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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
' ff V' r " - J - -t 4 VelJss1 W- . W..iiit :c, august t:; o 4 i Ji 1 Cb!Ie-e Easr to H&v for Ctudsnts Young Man arid Women En-J rgetio Enough to Win ; Hard Work . . Rinora of oowrmrAmra xm rona. 4 Nellie Mar Shannon. Ill Tsnlno, Portland. Or..... .00,116 . Horses A. Wilson. 161 Halaev St, Portland, Or,.. ...........11.171 Our Graham. Troutdale. Or...................... ............ ...,4..76 e Lllllaa MeVtcker, St John. Or. ................. ................11.961' Mildred I Clemens, University Park, Portland. Or.............. .11.600 ' Rhode, L. Btelnakar. Albany. Or. ,7; .V. . ..' . ......... . . , ...... .4t.16 CUy-Jooea.- a Baat Twelttlr "it," Bertie O. Chan, 161 Oar St, Portland. Or.. ................ ...; Charles Gross, T. X. C JL, Portland...... .11,700 Edith M. Harris, 410 Oxford St, Portland; Or. ............... ....11.110 Carl Shelton, rorty-ei-hth St, Mount Tabor, Or. ................ .19,061 Marr H Powell, 41T Salmon St, Portland, Or. .................. .16.161 Rojr Johnson, 14 Division St. Portland. Or. ...... . . . . ; ... . . . . . .'.Sl.llt Maa Fsndergrsss, 111 North Seventeenth St, Portland. Or. 16,016 Malsle O'Donnall, Buxton. Or.............. ............. ,.....,.n,U Paul Nrg-ren, 181 Xaat Third Bt, Portland. Or. ... 11.116 John Benson. Cbemawa, Or............. .................. 10.T96 Dorcas Van Schoonhoven, Cove. Or.. ....... ................ ...... 14.1X6 Mabel Macneas. Amity.1 Or.. ............. .............. ....11.140 Louie Serra, Astoria, Or. .7. ...... ............. 1,711 Seaa Knox. Corvallls, Or. ....... I,..,.. ... .................... T.1I6 31nn PatUlo, Granta Pass. Or ........v,. ...,. ......,'6.116 Ruth Turnar, 101 Kerb? St, Portland, Or. ........... ...t... 6.186 Barrr Brant, Tha Norton, Twelfth and Morrison, Portland. Or..,. 6.116 IJoyd Blches, SUverton, Or ..................................... 1,6 00 Oar Carr, Salem, Or...... 4,116 . Ailaan Haakman, Mjrrtla Park, Portland, Or...................... 4,640 Louise SeptV Central addition, Portland. Or. ......... ...... 1,110 Our Johnson, SOI Grant St, Portland, Or........................ 1,016 R. W. Cyrus, Solo, Or...., .................. 1,666 Irr Owess. Cadar Mills. Or..................... 1.T1I Edward I Kinsman, Unntoa, Or.... ...... ...,......,... 1,616 Asues Evens, Letourell, Or J,. .................. W00 W. X. Owynn, 141 East Thlrtx-aeventh St, Portland. Or......... 100 . -Or. Coaras, Aetorlsy Osv. . f . .... .. ..;...... ....... 4T4 4 Richard W. OllYln, Roaaburr, Or....... ........... 411 Oaorga D. Kins, Klngaton, Or......MV m,. . 101 4 -7- 4 ' Henrietta Holmes-Flanders, of tha f Holmes-Flanders Preparatory : achool. . . Portland, one of .'tha aehoola of Tha Journal's educational contest, has a fa ': vorlte qaotatlen which abould become a -1 signboard to- young r people who hare time to Invest It ia aa follows: "Knawledga eannot be stolen from as. It eannot be bought or sold." .V This is the season of the rear whan ' the question.' TVhat aohool ahall I at :.' tendf. is - uppermost with. all young ' people who hare decided to strtre for ' the Imperishable wealth of knowledge. The list of schools mentioned In The '. Journal's contest may aid all seeking suoh Information to settle .that Import. . tant question. , , i ' World Baaaaads Bffteiaftsr. - Too many young people leare the . - schools and apply Xor position before ' they are properly prepared to be ose . fuL The day of the practical appren J tlce-to tha trade and profession la pass ' ' . ing. Tha world demands efficiency and ' : soma degree of profldenoy right at. the start.' .r ., - - ,. ,- . .