The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 29, 1906, Image 1

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H Circ;; "!.;:iin
'J " v - V
. Yester&y
' ' Fair tonight and Thursday; north
. wttt winds. . '
... vol: V. NO. 151.
I j . T I X. I I i M I II I "v. ' - , I ,
; : Steam er Pr rricess I rene
pSightedi Early This
t- Morning-Democrats
:: Go -to Meet Chief-
Peerless Leader to .' Be Kept in
; Seclusion Until Public Recep-
l ' Hon Tomorrow, !, When Fete
' Will Begin No Clash in Com
1 mittees Over Reception. ' ': ; !
!Jenial Special Serrlc.) '.' v"
New Tork, Aug, 19. Craft, ry
eoncelvabU klnd. - from tlti palatial
private yacht to th anurtlngllttl tug
boat, want down tna bay today to meet
the North Oerman Lloyd liner Princeaa
Irene, havlnc On board William 3. Bryan
and hia party.' The boata carried hun
dred a of Iemoorata anxloua to greet
their idol aa the wavea of the Atlantic
brooght htm into view. ' .'
.From the time tUe staamahlp ties up
to her pier In Hoboken until Mr. Bryan
landa at the . Battery tomorrow, the
leader will keep in strict aeclualon. ile
probably will apend the night aboard the
yacht of hi friend. Mr. Ooltra, of Ut
Louis, where he will confer with, thoee
who have cloaeat relations waTiLfWa.
personally and politically. '
The Pilnctaa Irene -was sighted off
the Nantucket light at 1:4 o'clock thie
morrilng and algnaled "All's well." The
ship will reach quarantine late .this
afternoon. - Mr.- Bryan will go aboard
the yacht Illini, thence on board tho
tug Moran to vlatt a while with Ne
braakana and then return to the Illini to
be entertained until landing at the Bat.
tery tomorrow afternoon. , ., .
- o Olask "ftrfsvWt
There' will be no clash between the
Nebraska delegation and officials of the
reception committee . James C. Dahl
tnan, tne "cowboy" mayor of Omaha,
will not have to "rope" the Nebraskan
(Continued on Pago Two.)
1. . ' . . , . .....
Animal Belonging toJ. E. Blazier Escapes and
WdefsInto 'Business District Inspect-
vt' feHng All There'; ls to See
. ' i ' v . . ' - i- V- 3 mi t :.:.'.
A bsndy-legged, ungainly fawn, happy
in the Joy of a first summer, frisked its
v way down Washington street this morn-
ing. dodging streetcars, atarlng in blank
.amasement at telegraph poles, attracting
' the attention of a large crowd of people
n route to their day's work, and finally
came to ignominious imprisonment in -a
f plumbing. shop. ; ',-..-. -
The deer was the property of J. B.
; Blaster -of Fourteenth and Morrison
' streets, and escaped from Its pen On the
lawn. . H. W, Fries, of Wakefield. Fries
A Co..' was the principal actor in'the
, Waahlngton-street comedy. He was the
. hero who caught the deer. - - '
While Mr. Fries was on his way down
'Washington street-to his office he saw
the deer trotting lelauroly along Four
. teenth street, and stopping to atudy the
architecture of the High school. .At
Washington street the deer crossed to
the Heillg theatre, stopping to read the
billboards, and then It took It into It
; head to fSow Mr Fries and several
' younc ladles down Washington street.
