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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY .EVENING. AUGUST 3. K-S.. "1 .-0 ISSUE SPIRITED ..tek AT IRUKJGTOrJ a - . V mm -irsr Smith Takes Great Men's Doubles Show Fastest and ' Cleverest Work of the Entire Prugrain. :" TJna to Set. Local Dispute Right Before Fane, "'- . JORTHWEST GUNNERS ARE SHOWN UP IN STYLE 1: CxpUlninf Magnate Declare That , So-Called "Lobsters" Compoaed tha Nucleus f the- XhutiPlayere'-Mine During the Entire Season, , , ' , ..... Manager Smith of the Maroons, In an ffort to set the local alleged amateur baseball dlsoute aright, baa eommuni- rated the following- letter to Toe Jour nal Portland. Aug. tt. To the Sporting Editor of The Journal: ' We wish te correct a few statements made by . O. Im Smith,' manager of the Northweet Gun company baseball team, published In your columns of recent date. . Pleaae publish this out of justice to us and set the matter In proper light. We are quoting- facts. Ml. Smith's memory-U at fault when he states that the team we played April 1 and I J- The team was regularly organised under the man agement of XV. R. Heales and 'the nu cleus of this team represent tha Gun company today. Mr. Smith calls them a "bunch of lobsters" in his letter. Score books ' and published aocounta show that In these two games the line up of the Gun company was practically the same as the team Is using todsy, L .. O. Ij. Smith. Fldmlng, HelUman. Emertrk, Batlo. Price, Mcllwaln, Rid dle. Pool. Sehulta and Hlgglna, These players made up the Gua . company . team In aubaequent game throughout the seaaon and the first seven men are still the mainstay of the team. - In the : two "game" played 'they-'showd vwy poor class, securing only four hits in the two games to the Maroons' It. The score of the first nmt wss 11 to 1, tne second"- lo T. The tem wss Tpre- sented to us aa a bonaflde organisation or we should never have played them at the Athletic park. He claims to have defeated the Maroons at the Chau tauqua in July by a acore of IT to f. The Maroons were not entered at the Chautauqua and only two members of the Maroon team played In the game, which was' between the Multnomah Athletic club and the Gunners. Thei men were Gray and Trowbridge. Hath away and McPherson Joined the team afterward-The lineup of-the Mult mah club In this game was Holman. f mnett. - Stockton, Houston. Fenton, Gray, Trowbridge, Hathaway, Kelly and Mr Pherson. and , the Northwest Gun company 1 lineup . was composed of Northwest Gun company, Schlllers, Chemawa Indians - and East Portland Grays. L O. U Smith, Heltsman, Me- Blwain. Patterson, Thing. Morrow, Po land. Myers and McBestin. As for the championship scrap, we have said alt we Intend to there Is no change, i The Bralnard Maroons will disband at -the eloae of the aeaaon October 1. and the team ta composed of Brock, Selbels, Trowbridge, Campbell, Gray. Mangold, Henkla, Gains, Smith, Hathaway and McPherson. Tou and interested fans can draw your .own conclusions. - Re spectfully. H. K. SMITH. " , . Manager Bralnard Maroona. . : YlSTtR DAY'S RACING AT BUTTE AND SEATTLE V-':- '' r v "l ''.! ';' " ' t"pecUI IMapetcfe t Tke JWaal) ' Seattle, Aug. St. Tha Meadow race ' results; ,. ,-. ; . t ' Five furlongs Domlnus Arvl won, Mrs. Matthews second. Fairy Street third; time. l:UK. . ' Seven Furlongs Colonel - Bronston won, 'Black Gem second, Iadora third; time, :-;- - Seven forlonga Dora I. won, Mabel Reed second. Luren" third; time, 1:17. Six . furlongs Cousin Carrie won. Tuck Bark second, Royal Whit third; time, 1:11. . ... r - ' Six furlongs Willie Gregg won. Sue Christian second, BL Wlnnlfrlde third; .time, 1:1IH.' ''f-s: -.- .-''; . 