- , . ' The captain of Indnstry has no. time (4 to explain rudiments to. the hopeful sen . j of .fond - parents. . ..The hopeful must j stand th test alongside of the bor who atana ui teat moojuu. oj u tot wno nmasUtftJht Jlrpl. wlioujLj 1th determination to make himself so valuable that he will be needed. . The . strenuoaltr of modern business Hdf-Ft Cylinders 50c Cold-Moulded X.R Cylinders -. 25c 10-ln. Disc - ' 60c Disc - $L00 Catalogue of 75,000 In ry stock. Outfits, Si. 00 dovrn and $1.00 per ; iwetkup. WHttem raaraaase wttk everr on till slgmad br aaannfaetnras. rr Eafl Mope ; of the most nutritious of. flour, foods Unocda Dbcuit the v . only perfect soda cracker. Then , you will be able to y k ; , ; aTecause a well-nourhhed body has greater productive capacity. Thus you will also be .able to bccauia for value received there b no food - to eccncziical as Unocda Clzzult ; moistvrt proof packazx . NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY .... y ...LW. v a 3 , L oaat Osa Their Own Way by " and Mailt' Portland," Or ."-," . .............. n,nr; .11.110 Ufa raqulraa "tha know-how In arary aituatlon. Tha armduata of tha olaa aloal aohool faola thla naoaaalty bafora going out .Into tha world of practical affairs-to" eomplata hla preparation In a profeaalonal, maohanlcal or Industrial patdamoa, Trntdrinf and Xnytnotbla. Mra.Flandarahlta off a trait of tha uooeaaful atudent which appllea actual ly aa wall to tha aueeaaaful apprantloa. Har obaorratlon- may ba axtandad. In fact to apply to tha man and woman or arraira whoaa aohiaramanta eauaa tham to rlao abova tha many. ' -Bxpananea - naa taught ma." Bays Mra. Flandera, "not to plaoa too much rallanea upon a brilliant lntallect, tba aooompanlmant of which la too often mora Impulaa rathar than ' ataadfaat purpose. It la tha oouraga . that darsa attempt "tha patlanoa that la untiring, tha larlnclble 1 will. that maka tha Ideal' puplL In other -words, ha must possess that rarest of all . qualities :backbona,' - :; . Ooaitoaiaatsi Sara aakfcona.' v'" ; Tha - wlnnera of Tha 'journal's aohol arahlpa .and. eaah , prlsao ..will, demon strata In their victory that they haya i axrate in weir victory mat tney nave daya'anoTweeka ofcdnstaDlcanvas'slng that they possess "the courage that dares attempt tne patience mat la un- ALWAYS RELIA BLE sV I M .'..- Columbia Phonograph Co. Columbia B!dg.,371 Washington St., PORTLAND . : . .T OREGON mum Foflowsrs of Smfth Havs Com plete Control of Present Ad- ' ministration of Jdaho. DEMOCRATS BEGIN flGHT - AGAINST CHURCH RULE Governor . Qooding Trying for Ra clection Upon Gallery Pltyg H Was Abl to Maks In Steonenberg -AasStatnariorrriSs, .4-. (pedal DUpatch te Tne Jeeraal.) Weser. Idaho. Aug. II. Politics In Idaho la becoming of the tropical or der. ' Probably not -another state la the union haa for tta laauee anything resembling tha Issues before the peo ple or iaano at tuts time. The Republican party haa gone be fore the people on the isaue of the Bteunenberg asaaalnatlon, claiming Tor their nominee for governor tha present Incumbent - Prank R.. Gooding. , that through hla connection with the case ha. la entitled to a re-election at tba hands of the people. They appear to work upon the presumption . that no other maie'ln the state would or could do what ha has dona. What haa ha done more than any other executive, be he Republican or Democrat would have donaT Did any maa do lass than to see that law and order ia enforoed he would be faithless to hla sworn duty a th governor of a great state. yy OeedJar Officios. There are many people In the state of Idaho- and they are not confined to tne Democratic party alone wno be lieve that" Governor Gooding haa too offlcloua in the matter; that much