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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
THE OliECCI J DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND TUESDAY EVErJIKO,, AUCU-T tZ, litxf VZ7T TODAY. f .gxouia Tog AC-awr y CMT - FOB TOVB Om wm-m sww . . awtst vouraelf. and it . I - " ' ..... t. iin v" Tha man who wn, - f i ustns your money itlpit eent will . try to ksp It, M eek Information from rnntlaa aourtwt Pt ItV : yjur din on tne m7 -"y-, --.that yoa win nl-"n4 why. thyout: raiw. oiiwr ivnni wv iuwww- j , Korthwcstcrn Guarantee 0and Trust Company- . - v -t vn au' (imoiI noor) Vr"' : a. Oox. utoooad and Stack ata." , 1 Oft ACRES "' 1390 -Pe A ore ". fine warden land: 'lays ' t!l (Mt on car una; o tare, room Faotilo 1611. vvv; TOWNS, 268! Morrison Portland Heights . A8N4P h IH ktl directly M esrltiie. MaguhVeBt, unobstructed view of city and awastaln, . WHITE A! McUENSfAN V" ' 304-805 Oregon las bldg, i 'J,. Pbons Psctbe S7. . 40 Acres of Hops Fine valley farm. well stocked; food bulldlnge, dtiara. ate, with all tha crops, If aold Immediately. ' STEM AGENCY, 305 Stark St ;$5SOO "WU1 buy an l-room houaa on Northrop treat near Twenty-fourth. Choice loca tion. Eaay term a. .; - .. . '. HARTMAN & THOMPSON . chamber or commerce. 40 AOBBSJ near the city tor fsLOOOl un improved. .. t; ; XZm AGEKC0O5J Stark St WATCH LENTS CX6V And keep your aye on WILET ALLEN CO. 8 ads for flno bargalne la real estate. - .WEATHER REPORT. " The bsroanctw ennUnues raletlvsly Vnr em Csllfarnts snd Arlsnus and It U aleo nb tlvely law tnt tka ranadlaa anrtbweat and ever the Dakntas and kUnueenta. A waak high pressors ana extends Iron tka - lower lake region eeetbweet to Tsxss and tha barometer la relatively law la tka Atlantic state. Mode rataly hesvy ta heavy ralna kave (a lira la tka Atlaatle atataa fronj Main ta Florida aad a taw Urht abawara ara ivvortra la Moo- taaa aad tka Csaadlaa aartkwaat. Fair WMlhir matlauaa la tk Rocky aknantata and Pari He - aulas aad tka Blddla waat. , It la allgtatlj coolar ta Oraaaa aadfarniUr warmar lav tba , Mlaaaarf aad apprr Vlaalaalnirf Tallrra. Tba leaaparararae a ara niiaa aortaadiy la ma BUo . dla atlaatle aad Kaw EnrlaMd atataa. r Tka Indleatloa ara for fair wsatkar Ja this dlatrlct tonlsbt sad Wvdnaaday. ., ObarrraOooa takta at a. at.. Parlaa tUatt TeaJD. . Btatteaa . ' Max., Mln. Prart Baaar city, oraawa. ...... m bi Bnatoa. Maaaarfaoaatta M . . aicaajo, iiiiaoia. . on or aVarar, Colorado. SO i M Kaaaaa City. Mtaaoorl T . M Loa Aaavlaa, California.,.. T ' an Kaw Orlaaaa, Laataiaaa.... as 74 Kaw Tork. Naw Tark...... an M Portlaad. Orfoa. ......... aa ' 1 60 Roaasarc, Oraiaa. ......... aa) , T0 t. Laala. lftaaoarl... It ', M i . . . .04 .0 . .0 - A . .a A A in all Lake, Luh DO M aaa rraanaeo. 1 aiirnrnia... en ' 01 pokaaa. Waahlntoa aa ,': M Taraaaa. waumrtoa so . m Walla Walla, Waaklactaa., M WaablBtTtna. D. O M ' OS MARRIAGE LICENSES. Martin Jetton, 6a Beesen street, BO; Aeale Kelly, so. - - Frank B. Otbbs. flrssksaa, Oraffea, IT; Bllaa ketk F. Morgan. IP. Gauwone Colas. asT Flftk etraet. SB: kara. na Petreea. aa. ; Wallace it Prink. SOS Bast Stark Street, SS; aiana vionca. xa. Wallace H. Prink. SOB Beat Btark Street, St; Marr H. McKee, SI. W. O. Braack. SU Jack aaa street, U; Martkl rraaeaa Lea, la. Wedding Cards.. W. . Bmltk A Oa.. Waaa- fagtea k4dg..--eerr-Fea)rtk sad Waaklagtea ata. " Weddtaf and calling cards engraved or printed. B. T. Basktoa. SS3 Waeklagtaa at. Mlas Bertka Martin, roots SIS Allaky Wdg. BUmplng sad Sas needle work; lemons aleea. BIRTHS. .' aaaa)aaajaaaaB.nai na, eea, nnManaakjenanjeaaaaBj, aaaaaapgg,. aj XILFEATHKB Aagvat 14. to Mr.-sad Mrs. Bi J. J. Kllfestkrr. SS Slitk a treat, a boy. AILET Angnat 25, to Mr. sod Mrs. O. A. " C. Bsllay. 0D t'aloa aTeaaa, a gtrL ,WIB Aagnat St, to Mr, sad Mrs. Oeorga Wlae, Lents, a girl, : BCH MIDT Angnat ST. to Mr. aad Mia. Bdwta Srhmldt. 270 Foartk, a girl. 1X1N1W5TRT1M Aair.i.t IT. to Mr. sad Mrs. Coa- rad Ijandetrom. 7B6 Rod oar STenae, girl. rATKBSMci Angaat IS, to Mr. aad Mrs. A. ' -O. Pateraea, PS Nlntk. a gtrL. - fHJBKBZ Angnat S4. to klr. aad Mra. Kdnraad . Gnrney, OM BVknxIcr, a boy. .rOBDNEY Angnat IS, to Mr. and Mrs. Job a Fordney. BTO Unlna arcmie, boy. -COLAP.E Aagnat , to Mr. aad Mrs. Cbsrlaa , Colere. Portenvmtb, a boy. BORDEN Angnat 4. to Mr. sad Mrs.' Frank Borden, Monnt Tabor, a girl. ' ' DEATHS. BAOLIONB Angnat , Margberlta Baglloae, St) dare. SOP Baker. Inanition. - BKIZKMBTBR-Anmet St, Ksta Helsenertet, , 5 Taara, 404 Upekar. , TOBlAStM Angnat 2S. Teddy " rearm, loot of TaniUin street. Tobtasea. 3T drowalna. BtMMEL Ansnet Doretbea Bommel, SS rear, nar tomaterelal. ptomaine; polaoalng. BOHNSTBIN Akavat SO, Olladla C. iBokaetela. S years, 82S Grand arenas. u UNDERTAKERS. . Daaalng. MrBatee A Ollbangb, anaertakera Sad embalaera; modera la erery detail. Beeeath aad Plae. Mala 480. Lady aaataUat. A. B. Hemasact. andertaker aad embaimee, Faet Tbtrtaeatk and Vatatllla ara. Pkeae Sell- Tl. . Eric aaa I'rderUklng Co.. aad eahalmlng. 4np Alder at. Phone Mala S1SS. Lady aaalsUaC I. r. Flnlay A Boas. Third sad Madleea ata. s ef eoeaty sarasar. Pkoaa Mala a. , 1 ward Hoi nun. andertaker. BM Tatrd at. CJrb Skos far Sewer. SM Meriiaua stiaai EJTISTIIW CXMZTZBT. Blngla grsees S10. Fsmlly lots TS to Sl.ooa. Tka ooly cemetery la Pertlaad wfclek per- Ctaally saalatalna sad cares foe Ms. Fsrfnll (ormailoa spnly to W. B. Maekeante. War sete block, cite. W. M. Ladd. president. Fa abarraeta title. Inaaranee ee awtgags Vane, call na Pacific Title m Tract xma nr. t tlf Paelar Coaat Ahatract tttiaraety A rmt aoapaej. Sol A AT Falling be lull eg- ri var Insnraaca and) abatrarta to real eat ate tba Title Gasraatee Tract aewapaay, : WaaUagtoa s treat. a': man, Ranted.; Tov man could; have put a 3-lme 1 Notice. ntvi Tba Oraaoa Iran A atari conBaay will , VJ a rvward ot FIt Uuodrad Dollars for ins arraat and roarMloa ot tka aaraoa waa, oa or aouat tha alitarntk da of Ayauat. laud. daatrqrad ky dyaaailta or otbar axploarra a porttua of tka daaa of aald (h-agoa iraa A Ptaal aoaipaay arroaa tba TnaUtln rltar, la Liaoaamaa ananty, stata of urt-raa. Datrd at Portland. Orrrnn. Aoruat M. IPOt. THE OKEOOM IKON A RTKKL, COMHAM.I By A. . Pattullo. 