, Onco or twice the deer gave a sjart
Hundred and One4 policemen Killed, ' Seventy-Two Wounded,
" Nearly Three Hurfdred Private' Citizens Dead, or Injured
.t ; Hundreds of.Thousands of Roubles Stolen , -. i.
jrsal leelal Bervtoe.t
- 8t Petersburg. Aug. 21. The Retch
, has complied the following 10 days'
butchers' bill In Russia, , not Including
Caucasia and Finland, between Au
gust Id and August 20:
Policemen, ': gendarmes, and soldiers
killed, while on polios duty, 101;
'Wounded 71;. private persons killed and
. wounded. till - crown ' aplrlt.- ahopa
looted, 14; carried off from private in
dividual firms by robbers, lll.tll
roubles;' from government Institutions.
ltt.tOt roubles; armed assaults, ovei
110. ' . : 1
' The list Is far from complete as it
only Includes crimes reported, by the
telegraph agency. 4J-' :
. ; -,; "
Two Million Dollars to
Be Divided Between
Two Women Living
In This City ; , ,
Wealth Left by Australian Bache
lor ; Mine "( Owner; - Mrs. T.
Weteland and Mrs. C. B. Bor
quist Are the Lucky Ones if
Reports Are True.
(Rperial Dlapetra to The Jeiiraal.) .
Belllngham, Wash... Au. St. To fall
heir to an Australian estate valued at
H.000,06 la the fortune :whloh has be
fallen Mrs. T. Wetteland, lit Tillamook
street, and Mrs. ' C. B. Borqulst, tl
Broadway, Portland. "There are only
three other heirs one . living in Bel-
llngham, one in San Francisco, and the
other . In Sweden and , the Portland
women' will enjoy between I l,t 90,600 and, ., ,, .: .....v. ., i
K. M. Dahlstrom. the Belllngham heir.
has received word from Mtlbourns that
the estate Is about ?o be divided. He
has lust returned from Oregon and Cali
fornia after a long search for the heirs,
knd will soon go to Australia to arrange
for the distribution. -
The estate was left by Charles John
son, a bachelor cousin of Dahletrom'a
father, and an extensive mining oper
ator of the antipodes. . Johnson left
Sweden when a mere lad and went to
Australia, where he tolled in the gold
mines. By thrift he became a mine-
owner and built smelters and mills.
Mrs. Borqulst - and Mrs. Wet tell nd
stated today that they had received
no official notice that the estate was
about to be divided and said that they
knew little about Johnaon. . the dead
millionaire. ' Mr. Dahlstrom waa In Port
land last week and told the women of
. (Continued on Page Two.)
when a passing motorman rang a gong.
Between Thirteenth and Fourteenth
atreeta several peraons Joined Mr. Fries
in watching thS deer, and in the next
block the crowd crew until there were
about If persons around the animal,
who did not seem to mind In the least
the attention it was attracting. ' At
Twelfth street a dog hove Into sight,
and Mr. Fries, fearing that it would at
tack the deer and injure it, made bold
to capture the animal." He knew that
If the dog once started for the deer there
would be one of the liveliest chases
ever seen In Portland. - t
Coaxing the deer close to him, Mr.
Fries grasped It by a hlnd' teg, and that
waa the signal- for a terrific struggle.
For three or four, minutes the real ea
tate man and the deer gave one of the
greateat exhibitions of catch- -ca ten
pas wrestltng . ever seen in Portland.
Then a byatander came to his assistance,
and between them they carried the deer
to a near-by plumbing ahop. It : was
soon . discovered that Jhe, animal be
longed t J. B. Blaster. . k '
Russian secret police tare ' seeking
plotters representing high families In
Russia who aim to abduct the csar and
place a oertaln grand duke on the
throne. '.' : 1 ' v v
. It Is said1 that terrorists plan to at
tack: the foreign consulates 4n order to
force intervention. '.. '
Rumors of a dictatorship are still
current, but Premier Stolypln Is throw
ing his whole strength into opposing
the plsn. " In order to decide the mat
ter an extraordinary conference has
been railed for Friday. Reactionists
are urging that Trepoff be mads dio
tator. ... 4; , . '.
nV-V-U V gUTEH Of Ai3TOS Ift. "RTS QfiTTft. . H j III i j U '
isnihu RFAnV m 4-- t
in mi i iiiirii iiii i 1 "v "V7cx A ? w
REGATTA GUESTS f f f ' f i
Buildings Are Decorated, Crews
Are Practicing, Program Is Pre
pared and Grandest Event of
Kind Ever Held Is Assured by
Managers. . "
Journal's. Astoria Bureau, Aug. II.-
The public buildings asd places of bus
iness are being decorated with the col
ors of the regatta today. Even to the
minor details, all la in readiness for
the great event and the weathir alone
is the only linoertafn element that can
prevent it from being the ' greateat in
the histDry of the city by the sea.
