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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1906)
TII3 ORECCII DAILY JOURNAL.. POHTLAKD, TUESDAY tVZrill.'O. AUGUST 11, i PLAYERS DIG ' :iE BRIEVED . C:Im That Northwest Gun Club ! . ; Ssnt ". a Poor Aggregation'" : Ctmrlsv' Cimi.i' ... . ' IWI w ' c ,j . ... I MANAGER ' POINDEXTER- a Vt; VIEWS HIS FEELINGS Declares Thet Agreement ' Wm jto Play the. Real Gunners, but Instead a Collection of Fourth-Rate Players Puf la an Appearance. J.' The following communication wee re ceived thla morning from th Camee baseball xnanagr,who claim tht the Northwest Oun teem of this city did not do the "square thing" lest Sunday, when a, substitute teem Instead of the reel Ounaere was sent to Camas for a match: Cams. Wash.. Aug. 38. Sporting- Ed itor Journal: On Tuesday.- August 16, thA manaser of tha Northweatern Oun club of Portland promised tha Camas baseball team a fame on the Camas grounds for Sunday, August II, Camas was to pay ell their expenses. Bui In stead of the Oun club coming up here they sent a picked-np bunch of ball play ers, ws suppose they thought good enough bunch to down La Camas, but Camas took lbm aown tn- una n to . Weed, a Portland prof essional. caught .. (or the visitors. Now we arranged this game to pley the Gunner, ee we era playing good ball and want to play good teams; we can get plenty of scteb gamee euctt as thla bunch put up without sending to Portland end paying their expenses. We leave It to the readers of The Journal te decide if. the Gunners did the square thing by u. We think that they should have let ue know they were not coming. Instead of ending Up such a bunch of players,- so we could have got another good team. .' I wish to ask the manager of Ah Oun -club If he thinks we got aJsquar deal. for we egreed to pey the Oun club s ex. penses end not a bunch like the one that came up hero Sunday. I will eay thla for tha boys, that they were gentleman ly fellows- end they were ell right, but could not pley ball. J. P. POINDEXTER, Manager Camea Ball dab. VILLAS ADD ANOTHER ' : VICTORY TO LIST The Tina take another "scalp.' The Villa of Montavllla put another victory on their belt by defeating St. Johne Sunday by the score of 11 to I. The features of the game were four home run.' The score: ; VILLAS. -x ."-"", , AB." R. VeKinley, lb. ...... I -I loans, aa. .. ........ I ,- 1 .' orde, c. .... . I Kurnwnld. cf. ....I. 4 1 H. I l it Pa via, lb ... 4 . 1 Wiebusch, If. ....... i I Auspac,. ZD, ispac,. tb.. ...... .i 4 '" i etsel. p. .......... 4, , I svens, rf. ...,... 4 1. ve Stevens, ToUl 4 It 21 s; S 27 ST. JOHNS. . .... AB. R. H. Ley. ef. ......... 6 0 , Peterson, lb. ....... 1 White, aa. ........v. 4 I ... le. c. ............ .... 4 1 Norene, tb. ......... 4 1 Kenny, So. ......... 4 Poff. If. ...4 " Biggenstaff, ct .... 4 I Leaman, p. . t I H. SH. PO. 1. 19 Total .17- I II 1 II SCORE BT INNINGS. Villas ... Bt John MMItll 15 ItllMlt-.! PACIRC COAST LEAGUE. . runiDna - ... ...... Fan Francisco lxs Angels ......... Feattle k'snd,!. w Balsa- to - Oaas-aTelso c lose Ooatsst. .., v On Augnat 10th and list the South ern PaoUle company will aell tlckata. Portland ts Ooldfleld. Nevada, end re turn et a rat of 141.14, account the nans-Nelson glove contest to be held at Ooldfleld September Id. - further par ticulars by calling et the - city ticket office.! Third and - Washington streets, city, . f. t-: , ' .. . . Alias A Lewis' Bast Brand. Wednesday Only Choice of 300 Soys'Suits. $3.50 and j54.t'r!nes sizes to 16 all i i tytei v'l f-r h r ,vai Won. Ixst P.C. 74 31 . .471 II V? 41 . I ' .101 II 14 .121 tl 14 .411 "47Jir-7J--J& -4trT775i ;'.M),;V.roK.i-.;:,:V';', v- mm ar ,.a, . . t , - - ;. ... x . ." -.w-t-r ""... ' -CLASS PLAY iTJWGTOIl! rJlnj Miss : Fording . Makes j- Gallant Stand, but Champion Miss v;v Heitshu Conquers. . I.'. 'ifc,'" esaaaaeaaaaaaieaaaaexa Jiti. ENTHUSIASM PERVADES "T'THEIG TOURNAMENT Contest for the Handsome Trophies . Move Merrily On Interesting ' Matches Scheduled for Thla After- wm-iBriefottt-orCrex High-class play in the ladles' single was tha feature of the third day of the Irvlngton tennis tournament A match between Miss Heitshu, state champion, end Mlse Fording developed better ten nis then we seen on the pert ef feir t Mlaa Amy Heitshu, Who Had Dlf. flcult Taak in Defeating Miss Ford- racket wleldere et any time in the state tournament.