1 4 . Mile and a sixteenth Woodthorp i won. Brlarthorpe second. Lone Wolf ' ' third; time. 1:7H. ,. -v ' , ' Mile Water Cure won. Lady Mirth . ful second, Storma third; time, 1:0. M.t Batter- - Butta, Mont, Aug. Jt.i -Result of . races. . Pace, t:T Jib won first and third heata in 1:1114. :1. Miss Georgia ' won second " heat In 1:1. Paulina J., t Sherlock Holmes, Florodora, Mil and Captain Brlno also started. . , Trot. 1:17 A. Valentine won first and - third heata In 1:11, 1:1. Bally Lunn .won second heat la 1:11. . Dallas, Miss . Burbock,-Akron I and Bessie Jones also started. . 'V ; Selling, five furlongs Light of. Day . won, Susie Gregg second,-Mosketo third; time. 1:01 H. r 1 Selling, half mile Blumenthal won, Classls second, Minnie Baker third; '.time, :4fH. ., .: ,. " ... - Butte selling stakes, seven furlongs ' Roustabout . won, Kogo second, .Mary Glenn third; time. 1 :!7 H..,vr. ' -- Selling, mil J. V. Klrby won. Phy second. Flourish, third; time," 1:41. 1 . , RUNNING SUMMARY AT v THE SARATOGA TRACK ;r . floenul Spertai Seertce : ; ' Sera toga, N. Aug. II. Race augi mary: , ' . ' ,' " . ''. ; ;.. ., Six furlongs Sir Russell won. Sea Fare second, Oaklawn third; time, 1:1. ' Mil w Nrptunus won. Colonel Baru lett second, Wrenne third; time,' 1:41 4-S. Five and a half furlongs Roaemount won, KlllaJoe second, Rio Grande third; time, 1:1. ,. .The Saranac handicap, mile and a fur long Oalla vent, won. Tiptoe second; time, l:tt Only two starters. Mile Gadichon won.- Corrlgsn second, I Told Tou So third; time, 1:44 . , Five and . half furlongs Glamor x. woi Bally. JC seooney- Huf us tWrdr me, 4 1 ,;u. . ... ..... -; ; . . . ., SPORTING GOSSIP. s In, telling s)story of a freak fight ha wttnesned in England. Jlra Corbett aays It would probably never . have been ; heard of had he not run acroaa it In hla diary. Without talstng any question of veracity, we want to haeard - the plrlnn that Jlmfc. diary was a hard working fight scribe with a good Imagi nation. ., , ' .-'".- . - ... ' e e The annual regatta wlU open at As toria tomorrow morning and, judging from the epeclsl progress arranged, the event will eclipse all prevloas effort 1 here la so reason why the regatta tuld not be g prosounced aucceea, with r"ble men at tbe head tlltul m : Ml IK Principals in the Championahip Mayor ' Wise of 'Astoria and Smith, Columbla'a -famous 'Dick' football player. .v , , ,-. -- -v v. ' Sporting EditoiwWIU you please stats In your columns how many Innings were plsyed In the first game laat Sunday at Recreation park T 1 readm 1wo papere that only eight Innings - were played, while The Journal's score gav nine. , 1 will appreciate an explanation, t .- . . . ' J. H. B. Answer. The first game on Sunday was a nine-inning . affair.- The offlctal score gave. It only eight Innings, and, thla was probably copied by those who did not detect the error. The Journal'a account waa correct Aa Portland was ahead when the last half of the ninth came, tha second half of tha ninth waa not played. In reality but eight and one half Innings were completed. ' ' ' e e v ,v T -Jud -Smith's - work at Ihlrdwas ths keenest witnessed on tha local field In longtime. . . " Thla man Gum must certainly have something In the pitching line. He Is too much for opposing batsmen. That'a enough. TCld" Mohler U one of the most faith ful performers In the Coaat league. HI work at second yeaterday waa a reve lation, i. .. !'', r ' - . '' rT - . e e ... t ;,, Bill Sweeney Is coming close to be ing the top-nOtcher at - short In the Coast circuit. Keep your eye on Bill. , , 1 . .. -e e.. -;: Kid Ervln of Portland will leave thla evening for Independence, Oregon, where he. will box E. N. .Davis tea rounda on Septemberla. Davis la the lightweight ailing lull and la. a scrappy youngster. . Ervln weighs 11 pounds and has been training In thla city for X ha paat three weeka for tha battle.''' Ervln - ta well known In Portland, having boxed with ..Warren Zurbiick and Frank McConnell at dif ferent time. 7 : - :. t - . . ,. :.: - . , Thla morning' tha reports from