, The water sports will be the princi
pal feature of the regatta and they will
excel anything previously attempted,
both in point of entries and in general
attractiveness. Today the partlclpanta
are putting the final touchea to their
work. Around the point In Young's
bay a-number of boat crews are taking
a few sprints while the yachts are sail
ing over the course they will travel In
the contest. - Even the small boy who
hopes to carry off the trophy in the
swimming contest is not neglecting his
labors, but is Industriously training for
the event."-
The officers of the regatCs believe
the attendance will be a record-breaker
this "year, should favorable weather
prevail. '...-'.'-'
The bench show which will bs held
Saturday afternoon snd evening in the
basement of the new court house will
be one of the leading attractions of the
regatta,' Ed Llewellyn. Max Pohl and
Oui Schoenbecker, the commutes. In
charge of this event, . are well-known
dog fanciers and have spared no ef
forts to make the affair a creditable
one. There are over 10 entries and
while the competition Is oonflned to
Clatsop . county . entries, the - leading
breeds of dogs will be represented.
Among the number wffl be a pair of
(Continued on Page Three.)
A training school In Portland to teach
girls whst 1 wives snd mothers should1
knOWl ' '-'.; , : .
K place wner gins will be taught not
only to cook and sew. but how to make
a man's cast-off - shirt into a pair of
linen trousers for a small boy: how to
pacify the man of th house when he
comes homo cross snd tired from the
office; how to make a slmpls dinner
taste like a sumptuous banquet by shed
ding happiness and cheer all this and
mors Is planned for the children of the
Roe City. - -
Cleveland and Chicago ' were early
movers In the scheme. - Portland may
excel . them In working it out. Ths
Oregon Congress of Mothers is taking
up the question, snd It remains to be
seen whether ths state or city will be
asked to maintain the work, or whether
It will finally be maintained on an, In
dependent basis. Workers in the T. W?
C A. advocate the Introduction ,of the
work- there In connection with Its domes
tic aclenc. "
Mrs. C. M. Wood, president of the
Oregon Cotigress1of Mothers, says that
such a course has long been the de
sire f her heart, and the oongreaa hall
been planning ths work ss soon aa there
can be found the proper reception for IL
The work a laid out by the Cleve
land school Is sxsctty what we have
iaikn of for our young pvopis," ah
Sydney Stoane Sends for Lawyer to Defend
Him Widow Is Jold of Crime -Father .
; Was Eating Supper When Killed
' (Special Dispatch to The Jearaal
Spokane, Wash.. Aug, II. AU visitors
are refused admission to ths oell occu
pied by Sydney Sloane, ths 17-year-old
youth who murdered his father yester
day. At his own request Attorney F. C
Robertson, sn intimate . friend of ths
family, waa sent for.- After' being
oloeeted with him for an hour. Robert
son said: .. ... .
"Ho hss aaked me to mat as his coun
sel. I shall do nothing until -his
mother arrives. If she asks - me' ' to
serve as oounsel, I shall do so. It is
too soon for me to form any theory as
Portland Women Would
Found One to Teach
Things ' Wives' and
said. Tor a year ws hav been discuss
ing th Importance of trained mother
hood. ' Portland Is not ready to be
launched full blast Into this nsw enter
prise, snd it is our work to prepare the
town. During th past year wo have
organised mothers' clubs n seven of the
schools of the city, snd we have Invi
tations from many of ths other schools
both In ths city snd In other parts of
the state. These circles are organised
to present the practical aids of mothers'
problems." . .