- Miss Heitshu was com pelled to extend herself to her-fullest capacltto Win, and the match was de termined only efter more than two hours' plsy. The score wae I 10, 7 i, 71. - - . The elose run Mis Fording gave the champion cannot . be laid to a large handicap, for the odde were very small. Mlse Helteha owing but four point in every six games. . The quality of tannla put up by the contestants-was-prac tically tha same. Miss Heitshu only pulled the second and the third seta out of a. very bad hoi by an extraordinary display of nerve end coolness. Mlaa Fording had a lead in the second set of 41. and on th third of 14. but the ehsmpion ' never loet her nerve. She only played her shots ths faater, whll her opponent weakened slightly and lost' i i match which had been all bat won. It wa m contest of speed, aoouracy and "degree", or what ie known a chopping." Miss Heitshu excelled la ths "degree" of her chops, but not in' speed or accuracy.- A number of tlmee he easaysd the drive and usually mads good. Miss Fording advanced to the net and volleyed and smashed well several times. Had she used this style of play a little more and . with more oenf ldence the result might have been different Both - served welL Mies Heitshu de pended ; on a strong cut serve. Mlaa Fording used considerable speed. Wots em the Tournament. Miss. Ford Inge net pley le a refresh ing variation from the back court gam almost unversally filowedbytha fslr rtmnis experts or Portland.. Mlaa Halt shu' back eourt gam 1 so steady and so nearly perfect that It wlU be difficult to beat her at her own game. But Woman who could take the net often and volley end smash with a fair de gree of accuracy, would worry th Cham' plon exceedingly. ( A snappy conteat In the ladies' alnglea yesterday wss that la which Mies Schae fer beat Mis Lead better, -who won "the last ladle' handicap single at -Irvlngton. Mia Schaefer' play wa marked by much vim, and tola, with her receive II handicap, won her the match . "Dickey" Wilder was another of th better player in th men' singles to go out yesterday. wilder etartea on in his old-time form, but when Ferris got rid of hi nervousness he put th ball back pretty regularly, and, heavily handicapped, pulled out the match. Fer ris . will nsxt play Wickersham, and ehould give him a herd run. After a hard match Benham succeeded in putting ths "kybosb" on the hopes ef Morse. . Llatlessneo is one of the shortcom ings conspicuous by Its ebsence- so far In the battles in which tha ladle ar th contestant Every - woman who played yesterday got into th gam and -NOW IS THE TIME. ; i "I"''. ' S, . Summer , la Best Seaion to ' Cure Catarrh. Hyomei Sold Under. Guarantee. Summer Is th beat time la the whole yeer for the treatment ' of catarrhel troubles, and Woodard, Jpiarks.sV JL'O. urge "every" reader of The Journal to use Hyomei now and be permanently cured. ; , - V . , - Unlike th ordinary ' treatment for catarrh, there le no atomach 1 dosing when using Hyomei. The remedy is , breathed through a neat pocket inhaler that comee in every outnt, and Its pal amle healing air penetrates to th most remote parte of the nose, throat end lunge, searches out end kill th catarrh germs tn all parte of the respiratory organs and soothes -and heal any irri tation there may be In the mucous mem brane. ' -Hyomei le not alone the only natural treatment for catarrh, but it I th onlyf on sold under en absolute guarantee to refund ths money unless it gives satis faction. It kills all disss germ and restore th mucous membrane of the threat," no and lunga to perfectly healthy condition. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but 11.01. sxtr bottles lOe. Woodard, Clark aV Co. aell Hyomei under en abso lute guarantee to refund tp money if f . , ' - , ' v 1 Vis; : ,;',. 1 v. . Lgssaa- 1VM"- ri-rtYf rlifnf ajnalY- iftri - fti af frtV" & 11 W It doe not giv sstlsfsctlnsv Tosj run tatnly have to have a pocket invented no risk at aU la buying thla guaranteed I if you want to oarry around tha new wed,;,,,. ,. -e.rule.,..'. .,',.';;., ';,; ,;.'