8fcntarr.' ; Bids Wanted WaatadWJItda to da atma work ea kf. E. Charrb, Soatb. All blda'ta bo laby Srptraibar S. Plana and anM-lflratloos a.1 raaiarnca or a. u. Mown. Mia itaiaay St. MEETING NOTICES. aOMICTHTNo dolnc onlkt at flra Waablnaton ramp. Rat tar eanaa, Vlaltlruj Mlfbbora woog tin .a,lJu3 Ski aa rtaaningmn an ' B. . AARON. C. C. ' U. A. FBSDRICH, Clark.' HABMONT Lodcrs No. IS, A. F. A A. kl. Stated coniinaalratloa tkls (Monday) rrr.., T:80 n'ckirk. Ma sonic tanplr,' Tblrd aad Aider ata. All U. M. wrlcoaa. By or oar W. 11. - ' J . BUrri BAI4. areretary. If. W. A., Oratoa Grape Camp. .STB. Moa days. ITtk sad klarakaUi rlaltora wrleeaae. If. W. A. BVEROBUN CAMP Wsdnraday aranloc. AUaky rddc., Ikk-d aad ' ktorrlaoa ata. LOST AND FOUND. LOT Oa Union " ara.. batwaaa East Bnra- aina and uooca ata., a diamond fine. Finder pleats return to Woodlawa Hotel, Woodlawa, Urease. - Reward. UWT At tka Oaks. Bandar.' Beptamber . "ld chain brsrslet Brtura to 32U Sslmoa St.; reward. . '.. 8TKATED t wklts mares and bar eolt; wars, a. arbatais. ciarkasuis, ureoa.- IXMT Dsrlnf laat rain, aa ombralla; same ea piats K. E. rampneu. Mra. a. A. a Sa na a, TTO Xertbrup. Mala HI. LOST A at 4 montha sea, arottlak Bite ekarsa. II roand, coamaaleata witk kl. B. wsktasaa, 13 First st. ' POI ND Pair spactseles -la ease. At Journal oinre. T ' HELP WANTED MALE. WABTEI Toang people to prepare tbsajssrres ss eoosiceepera ana stenocrapDerai aaea aaa -MS calls sines . September 1 placed SM ta poaltlona. We will place yoe wkea eoaa petent Day or atrht. ' Catatocae. Bakaka. walker Baalneea eolleaa. STATION MEX, - railroad eoe tract Ion work t wneeinarrow. roraoarniw ana np-rnp wiara; free ears and rail; food work, food prices; free fare: oa O. B. A N., eaet of awantalna. Apply Jobaaoa A Co., con tractor, room 141 H First at.. .Pertlaad. Oreeoa. LEABN TO WB1TB ADVEltTlBEMBJCTB By BMll; salary 25 ta ioo. call or write for particulars. Besatlfnl. edTertJatnf book PAOB DAVIS CO., Pept. fit '' ; Boom 411 CoaatercUl bldf .. Portlaad. AGENTS wsnted ta sell sanerlnr. fclsk-trads aaraary at oca ; complete entni nrnianea treei eaak weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nursery Coaopaay, Balaam, Oregon. WANTED, by T. M. 0. A employment da. pertaieat, today: 1 aookkaeuer, 1 entry Clark. 1 receiving clerk. 1 skipping alarm. 1 frultpacker, 1 carpenter, 1 , Janitor, i kltckea man. WANTED Yoaag men to lea re telegraphy and railroad accounting; salaries f7AO0 to 800.00. Far free estalogse address Morse College Jef tr,xTKD Two or three flfwt-slsas, a II -a mead Biacaiae men; permanent positiesv gooa wagea. Oregoa Faralture Mfg. CO.. Macadam read. it work for ear members; special mere SA T, M. O. A, Foartk aad TamkllL Union Hotel ' ' ' SI NORTH SIXTH ST. Free empmymeat ta oar patreaa. Weekly rate! Boom, 11. 28 ap: room aad board. f4.80 ap. Aadersou, nroprlstor. WANTED Lonaga makera; steady week ; SS Hortb Froat, corner ef uavas. SALESMEN to Introduce tka worlda weed la fruits Bnrbaak's new atoneaass piam i Miracle). Choice ef territory. Oaeb weekly, ddress Wasblagtea Karaary enaspsay, Top peolak, Wssklagtoa. WANTED At eaes. st $2.80 per day. Call at engineering depart ment uregou wstes rower at nauwar i Fkret sad Alder sts.. for psrttealsra. WANTED Boy I atoady work. SS ST. Front, us vts. MEN AND WOMEN to leers barber trade ta eight week; graduates eara from SIS to SJB weekly; expert laetructors; estalogaa free! apecial rate this moatk. . Moler Srstca ei Colleges, SS North Foartk at.. Portland. DON'T MONKSYI Be a WHOLB MAN, FBEE OF ALb DISEASES. Dr. Msdieoa, sacceeaer to Bed Cross Dispensary, cor. Third aad Ash. SEVERAL laslws. alee carters aad -Other shoe. makera; eteady worn. weening tea noes Manufacturing Co., Seattle, Waak. WA NTRD Waitresses aad chambermaid for pries is boardlng-l Wasklngtoa at., n ; good wages. SSOVt WANTED First-class Mscksmttb, SS dsy; more ir sstisrsctory. Aaoress w. r. swriTuer, Heppaet, Oregoa.' WANTED Maa ef experience (carpenter) wants work ss foreman or anisner, or win contract for work. B 10, cars Journal. STUMPS to bs token oat one acre. Selhrood carina. Pboae Sellwood OS. WANTED Boy to tears tks sheet metal trade. Pertlaad Beret Metal works, 4 Bast Madt sea et. STRONG boy waated In grocery. .Call BOS wtsaingtou au WANTED Aa all-around photographer. Brown ing Studio. 187H First st. BOY WANTED to rids poor sad deliver korsss. Apply to Hewitt A Hllgers, 4 Balmoa st. WANTED Men to build blllbosrds. Apply T:80 a. m., Foster A klelser, Flftk aad Oak f TO SnS per week easily msde selling sick and accident beneflt; city or eoaatry. . Caloa Mutual, 70S Marejaam bldg. BILLING CLERK, wholesale boose; state Sf K: experience end rf ernce. Address 0 car Jouraal. WANTED Boy eg 14 or IS at Alloa's Press ... Clipping Bursstv MS- Beeaud -a. -r- . BOYS wsnted to work la candy factory. Ap ply Pacloa Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Darla. MATTRESS MAKEBS wanteA Tooslng Bros., Mouros St. ' , - YOI'NO mas wsnted ta wboleesle boose. As ply st No. IOS Nortk Flftk St., oar. Flanders, 1 Upstairs. - ' - PRRHPFEKDEB WANTED. Plaher-W tsdoa Ststlonery A Printing Co., Ids Front St. WANTED Reliable bookkeeper, at saw. O OH. care Journal. wkols. WANTED Boy for office work, ness efdee Jnurnsl. Apply bast. - HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAXTBD S8 girls or wotnea at ones st een aerr of the Oregon Peeking Co., Beet Klxntb snd Yamhill sts. - Both pleoe sad dsy work; piece workers eas maks-S3 per dsy. WANTED A good and strong girl or women to work la noarclliat-bouse In mill camp; wages 8ZI. Mrs.