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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1906)
; c:. daily jcur.:: 4 zx rcr. tla:::d. v;zd:;z:day rvznnio. august 3. i::3. TODAY'S iMBKETS, HOP TRADE GETS A MMM I Buvs Contracts From i Other .,. . - - Dealer Which Call for Too ' .-. 7 'i ,-vV. Many Bales. ' .i : : . -V " ;-- - ' V' YARDS WILL NOT YIELD . HALr CALLED FOR Klamath Falla Shipments Growing ' Heavier and Portland Now Uader '.elling - Sanv Francisco on Every. ' thing Peach' Suppliea Not Heavy. front Street,' Aug. 99. TIM principal feat urea of the Portland wfcoleeale markets today - ' . , Klamath Pa.lg tradlrg coming. , ' Big shipment produce to Vlsdlroetok. ... E(C markst firm at advance, , All poultry quoted firm. : Dressed Boat demand la heavy..' i ,-,. Peach auDnliaa mot ao heavy. "' ' Hop trada bumped oa contracts. tkat du. Ttoiaatoaa coming la batter ahape. '., ; .All crraiaenn ao aot adTaoca. i - ' "" Sap Trade Bompad aa . Cantraata. A amber . ot bop dealere who pnrehaard ebrap-prlca eoatraeta from othat dealrte are flndlna to their rraret that Ikvy paid fit ' aamethlag they will aever ' reenlve. Jt '!' rraed tola way: . Whea the aMtket looked l-n.r and lioomy early la ton year aaotc dile' wear oat lata the boa dUt-ii tjei d ervnd eoatrarts from grower tar ih-Tr ee. the crop at 14 cents a pound.. In miry ;r.- eunees the dealers, to be care that they woo Id ; get all tba grower produced, wr.ite the a , tract tor a mucb larger amount thsa the yards i ever produced, eeea ander the beat, of ear. Tkla aeawa, wltk lark of coUlvatlo), 'mm cheap-price eoatraeta call for about double 1 the anniiiiit il hnpa the Tar Ii .KUUn.Ll't Tua tint r.rrbaaer ot the rat l frvlu Ike - gruwer e-J-W It to another -d.-i at aa id T.orl f-tnt'ei, and he, In aieny liwt , , tuned It ever to aanther dealer for a ret- aacle (f sii'-nitloa. Bark f lbe i.tnit i wwum wtre aa aa many wn-ri, in in. m. anouatlng to Baore when the coo tract celled far keeey smounts. Now tte teat eoldVre ot theae contracts find that they will aot be able to secure aver belt ot what the eatrce roll for, and ' rhey are up against It. Tba leet buyer hae In asoet lnetaacea eoid in brewers and ethers aa egalnet the eaonca be baa been holding He will bare to lellrer. ILe grower will dellear Juat wkat ble yards pro ". dues no more. The dealer-eeller will Iben bare i- to ge eat Into the open sBarhet" to fill b'.e aborts, and If the market advances re will be forced to swallow a goodValaed bias Instead of asking a good profit. ' amall ricking Operatleaa. - All boa jk pecking has begun la a frw vef't, the beninl bsreeetlng of bops In tuts etata wiii rt Legia before aentemner a, end aiaur growers will bold off until a leter date la se der to art matured koos of better oiulI'V. The Oommerciel News of 3a a rrauclace et Aaaxat ST baa the following: "A review ( the bop market dleeloaee tba bey toning of bop picking and reports of tba prvkebk, yield and grade ot he era of 1914 fn;ie. up to espectattona. Tbvra are ladle tkas-tne ellmsx aa far aa prlcea are enaostaed bs Leee reached. Taward the bitter pait of the week there was a decided wtwaea. at . though prices era still quoted at IS to 1 cent or nrJBis UUrornla. Another ! or weak aeea' h) tba decided locreaae of . offerlnga. whlcb asuaed bdyers to bold off to some ez 1 tear. At far ee tranaaettona en-kwcwtt. n t et ran third of the crop of torn) lua placed frant the growara' bends, the f mr-y in bnce Is one t which tha bop aurert ba bean ann. Jerted from time Immemoruol. This special agricultural eoeamodlty naema t save spells of net tuue exaltation en naost enetixctnd easlona. The leteet Informs tloa frma the trade ; In Great Britain dleelneee h re'ber qnlerer ettuatlon en tba grounde of tmpmvement la yield. Brewers are regarding the market wltk Interested complacency, and y)(ii to be ae well supplied with hops that their appearance aa buyers hi aot arena ary at pree-ntt." XteaaU ValU Trade U Oeatlag. Portwad la.aarurtng a birge per cant of tba trade of Klamath reiki, aceordl'ig to A. D. Miller, formerly la tba aommlaaloa bualaeas here aad now torated la enatbera OregJO. "Woea tha Boa there Pnct'le changes Its Una to Catltorala aa that It tana thronah glera ath reus thai city will secure tba is tire trade ef that eeetloa.' I an reureeentlng a Bumber ef Portland f trass there, and already we are getting a good share of tba orders. Portland .merchants jandera.MI thtoa from Sen " Frenvlece every time beceues tbey do not ex pect the' big profits those of the Bay City secure. Keen. with tha signer might lata from this city, ws are able to discount their prices etioral ubms." ' Big rrsdase Bhipmant te ViWiveetak. The largeet shipment ef pmdave ever anede from this elty to Vladlvootok Is being rrt pared la apeclal packacea todiy. The eiiil . aaeat la being' made by 0. B. Vooil) ahi of Yogdjogloa Broth ra of the BiberUa elty. Tba sbtpment tncludfe SOO bexee Oravenatela aptilea fjno have King appkra, go bosea Aleveader au pice, T aerreie tiregna sranee. tb water vei'-ae, 4a) pounde Oregoa honey and ad eratcs tireroB onions. This Is the first time that s . shipment at either watermelons er America a hooey hae seen made to tba Rueataa city. Brief Betas ef Varveus Ksrkete. lags are firm at yesterday's edviice. Not all city cree merles have adveneed batter . to 17 H cents. Market good, however. .