.."'5r- worked like a men. ' Miss Oos end Mrs. Northup contended Vigorous, Alia Oos proving too at rang and ' capturing the event in etralght seta - i The drubbing given Itohr end Ben- ham wa handed back t the drubbere In exaotly the same ratio yesterday. Mortis" Zen and Tom Farrel put out nnnr.aad Bsaham with a Oh-sida score ef I I I. They were owed II ) I end given I I, but their handi cap did not buy them anything' in their eeoond affair de requet. They met Mao Swain and Turned on exactly the same tenne, and the latter team won. 11 The winner of the mixed double la the last Irvlngton handicap were beaten yarteroaTTy Ani MCAipin ana-str. Raley. The match wae a olose one, but McAlpIn handed out the drivss too often a nd too speeai ty. Mr acott sna Mr Cawston, though thsy captured the seo- dnd set, were overcome by a 101 score in the third. r One of the most Interesting metches echeduled for latethis afternoon should be that between Bellinger and wicker Sham and Wilder and Andrews. Tbs former team "will have to ewe about 11 1 nl the eonteet should be very closer It la not at eU unUkelylhaF the tat champion will be defeated is thl match. It t scheduled for court 1 at I o'clock. ..." . ,t ., : , . - Yesterday's ajatntary. Ledtes slnglss:- ' .f . Miss Schaafar beat Mlaa Lead better. 11-e. 4-t. Miss Gosa beat Mre. Northup, 1-1, 1-4. Mrs. Judge beat Miss Joseph!, 10-t, 1-4. i-4. . Miss HelUhu beat Mis Fording. 1-1, T-f, J-.;. . ..." Men' singles: - " " t Andrews beat Dr. Zan, l-l, l-l. MacS wain beat Thorne, 4-1. 7-1. Wood beat Breeoe. 1-4. 4-1. 1-2. ' Barber beet Wood. 1-4, 7-1. . Ferris beat Wilder, l-l. l-l. ' -r Wsst beat Durham. 1-4. l-l. 1-4. Cook beat Courteney, l-l, 1-4. . Benham beat W. Morse, 4-1, 7-1. 1-4. Mixed double: Mr. . Raley and McAlpIn beat Mra. Scott and Cawston, 4-4, 1-7, 10-1. Men's doublee: ' - Mackls and Thorne beat- Blair and ShuU. 1-4, i-t. , -; - Chamberlain and Fisher beat Rosen f?W and-jcaha. l-IJrsV-Jrj: Scott and Raley beet Marlaa and Gregory, -, -1. , MoSwaln and Turner , beat ' Zan and FatTell,' l-t, -. - . i - Durham and S. W. Morse beat East ham and Barber, l-l. 1-4. 7-1. ' Today- Sehadnla. v'.,vV. " II a. m. Mrs. : Lock wood and Miss Ooss vs. Mis Leadbetter and Mlaa Qrajr, court 4; Mrs, Northup and Mil's Fox vs. Miss Heitshu and Miss Joseph!, court 1. 12:10 p. m. Miss Morrison' and Bal lenger vs. Mis Schaefer and Wicker shsm, court 1. ' . ' - I p. m. K. McAlpin vs. Mackle. court I. .... 4 p. m. Rossnfeld vs. Ladd, court I; Wilbur vs. Durham (champ.), court I: Benhem end Mlaa Leadbetter va. Mr. Raley and McAlpIn, court 1; Scott vs. Turner, court 4; Cook ve. West, court I. . I .p. m. Blair va. Farrell. court I; Wilder and Andrews ve. Bellinger and Wickersham, court 1; Oammle va. Caw aton champ.), court I; Rohr vs. K. W7 Morse (champ.), court I; Miss Campbell vs. Miss Moore, court 2: wlnneeef Rossnfeld vs. Lsdd va. Fleher. court 4. SPORTING GOSSIP. The main toplo of conversation in ths sporting world today Is nsxt Monday's light at Ooldfleld. Nevada, between Joe Oena - and Battling Nelson. Ae ; was expected from tha inception of the af fair hundreds of fake stories have been sent 'out by the promoters of the con test with but ons aim in view adver tising. .The men are to weigh 111 pounds at I o'clock on Monday after noon, and they will begin -fighting aa soon after t aa possible. Reports state that Oana will not be able to fight at 111 pounds. This morning the dis patches aay that the colored boxer is already ender weight and that he will take things easy until th day of th contest- Nslson i already at the speci fied wslght , .. , ': e ' e . "" . ( The fight fene who etudy the tricks In ths ring trade as well aa the dope on the flghtere. are not breaking any bone In thslr msd rush to place beta 'on the outcome of the Qans-Nelaon go. Th world knows aa Oans himself con fessed thst th Baltimore fighter has engaged in a number of -fake fights. on of th principal onae being with no Mesa a ring master, thsn Jimmy Brltt and if a fighter fakea in one or more contest, when is ths publie going to oeusve tnat ne wtu right on- th square? There ia ne getting around the fact that Qane la a great fighter, probably Nel son' s master, but to the great major ity of sporting men. this proposition of being master must be demonstrated be fore everybody ia "going to believe it The betting now, according to reports, ts i-to-ToirOna,-Tir th ran thought Oans would fight honestly ther ars hundred whd will back him to win against tsns who will back th Dan. . Th Portland and San Francisco ball clubs will begin a week's series at Rec reation Park thle afternoon. Th Seals under Parke Wilson did not arrive un til nearly. 