- K. IL Nslsoa, Dse, Oregon, via , ii'ivo nivwr.. WANTED Orris to maks slls'tt TS First st. Boss ef All" seer. HANSEN S LADIES' AGENCY. 84814 Wsshlng. "'. a-veatk, uaetalrs. Pboa Male nwa. gssssie. asip wastes. , CLASSIFIED in THE JOURNAL and had his pick of HELP WANTED FEMALE. GlRtBATfTarPperaTorrToorTTPIiytS and eeoralla. Apolr at Hta eralla. Leaaoaa aires to Inexpeaieaeed. at Htaadard factory Me.' S. Uraad sea. sad Eaet Taykw st THB BOMB LAIUKS AGENCY, .rsatale help furni.bVa frea to employer. Bea-latretlttai W. loH SViarth sc. opatalr. room tX Main sBBS. WANTED Competent girt for gcaeral boase- -"- frp'r.jao saa( )tj at WANTED Ladri eaay, aalary aad commtaalun. profitable aosltloai isi iita si WOMEN aad - girls- wearied -to -work to' frntt nery. J Amlr Holmes Caanlag r Co., East aaai anriawn. WANTED Glrla ta manate and Iroalne Apply st PkclSd Laandry, S31 Arthur at. GIRLS wanted tor general bona. work; cooks ana waitrraa. citj Employment urnca. anus it aH w ah lug ton at. -Mala S41Q. lit rawnurw 1 . , " uiMnger-nnier'baT'Cotnpetene and fniwotigbly .experienced. Apply at auperlnttndent's of- are, viae, wort man g King. LADIES waated to do easy fancywork at pome, anare rime or stradri experience na aeceaaarr; good pay. Call S to d, -Sa6 FMdner Bldg., 407 Wasklngtoa St. WANTED Pinlshera 00 eeerslls. Mt. Hood Factory, Second and Conch sts. WANTED Girl ta laandry. Mt. Hood Skirt Factory, aecond and .couca sts. WANTFD lrki to make ablrta and overalls. Mt. Hood Factory; Second sad Coach sts. WANTED A good girl or a koaeekeeper for a rew weeaa; pooa wagea. apply euo aaai Sellirood at. Take Woodlawa car. WANTED Middle-aged woman aa koosekeeper for elderly widower: light wars, amsil wages, good bom. 291 H Yamhill. Mala MIA WANTED Immediately, tkomnghly capable girl; aooeawnrk and eonsing; family of two; wagea 30. S30tt Vamhlll. Pnooa Mala 541A WANTED A girl far general kouaeerork. 428 Tillamook st. OIBLS wsnted la pspsr-boa factory; sxperlenos not aeceaaarr ; ateaay wori,r r. t-. aieiiirr, corner lOtb snA Gllaaa. t . . SS GIRLS wanted to work la paper-box factory. Apply at r. v. ntetuer a, coraar ima ana G U aaa. . WILL Ellsanetb, who same to 088 Mara ha 11, Monday morning, phone at one Main asis. WANTED Lady clerk. Apply at 181 Third st. YOI'NO alrl to aealat In cooking and gea Booeewors; email ramiiy. ' ou oria iota 0. ""MALE AND FEMALE HELPT BOPPICKEB8 Wa pay SS0.0O8 for picking sav 634 act re of Bona; aeanitiui camping groonaa, delightful bathing, grocery a torn, butrher shop. bakery, barber-abop, dancing parllloa box 150 feet, mnalc by. Portland orchestra, pure water, plenty of wood, telephone, phrslrlan; booklet giving fall particulars; as charge for Job: low exenratoa railroad rates. Beglstsr st once at SS Foartk at. Pboae Mala 4070. Krebs Bros. BOPPICKERS If yoe wsat to pick la one of the fl neat bopjaraa la tea etate, near a neanti fnl moaaUla atream. wltb choice fruit free. Siie'sbsntles, beat wood and water sad bard transportation to and from tks depot, sea J. B. Hoomer, TST Inloa are., aartk. Pkoaa Bast diva . BOPPICKERS Ws psy SOs per box, baakboaae free. W1U he ac ids at. ussriss aoni laai week la Aagoat to sell roaad-trta tickets to Brooks. Conae by trala September S. Ad dress Homer Gouley. Brooke, Oregon; TS Wtll be et th 8L Charles hotel last P. r. Gouley, Braoks, uregoa; eo YOUNG aaen and vmmen to learn Gregg short. hand; won the highest award at St. Loan exooaltlon: learned In half the time at belt 'the expense of asy other system; taught . everywaers ta tne seat. rauimes amsia . Colleg. W a ah log ton and loth stst WANTED Good lie agent to represent na la . different sections ef city, country snd la . smell towns. Writ sr call B. M. FTumm - 60 Third st. WANTED Dlskwasksr la private boarding-bosrdlng-bouss; good wages. . SrSft Wash ington St., room L WANTED Hopptckere to take proStsbls aids lines wltb them; there In big money la It. Call BMralngs B. M. Plummsr, SSO Third st. BOPPICKEBS wanted: good camping grounds; . sheet 14 dsys' work. For particulars ad dress Harrlsoa Bras., North Ysmblll. Or. CAPABLE solicitor, every dty and county commission or aamryi tne neat poncy nnu esmpaay. XM Lumber Bxcbaags, Portland. HELP wanted tsd unpolled, male er female. R. ' O. Drake. 800H Wssblngtoe St. Pselas 1S7A BOPPICKBRS wanted B8S Oorbett. corner Pe noyer; good Shucks, hops aad water. , rasas PacISc 1118. Mrs. En pp. $1,000,000 TO solid Srst-elsae kotel, Portia sd. w is, ears journal. . WANTED 100 bopptcksrs st 80s per bos; beet areas ta vaney; so serve, ares J. miner, Hubbard, Orsgoa. WANTED Maa or womsa who anderstsnds making OM-faebloned apple batter, Peaneylvu ala style! one with little capital preferred. Address B TO, Jourusl. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ALL-AROUND Implement msa would- - Ilk perlencs on ths road oa salsa and eollectloa. Addrees D SB, cars Journal. EXPERIENCED lineman w tehee lob Installing Srivate telephone systems. Address W. i. mlth. Scsppoose, Oregoa. BANCHOWNERS If la need ef manager ad dress B 1. care Journal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OPTICS . - FOB MEN. SS North Second st. - Phone Mala 1B3A WANTED TO RENT." WANTED TO BB NT Houses, esttsgse, fists, stores, offices, rooming-houses, st. lead lord will do well to call oa POBTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP OBSXeOBT. Pboae Bx. TA A BL Cor. Sd aad Oak, -y BE8POKSIBLE tenant wltk trat -class reference and SO years' business experience hers In Portlsnd wsnts to leas large rooming-house. - i. Lsndlgan, 184 Sherman at. WANTED To lesee sr farm en share a Srst clsss farm Is Oregon; thoroughly competent men. . Address 107 Tblrd st. WANTED T or Aenom bouse In Nob HI'I district) mast be modern snd In good condi tion ; will psy 8a.O"0. B r, ears Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. 