- Pot a tore and onions quiet and nucha need. Tomatoes of all kinds la better shape, price . maintained. - Peaenea not aa plentiful. Prices tame. All dressed meats are eagerly aooght. Price '. aame. The trade pays the following 'prices . le Front ' street. Prices paid sklppera we less rigulr aomm lea ions: . . - ersra, llawr and feed. , - OBAIM BAtiB Oalcstta, eeHe baying price ; aeiung. etie. - . WH1AT New clnb, IV l red Ruselae, eet ' Wueetem. TOe; valley. T0fTle. DiKLtt new raeo, esi.wui roilea. VJ1.U0 ring, 123.00. . COKN Whols. fZT.OOl era eked. 12a. 00 per , , BTB II Bf par ewt. ' OATB New Producers price Ife. f white. JM OO: grey. IM.OO. FLOUR--Kaatern Orrrm pa tent a, ' pi.WHt "Ben; steiignie, ee.euajs.ou; exporx, as. 10; valley, b.M: graham. Ha. IH.IVi: whole wheat, " U.m; rye. (We, to.OOj balea, U.TB. : MltLATtlKrS Uran. 1.&0 per ton) mld dltng a, 124.00: atiorte. country, I1S.&0; elty, 1T 0: chop. l.004SI.0O. , y " HAI Prod cere' price Timothy. Willamette alley, fancy, til 00; ordlnety, Il0.00iai0.o0i eestera Oregoa, lldOOOlT.OO: mixed, flo.ona - 10 ao; clover. I grain, T.ftoejg.go, obeat, T.ooaa.00 ' . Butter, tgn aad Poultry, -BCTTBR PAT P. a. h. Portland Bw eel cream, Jflct sour, S4e. BtTTKR City creamery. Hcj sutalde fancy. ZSttZac; ordinary, 23c: atore. 14c. F.WB No. 1 freeh Oregna. rendlad, 23 tt S84c; uncendled, lOSel -eastern, He, CHRGHB New lull ereum, fUta, lMsjiir; :-'eung America. HfMMe- ' , POCLTBT Ulxed chickens, It He per lb; fancy bene, 4 per lb: roosters, old, 10 We Kr lb; stsga, 1IUH Par Ih; fryers. l4c; Jilers. 144 per lb; old ducks. laijfll.Tci ' lb spring ducks, 12H81.H Ih; (seae. 410 . Ibl turkeys. Hie p-r lb: dressed. So per lb; squabs. 13.6001.00 par. dim; pigeons, tint , aor doe. weel aad Hldea. BOPfeOoatracta. loe erop. lsotoa per lb. WOOL ltog clip Vsllry. cosree te bMdlum, tic; fine, tdel eeetera Oregoa, SOOUe, . . MOHAIR New, aomtnaL BHKKP8K1NB ghrarlng. ISQJus eeckt short Wool, sooe; meoinm woo, ouj7us eeck long want, TbrtJtl.M each- TAUW Prima, par lb, IMlaai Be. aad areaee. X'aivje. THirriM SAftK 1MB ttoea.-ei.a4a bar.lh: ri Mlt per tb. J- niuia iry, na. i, la me saa bp, iBnfp ITfc per lb; dry kip, ffo. I. to li Iha, I4e; dry aalr. Bo, 1, ande Ibe. llci eatd hides. steers, soaao. ev ine saa ever, loaiie BVtwHc: stsgs end bulls, sound. iOTc; kip, Id to 0 fts, Ps( as If, aaaad, aadar U lbs, 1U JOURNAL'S DAILY , tips o:j markets : By Shark, Qase Graham. )' A decided . Improvement la - nutwt in the Bin sua Butter mar 0 ket (or tba weak juat paaaed. Eggs have advances) about 1 cant S par doon. while fartOy. creamery 4) 4y nutter ghowa a much greater aa- vance. . Thl of oouraa baa tba ' effect 4f booetlng the price or country atore butter and aa tbla 4. commodity la not arriving very freely . tba market la considered d atronir. S ' ' Snake river" cantaloupes are oe 4 ginning to arrive very freely and the- quality-Is-Tsr euperioritocre) 4) wuat tata-manceT naa neon ra- ceiving. A 'wide ranee of prlcea 4 . la- noted. '... v: 4 '"- Dressed meata V. are In more 4 plentiful aupply i but the price d atill holde firm, aa tba aupply la 4 not yet equal to tba demand. A 4 few dreaaed hogs are beginning d to arrive. .. . ' . 'Poultry of all klnda la in good q - demand and the market la firm 4 at printed quotations - inn. ' Malted, la Mast eulhj. la ear lb lata aoreehldee. aallad. . tl.2601.T8; dry, ll.OOai.Ml colt hldea. XSOaoel- aoat aklee. cominea, seen, loajiast Ai-tora, ; sscB. aecsj ll.W. lulta-aad-TaiatsMaa POTATOES, New, aocQII.OO per sacfel arev oarers, price roc car iota, iue par cwi; eweeia, eutcc per id. ONIONa iobbloe orlce Haw Walla Walla. 1.S par sack; sew Oregoa. ILK garlic, ettlte PKBgn PRUrre Kew sPDlea. ' aOc'cttl Ji arangea. Valencia, $4-TSdS.OO: bsnanaa. 8ej ovic in; ismona, choice, 4.7&tt3.oo box: rancr. fA.Wtrs.riO per pox; llmee. Mexlren. fl.S pel 100: Hawaiian. ( I: plume. BO07&C per enrte: canUloopea, I.B0ClK; raepberrtea, J ): black black g. -1: Calirbrnla trance. tl.TM1ffl7.23 Oraeon. Toe: blackberries. IfJiMtl.aS per Crete ..inpifiim, i.iivi cmvu, V , . MJ , pTKin, TstlUOr; peara, l.O0l.BO; prune, bulk, 2e per id, pacaeo, vue per doij Bucaienernea, VKOKTABr.gB Tumlpe. new, 11.00 par sack carrota. gl.60 per aaek: baata. 11.50 ear aack parsnips. II. Kd ner aack: Oreaoa' radish re. XOe nor doe: eebbaee. Oraeon. - Be: hell iwppera,.- eottSOe per. box: tomatoes. T.V J0c er bWrrThrahtpa; "OcOfT.WI; airinv ocene, txeaon. aaxio per ids ceaii flower, II UO per doe; peaa. dSBej ' aorae. radtab. a7e per Tbi artlehohea. Tie per dos: squash. lUei areea onlooa. Oreaon. llUe ner on .ouncnee; encumoere, aoe per box: ceierr Tae per doe: green corn. 13ttftl3e dos: sunt mer a qua ah; Toctlll.OO per boat eggplant, fl Vei I T per crate: Bumokine. 