that ha has done has been done for po litical effect and that It will prove to be a boomerang. : It wlllcost him the labor vote of the state. while every true citlaea of the atate la In favor of th enforcement of law and order, they do not believe that men who are charged with the eommlttlns of crime should be used sy some .maa to runner hi political anas. ' The Democrat have made an Issue of Mormonism and interference la pol ltlca by the Mormon church. They charge that two years ago Governor Gooding was elected by a combine made by him with the leaders of the Mormon church at Salt Lake City. ' ' ' " B6mom Appointees. To lend color to this charge. It la only necessary to refer to the fact that every appointee of the atate adminis tration la either a Mormon or secured hla appointment through Mormon In fluence. Old line Republicans, who had fought the party's battles - for years, war told to go away, back and sit down, where they were compelled to witness the - appointment of men whose sole claim to distinction that they were members of the Mor mon church or had tha Indorsement of President Smith of the Mormon church. That the Mormon church Interferon ln the' politics of the state of Idaho, ao person who la not blinded to the quea- tion--buna as tnos wno win not will question. " , -.' , , : sToadaasat by Oaaioh. Governor Gooding received the nom lnatloa two years -ago from 'the' Mor mona, and he received It again at Poca- mona, ana ne receivea it again at rocau tha pro. Urlng. th Invincible 1 will that makes the Meal puplL" . , , . The young people who graduate from The Journal' contest into the-schools of Oregon will become the pride of the Institutions whlch.jthxslect to attend. And, proving themaelvea 'Invincible and untiring. ' as contestants 'and students. they sre likely to exhibit those same valuable qualities la the business af fairs of later years. The boys and girl racing for schol arships are being tried, out. before the public Every one la gathering a circle. constantly growing larger, of admirers and supporters, Tha larger the -acquaintance, the greater the responsibil ity. Kvery contestant owes It to him self and to his friends to meet tha ex pectations of his friends la this eon- test and la future undertakings. . Prise at ataks. Tuition la beat Oregon aehoola. 111 la gold and easn commissions. Following la th list of scholarships. offered aa priaea. Detailed information concerning them will be published from time to time, or furnished on applica tion to the contest department! Academy of the fioly Names, As toria. value W...I16 Albany College. Albany, value 166 Behnke-Walker . Business College, Portland, vain ltt Capital Business College, Baletn, value T. let Columbia University, , Portland, value - 10 Dallas College, Dallas, value 10 Gillespie School of JBxpreealon, Portland, value lit Hill Military Academy, Portland, value 100 Holme Business College, Portlaad, varae 100 Holmes-Flanders Private School. Portland, value 160 International Correspondence f schools, Bcxanton, Pa., value. i.. 110 McMlnnvlIle College, McMlnnvtHe. , vaiue . ft Oregon College of Optometry........ 40 Oregon - State Normal,: Ashland, Oregon, caah priaea and SI Oregon Conaervatory .of , Music Portland : One Pianoforte Scholarship, value 100 On Violin Scholarship, value.... 120 One Guitar and Mandolin Scholar ship, value 100 Paelfto College, Newberg, value..... 