7T0 The Portland Capitalist We make a SPECIALTY f- COLLECTING RENTS of I.ABDB BUILDINGS, placing ' FIRB INSURANCE, payment of TAXES aad GKNERAL CARS OF PROPERTY. We have the beet of facilities tor carrying cut your wlehes ss sn sgest. Ws solicit your Ctrenag. Our references: Lsdd A Tlfton, nkers, aad Merchants National bsnk. R. 11. BLOSSOM. $18 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ' WANTED Business er residence property 4a the tity la exchange for good farm land; csa handle anything from $1,000 to $VOoo; ws also have some excellent buys la timber , aed erasing lsnd. Csll sad se ss; ws wsat to get leonslnted wltk yen. TURNER 81 WALKER. Boom 4. audit Washington st. WE WILL SELL ysur property no mutter west It la er wbeis ice ted. Send deecrlptloa sow ' ssd ws will do tns rest. Investor' Gold Co., Sll Msrqusm bldg.. Portland. Orugon. I WANT e S sr T-reom bouee oa esst aid; gtv , price snd leeatloa la first letter. D SO, es re JournaL - WANTED Modera booses, vacant lots. oa Inst limes t; bars buyers for all of above. , . ' , LAMONT A HARRIA v " 10714 Slxuyit. WB eaa fnrtilsh name snd sddreas ef realty owners snd ether tn forma ttnu from the record, to attornaya and reel estate agsnls with ss tabllsasd bnssassa, lasxymlts. Mala U4A WANTED REAL' ESTATE. I W AW1BU-1 161 exchange fur 8400 plan Psoas Mais atus. WANTED A -few destrsble tots, or beoses. cheap for cash, B. TS, care Journal office. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTING, spraying and whitewashing trees. seaem ata. Darns, ooets. etc; Jargcai xi sprsytng eotat ea toe coast. M. O. Morgan A Co Sts L'aioa ate. Pboae Bast SIT. WB WILL BUY year furniture any eld time. western asirags cow Ul Wksaiagtna as. WB WILL Bl'Y. SELL OR TRAPS ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 027. . 828 WASHINGTON PACIFIC Tag. ' Mala SOftS ' Main 8888 ruiniiuKB naniss . . FOB ", : , ' ' ' SPOT CASH - -J- POBTTaAND AUCTION BOOMS ' til First st. Msla Bt WANTED To rent a furnished farm, aa ha Ires. not over an miles eat. Address Bert Laoiocrt, St. Johns, Oregon. . . , BIOHE8T cask price paid goods. - Fboas East OOT7. 1S8 Unloa are. WHO IS M. S. MORGAN A OO. t FURNISHED' ROOMS FOR RENT FOR BBNT-a-Pleeaaat front room, furnished. In priests boms, saat aide, central, on car line and kaady to Baraslde Brtdgs; suitable fur one or two ladles. 0 SO, rare Journal. NICELY famished roetas eultable for ens or two gentlemen; dose to Burnslde brldgSL moaera, rent reaaonaoie. ca aaai nso. WE ess sccommodats a tew more roomers at Slot esst Morrtaoa St.: new ouiiaing. rooms clesn snd alee; free Rhone nad bath) price ressonabls. Pboae Bsst 1884. TBB GRAND, 4B4 North Third St. geatiemea gi.zs per woea sua up. THB RICHELIEU. SSU North Sixth gsntly fnraubsd: stesm bsst aaa batlaa. NICELY furnished rooms, single or aa salts. board if desired, ires ban aaa pbons, ets trie Ugh to. Mrs. Brown. SOS 10th st, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. FIR8T-FI.OOR faralshsd booaekaeplng-rooma, sttlc, basement, yard; Be aklldrsa. 881 Sixth at - OB S furnish sd boasckseplng-woms 1 ass ef pboos snd bath; at 807 Mississippi sts., assy Goldsmith et. x T71B MITCHELL, Flanders Rooms, kousekeeplng and. vsnlsntf prices reasonable. . aad Seres th . trsaalsBt soae LABOR - slegantly fnrnlsbsd Boosekeeutng- ns; gaa range. rssaJng wassr. in aerwaa. daks, BOSH Alder at. St 91 PER ' WEEK Lares, clesn Bousieeping-rooma; taanary saa suss. Sherman, South Portlaad, 184 BAVB half kotel expenses; $1 week up. cJaaa, furatsbed sMsekeeptog-roooaS. auitsbie roe two; parlor, laaadry, bath, yard. SOSVk Stan ton. U ear. ....,.... THB NBWCASTLB. 40 Uj Third at. - Fur slaked nouaaviaig-moBBS, aaee eiagna leena, iwwv able. Pboae Mala 800. LARGS alcove rooma for S or cheap, cleaa. bath, laundry, ace. SS North lltk at. M NtCB rooms, furulsasd for koueekseplag; ess. bath, hot ssa cold water, sing, nig pan try; Slay 111 Bbrrmaa. st. v- ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED Boost snd board la priest fsmlly, man wltk dog; no objections to outside loca tion; breakfast and 4 o'clock dinner. Y 48, care JournaL ' THB .WOODLAND, tks ekoleest nrlvats bosrd- flDf piecw M U1V l,T , OTW,e) .WTiaji come and nee. SSB Sixth - St., close in. BOOMS wltk board for two people! borne 1st home Brlvt- leges. Pbons Mala lasa. 3S 14th at. GOOD table board only; Boom evoking. - 441 Jeffersoa St. ' FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDEBLY TBAN8FBB CO.. prompt aad re llsble pis no and furniture-movers; saw store age. Phone Msla 1080. OfSce 110 N. TklrA FOR BBNT 8 ream cottage. Be. 18 18th at betweea Hoyt gad Irving. -Apply next deer. FOB BBNT- Two 8 room cottages ee Grand svs.; slss eaa Sstery bouse. J. A Foes, 408 Hawthorne svs. . , FOR RENT Nswty papered T rooma aad bath. neat coMitma, sis. area Tierces, nasi Third and Aaa. - FOB BENT 8 hsndsems modern T-room houses. conveniently located oa Tblrd-st. earllae; Bio, SIS snd SI4 Corbstt St.; rent reasonable to desirable tenant. David 8. Steams, BtS Wsshlngtou st, , FOB BENT Areata modern cottage, ...Kenll Phone East T3A worth, gig. Keys next door. FINB slightly used klgta-grade plsno for eels st a asrgsia pnc. t in to see it. Aiwa Gilbert Co Sixth aad Morrison sts. FOR RENT t room cottage. 18S at. SlSt. Pbons M. 1747. $18 AND 818 1 modsra bousss. newly finished, nixta snd tnrutners. lei. Mara sow.. FOR BENT Home of 8 rooms; gss. bsthl Sll wsst rarx. inquire guv w eel rsra sr ati First. Dr. Koeuler. AROOM houss with barb gad gaa. CaU . at Bos lata st., aear uui. - FOR RENT Arosm sot tags, Bsst 8th aad ev- erett sts. - t FUBNISHRD housekeeping -rooms for rent nt sac college euo aeventa. FOB BENT fj-room bouse. 