1U. DBIED FBUITS Apples, evenoratod. ISO 14c per lb; apricots. lSHtllbe per lb; peaehee, 12tlIUe ner lb! nacke. Li n- lb Iran: nranea. ao to 40. Be; Ue drop aa each 1-1C smaller siae; nre, csiltonits black, OCSHe per B California whits, etjaWe per lb; dates, (olden, f Ms per U fnrde, l.e0O!.a0 per lft-lb bex. imeilia nlaaa. WtM. ' KTnia .All MflnarUe Tnh. lHHAf anatodl v.lio; i mil, granuiaTeo, ao.uoi ory graaninterii low; eonr. a, 3.ur: weeiera r. 15.06: western p. C MMIi Hawaiian 0. C. M.85: extra 0. 4 Ml goldea C. M SS: O. ' yellow. t4-si bbla, 10c: U bole. tftc) boaea, toe advance on sack basis, leas toe per ewt fur cash, lk dayai Santa, MO lbs IB. (Above, prices apply to ealee of leas that ear iota, tar arts at epejcui pneea eanjeat luctnatloas.1 , HONIT-,t.0 nor crate. f-OPr-EK Packaee brends, tlV 2841m TB. BALT Coarse Halt greuad. 10m. B 00 par toa; 60s, ta.BOt Uble. dairy. 80s, glS.00) 100s, ill TO ; Imported Liverpool. BOe. glT.OOt leos, 16.5ft: 224s. 1 16.00; eatrs flne.bbls, te. Is, 10a, 4o04t(lAO: bulk. 30 lbs. g4.00ctB.oni each a. Ms, ooCSOc: Uverneor lump rock l.aO per son; eu-m roca, av.uii; lwe. au.uw. BICE -ImnerUl Isnen. No. 1. n. No. 1, I eed, Te; si Ife. 1. Itjoc; New Orleane heed, Tl AJax, lei Crecie. ri4e. . KKi MA Small arbfe-i Be an, kn arklfsu W-BO; pink. 2.T5; bayou. fl7S: Umaa, SJ aiexicoa reus, lea . M'TS Peeeete, Jambe, Be CT3r Peenuta, Jamba, Be nee. fa; TtrrtnU, 'He per lb; roasted, "flfie perJb( , IWSHe; roaetrd. TQTHe pee D: cocoa. sere num. Bonuua per aoa: wsmuts, laaiSHC per lb; plnenuts. loejlttte par lb; bichory Bate, lOe par lb; cheetanta, eaetere, IsQlde par lb) Braxil note, lise per R: filberts. 14lfie par lb; fancy pecans, ISri almnnde. 14017a. . . ralata. OeaJ on, Xto. ROPB Pare Maalla. 14e ataadard. UUI staaL 11a. COAL OIL Pearl a Aetral Case lHe par gai; water wane, xron narrem lea par gal. weooea ire par gai; a realigns, I rv-aeg, per gsi. A SO U.N B ne-deg. esses B4tte pee gel, hro r geL Sola Ike per gsL REN EI NX St-dee. eases Xfie bsv aaL ana Ns poia in c ner i. TURPth TII K la easaa BOs par gat. bbla pne ear gsL WHITl LB AD Toe lots, T4e per Tot BOO-Bi lore, ee per in: apee tors, Bits per Is. WIBR NAILS Preaent heels at tt.BB. LIKBEEn OIL Pure raw, la f-ubl Wes. Bee. l-bhl lot, BSe; raaea, Ba per gsl; genuine kettle boiled, eases, los per gal; S-bbl lots. b4e: l-bbl lot Boa pee gait graarad rake, ear lota. 10.00 ear tea: leee than ear lets. 130.00 par tea. BI sate. Pisa aad Tiaahilias PRESR MHAT8 Prant Btreot Hoes. rue. (Hci ordinary. THOac; poor. TCTHe per Ih; bulla. lJ3Vte per lb; reel, extra, gtye per lb; oetllnary, ISc per lb; poor, Be per lb) mutton, ism y. RDai per io; nnns, sfisv. HAata, baco.'x, btc rorttand peck (local) ma. 10 to 14 Ibe, If) He per lb; 14 to 16 Ibe, ha ma. lVo per lb; breakfaat bacon. It21e 1 nee Ibr plcnlca, 12Mc per lb: cot tare.' 10 He eee Jb regular abort clean, aaeseoked. Us per lb; smoceu. i,e per ro; clear pacxa. anamoked. lec per lb; smoked IBs per lb; Union butts 10 to II lbs: cnemoked. Be ner Ibl saaoked. Be Bef Ibl dear bellies. UBamoked. 14a ner tbt etnnked, l&e per lb; ebonlders. HVke par lb; picxieu loognee. so-vo ueener DO l. IXrCAL LARD Kettle lee I, 10a, 12HC per lb; As, 12He per lb; bO-lb. tine, 12 per lb; stesm renderedf. 10s. 11 He par lb; Do, i per lb! eompmind. Wa, . - uniMU Miaiin--Loiomoia nver, i-n) talis, ll.ho; 1-lh tails, 12. TS; faaey, 1-lh lata. II. Bo; U-lh fancy BaU. fel.lB: fancy l ib evala. in TS: Alaska toll, pink. BStJOOci red. II.&wi Boaiimal eBOBOe, red. II.&w) awaiimal ii, PI8H Rock eod, Te per Tb; Bonnders. la par i mudui, r err i", stsbbi, oi.ow per ens. siirned baaa.'ltHo ner lbi catfish. Be nor Ibl ealmuB, Columbia river Chinook, Be per lb; eteek reoa, pc per in; omenccaa. ne per in; nerring, ee per lh; sole. Be per lb; shrimps, 10 per lb; perch, le per lb; block eod. Tl per' lb: tomcod, Te per lb; allver smelt. Be per lb; to oarer ner in: rresn mackerel, ae ner is: erewtrsh, 20c per doe: shad, go per tb; eturgeaa, IUC per lb; black bees. 30s. . 0T8TKR9 Bboalwater hay. per gal, per llO lh'eack. 14 00. - CLAMS llvdshell. sew hog, 13.001 raaer Clans, 12.00 par hex. ax rmAjfciioo jmrno xjcckaxqx. Baa Francisco, An. Bid 29. -Official close: Rid. ltelmmt ......11.00 Denver l.noB Hold Bar....... l.KtVt O. Bullfrog.... i .14 Stelnwey ..... .41 Con. CaL. Vk.-.i '1.00 Opblr .TH Mexican . 1.00 J Kirheqner ..7T- .Bt Hold CrowB.... ' .14 Ureat Bend..., .4T Reecne .80 Montgomery hit .HO . Buneet ,. . ..IB Cash Bpy . .16 Golden 'Anchor. .06 Home ........ i,..ia Jim Butler..,.'-1.45 alacnaniars .44 Hidwsr ...... B.22H Montans ....... I.02H nrtn star.... , .on Ohio .2 Ton. Ex....... B.nO Kevede ....... IS RnA Weet End..,, Adams Atlanta .... I.OOA : ,2A . ' .04 ' .40 .IS tBcepter i .45 . Msnhstten IS Bluebell ... Baylor Hum..., ' .2.1 Booth Con. QvierTT. Iiexter .,, .86 tlrennr ....... .22 niamondilrld 1)1 le .40 Mold Wedge..., " .14 Ureat Rend EX. . .IT do Annex,,., .12 Creecent ,1ft Cowboy ...... . .12 Oenver . Anaex. .22 Uoldfleld ... do Extenaloa. .2B Kendall .TS Logons ..,,. .B2 May Quaes.... .16 Mohawk I.M Red-TP..... l.M Mancon , l.nn Little Joe 06 ' lumping Jack.. .411 Red Too Ki... . J Randatoru) . .no Nllver Pk'k.... .113.. Mustang ,22 Bt. Ives....'