The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 28, 1906, Image 7

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tuz:day lv. ::i::o, auou-t n, 1:::.
...lavJ Obti.Lti
! I
; .daily ' jrj
fearesl ' iimflftna
fowut. ,e ee M
r- 4lvwy "WuJ M BiaiaeV ----J
" reet Ire Ml tl 1 BMB1 '
l f h U tW4 sraaW . ee'
keaexnrs M I ww
... b r te 1 -'
WM weBB. !
'. ft lew tie.'s 4, stare, '
' ' fe.'"irf " ee
' :' 'aw ' TASITfWA Wsrre ;
r ImUii nbiMi . kaee
uit et keweert, C. , PUerr to -
5r Lei l-3r4Lk luliiria C
; wi k" l-ke, . '
CAu, W4kiluaerl OsTiafS a.
' Ci4i 7a2x ItaMi ' KeffMt. ;
COtllll mtvexal ssi4v WAMt"
. t 0. I. Bolaaar, tti Colusa,. ui (
F-aataxes .
Grose ....
...."As Irish Widow"
'4 "
....... ...... Vauowlll.
Do you' want a ; bookkeeper?
three-lln advertisement in Tht Jour
nal classifieds under "Help Wanted
Male" will gat you that bookkeeper.
;TTBere"Ta ist.Ilo difference In the val
. uatlona placed on a tract of land con
talnlng- IU seres by the O. R. A N.
eompany and the truitcca of the Lewis
'-Leva estate.' In a condemnation ault
. filed by the railroad company esklng for
right of way for theta)8t. Johns-Trout-
aaie una mrougn , m iovs aonauon
claim, may offer for tnevgrouno,
'-.' The trueteee have filed an ana war te the
ault aaklna- ISI.4S0 for the rleht of way,
Thay aak $U,46 for the Und and $11.
v 000 for damaf that would result to the
remainder of the property by reason ef
' the cats and fills the railroad -company
. would make In bulldlna- Us line. At-
tornays for the trustees are Ed and A.
: R. Mendenheil, J. C. Moreland and H. H.
.- Norhrup. ,.i -, v.-. : r-- ,, ;
H. W. Lemcke and H. O. Holt assart
.that the patent obtained by George W.
Brower on a aystem ef electric street
, railways la worthless and that Brower's
scheme 1 ImpraetleaL . Brower sued
' Lemcke and Holt for breach of contract,
alletina that they entered Into aa agree
, slant with him. te organise a company
and build a line of railway after hie
plana from Loa Angelee to Santa Mon-
. lea. - He aeserte that in February, lt0,
; ' and again last June, Lemcke and Holt
notified him they would not fulfill the
contract. , bemcke and Holt. In an an
ewer to the suit , filed In the circuit
court state that the plan of eonetruction
of the railway was not feasible, w. t.
Mulr appears aa, attorney for the do-
:. xense. . , . ; . ...
.. A - committee from the. Federated
Trades called upon Manager Oeorge
Baker of the Baker theatre, yesterday
and informed ."htm that nonunion men
were employed In painting the front of
- the Baker, theatre. -..The contract wee
let to Ernest Miller and1- efforts to
: find him after being notified of the em
' ploynvmt of nonunion men felled. Man-
': ager Baker. was exasperated when, he
learned that the contractor . had em-
ployed nonunion labor and ordered them
, to etop work. They refused for a time,
bat the matter wee ' finally settled by
: finding the .contractor and Informing
him that only union -labor should be em
ployed at the Baker. . .
, - Ray. Charlee A. Phlppe will arrtre in
Portland October 1 to begin his duties
' aa field worker for the Sunday School
, aaeoclatlon. to which position he wea
. recently elected., He will make this
eity his headquarters. Mr. Fhippa waa
born In the atate of New Tork over 40
?'eara ago, but hss been- recently living
a . Waahlngton, where he has attained
considerable prominence. - Hie greatest
' success is said to have been with young
men-and It la believed that he will be a
strong factor In the Sunday school work
. of ' this state. . Before Beginning me
work he will look over the field to
which he bas been assigned.' ; -.
