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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1906)
). : c;:dav i;v. :....JTuoust or.' - 4 , ' w mm4 4t . W w ' - - ojoe .si:; looms oil nou ie i j BUUIiER JJSSOKTi. V 'eanal sefcearOen eaa Sad Tae feuae! m mu at SaaiUi. mm amok U4 Havana. A taenia w rtr tellvary will he euiatatjd. Otw (llieet (ma aw srt at Ihn alu ut4 h will ettead anaayuf e U' ' teSTl tUOI-Leele 0oa. aaeatl - kM4wrttn at Ilweee, week. I- Unry to U poixu ea the keexk. BZ4aifg AD ftKAt W. ft. Wuitmea, esnt k4MiMil . Lewi 4 Ca.'a tag etere, ImiM. to Mwy to mil swaie en to . -w - ato - mviva-xuit - - imuiM aawe egeai vmsuw Suun mines, aeeet. bstd. fuertare et MewyeH, Or, BeUvejy to . U salute M the toot. ''EOT LA JtiTufc easftaitast Oe WAid Miaanl Sffiags JU ckJEKms MnrxiAt, snnrot.' wass. : . .a"tT BefaaW. eseat. Oelja. Waeh, . Harriman ; People Find Any L Amount of - Business for ' Coastwise Steamers. TonHT'ft Ajnruxzrst. Xrri.........;w.....,....."A Irlih Widow" ' 8tar ,''A Oit Tmptatk" PnlM . V eudtrl lie Greed ,.: Vaudavllle X match tossed eat ot the window by e as rales passenger on Portland Height ear laat ' night caused what might hav been a dangerous fire. The match set fire to tha dry grass near ' Patton eroaalng and gained eonalderabla headway before tt waa noticed. Prompt i work by tha paaaangara cheeked tha flra in a few minutes, but had they been uA abla to control it tha entire orchard dle- trlot along tha Patton road would have been threatened, as tha ground is cov ered with tall, dry grass. Tha flra in tha brush-snd woods on tha ridges near . tha Taylor Ferry road was reported laat night aa under control and doing no damage. . . Tha Only danger la said to be in a body of timber near by, which might be threatened in case '.a stiff breesa springs up. Tha timber extend to tha Fourth atreet trestle of tha Southern Paolflc, which , might be destroyed should tha timber burn. ' STEAMER BREAKWATER AND CZARINA AVAILABLE Craft Cam Into-Ownership of tha 1 - Harriman Interests Through 'tha Transfer of the Coos Bay Railroad Aet TwWakaAto. ' -' , A crowd that outnumbered by several hundred any that haa appeared on uoh aa aoeaalon this summer waa at tha City ' park yesterday afternoon to show its r appreciation of tha last concert of tha - season by tha park band. Tha program - waa perhapa better selected than any that- has been rendered during tha sea son and the generous applause brought forth by each number indicated how well ' the musicians had mastered tha heavy . , selections. Tha compositions of Wag ' ner, grand march from VTannhauaer," ' . overture .' to -."Tannhauaar," aelectlon from "Lohengrin." 'Album Leaf." and Verdi" "Macbeth." were received with great favor by tha crowd. Bandmaater Brown and DeCaprlo alternated in con-, ducting the concert. Maecagni'a inter messo from "Cavallerla Ruaticana" and . Straus' "Piaaioatl Polka" war given In . response to encoref to the entire Male faction of the crowd. y "After an unsuccessful attempt to reach, the summit of Mount Adams, Dr. Herbert W. Qleason, a Boston artist and .lecturer, and Olln D. Wheeler, editor of tba publication Issued by tha Northern Pacific Railway company, returned to this city yesterday, Tbay turned back . because of tha dens amok, whloh made : mountain traveling unpleasant. They were accompanied brthelr wlvee and . Theodora T. Scuddar of Boston.