100 Facino Teiegrapn institute. Port land, value Ill Page-Davis Company Original Cor reapondenoe School of Advertis ing, 411 Commercial building. Portland 10 Portland School of Domeatlo Set nee, Portland . (. W. , C A.), value 100 Sacred ' Heart Academy, Salem, rr:llST St - Mary's Academy. Portland, value too Besides the eaaS commission which th students receive when they secure new aubaoriptlons, eaah purses to the total sum of fliO will be awarded aa follows: 1. A pars of f 100 for th general ex pense of the winner while attending ear publle or private Institution providing free tuition. . . t. A purs of 1100 to be ased la tha same manner aa the above, . A purs ef 1100 for Incidental ex- fiensa to supplant a scholarship ee eoted from the foregoing list 4. A purse of 171 la addiUsa to o of th foregoing scholarship r.'D ttAN 15 TT ;r-1 THAN f Let th greatest a. Met have dysnept ! and his muscles would soon fail, thy il eal stxenath is derived from food. If a San hat luauCicient food he losea itrerlgth. ha haa no food he dies. Food it con verted into nutrition through th stom ach and. bowels. It depends on the Strength of the stomach to what extent food eaten- Is digested and assimilated. - People can die of starvation who bavt abundant food to eat when th stomach and it associate organs of digestion and nutrition do net perform their duty. Thus the stomach Is real It the vital or rin nf t hs hod r , If the stemaeh Is m est" ' ' tne body will be weak also, because It U I w iui si-oiuaca iu ouuj relies tor lu ' strength. And as the body, considered at a whole. Is mad up of its several mem bers and organs, so th weakness of the -body as a consequence of "weak" stom ach will be distributed among the or gans which compose the body. If the body is weak because It Is Ill-nourished that physical weakness will be found in all the organs heart liver, kidneys, etc Th liver will be torsld and inactive. I giving rise to biliousness. Joss of appetite; weaa nerves, ieeuie or lrrvwuiar action t eart,ylpltatlon,,tiarnes,"heaUchert DacKacne ana kindred disturbances and weaknesses.? - Mr. Louis Pare, of Quebec writes! "Foi rears after my health becan to fall, my bea! grew dlxsy, eyes pained me. and my stem eel was sore all the ittm. whlla evarvtklnv 1 all the itlme. while everything would eat weald seem to lie heavy like lead- my stomach. The doctors claimed the, 'as srmnethettfi tmtihl dua InnMni'.ii It was srmpathette trouble due to dyspepsia and nrescrlbed for ms. and althoiurh 1 tool and prescribed for me. and although 1 tool their nowdera reerularlv vet I fait no hettnr My wife advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and stop taking the doc- tor's medicine 81 BOS Dp bought me a bottle an we soon found tbat 1 began to improve, so ind tl s trei came 1 ID 1 took on flesh, ml l took on flesh, m stomach became norm al. the diseetiv onrsnt worked ted net irfectly and I soon began to look like a different peraon. I eaa never cease tc be grateful for what your medicine has done forme and I certainly give it hlebest praise.' Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer Into taking Inferior substllste foi Dr. Fierce'! medicines, recommended tc b "just as good-" - To gain knowledge of your own body in sickness and health send for th Peo ple's Common Senas Medical Adviser. A book of 1000 vages. Send 91 one -cent tamps for pa vered, or SI stamps tot eiotb-bound copy, j Address Dr. K. V. Pierce. 60S Mala Street, Jinnaio,N. Y. teat of three-fourths of the Republioana ef the state, who were. opposed to his nomlnstion; but . the Mormons - con trolled the. convention and nominated whom they pleased and then Governor Gooding, having thla power, behind him, named every peraon who was nominated on the ticket except stats superintendent of . schools He named a man for this office, but the women raised suoh a storm of protest that a lady was nominated for the position, Ssorstly Indorse Polygamy. - The Democrats also claim that tha Mormons secretly Indorse polygamy; that In fact membera of