11:11 this morning, a their train waa ' delayed over three hour. Park says his team la in goqd shaps givs in uianis a merry run. ; . . . .,...,....v-. : ,; . Pitcher Bill Esslck will remain With tns romaaa team until tne close of ...e season. Thsn Esslck will gathsr up his paper -and start for th east to lay hi case before th national commission. BUI aay h is certain that tb com mission will eompal Judg McCredl to live up to hi contract with him. . , , ....... . , , t (- ... . . Th Giants ar very sore over th way Judge ; McCredle treated Mo Lean. When McLean signed for thl year th Judg promised hint a bonus of 120 it he would keep straight and play good ball 'hi season. McLean worked faithfully all year, and won many gamss for Portland. Before the double-header on Sunday Judge Mc Credle told McLean that after the games he would give him the bonus of 1200. When It came te settling op ths judg got Mr sT McLean to sign a receipt for 1204 with the stipulation that . the amount would be takon out of her hus band's salary at Cincinnati. When Ms Lean saw' tha check for (200 hs waa pleased, somewhat but didn't know what his wife hsd signed. Mrs. Me Lean waan't going to tell him about It until after the train had started. It I safe to assume that somebody ram la for a blessing aftsr Larry learned what had taken place. , ' . . , ' . ,, v , , -,''. "Hurry TJp" Toot' ,hssd coach at Michigan, la not at all plsaqed with th new football rule. - Tost is not ths only on opposed to the revised code. Tb Changs will resolv the game Into a sprinting and punting proposition and th chances are that many scoreless gams. will do pis yea. , f ... ,1 Sporting Editor Will yon plsss ad vise m where I may seour a vest pocket , edition Of th revised footbsll rules T .','' HIRAM K. There le no vest pocket edition of the revised footbsll rules, . Tnu will cer- III! THE SPORTS Gothamites Think That Cans- Nelson Contest Will Be on ' i the Straight r , ' COLORED MAN LOOKS. . I GOOD TO EASTERNERS Martin Sheridan . Surprise! Athletic World by Makint New Mark With Diacu Amateur " DisaDoointed at P Ma p,n yllT' rf PprtV'iii . 1 T1 " !, r"f vi .rnmmna. ... ww v ... ye -...-. .-. ' j Bn-1al a ill ill I t ' Nsw'Tork. Aug. H..Nw York port ing mn r at odda on eeveral point concerning th on overshadowing vnt in the world or the fighting man. tb lightweight ehamplonahlp battle . be tween Joe Oana, holder of the title, and Battling Nelson, the conqueror of ell other aspirants for ' the honor. . The points on which they agree are these Th fight' will b On th level. Oana would not dar te fak before such a crowd ae will gather ebout the ring at Ooldfleld, even 'if he wished to, and ln ducsmsnts were held out to him to lay aown. ..d;.?!.-, The men will make, the weight end be St to fight for & klnga ranaom when they enter the ring, bar accidents. - ' It will be the greatest lightweight bsttle of modern times and will aettle absolutely . the question of the light weight championship. "" On these points there 1r nor difference of opinion, but there 1 a very wide di vergence when it comee to picking the winner. There' are export who can dope oulnothin; but Oana ir an easy winner. Other whose judgment is en titled to equal consideration can figure nothing to it but th Dan. On the whole, the weight of' opinion lean toward Oana, and In th betting he probably will have the call so far a New Tork . 1 concerned. The wey things look now, however, there will be dollar of wlas monsy for Nslson for svery on for Oans. ..',: atherida' Inst Week. Of the making of new records there esems to be no end when Martin Sheri dan la concerned. Th husky cepper at th game at Celtlo Park last week hurled the discus 117 feet 11 H inches, breaking hie own record et Athena, and probably he will add another notoh te thle at the National A. A. U. ichemplon shlp trsck and field mset at Travsrs Islsnd next month. 