. Th ' Journal ' is -1n receipt of a 'poet-
card from Isiaore Flack, formerly of the
Arm of Flack at Cohen, : Pendleton, who
has - been residing in Munich, Bavaria,
for a vera! yea re. Mr. Flack writes
' under date of July II. He aaya that he
. has lust met Jacob Rosenthal, the well
' known ehoe dealer of Portland, who Is
traveling In Europe. -Mr. Flack wrltee
. that Mr. Rosenthal has just handed him
the flret copy of the Oregon Journal that
he has ever eean. "It's a daisy,", says
Flack. .' Under separate cover the former
' Pendletonlen sent a fine album of the
aignta of Munich. ....
As -thr result-of "ermiatakinn taking
m quantity of strychnine Instead of sul
phate of quinine Mrs. Oustafson of lis
Seventeenth street . nearly - suceumbed
from the ef fecte of the poison last Sun,
day svenlng while en route to the Oaka
with her family. ' The polaon did not
begin to take effect, until the oar on
which ahe waa riding reached the eaat
end of the Madtaon street bridge.. Her
- condition became eo alarming that she
waa removed from the cer at Dlvtelon
It 'la enough to etert a bank ae
i count with, end if you adopt a
- ayatematlc method of saving the
dollara wilt pile up aurprlalngly.,
s' Why not adjust your expeneea ao
that' they -m 111 not exceed three
fourths of your samlngsT - That
, will enable you to save a quarter
out of every dollar. - Juat figure
what each a ayatem would have
done for you had you commenced
It Ave yeare ago. But, cheer upl
It len't too lete. NOW ie the time
.to open the bank account and put.
" away ONE DOLLAR out of every
- FOUR that you earn. We wel
come your account and will help
,you to save and to aucceed. .
Ir.tirut ca Stvlss Accounts
Banking hours, I a. m. to I p. m.
Saturdays, a. m. to I p. m. ,.
laoamAaTs ATwnr. .
3. H.' LAMBERT....... President
a. w. Lambert. csshier
jj One (V
m Dollar m
- - -
Wt&!:hy Kitn cf Port.'xndJH?hg
Flht ( Flams - Endtn-srlns ;
: , Dr. Fenton's Nsw Horns.
cucceed1.4 SAVING"
CapttalUU - Handl Hose , Like Vet
. crans and Do Effective Work One
I Hero Cut 'With, Glass, Whereupon
First Aid to Injured. la Given Him.
Fire, thaV attacked -the home of Pr.
M. F. Fenton on Portland Heights early
this morning - called Into action Port
land's only Billllonaire fire company.
Its work wee cut out for It when It ar
rived on the scene end the fact- that
the memhtre saved the greater part
ef the household furniture. Including a
handsome upright piano and "a number
of valuable painting and prevented the
fire- getting below the second story,
shows -that the mllUonairee did ' not
flinch when faced by a fire. It ia not
the first time that this millionaire eom
pany fcae dlattngulshod itself.
It was a fsw mlnutee after I o'clock
In the morning when Mrs. J. C. Alna
worth, wlfs of - the president of the
United Statea National bank, was awak
ened by ' a bright glare in the windows
of the bedroom. . Looking out of the
Window she was . startled ' to ses the
home of Dr.' Fenton on the opposite
side of Elisabeth street ,at Twentieth
)n flames. She aroused her husband
and In a few Seconds he hastily at
tired himself and waa aoon apeedlng ae
faat ae hi automobile ever goee to the
hose wagon, house at Chapman and
Spring streets.',' .. '' ' .
"Jack" Alnaworth did not waste time,
Being an athlete, it did not take Sir,
Afneworth a second to break open the
door. . Jumping, to the rope, he pulled
with vigor and soon the big bell wss
tolling forth it message that 'flames
threatened the beautiful heights. .
Within the next few seconds hastily
attired millionaires eoul4 be eeea cut
ting across vacant lists and turning cor
ners, all bent on getting a hand to the
rope of the hoee carriage. ', .'
ta Spree Is Baptdly.