Gold- field state that everything Is serene In the camps' of the fighters. Ons matter thst seemed aa If It would cause a se rious hitch waa Nelson's objecting to Gana weighing without clothes. -. Nel son's modesty So . shocked the colored boxer that the latter decided to wear tha conventional attire whea he stepped on the seal. . r George Slier 1 at the scene of buttle and haa given each fighter hla tnterpre- tatlona of the rulea He says that If the men do not- break when he tells them to do so he will disqualify "some one." Which one It wlU be the great arbiter of flstie affaire haa not an nounced. Slier might take a fw polnt- ere from the gun experts of Ooldfleld before making any rash decision. ' - ,".' e The pennsnt race In the American as sociation Is so tame that tha magnates have thrown in a awell row to give people their money worth. . . - . l- , . .. e . e . , ' Whenever it rains In Cleveland the baseball scribes tide things over by talking of Larry Lajole and hla Inoome. he a their Battling Nelson. ' ; The crowd was delighted to see Cm plre Mahaffey put Parke Wilson out of the game yeaterday. Parke.ought to bo called a "crab" instead of a "seal." , , John T. Brush's stilt against the Chi cago club Is labeled another attempt on hla part to disrupt ths .National league. Of rourse, John T. Is Just craiy to break up the game If he can. 9lek Stylaad XKse. -; ' Los Angeles,' Aug. tt. Dick Hyland lost In a foul to Johnny Thompson of Sycamore, ; Illinois, last night In the ninth round of a ZD-round -contest . NfwrwS,: yjw Wm.w:'.'. ... Kid Ervin, Who' WiU Box E. N. Davis at Independence, Oregon. CI Lightweight Contest Scheduled at SEALS BEATEfJ II FIRST; GilfJE- Gum's Curves Were Unsolvable to the Players From the I , ' Burned City. . PARKE WILSON ORDERED , OUT OF THE GROUNDS Mahaffey Got Tired Listening to Hi Kicks and Gave Him the Official "Kibosh" Sweeney, Mohler. and Smith Play Brilliant Ball Score. Portland, '4: San Francisco, 1. Batteries Gum and . Donahue; lams and . Spies. - Win Ths Seals made a bold bid for honors at Recreation park yesterday, through their Interlocutor, Parkua Wilson, and the best that they received wss the worst In the ah ape of a 4 to 1 de feat and the . expulsion of loquacious Wilson from the seen of cOmbst A fairly good crowd turned out for Tuesdarr see a star eq wagentwrtrbut 'was disappointed. Thef leaders for pennant honors were not In the most aocurate farm at times the play .was brilliant; again It waa chopped up and alovenly. The stars of the match were Mooter, smith, Gum and 8weeney. Mohler never ahowed better..orn In tne neia man ne ma yeaieraay. , .ne accepted alx difficult .chances s and got away with every one. . In the ninth in ning ha started home on a ball hit 'to Smith and got caught between. Donahue and Smith. By good dodging he eluded Smith and ran back to third; slipping under Bweeney s legs. Jud Smith's work st third was greet He handled six of the hottest drives that ever' started in Ms direction and put - his men out His triple wss beauty bang to left center. S1U Sweeney, glxines. Bill Sweeney atarred at shortThavlng tnre pu louts and three assists to his list without a miscue. - Gum 'did the twirling for Portland and h did it to perfection. Though the official acore gives Walthour a hit la .thojccgnd Inning. It wss not deserve ss MoCredie hsd his hands on It In right field, but dropped the ball. This Isn't the only mistake made. Williams Juggled one In front of the plate and biocaea anotner. but got off without an error. Such la baseball scoring. . The objectionable part of the 'drama was played by Parke Wilson; the hero waa ixuia Manarrey. Parke began oh jectlng early In the fray. He protested so strenuously when WlUlama made balk that Mahaffey changed his deci sion and railed the runner back front third. In the fourth with two men out Parke dropped a ball thrown