The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 28, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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    .Miiffis iiis toll mmmmmmmBMMMM
I Between Sixty and SevehtySalmop' Fishers
Lost Their; Lives by Venturing Over
: During the Season. ; v
,.J(mu tn. Royal Chinook refuted
.i. anana In ovsr the Columbia
i,, m rishn , war.nmpUed4fl heaa late sl
t)Hll ! ' r
' .... ihaiti rw ratura to to cea
nerles with " empty boat. btw SO
t a thix livaa durlne the
1 i nu " ...... --- .
f aa which closed Saturday night. The
nunmr .w 9 ,
ported at th clot of tha summsr see
Uson. ' ma gum - - . --
I wru MTT-ba tnHj for their eeeta
were loat with thm..and no record lit
i kept of the men who go down to the
.; to fish .. tnJmmA
1 ADOS! ' W xin-rmoii -
, son, moat tm h '
v i , uiMiifia Ufa for a lew
.;' weeka before seeking employment for
toe fall and . wintrr. soma " in
... .... t.n iaMa uii have already
t aw fvy . -
; signed contract with yard owaer In
the Wlllamett vauey. imi
t the hop flelde furnishes Ideal reoreaUon
. onuuiiiiht on the roach
; but bracing water at tha mouth ef the
; Colombia river. . - . '
-i-nii. a nr. '70 men loat their 11 Tee
! thla Musi on to bar." aaid one of
, the returned fishermen thla morning,
"and; yet very little It tald abont It.
1 The fact of the matter la that moat of
l-th flehermen are tingle fellowt hay
ing no home and few cloee aoqualnt
' ancea here. Little t known, of them
, and among their fellow fishermen they
r are at a rule known only by their ftret
name or some nick-name given them
r by their partner. '
.". , "Moat ef the f lining thl year waa
done on and ouUlde of the bar. We all
' took desperate chancea because for
M.a m nthar. tha flah- Would not
I ' enter the -riser and, we bad to go after
them or return to the canneries with
"empty-boate., At timet the bar was
at mooth at ' muipona nui mere waa
no tell tag when a squall would aweep
Jt thM that mflll tit tha
HW iHi . h.vw -
boats weut oreivjtt course many were
- - . : - . ' :-".
aval hv hoata tn their vicinity or the
total -number of Uvea lost would have
itaa las Ml. 11
w. uaad t drift as far at five or
tlx mllet of the bar-oceeeionaUy and
found large schools 'of flah there but
they were quite aa.foiy as the fish
ermen and bouaanda would get away
where oae would get entangled la the
mesne of th nets. It waa great sport
though? -more - exciting than, gambling
for one 'not only stood, the-ehanoe of
getting nothing but In addition to that
th. f loalne? tha boat and
Mil. ma. mw I
III. It araa a hl timl tH DllM
fand that's what kteps up the spin
--tJniy the aau ooais o '"'"
beyond the breakers on the bar;' the
boats equipped with gasoline engines
had to remain Inside except In extraor
dinary fine weather because If they ever
ship a good tea they are lost, the ma
chinery being heavy enough to atnk the
boat, leaving the crew no ghost of a
show to escape. Even the sail boats
furnish very little aid to a man whan
they go over 1 because as a rule they
torn keel up and it la a hard proposi
tion to cling to them with the bolster,
one breakers tearing with tremendous
power. , . -" "
Of all the men. who lost their lives
only three or four got a burial ashore.
The others were twept far out and their
bodies never recovered. Many of them
were old sailors and they were entitled
to a sleep in the deep. ;
"MUllone of salmon 1 earn to the
mouth of the river but refused to. go
Into the freWh water I have fished on
the Columbia many seasons but never
before taw the fish steer to clear of
the fresh water as this season. Big
schools would etart for th river and
turn beck to the ocean again. From a
financial standpoint the season waa
Mi.ifa. MA tff ar.t'v-- mnat nf tha man
who dared take chances because they
received rrom e 10 i. can, is .aw pouna sor
th eatohes." '
J th floor of the trangellsUt
Bring on the fiddlers r -
-This may be the cry at Krebt Broth
art hop yards when th plcUag geU
Into full awing nest week. ,
Th hop men have provided a dance
hall i for their ' pickers and torn time
ago they announced: that they would
'welcome - preachers, promising them
uch trade In marriages a should turn
up. Th offer waa: not without result
B Tk Bllaworth. Methodist, and W. S.
Hoffman. Bantlsti bar declared their
Mention -to hold servleea at th yards.
Wheat, the -weather- It fin they probt
abl-v will nreach lout of doors, but on
- riUiTe nights -he daace hall -will be
available. Preaching win laat from T
Ull t and than the dance will start. .