1 Much Interest has bean added to thle meet by the announcement that we ar to see som of th western cracka per form. Tb Chicago Athletlo aaaociatloa la to send a team and so will the Mis souri Athletlo-club of 8t Louis. Th ehamplonahlp gam ar to be held at Travera Island on September 1 and I. All the local athlete will un doubtedly be entered. Nigel C Baker, Australian, has forwarded his satry from London, England, and President P. Gorman of the Canadian- Amateur Ath letic assoetstldrTsays IhaTa strohif team t of Canadian athletes will alao enter and - . , -,-. ;,.. President - Joseph B. Mecca be of th Amateur Athletlo union of the United State announces that it i th Intention of the New England association of th Amateur Athletic union of the United State to enter th .winners of th New Englsnd championships meeting, which meeting i to be held In September. It thl appsars that ths gsmee really will, be International. In character. The Chlcagoan whose form will be followed closest is Jamee D. Llghtbody, who woa dlstanc honor in th world' cham pionships t both St Louis and Athena There I only on man who stands be tween Llghtbody and th tltl of Ameri ca' s greatest distance runner, and he ia Sheppard, th great Philadelphia, mller. Among the Canadlana who will be on hand will be . Kerr, a aprlnter from Hamilton, who is a-surs "ten -one" man in th hundred; Peter Deer, ths Indian, who runs to and from business a distance of nine mile every day: M. C. Me- Martin, who 1 credited with a half mile in two minutes There dlaappolntment that Dan Kelly, the University of Oregon athlete. about whom eucb wonderful- stories ar told, will not be able to corns ease It is about settled that Thome O'Brien, who for several year hss been official handlcapper of th A. A. U will not stand for reelection, end ther Is a llvsly campaign In progress for th place. Among those mentioned In con' nectlon with the plsc ar Ernie HJert berg, John P. Boyle, chairman ef the regulation committee, and H. E. Harvey of th St Bartholomew A. C Either of theee men would be a competent nandl capper. Tale'a football candidate have been called to report on September II and will begin practice at onceFoster Rock well, head coach, ha been studying the new rules faithfully and la ready to give hie men th benefit of hi study. Much kicking will be don by th Tl back thla fall. Every member of the back field hae been taught to punt and in. stesd of holding th ball th back will kick frequently. It In a settled conviction among the Tale eoachee that Injuries among the player will be fully frequent un der th old rules. Collarbone fracture and broken wrist and arms ar looked for frequently under , th new cods, which develop ' much running . in at broken field. Under . the new Tele eligibility rule, which bar freshmen, no new playere can make the team the eomlng fall. , The veteraa who wilt b llglbl r: ; - -ti - End. Howard J ones; tacaies, liuciub Btgiow -and Robert Forbes; guard, Arthur Erwlni quarterback. Tad Jones; hslf back. Howard Room. William Knox and John Lvin. raena or v..k.a ri-n v tha rumor that he 1 not to return to ti. vk...l -yHewln-the-leaPftheIrnEngllsh brethren, the Caergon teem or Frencn soccsr players are to Invade the United States tn September. The members ef the teem ere students of the gymnasium of tha Chamo Ely sees of Paris, and thsy have met teams from England, Hol land. Germany ana . Austria since mey first took -nn ths sport " Th champion 5of Franc ar planning to play, in many of the important cltlee or mw country. and their manager, Jules weitler, who has been In the United Btstes and Canada for som time, ! well pleased with the result of hie wore-. . , Cnnatane Tltu. amateur cnampion slncls seullsr, will not row in the Labor day regatta at Washington. He hsd In tended to compete mere in nope inat he would meet Frank Oreer, the former champion, who wee r aired from the last championship races , bees use - of his cbangs of clubs. Qren however, will row et Weshlngton, and thsrsfor Tltu also has eoncludsd to stay at noma. Glass will not be eble to row with the Harvard crew, now et Putney, Eng. land. Flint-will tske hie eeat in the DOS. ' uiih nee m w'u w .11-. aim r 1 1 n 1 1 le a hard man to train.. But such Is I rowing at "dean old tUvb.d .( J . ... Ths Ilsmdy Dcctcr in 'Tour. Vert Pcckst 'TS a thin, round-oornered Uttls Enamel Box " ." , your Vt pookat It magna hlsaJth-Xngarance. It contain SIX Candy Tableta ol plea ant taste, almost as pleasant as Chocolate. Each tablet la a worklne do of Caa carets, which acts like Exerotse an the . Bowel and Liver.. v.