 848 ealla since September 1; placed SB la positions. We will place yoa whoa enae Beteat. Day or eight. Catalogue. Boanho wraisar unerases soimmjs. - WANTED 85 glrla or womea et ease at eaa nery of the Oregoa Packing 0., Eaat Eighth and I a mm u eu. bocb piece aaa day work; piece worker eae make 8 per day. WAETXD A-ee. . work la boarding -hones la Bull camp; wage SSS. Mr. N, H. Neleoa, Dae, Oregoa, rla . ttooa Kirer. WANTED Girl to auk "801 ef All" rrer- aim at T rirat at. - HJ ANBKN a LA DIES AwENOT, S48M Washing ton at., ear. Bereath. spate Ir. Pbewe Mala aasi. reaiaie help wanted. GIRLS WANTED Operator to work ea aatrts ana ewerallB. leaanna glees to taeipeileBced. - Apply at Standard factory No, A Orasd are. aad Bast Taylor at. T THB HOMB LATUES AOBNCT. . Vamale help farnlahn free to employer. Reglatratloa Free. 14BH Iwarth at., apsUlra, room BL Mala S8BA WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply 188 Beet 18th at. WANTED Lady; easy, - profitable posltloa j oalary aad eemmusion. 141 11th at. WANTED Girls ta mangle and Irani ng-roeta, Apply at PsdSe Lanadry, 881 Arthur at. OIBLS wanted for general boose work; cooks aad waitress,,7 City Employment Offtee, eulte 1, SoSViWhehlngtoa st. Mala 8410. LADIES wanted to do eaey faacywork at home, spare time or steady ; experience an Becesssry: good pay. Call S te A 828 rieianer niag svi waaningtee at. . WANTED A good girl or housekeeper for a few week; good wage. Apply 408 Bast Bellwood at. Take Woodlawa car. WANTED A girl for general eoaatwork. 428 Tillamook at. IS GIRLS wanted te work la paper-box factory. Apply at F. a Stettler . eorner 10th aad Gllaaa. TOD NO ghi to aaelat la eooktng and general boaeework; email family. 80 North 15th at. WANTED A first rlaee pant flnleker. Spady aV Scliwllner. til H Seoond St. WANTED AT ONCB-ook for (marl hotel. Apply at 2M Lincoln et. Phone Padfle 2077, WANTED flirt, steady work, at OS N. Front, eorner Deels. WANTED Girl to ew oa pgnt. . 828 Field ner bklg. WANTED Good preaeer on ladles' and gentle Bcn'e enthee. Berlle Dy Work. 847 2d et. BEDROOM t for keephig tt la good order. O 70, care Journal. , MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HOPPICKERS W pay IMVOnO for picking ear 24 acree of hope; heaatlfnl camping grounds, delightful bathing, grocery afore, butcher shop, bakery, berber-ebop, dancing parlltoa w tOilSO feet, mnete by Pertlend orrbeetrs, pnre water, plenty of wood, telephone, physician; booklet giving rail partlcalare; ae ' charge for obt low eicnretoa railroad ratea, ' Register at once at SI Fourth at. I'boa Mala 4470, Krrbe Bros. WANTED Oond lire (gents to represent e I different eeetkioe of city, country and I ' email towns. Writ ar call . M. Plammer, Ae Third et, . 7 - If ALE. AND FEMALE HELP. HOPPICKSRS We pay to her - hnoas free. Will be at the at. bank . Cbarlee hotel tkla week ta aell round trln tickets s Brooks Come by trala September 1. Address Homer uouwy, urooss, uregoai is acree. r. a- ootuey, Brooke, ortg ni m sniiea WANTED Hopplcker te Uke preatabls side li nee anta tbemi tnere is Big money ia . Call moralaga B. M. Ptnmmer, Thkd (t. CAPABLE aoUcitora. eeery city and eeaatyt com in la a lea ee- eolaryt-the-beet- Belter dad cempaay. m uaen sxcaaage, reruaaa. BELP wanted aad aipnes. mala ar female. B. O. Drake, sue 44 Weahlagtea ex. Paeiae 1170, BOPPICKBRS wanted 81 Corbett. eorner Pea noyer; good shecka, hop aad water. Phone rectos ilia. Mrs. Reaps. . 