870 Bsst Irving et., with bats, pnone Esst OB7. FOR RENT FLATS. WB rent new pianos st a Sst prion per montbi vwtor tsising-maenines ana rscoras. nuea A Gilbert Co., Sixth aad Morrison sta. . TWO 8-coem Bats; water psldj ae small chll- dspa. o Mill st. gig.wi. NRW'S-mom flkt for .rent. MS Larrabee at. f FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. DKOIIXD raaoe offices or .desk room In Let ru ber Exchange bldg., Second and Btarg eat. I, ace wailing, as ntarn nt. PART of shop to tent, suitable plumber. 208 Foartk St. painter er OFFICE-ROOMS, unfurnished looms snd sample- rooma' tor rent, wooonenga eiog. appiy s le va tor. I WILL share my elegantly furntened office Ttl ins intaii iiniuiiiieiic nutiiiTug rn ruwwn, with s deslrsblg psrty. Y 41. Jouraal. roR RENT Ground floor office epece; office building rn city. T 4. J carnal. PART of fnrnlahed of Ace for rent; 42T Xamber Exchange bldg. Phone Main MS4. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, asperate er together; new sag) with all conveniences. Phone Msla Sod. AUCTIONS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMA . A. SCHUBACH. Prop. Ill First st, Pboae Main BdSA Auction dally at S p. m. Highest essh paid for furniture; ales goods sold ea eicnment. ' ' BUSINESS CHANCES. BKMT offer tbls week bare th only drug etore In good vsfc-y tow a; everything up to dsts, good corner location; no ressunsbts offer re fused. Write or cell Drugstore, Mount Angel, Oregoa. - MBAT market for Bale cheap; SsS Union a vs., north;' doing good bustnees. r)R SALE or, exchange for , real eetstt Juach eouatar, CaU 844 M'Ullams ate. every .Ilcrss Fcr Sale in BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB Information or for skates ot Iks Nicola coal minee, limited, writs to Paal Bockmlsr, - aaaswger, rsiouss, WSSB. ' - . FOB SAT B A nenerst nvrchaadtae stoeei stack Inert re sbost 81.000, chesg rest. Is tewa . wlthls miles ef Portland, ss Soetasra raein railroad; Baring buelnass; good res eons dor celling. Address B Xi, ears Journal. PHILOMATH, . 0AE0ON, waats a beak, crssmery, xruit osnnery snd a Bour mill s , Sns opening sere tor sack sS-tasss eater . prices: esnltsllsts Blssae Ineeatleatsi. aak frier lle , of Sns farms snd Dtopsrtlesi for matk. Orasun. : WHO. IB M. O. MORGAN A CO.! . ' FOB BALE Good BMrcsntlls 'business requir ing se.BUO cash) pig greats sad csah saslasss. George MeWta MlTltr, Bugana. Oregoa. PHENOMENAL lie1 la price ef Burst Swltck cxpeoteu sny asy; thai mar De row last cpportoulty to buy before suWrlnUon .books --.- F. Hursl Co.. S Mc Kay bldg. A SO-ROOM kotel. brand new and Srat claea. ror eat at very reasonable price M uses Imnstdlatsly. . B 11, cars Journal. , - FOR 8 ALB A good carina coofectlonerr aad cigar etand with restaurant and Uelng-room n son section; wiu sell naif Interest, ima Second at. Tks Delias. . - . . CORNER grocery for sals, west elds! Shout 81.000 required. B 88, care Journal. FOR BALK RswmlU on railroad, 40,000 , cspselty, 40.0O0.0UO feet timber; new operat ing ea gilt-edge order ; clearing ap aeesrsl . tbosssnd dollars per month; If yoa ara look ing; for aometblng worth while, address B. 10. Mahoe. Eugene, Oregon. DELICATESSEN and bakery, good corner, does a kuetneaa of S2S to 880 per dsy, csa bs la- creasea; aieo 14 -room bouse, gooa location, will be aold cheap, Bergland. Ke.l. Fourth and Ankeay iti.. 1 . BOOTBLACK parlor an Main st-7 Pendleton, oregon, enssp ror casa. rot particulars ap ply ; at Journal ofoce. -. 7 PARTNER wanted; energetic young awn to toks setlve Interest In Estsbllshed grocery boalness la Portlsnd: $1,000 requlredT AdV ss Y 40, cars JournaL GOOD aalary, good alts ties for man with 9&00. . Aoareae j 47, cars Journal. CLEANING aad dylng ualneee for nale: clear ing sen weesiy ; owner una sea must Mars elty at once: will teach business: sny reason able offer accepted; wtU bssr lavsallgatlon. aa, ears Journal. FOB- SALB Good paying hotel dlnlna- nc lading nonsenoia lurnirnre; fseo tsaee it esraar going to Europe. 74. ears JournaL FOB SALE Old sstsbltshsd contectlnnery. cigar and rruit a tore: a large nving-rooms la con nection, nor First st. . . . WANTED Reliable maa to take lataratla old estsbllshsd real estate buslasss. . tot Commercial blk. FOR SALE Gsnersl store In the richest part ef Willamette valley; 150 feet ef depot ea '. mala 11ns 'of A P. railroad; good bualness; no esmpetltiou; no druyagc or delivery; no city tax. waiiaey airo., irvina, uregoa. WANTED Bsspnaslbls person to boy latvrest ta iiood stiver fruit rarm; aooot fz.ouo raouirea If roe waat a alee aammer home aad a aool paying Investment, look this up. . 0 ST, ears JournaL - - - - FOB SALS Good bursals la the bakery bunt. see; llTlng-rooma,. fttrnlsbed. O 08. Journal I WANT to Invest sll er part of $.000l must etsna investigation. u sa, cere jourssi. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $1,800, ON sssy terms. Sns little 8-room bstne, cement baoeusent wltb wood entrance, tinted walla, corner, lot, alee lawn. J. B, Hoemer, 71 unioa Itt aorta. . nae siuu. , SUNNYSIDB lot, SSxlOA. fag. 82T8; Sellwood . block, 40OS18T, for $800. wltb creek Bad xyeoa evineeii, iwmmsneiu nia. $S.S0O BUYS a lovely heme; large airy room, fine bsssmsat, large bs tb room snd best tub, bowl and .toilet; gss snd slsetrtetty, book case snd eloskclogat la kail, beat woodwork and nicely Sniaked; new, modern and com plete: large lot. J. R. Bosmsr, TST Cakta -av., north. - FOR SALB 8 room bones end corner lot: price $8,100 Inquire owner,. 1170 Bsst Madleea at. Pkeae East aura. . - W? BICHI wait. - Set Bay lata la the right place aad I. B. Heamer, it 8100. in union are.. A ROOM HOUSB Baat aide, furnace, gre place, snrasr let, overy- - thing sad conrvnlint; Bouse juet aniaaee sever sees occupies. If sold st oacs nee will maks a reduction of 10 per esst 1 from aetaal cost prtc rhoae Shay, S to 10 a. m. Msla 2834. HOMES aad homslsts; locstlona, sticea snd . terms to salt everybody. J. E. Bosmsr, 727 Inloa svs., north. Bsst 8100. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS Your choice of seven new s-room nouee; Breplsce, furnace, full-slss lot, eemeat side, walk aad graded treats; due view of city aad mouatulaa. For terms pkoaa Shay, $ to 10 a, aa. Mala 8884. ACBB TBACTS From 1 to a acres en eerriae. ee rare, aa gravel, kaoO to $4JS per sera; 10 per cent down, salaries $10 per anoatk. Towns. 188)4, Morrtaoa at. ST AOBES of good land, fclghlv Improved; IT acres la Sua ercberd, anoatiy prunes. Big erepi gaod 8 room hones; -otrly 8 miles from Vsncnurer; It ba to be sold tbls week; look at the Price SA.Bno; some terms. J. A. Far rette. S&l Burualde et. Pboae Psdflc S3UP, $1.350 AROOM bones, kit SOxlon, la Pied mont Park) terms. ' Town, 2d8V Moarl -bob at, -. WEST SIDE A good 8-room konse-on Job neon at, rltb lot 2ftxl00. for gz.aon; tnis at a snap. Tyssa Klnssll. Commercial blk. FIVB ACRES We wtll sell yoa S aerea for . the price ef a single tot. Do yoa realise what It means to your family to re lee every thing the market offers ea yoar own ground! ' For tks west aide easts see S44 Stsrb st, - Baay terms. . ... $l,nno BEAUTIFUL boms, a sacrifice, antll aeptember Btb modem : T lsrgs rooms; ter raced lawn; fruit, flowers; First st. eerllne; tsoo cask; kalancs tlms. lease Moore, IBS sbrssks St. FOR SALE Ckesp, B-rema cottsgs, lot 82x188; lots of fruit. Call or addrees Ml Williams sts. OWNER 100x100, Willamette; choice Iota; payments. Bella Oossstt, Riverside statloa. St.- Johns - ear. - AROOM HOUSB, ' LOT asiinOe .- .4 FRUIT TREKS, . . CITY WATEB. NEAR UNION AVE. CARMNI; PRIttE $1,100; $lon DOWN, BALANCE $18 PEA MONTH LOOK THIS UP; -r , ., II WILL PAY YOlt. v . . , . L. A. PATTERSOH . 813 PINE BT. -FTItrltB -PACIFIC LOTS Sox inn feet; small konee. bare, eblrksn house, cows, bens, small fruit, shrubbery; 3 blacks from esrllns. 188Vi First st., room 1. $8,800 NEW modera T-room hen In Irving ton; corner, well located, 60x100-foot kit; essy terms. . V . PARKIsn. WATKINS A CO, . SM Alder St. - t l-T 80x100. 12th snd Tillamook sts., Irving ton, Pbons Msln 4671. FOR SALB, CHEAP to sere st Mount Tsbori term. Owner, 88 Baal Morrtaoa, cornet Union see. . - BUY a tot en ths eaet side; S-mlants car sere. Ice, wlthls walking dlatance; 8ne beuees going up; prtese, Asa $500 to $800; term if .- deslrsd. , . -...:. M. W, THOMPSON. ' S4S MIssleslDpt ajvs. Pboos Wnedlawn tnt, cv brs neb - ofdes on ths grsend, Twaaty seeemd and Morrison. -Open dally S a. m. -to 13 m. Mount laser and Sannyslde cars. DON'T forget tba plsee Tb Kew Era Paint A Varulsk Co., now at 123 First, bet. Mc rlana -and Ysmblll. ' ABB yoa looking for a home nr sa IsveotsMntt Good real estate Is safe. Ws have some thst Is good. Before yea buy see what we hate ' to offer. M. A THOMPSON. -41 Mississippi are, fkeaa Weodlsns SOS, Portland and toe Northwest FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Alien & Co's. Fine Barralas SS!4 scree Fair S-room bouse. S seres r good srebsrd. ig acres aador cultltatloa. SS seres ef good timber. Bear esrtlus aad sa good road; only 888 per sere. 8eversLDne 'uleces of bssrerdsm land mm I John so creek. . sejtr. LasUt Bret tiaaa tor Xlu IX nA aeee ft,.. Ml.h. . . . . . .. Bouses to rent, furalsksd sad unfurnished, ei reaeoaable rsars,. . ,: 4 8-acrs trscts. all ' Imnraead with buildings. 8 minute' walk from school and ear ststlon, 04 lares to sny psrt tf Port, lsnd. and tka cheapest Iota oa tks Mount soon line. - 1 Wiley Allen & Co. . ucnTa,' vitiuvn, , 7 1 . . I IF yoa waat a boute la tba Irvliigtm district. pars is s chance to, get-.aa.-oirapeVaae- a Tklg bobae" la new. baa 8 rooms aad bath kit 100x100; big, rooarJr porch; one of the best-built homes la Portland. The Interior "flxlns" snd decorstloss . are superb; has many Utls odds snd cads - thst will plesss ths women In fact tka kouss haa every con venience aad all the peeress lies, snd some luxuries. throws to. All for 87.SUO, which Includes shades snd Sxturee. - We bar photographs of Interior snd exterior. FoBTTLaND TBU8T COMPANY OF OREGON, outnssst cor. - Third ana oag ata. $800180 ACRES, to Waaklagtoa county. SVi miles xrona new tews on ioe new nureis, ssfs to buy this oa epeculstlos. . . $8.000-r0 Scree gaod laud, living atream ef water. S miles Aat aa Cornell road. $2 200 T-room house and frsetloaal lot ea Lincoln at. $4 000 Sightly home. 10-ronra hooss. South PWIIand. An eerMne: esst front. 1 $4,000 House snd lot with Sns river vlswt aorta et lleel onage. I. G. DAVIDSON, ; . . i ' dOS Chamber of Commerce. '. ' FAXON PARK ': ' " I aow on tne msrxet; ants ax acreage pi ma. according to lniprovmuta. , -. . . , Lota BOiJOO-8118. . 1188, SIBO H Lota 100x280e42tS. ' $2ft0, 2T8 Lots sooxlpo Itao, laoo. $000 ' Tksss lots rs mostly la rulHvatloa. level snd sightly, es a good graded afreet.' close to good 10-room school, st Lents; 8c fare to any part of Portland: water free; Iw ma O. B. ADD1TON. OWNER. Taks Mount Scott car. Be. Lssto. Orsgsa. $9,8008 ACRES ea 0. W.' P. ratline; Snc neW -room pUatered kouss, S chick sen bosses and sorrels, 1 lsrgs brooder; a very sightly ' pises. Csll at 107 Si Tblrd at., .. -. A BOOM modern bona near Highland, an S esrllnes; also modern cottage; cash er to stallmests. E. G. McOlanflla, ewaar,. 8B Salmon st," Pboae Main 1808. SPECIAL anap for two dsys only: moot cell . my new T-raom hooae ea GarSeld svs. tost completed, cement besereent. S toilets, bath, excellent location: $1,460 cask, balance T per cent; price $3.M: yoa caa't duplicate ft. : Csll 881 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Second and 'tat. . - ' AROOM boms, $1,300, assy torms; surner called esst, Msla S8BA. SIS Comaeerelal block. , FOB BALE One 8 and en re Bust 4818. . , -' f keuas. pboae Choice gone seres of choice tlmbsr lands snd several huadred acres sf coal lsadsi skte emch -reaches and small tracts ta the Coos bay eoaatry. WItBy.'AIAB 4 f - - - ; BOUSES built-en Instsnments, lota If destreA 813 Commercial bldg.. Mala 1840. FOB SALB FOB $1,300' ' . 