In the meantime the fire had spread
rapidly and it appeared aa if the house,
which Dr. Fenton purchased only a few
weeks ago, was doomed. - Mrs. Alna
worth, after, discovering the fire, threw
some , rare high C notee on the atmos
phere. These notes aroused the dentist
from sound sleep to be confronted by"
the roering flame , that engulfed hie
home. Dr. and Mr. Fenton were able
to escape only In - their night robe,
around -which they . threw - some bed
clothing- aa they made a hasty exit from
their burning home. , '.
The millionaires responded quickly to
the-call Bounded by Bank Preeident
Alnaworth. Among the first to arrive
wee Dr. Thomas P. Wise, Ben Trenk-
street and carried Into' a nearby house.
Dr. Day Raffety waa summoned and by
the prompt administration of aa anti
dote counteracted the strychnine. Mrs.
Oustafson was - removed to the Good
Samaritan hospital and Ie now; reported
to be on the road to recovery.; .
Supplementary articles of incorpora
tion of the Nlcolal Bros.' Co., changing
the name of - the - corporation to the
Nieolal-Neppaeh company, were filed In
the office of the county clerk this morn
In.' .They eMjngaged In the lumber
business. cap I y stock, 171,000. -
Water .IthrouglT boee for eprlnklin
... 3 - J1t . .
yards or eldewalke. or waahlng porchee
or wlndowa, meat be paid for In advance
end used only between the hours of
and It,, and and p. m. It must
not be used for sprinkling street. If
used contrary to these rules, of waste-
fully. It will be shut ..- ;
Artistic tailoring, perfect fit and rea
sonable d rices: new fall goods now In.
Armstrong th Teller,- Raleigh building.
Washington and Sixth sts. pactiio. leta.
Watches, diamonds . and - jewelry on
asy payments: f 1 down, 0o a week.
Don't go without ' a gooa timepiece.
Metsger Co, 111 Sixth street, - '
Launches to the Oeke every few mln
utee every evening from Favorite Boat
ing company's, south aid bridge, foot
Morrison at rest.
Milton A. Nathans, at ty., 1000 Stelner
et. San Fronclsco. Commissions prompt
ly . executed.-losuranoe adjusted,
' Aeme Oil Co. sells the beet eafety coal
oil and fine gasolines. Phone Beat TIs.
w..a'i VtkIkiim III Tantli itnat.
lunch 11:10 to S; bualnea men's lunch.
For Quality, .Quantity end Quickness,
go to Morris restaurant. ' ..'
See ' Buffum- St Pendleton's ad. - on
pege S, "..--'"s. '
Dr. E. C. Brown, Eye-Ear. Marquam.
Rental' Signs, Analey Printing Co.
J. F. Batchellor, who was engsged' In
the experiment work ' at ' the United
Statee Geological Survey station - last
year. Ie In the city today visiting tne
plant at the Exposition grounds. " .
' Carl Jonss Hat tht Largest
Assortment of periodicals and dally pa
pers: tOO periodicals, 71 leading dallies.
ob sol. 171 Waahlngtoiw-eor. .Fourth
Mldla Feewlta. .'
The following permits hsvs been is-
suedl'K. E; Brlstow, repairs, Everett
between Twenty-flret and .Twenty-eeo-ond,
cost, $100;' H. Fit spa trick, two-
story dwelling. Esst Fifty-second cor
ner East Morrison, cost, $1,000; J. 3.
Armstrong, two-story dwelling. Van
couver . avenue between Alberta and
Been, cost f 1.000; Fi A. Blanck, re
pairs, Powell between Mary and East
Fourteenth, cost, 1400; A. B. Stump,
repairs. , Esst ' Thirty-first - between
Gladstone end Francis avenues, cost.
1100: M. Wslhtly, one-story dwelling.
Best Thirty-second between East Stsrk
and Eaet Pine, cost, 1000; J. H. Snyder,
two-etory dwelling. Eaat Thirty-first
near Hawthorne avenue, cost. 11.100; A.
Haaa, repelre, Borthwlck between Skid
more and Preecott, cost, $100; A. Ref
fling, two-etory dwelling. Cedar Hill,
coat, 14,000; Mrs. B. M. Hsyseth. two
story dwelling. . Qantenbeln avenue be
tween Fargo and Cook, coat, 11.410; M.