- Dr. Oleason visited Mount Adama with tha hope of aecuring photograph which he r would have used in Illustrating his lec- : turee In tha east next winter. Editor Wheeler waa In aearch of material ,rew latlng to the beautiful canary of tha coaat eountryi '. y ;. t ... : Water through ho ' for . aprtnkllng yards or aldewalka, or washing porches . or windows, must be paid for in advance ' end used only between the hour of I and I a. m. and and p. m. It must ' not be need for sprinkling atreet. If used contrary to thaae rules, or waate , fully, It wUl be ehut tit v ' ' Presiding Judge Alfred F. Sears Jr. , ' of the circuit court ha returned from a aix weeks' vacation near North Tarn hill. Judge Bears aay this 1 the first rest he ha had in 10 year and. that ' he enjoyed himself thoroughly. The '. Be pt ember term of court will convene next Monday.. "TheyMon Hasuyeneth 0)clity eraei iviunrtii reaterdav and officers were elected, aa follows: R. Goldstein, president: H. Philip. Tioa-prealdent; ' Mis Elisabeth Lalbovlta. secreUry; ; Mlsa B. Casle treasurer. County Fruit Inspector Richard Dalch thla morning confiscated SO boxes of peara consigned to a local cannery from Fellda. Washington. Tha fruit ' was covered with Ban Jose aeale. Arttstlo tailoring, perfect fit and rea sonable prices; new fall good now in. Armatrong the Tailor, Raleigh building. Waahlngton and Sixth at. Pacific HIS, ' Concrete Construction Co., T01 Cham ' . bar of Commerce, manufaoturera of concrete stone block. Contractor for . all kind of cement work. Tel Mala lie. Tour Bye Examined Free. We are till selling eyeglassee at 11.00. A ner . feet St guaranteed. Metsger Co, jeweler and optlolana, 111 Sixth street ' "The new - Japan Besaar, III First tract near Salmon, haa a brand-new stock of Oriental importatlona it 1 re , tailing at about wholesale price. -,t " ' Launch to the Oak every few sain ' utes every evening from Favorite Boat ing company's, south aide bridge, foot " Morrison etreet : - .. v '". Acme OH Co. sells tha beat safety coal , oil and fine gasolines. Phone Bast Til. i ' Woman" Exchange, 111 Tenth street lunch 11:10 to I; business men'a lunch. Rental Blgna. Ansley Printing Co, '' We aim to gi re you the yery best Printing Seryice that can be had QUALITY HIGHEST & PHICE8 .LOTTEST F. tf; Baltes & Co,, Erinters FIUST k OIK STREETS Two Clrwae Uaa,Betk Mala ltl The Harriman people are beginning to discover that they ' can have any amount of freight business for tbstr Portland-San Francisco liners - If th boats are furnished. Ordera for space have been coming In aft' rapidly alace the announcement a few daya ago that tha ateamers Axteo and Columbia would be , operate" ' 'n conjunction ' with the Barraoouta -and Coat Rica ' that even with these four steamers there will be no space to para. - Agent throughout the country nave commenced hustling for buslnss in compliance with instructions Issued by the company recently and the good re sult la already apparent.' In fact O la said that the ouUook I ao bright that tha company la again figuring. on possibly placing two more ateamera en tha run, making alx Vessels In all oper ated between Portland' and San Fran cisco by th. Harriman people, ' where they have been running only two re cently, and on a very Irregular schedule. The two additional craft avatlable7or tne run are the Breakwater and Csarlna, both .of which .were acquired by the Harriman - Interests through the - pur chase of the Coo Bay railroad from tha Bpreckela about two week ago. The Breakwater waa taken off the Portland San Francleeo run by the Bpreckela at the beginning of the sailors' strike and haa been lying Idle ever since. Now that she 1 owned by the Harriman peo ple her return to the run will probably follow. Inasmuch as she . le , a wall equipped passenger boat. The Csarlna la a freighter pure and aim pie, but has good carrying capacity and would con sequently prove a valuable addition to tha fleet - The ateamer Barraoouta. - which aatls Wednesday night from Portland for the Bay City, la loading at Alnaworth dock anil she will go ont with her hold full to thoihatchee, while there will be enough freight left on the docks to fill the ateamer Coeta Rica, which left Ban Francisco for Portland yesterday. The 6,000-ton steamer Asteo will be here about tha first of September, and until the Columbia get off th drydock In the middle of next month the route will be covered by the