- A marriage bureau will be a new
featttr this year. Those who patron
la the institution need not be married
by either of th vangeltata, but nat
urally - th preacher on the ground
will be given preference by people who
belong to no denomination. ,
j rw'v got a river right near by.
too,' eatd a representative of Krebt
Brothers today, "and that may help for
baptisms. Tou can find all the com
forts of home In th Tarda'"
' Picking at "th Krebs yards begins on
September s. A special train carrying
' hoptnekert will -leave, on September I
Orphards Being Ruined by Pest
t't-:' From Sellwood to the J
". I.-, v - ; . '-) .
'. .:'' - ' 1 ' ' ' ., ',
;' 'i ' " ' -' : . -
Old.Ofphardt Especially Havt Suf
fered From th Pest and Many of
Them WOI Hve to Be Destroyed
r Other 'East Side Newt. . :
. tfaat a Separtmeat.) -
San Joe teal and other fruit peatt
- ar aaid to have infect d th yard and
ararden fruit tree of - a areater nortlon
or the. east side. In fthe older-settled " ?,, V
-Tortton; efth dlatrtet U.arnnieX- thpr will avow 4he eld tlin-TOt-
clous pear and apple. There Is any
amount of. work for the fruit tree In
spector In that district. A number of
trees, such aa the! -pear, appl and
cherry," ar found In, nearly aU of th
yards, and It li aaf to say that more
; '.rf . - .;; - : , - -, - -, ;
W 1 . I.-
y , .Here are trousers for all
l adnds-orpocketbooks and
aJltyles oMegs. , . , . ,
For vth small ' pocket-
book- 25 trousers
. that were $4.00.
- ;For the large pocket
::booB53.45 t rbuieri'
:' thlt 'W.bp.ii-iji
3 Y:W7l
Ken's sad Boys' Outfitters
' . Mohawk Btdldinf. .
than half of them hare bean practically
ruined by some tort of destruetlv pest.
Tn most instances it was found to be
San Jose-scale.' An examination of the
fruit from soma of these trees showed
It to be shriveled and half-developed.
Especially wa-thte th ease with, pears.
whlea were found to b covered with
a scale, which is tald to cause them to
drop before they -are mature. In a num
ber of th yards th ground waa cov
ered with wormy applet and half-grown
peara. ... . ",-.
. Th dlatrtct 'between' Sunnystd and
Mount Tabor, which baa alwaya been
noted for th fin - peara and applet
that war grown in the yards and gar
dent, hat been to overrun with - th
seal and other pett that th fine, d
llcloua fruit produced there a few years
ago la a -thing ef th past Out In tha
Highland neighborhood there are sev
eral fin orchards that have been al
lowed to go to ruin for th want of a
tiraeftr spraying.- The prune and pear
orchards beyond Woodlawn, on th old
Vancouver Una, hav been better taken
car of la this respect, although their
owners complain that It la almost Im
possible to save their orchards on ac
count of th Infected trees la th vicin
ity. North of St. Johns, on th lower
peninsula, there art tevaral fin old
orchards, planted by early settlers, that
have neen nttarly ruliwa ny ttii
Jose seal. Many of th small or
chards might yet be saved, but it will
require persistent use of th spraying
pump to bring them back to th point
these infected orchards hav been
abandoned,--which ought to be treated
to a rigorous wielding of th tree in
spector a ax. t ...... i . i, (. ,
' Th four big water meters ordered
torn time ago by th water board have
arrived and are -ready to be installed,
two on th east tide and two on tha
west tide. The purpose of these meters
It to thow in what territory water la
being wasted, thus materially narrow
ing tha field In which inspectors, run
ning down wastage, have to work.
' Th ' contractors laying th service
pip from Mount Tabor reservoir to
the peninsula system has had an unex
pected piece of luck in that th water
board ha failed to furnish on time all
of the gates and piece castings for
the line. This contract called for a for
feiture of - f 126 per day for th time
required to complete the work after
Aagust 1, but this claim -Is not being
enforced owing to th failure, of the
board to' deliver all the -material by
that data. . The Vernon ttandplpe la
finished and connection it being mad
with th service pip. . All th pipe
for this entire ayttem it on th ground,
but It la not probable that the work of
laying It will be completed before Jan
uary 1. aa a great deal ef th excavating
ia yet to be don. - Not more than half
a fore of men ctn be kept on this
work- ' Laborer ars continually leav
ing th ditch on account of higher
wages and sasler work being offered
theirn ... ' -t ;
St.' John ha had mors trouble addr d
to Jt( already overflowing oup of woe.