F. Brady, repalra, Ktlllngaworth avenue
between Michigan and. Mississippi ave
nues, sost, 11,800. ,
.r s-- -
- e v
LI !
man,.D. E. Keasey, Byron Rw Nichols
and several, others! They towed the
boa cart up the steep hilt on Elisabeth
street and aoon had a line of a hoae
stretched., but when the water' was
turnM. on the hoae burst - This nappe-
twice and seriously handicapped
I 'lonalre fire fighters. Most of
1 i. tti claimed, is that which has
b a-v iidemned by the fire (ftpartroentt
f r ,in the city proper, but which
... f Campbell and hie assistants seem
to- t. it ie good enough for million
aires, ;- : -
V asmioaalre at Work. i
" While" one force of millionaires un
der the' leaderehlp of C, Henri Labbe,
the. attorney,-waa endeavoring to get
wer on' the fire, another waa working
to sava th household goods of Pr.
Fenton. This latter squad.' under . the
of the Portland Railway. LlgKt A
Power company, and Wr S. Bridges, the
Lo Angela capitalist, , who a few
monthe ego purcheeed ' a handsome
bungalow on the -heights, wsr doing
herolo work. Mr. Fuller, Mr. Bridges.
Mr. Kessey, R. J. Lewis the contractor,
J, A. Currey, Oeorge C Flanders, the
manager of the Standard Oil eompany
Albert B. Mason of Sealey ,A Mason,
H. B. Nicholas, the attorney; H. D.
Ramsdsll, treasurer of Llpman, Wolfe
A Co.; Dr. Joseph Hlckey, and othere
carried out the goods from ths first
floor. Dr. Hlckey and some . others
climbed on the' porch and saved
number of valuable articlea from ths
rooms by reaching - through the - win
dows. " While '.doing this1 Dr. Hlckey
grasped a perfume bottle, covered with
silver filagree work. It was so hot
that - It blistered every finger' on hie
right hand, i - . - . ' ;
One Fbrs-Sigbtet Zajared,
Thorhoa force were . doing gallant
work lit had at last got watar and
begariv throwing it with telling effect
on the flames. - The younger genera
tion of millionaires were handling ths
hose under the direction of Mr. Labbe.
In this work ' young Bob - RamsdelL
Byron Nichols, Leonard Fuller, Ray
Dean, and several of - the other youths
flstlngulshed themselves,- but unfor
unately en accident happened to thl
fighting corps. The glsss from
broken, pane In the houss in falling
struck young Ray Dean on ths leg.
cutting a frlghtfuUgaeh. Being placed
m i couch the youth was carried un
der a convenient electric light.' where
the wound wes temporarily bandaged
by -Mrs. Nichols. - , -.
While Mrs. Nichols wee engaged In
the "first aid to the Injured" work the
hose corps In moving from one point
to the other accidentally . turned the
full force , of the stream '; on, soaking
her clothing. Nothing, daunted, shs
continued in her work end succeeded In
partially stopping the bleeding of
young Dean'a leg-.- Messengers were
dispatched for Dr. R. J. Marsh, .who
responded with hie surgical case and
dressed the - wound, after which the
youth was carried to his home on
couch that had. been eaved from the
burning house and improvised a
litter., - .-I .... ' -
At 1:10 o'clock the last trace of fire
had : disappeared.- The weary million
aire firemen dropped their hoee where
they - had been using It and again
sought their downy couches.
Minister Will Deliver Four Before
; His Departure From Port"
'"-yj. land for Chicago.
'Rev. Edgar P. Hill ha arranged te
give four illuetrated leeturee before hie
departure for Chicago. While In the
Orient he was able to secure a-veluable
collection ' of stereoptlcon slides illus
trating the Ufe and home of th peo
ple. He also himself took a large num
ber of pictures some of which be has
had made Into slides. With thsse he
has planned to give four leeturee on
Bible lende on the four Sunday even
ings which remain of his pastorate In
Portland. ,
The flret lecture ' will be given on
Sundey evening, September S, and the
topio will be -Egypt.' In thla lecture
will be shewn pictures of the mummy
of the Pharaoh of the oppression, ths
obelisk still sUndlng on the site ef
Hellopolls where Joseph married his
wife, the Virgins' tree, where tradition
aaya the holy family rested, and many
pictures of the mine of ancient Thebes
and Memphis. . While in London Dr.
