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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
. I 1 I zz cr.zcc:i daily jsurriAL, rcmLAiru, Tuesday Evznmo. august rOBmY'SWiARIETS POTATO 3BSET IS TO BE QUIET . Steppage' of Shipments : to the "v North WlH Lessen Demand '..f " iri Near Future. !; KTOO EARLYTO MAKE i V- , i SHIPMENTSj-TO SOUTH " Hawaiian Trad Controlled by One ;' Houaa In tha South City Creamery '"Butter Goes to Centa Efge I ' Still Advancing. ' ', ! ' , Aivr ' . ' V'.; . -' " ;.-i Tke principal NitirN ( tke "ortland whole- eel wkiu today art: - ( ,. Bgge shew another advance. reach market tooki like bottom. ' v " Imlted demand tor pears. - '. -, , City ereeaaery better at 2Te. . i t ' Country atore butter firmer. , - , Celery la coaikif tram Dmw. , Watermslena eeae from all dlreetfoe, ' Poultry firmer ant unchanged. " Waiting attitude la the kop market. " '' Wide range In cantaloups prices. ' 1 Pots to. aurket to bs quiet. . ' Bmall arrival!' la dressed aetata, '-'7?': U " Wheat and flour trade better., " .- '.''.J "; V Batata market tf Ba ttuiat. " While ao iraakaaaa to ehowa la tha potato varan, tne toaa la eanairjeraory dollar, raw dealers ere ta the market for- supplies at this ' time. Tha large Alaaka government order te now eat of the way aad shipments to tha aortli Wilt aaaa eeeee fo Ilia tlma being. ' "Tba market will be dull for a boot a north." .eaya W. I. Swank, prominent daalar of thla all aad buyar for a Baa rrancieco house. "Tha 'Alaaka baaloaaa wilt coma ta a a end by tha last of . tba present moota on account of tha difficulty la- takmg fc suppltea there la tar la tha aaaaoa. Thla buainaaa being sot af tba ' way, tha local daetaad will ba tba only outlet for time. - It will be perhaps a maalh mar bafora that will ba any raal ahlpplng ta Call- forala aad aaatbwaatara points. Thara MTer la any (rMt arooaat af baa In Ma far OrM potataaa bafora that Una. Aa ta tha Hawatlaa bailnm, I doa'l baUara. thai will amoaat to . vary anieh. At prawn t tha- potato trada af tha lalaada la cor trolled by ainfla nrai la Baa rraDrlaoa. Tat fhaai It aiakaa a vary good , aeeooDt. but If tha aada waa divMad ap ba- S; twaao, taa f moral trada tha builaaaa weuld hardly ba antlcad. At moat tha Hawaiian uaa . aa or (wo can af potatoa oa aarh ataaawr - an. fi ill . " ' u - - baa I .r j taia oiaaa M trada will aot a tract tha aaarkot. - m Mr - h . u uw uwiiiiin waal urfn potaroaa tnay-caa aoenro than Just aa wal a i, tba Bay City. Thla tbay kava boaa atolng all . tha tlma. aad If tba buainaaa did eoma dlract v to thla airy tr would niaka ao dicrtraaca' ta' w atooont-or potataaa aam." . ; At praaaat, thara a small Insraasa In potato arrlrila 1a 'thla city. Tha Incraais la aoiad . battrr,.bacattaaof.Ui lack of eutalda buainaaa. Ahmg rront atraat tha potato trada ta ajurta A aooa aw lormar yneaa ara aui( aiaiatainao. laaek Marhat taaka I.ka .sVttts-i. . 'It lb tanarally andaratood amoat rront atraat baodlara that tha poach markat . baa about . roacaad ita dawaward Mral for. tha aaaaoa, and that aftar tba praaaat. wast racslpta wlU, ba-la to daeraaaa and prlcaa ao blfhar acala. a " If. alpta today ara uulto ilhrral and tha top af tha .aiarkat.. for. fancy stock . la 0c-, with aalas . of (ooa .aaachsa .aa. tow aa 7c.a. bos. . ' " .iTomato racrtpta ara now. Tory HJwaL Jtrrit -TllWllty ta T hlrtlyvlhlpriwadTW .Tw , Maraaja caaaaauaaca.- wta tha top at Put and ond stock -aajllna; down .ta- 6Ao hoz. , Tor Bartlftt paaia damand aaaa only Jlmltad at thla lima - an account af th hlcfc prlcra . m, .i.,iwa,imi. avoay a- IOf SB at . sunoua-n many, aaiaa ara .faportad a II aad ll a boa. . t J- .. . . WataraMlona for that city ara now amine . irom sTtry airacnna. rirat ahlpmaaU v . rroai Boraa rlTar- ara aow aald to ba aa thalr way, ana aram ataor parts of sontbara Oraa-oa tha-- arrrrala ara aipartad to ba kaary during v tba aat day or aa. California la atjU ahlpplng : a - eanaldcrabla amount ta thla d tract loa and ' aaatarr. Oracoa "points ara gattlng tbatr ssakiaa . aataousnoa hero. ' rnrs tba aasaa as yaatarday, CaataloUBaa . Yi uaa - rkiral snlnta aa nil . fraaa. Idaho aad Waahlnatfla ara s aaarr sinh today. -Bast ataoka at t today. wltb cheap - -aiuaw aa low aa sua a arata, Tnaaa ; oaaaot na quotaa la tha racuiar list. - Calary from Draaar as arrlalna la f.h. mrmn. tloa aad la aalllag around Wlc par aoata bunchaa. , i Local staff raaaaa from TSe ta 00c. Whits gradas ara not plentiful aad tha prter , today alcag tba atraat reagea aa hlrh aa $1.18. All prlcaa ara ranging far tba blacks, tba top aaiaa U f".IN fcUO DOHOSB gay aid rigUTa. . . ... . Xgg aad Battar Adraaaa. " -'aea- rt-ry afternoon aerera) (rty tr ansa aarancaa toe a- price f bast batter to T4ie a pound. A shortaga la tha. supply of cream at giraa as tha eaaae. Damaad as ahw imarerea ana ail manararturara ara claaaad ap. Mo adraace hi noted a (one- rtnt ainat. .1. JB pih-f'-jrt. tpetad ta rtaa within the work, A . daeraaaa ra aupptlaa af agga and a better oemaau sea arinraiatad prlcaa