- 1 Jtytf JgLpux. sicken, nor ui the atomach. Beoauaalt la not a ''Me-drtTef. Wta Salts, Sodium, Calomel, Jalap, Senjia. nor Aperient Waters. ' N Neither la H like Castor Od, Clyoertne. or ether Oily Laxatives that almply lubricate tha Into tints for transit ef the food stopped up in them at that particular rime. . ' V 'v .. T J ' ' T'V";-----. ...... The chief cause of Constipation and tndlcesUon Is weakness of the Muacles that contract the Intestines and Bowels, Caaoarata are practically to the Bowel Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath axe to the Athletic, Muscles. ; ' They "stimulate (ha Bowel Musct to contract, expand, and squeeze the Di gestive Juice out of food eaten. . They don't help the Bowels and Lrver" In such a way as to make them lean upon almllar assistance for tha future. Thla Is why. with Cascareta, th do may be lessened each suoceedln; time . Instead of I nor eased, as tt must be with all other Cathartic and Lax Uvea. " . LJIcarrled In your vwt pocket, (or .euv: rled In My Lady's Purse,) and eaten just when you suspect you need a Caacaret tablet, you will never knew a albk day t from the ordinary Ilia of Ufa. - ... -" ; Because these Ills begin tothaBowale. ' and paveth way for aB other dlseasea.' , ,",Veat Pocket" box 10 centa. v Be sure you at the genuine, mad only by the Sterling Remedy Company,' and never sold In bulk. Every tablet Stamped "CCC." - , -J, : aisT ; ' NATIONAL LEAGUE, f Won, II ..... 71 . Lost . , . i 41 ".. ' 41 V II - 11 T ' 7i .; Tl ,.' 1 . P.C. Chicago ....... .740 New. lorn Plttsibur - . . , .147 .III .461 .411 -.III .171 Philadelphia Cincinnati BU.LI... OIW.IO ........a.... St Louis Boston , ... .111 Al St. Zfoaia. '' First game Rt. Louis Brooklyn r. h. a. 17 4 Batteries Kar rger and Noonan; Scan- ion and Bergen. . Umpire Johnstone. Second game- R. H. E. St Loula 4 11 1 Brooklyn I I I Batteries Thompson. Brown and and Rltter. !' --. At Okloaar. .. ' . .,, . B,H.a Chicago ...................... I I I Boston-. .. 4 , I 4 1 Batteries Overall and Moran; Domer and Need ham. Umpire Emslle. AMERICAN: LEAGUE. J; : : :...'.,...,' .Won. Chlcsgo-............. 71 , Philadelphia. ........ II -' New Tork ........... II Cleveland : ........... It ' St Louis j, .......... 10 Detroit .'. , ........ II st P C, Washington - .. . Boston II i :. , A owveland. ' 1- Mt He E. Cleveland it. I 11 , I Boston I I 1 Batteries Bern hard and Clark; Dl- neen, Harris and corrigan. - At Waaingten. R. H. . WaShHlgTon ninr-T . 1 7 1 Warner; lee Detroit Batteries Falkenberg and Donohue and Schmidt r .. .. At sTew Tor. .'?-. ' ' R.H.X. Bt Louie Ill New Tork ! I 7 1 Batteries Powell and .. O'Connor; Chbro and Kleinow. ,. , : At PhUadetpsJa., R.H.E. .14 I , . e 1 Sullivan; Ghlcago Philadelphia Batteries Walsh ; Coombs and Schreck. and RAILROADS TO BEGIif BIG ADVERTISImS campaign Southsrn Pacific land 0. R. A N. - Will Mak Largs ppropria tion for the Work. - Plana are under consideration by the passenger depsrtmsnt of the Oregon Railroad A Navigation company and th Southern Paclflo Hnee In Oregon to re doubt th effort mad thl year along th lln of advertising ths Paclflo north- weet and inducing immigration to Ore gon. An appropriation larger than that for any previoua yeer haa been made for thl work, so well hss th company been convinced thst Its inveetment Is bringing resulta . . I R. M. Hall, advertising agent ror the Oregon" tines of- the Harrimarr Tatlroadr,- haa Just returned from visit to- Chl csgo and hi old bom at Bloomlagton, Illinois. He vtsltsd the larg engraving houses in th city by th lake, and gathered new Ideas for th company's publications for nest year. While it is eonceded thst tbs publications of ths O. R. A N. Co. are up to the highest standarda. General Paasenger Agent Mc Murray i determined to make the Ore-1 gon line' advertising models for west ern railroad advertising. The Columbia River folder, the Farm ers' foldsr, the Oregon, Washington and Idaho book, and the Summer Resort book of the O. R. A N. this yeer were imffif th best railroad nubllcatlona 'issued in the United States. Their value to1hecdmpariy-aatothe northwest When' peine or irritation exist on any part or tns ooay, ins application or Ballard Snow I.lnlment give prompt relief. K. w. auiuvan, rrop. nuuivaa