.., .M Bniirrog xftniug .44 NsUoasi Bank, ae AH TEAlfCIBCO LOCAl ITOCXA Baa rranciaco, Aag. 2. Official rinse: . . RliL ' A. Si Centra cneta water.........,,,,.., mi "H irtrlng Valley water. ..... ,,r, lawallaa Cnmmefclal. ........ 20'i MS ' 11 Hnnnlrea Buaar -4414 1 114 Makawell Bnxar... U IHI , .rr W& U ... 1 k Hmee gtia-ar..A, Paauhad Bngar..,, Alaska Parkers',,. -we ni Aasoclsted Oil., MM Pacific autea Taisvhoae AMI OF CI Wheat Market Drops Whir Home Newt and Cablet Tell Bullied StoryrAII Lose but May, ' PIT PRICES QUARTER T0 THRElvlCHTHS OFF Larfegt Drop in SeptemberLiver pool Unchanfed at Opening but ' Cloaca Quarter Higher Brltlah Re-'- port Telia of Decreased Acreage.' RELATIVE WHEAT VALUES.. Aug. 39. Aug. 28. Loss lnon. Bevtember. . . .1 .T04 a .71' H .004 I .7H December...... .T4A .T4V Msg T8UA .T8V Chicago. Aug. 29,. Just contrary agate today Is the eotlon ef thd wheat market here aa com pared with tha doings abroad. Liverpool came unchanged at the opcnUif , but cloeer) Ja,d higher for both "September "aaifDecember. la tbla market the tone was rather dull bat weak, Reptemher rleeiug Sc and December H e ander Tneeday'a price. May la anchanred. The off! Cial report of tha Brltlah government ehowlng a 4eas'IB the English acreage aa compared with a year age waa ine Buinaa incentive mere. . Official quotations by Overbeck, Btatr ' A Cooke company; , . . t. . ' " WHEAT. , Orjen. Hleh. Low CVwe TO. T4A . T8A 48 44 B 4HB September ..... Tl . lk T0 11 ' ecemoer .. 7 . . iee . it May 78 H 7SI4 CORK. !. ., 4BT4 . dBIA 44 tj ' 48'4 4 : 44)( September .... 48 December ,.... 44 May 44. OATB. Baptember 29 H 20 lieeemnar ..... v w 804 83i4A May 88 88 MBBw -PORBir : September 1700 1T00 1T0O ITOOA ' ' ISStN BT 87T . ITB ,: TIT 16TB . January ; laeo lose 1Z3 v. LARD - September October .. e a sW9 . 90T ,;, .... 8TT ' 8TT ' '87t .... TfeS TOO T8S ' SHORT RIBS. . January . September Boo 8T0 -800 January Tit T20 , Tit October . 862 860 tot : ' ; . LmRPOOL ORAIB MAAXXT. wUverpool. Aag. to offldtl prtoss: WHEAT. Close. Oata. Aag. M. . as 3d as td I 4S THd ealM Sept. .... i Be 2d Pa la 8d 6s 2Hd ae a4 CORN. 4a 8Ad 4a tid 4s 2ld Sept. Decu ..... 4e 84 as THd Jaa., 4s 3d BBrrxax tBAnr acaxaox. Ltverrjeol. Aug, . British official report ef grata acreage: Wheat .......... This Tear. Last Tear. ..J.TT5.000 1.TM.OO0 . .1,042,000 A 061,000 OaU BEAR F.'OVEr.'ENT HITS AT ' GREAT KORTHERil . Further Depression In Price on Exchange Looks Like Attempt to Secure Control. It kinked today ae If some one waa trying to secure control la the Great Northern mine. The heavy declines hi this Issue since the epco Ing of the exchange has been remarkable, the Initial ask price being see and tba bid Ma. Today a new low level was reached with the sals ef A000 shares at 4c. one eaare ef Oregoa Life at par waa sold today, alee 1,000 aha-e oc iee a .Teea uota ax use. Official prlcea: BANK BTOCKI. BM. .Ash.: Rank ef California.. B6I ' ... Merehanta' National ...140 Oregoa Trust A Baring.-. ......... . ISO Cnlted State National 20d Portland Treat Co.......', .110 Bankers' A Lumbar maa'e . 108 ' MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS, , 1eeter MsBufseturing ........... Ibl . ... Campbell' a Saa Burner e toe 41 ' ioe union uu xuu ArencUted Oil 8H Alaaka Packers' ... .......... . '871 Pacific State TeleDhnae. Telephone......... tl , one ..r- Talepoone. tit .M4.. insurance ...I ; Home Telephone . ft-). rnget Boo ml Oreaoa Life nu 1000 40 108 2.1 Cement Prod net a. Empire Contracting Co...... O. R. A N. R. R. 4a lift ... 100 Merune Towaaite .......... Nicola Coal . 30 01 04 02 Mi Inter national Coal a e ttitifi nn 180 J. V. Lee Do MINING STOCkA Alaska Petroleum Akuka Ploneer -rt, -4 IV Standard Ceei.i... Oregoa rwruriti Bnowatorm ....... . BOO m 0214 Lee's. Creek Gold. 0144 ioi Tacoma Bteel .... O a lice Coa....... Gallaker Anlden Rule Cob. nuiiimar serrioni. ,..... IS 08 08 02 02 Goloooda ..... 0414 04 North Falrvhiw Le Roy a i4iliM4eti4 riiawainn ,.,...,,..,..... Caacedia 1... 11 Lucky Doy. ........... ........... ... Itenl 2S 214 H 84 e 04 Rambler Cariboo ................ . Dixie Meadowa 03 Great Northern ... Mountain View -t 29 BCOAR STOCkB. Hawaiian Commerclaf Hnnokea Sugar Hutrhlnann Sugar U. ............ Makawell Buxar IT IS 85? 88 10 48 Vi BT1, 14 Onomea Sugar , rauunao nngar ,....i....1...,A . Union Bugar iH Total ealee toasy, T.ooi sbares. VsTITBD KATES aOVEkstmTaTT B0BT5A ' New York, Aug. 2 Oorem meat bonda: Dste. Bid. Ask. Teres, reelatared............ Opt. 1044 loo'i do coeuen Onb 104V 10.114 Threes, regleterad Opt. lOMIA 104 do connon. ...... .......... Ont. 103U 104 Small bonds...,...,., ,..,'108t4 fours, reglstared 10T lOAU 104 d Coupon. 1W1T 10XU 104 Pour, regtatered , 1U25 180 131 U do coupon.... 1028 1M 131 u. Plarrlrt at ColumbU. ....... 1024 n Philippine 4s , log PORTLAXD BAAA aTATXKIsTT. Clesrtng today. .gTTg gej 68 Clearlaga year sgo........,.,.... 