1, 000.000 TO hBiM tret-clas hotat, Portlead. u ax, eare joaraai. ... FIR8T-CLAHS saleemaa aajeawomsa for . aioaey-meker. Cell 02H Grand ar., seat 0 Barker hldg, WANTED 100 hopplckar at 80 per hex; 'beet graae ta eaiiey ; ou acre. . J Tea j. axuier, Hubbard, Oregoa. .. WANTED 100 sbots hepp1ckers Apply SOS A.WV ... SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ALL-AROUND Implemeat - sua woald Ilk sitnatioa wire some good aoose; long ex perience ea the reed oa sale sad ooilectioa. Address D 84, care eoeraal. EXPERIENCED man waatt eltoatton 6x1 Ting ianndry wagon; refereaos, . Addree O Te, esre Joarnsl. " BANCHOWNERS If Is need of masager aa- oreae a l, cere JonraeL, SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE PIRRT-CLASS eteoogrsphe and cashier; three yeara- experience, . peer, rerereacee. u . u, care Joamel. - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. ; HANSEN'S BMPLOTMBNV OFFICB FOB MEN. SO North Second et. Phone Mala IBM. rANTEESTO "KENT.- WANTED TO BENT Hoaeee. eottagea, fhtta. tores, etfle, i imiiiliig liiiaeaa. am leal lords will do well to call ea ' PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT 6F ORBOOtf. Phooe Bx. It 11 Cor. Sd aad Oak. RESPONSIBLE tenant with Sret-clasa reference and 20 yeara' buelneee eiperience here in Portland want to leaaa large rooming -hoaaa. I. Landlgaa, 184 Bhermaa at. HOC8EA flats, rooming boueee, etorea. afflcea, . etc.) prompt attention aeeared. PbOB. Mala 1171. H. W. LladbarA McKay bldg. WANTED T or a room honee ta Nob HI'l district; most he mod era and la good condi tion; will pay 08,000. . B 00. care JouraaL WANTED To rest email faralahed hoaaa, weet : aide, good locatloa; . will pay liberal rent. - P 10, car Journal. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist 'We auka a SPBCIALTT of COLLECTTNO BENTS of LAROB BUILDINGS, Discing FIRB INSURANCE, payment of TAXES end GENERAL CARS OF PROPERTY. We hare the best et facilities for carrying out year wishes an agent. We eellctt your Ktronaga. Our reference: Ladd A Ttltoa, nkerav tad Merchant!' National bank. . , . B,- H. BLOSSOM. SIS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WANTED Business or reetdsae taopetty la , the city ta sxrbang for good term landei i eea handle anything from 11,000 to 8o.000 - we also hare some excellent bay la timber nd erasing land. ' Call sad eae as; ws treat te get acquainted enta yoa. -TORN R Rte WALK ER7" Ecom A 801 Weahlngtoa St. WB WILL SELL your property, no matter wtjat tt t ar where located. Seed deectiptioa Bow , and we will do the rest. Investor' Guide Oe., Ill Maraaam bldg., Portia ad. Oregoa. I WANT a 0 or 7-room hoaaa ea eaat aid: grr price aad locatloa la first letter. D 80, care JoaraaL , WANTED Modern hnosaa, rseaat lota, boaeal aa iBatallmeat, hare barer tor ell ef th abore, . . - - . . , , . , LAMONT A HARRIS, : 107H Sixth St. WB eaa fnrnlah nanfTand addreee ef realty , owners and other in forma tioa from th neorde, to attorneys and reel eetate egeate with ee tabllaaed hue In aaa; laexpenatr. Mala 1148. WANTBD A hoaaa or lot ea Beet 28th at. he- twees Ankeny and Gllaaa: atate lowest rash pries. . Owner only. I'boae Mala aooo. GOOD Income and reside aoa property, lota, farming and timber land., Phoae Mala 1171. B. w. undaaro. Messy awg. WANTED Heea aad lot near eteei bridge; give fall partlcalare. O 84, -care Journal. WANTED 1 lot; well located, la exebaag ror bow sew piaao. - raosa mala aaz. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PATNTTNO. nrarlag aad whltewasbtae traea. haeementa, baraa, docka, etc; largeet geaotlae praying outflt ea the coaet. M. O. Morgaa ' ce, za UBioa are. rasae Beat ail. WB WILL CT year farnttare any old time. Weetera Salvage Caw 827 Weahlngtoa ex. WE WILL BFT. S'.IX OR TRADB ANX.0IJ) - THING. - WESTERN SALVAGE CO., S27--2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 70A Mala tadb FURNITURE WANTED , FOB SPOT CASH ' - PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS ' til Pint at, - Mala 8088 WANTBD Te real a furnished fares, ee hares, not over SO mile cat. Addreee Bert Lambert, St. John, Oregon. HIGHEST each nrlee nald foi goods. Phoae Beat 8077. 