Hill wes abla to secure eotne slide of
th famous Rosetta Stone now In the
British - mueeum, which - was - the- key
unlocking the mystery of' the Egyptian
hieroglyphic. - Th second lecture will
deel with "Jerusalem." In thla collec
tion of slides are several of epeclal in
tercet.. Dr. Hill wea so fortunate ee to
secure four slides prepared by the well
known scholar Dr.- Shick, showing the
various temple . which- have adorned
Mount rZlon. In this lecture will also
be shown pictures of "Gordon's Cal
vary,.".- which many scholars have se
lected as. the moat probable site, of ths
crucifixion. The third lecture' wilt be
devoted to the neighborhood of Jeru
salem, .. Inoludlng Bethlehem and the
Dead sea. Ths concluding lecture will
be on '.The North Country,", which will
teke In the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth end
Damaecus. Ths sdralsslon to these lec
tures will be . by ticket, for which of
course there will be no eherge. One
thousand tlckete will be pieced In Sw
ine's book store, 861 Stark street, oppo
site ths Public library, Friday morning
and will be given to all who apply ee
long aa the eupply lasts. One thousand
mors tlokets will be distributed at the
morning service next Sabbath. -
iefsrrsd Bsee oeemed weed, .
Allen A Lewie" Beat Brand. . -
If this wouldn't cork you!
Why see, we neve to work, '
And do our duty, mind you,
What: not auowea to snirxr
ind" If
holds up Johnson
And we cheos find It out.
We re not allowed to "divvy," , "
."' But must put "Slim" to rout. '-
- - - -i ;-. .i t. i. .
This IS an Innovation '''-
It gives a fellow pain:
Say, ooye, let's so out tonight ' '
And hold up Harry Lane. -
Then hsy-ho for the laundryman'e life;
- He makes happy the , father, the -
mother, the wife;
He cleanses thsu ltnsn till It's white '
. aa enow,- -And
fills them with gladnee wher
. .ever they go. .,, . , ,
Tel. Meln 111. Second and Columbia, '
William J. rchsr Cuccumbs to
Heart Failure on Voyage Frorrtj
', . San Francisco. :
Accompanied by Wife and Three
Daughters, Deceased Intended to
Make Portland His Future Home
- After Having. Been in Earthquake.
.William 3. Pllcher.'a paaeenger on the
Steamship Roanoke, expired from heart
failure laet nlghr while-admiring the
beauty of the moonlight on the Colum
bia river. He waa sitting on the upper
deck near the forerlgglng talking to bis
wife and three daughters and 'First Of.
Acer J. McNlcholae, when be, suddenly
collepeed. - ' -,". ',.' . a i I c-
Mlsa A. Arnold; head nurse at one of
ths Los Angelee hospitals, who wss also
a passenger, - said the man died in
atantly, but everything under the cir
cumstances was 1 done . for him. The
death occurred at 11:10 o'clock, or about
11 minutes efter the Roanoke left Ar
torla for Portland. . -
"Pllcher was formerly a resident of
Portland, but went to San Francisco
about three years ago, but after the
earthquake concluded . to again - make
Portland hie home. He was sged 40
years and waa in th .rooming-house
business - In the Bay City prior to
the earthquake.- The remain were re
moved to. Coroner Flnley undertaking
establishment but no Inqueet will be
held, because the case waa one purely
of death from ' natural causes. ,-: The
funeral will likely be held tomorrow. :
The Roanoke arrived i at - Columbia
dock at 7 o'clock thla morning. She
brought 14C passengers and 100 tons of
freight, the lightest freight for some
time. Captain Dunham' reports good,
weather off th eoeet but" occasional
heavy fogs and clouda of amoke.