la the egg mar . bat aad taa adranca qooted by The Journal yeereruay was ol towed ay a olmllar ana today Aioag tua atraat thara la a dlf faience af opinion ', rhgardtaig taa agg alraatloa, sease daalara' ba , ltarlag that tha atarket waa high enough, while wiaara wora w tha or, came that prlaea ahotild aw be at S6r. Today beat egga ara aslllng aawa ioe airaet at we ana S3iaC with i or two dealera trrlna to t the urine a oul Tha trada pays tha following prlcaa to Front (treat. Prlcaa paid ahlnnara ara leas saenlaa BRAD BAOTCnltettrV ' 10'M ' baying price 1 sailing, ', 1. ea.c Hew elub : bcB.A,?.L4iXW-"k- M Wl-l CO UN Whole. JT.0O atackad.aa2a.0tt par BTB-al BB aW'ewt."'" ' e.VT ii, lT",',rr ewlee Me, I white. $11.00; gray, $23.00. FLOUR Bastara Oregiaj ' patents, fe ansa Ml atralabta, laeOflliO: export, 806? valley. 8.6; grah.m. 5a. M 6i; wkoia wheal. M 71; rye. 60s, 6.00; bales. U.TB., " MlLliTCrr- Rraa. l.Bn par' ton) ! anna.. ea.w, awrn, envnfry,, SIS. 001 ait si? He. k iianuttl m " 1 esty. HA t -Producers' Jlclce T1nthy, wlllsmett, valley, fancy, 112.00; ordinary, $10.00110 10: eastern Oregaa,a.lC0OdJlT.0O: atlieC $10 0041 10.80; eloaar. graia. 7A0C).0i eh eat. T.Ma.0O,. , .. Bat ear, Bggg 'gad reultry, . '. BPT,S7i-'Irre. A - - Vlaad Bwaat BL'iTIeV CUr araamary. SBat eutalda fknrr. gUSKlWc; ardiaary, lea. .tore. in, IttUe a. i rresa oragna, candled, BBC Vl uncaadiad, 23V4ei ee.tern, lie. t H Er.n new run creau flm tm llueii., ' Tonne America. lAQISUe. 1 -"v n r-. .vuwiara. eiU. Ill frrera, lie; 1'ttttlSei Iters. 14. ' aar lbi eldJMaek i hi sarlae docks. UHOlSUe lb: BI turkeya, IBe p-r ! dresaeo. 20e per b squabs. 11 BCQ 100 per doa; llgeeVgoo Bfjltlt - - aapa, weat aaa xigea. , BOPS Cnatractt. 100$ amp, lO0a per lb. wwu-ieuw .nai.inr, coarse re eaadlBae. alia vi He I Use. 4ci a eaters Oregaa. 1041 kla. . MOHAIR Kew. nemlniL at Ben BHEEPSKINB Bbaarlng, Sua earkt abort Wool. 5w)40e aiedioai woim. goat 76s .aaafci laoa wool, 7cl.oo eerb. , 'gr VP " ' itSS ' HIDki Dry. he. t.' 11 rba and no, lgHl ' H He Mr lbi dry kip. Xo. L I to g lha. vSi . dry calf. Da. I, ander I Ihe. Ihai eait4 hleas. VZHi.,'4' lb lel)ei aowa, fJo,0JL " oeund. aTc; hip, U ta JO lbs. Pel calf, eoaad. under 1 lha, tie Sreea. ansalted, la lass; culls, le ear lb lev; r?J'f7- -ltfd, reek. II Itl,I.T; dry, aecl.; aolt hldaa. ttaiuui goat'aklaa, jwomea, each. JOO.atl Aagara. aaea. Sec .. a-1 . .. ee-t a.s wVaTwI VVflVWuUaa. sTtTni ewti sweets. ONIONS-fobbing M-loe M.w Wi sWobbla$ vrtoa P.w Wglla Walla. JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS ON MARKETS -On erary-fcant JhreTIi Tae anc or any t)uylny damand for d hope.. Daalara ara atlll waiting; d-to -aeu hew -tha crap will turn 4 : out n4 moat of tha growera d: hava but faw balaa of hopg to e ' aelL Thera , will not ba tha leaat troubla thla aaaaoa In :growra aaourtne acceptance of . 10-cent hopa and It ta aald that daalara hava organised and hava d employed an attorney to force every contractor to deliver. d k than they will produce kre likely lkeiy d e J to bi called upon to bur-them In - 4 d the open market and deliver .. -w..- -. f- . . ' d 1.68 per aacki new Oregon. II. W; garlle, lc raasa PRUiTS New applaa, lOeQIl JOt araagee, Valencia, MT5415.0O: bananaa, dj BSi lb; leraona, choice. 4.7HB 00 bollWTancr. n.O0tt.o per box; limes. Hcilcae. li t par 100: Hawaiian, f : eluma AHAT&e ner'arate: eaataloupae, 1 ftOWlsJ); raspberrlaa, f ): black black Oga. (It California grapes, l.0tiT 24; Oregon. TSc; plaekherrleo, $f.6fai n8 per cratai watermelon., 11.00; crsted. It. 29; peaches! TSejINtai peara, 1.08e1.50; p ranee, bulk. 3c per lb; packed, BOa per box) hiKUberrfbahceiaber. Tnrnlna. new. 11.00 ear aacfet carrots, gl 50 par each I beets. 11.60 per aackt paraalpa, 1.A0 per aackt s rsdnweat Oa par" doe: cabbag, Oregon. " Be: bell propers, . eOtJSOe par hen; tomatoes. 1 75c doe : per Jbnt perenlpe, 0c3f 1.00; string beens, Oregon. . Ota 7e par lb) eaall flower, 11.00 per ios; peas; dttbet borsa. radlah, 9QU per lb; artichokes, fie per deal squash, 1KC gyaea aalooa, Oregon. ISHa per doa bunches: re cumbers, gfic per box: eelerr. Tfte pr doa; green rn. imeiSc doa: .-- T7V' ?2S VZ'-u." T L t aurapeijie, vHuiiB apples, era pur a tea. ibsm !lt-Prr. lb' P'o: UHle per Mi paechc-7 Slser lei., -Callfort.U hlerk ICtlii nee H California white. dudUo ncr Ih: dates, eoldea. IU ia n, r.wl. .1 lnaii an lltlK BUOAR All reClnerbMw-Cuba. A 80; powdered. fH 13; fruit, granolated, IS.OS; dry granulated, lA.Oft; ooaf. A, 15.00; ' western P. C. HIV nawauaa u. v.. 4J5; eitra O. 4.o; goldee !. M-oo: D. yellow. 14.58: bbla. 10c: U bbla. loot bases, 60c advatica aa sack bask., lees Ha pee par lb. soe pee ewt cor eaahu IA dayei ausla. MOIM (Ahoea arkaa aonlr to aalaa af aaaa rhaa ear lota. Car. lota . at apart al prteae auujaet te aacrue tioaa. i , .. , , HOMV gS a per crate. COFFKB Packaie brands. lir.2801B.TH. B ALT Coaree Half mand, lOoa. gS.OO per ana: ova, i uoie. aairy, aoa, aiiue; loos. ail. id; imaorteo urerpooi. aua. glT.uot loua. aioon: xzea. giu.ooi extra ana, dbm, a. 10a. f4.B0CtS.60. bulk. 20 lbs, 4.00j..on; sacks. toe. Malaae: Ueermal lump rock. (19.80 per ten; om roc a. ew.iai: ivue. aa.uu. - ; imperial Japan, wo. i. ae; na. a, RebHc; New Orleans head. Tat AJas. le; Creole. SUe. . - - BRAM8 Small .white. $4 8I large . white. aa.oo; pma, sz.ts: payoa. g4.ll unu. SBJPI "tJjrSS '? 