three first mentioned ateamer. . ; Th ateamer Roanoke of the North Paclfle Steamahlp company and .the steamer F. A. Kllburn of tha Wataon villa Navigation company, are due to arrive her from San Franclaco during the night Both come with full cargoes and their passenger accommodations all occupied. .CO.:-'.. iJ, SMOKE AS BAD AS FOQ. Blvwr aa Bar Oeeomwa by Pea : .01og From the roreae. . Steamboat men on the river end bar pilota from tha "mouth of the Columbia report the amoke from the foreat fires ao thick that navigation le almoat aa dtffloult aa during dense fogs. Great clouds of smoke have been drifting out toward the sea and the pall overhang ing the bar la said to be so dense that tha lookout at North Cape at times find hi glasses of no avail, although they are powerfaL . - Bar Pilot H. A. Mathews, who re turned from Collin Springe thla morn ing, reports the smoke on the upper Columbia so dense that at time neither shore can be seen, and John Drlacoll, secretary of the Port of Portland, who returned from Ilwaoo thla morning, states the bar obscure from the bay by reason of the smoke. .Notwithstanding the heavy smoke, no report of extensive foreat fires are g received by government Foreat Jn. spector IX D. Bronson. who recently made a tour of the country and visited the reserves In the Cascade mountain. He aay th ftjea are practically under control and attributes tha smoke to the smoldering fire In th burnt district and brush fire - along tha river ways where large area of land are being cleared. - Representative of th Hammond Lumber company, of which the Curtla Lumber company la a part, have tnveati gated the destruction cauaed by the fire in the Santlam diatrlct and find that the loss will be very, email. They, too, aay the' fire there I practically under control., v - 1 :; - , v GOES TO MEET CRUISER. Filet Patterson rjeavee for Astoria Se Bevun With the SogaU. Pilot Patterson left' down on the steamer Asuncion this morning and ex pect to return from Astoria tomorrow about noon with the - Italian cruiser Dogalt, which la due to reach the elty by the sea thla evening. The Asuncion ar rived here Saturday night with a cargo of oil for the Standard company's tanks and loat no time in getting discharged because she is due to return to PorUand with another cargo by next Sunday. ,' Captain Brldgett aay he can easily make the round trip between Portland and the Richmond tank at San Fran claco in a week, becauae th Asunolon la a speedy craft and a cargo can be placed jon board In very little time. Coming up from San Francisco-the Asuncion expe rienced fine weather all' the way, but ran Into occasional banka of fog and amoke Dr. C F. Candlanl, Italian consul In Portland, also left for Astoria this morning .to extend a welopmt.Jto.the cruiser Dogalt when ah reachea port this evening. . . '.;' s ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT. The ateamer Alliance aalls tonight for Eureka and way porta With a full cargo of freight and a big passenger list The French bark Laennee ahlfted to the O. W. P. dock thl morning, where h will await a charter. ' The British steamer Vermont will be at Llnnton thle afternoon to finish her lumber cargo for the orient She haa been at . the mill at Tongue Point about a week receiving cargo. . The steamer Charles R. Spencer will be hauled out for a general overhauling this afternoon. She will be oft her run to The'Dallea three or four daya. She did not make the run to the Cascade yesterday. ' , . The Italian ehlp Brasmo la expected to leave down- Wednesday morning In tow of the eteamer Harveet Queen. She goes to Oenoa, Italy, with lumber. - The barkentlne and schooner that were becalmed off north, beach Friday Woman's Pv?3i7Q3fe 3ik Saito giatoSOVoSaeslHlaigfrice- In tb ' Strit ; Section m : tyeHal . lot of - hand soma Silk- S Jts In Shirtwaist and Jacket afreets to ba claanad oqt at a phenoma-. nally low prica This