The Roepoko is scheduled to sail for
San Pedro, via San Francisco and Eu-
reka, nevt Thursday night, Shs wllj go
aouth with a full eergo end her paa
eenger accommodations will likely also
be tsxed.
The steamer ' F. A." Kilbum, - Captain
Men-lam, waa due to arrive here last
night from San Francisco via Eureka
and Coos Bay, but she will not reach the
harbor until this evening on account 'of
delay along th coast
Spencer Will Carry Wneat aa TOaese
'V.-. WtU Tow &o-.
Arrangement were cloeed yesterday
between the Open River Transportation
company and Captain E. W. 8pencer to
have the steamer Charlee R.' Spencer
handle' the Open River Transportation
company's freight between the portage
road and Portland. This will mean that
the steamer Spencer will carry a great
deal of the wheat from the upper Co
lumbia dietrlct to the wharves In Port
land. - - -' , ': ' -- -"' : "
According to the present plana, -- th
Spencer will . leave , Portland at mid
night , dally, excepting on her lor over
day and return here at 7 o'clock in the
evening. The passenger business will
be looked after ths sams as heretofore
and It Is said ths new schedule will be
even more satisfactory than the pres
ent .because It - will give the up-river
people a chance to spend an evening
In the elty now and then and return
home In the morning.
The Oregon Round Lumber eompany
yeeterday chartered , the steamer El
more from the O. R. N. Co. to do tow
ing . while the steamer Fannie te being
equipped with a new boiler and given a
general overhauling. The Elmore - hai
been operating on. Ahe 'upper Willam
ette route and her place will be taken
by the Ruth, which has been held et
the company's bensyard la reserve for
an emergency,
The steamer Grey Eagle, owned by
the Spauldlng Logging company, wee
chartered yesterday by the Willamette
Construction company to carry cement
from Portland to WUaonvllle, where a
railroad bridge I being built across th
Willamette. The Grey Eagle la an old-
timer and ha seen some rough usage.
She belongs at Newberg and la the
only and largest vessel claiming that
Inland port aa her home. Owing to the
low stag of th water In the Wlllam-
stte, the Grey Eagle can only carry
about. lo barrels or cement each trig,
" cruiser is delayed.
acay Tot Beae. Xaete
, - Tomorrow sComlag. ' . : ,
Tb Italian cruiser Do sail will prob
ably not reach the harbor until tomor
row morning. - one waa expectea at As
toria sarly this morning, - out had not
put - In her appearance by noon, -. It
would, nowever. oe possioie xor ner to
reach Portland thl evening ehould she
get In over the bar thla afternoon.
Italian Consul Candlanl will greet the
offloere ef the cruiser upon their ar
rival at Astoria sod hs will return te
Portland on the crulssr. Here they
will be met by a committee of prom
tnent Italian i and given a hearty wel
come. ' ! .... - ... -.
The Dogall ha been away from home
neerly two yeare. She left Naples II
months ego and went to the West In
dies. -'.She then visited New Orleans,
Psnsacola and Washington, V. C, and
later made a notable trip up the Ami
son to a point J. 100 mtlee up the river.
From there eh went . to Montevideo,
Valparaiso and - other Pacific coast
ports In South and Central America and
Mexico. sne comes nere . rrora ess
Diego. Her speed Is 10 knots per hour
end ehe In equipped- with th Marconi
wireless telegraph apparatus. , .
Blet.Tira Steamer Chartered f Tboed
. . - joiejapea- a wis,
Tsylor, Toung A Co. today chartered
the large Btitlah, tramp ateamer Haael
Dollar to load here In October for porta
Japan and China. The Hasei Dollar
how in the orient, having juat de
livered, a cargo - at - Vladlvoatok from
Puaet sound porta, , She will carry
about (.000 tone.
The cargo will eonalst et nour, wheat-
lumber and mlscelleneoue merchandise.
While It le hot so stated by the cher
terera, It la believed that the Haael Dol-
will carry a portion or aora o.oos
ten ef wheat recently purchased by th
Rennee flour mills at Hongkong, v.
Steara boat Owae TSuy th aeolln
Booty oaaeiie ro smau rnoe.