124 Ueleej eve. WANTED T buy 1 or 8 eeeond-haad dinky Incomotlvea; state price and where located. Addreea o ea, ear Journal. , WANTED 80 eecond bend 8 foot gang., 8 or e-yara etoe aump care. . aoareaa u oa, esre journal. . WHO IS M. O. MO ROAN A 00. f FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO finely furnished rooms, en suite or single, cue in. ooet pert ot city; alee, large abaiif lawn; with all conveniences! hoard If desired. Phone Mala 2388. . WB eaa accommodate a few more roomers at 970 Beet Morrlaoa at-J new building, rooma clean and nice; free phone aad beta; price reaaonable. Phone Eaat 1284. ,- THB GRAND. 48 North Third St. Eoeme tor geatlemen $1-88 per week aad up. THB RICHELIEU. MS North Sixth et-Rle-gantly furnished; steam beat aad hatha., MICELT tarnished room, single ee aa eafte, hoard If desired, tree bath aad phone, alee trie lights. Mrs. Browa, SOS 10th at. , TWO neatly furnished rooms far bouse keeping, ei" lev BioaiB. ouw nirrwns si. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. t OB 8' fnrnlahed boneekeenlng-anom; as af ; phone and bath) t SvT Mlaaieetppl are., sear Goldamlth et. TUS MITCHELL.- Flanders sad Sevaata Rontne, aeneekeeptag aaa . trass leatf eoe vealeatt arteee reeaooabla, VABOB elegaatly furntahed bonaekeepteg- rooma; gis range, rsaaing water, xae Lewae data. 008 Alder et. $1.18 FEB WEEK Urge. laa farahjeed Boaaaaeeping-roema; laaaary ane seta. ie Sherman, Soalh Portland. ; SAVB half hotel expeneee: tl week np. clean. fiwnlahed boneekeeplng-rooaM, ewltehle fnr tmi parlor, laundry, bath, yard. Soil SUa fee, . V ear. - ROOUS AND BOARD, TUB WOODLAND, tha eholcaat prlrate hoard- . "a r im me ciiy; eeeing ia aeiieriaf ; ' o""a aoe es. aoa aixia at., eioae la. GOOD table Mmjr POR RENT HOUSES. KADDBBLT TBANBFEB 00., Broatpt aad t .i.ww yimmw mam lornuars-movers: SS eter N a-aeeie mala isaa. llIBe A1B et. naTO. FOR RENT 8 room cottage, Ns. Its 18th ex.. laraeai neyt aaa iretng. Apply aext eaar, caeaa T. alee aa 1-etory aoass. I. A Fosa, 408 nawinoraa are. FOR RENT 8 handsome modern T-room honee, ronTenientlV locatoa nai Tk ra,l. Mpllne BIO. 011 and 814 Corhett et. i rent reasonable to Scelrable tenants. Dertd B. Steam. 848 waaaingtoa at. KNJ-Jllghtly aead high grade ptiad for i ssl "r8'a prlca. Call to eae It. v Allea Gilbert Co., Sixth aad Morrlaoa eta. A 110 AND 018 S modern hooaee, newly finished. vraore. . asi. mam sere. . . . a D W TW , , . ..... . . at t iao"e or e rooma; gaa. Data ; sit ' " m""s aw wees rars or aaa A ROOM Cottage, newly papered. Ursa yard .ieoa see. ; tax t, car. a.ay at nai MMwiasippi an. ... FOR RENT 88T Yamhill, The Orandi .leaae "P"e ! imx-. rn laformatloa phase anisic . uwaer. .. v .... - . ro.? KtlTr d rsora cottage, all mrenlence. ewj to aaniia. lau rtarnoona. 881 Fourth, S. rH3?'.?HI!I houaekcciMng-ruonm for rent t whw(. am aeTentn. MODERN room hoaao. 587 Oantenheln ar. T:; FOR KENT FLATS. ' A AND S FLATS, ateem heet. gas ranges. uww ,uu janiliar somen, at ajB.ov. 028.80. te. 400 Harrioos. - , " TWO 8-ronm lata; water paid; a amaU chl. H'JR Ulll . ... . , . ... .f mi a aiAimr, NEW 8-rootn Set tor rent. ' SM Larrabe FOR--RENT STORES-OFFICES. OROUND Boor offices or deak room In Lom- . S. "IDI oecoaa aaa atark U. See Hailing, S4S Stark at. r . ?AfT of ahop to resu saltsMs-far palator r p,u,m,- 'IMWia Bl. - OFFICE-ROOMS, afnrnlahed rooaae sad eample roeam far rest. - Goodaoagh bids. Annlr ala. OFFICB ' deakroom, front ef elera tor. newly rarpeiea. . ssu uMamsrcui '12,. " ITT? ""I1" . .floo, efflce apace; - beat " w ""m"s iy. a ee, eonrnai. PART ef furnished oftce for rent; 427 Lnmoer mvm-msw wms. rewt Main onoa. - FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL aad ballroom, separate or together; sew and with all conTenleBcea. Phone Mela Sta. AUCTIONS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. " A. BCHLBACH. Prop. Sit H, mt DKu. w.i- aaaa Aectloa dslly at S p. m. Hlgbeet cash price patd for tamltarai also guooe aoia ea eon- eignment. BUSINESS CHANCES. HTOH fining ivvpam.n. " ' I moaera naouess. in fine mnduin. mm A,tl kt well located, ears 12H per cent ea in. ' reetment ef 88.000; for a few deya only, can be had for 85.000, oa eery reaaonable terms, . ; BAQEMANN A BLANCHABD. . ' '-, , 81 Fifth St. FOR , SALE 1-etory -house, alx 18 by 140 foot lots, bare, aquah breeding honee IS hw OA e.1 ..a aoa .u. V nlaeoaa: ' an aa-ta-data nlantv aood aaarhet raa ablp either way. Writ for price. Gee. B. Heuto. Ealama, Wash. BEST offer tbla week bays th eoly drag ktore la goad valley tow a; everything ap to date, feed corner location; ae reaeuaabla offer re fused. . Writ or cell Drugstore, Monet AngaL Oregoa. FOB laformatloa or for sksree of th NIcoU coal mine, limited, write to Faal Becknuer, menager, Paloaea, Wash. FOB BALE A general aanrchaadle store; stock I nor Ices about 83,000, cheep reut, la towa wtthla SB mllea ef Port laud, ee Soatbera PaelSe railroad; paytag boalneee; good rea aoea for calling. Addreee B 88, ears Joaraal. PHILOMATH. OREGON, want a beak, creamery, fruit eaanery and a Soar mill: opening here for each ef these eater " prices; capitalists pleaee laveetlgetc; aak for llTtinf. Sra fir 1 -1 r- ill f saw or exchange. Caldwell A Co., Philo math, Oregon. WHO IS M. Q. MORGAN CO.? FOB SALE Good mercantile business requtr - lag 84.800 eae I Mt profits aad eaefc haalBeea. George Melvia Miller, Eugene. Oregoa.' PHBNOMENAL tie la price ef Harat Switch expected any day; tbla aaay be year leet opportunity te buy before cnhecrlptioa book . ere rloeeeV J. F. Horat t.0.AJM-Me aay- nrag. A 00-BOOM hotel, bra ad new and Brat rlaea. for sale at very reeaeeable price If takea Immediately. B 11, oare JoaraaL , - FOR SALE A gmd Be vine caafeetlonerr and cigar atamt with restaurant and living-room In connect ton; will ceU half . Interact. . 802 Second et, Th DaUec ..... CORNER grocery tor sale, weet aid; a boat 81,000 required. go, ear journal. - FOR SALE Sawmill ee - railroad. 40.000 rapacity, 40.000.000 feet timber; now everat- log ee gilt-edge erdara: . clearing ap several . tbooaand dollars per month; If yoa are look ing for aomethlng werth while, addreee H, C Mahea, Eugene, Oregoa. BOOTBLACK parlor ee Mala et., Psndlstoe, Oregon, cheap for cash. For particulars ap ' ply at Joernal efftee. - - PABTNBB wanted: energetic young maa te take active in tercet in ntanuanea grocery boalnees la Portland; $1,000 required. Ad dreee X '40 care Joaraal. CLEANING and dyeing baetneee for sale; cleer . Ing $40 weakly: owner le etrk and moat leave elty at once; will teach hualneec: aay reaaon able offer accepted; will bear laveetlgatlon. B 88, care Journal. ' FOR SALE Good paying hotel dining-room. Including houae bold furniture: $800 takes It; t owner going te Europe. B 74. rare Joaraal. FOB SALE Old established ewifectlooery. rlger end fruit etore; I urge uving-roome IB cob. Bcctlon. SOT Fleet L .... FOB 8AI.R- Oeaerst store te the richest part erf Willamette valley 1 180 fact ef denet ee ana Is tin ef S. P. railroad; good buelneee; a coroaetlttoo ; bo drayagc or oenvery: bo city tax. Whitney Brae., - Ifvlng. Oregoa. BABB chance te hay clean stock nf groceries sou lliiuroa roeap mil mmm i.e., , v-vw, O 48, care Joernal. 