aaason'a wearBlue, rose, gray and Mack Made qp in the vary latest effects Good assortment and all aUaa -Suits selling regularly at prices ranging from 1ft to $50 each Your choice while they last at & regular prices Only 45 of them, remember Better plan to be here early if 1 you want one... 2 u fL Ivv Our entire remaining atock of women'a white Wash Sklrti on sale tomorrow at one half regular price all the newest atylea in Indian Head Linens, Piques and Linens, made plaited, 4, 7 and 9goied effects; embroidery, lace and button-trimmed, or self-strappedjf skirts selling regularly at prices ranging front $2.00 up to $25.00 each. Your choice while they last at one half price. Cloak Department : Second Floor. .',.;.,,..::..':....':.,,''.' A"";'' .$35.0.0 VeloiiPPorfeioPOO Re3gcei3t6$30.00prPa!r I ri,'ttf T I 7 Vf Tha grandest value fa high-grade Por tieres yon ever had tha opportunity to buy are ready for Monday shoppers A special purchase from a prominent itn porter enables ua to offer magnificent.. f7 double-facedtembo8sedVelonr Portieres . at the low price of $20 a pair Double faced red, red with reverse aide green, green reverse sidTbrown. rose reverse aide tan Only a limited aiiantity of , them ReguFar $35700 values on aala at this matchless low f X V fiSS pTIceTtha pair........ (j) VaU U Custom shade and drapery work our specialty Lowest prices third Floor $6.50 Portisres $4.95 the Pair 'Special lot of double-faced mercerixed Portieres, in alt the popular colorings;. -ilk cord front and bottom; handsome designs and color com-; Cvf. Ot binations; Regular $6.50 values, on sale at this low price; paif, V Special lofr?of 200 live-goose-feather Pillows, covered with fancv C, art ticking; 1 regular size; very best $3 values, at this price, each ? 1 We are sole Portland agents for 'Ostermoor'' Felt Mattresses. Beds, Bed ding, Blankets, Comforters, Springs, etc. On the Third Floor. $3.50 Handbags for $2.39 Each Special lot of women's high-grade Handbags, fitted with card case and coin purse .and mirror, gilt, or gunmctal trimmingsijan,. black or brown waOOfcO rus leather; values up to $350 each, on sale at this low price, ea.... V77 Special lot of women'a Handbags, in light colors, fitted with coin purse; ffQn regular $1.50 values, on sale at thia phenomenally low price, each........ Women's black Silk Belts, assorted styles, with' or without buckles; ' VJQ , values up to 65c each, on aale at this special . low price..... ,.,.,aW 35c and 50c Wash Belts with gilt buckles;, grand values at thia low price, ea..85 Women's 75c to $ 6 Vests ' i ' - Fourth off Regular Prices All this week take your choice from our entire stock of women's imported Swiss Ribbed Vests Low neck and no sleevesimmense essort ment of styles in all grades Silksr silk-and ' lisle, or plain lisle Handsome hand crocheted ... 1 ! . , 1 . , 1 A t yokes or VaL uce ana insertion yore AU sizes Values ranging from 70c up to S8.0P Your choice from the entire 1 stock at Ya off the regular prices 75c Hosiery 33c Per Pair; Htxi':-: ifwVtt wof wrA ' black allk elocka, all alses; resular tOc, &c and ?le values, on sal at thla unusually low 33c price, per pair, ..' $ 14.00 Walking Skirts $5.45 $ 12.50 Silk Petticoats dt $6.85 Special lot of women's high grade Walking Skirts in Panama cloths, mo hairs and batistes this season's best styles to be sold at a fraction of their real value We "helped a prominent manufacturer clean up ' stock and as usual you are asked ; to share in our good fortun Pleated and circular cut with v folds or plain gored Blues, grays, garnet, tan and, black Skirts of the best style and ma terial and selling regularly at prices up to $14.00 each Your' choice while they C A C last at low price.yJ'TfJ Silk Petticoats Great special sale Of 200 high-grade Taffeta Silk Petticoats, made of the best ' quality silk, deep v flounce, with corded ruffle and ruching; graduated ac-, cordeon-plaited, with tuck ruffle or two rows of nich ing; red, navy, green, brown and blacks; values ; bp to $1Z50. each, at..'