. O. W. Hosford yesterday" purchased
the gasoline steamer Oaaeiie for tl.ttl.
She will continue on the Llnnton and
St, Jobaa run as before and Will ri
k aM
Iaaai Vaa
:'. 'i,r j, :;
Adopted in 60 lending cities to the United SUtes Here
Homo Telephone Co . '
Gentlement I take pleasure in; recommending the ', Automatio
Phone It a system being so so simple, its service so excellent
and the pleasure of not having 'a "Central- to make wrong con
neotions, or no connections at all,, appeal! to. any user of the
Automatic" at first sight, and. having used it in Grand Rapids,
Miohe, where it is giving the best of satisfaction, I predict
for Portland users a general satisfaction. : ?- -v rJ
Yours truly, . PASTEURIZED DAIRY CO. r J
; "Arrange t6 "Hitch
White Clover Car
, s .... '! ' V;
At a large expense we pack our butter in WAX SEALED CARTON BOXES,
;l protecting it from all dust or bacteria. " ;
Vf fT f
puna : t
For 30 Days Only
11.00 Oold Crown............
11.00 Oold Crown..... .,
110.00 PUtea ,
111.00 Plate
FUUng., ap from
' , ; f ," ' OeAraateeS. j f
Boston : Dental Parlors
SUM atorriaoa St, ' Opp. V. O.
main In command of her former owner,
Cantaln C. J. McLean. t -- i K
The Oaselle I on or tne largest gaso
line boata on the Willamette and bas
been engaging In considerable harbor
work of late. She loet eome money la
trvlna to build up aa excursion best
nesa during the, fair and for that rea
son sold for a price considered -very
lew. ., . ,... - . .'. - ; '. ,- "'1- . ,
The Italian bark Erasmo cleared to-
dsv for Genoa. Italy, with 1.719,161 reet
of lumber, valued at ft 0.000. She will
leave' down tomorrow morning in tow
or the Harvest Queen.
The Oriental liner PJumanti ssnsa
this morning for Hongkong vis Yoko
hama with a cargo vaiuea at zi..
She carried 4M04 barrels of riour, val
ued at IltMtO. -
CaoUln Werllch. In charge of thla
lighthouse district, left" for Taqulna
bay this morning to Inspect ths lights
I Robert Dollar, of the Dollar Steam
ship lines of San J ranctsco, was , In
Portland last night on his wsy home
from Puget sound, where he purchased
the wrecked German ' steamer Msrle
chen. which Ves recently raised and
towed to Seattle. , The Martechea will
be repaired and made seaworthy again.
Th ateamer Alliance sauea ror eu
reka and Cooe bay at o'clock last
nlarht and the steamer BarraoWita- will
all for Baa Francisco tomorrow night
contain Stephens of ths .JBrttlsh
steamer Knight of St Oeorge bee the
distinction of being one of the British
sMpmsstere-who. wss jshased- In orien
tal watere by. Russian auxiliary cruis
er during the. wsr. Th Knight of St
Oeorge waa hotly pureued by two large
and fast Rusaisn - eruleers - while - en
route to Java, but she managed to es
cape by careful maneuvering.
The aovernment nas accepted ins cm
of Daniel Kern for the lighthouse ten
der Msnsanlta. according to a dispatch
from Washington to Csptsin Werllch
this morning. Mr. Kern's bid was
tll.tll. Mr. Kern- will uee the Msn
sanlta for towing bargee. ,-.
Astoria, Aug-It Arrlvsd down dur
ing the night and sailed at"! a. m
schooner William Olsen. for Sad Fran
cisco. Arrived down at and sailed
et 1.10 a. m., steamer AlUsnoe, for
Coos bay end Eur. -Arrives at :I0
a. m.. stesmer F. A. Kllburn, from San
Francisco and wsy ports. i , , " .
.Astoria, Aug. 7 Sailed, at 4;t p.
v in i I
17 U
MJ -
: ':-:'?wUMm Oanfawa;'.: ' ' '
h.'j' 1- -'300 XUSSELL STREET- "; .