16-ROOM roomlng-hoeea near paslneo center; new carpets, and farnltur. 802 .. Commef. rial blk. FOB SALE Good bargain la th bakery beat. . neec; living-rooms, furnished. O 80, Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I HAVB 14 a ecre tract eae mil weet ef . Clarksmss station Just platted: there la water rilped te each tract rrom a large spring, aa nek pine for each 8 acree ender 40-foot prea eiire; price from $500 to $1,000 per tract; will aell en eeay terma or exchange for Port land property. O 88, care Joaraal. ' AT a BBcrtaea, by owner, S-mea bouse IMi tne eaat aide; e-waer leasing tne city, call Bile l Banner et unn nirea. er heme Tor A BEAUTIFUL e-iburtiaa heme Tor aale at low vtgur and eaessy tarma. in care e'prnal. FOR' SALE REAL "ESTATE.' .8490 8 ROOM cottage, good loca tloa. 8-ceat fete; 1160 down, balmac ajofthlv- ' 81.000 Hons of 0 roam and bath; comer lot; come fruit; . f luO dowa, balance 10 montbjy. $8.000 Elegant 10-roeat houaei -' ' trlrtly modern, new carpets ia - sriors. rsnge in sucuen; xuu ot. Blent of enraboerri Bear Eaet Tarlor and 14tli: must be . eeea te be appreciated. 14,000 Quartan Mock, eoraer " j Montana and Hbarer ata.l 1 - . boueee, 8 aad 7 roeui. room for another bona oa corner; ; - half cash, baleBoe term. 84.800 New 7-room modern . reeldeoc. built fur a borne; all , modem eonreulencee; full lot, ' ' ' parked eireeta; Houaday Park. ' ' -t.L-We- hee ehohie tatt rvn. waakte and Ureeham, all lm- pniTsd. Call aad see ear llet. Washlnftcn &. Oregon Realty Co. ; 'SSS WASHINGTON ST. , . ; FOR SALE Bt ,'. '. .i F. Du Bois - 1 Waablngtoa hldg., 270 Wtahmgtoa. ' 81.000 7-room house. 2 fall kits, fenced; Fulton Park; term. , 82100 for lw B room modern cottage, eat side; rent 824 month: terms. ' 82100 Fine corner, lot, 8-reom boose. Bast Gllasu; terms. Hi ' 84.700 Flue block. T-roem modera boom, . ava elite! humi! a anan. ' 83,000 FU rw avouera T-room houae, full lot. Eaet usem; terms. 82.6S0 Two Iota and or. Union are... r O,00o ooxioo, 10th eu with building; ta eoma got month. - 13, MO Corner en Fourth with three 1-story V BalMlBg.i j .. . .a-e'ef-t as.uoo t-tory brick; First at. 1 tLirmino. Williams are. ' 82300 Best business Vi oa East SSthl all ' Impmeemcnts Paid; a snap. fo.0 Fine tote ea East Da Tie. Ertrett, rianilere and illlaon: eear terma. ' ' 14.200 28 acrea.oe car line at Jenntng'a Lodge. . --g-r nw8d ttlia. iFIn" IS grill llllln 1 Ii area end lerel; 7-room new fotme. 1 big beme. wood " honee, eery large rklrken-bonae; orchard, well; hoard-fenced: a. fine placet term. F. DCBOIH, Warhlnrtoa Wdg.. mom 1. 1 hare a few extra fine lota oa Eaat Gllaaa with fine slew of city and mouatalaa. pure air, flu neighborhood, best of csr service, for only a1) each; eaey terms; S sold In the last few daya: here hi your chance. Come J quick if yoa wtnt one, as they will all aeon be (on. . - . . -.',,.....-.. FOR BALE! - Louis Salomon 238 STARK ST 87.000 80t 100, 8-ronm bouse. N. 224 t. 87. 5O0 80x100. t-room houae. Gllsen et. . 17.000 100x100. Portland Helgbta. anobatrnrt . . ed view. 1 blocks from earllne, atreet - 1- aiadev 8-roonr houae. ' 811.000 A-room modera hooae onOtk st.--1J.7.V o-room hone, N. 884 ot-i full lot. 2,780 a-room boose, Vangha St.; good Ubl. fall lot. - BAST SIDE: 8,7BO Hawthorne addition, new modera I 8-room bone, corner lot. 02.780 8 room hoese, Wtldler t4 Holleday'a; terma. . 82.000 4-imoi cottage, Rnnaysldei comer. 1,000 -room cottage.' Bast 19th St.. Holbv , day'a. . 11,000 i-room pottage, Fremont St.. corner lot VACANT LOTS. , TStlOO Good business eorner. ! ' . 