by Moh- ier an let a aunt acore. Before the third man died another . Giant crossed ths plate. -The firth was 'fatal to Parke. A strike was called, otf him and he groaned. A second .one was called and made a sort of "Msrcel curve" with his hand at Mahaffey, at the aame time drawing a line with his hat outside of the plate, showing 'where ho thought the ball had passed. This was 'lust sufficient 'eauslatlon". for Mahaffey to sen i rsrKe to cover. ho dldn t went to go, but the threat of a bluejacket being called to escort him unnerved him. so he withdrew after delaying 'the game awnue. - He witnessed the re malnder of tha gam from the grand stand. . , .. ..... ...... ' , . Pitcher Brown succeeded . Parke at Xirst and incidentally struck oot, -'-' CKua Fttohs rtn Ball. In the second half of the fifth Mc- Hale. Sweeney and Mitchell hit safely, the latter making a double, and two more scampered home for Portland, This ended Ihe locals' scoring, as Will iams settled down. r t Gtlm waa pitching gtlt-edge ball. The nearest the Seals came to scoring out side of the ninth wss in the fourth. With, one jnan down Ulldebrand aingled and stole second. Irwin drew a baae on balls., Wllllsma got a crack in rib No. 11 and the bsses were filled. Itenders the bile mora fluid and thne helps the blood to flow; tt affords prompt relief from biliousness, .indi ces t Ion. alrk and nervous headaches. and overindulgence In food and drink. U. L Caldwell. Agt M. K. A T. R. R Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April 18: "I was sick for over two years with en largement of tha liver and spleen. The doctors did me uo good end I had to rive uo'ell hone of belna- cured, when my druggist sdvlsed me to use Herblne. It has made me sound and welL" - 60s. Woodard. Clarke A Co. tT?;at?'7?''." kMsaa - '"V 'iU-' .JOB Goldfield, Nevada, on Labor Day. ' Walthour was up. After -a couple ' of fouls he drove a h on at Gum, which the . latter whacked back to Donahue, forcing Hlldebrand. Donahue mad a true peg to . first and Walthour per ished. - Thua ended a lucky inning for the Glanta. In-the wlnth Mitchell dropped "Moh ler's fly and the "Kid" reached second. "Htldy" went out, Moore to Lister, but Irwin was safe on. what looked like a unfe en. lVffliams' waa canned ""by Mitchell after a hard run. Walthour hit ssfely and while' trjrlngto make aecond was .nipped.. The score; - PORTLANR' - " '"' v - -.f : AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McHale,.cf. 4 1 10 0 0 Sweeney, as ....II 1 t I 0 Mitchell. If. JO II 0 1 McCredle, rf. I 0 01 10 Smttb. b. ri i I -1 1 0 0 Moore. 2b' .......... 1.0 4 1 0 Donohue, a ........ . 4 0 . I S 1 0 Lister, lb. 4 0 1 11 Gum, p. ............. S -0 -I" 0 'I .Total . .. . ....... .2T 4. S ST If SAN FRANCISCO. AB. R, H. PO. A. X!. Spencer, cf. Wheeler,- si inomer, t u. Hlldebrand, If. ...... Irwin. Ib. , Williams, p. ......... Wat hour, rf. Spies, c. ............ wiison, lb. Brown, lb. . Totala . ...........10 1 lllll I SCORE BT INNINGS. . Portland . OfOtlOOf I Hits eisvo - s San Francisco ....0 00 00000 11 Hits . . ........0 10 10 00 1 f SUMMART. Strwck. gtitBrrzOumT4f4i--W411iama, J7"'Bases on balls off Gum, I; off Wil liams, .5. Two-base hit . Mitchell. Three-base hit Smith. Double play- Gum to Donahue to Lister. Sacrifice hits McCredle, Smith. Stolen bases Mitchell. Moore. Hit by pitched balls- Mitchell. Wathour, WlUlama. First baae on errors Portland, 1; San Fran cisco, 1. Wild Pitch Gum.. Left. on bases Portland. I; San Franclaoo. f. Tim of game One hour and It min utes. Umpire Mahaffey. ,. NATIONAL LEAGUE. . v Won.- Lost r.c OYliCSifO aeeeeflS New York ........... .71 Prttsburg . . 71 Philadelphia II Cincinnati . .........10 Brooklyn .44 St. Louia . ............ 4S .311 .III Boston , . ,.18 ' A Wlttabnra-. First game - ' R, H. E. Plttabur I 1 Philadelphia ..11 Batteries wiuis ana uibson; iusn and Dooln. . econd cam K. H. E. Pittsburg ,....'