3".- - ' . .-'i L : r, u i. aaeuie. aumoo, ec per in I Tirgima. g0Uc ner lb: roeeted. HOtU. aee Ih: Jans. DirzsHCl roaateg, TfJTHe per u: eaooa. nuts. BOffOOc par doa: walnots. ISOUHa per lb; plnenata, ioOUVka per lb; hickory aats, 10a per lb; chestnuts, esstere, IsSldc par lb; Bras sii r nuur-lSe per lb: fllherte I4J lbs fancy . parana. lact almoade. IdOlTe, ... ,4 ralata. Oaai ou. Ess. ROPE Pae Manila, 14tei ataadard. II He; leal, ,11a.' i COAL orL Pearl or Astral Cases 4He pet gai; wster wnire,. irow oarrem tec par gal. woooea lie -per gai; neauiigni. I ru-ojeg, aasaa 11 He par gsC rfASILINa-nJ-deg. csaea MHr peg gal. tree bbla le per gaL . - BENZINB-es-deg. aaaa IBe. par eat, Iraa bbla IS He per gaL ,.,.. TTJRPNT1NE la o-eg Buo par fafc' eeaodea bbla IV nee r.L .-. . : . . WHltB LEAD Tea lota, T ter far $00-Is I lots, bc per id: tea. mis, IHV par to. WIRE NATIJI .. Preeent basis at $2.M. .Hal. , LINBEED lie Pure raw. In B-MM mm. gsct l-bbl lot. 63c: r.aae. Bta nor ml: eennlea bettw. boiled, -aaaea, 00a' par gal; l-bbi lots, aeu! 1-hM lot 66e per gal; grouad cake, car lots. $20.00 Bar beat was thaa aar lata. $80.00 pa aaa, ' Jtaata. Tlsh aad rravanvaa, . FRESH MEATS Pront Street Hora. fancy. $Hc; ardlnary, 7HObc! poor. 77He per lb; bulls, l3m per lb; veal, extra. He per lb ordinary, 7Vk per lb; poor, Oc per lb; mutton. lancy, oajaac per id; lamue, Berve. HAMB. BACON. ETC. Portland rack rioeali ha ma, 10 to 14 lbs, 10 H per lb; 14 to It Ibe, iua per id; oreaaiasi oacoa, lorjxie per lb; plcnlca, l2Ue per lb: aottsge. 1014a pat lb; regular ahort clear, anamoaea, ue per lb: smoked. 13a per lb: clear backs, nnemobed. 11a per lb; amokod lot pee lb: Ualoa butts. I 10 ta IB Iba; ensmokad. ae per lb) amakea. a ear lb: clear bellies, auemoked. 14e aar Bti sneoked. 10c Dor lb: ahouldera. 12 U a ae Ihi pickled tongues. $6.00 quarter bbL T LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf. 10s. 12He per lb; 8a, 12Hc par lb; 60-Ib. tine, tic par lh; aOeam rendered. 10s. 11 He per lb; 8s. ll per id; ctmpouna, lue, ee,o. CANNED SALMON Columbia Hear. 1.1k telle. II. ho; l ib tails, il.TS: fsacy, l ib lata, fl no; H-ib fancy oats, gi.m; isacy i-m avals. ex.T8: Alaaka Ulli. sink. HCJWci red. $l.6u; awatlaai St. islt, II 06, . . . riHti Bora eoa, tc per id, T per lb: BoaAdera, Be par STper' .bTc.'flree'pi rlaer ehlnook. Sr per lb; steel- Muabacks. Or per lb: barring, as: Bsunur, ae n ail Ips d baea. 11H salmoa, Colambla f heads, 8c per n; blueoscks. ac per lb: brtrlng, ee per lb; aolee, ae per lb: annmpa, lOa pet in: nercn. nc oar in: aiaca eoo. re aar ibi tomend, . Tt per Ibf stlrer smelt. 8c per lb; lobsters per H: freak mackersL $a per lb erswgsh, 20c per doa; abed, te per lb; atnrgeea, 10c per lb: black bass, 0e. . OTBTERB beelwata bay. Der gaL. 8X811 per no-m aaca, se.w. CLAMS Bardahell. tlaaw, $2.00 per boa. Per boa, $1001 nan? I LACK OF ARRIVALS KEEPS HOB PRICE UP . Otherwise Values Would Drop In Sympathy With Decline . in East Cattle Firm at Rise." Portland f'nloa Stockyards. Aug. ' M. Lira- atock receipts; .Boca. Cattle. Sheen. Today ......1 ... . 2V' 600 week ago ... M . ... Month ago.)-...,,..,..... ... . ... 100 1 leer ago... eoa - . aa ' isi Livestock condltkma show a firm tone tndsr. I iiini la as. an lawn. 01 nowa. xnie seepa I tha price up le tba top. Otherwise wltb thai constant decline la eeatera valuea prlcaa herelHerla I9S would abow a reaction. 1 Rambler-Caribou 28 t attle are -firm e the rlee of - tOe la- Sftei reported by The Journal yesterday. I lerniM ror aneea yuei anout equals luppuea. I Official llraatock quotations: , I Kwi ..4 n,i.. r... 1, -: - - ' i nn.a Baa. eastern ifi e.(m. I tattle Beet eaatera Oregon ite-ra, $l.l0 a an. la. mm ..ii h.if. i.uie.M, i. I ere a no i.aiieis, a.ioe.i,; DUltn, fl.ou. auesp rjneeriiage. eiatci lamna, aa. EASTERN HOGS STEADY. eeetpv Are t.OOO Abora Tnoee. of a TetbT Ago ,U Onieare. " Chicago, Aug- 2S. Lire. rock recelptsi Hoes. Cattle, ghaatt Chlram .17 (oo ln.nno lanno Kanaea City.... ..14.0no IT ono I ono Omaha ....UM0 A-00-41.0Xl Hnga are steady with e.nOO left near Iron. I yeeterrtsy. Reecipta a year age were 14.000. Mixed and kuubera, $0.00.5T. VBITBO ITATXS BOTXBlf MIBT BOVDS. .Kew York, Aag. 2. Oorerameat bonda: ' . . . . Data. rtul. Aak Twne, reglatered.. opt. !o4 lou do eon eon. ,...... Opt. !4I loftj .Hrraa., ,,,,,,, M I'DI, limy, IIS no coupon. ,. Opt. lo.iu 104 nmeu I'UI u rours, last.lered. ........... looT - I'Wi 104 - uv omiani. ,,.iw,,i,,,,M, IH an unviq.,,,,a,,MiM. IHl .J" 104 roar, registered, 102(1 T: . , 131 H do coupon IU2.1 l:io M1H Dl.trlel f'Aliimkui . la-IA lis' 116 muippina MMI 10$ i: CHICAGO SHOWS SL1I1LL CII1EE Wheat