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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
- v ' : ; : r ,.... . r " - jasfccgi'ty ii, C A M. !)9' aM: CTrk 10 A.M., ,.ll;A.r.l.. l:i-P.. H.- b:w4ftHmSH tO : . HOtSSmHOn tO Hotm.CH tp (PfttfaoS) HcBfaY tO SI .50 rictsrci far cjjy 7Cc Each Women's $2 Handbags gflc Cccb' Wo:seaV30 Scits for $9.45 IU. CcawaCovered Trisdact $3.43 200 age Wash Ddt fcr 9c Ctdi Larje riietj of Embos Colored Fnrit Pic- Special lot of j Seal and JValrus H andbags, fitted Special lot of 7S Women's Tailored Suit., in 100 32-inch Canvas-Covered Trunks, waterproof- 200 Wash Belts, with gilt buckles, assort- Q - tu, framed io 2-wcii black and Zt frames With cardcase and coin purse, black, brown Tweeds, Cashmeres and" Panama Cloths, light . ' Puted. strongly built, 2 leather straps: the ed styles; values up to 75c each forr. . . .VC ' 16x28 inches, pJcwres samabl for dining- and tan.' very best styles; vals. rang- Of)-" and medium, gray and black, fitted and semi-fit- f ruV? wI.r...oj--CC'illI- Special lot of Gold and Silk Belts, In all colors, room; marvelcea TaJwes. from to 9 70., ing from $1.50 to $2. ? to 10 a. m., ea. VVU -tej jackets, trimmed with peau de CA C " to " a. m., choice at...Ktf" N with or., without bucsfcs; values A ' a. m. at this low price, ea. Jd floor et UC, Best values of the season. ' sole, silk collar and cuffs, $20 vat yeSNsJ -.Third Floor ' - : .' - - : - '- '". from 65c to $1.50 ea on5 sale at, ...SiS2C - $3.73 Cosch Covers $1.59 Esch Great XatscIm ia th CoctCfT Three Greet Cotton EtfssSssTbres Wonderfal Bargcis ia Stationery Three Great Jewelry Pargsbl- ! SDccial lot of 100 Cooch Coven in Oriental and 1,000 copies of "My MotherV Cook. 1 White Pearl Buttons., in all sizes; regular C - "Brandon" IJnen Box Papers, 50 envelopes and Beauty Pins or Collar Pins, large vari- ! Bagdad sttipeXrry bltL 60 Book; 50c values, on sale. 9 to 10, at.. 1 3C 10c a card, on sale at 2 dozen for.. . , 3C .2 pft7;J mV,-. ,,in or fncy Jttern. 35 vaL..5 JC ' inches wide by 3 yards long; value ertraordi- Floral Gift BoolwrSOc values, on sale 0 JUge-White and Smoked Pearl Buttons, OOf -Ind fSSW vJu. m i?2& fir "OC Gold-Plated .Adjustable Bracelets, each.... S aary. from 8 to 9 a. m, at this: . CQ from 9 to 10 a. m., at this low price. vfor f6als, 75c to $1.50 doz. val. dot. . .. .e6UC ana ,',M"?' v "p ' 'Z. Fancy Back Combs, neat fold-band mountings; , low price, each..., V Great assortment Matted Pictures, all sizes lt White Pearl Buttons, 20c doz. vaC2 doz,en..lf Paper Napkins, fancy borders, per 100. .....Ts 75c values, on sale 1 to 2 p. m., at.....;.49 SI.30 KiFcqr Coq 49el -Lfad leagcat-Llt9a- FIvCisDrPS Sundry Dxrsat-Piv VVoaca't gl.OO Nightgowns 43c Wbnea'i 35c Nec&wegr t- 14c Special lot of Black Curly Cooae Feather Boas, Special lot of 2,000 "tindsay" Incandescent' Gss Nail Buffers, best quality, each. ....... ......S0 30 dozen Women's Cambric Gowns,-full size. Women's 'Heavy' Washable Stocks, whits short lengths, with ribbon endsj regular $1.50 Lights complete with .burner, raantle and .Violet Witch Hazel, best in market. square yokes, hemstitching, tucks A ' grounds, embroidered in pink, light blue and -t values, on sale from 8 to 9 a. m. at -A Q .'globe; greatest, value in an incandescent gas 35e. Toilet Soaps, 3 cakes in box.. .