...... 4 0 Philadelphia ....I II I Battertea ivyncn and oiosoa;. Ricnie, Dooln and Donovan, Umplrea Klem and uonway. .- . At Ohioaro. R.H.E. Chics go . . Cincinnati , I 10 1 . 0 t I Batteries- -Brown and Maran; Ewlm Umplrea Johnstone am and SchlsL Emslie. AMERICAN LEAGUE. .. ... ; -. . , Won, . Lost .45 . 4 " ' 4 50 It l it :. : 10 p.rr. .010 Chicago . . ...........70 . Philadelphia.. , .......44 New York 41 .544 .500 .550 .511 .471 .194 .201 Cleveland... ......... .41 . St Louis , 60 Detroit . . .....14 Washington . .'.......41 . Boston , ., ...14 At Boatom. '". R.H.E. .....t I 1 ...... 10 I Bemis; Dl- Boston , . ............... Cleveland , , .... ....... Batteries Finoades ana neen, Glass and carrigaa, "-. At Mew Tork. '' ' "R.H.E. St. Louis . I I 1 New York . 1 f 1 t-eBateerlea Pelty and Rickey; Orth ana aiietnow.- PACIFIC" COAST LEAGUE.1 ' :-...' Won. Lost . 44 -'If-i' 44 ' PC. .474 .400 .521 .43J Portland ,'. ....75 , San Francisco. 4v Los Anaeles ....( Seattle , . 50 Oakland . .,,. 45 70 .11 Freeno . . -lt-Ji---a.. M.... - Tig-ers Are Shnt Oat. ' - ijoerast i.telal eretee.l Oakland, Aug. 10. The Commuter celebrated their home coming by abut ting out . the Tigers, Score: . R. H E. Oakland .... 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 . 1 Fresno 0 0 0 0 9 0 00 4 t Batteries Graham and Bliss;, Hall and Hosan. . - . Umpire Perrlne. Football talk la beginning to be heard at the Multnomah club. While It if somewhat early to atart training for the season, it Is quite Impossible to pre vent the gladiators from discussing the hanges In the rules and prospects for this fall. - Captain Jordan of Multnomah will ahortly maks his snnouncemsnt re garding the opening of the local football SCOTPS GREAT WORK ". IN TURNER MATCH v-,-- Wilder and Andrews Surprise Wick ersham end Bellinger, but Darkness Compels Postponement of Game Note of Thoae In Big Tournament. ' The fourth day saw some ' of h rlosest matches so far played la the big Irvlngton tournament Coastdertag the task they were required ta perform the handicap ' committee made mighty few mistake The raoe la neither go ing to the high class players aa aa ag gregation nor to the low class players. About an - equal percentage) la both classes has so far been retired. The contests for the moat part have be-ea very close and whore they have been one-sided It he ususlly beea because tna loser played far below hla game oa acoount of nervousness from Inexperi ence in tournament flay. The atar event of yeaterday waa the doublee match between Bellinger and Wlckersham and Wilder an Aii'irewe. The atart waa made promptly at o'clock, but so cloa was the eonteet and so long were the rallies that at the end of two sets ths finish was post poned until today. Bellinger and Wlok ersham got tha first set f-4, and Wilder ana Andrews captured the aecond, T-f. The former team had to owe 10 1-f, and deserve great credit for th-lr work. BeUlnger and Wlckersham have wonder ful team work and great oteadlneaa In. Individual play. In doubles they aro Juet a btt above themselves In singles, and if they win from Wilder and An drews they should have a clear field to the finals, where thev will have to manahemaeTveaaln-to-beat thet survivor of the tournament In the lower half. .- j Wilder waa tha star on his side of the net yesterday. He played like a fiend, covering more oourji hn - ny on of the other threat., contestants and hand ling out the hairaieye-With a nlftlness that brought repeated applaus from the grandatand. - y - . ;. Seotve star Work.' 1 "Billy" Scott that true blue old snort and mainstay of Irvlngton tennis, came very nearly putting it over Turner, the heaviest handicapped man of the lowest quarter. Scott had previously defeatod A. B. MoAlpIn with a smaller handlcan. In the match ' with . Turner Scott re ceived If and waa owed II t-t. For the first three game Scott sent almost everything over the back Una. Then he suddenly lowered his sights and be gan a series ox siae line drives and English backhands such aa ha had not taken out of hla traveling bag for many months. ' Turner could not handle enough of them to make it worth while. and from 1-4 Scott took five straight games, winning tha set . . T,he sec ond set looked like . tha vateran'a. .