Plan of the Congress.
The plsn Of the congress la to Inter
eat the mothers who have children1 still
In the grammar schools, that they may
carry out the Ideas at home. By the
Ums these children . reach th high
to ths crime or what Inspired It The
boy will never be hanged."
Ths boy is stoical and will not talk.
Two friends drove to ths Sloans ranch
yesterday morning to bring ths' widow
horns. She met them, expecting to hear
of the death of her husband, as ha had
been 111 for soma time. She was told
that Mr. B loans had been murdered and
his body "found on a rock pile. Both she
snd her other Bolt were found extremely
well. On the way to town shs planned
th future of Sydney and his brother
(Continued on Peg Twa)
aohool it la hoped that they will be
ready to receive instruction themselves.
Only ths merest beginnings of training
for proper home-making will be given
In the early grades, such as elementary
sewing, and aa ths children advance
more will be given. It Is thought thst
by th time they reach th last year In
high school they will be ready for In
struction In the higher offices of moth
erhood snd wifehood thst csnnot be Im
parted to them In early childhood.
Mrs. R. H.i Tate, vice-president of the
Home Training association and treas
urer of ths State Congress of Mothers,
has practically th same Ideas only she
thinks It s better plsn to have a sep
arate school for th work. Many girls,
she thinks, ar not In a position to take
a hlnh school course, and that course
would only be aocesalble In ths lest
year when th girls are eld enough for
such Instruction. But If it were made
a separate school ran at the expense of
ths city, many could take a year's work
In It without difficulty and reap th
benefit .. .
- - Advocates ta Idea. -
"I was dsllghted to read about the
Cleveland echool." she said, "for 1 have
been talking end thinking about such
work for -a long time. I advocated
having It brought up .at ths next con
ey ens meeting as did some of ths oth
'Contlnusd oa Pss Two.).
(Journal BnaelaT Berth's.) -"
St. Petersburg, Aug. Z. Gen
eral Orloff, who "paolfled" the,
Baltte provinces, will, be sent to
Waraaw to exterminate the ter
rorlata. f-"--.-i- '
. .The situation In - Russia is
'worse than any time slnoe
Alexander H. . following whose
assassination it was necessary to
create ' a committee of publlo
security. Premier Stolypln makes
the statement in rsecrst to . his
.friends.' ;....;,..'.. ...
: A dispatch says a whols town
ship of the government of Tarn
boff was burned by revolution
ists. ..
- Msosa Za VJllsd. '
(Joaroal Special Berrtca.)
Atlanta. Qa., Aug. !. Kd Richmond,
a prisoner, In the federal prison, attacked
Guard Pat Frte this morning snd-Frls
shot him dead. ; - i.
CommissioaiMahlPrepares toShip Cargo to
.Vladivostok Where ;m hey Have Never
' Been Seen or Eaten - 'v
Eight thoasand miles away ht Si
beriaVladivostok, to be exact ths lips
of the Russians are puckering and
smscklng In anticipation of a new deli
cacy which will be sent there from far
away Oregon. 1 . '
Th shipment will constat' of Oregon
watermelons. The first melons to be
sent to' that country from any part of
the world. In Vladivostok they don't
know how delightful is the taat of a
watermelon when th day Is warm and
the fruit has been cooled In an ice
chest '
. The experiment Is to be made at once
and if successful a new fruit trade will
spring' up between' Portland and ' the
Russian elty. . D. a Togdjoglou of
Togdjoglou Brothers of Siberia, whose
nams in English is given as Angel, will
be th angel who will endeavor to give
Russians th fruit that causes more Joy
and misery to educated stomachs than
perhaps sny other.
In ths wholesals house of th W. B.
Glafk company on Front street Mr.
Togdjoglou has superintended ths task
of packing' ths-melons for -their long-
Chicago Muck-Raker Must Crawl Bart-Footed and Bare-Heaiii,
: on His Knees, Into Jewish Synagogue to Crave Church
Officials Pardon for Calling Them Names.