8HT.1V.40 Oata today ,iei,414JW ' Kew Tsrh-Lsadea Sagar, I . New Tort. Aug, 28. Bar silver enchanted; London unchanged. . . UNION FIGHTS HOME ; ; TELEPHONE COMPANY .. i . i XT i.l v as an ... im miiiitiiwi ..w,,. as. rj, ,t IM; surrailatemehrTas night" caUing upon 11 union aympathlaerg. to refrain from patronising the Homo Telephone com. pany until guch. time) gg It shall make ptacawita tha ttoloa , L DasJtrs Vi Purchutd Qhttp Hep Contract. From Other De&lert Arc Cslnj Forced to De liver While Their Contracts Are Ftl'.lnj Short. DULLS INTOXICATE Big Dividends on Rail Lines Still Having Boosting Effect Upon Values In New York. 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC IS-';, TSlX POINTS HIGHER Northern Pacific Five and a Quarter Up .With, General Llit Showing a Heavy Advance Salea Are Heavy "' During tha Day.' X'i-1 i NET ADVAKCB. Anaconda . . . Erie ...V.... IH Western..,. U rile 1 Amalgamated . ... 1 AtcblaOB i Greet Louie VI la Sugar 114 Katr auneitar ait Car A Peoai 1 Brooklyn H Baltimore 144 Mlaaonrl Pad fie... bNrfnlk N. V. Central..... Ont. Western... 1'euusylvsiila n.... Preaa ItealjCar. Reeding Republie Steel do preferred..... : Rock leland. ...... Southern Ry. ...... Texas Paclfi..... V. A Bteel I do preferred Colo. Part .-.TT. 1 etc. Paul......... Bs Cbeaapak I , Canadian ......... d ! Colo. A aooth..,. Denver Locomotive ....... 1 Norther a Pacific. . IH uknithera Paqlflo. Latoa PaeUia.., ', . ' air Henrv Clews. Wall Street. K. T., Aug. 3B. The tatoxleat me effect of the t'nloa. and Boutbern Pacific dlvldeada waa highly eontagioua. Bueh ad venes nd activity aa occurred la theae atocks were simply Irresistible, end market leader were quick te take the leaaoa and apply similar tactics to ether aharee. AppareeRly the big men have tha market ander full - oontyol. Their purpose appear ta he to give price g sob. ataatial rise end then allow them to recede moderately, avoidlna any disturbance nf eanfl ana etimuiaung puyug ny vnrioun en xpectedly lucceearoi. very cJtsidetbl"kBKnrata4 inns xar may nave seen un t atoeka having already passed from stronger Into weaker hands. Whether the public has bee wise or not In entering ton end tsklne oieeke whir I the market at in top and taking stocks which old and expert. eaeed holders did net went Is a question bow bevend debate.. The nubile la already la the market, and the universal feeling la the a treat la that these la control Intend to carry the mar. ket etlil higher la order to facilitate eoettnueo distribution. The higher the level the free tax the danger ef reaettoa, ef course; bat la tb Keaeat estravegaat mood ef optimism neb eta are not regarded. ..... The Peel fie man la the market (T dea't meaa la temperament, but those assorts ted with tb Pacific roada) have for a loag time peat worked the market la erdar to Buy eaaa ih.iv shl lit v to asiaiaute a bl factor by tecreeelag dividend. The stimulating affect having been accomplished, ecnmulatloo he tha ssms nartlee haa ceaaed. andhey now ocean tb Boat tloa of distributor of their vast holdings at very remunerative prices, Jd the public are Invited to partake ef their gen. realty. My s dries, however. Is to abeteta i baying oear. ana mil xar ins time warn in caiibe bought cheap, after the faehton etocke iatet saesi. Onr future market will be a aoae traamg on sot iiuciusimius. uu. ... he a must be eutck ta end eut, like taking Today's market was very nrm, anooun wan reeeaaloa ae shown from the high mark OftlcUl quotationa py uvaroeca. Btarr A Cooks eempi any: SESCRIPTIOlt. : A nisi. Copper Co.uj.... Am. Car A ronnd., eaaa de prefetred Am. Cot ton oil, com.... Am. Locomotive, com. . . Am. Bugar, com........ Am. Smalt, com........ de preferred......... Anaconda Mlnlag Co.... Am. Woolen, eom ..... Atchleoa. com........... do preferred Baltimore A Ohio, com.. do preferred..,,' Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canndlaa Pacific, au Central Leather, eoaa.T do neeferred. ......... posit; fsV 40 T01 1881 166 T214 T0 isa 151 85 10T iieji T8 ITT 18 is Chi. A O. W.. com.. ..j 18V, 1854 Chi., MIL Bt. Peal.., Chi. A N. W., com gbeeapeake A Ohio olo. Pual A Iron, com. . Colo. Southern, com do Id preferred do let. preferred...... Cera Product, com do preferred ,,, Delaware A Hudsea Hearer A R. eoaa... de preferred. ......... Brie, com do 2d preferred.. . .. . dj 1st preferred. ..... Illlaola Central Loulavllle A NaahvUle.. Mexlcaa Centrni Ry...,, U., K. A T eom....... oft preferred .......... 1T5 812 211 111, 6814 bmZi V bUl iri. 84 318 tie til 48 47 1T4 ITS 140 14814 11 86 TO BS Federal Bmeiter. Missouri Pacific. I neinanai Lienq. ...... .... New Vera Central Hi" fat 1441J 141 N; z.. Oat. A Wet.... Norfolk A West., com.. da preferred Nortk A merles n 4614 et et it t24k Northern Pacific, eoea Pacific Mall S. B. Co. Pennarlvanla Rallwev 214 8T 140 21T P. A, L. A C. Co....- naeeil steel car, aoa., do preferred .......,. Beading, com. ... ....... do 1st preferred Ben. Iron A Bteel. eom.. do preferred...., Bock leland. com.,.,,,. do preferred . ...,,. St. L A S. P.. Id pfd.. de 2d preferred St. L. A i. W., com..., do preferred Boutbern Pacific, com... do preferred. 188 188 128 Boai 80 80 s3 1UU ten P" 17' Bl 48 ! 64 23 24 L'Jt M 60J4 1U ew Southern Railway, com.. 88' lin 8644 ao pre re 1 1 ao ..,,,.. Tenneeaee C. A I 18T Texaa A Peclric SB 1 n'u Toledo, S. L. A eom. no preierreu. ....... ,. Cnloo Pacific, cam...,. 