the church are aow living with plural wivea In this state In fact one man- ln Bear Lake bounty, in the southeastern part of -the atate, a Mormon county, became very Indignant two yeare ago when charged by Senator Dubois with living with four wivea ' He branded tha senator as a liar, saying ha was living with bat three This msn Is a Judge of the dis trict court elected by Mormon vote; his son is district attorney of -Bear Lake county snd.hls son-in-law sheriff of tha county. , , . Pair-minded honest Republican are tiring of Mormon interference and of Governor Gooding's boss ism, and have announced their Intention of voting the Democratic ticket and administering a rebuke to Governor Gooding and hla Mormon silica, , - -."1 Borah 1,0 Admirer. - ; William B. Borah, one of the bright est attorneys and the acknowledged ora tor of the atate, who before the Repub lican convention at Pocatello was the m0i a th Rxnuhltrans of the I umlnWfarrVit amTyeraTaa Itfi is openly charged ha was Indorsed by the convention for senator because he had entered Into a combine with Good ing and the Mormona In order to secure the nomination, as hs was not strong snough to secure th indorsement with out their assistance. For governor the ' Democrats - have nominated Judge Charles O. Stockslager. Judge Stockslager has been on the su preme bench of the stat for the past eight years, and is a maa of unques tioned honesty and ability for the posi tion. Hla home Is ln the southsastsrn part of the state, ln th Mormon seo- tlon. where he Is universally admired for hla manyjxcellent qualities, and that he is a msn of tbs people Hs will get many Mormon votes In that section. It Is freely stated that the younger generation of the Mormon church have become tired of paying tithes to main the church, and then being told for what party and for whom they must vote, and that they propose to this year exercise their prerogative aa American cltlsens and vote for whom they please. Senator Prod T. Dubois. Idaho's senior senator. Is a candidate for reelection at the hands of the Democrats. Senator Dubois has made for himself a national reputation In hi fight against ths Mor mon .church end ths retention of Reed Bmoot of Utah In the United States senate Senator Dubois la regarded a power ln the senate and enjoye the con fidence sad respect of President Roose velt and haa more Influence with the administration than both of Idaho's Re publican representatives combined. To lose the. services eft Senator Dubois at the national capital would be a severe blow to the state . . ' Woman Champion atlas. Women of th Stat regard him the champion of the purity of the home and they will aupport aim at the polls. They know that the women of the nation have their eyea npon them, and that by their actions they will be Judged aa to whether they Indorse Mormonism or are opposed to It' The oueatlon la one fraught ' with great Importance to the future welfare of the atate, and the coming aieetion - win decide whether Mormonism' or the people rule Idahc Prom present appearances ths people win win. Profaned trtoek Oaaasd Ofoeeai Allen Lewis Best Brand, is Barasd. ' . ' (treats Dtsaatca e Tee- oraeL) Forest Grove Aug. II. While the thrashing crew were eating their din ner Sunday, nre proa out in the threehlng machine belonging to Bart White, who waa threehlng for Mr. Beeler en the Oak Beeler farm In Pat- ton valley, eight miles southwest of this place One thouaand bushels of rra" - - were - etTTyeJ. 