(Joorul Special Berries.)
Chicago, Aug. II. In .atonement for
his offense In stigmatising th orthodox
Jewish priests of th Ghetto, who pre
pare "Kosher" meat, as "tblsves and
grafters," J. Lelbllng. editor of the
Jewish Dally Press, must come bare
footed and bareheaded, crawling on his
knees Into the Jewish synagogue in the
presence of 1.000 member of the faith
and crave th church officials' pardon.
This waa the decree of th rabbis
handed down today after, it Is said,
Lelbllng made overtures for reinstate
ment in the church, Lelbllng was ex
communicated from and pronounced a
ronegsd f ths Jewish faith at a msss
VDown With Son of
Pious Fraud" Shouts
Mob "of Angry De
positors of Bank
Authoritatively Announced by
' Other Bankers That Funds
Have Been Secured to Enabt
Collapsed Institution to ; R
uiiiVjiiiuiiii mv vajia
' (Joaraal Special servlaej
Philadelphia, Aug. II. Thousands f
depositors, including' women, gathered
this morning in front of the Real ins
tate Truat company, whose failure waa
announced yesterday, and blocked the
city's busiest corner. Broad and Chest
nut streets. - The mob threatened offi
cers amid the tears of ths women. A
special detail of polio was sent for as
relnforcsmentov . tfii
A member of the erowd started ths
cry. "Kill the officers, now. investigate
later." : . Detectives arrested the mas
and kept a close watch on ths others.
4.. DDurvij p.iui nwa . wvva nippii
son of the 'dead president, tried to leave
the building. The crowd rushed toward!
him shouting, "There's the son of ths
pious rogue who said hs wouldn't hav
faith in tobacco users." Hippie was
badly frightened, but was rescued by
the police and carried on officers'
shoulders to a cab.
Ths Htppl will was filed today. . It
leaves personal property worth $100,00
and upward; realty valued at 110,000.
Th brief Is la the testator's handwrit
ing and is unwitnessed. Frank W. Hip
pie, th son. Is named as executor. . .
It Is stated authoritatively that at a
meeting late this afternoon at th Of
fice . of the. leading , national banks
arrangements had bean completed to
secure sufficient funds to enable th
sollspsed Real Estate Trust company,
(Continued on Fag Twa) .
Journey across ths Psclfio. . Ths w'
are packed in what . ar know i
banana crates, about 47 Inches la
length snd . about th sis of t b'l
apple box In breadth. .The crat Is di
vided Ipto thro compartments, each of
them being Just long enough ,to hold M
watermelon when packed snugly la
straw to secure It against breakage
Another shipment which is being pre
pared by Mr. Togdjoglou, or Mr. Angel,
will be too pounds of Oregon honey, th
first to be mad to that point from
America. Japanese honey la th only
kind to be secured at this time In th
Siberian city, and aeeordtng to Kr.
Togdjoglou . it isn't worth eating; al
though expensive.
Five hundred and fifty boxes of Rood
River apples, Including Oravensteins,
Kings and Alexanders, will be sent
forth to th nam destination in spe
cial packages In order to Insure their
arrival in good condition. Then there'll
be to boxes of Oregon onions snd Ti
barrels of Oregon C grapes a regular
Oregon shipment to delight th sub
Jects of -th csar of all -the -Rosetsms.
meeting held in the synsgogue of -Kanessee
Israel last Sunday. F
larly bitter have been his attar.
Rabbi U Anxeter. He roaht t
upon his head when he tfecjar! a i
weeks ago that RabM An'eter
drunkard and a renegade. Thla
tkm was the direct cause of 4
Should llbllng finally decitn t -public
snolosy the resolutions t
communication will be sent to
a I em and thsnce . to sjrnsg
world over.
The ban does not attend M f
wife snd children, who I
innocent ef pertlrtpatlon Ij t
laid at his door.
' I,