8-acre tract ot - land locatod at Tfwsee beach llfe-eevlng - ststlon; . nil elesred snd - fenced,' good 10-room bouse, good dairy barn. ' ststlon for 14 cows; aew cream ee pare tor nad milk can. 3 baggies. I light wsgon. S plows, 1 nsw ksrrow, I It I mlluk sows; tills - gasrsatsed. , .. J. W. MILLER, Hacetta, Waahlngtou. NEW T-room aaodern sou, H block from Cntoa see. 1 essy term. Iaonlre TlT Rodnsy. mXMJB aa sa lAaTJr-ysB sBPutw opfvas bsbb nnw ihbi gpup . Iota 80x80, 8SB0 aad ap; ; $60 dowa. $10 e w a we wa en em ee StfsA. JS anurOBtBlTs . park VIEW Tract ef 80 tots ee Bast STtk at., 8280 aad ap; 10 per esat dews, $10 : monthly. . i' SWAN ADDITION Esst STtk sad Division sts., 60x100 lota, $860 ssrk; $10 down aad $10 monthly, a per cent interest.-.,, . CONK LIN BROS.. - $1T Marguerite eve. Take Mount ' Tabor Kelsevolr or Mouat Scott Cars. . at amvjmvso FEET with willisana are.; geu aeaisjs, assoivaj ewi UTK PARRI8H WATXINS A CO, '' 380 Alder at. ... AT - a aa eel See- bv owner. Areosa house ea the esst slow; owner icsving see ciiy. vau AM Chamber of Commerce. - . , A BBACTTFUI eubnrban boms tor sal at tow Bgnre end oa sssy term. 1.. ssrs journal. $2,000 BABB bsrgsln; H block la business center oa ex. 1, wri.imii sHanvs property. Call 10TH Tblrd at, - - - $2. S00 MODERN - S-room keuas sad fall tot; psrt esahkBd bslsncs to monthly payments For fuU psrtieuisrs poons neuwooa x, er tegulis en nnailnee. 1048. Bsst Lincoln. FOB SALB S modern .Aroom bowse In mention; any ot owner sno ssvs couuuu Pboos Woodlawa 308. " - as ACRES lanA 18 cleared, balance easlrr cleared; house snd Bam. fruit tree, well; to close out eststs will Be sola cheap. . uerg Isad. No. 1, Fourth aad Ankeay. . ', Sellwood . , W, H.Vt ore bouee. T0 . 18tk. ' ' Yhtmm Sellsrooil 77 1 ; ' City ' FlOr Park lot, $378 snd ap; Ross "Addition lots. $100 snd up; $5 down snd $A a montk. Home from IVW to 85.000. Lots $200 and np. In uU parts of Sellwood. List your property with aa; ws will asU It. $2.700 COTTAGE wltk 35x100 feet, on 14tk St.. nssr rortiana Acsasmy; ibis m a gooa bargain. ' , , PARRI8H. WATK1NS- CO., - . 200 Alder st t MAN with little money and lots of gall eaa buy ana nasi nee corner aear Maaiasa Bridge. Isoulre 342 Msdlson t. . . 1 FULL lot. Myitis ststlon, 3-roem koue. $600: esst sme lot, 11 -room sea, -gx.iou. cau 343 Msdlson et. , 0. W. P. CAHLINE 8 seres vsry ekoles tand and exesusut spring running water, eeantiful residence, property, t, C. Fsost, Stanley tattoo 7 . - 88.800 SNAP, aa Etet rirat St., near stssl nrmge; anxiuu-too aw rltk T-raom bouse: terms. ; PARK1SH WATKINS A CO., 360 Alder St. . - ORALE-rrFARMS STOCK. DAIRY AND HAY RANCH In lbs Whit Sslmoa Valley. 840 seres perfectly leeel gad sll Under fence; 100 seres In cultivation, bslsncs essy elesred; well watered; Amom house, 3 medlum-slxed bsrns, fk mile to tores, p. O. snd S churches. H mile to ehesss factory, en county road, stsgs Hne. dally mail ssd telephone Hne; s snap ut 313.60 per acre, but most sell st once; terms easy. . A. W- E8TES, Whits Sslmen, Washington, FOR SALE 080 acres land: 13B head of cattle, tew norsee, in is years crop, tarm imple menta: nlaes bss 20 fruit trees, berries ef sll kind, good water, nest to timber, good rsngs, not In forest reserve. For In -mat Ion write to One A. N 7 aaas, Moost Veraon, urant county, uregou. BEST Heod Rfvsr fruit land for raleTinty 8 rses Owner, Lock Box miles from town. Addn 68. Hood Blver, Oregoa. FOR SALB BY OWNEB Smelt klghly bn- roveq tarm s miles rrom heart of I' art la ad. ir, M. Harvey, route A city, - ... For Sale Farm. 8'4 ' acre of cholen tand: ' IA house, ample supply ef fralte snd berries, in. eluding fruit dryer; modern hennery, 1,000 en hasd; nest poultry snd variety berry farm entelsabl la Waifimgton county: four block from depot; sa line of trolley rood aow nnder ' Construction. Price 84 Hon; terms. Addnss v C Baoadaa, hog 64, Hlllabore. Ot. PCS ClLnFARS,. ' FABM FOB BALE . ' k 8 sores i-H) In c'Mvatles, bslaacs la pssiure uud. timber, a l faaced. goad bttlld laa, fnnt'of ail kinds, wed watered. U, V.0. to a good grsoed school snd railroad station, all level. One soil; team, barnese, - wsgos, hack, 1 cowa, cream separator, plona, barrowa. binder, mower, a accae ne. . istasr gad A-Ai-een oi snrn ge wltk tos pis ffento 1 A A. , kf . A a. . 9 ' wva u.ipvvi P,eSjPV . saunu lance to sail .MoT 9X nee sent. oulra of. WARRaN A STA atcailaaellie, -Oregon. fARM - FOB SALE 820 scree of grata farm fur sale; 250 seres la cultivation, rest la pasture; all fenced ad r roe e-fenced, 1 acre orchard,? 1 acres la alfalfa, good house, granary, end --barn, eH new; plenty water ' on place; this place Is In Whitman county, ' ' Washington, 8 miles north - of Snake rtrsr , and O. B. A N.'s new railroad: will ssll or trade rnr Willamette valley email farm; pries SlO.lkSO. Addrees F. samca,- wucox, wass FOB SALB FARM SSO aerea. S miles south of Roseburg; 100 seres choice bottom Issd. 320 -, seres pasture, good orchard, house end sera. , , all fenced snd cross-fenced, on msln read.' . aear school , am offering this bargain In order ta sell st once. Write, owner, J. F. Francis, f , Itrorkway, Douglas i.rnty, Oregoa. . Pries . $8,000.- . , - - i 41 ACHES rltk strawberry, fruit and grain land; 11 sens cultlvsted. t mile from city. Sne well, as building;, pnc $3,380; small cash psymeut, balance your own tlma at ' 8 psr cent: will produce $100 per. sera la strawberries. . fl. W. . Dixon, Canny, Oregoa. IABOO-10 ACBES la good stats ef eulttvattea; ' gooa i-raom nouee ana otnen improvameBm, t-arre orchard; 81.000 each, remainder easy. Csll at 107 H Third st. . 14 ACRES Finest of anil, la atste sf good cultlvstlon, S eprlnga. keuas, bars, erebard; . with this place go t good young horses, 8 heifers, wagon, baggy and other farm lm- - flemenra. 