82 52 81 18414 do preferred TJ. 8. Robber, (oca do preferred 0. B. Bteel Co., com.... 4.114 106 4.1 4714 an pre: 106V lOTli Wabash, com. .ah. 20 48 'to' 1T4 20 14 48 do preferred Western V nlon Tel . . . . Wtacnnela Central. Cora Virginia Chemical 4AHI an hmb hmb bmh hmb 18 do preferred Call moner " cloeed 4UC1S nee eenT St. Paul ex-dlldeed 814 ner sent and m rights 17M points. , Liverpool Oettoa lenrsr, Lrvenoot. - Ana. 20. Ootto cloeed ' harere steady with future 18 t 14 aednta off. DIVIDEND WARRANTS r TO BE MAILED SOON ,'',' 4aB4sBBBBaBBBBaaajaBBjBm Aaalatant Auditor Collie of tha Lewlg and Clark Pair corporation announced today that tha dividend warrants have finally been prepared and signed and that they will be mailed before the and of the week.. Building leaTmlha. . The following permits have been Issued: W. Cotty, repairs, r.dgar be tween Eaat Eighteenth and East Nine teenth, coat, til: J. Couch Flanders, repairs. Second between Yamhill and Taylor, coat, 400;-E. C Jorgeneeii, re pairs. Third between Ankeny and Burn- 99; V1 - HcttsimlllJr. t atory dwelling, Taeoma between Eaat Nineteenth and ..East Twentieth, cost. tl.ltOi C. Bollman. Uwo-atory dwelling, Van Houtan bet Wes a l)awaoa and Vvillia. eost, IMe. 1 . cmn f An pt - ILIJllliU-l-JllUUL I 1 T1WLEI1H1TEI) DEPARTMEUT Peculiar Condition of Affairs Un s earthed by Civil Service Commission? LABORERS DO WORK ; ; OF THE METERMEN Result Is ; Reports and , Complaints That Work Is Belnt; Done in Un skilled Mannerwommlssloa- May . Act at Once. ' . - That a peculiar condition of affaire axlata la tha elty water department wag brought to light i tola morning when tha civil service commission attempted to atraighten out a tangle as to the ability of men to perform the work aa signed them.-. .-.. -. - Aa azamlnatloa for meterntea Rail tappers wag recently held by tha com mission. The examiners were Council man A. Q. Rushlight, C B. Oliver, head Inapeotor of the aupply and use of the city water, and E. J. Gray, forenvaa ot the eant side district The " laborers la the department who Bad been doing; the work ot tnetermea 4 bsf otaq that elasslfloatlon waa aasde ware cartlflad - to-SLa competent by Uuperin tendent Donge. . U, li. Murphy, who hag bean -working for the department for Ave yeara but la claaaed aa a oommon laborer, ' la tha foreman of the -gang which la InataJUnf tha meters ail over tha elty. ..- ' Secretary MePh arson told tha commie, aloner that theae examlnera had made a report that Murphy, had directed hit mart to place metera la a manner which no one with any knowledge of mechanics would approve. Thia report had been signed by Oliver and Oray, although they are members of the water department themselves, '"Who directs MurphyT" questioned the commissioners. The eeoretary .stated that aa-far aa ha could learn Superior. tendent Dodgehad general aupervlalon over Murphy. Than Meaara. WUlla, Blaln and Brawater all wanted to know If 'Dodge la aa engineer. It waa ro ported that he la not . Murphy was one of the men certified tha room. Mr. WUlla told him what had been reported and said: "If Dodge la ao office man and bookkeeper I don't see how ho can occupy his preaent position.'' The mayor vouchsafed ao reply. "If Murphy has simply obeyed in structlons I don't believe wa should hold him responsible and rule against him," aald Mr. Willis. Murphy waa one of the man eertitflad to by Superintendent Dodge, but the examlnera had not considered him com. potent. Mayor Lane . remarked that Murphy had denied ever placing a meter tn tha manner which the ezamtnera had declared be had directed bis men to fol low. . - ... . Tha commission wont Into a ahort executive aeaaion to take steps toward determining and fixing . the respoosl blllty for tha contradictory statamenta. At lta next mooting tha eommlaslon will probably create the position of electrical machinist In the Are depart, ment, which will pay 11.10 a day. A man is required to .make and repair Are alarm lnatnimenta. v -. - . ,,- IS.THROWN TO-TRACK - UNDER MOVING TRAIN fSneHal Dlarjetch to Tha InaraaLt v- Walla Walla, Wash., Aug. 12. While attempting to board tha Spokane Flyer as It pulled out of tha O. R. A N. depot yesterday afternoon,. Emlle Cameron of canyon city, Oregon, waa a ragged be neath the wheels and had his right arm cut off at tha ahoulder. Cameron's head waa also badly eut and bruised by coming in contact witn the ties. ., . Cameron boarded the train at Spokane, On reaching Walla Walla ha left the train and want across -tha street to a lunch counter. Ha tarried too long and when ha stepped out onto tha sidewalk tha train waa Just pulling out of the yarda. Cameron made a dash for the tram and reached the rear coach. He grabbed tha handrail and was lerked be neath tha wheels. Ha waa taken to St, Mary's hospital. ' NEGRO BUSINESS LEAGUE HEARSWASHINGTON (Journal Special Service., Atlanta, Ga., Aug. .1. Between 4.I0I and 1.000 delegatea are attending Ae seventh annual aeaaion of tha National Negro Bualneas league, which opened In Atlanta today. The formal opening took place this morning In tha audi torium of the Bethel A. M. B. church. Booker