a nusnoer or eitisent have started a
crusade agatnat what they ternr main
taining a publlo nuisance. J. Mortenson,
a bucolic carpenter, wat th first to
fall a victim to St. Johns' municipal
purification commlttt. Mortenson was
accused of having a barnyard that con
tained ,11 chicken and as 'shorthorn
bossy. At the trial Saturday morning,
before Recorder ThoVndyk. O. R Black,
th complaining witness, was on hand
with about half th resident of the
little city to corroborate hit ttory. Th
evidence wt a conflicting that the
recorder waa unabla to make up Ms
mind. A number teetlfled that the de
fendant'! Piece was tmmaculatelv filaan
whtle ether were equally positive that
Us odor therefrom -was like unto the
.... -, . .. n
" . ' ' - -1 -
attar of roae or th detntleat dUtllla-
Uon from the wild violet.
Th recorder, appointing tha chier or
police monitor of th court, disappeared
for a few moments, when n reiprnea
It, waa noticed that a ghastly hue over
spread hit countenance, aa if h had
com in contact with th breath -of an
open newer. Hastily donning th Judi
cial rfiln and adjuatlng hit wig, he
tm'wmA Onrtanam. St anA aaata. With the
injunction to eleaa up hi premise and
eevs iiuuir uvhum ,. . , . . - ..
The annual retreat for northwestern
priest opened at o'clock thla morning
in tha Columbia university building at
University Park, Th exercises will
continue for three dsy. ending at
o'clock Thuraday evening.
Bishop J. P. Carroll of Helena,- Mon
tana, will conduct th retreat He will
deliver several lectures on subjects con
nected with the spiritual-wor or tne
priests. Th srvlc will begin In the
early morning ana continue mrougnoui
each day, with abort Intervals for re
freshments and reat A large number
f priests hav already arrived and been
assigned rooms la the upper floors of
the building, among whom are: rather
Buetgen, Black. Bolls Buehalsar, Burri,
Curley. Datln, Dauw. Donnelly, Glbaey.
Hlldebrand, Tabor, Hogan. Hughea. La
Croix, Lainch, Lan. Le MUler, Levesque,
McDevltt . P. Murphy and J. D. Mur
phy, Hennea. ; O'Carrell, OTarrll,
CHarra, ' Rauw, Reldhaar, Bprtngsr.
Thomoaon. .. atera and WSltt A Bum
bar of priests were expected to arrive
on thla morning train. .
Th work of driving th pile for the
foundation of th Mltehall. Lewie A
Staver Co.'a warehouse on East Second
and Eaat Morrison streets be ran yester
day. Th fill for this building, which
waa mad by th pig dredge,- was com
pleted last week.
Work wat resumed yttterday on th
four-story brick of J. M. Healey at
rand aTtaue afioTKaSt Morrison street
The steel plates that reat on th con
crete foundation were delivered last
week and are now in place. , It is an
nouiited thafthS HooT f ram work of
this butldmg It ready for delivery, hence
it la thought that there will be no fur
ther delay In completing th building.
- Excavating dor th new bank build
ing for th Eaat Side bank, at th comet
of Grand avenue and Eaat Washington
street hat begun, Thla building ia to
be finished by January 1.
- Joseph Paquet'a two-story brick at
the eastern approach of th Morrison
street bridge ia nearing completion.
Joseph Healey haa under consideration
the proposition to erect two brick build
ings on Union avenue, near Eaat Waah
ington street as soon at th fill and
improvement of- Union avenue la com
pleted. - ; " '
Regatta: Week at Aotoria
Aug. 29? 30. 31, Sept. 1
Four Days of Superb Aquatic Sport The Vancouver
Transportation Company's ,
' J . ' ' , ft
ncniirpn daccpfjcpd tipiptc
LINE IlLUUVLW ritafJIallUlalk llVltbld.
Sold on August It, 10, tl, and September 1, good to return on September
Boat leayaaJTay lor..street donk daily. , At 1 a. m returning lee.T'As
torla at 7 p. m., affording paaeenger an all-night rest on the river that
they may be fresh for th duties of th day npoa arrival home. .
Tha XAirlln la a large, finely equipped fast ateamer, offering superior
accommodation to the traveling publlo, Excellent table service. ,
glsetrle light, Btesa. Bet ead OsM SaK Water la Rvsry Tab, . Say Tickets a
raeise asaaey. wees.- nun asm , awaaaera, wasa.
ij..- il-
The Cost of Zaeenaents Mas Bea Oreae
ly Bedaeed by The Solsmaa TTad-
taktaaT Company. . r
Heretofore it has been th castom of
funeral directors to make ehargea for
all Incidental connected with a funeral.