House, El Rsno, O. T., writes, June I, 1101: "I tsks pleasurs in recommend ing Ballard's Snow Liniment to all wh ar sfflloted with rheumatism. It Is th only remedy I havs found that gives msdy I havs found relief.1' lie, 10 :irka m Co, . , immediate HIS. .Woodard. Clark n " f r When cimerTn mm Men Now Vltltlnz tha f City Invited to Call. 910 txaml nation Qlven Free. - It paye men to go to the Dr. W. alclana are Of the world'a beat Out the northwest to be reliable, fwurc ana wanna- ouraa nave MDinM tneir. reputauca. r juro -pauent y; . Indar Ussa, flretefulTnen Trecommsnd them. . ... , , ,..t. , . . : T "all a4!nM.a If . A I "f--.t-l- ;'': ..' . wan sai, uuvb is s f Tounsr and mlddle-as-ed body end mind, with weak back, failing strength, eunken ehsska, hollow X j . v.. uv.v, uw.wv.wh ywr Over 50 Pr Cent of - w mm al a a . wurea ior jiu ana Many uniy During in- ; ' Patt 17 Years In This city We Qlve tht v .'. Best Treatment at the Lowest Price. . W are- always willing to arrange term to sults Tou can par by th visit by th week or by th month, and w give liberal discount for cash. Remember, our charge are th lowsst and most reasonable in th city, and you set the very beat treatment - Call and And out about your eaae at once; it win oe tne happiest-aay TSB1UUS Tins, out cutting. no pat oration. Consult us Our nrtre for a eura OXBOBTXO akin dleae, ecaema, .ing. heart, kidneys, liver, stomach, ra or xewm Ma Tiatttaa; us oity (jonsuit us at one upon arrival and maybe you ran be cured before returning home.'. Many cases can be cured In one or two or more visit a Consultation and advice free. WKITB People who II v in outside towns and tn th country who cannot call should writ for consultation and advice, free.. Many case have been cured by home treatment .. . Our jiew treatment haa cured 1. 001 ether and win cur you. Come Ato ua and you will alweya remember , iion or your lira. 11 you can can, no ror our zre symptom Diana. We will tell you if you are afflicted. Consultation free. Xf yost live out of th city, om for e vista ye ana ff hak a - th nasi train. ,!.-; .. , k v. .-; ' j-; - r; i j You Need Not Pay Until Yoii Are Cured . Should ran desire, vou mav denoslt tha' fse with any bank or ul- , nss hous in Portland, to b paid health. aouro armr to rprrra. DILW. NORTON DAVIS' O CO. 4 .ZMdiaeT arpeoiailsta la tne Vorthweat. ataMlak4 iSSS.- - TAJT aTOT XOTBX, MH VMZBB ST, OOSJT WVKU. POBTUUTB, OS. ) eeeeeeeeeeee VE CURE MEN Ccassltetlsa ments or som treated. These rases of simple Infection soon develop into deep-seated and chronic debility, which soon psss beyond the reach ot medical "aid , unleaa properly treated. . W Oar thla Ola of Oase. V railare. v WHY LrlVJ&S ARE 'WRECKED, Manv men whos caaes were elmple In the beginning were not bl to pay the exorbitant fees charged by msny atDaelallarU on Mea's Disissis, or who went to specialists who were not quallfled to dlagnoss snd properly treat theee privet diseases of men, from lack of knowledge and proper office equipment The X-Ray-Btatlc. Microscope, eta., ar all necessary f fice equipments that every up-to-dat specialist must hav in hi office In order to make diagnosis of esch snd every cess and for proper treatment of d I leasee. We have all theee Zqulpasents In Oa OfAse. W knew before we ufideruke a case lust what treatment is nscessary to restnrs the patient to . health. Ia thla way we do not fall. We tire our patients. . , ... - BLOOD PQISON C.:.-::ly!7 Is ths most dreaded, dangeroua and deaiructltv dlaeeee. known. This dlrmt-ff nrt ftnly unfits you for T"r woik snq-dntls 1 hut makes I nil ""unflf ' for marriage, for holding rponlbl positions. When hi system becomes Inoculated with the germ the whole body undergoes a ohang of decomposition and not only results In a disfigurement of the body but alao of the man. This disease can be cured. We hav received the everlsstlng gratitude of those whom w . hv oured and who hw thir apprecia tion by aending ua other caa. r - , . ' ; , . NEKVOUS -DEBILITY '-ftw Loa of snergy, will power, lack of concentration of thought, loss of memory, which weakene your entire System, mentJaa . well; physical. -Thl loweredvitsllty of the nsrvous and physical condition la strength ened so thst in a abort tlmeXyou will have your original atrength and be yourself