Market Is Dull Wth Mdat I Prices Same as Closing on V ; Monday December Up. . -------- HAS NOMINAL EFFECT Market Thera Cloaea Quarter to an Eighth Down-a-Bradstreet's Report z Says a Good Increaae in World' . Viaible Corn and Oata Slow. . BELATITB WHBAT TALC IB. ." Aug. n. Aug. IT. .Sabs. 1S0R. ewptem ner. a p ,a- .71 .71 ... .74 2 A .74 ... ,7bb .T I .OOla May..,. T14 ..... of a nominal character, with tha market holding BTaauy te einmg ana pncea out little changed from tha eloslns? of vesierdaT. LlTerpool was wash at tba etert and the rinse mere was to lower than blonds, Braderreet'a report showing a fond, Increase I ua werra a viaioia failed ta weaken thla aaaa. ket for tha good and eofftctent renew that I laa'. .riding 7 i" maraei is already heaTlM" eraraold. th. a. a, Monday, whlle-ria-le..b.r i was u aa. official ouetatlona Cooks com Da nil by Ovarbeck, Itarr I . . ' - ' Jf?.- ' Hlrt' Low. Cloee. I o-Ptamner ...... jon riTITKOH I a T8M COBN, Beptambar 4U 49 December 4H 44 ..'n4 -44 eel4 -tt1 OATB. 4A - -' T OAT. I September ::i:5ii,J3 se 'aioer 12 MEM FORK. September January .. Beptambar October ... aTanuary ... 1700 1700 .... 1860 ' 1160 .LARD. .... ' $70 $7$ .... SAO . Mo .... Tvl TBI SHORT BIBB. .... $76 $76 .... BAT , Stto . .... 723 . T2I , 1T00 1140 $ST ?;? $so 67V6 720 1TM 1M0 BUT A $76B TWA . $8B Beptambar I October .... S67A T20A iaawa. - UTZBBOOL BRAIB XABZXT. Urerpooi. Aug', gg Official erieaa; ' WB.,V - w ..... . " Open. Clnee. ' ' Aug. IT. Van, Sept Dee,..,., Sept....; Dec....;. Oela. 2M,d Hd $a $ Ikd a CORN. 4a 84,d aa TM i I- , '. ... 4a Sd 4a TMd aa TV Hid 1 CHICABO CASK WXZAT. Chicago, Aug. M-Caah wheat:. Bid. Ask Wo. S red No. I red....,,,., No. I hard No. I hsrd....... No. $ spring...... vv- Ji4 TO .. Tit. 70 Tl l TBBXT-B BAIjr BX70BT. Cblcaao. Aug. -Bradatreat'a report of ala risible eupply Wheal East tut bbw!ITbsbbB ene-kal AAA I . ... a m ww 14 ATy,ieaf I f eiioar, mcreaeaa s. 100.000 i"1" io.000 buebela. Corn-Decreaaed eefi nnn hn.K.i. ; . Oete-lnreeeed 1,708.000 bnabela. FURTHER DECLIKE SHOIVN IN GREAT IIORTHERII Mining StoteKr Goes to Five and a Half Today With Two Thou sand Shares Sold. Oa the Portland atock ex change today 12,000 eharea were traded la. Great Kortbera mlo- ing anowe a rurtner dacllna, the price today -rapping u a ho. aa agaiaat Ba laat weak. At ine tower ngure eberee ware eald today. Leae Creek tiold today aobl at 1 Xcea'f " "racial pncea: rBAKstaTOCK8. H, 10 shares Bid. Ask, Bank of California. ...... Merrhsnra' NsUonsl Bank.... Oregon Truat A Savings I'altrd Btstea Natloaal.n... Portland Truat Co 160 180 .10$ m 100 Bankers' A Lumbermen's imr MISCELLANEOUS BTOCKS. MsnnfaetRrlne 1M lampoeue waa Burner , ... Union Oil anr) . Aaeociated Oil..,. apu Alaska Packers' BT Psclhe Btstea Telephone pf Home Telephone . , . ... Paget Sound Telephone.... $ ' am at ... i. . 86 80 loon 40 ins 26 OS uregoa Lire Inaurance.. Cement Prodaets. ...... Kmptre Contracting..,., O. R. N. Ry. 4a e - aaa 110 inn Marline Townslte. '20' Ntcols Coal rlU InteroatloaaJ Coal $$ MIN1N0 BTOCKI. Alaska Petroleum.......... gu Alaska Pioneer,.... ag Standard Consolidated. 11 Oragoa Securities...., m Snowatorm 200 IT 68 UH 07 $80 01 H 0,5 08H . nasi 06 os 01 H ":' oa3 40 86 - 0) SO . i.eea threes uom. 01 U 10 2 Oa lire Coneolidsted!!!!!.'!!!!!.'!.' Tscoaw Steel. lOellabar , I OnMae Rule CnnanlMalaA . 04 01 Bullfrog Terrible Oolronda North Falrvtaw 044 04 OOH- Le Roy-. Hiawatha iaareaia Lucky Boy.............. 1$ 11 Dlala-Meedowe,.rt.rri-ri.-r- Og Ores t Northern. ... , 00 Mountala view as . , Bt'OAR ITOCKB. . . . . riawaiiaa, imerciai er E,'Vi-'''"' ' Ji riutcnineoa 14 IB OH Mekawell 8A Onomea ,. My Paauhae 10 Union , 46 H ToUl aalaa today, 11.000 shares. . BXW TOBX COTTOB BLAB KIT. New York. Aug. 28. Oottoa futnrat rlooed 14 to M polnta lower. OfflcUl o not at tone by Overback, Itarr A Cooke camps ny: " trpen. nixa. low. Aug z. Aug XT. Uanearv ....$41 041 y 064 014 oio one fahruary S2 -oaa. 037 on2 ' 74 iO 004 -ee March M 020 020 0X8 sag S78 0.M 061 OM mt , S07 012 it ISO April ,.40 V- r 40 ! ou ' 24 S4 Mag ........ M Ailguet ...,.J Sag September . , Stta October 01 1 November ... 016 December ... 132 000 BOITLABD BABX STATXhrXBT. Clearnga today.,,. Clearings year ago. .$aJ0.2a.T6 , 780.888.70 Lcea today..'.;..'. .$128,602.00 ' atarUnC Zxekaaga Re tee. New Tcrk. Aug. TA Sterling etchanga; auad. OMtttldJOl 00 8go. 0$is4$lAt - Da- Derhand for Potatoes li f.'ct Co Persistant Northern Orders Are All Filled and Southern Demand Will Not Deinffor About' a Month. CHOilDIHf PilCIFIC HAS THE LEAD Cains Three and Three Eighths Points White the Rest of the List Is Weak iPrlces Down. EA"RTYStRFJGTH T6"DAY" 'CAUSED BY LONDON New York Market Advances Early -but Severe. Selling Preasure Later ' Forcea General List Off Atchjson Holds Ita Heal. Up , NET LOSSES. ' ; Anaconda ... Amalgamated Surer d Mlacaoorl Pacing.. N. Y. Central Pennaylrenia .v... Preeeed Steal Cat.. $ Smelter Car A- Foundry uadryt M Reading ....... U ttroouiya Rock islgnd Hiuiax. . ...... . Colo. Fuel 1 Rock lelaod, pfd.. bouthera Railway, St. raal Erie a. Great Western ... southern Pacing..."