- Ha bad 4-1 when Turner began running to tne net on every serve and every re turn, putting Scott' weaker shots from side to slds snd handling the fast ones as beat he-eould. Every one of -tho-next four games was pulled out by Turner only after a- long, hard fight Then Scott got another. Turner got two. win. nine; the set T-f. Scott waa now "all In." and though he gingered up and sent oacK a succession of keen drives a num br or times Turner took the set t-t. ' Metes of Tourney. - On account of the heavy entry Hats and the Insignificant number of da- raulte it la unlikely that the finale in any of the aeven eventa will be reached this week. Monday will bo Labor day, when n effort . will be made to pull off the finale In either, the men'a handi cap doublee' or the men' handicap aingiea. Every day of the tournament ao far the grandstand has been full. No ad' mission la charged, . and all are wel come. -A surprise came yeaterday In tha da- feat of Kenneth McAlpln. the promising son or -King Mies." Msckla did It the boys meeting on almost equal terms. Msckle gavs l-f. West a acratch man who haa on of tha best forehand drives ever seen on a t local court went down to defeat In three-set match with Cook, to whom he gave a-.. .... It seems not at all unlikelv that lower class msn will reach the finale In tha men'a handicap singles. The ladles' championship singles la am sited with Interest and It Is not ax peeled that Miss HelUhu will have ex actly a walkover.. The preliminary round will probably be played tomor row. All the eventa besides this one nave already been started. A. IB. MoAlpIn and Mra. Ralev are set tling along rinely la the mixed double. ic w. Morse gav 1. Ronr a close two set in the .men's championship yeaieraay. r - - Ferrell and Blair played a set all, but had to quit on account of darkness. xnmj wuit unisn ai a tonignc - Tearterdar Snnusjary. - Ladies Handicap Doublee Mrs. Lock wood and Miss Ooss beat Miss Leadbet- ter and Miss Gray, t-I, f-4: Miss Heit shu and Miss Josephl beat Mrs. North, mp and Miss Fox, f-f, f-f, 0-4. Mix ia Handicap Doubles Miss Schae. far and Wlckersham beat Miss Morrison and Bellinger, f-t,' 4-f, W.; Mrs. Raley and McAlpln beat Miae Leadbetter and Benham, f-X, 4-1. Men' handicap Singles Mackla beat K. McAlpln, f-4. 4-1: Roaenfeldt beat Ladd. T-f. 4-1; Wilbur beat Durham, by derauit; Turner beat Scott, 4-4. 7-5, t-f; Cook beat West 1-4, f-t, 4-1: Cawston beat Oammle, t-t, -!; Rosenfeldt beat Fisher, 1-0, (-4, f-l. Ladles' ' Singles Miss Campbell beat Miss Moore, f-l, 4-0. Men's championship Rohr beat E. W. Morse, f-4. 1-7. . Today's Schedule. T " It am. Miss. Fox-and JC-Wr-Merse va Mrs. Northup snd Fisher; Miss Gray vs. Miss Campbel, , It m. Wlckersham vs. Ferris. I p. m. Mrs. Judge vs. Miss Lead better (chsmplonshlp); Mine Carstena and Scott va. Mlas Oray and A. Pope. . p. m. Miss Fox vs. Mra. Raley; Mlas Heltshu vs. Mlas Ooss; Rosenfeldt vs. Wilbur; Ladd vs. Andrews (cham pionship). I p. m. Mis Schaefor and Wicker sham vs. Miss Moore and Barber;-Cook and W. Moras va Knight and West; Rohr vs. Wllber (ohamplonship) ; Fisher and Chamberlain vs. MoAlpIn snd Mo AlpIn; Farrell vs. Blslr; Rosenfeldt vs. Scott J ,,' - BASEBALL CHATTER. By winning alx of the last eight game with Uu- QUnta th Chicago . ..... - - , s .. Men Now Visiting tho City Invited to Call. '. $10 Examination ' it Given Free. : . ' tt pays men to go to the Dr. XV. Norton Davis company. Their phy- . eiclana are of ' the