again. ''' -,V . . All "acuta end chronic ekln disease, ulcer, rheumatism, heart kidney, varicocele, stricture, gonorrhoea, liver and stomach troubles oured by tha latest eclenUflc methode. ' '' ' ' v ' WRITE, if you cannot tell. All correspondence strictly confidential and all resiles sent in nlaln enveeopes. . No nsmee. . esses, lettars or photo- graph of patient published or sx posed. t Inclos rply. .' . (.. ' r", t.i ' Hours I a. m. to I p. aa.r Evenings, t to I; Sundi St. Louis ftiaai DlspansaFy. com: noon AJTD TasTSTTLti Weali, Theaaaads ef Tsaag arenatnre grave Ui-oegh early laalicratleae asd later wiwm, asd Csaatltstioaal Bleed IflMaeea .Save raise sad wreekxd the -life et Baay s prasilaln ma it nervous aas sea Meaairy Poert Kaelly ratine; Excitable; Kyes Blnr; lisiples ea the fare; R ratine; H(fir4 Look Ing: Blotrbae; Sore Tlroat; Hair linil Palss Is the Bndri Sua are Rrear Ufeleat: platraatfal as Lsek ef Baersv and StreDstbl Oar Hew Metae ef TraataMat wUI hall ra a . anatali7, phaicauy asd vIMlly. - Osres Oaarsataed Be ray .. "osU s Writs SB. I. J. KXkCX, Ml first St. Cor. XaaiklU, Pertlssd. wr proved by th wide Intsrsst thsy aroused In ths middle west, ths Atlantic coaat ststss. and foreign countries. Hun dred of Inquiries result from th ton of thss books that ar mailed to pros psctlvs homeseeker and . traveler. . r-- Oregealses at S)eirV - Seeglrt. N. J Aug. JI.-The,natlonal rifle shoot opened yeeterday with 44 entrie front- th army and national guard. The Oregon teem haa arrived. " Tha and of the Wert of trouble that robbed E. H. Wolfe, of Bear Grove, I a., of all nssfulneea, came when he began taking Electric Bitters He . writes; "Two years sgo Kidney trouble caused me area t suffering, which i would never hsvs survlvsd hsd I not taken Electric Bitters. They also oured me of General pebllU." Sure cure for 11 Btoinch, Liver end Kidney com plaints, Blood dlsessee, Headach, DIs slneas and Weakness or bodily deollne. Prlc lOo, Ouarntd by Skldmor Drug Co. v ' " ::t)t:t:: .:::::t:t ' ; . ; : , 4 i .'. , j. -.. . r . e "Norton Davis company. Their phy-i anaelalteta. Th.v are known thmuik. honest nhvalnlana aaA auraraona. vu niv III .. 1 1UUUIC . .' ' mea via haa ln4nra4 thamaalvaa- hi ' T ai.wvr;. -, . ... ... - Our Patients Have Been cv . -. ' e. aw. . or your lire, consultation rree. uloera, sores, piles, constipation. Itch-, T catarrh, rheumatlam. pain T it as. th most important transao- to ua after rou nav been restored to Sundays and holiday a, 10 a. nv to II m. X Free No Fay Unless CureJ wormy veins, vsrioocei. reouceo ena curea witn . w n. Rupture, hydrocele ena piles cure witnoas on- x free end And out how we cur without th knlf. T la tha ehaanaat tn tha northweat. 1 W nre IkU Disease. Blood Poiaon, T arte eel, trlotaur, Vervea Oeolla, Wea knees, osaerrkoee, and piseaMO ef the stldaeya, Bladda and Pso. - Wrlvas . Diseases Newly contracted and ehronlo ease cared. All burping, itching end Inflammation stopped la 14 hours; cures effected in even days. Established 23 Years Is PortlssoV - W find many weak and uffr1ng men, with loet vitality, prematurely old,'. with loaa of - memory, .no energy, wboae cases in th beginning were elmpl U- comrsotao aisesse wnicn was pooriy i-ceni stsmp io insure Sundsys, I a. m. to II noon..: arrmszTS. POaTXAsTD, om. Nervous Men sad ' VMele-Ased Mr , srs' sssaaliy swept s Hare res say et the follewlns eram. lMDODd.nt: Tire la Moralnsi .No Aaibttloai EASTERN EXCURSION: RATE i ..... . Sevtamsev S and IS. On the above date th Great North ern railway will have on aele ticket to Chicago-and return at rat of 171.10,' St. Loul and return 117.10. St Paul, Mlnneepoll and - Duluth, Superior . or Sioux CUy-and r.tara,- III. -"-Tickets flrst-clsss, good .going via. tha Great Northern, returning same or eny direct route, etopevera Ulowed. . For tickets sleeping-car rsasrvatloiu- or any addi tional Information call on or addreea H. Dickson, C. P. A T. A 111 Third atrW Portland. ' -.. ; THRESHER AND GRAIN DESTROYED BY FIRE . Porsst Orov. Aug. 11.-rire, which le supposed to havs startsd from th sn gine, destroyed th thrsshing outfit of Chsrles Spletings, which wss being run on th Hugh Johnson plsc about one , mil north of thl city". Pour stack of grain were also consumed and the tot loss is estimated at aoout iteoo. V -1 , . '. ' i