By J.
your house to a Honr VVhen the Solicitor Calls.
Aa. 29, 39, 31 ud Sept. 1st
WUl leave - Alder etreet dock T
a. m.; arrive at Astoria 1:10 p. m.
Leave Aetoria J:10 p. m.;; arrive
at Portland t p. m. ...... tl ; .
Ticket, Limited to September t.'
Keala served a I Out. ,. Tlok
ete ea sale at Alder etreet took.
. ..... raoins majot - .
12th Annual Regatta j
Astoria, Oregon
Ansust 30, 3 1 and Sept 1
Txsrr tn uoatta ajtd stop at
, Trains run sarly and lata to accommo
date visitors. , Spend the day at the
Regatta and the nlghte by the ee.
S. BAOOIR, Maaaaer,
trader aew BMUMfmeat. rasMdeled and sewly
farnlsaed, eleeu-le llfhu. rreaa aad salt water
baUitof . boattos, riaUlaf. rresk Bilk aa ereasi
traai oar own dairy. Fresh vecetablee (real aw
ewa saroea. Bates: 12 SO to U N per ear.
Rpeelal ratee Wr the week er awatk. - Fres eea,
m., barkentlns Jame Johnsont for San
Pedro. ". Sailed" at t 0 "p. mw steamer
Asuncion, for Ban Francisco. - Sailed at
1 p. m., ateamer Toeemite, for Redotodo.
Arrived at and left up at 0:40 p. as
steamer Thomas Tu, Wand, from Baa
Francisco, - Arrived -at 10:10 and left
up at 11:10 p. m., stesmtr Roanoke, from
Ban Pedro and way ports.
Astoria, Aug. IS. Condition - of the
bar at I a. m., obscured; wind north
west, light; weather)dense fog. ',
Tory tow
TaTads Aeeeeurt m
ttoaal Srrlgatloa Oo agree. '
" September 1 and t the 6. R. A K.
piece on eel very low round-trip tlck
ete account the National Irrigation eon-
gresa, Rolae, Idaho, September I to I.
Particulars snd Pullmsn reservatlona by
calling upon Mr. C. W. Stinger, city
ticket egent. Third , and .WaaoJngtoo
streets, peruana.
Astoria Red
fif f ia3
liVtHIVWHH.V , .
;'.''; "V'
is what thejr say:
: Ae MoKevitt, Pres.,;-.;
Oeneral Offlee, H
Park and Buraatd
Wfll epee at tae sosernee Wedaesday, Mi. s,
first perfersiaaee Baaday autlnee Sake
Theatre Stock Osapaay la
lh Grand
- Oaerlea lews.
Save esd
m the Werte.
rrleea Matisees. 10. t all
toies. tmlin M. SO aa eos easts
Sua. Pertoraiaaeas I SO. T:, S:1S s. si.
ilia STOCK OO. Week e( Aagast ST.
Daily BMUaees et I SO.
Pi luas atarlaeea. except
all Mate. gTealaga. 10.
aeaya, lee 1
aad 00 ease
Baata aatana ii
,lss - artorswBeea er
SSoee Mila
es. . Boxetaea esea treat It
a. sa. te p.
SaaHtlaaal OBaiedy-Brasaa,
la fear sets. : - ."
' Tare perOsnBaaea, sally I eae eat after,
aoea aad two ta the evealBg. - AOausaloa lua
pets sue. j ,-. -
T '
lice AKD nr.7s
Every evening I o'clock. Bring th
children. : Corner Morrison aad Third. .'
Changs of program weekly.
HARRY 8HUMAN. Oeneral Advertiser.
Bankrupt Sdo
" r0 t.i - e? a ftrvt ?
ve auw ,www . ev
; ; .. or
L.!.NC &. CO., C5 tth tl.
Ladles aad Beats' rrfitMag Oeeds el
all klada at MALT yklCI.
CBe la ea kk eew oar hBBwe
stoek keSiee serine eieewkre a.S y
will bo ears t siake a pnvkaM n-
after settles eat ostreaMly Irw
- tu pbiois abb en a r
man. sa rs c.
M Stoth OteoeV !! -
- 4