world's best specialists. They are known through--"out tha northwest to be reliable, honest, upright physicians and surgeons. ' Am Irk a ad laat In a- cures have eatahllahad their vatnitationk -Cured Dallanta... J- "adorse theav Grateful men recommend them. ;. -Call at One if r- Tenner and mlddle-asred ?M snd mind, with weak back, falling atranath. sunken cheeks, hollow tyea, bad habits, diaalpatlont poor memory. . )ver 50 Ptr Cent of Our Patients Have Been Cured for $10 and Many Only $5 During the . Past 17 Years In This City We (live the X Best Treatment at We are Mwaye willing to arrange visit, by tha week or by the month, T Itememt i bar. and you get the very best treatment X .at once; e tiai it win o ins. nappiesi aay TABIOOSB TBZaTS, wormy veins, out cuttini : cutting. No aaln.- Rupture, No Bain.- Rupture, eratloti. Consult vs free and find ult vs free and find Our nrie fne a nr. la that ehuneat Iti tha sorthwaat... . OaUtOaTZO akin dlseaaes, ocaema, ulcers, sores, plleai consMpatlon, Itch ing, heart kidneys, Uver, stomaoh, catarrh, rheumatism, pains. Oat of Towa Kea Tiattlaa; the Olty Consult us at onoe upon arrival and maybe you ean be cured before returning home.. Many oasea oaa' be cured In one or two or more visits. Consultation and advice free. . WaUTB People who live In 'ootelde towns, and in tha country who -cannot call ahould write for consul tatloa and advloa, free. . Many cases have been oured by home treatment '. Our new treatment has cured 1,000 others and will euro you.' Come to ua and you will always remember It. as tha moat Important transac tion of your Ufa If you can't call, send for our free symptom blank. We will tell you If you are afflicted. Consultation free. - If yen live oat of tha olty, some foe erne visit yoa oaa f bee oaa the start trala. ... : ... ., ; .1. You Need Not Pay Until You Are Cured , ' SHould you desire, yort may deposit the fee with any bank or bust- 4 ness house in roruana, to be paia health. r- Z ie'th' , . Offloe hours I a. m. to I p. m.: I DR. W. NORTON DAVIS Q CO. ' ., - XVsadia SpecuaHsta ta the TAJT Bror.SOTjU, UH VXZB9 0000000000000000t0000000000004 SSMS Diseases W Wfll Treat OaUsKOBA, ' Most men auboose that th eonaaauenc of these affection are confined to the snrotB or IlOfOBAti but the KAaauD uxmoum to an i.aaiisT extent; aitnougn perhaps tne original disease might have been contracted In the forgotten past, but through neglect or bed treatment It has been lurking In tha system for months and yeara, and will sooner or later break out In sores, bad leg, a trvaeas aad sores ess of the throat, wlxaplea. amd lOahinar oa the brsasi and head. There will be frequently a dry towaeea or spincav witn aeaao ana paixta in me mass, particularly in tne legs and thigaa. In many cases there will be a alight soaldlsg of the watss at times, with a twitcning ana twinging in .tne mruary passage and. very often some tmxw in tne aiacaarge ox peopia are airected aiiae: out in eacn ana every one eutieri dere which have their origin in "maladies ef Indiscretion" so mentioned aymptome wlu be found. We are ever advancing. Tha combined knowledge of ths most eminent phraidana of th world ia ours and ws are still gtudyinf. At spedaiists to;lneB wascP knowledge no auperiora. We cure to stay cured. ; It ta no wnutial thing for wa ta cure cases of nemus debility, vari cocele, contaglou blood poison and special trouble 1 after' the pa tient baa been pronounced incur, able by other physicians. The disease of men due to the abuses of youth are an open book to us. WBJ.TB-TOB frncrrtm b&ajtk sr tot OAjnror oaxa. ' Hours a. m. to f p. m.i Evenings, T te f; Sunday, I a. m. to It noon. St. Louis UECICAL AND SUSGICU oozum saooin asb taitith. Cuba ahowed that they are in a class by themselves. - , , . s . - . . ...... - The Philadelphia and Boston elube of .'mm' k the American leagu have signed a large bunch of youngstera for next season. . '". , '.'