3d tone hsy; aear osrUns. - CaU at .'J. ' lOTlb Third at . STOCK and dairy ranch for sals, ISO scree; Kirs si.svu; cssa. rest en saay farms, r full deecrlptloa addrees Joeeph Unter- ' uahrer. Welcbee, Oregon FOR SALE TIMBER. 600 ACBES timber land. 28 miles from Port. tana, near reiiroaa, river tranaportatton: era I sea S4,t8,Ono feel cedar and Sr: 1.8M ' coder telephone pole; price wltb lend $18,000; without lsnd, $10,000; snongh cssh to make deal secure; as agent or trloers, G, W. Dixea, Canby. Oregoa. , - - 4-, CERTIFIED serin. any sins pieces; lowest arloea. W. G. How sll. 888 Cha saber sf Oae TIMBER LA ND8 la all parts ef western Ore gon; isrgs trscts a specialty! beet bargains oa the coast; I do sa exclusive tlmbsr bust uees, well sstsbllehed aad pr pared to hand Is deals Is s blgh-clasa wsy. H. 0, Maaon, Bugens. Orsgoa. ''- WANTED Owners hsvrng tlmbsr Isada ta Laks, nraasein eoei, vrwa couutiso piSSSS OOmmBBe cete. D 80, rare Journal. BARTER AND-EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE gOO-eer fully equipped grot, .clsss placer mlas, for Portland property; mines ere dlvtarsd-prodscers snd will stand tsveetlgaUos: water right of ths keeC AA areaa r. w. au gai, ursata rasa. e 10T-ACBB farm for sals or sxebsags; this Is s sne rarm, near Vancouver, in gooa statu . ef cwltlvstlon, good bouee and bare, wind mill, orchard and ell farm tools go wltb the . place; value $7A0O, CuU at 107H Tblrd et. FOR SALB or exchange for tots ss part psy. " ' s-room moaera - aew sense is r n-iana. ea - the Mount Scott earllae; t lota. CaU at lOTVs Third at. ..... . I ACBES 800 toct freats oa esrllns; tbls to - .. gooa property to plat; only gioo per acre, er will take Portland property In exektnge. CaU st 107 Third St. . ' - . . 338 ACBES. 100 la celttvatloa. rust puators. tares miles from tews, tree delivery, kill 85.000; CTcfcsnae for Portland property. eAddrees T 15, care Journal", 40-ACRB farm, well Improved, good buildings, orchard, aear Hillsboro, for Portland kem. Bagemaoa A Blaaekard. 81 FUtk L FINB Mock ef Iota ta Bt. Jobs to eackaags '. for boose aad tot. Call at .81 'Fifth at, OEOBQB ANDERSON, piano expert, 'haa aew mabngaay. upright plane to trade for let -er -, acre near earltnp; awaera enlyt X SA care .. Jouraal. .... , FURNISHED hotel la live eettntry town peat. Portland,. to exsbange for tjeavsonntrj, . property. T S, care Jeuraal. WILL exeksnge lease aad furniture et 81 rocea . kriok building, always full, for good tarm sr dty property. . B 41, cere Jsurual. , WILL, exchange good general store la tka valley ur improvee a er 10 ae aerea aear earUne. B 00, care Journal, WILL ex Chang 3 rellsautebaaenta la Leas conaty, aeur coaat, fog what have eel. S3, care JournaL WANT smsll ranch sa carllne, with running -. water, far M block, corner,, snd swell x au, ears seurnui. FOB SALB OB EXCHANGE Hcnssj and lot for wagon ana gooa teem; eererrea pay meats, sis apply an aiargesrite st Moutaviua. TO BXCHANGB Cusrom-msd dress salt, stss about 88, for Udy s. blcy els, . Address t 88. cere Journal. OOOD-PAYINO buskaeee, west stds. $3,000, eg . - exchange for farm.. B 87, care Joarnal. FOR SALB by owner, er trade for farm, era S-room boose la Bsst Portland; reside- section. T IT, care Journal, HORSES, VEHICLES,' HARNESS VEHICLES ef all fcfada, saw aad sseond-kandi Israset stork lowest pness; norsrs ssu nan - rested' bv day nr montk. Tamil neon A Caa- el day, Sll Wasklagton. PsdSe 607. YOU CAN save money In wagons snd buggies, t Ths ' Portlsnd W a rehouse A Trsnsfsr On. ' Is the place. S40-84S Bsst Washington St. 13 HEAD fsrm bnree for sals. Inqnlre ef ' Turner Bros.. SSS Russell at, Pbons Baat 864A - . f FOB SALE Thoroughbred Altsmont Slly; owner dnee sot wsat to kssp ever winter. Apply 410 Morrison st, , FOR SALE A Henny baggy, assrly sew; full lesther top, rubber tiros. 184 Unloa ave. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB J. O. LEB COMPANY HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS, r - We ars always la ths atarkst either to My - sr ssll any active mlntaig er Industrial stocks. -It will psy yon to get our price. ' B. W. DON A HUB, Mgr. Kroksrage Dept. . ' ' , 18-30 Lafaystta Bldg-. MEMBER Portlsnd Stock Exchange: orders exe cuted oa all Industrial ssd mining stocks. W. J. 1 Curtis. 318 Coramerclel blk. Pbons Msln 6884. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. GASOLINE LAUNCH GREAT ' BARGAIN;, Vslus $aoo Sell $838 If taken quickly.. Brand new 22-foot. T-B. P- Istsst design , Cnahman gasoline engine, speed 13 miles per . koar; beautiful natural golden oak decks and ' combing. Sne eeet cushions, sir tank and . whistle ssd Ufs preservers; launched July 4, ima. . Inoulrs A S. chambers at D. Chamber' ' Optical--1'arlora. . 1 2a.kataatA.aL Peons Mala. . 4718 of Bsst 1880. BILLIARD AND POOL tablsa tor rant or tor , sole on ssay payments. TUB BRUNSWV'K-BALKR COLLKNDBB 00. 40 Third St., Portland, . SEWING-MACHINES bought, soM. exehaaged. $8 aad no sbwi ranted. , . , . WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 827 Wash In x ton st. SECOND-HAND fnrnlturs of sll kinds; ales a. complete lire of new furniture end boms supplies st lowest prices; everything most - be cold, fit Front St., corner Ssla FDR SALE-t-Masoe fruit lr! qnsrt, 60c I pint. 46 per Coses; Uda snn runners compters, Ctane Bottle Co., corner 14th sadtCoucA Phone Msln 22IUV FOR 'SALE Houeebeet.- S rooms, unfnrslabed, . snd boatyard with income or bto ana better J month; foot of Esst Yamhill. D 88, cere eurnsL . i " BOOKS boagbt. aold snd sxebssged st tha Old Book BU tore.. 328 Ysmblll st, . ARTISTS' mstorlsrs, pictures Snd frsmlsg. H. aaooruonss si ijo., sis aviaor ss, - WB prlr-t your Bams aa SO calling cards, proper . sis ass styis. oe; mo nuaineee earns, 31, . A. W. Bchmsle Osr, SUA First, PsrtlsaA Or. SHOWCASES TnD FIXTURES mad to order; second hand good for sal. Csrlson A Kal oeeeas. BSB Casvah SS, PhSSS) CUT S7U