- .t..Z4 and insertion trimmed, reg. $Vval...rfJW ' white; also white mercerized cotton, with but-; this wonderfully lowpnce, each.....rfV . light ever offered, ori sale from 9 CQ Sapolin Furniture Polish and Varnish, can... Special lot of Zephyr Yarns, 4 and 8-fold, tonhole finish; 35c values,, on .sale li. . No mail or phone orders filled. . , to 10 a. m. at, each...,.......,,...w Dr. Graves'.Talcum Powder, per can. all colors except white or black...... " from 1 to 2 p.. ra., at this low price,.; I VW smMSBMsssBssiMBMsBBsjBHsssHBSHBMBH immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmummmmm ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmm mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmimmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmmmm JTvaXsr&ha ia-Ti-avcIs Czgi X6yft Vc!U, 4 to 16 Yetrt, I9c 10 Yards of Vdvet flitbon for 10c Rcaauatt Ccrtda M&Urfa! it Half Doy't $3.50 Shoes 9 1.38 Per Ptlr 14-in. Oub" Bag, full stock leather, leather-lined, "Mothers Triend" Waists, for boys 4 to 16 Thousands of pieces of Velvet Babv Ribbon, as- Remnants of Madras, Cretonnes, Silkolines, 200 pairs of Bovs Shoes in box calf, velour calf brass lock and trimmings; reg. $3, for f - tr, 0f ,ge, plain white, with or without col- sorted shades, 10-yarA-bolts; regular 25c values, , Tapestries, Nets, Laces, Swiss, etc., all grades, - nd tan leathers, heavy oak soles and heels, 22-inch Suitcases, figured linen-hned, Keratol fir; also Boys'. Outing Flannel Waists, at- von sale from10 to 11 a. m., for 1 alllengths, on sale from Ulv DuSm' good serviceable school shoes, sizes 13 to 5U; covered, brass lock and trim- M tached cellar; values extraordinary, Q - 10-yard bolt at .this low price...-. ...l.VV. ' 11 to 12 at tf'reg. price. ITCll rilCO reg. $Z25 and $2.50 vals. on sale C 1 mings; $33, value at...s....... t from 9 to 10 a, m., at this-low price...! 7b Great valuer-take advantage. ' - Curtain Department, oh -Third Floor. t this low price, per pair... I OO, Cmirca Stoc&Ssss At 9c Pfclr Voaea's $3 Oxfords gl.29 Pair g330 S& Chfcm ct SI. 23 Set (6) IV Q J. Coffee at 22c Per Pocnd White Table Daaask flic Yard IflOO pairs Children's Stockingsin narrow ribs, jqq ir, of Women's Oxfords, in patent colt. Handsome Haviland. China Fruit Saucers and Oat- Last chance to buy Meier & Frank's Famous 2,000 yards ofrWhite Table Damask, 58 inches double knee, fast black, sizes 6 to 9; best 15c vici ki)1 ,n)j tan Russ;tn calf leathers, broken . meal Bowls, fancy patterns; valuea from $3.00 to Mocha and Java Coffee at this low price per wide, good quality and a large assortment of values, on sale t from 8 to 9 a. m., t Qm jjnes 0f tnjg sea90h's best styles; $3.00 values, $6.00 a dozen, on sale from 10 to O 1 1 O! ' ' pound; equal to grade yon are asked to pay " , patterns; grand special -value, from I to 2 this exceptionally low pnee, per pair. 9 to q Ms m on tae t this ex- f 1 OO 1 11 a. m. at this low price, set of 6..,y r 40c a pound, for elsewhere; buy all OO " r- P- at tni unusually - low price, I - "No mail or phone orders filled... 7 ' ceptionally low price, per pir...) 1 o7 Basement. ' - v you want from 11 to 12 a. m. at..... SVsvC per yard........... .....i IC CO Hece EL-mtr Sets $3.69 Each Hsaaed Hqck Towels at 9c Each g3.30 Shirtwthts at $1.09 Bach $2.75 Cotton Shirts at 90c Each ChHdrea't 01.50 Dresses ct 4Cc Special lot of American Semi-Vitreous White 200 dozen Good-Size Hemmed Huck Towels Special lot of 150 High-Grade Cotton Shirtwaists, Special lot of 75 Women's Colored Cotton Dress Special lot of Children's Serge School Dresses . Dinner Sets, W pieces in a wt; great special towel bargain every housewife, hotel and ., in lawns, batistes, embroidered linen and mer- Skirts, -in tan, brown and blue polka dots, . in fancy plaids and plain blue, btown and red. value, from 8 to 9 a. at this-f! AO boarding-house 'keeper ia interested' in; won- cerized novelties, plain and fancy . styles, lace,. good styles; vals. ranging from $175 to $275 " ' trimmed, with buttons and braid, ages 6 to 14 low price, set..............;..-. V derful value, f rom 9 to 10 a. m. at the .'embroidery nd tucks: values P Of TIO vour choice from. J 1 to U ; snv Qflw luers ;reg.