!. St. la. A B. W., p. L'oloa Paclllc...... )) LoulsvllU ........ 1 U S. Steal........ Northern Padoo.. 1 -. ' MET OAIKB. - Atebbm ......... fAIColorado A Booth.. C. N. W IH, Denver H Chesapeake Nortolb Canadian ......w. SIklOnUrlo A West... . (i - - ss ..aa.w , Wall atraat. Kew York. Aag; 28. A Brat toaa gar Americans la Loadea this moral aa waa tha contributing Influence which censed tha Rood gala la securities hare early. Bevira aslllng pressure .later la tha day cost thla aseraat moat or its early gain ana raw or toe Hat held -as blah aa raster day's price. Trad ing waa oa a good scale, the sales to noon amounting ta 082.000 sharea. CaU money ruled around 4ft par cent. Tha latter aaaaloa, while depressing oa tba general list, waa good for a rew lavoncee, among meee swing i;anauian PaclOc, Atcheeoa and - Chesapeake A Ohio. Cannulas Pacific waa atrongset wltb a I net a , a a. iaj vvinia iuc id. im, " uia aa rest of the list waa dropping Atehlaoa bald Ita owa and closed about point higher thaa yesterday. Tha regular dividend oa Amerliaa Sugar Beflnary waa declared today but thla did not help that laaue, tha price showing a alnmn of 844. Polnta. Official quotauona by Oreroeek, start geaae eompaayt DBBCBIPTIOR. Amai Copper Co..., Am. Oar A round... 41n do to preferred Am. Ice. a. ice. Am. Locoeaotlre, eon.,. Tl I TO am. sugar, coaa.,.,. Smelt, com..,., preferred....... 167 W llOVii 156 , lr0 Anaconda Mining Co, Am. Woolen, com. .. . Atchlaon. com ii' HaiUmore Okie, com. . do - preferred. . t Brooklyn Rapid transit. 117 Mi laaaaisn rsciric com. Central Leather, pfd.. vm. at u. w... com... CbU Mil. A St. Paul. Chi. A N. W com... Cheaapeaka A Ohio... IIMj 19.1 212 188 . kini, iio Cow. Fuel A Iron, eom.w 67 044a ao prererreo . 1st nreferred.-..'.. Cora Products, com...'. da preferred Dearer A R. o., com., do ore f erred 43. Brie, com so sa prererreo do 1st nreferred 71 Louisville A Naabrllle. Manhattan Railway..., Meitcaa Centre! By.... isom ., a. m i., com...... do nreferred - ?J5 Federal Smelter, nfd... Mleeourl Pacific , National Lead $Tj : New York Central N. T.. Ont. A Waatara ItsiaiieSKiUltjb Norfolk WaaU com. !i -iii: -ii- Wl S Northern Pacific, com. . PenneylTsnle Railway., Prssssd Steel Oar, com. do nreferred.. Reading, com 111, ISO ISO. do 1st preferred Ben. Iron A Steel, com. faKS BafSFPatal . II 55 iooh Rock Island, com ...... St. LAS. P.. 2d pfd. do let nreferred St. I. A B. W com.., nreferred. Soothers PerlOe, com.. Southern Br do preferred. v Tenneseee Coal A Iroa T., St. u w., com aa-arererrea, Cnloa Pacific, com . , 180 do prererreo..... . B. Rubber, com.... do preferred . B. Steel Co., com... da nrefai'red... 48 Wsbasb, com do Preferred Wisconsin Central, com. Oopreferred,,., 60V BAB rBAjrcrsoo -mmia kxckavox. San Praadaee, Aug Bid. 28. Offlctal closet Bid. Belmont .....,I0 O. Bull Prog ....$ .14 Stelaway ....... 40 Csab Bey 10 Ooldea Aec.aor. .70 con. cal.-va... i.oo. .......... .IT Opblr .......... $.76 Meilcse ,. 1.00 Csledonla 81 Bxcbeqiier ..... .66 Novcroes ...... J.20 Gold Crowa ... .16 Great Bead .62 Rescue .is Block Butte Kx. ' .64 Butler 1 4TU macnamara .... i Midway I Z2V, Montana ...... lV7Vi nortn atar .... ja Ohio , 2ft Ton. El taa..... 8.60 Nevada 11.M Weet End 2.KA MontgoBMry ,MU .68 Sunset ......... JO - Sceptra , , t$9 Manhattan . iT , Adamn ,oe Atlanta 27 Bluebell . Booth 48 Colambla Mt... .88 Bayior-Humarey, .26 Dexter ..OS Con. Quarry 14 PlamondSeld ... .40 Granny '.24 Gold Wedee ... .14 Lose Star...... .12 Dixie tTT OoldSeld ; ...... .71 Ot. Bend Cxtn,- ,IA Jumha .' 1.40 Ot. Bead Aaaea, Cowboy . Bulla A tears . , Black Rock N. Y. Consul.... Man Con Little Joe .12 .11 .08 :?1 .08 umbo Ex tea. . , .80 - Kendall .72A Lagans ....... .20 Msy Queen ... .10 Mohawk (A)... 4 17j Bed Top ,, IH Sandstorm .... .88 Mar dower i .TOA . Silver Pick .63 St. Ivan , .00 Jumping Jack... .40 Red Top Extra. .CO Mustang 23 Bull rrom Mia.. .47 Natioaal Bank. .66 Denver LOO Quid Bar 1.80 I BAB rBAjrOMOO LOCAL STOCIB. Baa rrsncisca, Aug. 28. Official rV-e: . ' . . Bid. - Ask. Snrlna Valley Water. ........ ...... 21W . 21 Contra Ooeta Water.. .......... 60 ' 62 Mutual Electric.................... 12'4 unni rowriar.... m aw H awsllaa Commercial. 1. pa Honokea Sua .r far ...i 18 . 10 Hutchlni Sugar, 14i ,I4U aaaaaweii aucer...... 86 VI 80 M 14 oo-i!?- Onomea Rngar. ...... pasohau sugar., leaks Packers'... :::::::::::: M !!. Aaeociated oil tlvereoel Oottoa Xicker. Llvaraool. Aua. 28. Cotton fat urea assy, I ta $ polnta up. . Haw Yerh-Leaeea Sugar, " New York. Aug. 2 Bar aUrer. aelie: Lea. Ooa, $0L . ' e Mies Olive Smith of Vancouver.' B. C . la vUltlng her father. -Are.- Smith, r( the Imperial hotel. She will remain In thla city for aeveral wetke and during her stay Intends to make aeveral excur sions to near by. points of Interest. E 17ITII SHORTAGE d. Robert P. Sheppard. Former Treasurer of Northwestern University, Under Cloud. DEFICIENCY MAY REACH V: ; QUARTER OF A MILLION Securities Turned Over Prove Worth--leia.a-esreta.ry , p(Ths.oJpric$jL School Makes Sworn' Statement That Accounts Are Involved. (Journal Special Bwrrtea.) Chicago, Aug. 21. An official state ment cbarglnr Dr.