Tl Washington, president ' the .league, delivers his annual addreae this evening. Other speakers on tha program who will deal with tha progress and proapects of the negro In various lines of bualnaaa ara C. E. Thomaa, M. D., of Annlaton, Alabama; J. M. Moseley, M. D., of Fort Worth, Texas; W. O. Emory, ' M. D..' of Macon, and O. W. Franklin of Chattanooga. VALENCIA VICTIMS TAKEN TO SEATTLE (Waehlngtoa Btrreau of The Journal.) Washington. Aug. it. Aaalatant Sec retary Edwards haa ordered tha revenue cutter Orant to proceed to Bamflald, on tha Brltlah Columbia ooast, and bring to Seattle II bodlea of the victims of tha Valencia wreck which have been buried near the scene of tha wreck. Tha eutter eould not proceed to the spot on account of tha rocka, and a tug brought the bodies to Bamfleld, where they- will ba tranaferred to tha caskets on tha Orant.' ' Tha bodies are of former cltlsens of Seattle. . ; - - COMER IN RACE FOR ALABAMA'S GOVERNOR 'Journal Soeclal Sai Use.) Birmingham. Ala., Aug. 1.At Mon day's primaries of the Democratic party in .Alabama, B. B. Comer was nominated for governor; H. B. Oray, D, J. Meador and Emmet O'Neal running a cloaa race with Oray In Jhe leadX for lieutenant governor. J. H. Bankhead and former .Governor Johnston are far ahead or alternate T'nlted Statea sen ators, and W. Bf Crklg rwas nominated for oongreaa In tha Fourth district Comer's majority is votes. ' AVOID ONE DEATH AND MEET WITH ANOTHER Journal Special Brvlce.) Loveland, Ohio., Aug, tl.-Four labor. era stepped this morning from tha track to avoid a freight train and were bit by a pasaengsr and killed. TRANSPORTATION. ALASKA PAST AMD POPULAR STBAhUIIIPS , latere Seattle , BOLPH.V August 31.? CAIAINO AT getehfkea. fun. Douglas, Rains. Shsg wa, CooBeeta with W. P. A T. route far alius, asawasNa. xaaaaa, eiumn, n JOBtsUMata Aessha-eTei Call er eead foe"Tr1 to Weaderful Alaska." . "IadUe Basketry, "Totem Peaas.' TatE AlllEA CoIumbiaRiverScenery -Reiolstor Lbe Stetimerr:, THB KXCTTRSION STEAMER "BATXT5T OATZKRT" makea round trlpa to CAS CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at I a. m, returning, ar rlvea I p. m. Dally service between Portland and The Dallea except Sunday, leaving Port land at 1 a. m., arriving about I p. m., carrying freight and paaseagera. Splen did accommodations for outfits and Uveatock. : .a . Dock foot of A'der street. Portland; foot of Court street. The Pallas. Phone Main 114. Portlanl . , ,.t ., TELEGRAPH 2?aMrl ha Ma-en ' -The only gteaaabeat making m routad Ulp - jk BAZZiT '- .'.L -f ''"Except Sunday Between ' PORTLAND and AST6RIA AUT0 WAT rourrs Leave Portland...'.; T:0e a. mx Arrive Aatorla ... 1:10 p. an. Leave Astoria. .............. .1:1 p. m. Arrive Portland 1:00 p. an, Me.TA SERVED A LA CARTE Pcrtlaaa fcandlng, Aldav street Soak, ' - sVarkorta aVaaeUng, Oa II ande Dook. . E. & SCOTT, Agent , Phono Main IIA , NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO.'S PopalarttcamsWp t.100 toni . The only flret-claas paa aangsr' steamahlp sailing between Fort land. -San FYaneleco. Los Angelea and Eureka, salla Thuraday, August 80th, September 12 th. September J 7 th, t p. m. Ticket office, HZ Third St.. near Alder. ' Phone Main ltlA H. Toung. Agt lOtrnrXaATXRW aiasxa rotjtx from Beettle et B p. m. for Ketchikan, Joneau. Bkag. way. White Borne, pwwsoa and P air bank A I. City of Seattle. Aag ast 80, September S. . B.gA Humboldt. Baptember B. a. Cottage City (via Bllksl. Beotsmhtf a 99. aTOME ROTTTZ . B. Senator about 8ept, 10. oa Bsva gaaatuauu sibedt. Prom Beettle st s. m. Imatllla, Sept. t; i ur at ruenio. Bent, i: uueen, nenu is. Portland Office. t4e Washlngtea St.. Kaia BtA ay. at. us, rmaa, rt. agt. a D. OL'NAKN. 0. P. A. Baa mactsee.' Paints That Play Ghost- The kind that have no real "body" have no place tn our stock. Imitation paint Is worse than no all. Wa have a care tn providing Bay State paint that fills tha wood, preserves It, adds to Its appearance and altogether does what an Al paint should do. Bid PAXaTT STORE, Fisher, Thorsen& Co. nOBTV AJTB BtOBRXSOBT WTU. S3n.CUT... RATES Cms OA A .Me Awfw . ' jj . I vt, mt lta J wui 11.00 Gold Crowns...' .....fS.OO 11.00 Oold Crowns 93.50 110.00 Plates 5.00 111.00 PUtee ...fT.ftO ruilnga, tip from....'. ...36 Work anaxaateed. ' Boston Dental Parlors BSlVi Bt, Oppv Si riuasra. O. aad HOG VALUES HERE OUT OF LINE WITH EAST Portland Union Stockyards. Aag. 29. Live stock rscalpta; ' . , ' Bnr. Cattle. Bh-... Today 1&2 ' 102 we) Seek sgo .., lUt . 83 178 oath ago.. 278 . ' 827 1.124 lear ago 1. 