-$L50vals-on-sala-t-i--- Specjal bargains in Basyment throughout day.- . s-wonderfully-low price, -each I. . 77'&Fti vv :o'$S.50--eahvlO-:ta4t-. rn. at.. y W at thi low price, ea. 2d floor. tJw this special low price,. each.... ..... SrswC Two Crsdas fa ToSetPa yy, $2.00 Swaters for 43c Ea. Men's 23c Fancy Hose ct 13c Pair Men's $1.00 Mgbtthhts 59c Each 500 Comforters ct 90c Each Large rolls of Good Quality Toilet 200 Boys' All-Wool Sweaters, broken lines of 1,000 pairs of the Famous "Shawknit" Hose for Another great special lot of 75 dot. Men's Flan- Great special offering of 500 Silkoline-Covered ' Paper; 10c value on sale at plm mnd fancy styles, good assortment; val- , Men, black, tans and a great variety of fan- nelette Nightshirts, the. most attractive pat- . Comforters, full size, filled with white lami- "Knickerbockef" Toilet Paper, lflOO sheets in UM up to $2.00 each, on sale at this wonder-' cies, in the best patterns and colorings, all sizes; terns and colors, all sizes, made extra large,' " ' nated . cotton, best patterns and colorings, fackage; buy all you want of it, 8 to fg fully low price, each, from 9 to 10 IC. -regular 25c values, onV sale 10 to .11, 1 best values: on sale from it to 12 ft. CQa I freatest comforter value ever of- QO a. m., at this low price..........'... ' on 1 y ........... ,v ............. . C a. m. at this low price, per pair.. m. at this low price, etch.l.j.......jyv f ered ; 1 to 2 p. m., choice at. ea.. ....7QC Men's 30c. 73c Underwear 23c Q3c Pongee Si&s for 47c a Yard $1.23 Fancy Settings 67c a Yard $12c to 25c Wash Goods at 5c 36-fach Danish Cloth at 1 9c Yd. Great -special, lot. of Men's Summer .Underwear, 2,000 - yards Fine Quality Pongee Silks, ; for 44 and 46-inch Fancy. English Mohair Suitings, all Great odd lot of Wash-Goods, Lawns, Crepes, Crepe and Mesh Danish Cloth. 36 Inches wide, plain arid fancy styles shirts and drawers; tin- waists, suits, etc.; values up to 85c the yard, neat effects, in small patterns,- for skirts and' Ginghams, etc, in good styles; values ranging ' good assortment of colors, best dress goods derwear selling reg. at 50c and 75c a 0 5 to be sold from 9 to 10 al rn. at this Afg suits; regular $1.00 and $1.25 values, from 124c to 25c a yard, on sale from value of the season: at this special 1 1 Q garment, on sale from 8 to 9 a. m. at VW exceptionally low-price, per yard....Js C on sale at this low price, the yard......J w 11 to 12 a. m. at this low price, yard....JC ' low price.. yard take advantage.... 1 rC . .. .... . . - . - . ' . , flii" , ' . ... T ............ ... . - .-v... . . .. . . - , . . ......... ,.. ...... ,7 ilbon Heanantsat Half Price Thousand of . remnants ef rlbboaa of every de .. sciiptlon In all arades, all tyle. all lentrtbs; cboose from the enure lotl Half Price " at hall reg-ular prtces..,.i ..: Wonderful values await you. Women's Underwear Specials Women's fine ribbed Cotton Union 'Suits, low neck, no sleeve; great, value.. ... 19c Women' Swlss-ribbod Cotton - Vests, '- low ' neck. , no -sleeves, lace - yokes, , small slsea; 9c sreau special vs lues at this price, each. S5 Bed SU at $3.89 Pr Set Bed, Sets, made of figured cretonne sad colored Kwtaa, with flounce all around, bolster cover to match: resulnr fa.vs values on sale' from to p. m. at this special low $3.89 V- price, per. set... Lace Curtain at One-Ha!f Price All odd tines or Lace Curtnlne Nottinshams, . Irish Point.