- Robert D. BhepartL a noted preacher, financier and former treasurer of both the Northwestern univeraitjr and the Garrett Biblical In stitute, with a shortaa la his accounts waa laaued today. , Frank P. Crandon, aeeretary of the theological school, made a signed abate ment In which he deelarea Dr. Shop, pard's accounts with tha achool ware Involved at tha tlma that the treasurer was removed. ? ' It la further charted that of a,' short are of $80,000 tha greater part Is not ret paid and that the truateeei are bow trying to dlaposa of securities turned over by Sheppard. ' It la Intimated that the ahortage may reach 1260.000. . The truateea are not prepared to give the real value of tha property turned over by Dr. Sheppard to adjust his accounts with the theological school a. Efforts to market many of tha aeourltles ara aald to have been f rultleaa. . In addition to tha algnad statement of Crandon, : further substantiation of tha methods employed by Dr. Sheppard were made known through Dr. Robert L. Cumnock, head of- tha university school, of oratory. 110 DIVORCE UhLESS YEAR Presiding Judge Sears Explains " That Law Is Very Definite In This Regard.' . ' Orgon courts wlQ not recognise ' a dlvoroa proceeding brought before It by a person who has not been sn Inhab itant of the state for a full year, an nounced Presiding Judge Scare of the circuit court thla morning at the hear ing of a motion for suit money and ali mony In tha suit of Roaa Arnaud for a divorce from Tony Arnaud. , The attorney for Mrs. Arnaud had neglected to atata In the complaint that aha had reelded In tha state for a byear, and Judge Saaro refused to make an oroer in the caae until this defect was remedied., "If a woman ahould be hero a day and marry a man who beat her unmerci fully, would she have" a right to sue ror a divorce within a year," aaked Mrs. Arnaud'e attorney. "The Oregon atatutes clearly provide that the complaining party muat hava lived here a year," said Judge Rears, "Unleea this law la complied with the court has absolutely no Juriadlotlon and could - not recognise any such a pro ceeding. ' Mra. Arnaud sued her husband for a divorce, charging that ha aaked her to live a Ufa of shame, and when she refused tore up her marriage certifi cate and . threw her out of the house. They were married laat October. She said sha wss in destitute circumstances after her husband threw her out. and In order to get aoraethlng to live on algnad an agreement by which, In conelderatlou or $60, she acknowledged that she In tended deaertlng htm without hla eon eent, and released him from all liability on sung or actions. Arnaud's attorney, John r. Logan, aa- aerted that Arnaud had known his wife only two weeks before ho married her. He raid she wss a dancer at tha "Street a of Cairo" at the fair before) Arnaud knew her, and that Immediately after the marriage she began attempting to extort money rrom mm. LaOgan ae clared that the ault for divorce waa brought only for the purpoao of collect ing alimony from bis client. Becauae It -waa not ahown that Mrs. Arnaud had lived In the atata a year bo- rore - the . commencement of the suit. Judge Seara refused to order the pay ment of alimony or attorney's fees by Amino, PEOPLE ARE APPLYING FOR INDIAN LANDS (Special Dispatch ta The evaraaL) Pendleton, Or., Aug. II. O. O. Cham berlain, Juatice of the peace for the AthenA dlatrict, reports that he has drawn up several appllcatlona made to the Interior department by allottees on the ' Umatilla reoervatlon, for title to land held by thera, as provided by act of congrese of May I. 110$. Bo far aonll. cations for title to aeveral hundred acres have been forwarded to the agency for the agent's Inspection before being transmitted to the department In Wa thing-ton. The securing of title to allot ted land by the mixed bloods snd otfi era competent to farm snd tranaact buainaaa will greatly better conditions which now eaiat. Another sdvsncement spoken of ts the establlahment of dlatrict achoolg on the rtaervatlonw -Under - tha present regula tlons children on the reoervatlon are re quired tot be absent from their homes and attend the government school at the agency. PORGED PAPER CAUSES ' PHILADELPHIA FAILURE Philadelphia. Aug. tl. The Reel Es tate Trust company closed Its doors this afternoon. It la rumored that forged paper amounting to from II. 000.000 to 110,000.000 la In circulation. Tha Clearing House aseoolatlon met to confer on the situation thla afternoon ma It Is believed wtlt tlds the compgny over. ' . Renders ths bile more fluid snd thu helpe the blood to flow; It afforda prompt renei from auiousneaa, tndl eeatlnn. alck and narvoua headaohaa. and overindulgence In food snd drink. tt. I. Caldwell, Agt. M. K. A T. R. R., Cheeotah, Ind. Tar., wrltee, April lit "I wae elck for over two yeara with an. largement of the liver end epleen. - The doctora did me 110 good and I had to give up all hope cf being cured, when my drugglet advised me to use Herntna. It ha a made me sound and woU." to. 