... e e .!;,., Why tha Cincinnati team ahould allow tha Boston outfit to wallop tnein la one of the mysteries of baseball this yar. ', ". , . '' - ; :' ' ' '.. After making a fine record away from home tha Brooklyn team went to the bad entirely. ... Tha Augusta' and - Savannah teams. which are fighting for the pennant In the South Atlantlo leagu, recently com pleted a aeriee of three great gamee. Th score were: Auguata 1, Savannah 0: Augusta t. Savannah 0; Augusta 1, Savannah a." '.'-' . .,-' The- tg-Croawcltrtr 1ir the- Wisconsin league has two ersckerjack pitcher In Jone r and , Schnellberr. . ' 3 ' , W W "Ducky' Holmes want second place for his Lincoln western lesgu team and 1 not many games away. e e ' It la a pretty safe bet that Binning- ham will capture the Southern league pennant and Mobile the Cotton Btates loagu emblom. The Austin team la giving Houston a fight for tha South Texas lesgua pen nant ' - WRIGHT PLAYS GREAT MATCH OF BILUARDS H. A. Wright of San Francisco and A.-Clerk of Portland blayed a match r You Are In Trouble r men "who have In-tared themselves - hi the Lowest Prices. - terms to suit Tou oaa pay by the and we give liberal discount ror eaan. lowest and most reasonable In the olty, ' e Call and find out about your oaa or your ins. consultation im. . . I varicocele, reduoed and oured with hydrocele and pile hydrocele and pile oured without op out out how w cure-without, tha knife. to us alter you nave oeen reatorea ra w Sunday and holldaya, It a. m. to It as, ' X atorthwest, BstobUsaed 1SSS. . , u SI, OOSISS TZWM. VOST&AJTD, OB. i Cured for.1 Aay SJU4rUiraoosBplloate4 Allaant for mm iilltWIUV $12?50 for the Fee CONSULTATION FREE A Life-Long Cure for XTLomm. rrmionT, xrromoczx.s, tistoooni, rmosTATio BissAaas, bbbto-tztax DiaiirrT, xiDmrr aitd iajDsm pisbasbs, si.oor oi soar, oiao via DiaoaAaass, un disbasss, fto v- aTOOTVsUIAXi SBUSSUOaia. such 1s not ths oase They often Invade headache, with d I masse of sight, (lea waea 11 seldom nappens fpena that two ng from dlsor- some of the above We cover the entire field of private snd chronic, deep seated, complicated, difficult diseases. , - ' ; ' :- W want every man. who is suffering from any special disease or condition to come and have a talk with us.. No manwhiae weakened system Is cryino; out for help through contracted disease, or who has been , guilty of early indiscre tions or later excesses, is safe in life until such' time as his errors have been corrected. ' stbbbts. , obtx.awt), oa. gam of billiard at Corby' parlor laat evening that waa enjoyed by a large gathering of cue devotees. Wright won ' In 20 innings, 400 to 100. The acore: . Wright 4, II. f, ft, It, 1, . 41, tl. I, tl, t, f, I. I, If, 0, fl, 1 total, 400. ' Clark 4. f, t, tl. 10, 11, 4, If, t, J, f, t, S, T, If f, I, J, 1 tout. 114. f .Thla evening. W. C Dunlway of the Multnomah club will meet Wright in a match. ....';..''' DALNY TO BE FREE K : PORT IN SEPTEMBER " (Joaraal Speelal Strvlte.l . ' Washington, Aug. If. The tat de partment ; announoea ' that - Japan wilt open Dalny to tha trade of all natlona about September I! It, will be a free port ,'- -'.'"'' ""LOW REGATTA-RATES. Via O. . ST. Boat foe Big- AetorU, ' v ' Braal hle Weak. J Ki Account the Regatta, Astoria, August tO. II and September 1, a. round trip rate of 11.15 Is made by the O. R. A N. Pull particulars by asking at Ash street dock or at elty ticket office, Thlrf and waanington streets, roriiana. fcow Be tee 1 to Creas-sTelsoa Qloee Oontes, On August 10th snd list th South em Paolfio company will sell tickets. Portland to Oold neia, Nevada, and re turn' at a rat of, aooount the , Oans-Nelson glove contest to be held at Ooldfleld September Id. ' Further par- tlculara by calling st th city ticket offloe. Third and Waahingtoa atreeta. Dispensary , ,.;-.....' 4 ' . i. .... .