.. .. t. BV9 e V 1 14 V $6.85 i. , i i ggggg ' .--i- , , i aggBgMiTgB ' 1 " i " I sasBss'sasB and Saturday got out yesterday, a tug towing the barkentlne to sea, and the wind Uklng the echooner out of dan ger. ""'. WITH VALUABLE1CARC0. OrienwU Ziaee luaia Balla fo Xoagkong aa Way Tuuaonow. Th Portland-Aslatlo liner Numantla, Captain Feldtman. wlU sail for China and Japan tomorrow morning with one of ' the larseet shtpmenU of flour ever set afloat on one of th regular oriental liner out of thle port. She I expected to get awar from the 0. R. & Alblna dock at daylight ; The manifesto to be filed at th cus tomhouse this afternoon will show that la th hold of the liner will be stored away approximately W.000 barrel of flour, 100.000 feet of lumbar, a lot of general ear so jtnd aom machinery, des tined for Japanese and Chinese port. Th value of th cargo will run Into something Ilk II&O.OOO. V MARINE NOTE 3. . .' Astoria, Aug. IT. flailed at 11 a. n., schooner Bender Broa, for San Fran cisco. ...." .... St. Vincent, Aug. If. Arrived", Brit ish steamer KUburn, from Portland. 1 r Astoria, Aug. If. Arrived down at 1 and sailed at p. m., schooner Monte rey, In tow of tug Defiance, for Monte rey. Arrived down at S p. m.. barken tlne Jamea Johnson. Sailed at 4 p. m., barkentlne Jane U SUnford, for Sydney. San Franclaoo, Aug. !. galled at I p. . m., ateamer Coeta : Rica, for Port Uad. :. v - .- " 1 Falmouth, Aug. II. Arrived, French ehlp Crlllon, from PortUnd. Astoria, Aug. . 37. Condition of tha bar at a. m., smooth; wind light, north; weather emoky. , ' , - ; EASTERN EXCURSION RATE ptma e and IS. V On the above date the Oreat North ern railway will have on sale ticket to Chicago and 'return at rata of ST1.I0, Bt. Uuis and return M7.I0. St. Paul, Mlnnaapotla and Duluth. Superior or Sioux City aad r.turn, 1(0. Tickets flrst-elaas, good going via the Oreat Northern, returning same or any direct rout, etopover allowed. .For ticket, sleeping-car reeervatloni or any addi tional information call on or addreee M. tMckaon, a P. T. A 111 Third atreet, Portland. , - ' gpeelal Be to Astoria Aaeonat Aaaaal ' aMgataa. For the above occasion the Astoria A Columbia River Railroad company will ell round-trip ticket to Astoria at rat of f I and for children at half price. Sal date August tth, 10th, list and September 1st; return limit September Id. Ticket on sale at Union depot and 141 Alder street. Phone Mala Ids. BAKERKTIES ENJOY 1 GAYIEUIIIOI Members of . Stock . Company Gather for Rehearsal After - Summer Vacations. HOWARD RUSSELL TELLS ABOUT HIS RED NOSE Newcomers Are Royally Welcomed ; Sainpolis Has Put on Weight ; Russell Springs a Virgin , Joke Bowles 8miles Happily. ' By Johnston'McCulley. The Bakerltea are back again. Fifty strong thsy stepped lively Into the stage entrance of the Baker theatre thla morning and fell upon each other"s necks, metsphorlcally speaking. Then they were given part for "The Crlel-" and settled down to work. The first to put in an appearance waa William Harris, the character man, who spent his vacation doing empul nrlt. Howard Russell waa second by half a neck.- Donald Bowles waa an easy third. Richard Thornton, tha new leading man; John Stepllng, the naw comedian; Lillian-' Lawrence, the popular leading woman, and the -remainder of the-dramapiuduven also rsn. i "Have a good timet everybody asked; and every other body answered. "Sure." "Met' asked Howard Russell. "I pent tha summer at the beach. The flrat day I went outalde and grew a red noae. The second day I remained inald and. got the red off. The third 1 went out and got a red nose again. The fourth I got rid of It- again. It Just happened that 1 waa lucky enough to eome back to Portland on the day when I got the red off. Otherwise making up would be ah agony and an extrava- "Met