'ooUard., Clarke A Co. GI111II6 PIIEICIIER TO CUT HIS THROAT Young Man Saws Neck, Open and Then Leaps Into Bay ' Where His Body Is Found. CRIME IS WITNESSED - - ' BY? BOYS OUT FISHING Great Gaping Wound - Mods From cido Unknown WeU-Drcssod Young Mars, Who Wandared About Piers. , (Journal BpecUl Bervlaa.) -Sag- Francisco, Aug. II. A ghastly oulcloe wss wttneaaed by three eboya who (war flahlng from the pllea of a wharf at the foot of Kentucky atreet yaatarday afternoon, when a well dreeaed young man,- suppoaed to be Jamea Roddy, . cut hla throat with a stout cord and Jumped Into the bay. The boya noticed a man In dark gray clothea wandering about the wharf all forenoon and hla peculiar actlona at tracted their attention. About 1 o'clock ho went out on the plies where the boys wora flahlng and drove them away. They atopped after going a ahort dla tanoo and aaw the stranger throw him self into the water. The boya ran back and aaw him ollrablng up out of the water to hlg flret poaltion on the- pllea. This caused them to run away, again, but they say the man took a cord from his pocket. gave It a turn about hla neck, and. gripping both endo of the cord, began tp saw: fiercely at hla throat until ho made a great gaping wound in his neck. Before they could call . help, the f renalad man either Jumped or fell 'Into the water again. The boys returned at once to the edge of tha wharf and aaw the body floating llfeleee on the surface. . They supposed that the wound. In his -throat oauaed hla death. , Tha boys put off in a boat and towed the dead man ashore. They then notified tha police at the southern station, ; . . , , SIMPLIFIED, SPEILI.X i. USED BY PRESIDENT Shonts Slated for Retirement to - Be . Succeeded by . ... . : Stevens. - (Journal g pedal Serrlce.) Oyster Bay. Aug. II. Secretary Ixeb Is uatng simplified spelling In communi cations rrom the president s office. The secretary Is deluged with requests from all sorts of conditions of people for ao. eommodatlona aboard the ; Mayflower, from which the preetdent will review the fleet Monday. Some offer aa a com- ,eh-omlse to take a place on Admiral .vnnn iiagnnrp. All are courteously turned down. None ara advised to try te sea tha maneuvers from land, aa they will take place two or three milea off shore. , - As a result of ths president's coming trip to Panama, It Is anticipated that several ohangee will take place among directing officials. Deeplta denlala, Shonts Is expected to retire from the chalrraanahlp In favor of Chief Bngi neer Stevene.' It la undecided who will aucoeed Governor Ma goon. .The creel dent la dlasatlafled with the progreea of the eonai work, THREE BUILDImGS BURuED BY CENTRALIA FIRE Two Grocery Stores Are De- etroyed by Btaxe Starting From Baker's Lard Kettle. (Special C la patch ta Tke Journal.) Central la. Wash.. Aug. tl-About o'clock- thla- mom lag fire broke ut in Julius Koch's bakery and grocery atore, toUlly destroying the building. Caffee's grocery atore and an adjoining build ing. The fire department reeponded promptly to aa alarm and by herolo work eoon got the fire under control, which for awhile threatened the whole bualnesa dlatrict of the city. The fire originated In the bakery br some "lard catching fire while making doughnuts, Mr. Koch'o establishment waa a total loaa with about $1,000 in surance, caries saved moat of hla stock, oa which he carried 11,000 in surance, but none on the building, which wag destroyed. PENDLETON YOUTHS ARRESTED ON RESERVE 1 (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Pendleton, Or, Aug.- t$. Six of Pen dleton's young men were arrested yea- teraay on tne charge or having taken liquor on the Umatilla reservation. The party drove out from town during the afternoon and among other thlnga they too a: a rew notties or peer with them. Major Edwards, agent on the reaerva tlon, happened along In 'company with Harry Redford and awooped down upon the crowd of bathers and placed them under arreet. Thoee In the crowd were Lee Baker.i Pat McOevItt, John Patera. Bert Bowers, Pred Dunbar and Fred Back. The matter will be pegged up to the United eta teg district attorneva office at Portland. . Personal Appearance. . ' There Is only ons kind of clothing that a man who cares for hla appearance can afford to - wear, that la clothing made for that one man alone made to order. There la only ono kind of cloth ing most Portland men will hava any thing to do with, and that's Armstrong's made-for-you clothing. Suits to meas ure, $31 to ISO. Armetrong the Tailor, JUlvigh building. Washington and Sixth streets. Typhoid ta PexkdJetoa. (Speetal Wane tab ta The ewarnaL) , Pendleton, Or.. Aug. II. Mrs, Mary E. Ford, wlfs of Chsrles Ford, died at the hospital st I o'clock yeeterdsy morn ing from the effects of typhoid fever. The deceaeed waa l yeara of age, and besides her hueband leaves five chil dren. i Her husband was formerly oiler for the O. R. A N. Co. - The funeral will ba Held Wedneeday afternoon. There are a number of typhoid caaef In the elty, snd several deaths hava occurred Uront the aUseaee lately, a SEDMD .