The Edward Holman Undertaking com
peny, th leading funeral directora of
Portland, beginning July L lto. will
depart from thla old custom. When th
casket ia furnlahed by ua Ita cost will
inolude all ehargea, such aa conveying
the remains to our chapel, outside box.
mbalmlag, hearse to cemetery- and all
services which may be required of us
sxeept clothing. emtry and carriage a,
thua effecting a saving of tl to 7i on
each -funeral. .
ne-Thlid atit, comer SIMoi."
' ' Batartaiamsnt by fhaa Pamlly. -'
The Rev. Chan Sing Kal and family
will give aa entertainment tonight at
Grace, M. E. church. Twelfth and Tay
lor streets.
Admission will be free, but a oorleo
tion will be taken for th Chinese girls'
school In Canton. China, Tha program
will consist of vocal muslo, recitations
and addresses.
Rev. W. Ia bliley. LL. D., Cuba, New
Tork. writes: "After fifteen days of
excruciating pain from solatia rheuma
tism.- unoer various treetments, I wes
Indured to try Bollard's Snow Liniment;
the first application giving my first re
lief end the eecond entire relief. I caa
give It unqualified recommendation. !,
ft, li-M. Keodaxe. piack H Co.
:. ,. , ".. i , Vt
t-. -..
' Throughout this supreme sales event our efforts have been la the offering- of
extreme limit ia sale values, and the ninth week embraces many special bargains
in all department continuation of the convincing reductions which nave
characterized the pro ere at of this remarkable sal event. Following ar a few
sal items from the Carpet, Drapery sad Bedding Department!! - - J
-.-ZThe-Be Jctmg D QQVLtrs-Y Special Values
In Three-Quarter
to tke Sale Stock
Sires, Cut Corners, Fringed. r
ice......, ..1.6
ice ..V.. .fl.TO,
12.20 Soreads. aale orice
S2.30 Soreadf. aale, orice. ............... I.
2.65 Soreads. M e once... ' ,,-i.wu v
1.30 Spreads, sale-price
!.6S Soreads. tale orice
2.85 Soreads. sale orice .........f a.95
$3.30 Spreads, sale price.... $2.25
.... ! . COMFORTS, v . -
$1.00 Comforts, in. various 'pat- r '
ternsf tale price.. VStV
$1.35 Comforts, in an assortment '
of patterns and colors; sale price. 80
$11.00 Satine Comforts, in several
.patterns and colorings; sale
. price ....tT.50 ,
' JM.00 Down Comforts, silk-cov-
, '-.' ered; sale price ,f 18.50'
' ' " PILLOWS, v -s
$67S Pair Monarch 44-lb Down
- Pillows sale price.. .........f 4.25
:" In Blue, Pink and Brown Borders, . :
$1.60 Pair Blfnkets; sals price, pair. ......... ..1.6.
$4.00 Pair Blankets; sale price, pair.... ,.f2.T5
$4.50 Pair Blankets; sale price, pair. ...... .....53.26,
$5.75 Pair Blankets; sale' price, pair. ,.f 4.25
; 7 l WOOL BLANKETS. : '
$7.00 Pair 6-lb Cray Blankets; "
' sale price, pair... ....... -
$8.00 Psir 6-Ib Mottled Blankets;' " :.'
, sals price, pair.. .55.25
$a40 Pair 6-lb Merino Blankets; I v
, sale price, pair J.,.. 55.50
$9.6t) Pair 6-ib Double snd Twist
Blankets; sale price, pair. f 5.T5 . , .
$16.00 Psir 8-lb Pink Blankets; - C .
, . sale price, . pair. ... ............. f 5.00
Special Values in Lace Curtains v
and Couck, Covers T ),
$1.10 Pair White Nottingham Curtains, four patterns in -this
lot to select from; sale price, pair... .........651
$2.50 Pair White Nottingham Curtains, five psttr.n.s-la .
"thTsrietecrtromT saldpricer"pair ..Tpr.30
1200 Couth Covers, in Persian strioes. '60 inches wide.
yards long , f 1.00 '
Desirable '
; for the
Porch and Lawa
. Removal Sale
: Pnees . '
; An Assortment of New Patterns :
vin Rufs at Reducerl Prices
27x54-inch Velvet Rugs, in oriental patterns and colors; i, '
(- sale price ..!.. ...... .51.65
24x48-inch Fringed'----"T
. price . r; ....4....... ....?
27x54-inch Reversible snd Washable Cotton Bath Rugs;
' sale price .................. 61.65 , .
28x58-inch Cotton Bath Rugs; sale price ; fl.SS
I lao00i J
Pieee !,
f Every -Desenptioa
:vat tke