82x185 Very deslrsble and cine te. . V "-r-GoolHomcs;'v';, 12.80050x100 corner, asodera 8 -room got. tag. Eaat fltlaan. 88.80080x100 corner, excellent S-roem bouse. 80th and East Deris. - $3,780100x02 mraer, . good f -non) boas, 4th end Eaat Aekeny. . A Kwl ' L 1 8-room honee, 14th and Eaat Salmon. Will make fecy liberal terma ea any ef thee. ' J. H. Hellbronner & Co. v- 818-10 Lamber Exchange. Second and Stark. Sl'NNTSIDB lot, . 88x100. for 8178; Sellweod block. eranizT, tor gioo. wit creek ead shed. Tysoa Klaaell. Commercial hlk. FOR ALK .room houae and corner lot: price 82100 Inquire owner, 1170 Eaat Mali eon at. Phone Eaat 8470. 7 A ROOM HOl'SE Eaat aide, fnraaee, Braplaea, eorner lot, crery thlng modera ead convenient; house joat Snlaheo never been occupied. If cold st once will mskc a redaction of in per cent from seta! coat price. Phoae Shay, 8 to 10 a. m. Mala 8884. . 0 FINB level mt (lOOxlflO) for 00.10; near earllne. s. u. uoamer, 11 uatoa an., pi. ACBB TBACTS From 1 to 8 aeree ee earllne. Be fare, an ' gravel. $150 to $428 per acre; IA per cent dowa. balance $10 per1 month. . Towae. 3S8H Morrlaoa et. - , -- 81.280 S-ROOM house, lot 80x100. la Pied mont Park; term. ' Towae, 288 H Morrl- bob ax. ' - - WE8T SIDE A good Aroom hnaae ea Joe neon at. with lot KilOO. for $280O; tbla la a aaa p. Tysoa Klaaell, . Commercial blk. LOTS 100x100, eorner, with rtdewalk. eer , e.iwv a m - eev i ... w . 1 1 u.w. ' . m m . (lu.ia, , ,- , . i i nn. . , . c FIVE ACRES We will sell yoa s acre for th prlca of a Ing la 1-rt. Da yoa realise , what It mesne te your femur to rtlee every ' thlag the market off ere oa year owe ground f For the - weet lde eaat see 244 Stark, at, Eaey . terms. ... $1.(150 BEAUTIFUL heme, a aeerlflce, sntll September Dthl modern; T large roseas) ter- . . .m t 1 . . 1 -. .. . . tri . . 1 . . '3100 cashi'balano time. ' Isaac Moore, lft nenrasaa st. FOB SALE Cheap, 8 -mom cottags Vt 62x125; Iota af fruit. Call or addreea 801 Wllllamaave. OWNEB 100(100. Willamette; choice lota; S 17 meats. Bella Ooaaatt, Riverside etatloa. t. John nr. " .. . GOOD 8-room hoes la fine locatloa, lot 80x100, full .basement, 32,100; easy terma. J. B. ' H owner, 727 Union ave., N. 1 LOTS 80x100 feet: (mall houae. bare, ehlrkea koose, rows, bens, smell fruit, ahruhbery; blocks from earllne. 138U rirat at., room 1. 1 LOT 80x100, 12th and Tillamook -at., Irvtng toa. Phena Mala 4671. . , . FOB SALE, CHEAP H acre at Moaat Tsbori terma. Owaar 181 Eaat Morrlaoa, eoraar Uotoa tvr. fcUT a lot on the east side; 8-mlnut car earv Ice. wtthla walking dlatance: One hoaaa Solng ap; price from $500 t $800; term if eeircd. ; .. M. B. THOMPSON. I k $48 Mleslealnpl ave. Phone Woodlawa toe, or branch office oa tbe ground. Twenty sees ad and Moerlenn. Open dally S a. a. to 12 m. Moaat Tabor and Sannysid cere. DON'T forget th place The New Br Paint A Vnrnlah Co.. now at 172 Flint, bet. Mt rteoa and Tamblll. . ABB yea looking fnr a home or aa Investment T Good real estate a eafe. We have come that la good, -Befere yea- hay-eee- whit w bar lo offer. " M. B. THOMPSON, ' S4S Mtaelaalppi ave. pbeee Woodlawa SOX BBAND-NEW a room honee with fine basement, gaa and electricity, -fixtures, tinted In deep colors, beat bath, howl and toilet, enameled bathroom and kitchen, beet ot locations. $2,700. J. B. Iloamer, 727 I'nwp ave., K. Beet 8100, -. a . j - -.. $00 FARMS, email tract aad lota; bargatas ee 0. W. P. electric lies. 0. B. Additoa, Lenta, - oregoa. Take Mount Scott car, te. LAROB quarter block near car; email honee, barn, ehlcken-houaee; fine coll; fenced; $700, 813 Commercial blk. - MODERN Suburban home, d reoma, away from noise of city, ee cxleneloa