133 105 lm Valuta In tb hog market here are out of line with those ruling ta the st. Prices there have declined steadily and are now rnnalderahly .below those hare, evea wit Jbe added-freight charga, - " Cattle and sheep steedy to firm, with 4t we Top I or anenrvu onsen. Official livestock gnotalroaei '' ' Hogs Beet eattern lire eon, ' 8734J7.B0 blocker and China fata. 86.00. Cattle best eaatern Oregoa eteer.. ga.MV .so: nesi enwu ami neirera, x wwi nq; stock' ere and feeders. I X 76 'n, ."; bulln. l bO. Bbeep Bhenrllnga, 44.414c; lamhe. Be. v ALL LIVESTOCK STEADY.. . , . ..,..' Bastern Btarketa fat Brood Condition fog ',,'.. , "All Telnsa. ... Chicago. ' Aug. 20. Livestock receluta. ' , Urge.. Cattle, Sheep, Cblcag ............. I". oim 18.iHxr 22. on Kaaea Clty ..,.. Woe r 18 " J.wa) Mniaaa , ,i'im.. o.jist s,it ie.oo lloga are steady at yesterday's eleelng, with 0.80 ft eves, Recelpte s year, ago were 22.000. Prices: Mixed. tn.UtK 2V: xvh and haVT. 86.0804 4: rough aud heavy, (i.S (48.T5: light, td.004lo.oS.., , - i rattle Strong. ' thtep i Sued. V kloandke il I " eea.w y - '1 ,rO (L AiRjiortni;:- 3 Trains to tb Eiltt-lV-' . miinessi otussmbw saw wBTr"s w J2ers dally a Oasake, CbMape, be to aaaaee reclining ehalreara teaats bwal w "f -asr dally. .. VaJoa Denot Cbjlr.. ! n. . r ' , .- '-"I i n W'"B' upeewa res1 SS. via Hastlngbin. ly. BlSS aa) llOtBal Kr." Var br Kaetera - k , , , Wnshlnrts, Walla Walla, , ' tatrjOneur r A lone e-Jd 1 ' il' ""Th-rn pelnte. dafly. Bill peg AOS set atMnrie Bxnreas foe the Beat vWanrlnrto.. dally?. : PSB tiaa "retUed. datiT " S'TBsea aiesaa ' OLTTaTRTA RIVRR nrVTBlOlf. ' iHUi't:.aa pMars. eewaewtxaa wC-u elsslr ? Ilwaee and North Beaeh. atee 4 fxeTnVo-1? .- " 8 P. B. abZ?aS,w"l atwrdav. 10 a. ah. Atnswi eut I p r,.. nr.M Suaday. ' . r- 'l TgWHTLt. RrVaTB ROTeTB. ' " Pftoa. Oregea City and Tamhm rreag mfrtfnrt .ally.! except Buaday (water Bee. KidTy. Arrive TJO p. m. daily. an4 " Mies aivsn avvrn Rlr2e.UI',t? ' and way potrrta "Iperta. Waab., steamer Bnobeaend m .n . e.repa mi rosy, defrr exeertt Prldsv. . Arrive 4 B. an. ,rnee Office nerd and WeeUagtoa eta, o ,' - Telephene Main Via Wm. uJSfoTmTP2nt' PS? T1et A ewt. wag, -afcMCRRAT. Beoeral PaaaaBger A (oak. EAST -SOUTH -laNtva. -aUHva," Oeeelead Bi i a TVarne for 8a leas, Roaaburg, Aab " BawanieBto. Ogdea, Baa IVaBelaee, Stocktoa BJaaxa mnniaeL mTl Vm skaBv ' New Orleene and the eaat BtAlBBt M ill t Horning train raarts t . Weodbura dally except . Sunday, errth . treta fa , , , L :.. -Mount Angel. fillTerton. . ? , '.: Rrowrievllle. enrtngfleld. ' 1 : ' ' Wtndllng and Natron.... t:00kBJ T:21asB Rngea neaskneer o ' . nerte nt Wssamesi artrk ' " 'v- 1 t- Meant Angel and Sllrer- toa htenl i. 4TtSaB roreelli psaeenrer....... . eT:nO am Sheridan pesaenger. ...... 4:Mpu Poeeet Grove neacongoe.. t'8M pm eeerejt sea eg:B0naa e: pm lit AO pax . -ueiiv. irneny eveent wundey. JPrTBRtOWTRrKT BTATTOW. ' ' Per Dane and Intermediate point dafly T:SS a. m. sad 4:18 p. m. Arrive Portia ad 10:10 a. m. and 0:28 p. m. Per time and card nf Oswege awberhan tJahjs apply at City Ticket Office, er station. Tickets to Rasters points sad Ruranmt else lanaa. Chine. Bnmlura nnd A nates Ms. City Ticket Office cwno Third .sat rngToa aiieere. raoae Msia TIB, C. W. BTtNORR. Wm. McMTTBtAV, city Tieaet A seen. . On. Pi TIME CARD OF TRAINS TTPortlancIt rnlea Depot - Leave. . Telleeratone Parh-Kaasse .... lltr-at. Larnn special tor . Chehelt. Centrnlln. Olym. - pin. Oray' Barbae. South . . .. j . Rend. Tneoma, Seattle, Bpo- . . v", ''' - .' t lane, tewletoa. Bntte, BtV- " " ' ; ' ' ' Mnga. Deavev, Omaha. Kan- ' ee Cltv. Bt. Ledle aad Bourbeest. dally StSOsa ddS I North Cnaat Limited, elee rrle Rghted. tor Taeoma .? ; . " t Seattle, Spokaas. Buttov i ". -. Mlnneepolte BL Paal dad the Rest. daHy t.-OSpsj Pnget BouBd Limited. for , tr.lla Ta roans aud Seattle le. dally , !BB pm Twin Ofv tvpress for Te. eeree. Seattle. Bpokase, , n.len. Fan, bt. rani. . . , . MIooesnoMs. UneoTa. Bt Yoeeph. Rensne Crty. rsa. k. Bt. IxubJ. wttheert , ebenew ad ekra. Tell eel eon. , . . naetloea fee all wotubl ' eod avxtkiseat. Ball.. Ttidgaaa A. T. CRARLTOrT. Asxhrrsat Several Pas. eager Agent. tBO Msrrlsoa sties t. esraer Thled. pnrtiane. urease. . ... Astoria & Columbia - - River Railroad Co. TTaiou Per hlaygere. Relator, rTata. teaie. . weeTpeet. curtoa. . Astoria. Wamntna. Pie- ; . . . m) n.uianad. Part Btsw. ens. Oeerhart Park. Seaside. 00 ask lira as) . Aotir? a ' " end Bajamr . eg. see aatiy Ttooner ease bub "Portlandeeelde Plrer" Saturday ealgw leave Portland 8:10 p. aa, . . All trains sieiiv. . , .- . (X MA TO. a. P. and P. A-, Aeteeta. Or. fl A. STBWABT. Commercial AaeaA BSB Alder stieeL Pbea Mala BOA Lf . Va i s TNK COaWtMrAeNX WAX 1 2 0 vcrlxc J fre!3 Cir y 'lb Orleatol Llanrted. the Taat MmM VIA SBATTLB ARB SPOgAPA Daily. Bung. Puettaad ttm To end from Bpohans, r . . St. Paul, Imluth and nil aotnk gaet via Beettle 0:SBak TB sat 11 led paa AbObsb Tn and freea St. PuwL Mlnaeepolls. ' Dvlnth end all potato Beat tie Seek sue 0-tS pas 8-ra em Ores If art her Steamship Oa, PalHeg from Beattle tar Jaaea aag .China sorts and Maalla. asm tag aa aeneern and reelaht. - . S. A Pskrtn, September A ' . 1 AS. MlanoMtB, Oeteber 80. V I BlPPOrf T08M BaigRA 1 I ' .(Japan Mall Bteeaashlp Ce.) I - A A Akl Maru will aell re- 1 Renttl about Br,.mhe 4 foe Jseea Chine pert. . aarrylng ge-aeage. a freight. . Pee ticket, rare. hertB taxv Mew, ere., cell ea er eddyee k. itiorsor. a . t. a. nr ' I sL. PertleaA Oregea. Phea i a . S.S. F. A. Kilt: Par Ceo Bay. Surah sad At t text sal flag fro pitland Thsne, yitxt sailing frees Sea gtsnclaee, 1 ' P. L. oarrworc ' Sritewkh beta be. A i. I Q leal i I a?l aoirfa t. f rt I . i ... i