-Hr'iMdi, Corded Arabian. Clunv. ;,inlr 1 pn'r of a pattern: sreat variety In all ; area! variety In all IHalfPricp - -araaea; cnoice, irom z to 1 ' naif regular prlceii Flannel Skirt Patterns at 15c Each handaome flannel Bklrt Pattern, very large ; variety of the beitdetlirna and eolnrlns; best value . ever of fererjt. this unusually f . low price. ,.,..7.j.A.....i.,,J1JwJ 1 OC on" sale" from t to S p. m, only. - ' Coys' $ 1 .30 Sweaters 75c Each Another great special - lot of boys' all-Wool t worsted Bweatnrs, in plain colors, blue and ' maroon; all ares; regular tl.tS values, JPf on aale at thla low price. each.. Jv 1 From to I p. m. only. - ' Vxat 26c t:htvrtr at 1 1c Each Special lot of M doen men's 4-ln-Mrid Ties snd midget bow Ties, light ano oar roinnng; good . patterns; SSe valuea, on sale at thla 11 parlst low price, each, 2 to t p. m. ... I 1 V1 & EPQuau bora's Great .-.-..' - v , . . t . 1 ;;'- " ' . -, - ' Early 33c( 40c Corset Covers I Ac Each Special lot of women's Nainsook Corsot Covers, lace and Insertion trimmed; Ite and V 40c vajuea, on sale from I to 4 p. m. at. 1 OC Children's Cambric Drawers.' plain hem, 1 1 or tucks, all sises; 20c values, on sale. 1 VIC Two Great Hosiery Specials Women'a tan silk Lisle' Hose,' sTsuse " welgbt; JSC valuea, at, pair. ........... 1 avC Women's black lac Lisle Hose, In boot and all- over patterns, all slsea;-regular SOo to ' ?te values, at thla low price, pair.... .)3C Crand Bargcins in the Basement 4-quart granite covered Berlin Kettle, each, .321 Fancy German China Cream Pitcher, a- Q . - sorted patterns: great special valuea. 1 OC ' Fancy. German ' China Plates, assorted 3F-' :. -patterns; See and 0e 'values, on sale at.ew C Men's Tronsers at $3.89 Per Pair Men's fine worsted Dres Trousers,' splendid fall and wlntes styles, dark and medium gray, eta. . ' in all Rises; the grade of trousers the exclusive , clothier asks you Jf 6a jal.ror -Qf cuf "price,- "to V p. m., Is........t))07, Boys' $1.50 Kilt Scits 39c Each Wash Suit far little boys, kilt style, ages t to t year blue, plnka and tans small checks, collar -and cuff trimmed; values up to 11.71 - eecli. on sale from I to 4 p. m. t v thla low. price....... . af7C ' $1.30 Ntcltwear for 25c Each i " 1 : . . Women's Turnover and Cuff Sets, hand-embrold- ered .butchers' linen. -black and white; 1 Venlse , lac, and machine - Hardanger work, in navy, brown,-whit and cardinal; 4value pfF to 11.14, on sale from I to 4 p. m. at...VC Sgk Crepe de Ctine 51c Per Yard! 1,009 yarda of silk Crepe de Chine In a full aa sbrtment of colors; ' regular ,!& value, on sale from to 4 p. m. at this extraordi- s . nary-low price, the yard.. .... r. . .1 .... O l C Roosevelt Bears " $1.23 Each Special lot ef the popular Hoosevelt Bears, beet style and color; great value at ........$1.23 Specisi lot of Baby Walkers; regular JQ 12.60 values, l to 4 p. m., at, eaeh...,! 1 'v.r . On aale in the Toy Department, Third Floor. . $r.50$2ISia Jackets for One-Half Special lot of 10 women's , black ailk Eton Jackets. . plain tailored or fancy atylea; , lace collar and . cuffs, short sleeves; valuea from $7.50 up to til each; your choice, I to 4. fjt Ot5. half regular pric........... nUll laTlCV 40c Scotch Flannels 31c a Yard J.000 .yards of . handsome Scotch . Flannels, stripes and dots, in large variety . of colorings, , for waUta, dreaslng gowns, etc., etc; regular 4ve ; values, ' on sale from to 4 o'clock at 4 thla low price, per yard......... ....... ,eW I C ; $3.50 ShlrtwcbU for 69c Each 121 women's s cotton Shirtwaists, best styles, made with -fancy yokes. ; trimmed with lace and em ' broidery down the . front, . or 1-lnch tuoks; all Slsesijraluee, up to.l0, . toJrrnly OfJ-,-. 12S of them be prompt.... ...U7C Wash Goods Resatats for One-Hi! Thousands of Remnants of - wash goods, lawns, cotton suitings, ginghams, percales all grades, ; ' all lengths; marvelous -values, fronr-"to 4 p.' ...Hdt Prico Women's $2.00 Octlng Shirts 39c Women's nainsook Skirts, lust the thing for out , ing wear, hopplcking. etc., etc, all aisesr val ues up to.t2.4d eaotvVon aale at 'u,lfl wonderfully low price. ............... ...'