ef Woodstock line, $1,100; $WI0 caah; owner called away, til Commercial blk. LOVELY 7-rooot house with modera hath, twe tollete. fine beeement, cement Wllka., etc., splendid h-catlnn, $2800; terms. J. E. Hns aser, 727 I n loa are., R. - East 0100. ' , .i i 1 I 80x1 HOt HS ef 8 ror-ma, nt 80x100, all fenced, anen . fruit; price fuTH; tbte le a tmed buy; terma , . OTTO CROCKF.Tr. . , , ekiBJg Washington it. FOH EALC nZAL ESTATE. . n:rel5aTcT7cfVU:7 Alien tz Co's. riz: Dirg-sbs 82 Si acree Fair S-rooei hoaaa, 1 ecre " Ii ofchard,' 12 eena anoer cultlratioB, X8 acree et good timber, near ear line sad ' ea good read; only 8 4 per acre. ,T r'-1 01 oaaTeruem iaae oa Jobneoa creek, near. Lea la; grat class fag garden purpceee. JK'X, aen a II Bum BUS aa!aenect houace to rent, furnished sad nnfuralaaed. at . . , - ,.,,f. . 1-.. .ta lan a Ilk rMiAeueeat 4 6 acre tracts. ' all ' lm proved with hulldlnga. 8 mlautea' walk from school and, ear station. 8 tares to any part of Port 4, snd tha cheapest hit ea th Moual Wiley Allen L Co. UMI, OREGON. . Cheap. Hemes. houaa, 2 block carl In. " 'S-rooia houaa. 2 block carltn. lot 80x100, woodalied, garden. tc,, JtioO. I20A down, wmmwuw CIX JIHJUIU. . , . . . New Arooaa" hoase, 8 Mocia earllne, else, tared, bath, etc.. 100x100 foot - lot. alceir fenced. - oaly Sl.MW; half down, balance te ult. . - fooot new ncsre, hath, closets, pantry, EE" iuncTto an.,?11 .. W. J. Day and Co. IftBH Foarth t.; room a . . S NEW modera room houses, on B, 14th and i c, V - K"a irom new niga are 001 ane ' Z.111 ,ro-orfb Central school. 80.000; win sell separata and take some trad, or give terma. . . I!m h?. ' Pled moot, for 81,500., This eat IMrfaellee ''tuMS" 1um' Mais,' ; 1 houeea,' corner 22d and E. Yamhill 1 rent - value tot per month, for 03,800: can glv . terma, .-" modera honee, large grounds, cast - I."?:.-100 Utt trom cr He. e eoraer, for ' , 80,500. , e Henkle and Harrison ; " ut Ablngtoa Bldg. W. Joe want a home In the Irrlngtoo district, here la a chsncs te get aa exceptional one. , Thh) houae la new, baa S reome nod bath, let lotujluo; big. roomy porch; one of the beet -but It homes In PortlsuA Ths Interior "8x1ns" - sad deearetions are superb; he many lit I odda and snds that will place lb womaa la fact the boose bsa every eea. . venlence and all th neceaeerlrs and asms luxuries thrown In. , All for 87,200, which Includes sbadee and - Sxturea. We have nhutoeranha nf IiiImIm . n.l ouuiuvasi cor. mire ana ilea ate.. Lookl Look! , . " Your Choice .-,.. T Ire Bungalow , PORTLAND HEIGHTS. ' , Zaeh One Ha Fin View, j V FuU Lata 80x100. ' FOR SALE REASONABLE. " J. Terma If Seaired. D. E. Keasey t&Co. Exelnaive Daa'.ara Portland Height aad Council Croat Property. orricx opposite os8bvatoat. ' - -' Phase Mala 2180. ... 0-ROOM cottar. 8750; , a-room cottage, 8850. Bee owner. Jne Naab, at Naahrllla addltloa, on the Mount Scott ear Una. Alto ebcice building lota cheep. . - .'..,. WEST SIDE1 investment, paying 10 per cent act, 4 eottagea, 8 rooma eecb, modern, asw, ' , wall rented: snre t increase la value. Par ticulars 241 StarS t. .. . . WB HAVE fine variety ef weet elds ,homrs-st reaaonable prlcee, oe easy terma; l S-room cottage, bath, gaa. cta $2,260. 1 S-room cottage, bath, gaa, etc., 82850. . , , 1 t-room cottage, bath, gaa, etc., $8,000. 1 t-room houae, . asodera la every way, $2. no. . . Com In (nd get full particulars. ' HAGEMAVN A BLANCHABD. -. . 01 Fifth St. - .' - $800180 ACRES In Waabtnetoa county. 3H - mllea from new towa oa the new railroad; . eafe to buy this oa pemlatlon. $4.00il so acree good land, living atreeni ef water, S mllea out oa Cornell road. SS.BXt T-room hoaaa aad fractional lot -ea Lincoln at. $4.u Sightly home. 10-room house, South P-rt1rri en rrlliit;.1Ht fTTit, . . 