11 1 ' ' 1 If you have any IVloed saw aBBBB 0jhsMv4Bsa K4oaWTs easrVOs I 1 St f 0aa&efcae ssBSBvsvsa sautBasa 0Maa-BH I Ta W sspajSsBSBsessI We savsywvasj, eevw w. avs-ssassssr g f tt-a. CmXInHm. aASSCTT'S I I V NA."V BtAnJ wS sew jea m mm I I sMtvasTOJf, 9 OTaOaV TVaVswssfMata o otMtaasBtt m It V TMoa atsB (saaTstf OB OstassBr) tJ . M f tbo Lost DAY T0- HC2E0W n IS TEE y, t ICV ' UUl K DAY D rinn'i fail r a1ra yy Si you nave such a chance, again, xesteraays response snowea wnat a iox or. conuaence Port land women have, in this store's word. FOR TOMORROW WEDNESDAYTHE VA1 600 Dozen Formerly Sold at Q1.25, Q1.T5 ana Qg.50 1 :t mMUJ iiimiini iigy transaction in Men's Shirts that Portland has ever known. w'fcU,7 y 600 dozen Men's FinejNegligee Shirts, made of best quality imported Madras, silk and wool and all silk;, custom made, patterns to choose from; Shirts all to go at one price Wednesday onl at in rich figures out quickly Very Best Quality, 0,000yard ot fine Normandy Valenciennes Laces and Insertions; a magnifi- cent assortment of pqttfr n rli frnm; wifitha frnm 3.8 tnlM-y- inches. . These are very superior quality Laces and are regularly sold jf Th at 15c a yard. For this Special Sale Wednesday only.-.7TT7T-.nrvTOas On Sale Wednesday Only at this Price. Silli Taffeta Bibbono A Wednesday Only at a . . ' . 2,000 yards of Silfc Taffeta and Mouselline Ribbon, all pure silk, high-? -ly lustered finish, comes in all the desirable shades. Also -5,000 yards of Fancy Ribbons, Polka Dofs, Dresden, Printed Warps, suitable for girdles, sashes' and millinery. These are our regular A perytT ; ; v A Great Sale of Dress Ooods Silli Finished Mohair and --y,r bioiiiian Valnes From 50o to V42.000 yards of Plain! Colored . . . . inches wide, warraniea pure monair, very iusirous nnisn ine most staple goods of the season colors, navy, , tan, ; pink, brown. green, red, gray, blacK and cream; regular ouc, 65c and 75c t qualities. On special sale Wednesday at, per yard. . . Fine Swioo Betsular 50o Wednesday Only at Large consignment of 20,000 yards of Fine Swiss and Nainsook Em broideries, direct, from' manufacturers. These, are best-grade goods come in widths from 4 to 10 inches lirge assortment of patterns to ' choose from. Our regular 50c Special-Wednesday only-at,v, per yard V. ; , .. TT A R Never in the history of this itoreasijTT)eerrour good loHanpJto ,otfer ptt&er value 'ythh . is i represented in this y-&?fDepartmeni Buyers' ls ! MThree Days Gale" i j .'Prieeav Ayeraero f Ozio-Holf and Less TlianOno-Half ! f ehas svtranrr1Snarv hareraina. UES ARE GREATER THAN JiVKK UJJfUKJ. Fine Negligee Sliipto Special Weanesday See Third Street dovrDlsplay. - The price placed orf the Skirts 6fferedWed-T nesday morning are lowest that ' we ver known on of equal quality. , event easily surpasses in importance neatly tmished; a great assortment tbat sell in the regular way at 500 Dozen Superior Hish Class ' .. : UECKWEAB Regular 50o and 75o Qualities Wednesday , Only, at . ',' : See Windqw Display for Patterns and Coloring EXTRA SPECIAL Wednesday we place on sale , 500 dozen Men's High-Class Neckties,, in : beautiful aillr anri satins: a crreat assortment to choose from' and stripe effects; also plain colors in CEIIT3 HACU all the best shades ; - made with rrencn seam re versiblethe kind you always pay 50c and 75c for. To. close them. we say take your pick Wednesday ': WeeiMLay Only at Printed Bibbono 75c Wednesday at e e Mohairs and Secillians, 28, to' 46 t , i . - r- i . and 75o Qualitica Embroidery and 75c yalues. , eri - , 1 . 1 fcP ' . . i l - STT. TTVv A ' -v ' TO. ISTCE ' j UST L DAT P , for not in man v montha 'will at. t Win - the " nave goods The any iTPJmHl 1c AYtrr or colors and 51.25 and $2.50 e eat. 19c at......... ' ; -OEIiJTO-YAD n .A 1 UyMJ a Hi 7 I. A purae of 160 la addition to on of the foregoing scholershlpe. f. A purae ef 1 16 in addition to on at th foregoing scholarship. , i , . . . ;:::;::V::-r 7-V- 7