.OVC ......... i. -From I to 4 p. m, Woaen's $3J0 r Shoes at $1.00 Odds snd ends of women's Footwear, laoe . and button styles. Cuban, military and spring heel; values jip to 22.10, pair, on aale from f J , Afa I to at the low price of....... ,) 1 aUU - - S&y Late-4hofeVgfe33 of Ska Year 4-P..M. $14 Wash Scits at $1.95 Each Small lot of SO women'a white and colored Wash Suits, tn linens, - poplins and Indian Head- blouse, Eton and Jacket styles; values up to . $14 a suit, to be cleaned up at. ........ .$1.08 Remember, only $0 in the lot.: $1 16-Entton Length Cloves 51c Women's lt-button length extra - quality Lists Glove, white laoe tops, slses .; fl , $1.00 values, at this low price. ........ 1 C Women's lt-button length silk mesh Gloves, black, . white, tan, gray; beet $2.6 values, at. ..$1.79 Children's $1.75 Shoes 30c Pair Great special lot of Infants' and children's Lac . and Button Shoe, in black, red and tan kid .' leathers, hand-turn soles, spring heels, slses t to ; values from $1.00 up to $1.71 Cs- pair; your choice, 4 to, I p. at.....?UC Crtnckted Sng&r 22 Rs. for $1 From 4 to I p. m. we will sell 100,000 pounds of - , dry granulated sugar at 22 pounds for $1.00; full weight guaranteed; no mail 1 ' Oft or-phone orders'-flHd-rrrY-r-."7Te 1 el VI' -- - Grocery Department, la the Basement. -r" 7Mc Crash TowelLns 45? Per Yard lO.ofo yards ef best quality cotton Crash Towel lng ths greatest value we have ever . offered at this special low pries, per . yard, ! . ". 4 to I o'clock p. m., at.............. ArC No maQ or phone orders filled.. Men's 12c rlandkerchlefs for 5c 200 dosen men's llnen-finlsh hemstitched Hand- kerehlefs; pure white, good else; best 12H0 , values, on sale from 4 to $ p. m at l f " each, or t for 15o.,., ........,.C No mail or phone orders filled. , onsen's 50c Underwear ct 27c Women's SSrlss-rlbbed' Lisle Vests, high neck and long aleeves, pure white.' all slses; best too , values, on sals from .4 to I p. m. only, at this low price, ech...,........ ..,Vtf C 5 P. M. rl. LIUU. in O REfilNtiNlNf,W II A . A 1 ;.;to3:: 6 P. M. Porch Furniture 25 Per Cent Off Choose from our entire" remaining stock of Oar. ws vi xea. 'A Off den and Porch garniture at one rourtn on regular price. Big assortment to select from Every housekeeper '.. s is interest Third Floor. Men' Bath Robei t $1.49 Each Speolal lot of men's fancy '.Flannelette .Bath Bobes, In tans and pinks, very beat pattern; .. made with cord, good length, all alses; wonder ' ful value, from t .to t p.'m., at g : AQ :' thla low price, each, second floor. 1 aVr Boys' Knee Pants for 38c Per Pair Special lot of boys' wool Knee Pants, In fall weight, dark pattern, well mads, ages t to it ' years; great values, from ( to t p. m. OO only, at this special low pries, pas r,.OOC Boys Clothing, on Second Floor. ' Men's $3.50 Shoes $1.65 a Pair t$0 pairs of wen's calf and patent eolt ' Lace - Shoes, with wltsewd Soles; good, serviceable. '- stylish footwear; nearly all alses; valuea up to $2.10 a pair, on sale from t to p. 51.85 m. at thla low prloe, per palrr. . Men's $3.50 Bicycle Pants for $1 00 pairs of men's tt.$0 Blcyols Pants, in all - wool materials, tan, gray and checks, suitable for outing and mountain- wear; regular $2.10 valuea on aale from f to t at $100 ." Men'a Clothing Department Becond Floor. . $1.25 Waist' Patterns 50c Each Small lot of 100 white Walat Patterns, K6o4 styles; regular $l tt values, on sals at strh . this low., pries. ....................... .JJC Only 100, remember. Tou'U hava to be prompt '. .-If.'yv want one. -JS , . Men's Clach Hosiery 12 tfc Per Pair B00 pair! of men's black cashmere finish Sox. gray heel and toe. all slses; value extraordinary from I to t p.' m., at this special ' low price, per pair................. J VC '.