4.000.fiouae andTot vrfth In river view; . north, ot eteel bridge. ' L O. DAVIDSON. . ' . " 404 Chamber ef Commerce. . 1 $1,8008 ACRES en O. W. P. earllne: tne 1 new -room plaatered house, 8 cblckeea-boaae : and corrala, I large brooder; a very sightly 1 place. Call at 107 "e Third t. ' FOR SALE Oa 8 aad eae A room house. Phoae East 418. . - Choice 8 000 aire ef choice timber land ead crvrral hundred ecre of ceel lands; alao tock ranches and mall tract la th Coo bay "UU7' ' WILET ALLEN A CO.. BOUSES built en Inetaluaent. lot If deehwA 813 Cammerdal bldg Mala 1040. FOB SALE FOB $1,100 g-acre tract ef land located at Thrace beach life-saving statloa; all cleared aad -fenced, good 1 0-room hoaer, good dairy bam, . at at loa for 14 cowe; new cream separator and milk cans. buggies. 1 light wagon. 2 plows, . 1 arw barrew,4NckiwiUch eowes-tllle- guaranteed. J. W. MILLER. Nacatto, Washington. NEW T-roem modera houae, H block from Unlffn I r '" Inaidre TIT V Choice Building Lots - Close In RLtJMRRE---Oa EhstBTtb'and Hawthorn) lore 511x90, $350 snd Bp, $50 dowa, $10 monthly. , ' PARK VIEW Tract ef 40 lot ea Beat 37th ' et.. $23Q aad ap; 10 pec coat dowa. $10 . monthly. . . SWAN ADDITION Eaat STth and THvialea eta., 8Ox!0i Iota, 0350 each; 310 -dowa aad $10 monthly. 0 per ceat Interest. T CONKLIN BROS., SIT Marguerite ave. Take Mount Tabor Reservoir or Moaat Scott Car, - $1,800 MODERN 8-roors hoaaa and fall lot; part cask and balance ta monthly payments. For full partlcalare phone Sellwood 825, et laqulie oa premier. 1045 Eaat LlncelB. r FOB SALE 1 modern e-roae boueee la good location; hay of owner sad save cemmlaaloa, . Phone Woodlawa 208. - ' Sellwood Morehone A French. 1070 B. 18th. f Phone Sellwood 7A ' City View I'trk lot, $378 and ap: Boa . Addition lot. $100 and np; $5 down and $8 a moath. Home from $500 to 88.000. Lot $800 nd np. ta all parte ef Sellwood. Llet year property with ae; we will cell It. TWO fine lots oa East Portland Heights, he twees Division and Clinton ste., oa Slat. $850 each, en terms: these ere the ebeapeet ' lot In Beat Port lend, locatloa coaaldered. O 34, car JoaraaL I HAVB 8 acre nf fin land, aaay te clear, en , mile rfath. of Cedarvllle atatton ea the 0. W. . P. electric line; price $78 per gerei very eeay term. - X S3, csr Journal. , FULL lot. Myrtle station, S-room hoaaa, $ftO0j east aide nt 17-room beaec. $2,700, . Cell 242-sMadlioa St. .... FOR SALE Small hnoas and Improved lot cheap for caah. Inquire ef Bd Roeenkllde, ' 1 block south. 1 block seat of. Fir land ate, . - tloa. Take Mount Scott car. 0. W. P. CARLINB S aeree very choice land aad excellent spring running water, beaetlful . residence property. . J. - C. Froat, Staeley ', (tatloa. . ' . TWO? kits with food saw room bmiae. In goral location, at .Sewherg. Or., for sale, or will ' exchange for screaac near Portland. Inqalrc at 120 Esst Bmsraoa t Portlaad, Or, $2, 850 -GOO D a-room boose en Eaat Wiebtpg ton et.: $500 lee than reel value. 107s id. $1,850 BEAUTIFUL building lot oa Tbnrmaa . , . ..... 1-1711 Tkll ... al. .iir-i, vs .... . FOR SALE FARMS. 41 ACRES rich atrswberry, fruit and prala- laad; 11 acre cultivated, 1 mil rrom city, 4- Sne well, bo hulldlnga; price 31.250: email A rash payment, balance your aw a time at . S per cent; arm" produce $1"0 per ecre In . Strawberries. O. W. Dixon, Ceahy, Oregon, 14 ACRES Finest of aoll. In slate ef good enltlvatlon, 1 aprlnga, house, herna orchard; . with thla place go 2 good young aorses, I belfers. wagon, buggy end other term Irs- I laments." 20 ton hJl tea carllac Call t 07 Third t - 1 ,