(; '.. Ten: . WLJaiy XT-: and Succeed J Chinese - - Ue&daaL; J?oot aa4"r" Herb Doctcf Bb fjamoee ramadi.s, the . tngvadienta af which - we Impart direct from tha Orteut ii mrge gaaaUtiee aad prepare aad pat It I. aee la lie ap esaete hthetary, Mo m.ria,, petseas oc druga af eay ktad aaaa. PuraV vegetable. The Doctor treats aninassfaris aad easiest. rtrbe?-. ' Ne falea ar azalea dine; stat.msata Op tha afflicted. A safe and lasting cure la the ee tee eat possible tlma aad at rba Me sot eeet paa alble for boneat treatxeent. , If yea eaaae eelL write Oaf sgmptuaa bleak gad etrealar. Inclose' 4 easts ta etampa. OOWbTTLTATIOB PR EX. The 0. See We Ch lease MeeUetae Cm, ,108 On, . awas si., usv. miiiissa, rnimi, raesee meauen tarn pan Every Vcr,: luultaa. a ar.. ; a. a. bkidmobb a oo., ui tkibb BxassSa - a.. Mveaaia . va SccIfsSntaI-Pe;sLTC.;2:::3 a pnsmvr C"r rorTnSsmmatioa erOatarrh of 1 the Bladder and Mess sad i i- .. aera. ae ouaa ae mi, trarea ptalckly aad erauuantly the worst eases of Slew, reaaeai A ; 1 . Jaad lawa, ae matter of bow ffrtlwSuaa tea Bala Weeaard, Obusm Oa. fM Srwdt.' tbub Bureroni rt vaib Taersale BaWaet ej Oak lha esi Oeseabaia SAP8ULI8. Thaa gsata aaaiweswaaaaay gaBuerhoee, 1 be-teha. bob sssra se.aai gMea, wBiana, aaa. 1 BrlaeSl. as s ' Bowe A MarUa'a, 801 Wsatuagtaai St., Pertlaad, Oragoa: er by maO from aa tartaat Co.. 44 Hadeea at. Mew Yeru. Pure, Sde, Szrc Dr. Sanderson's 1 Compound Savin and Cotton Root Fills. The beet and- only reliable remedy for . Ibalayaa Pee rioda. Cures- the moot ob- atlnate caaea In $ to 10 daya Price It Jar box. mailed In plain wrapper. Ad raea T. J. PIERCE, P. O., Ill Flrat atreet, comer Yamhill, Portland. FARLEY STARTS TO EE.X CAR SME V ' t- Two Special Trains of Strike Breakers Leave Jersey City for Coast. '. -j ' ,; rjooraal apactaj aarvtse.) New' Torn, Aug. II. James Farley, the strikebreaker, who smashed tha Kew Tork oubway snd othsr strikes, has contracted to break tba street railway strike In San Francisco. Two special tralna loaded with atiikebreakera, left Jeraey City at 10:1$ o'clock last Bight on ths Lehigh Valley road for San Fran eiaco. It Is estimated that thara war $0$ men on the two tralna. whiohY had 1$ cars eacfcw- ( On each car - wars tour of Farley's detectives armed with stubs Ilka ths night sticks carried by policemen. Tha detectlvea carried other things to dla suade men, who were so Inclined, front deaertlng. Every preparation has bean made to feed the men on the trip to prevent any unneceeaary delay la get ting to the coaat Oreat quantities of ' cooked food were put on the tralna The beer supply, conelstlng of $.00$ bottles, wss on hand to stsvs off thirst There were $0$ tin aups for thera to drink out of. Precautions were taken to keep thlnga ss quiet as possible. Ths men were taken over to Jersey City In spe cial ferry boats. Many of the men went without a change of clothing, and there are India catlona that t there ' was great hurry in getting them off. . Some of the men, it was said, hsd to notify their families by wire that they were off oa a long trip,.... ' ,...,.. ., .... ;,..' Arrangements have been made by Farley, it la understood, to start another hatch for Baa Francisco ' early this morning. , . , TWO-CENT FARES TO r BE CALIFORNIA ISSU2 Los Angelee, Aug. II. An organised movement has been started hero to bring before both stata conventions af Republicans and Democrats a demand for a I-cent railroad faro, Leaders propose to make It an laaua la tha stats campaign, almilar to the sue ease ful effort In Ohio. It la believed that tt will be the leading laaue In tho leg islative as well as In the gevsrnorhsln eonteet. . i-. . CENTRALIA MERCHANT CASHES BOGUS CHECK Centralis, Wssh Aug. tl Teaterlay a man obtained a small amount of goods st E. T. Tsllmadge's dry g-oods atore, presenting a check for III In favor ef J. H. Bandera, laaued by tho C'hehal' t River: Lumber company., getting Mi change. When Tallmadge preaentad t check It wes found to be . a for-- It seems.' that Bandera barf war few dayaorthe mill company drawn all that was coming te I - Za eif-rrer -are Major Hamm, editors l,iw.. the conetliutionaiisi, . aka. ha waa V a -. I. yeara ago, by Flie-. Iiu. J a I Bucklrnli Arnica halve, f V) aaya: "It cured me In t-n ee trouble alnce." w.ilcke.t h Bume, litres, Cute and Wosii-a 1 kid more im t o. ar tfNe.wM,v. a j'iB'aVai ""esti II and ahould baow -I ' ,l f liiW Jlvl 1 . Shoal tha waaaarfal . T JMetMaap Aaa aaaa Srarr-4 ha hJL f r If bseanaetsutnly the V ' TV Jr. hliarlL, aouept ao CaC'exfA-a other, but mnd ateoip for " VBk. g musaaiad hook-U. It grrse V , X , fuU nenieulsm end rfieaeBoa. aZ LJ-1 .LI Taluabl. to Uullte, 11 AaVBC COX. VV'V e vl aaa ar.. aa Vowat. T