asked Donald Bowles. "I epent tha summer in tne miaaie weei. i.ouree I had a good time: that's what I went for. . But I'm glad to be back and ready to go to work." "Met aaked John Salnpoll. "I want to Naw York with Manager Baker. Gained about 10 pounds. Now I have to ao Into training to reduce . my weight" ' "That'll be. all right, eald Russell. mVam'm m 'kkv '. ve fcnOW." ' There might have been something do- Ing along the heavy line, had not Rich ard Thornton entered about that time Thornton la a 100-pounder. He also Is handsome. Thla Is mentioned for the benefit of those who wondered whether. Haalso haa an Impressive voice and manner. He also Is Jolly. He ought to make a hit. "Why, here' th new actor." aald Bowles, with sarcasm. Then he went over and fell upon the neck of Thorn ton and awora eternal friendship. , And then there entered a ahort, fat man with a fat face. In which -the lines of humor were easily to be Been. Thai waa John Stepllng, the new comedian. He will be funny all right, all right. Extra women and men drifted In with anxloua facea, wondering whether the goda that Influence the. atage director were going to be good to them and give them tha right to carry a spear. And then there entered the Oleason family and there were welcomes royal. The stage of the Baker began to look Ilk the deck of an excuralon steamer. Bask foe Kiss Lawrence. And then there waa a sudden bush, aa waa appropriate, and through the door with solemn tread there came Lillian Lawrence. Just for a moment no a word was said. 1 and then th.i female members of th company1 gave a rush, there was a suddsn descent of millinery and a bewitching frou-frou and the sound of numerous smacka that told that Mis Lawrence waa popular. When tha women had done the. man ad vanced and shook hands with" her and congratulated . her en . her Boston suc cess. :.. - 1 "Charmed." aald Bowles. - "De-e-llghted." said Russell. And then from the front of the stag there came a deep voice, demanding: "Tou people get ready for bualneas now. Thla happy reunion I continued until after rehearsal." Every one went up to Batnpolta, and got bis or her- part, ' tha atage . was cleared, and while carpenters hammered InJhe body of thetheatre,jand..cenexy painters doBbed In the rear, and prop erty men ruatled about, the rehearaal for 'The Crisis" began. The Bakerites were home again. - " DONT MISS THE Astoria Regatta EXCURSION RATES Aug. 29,30,31 and Sept 1st Fast Str. TELEGRAPH Will leer Alder atreet dock T a. m,; arrive at Astoria 1:10 p m. Leave Aatorla 1:10 p. m.; arrive,, ' at Portland I p. m. ROUND TRIP $2.00 Tlckete Limited to September I. Maala served a la Carta. Tick et a sal at Alder street seek. .FMOT 5 AMUsaatsarrsv THE,- BAiiiSU SXAIOV SKAT SALS. WUl eea t th bnsorare Weaiwede. 10 . . First aerforsieac ftaaasr entlnee Seker Teeerre Store Coespeey ta "THE CRISIS!' Kvealaa ate, lae, I. M I Grand Bud' Sayae' ' Sreetest BieyelJet ts the Werl. -ttssileo tewe. ' -. Base aad feral Kartia. . Ooertrteht A lee. - The Two Veeha. Mr. Mattewe. lOe ts all seats escept tMxrs.- KTeelnse. 10. SO tat bea seat snc. rerfersMBcM t.JO. T:SO. :! . at. V , Cheap Rates East. On September I and 10 the Canadian Paclfle will aell round trip t.lcketa to eastern terminsls at very low ratee. Tickets' good for stop-overs with privi lege of returning same line or via any direct line. It will coat you no more to travel via, The Oreat Scenic Route." Double dally train service and the beet of everything. For full particular call on or address F. R. Johnson, F. A P. A., Portland, Oregon. ' AreAMabe SUerdaa'a Birthday. Ban Francisco, Aug. IT. Archbishop Rlordan reached hi alsty-ftfth birth day today . and waa tha recipient of numerous congratulation.. Hla grace was born In New Brunswick In 1141. He has been the .head of the archdio cese of Saa Francisco for 11 yeara He ie a ceuela ef Ftnley P, Dunne. RANCHERS OF GRAND ROM VALLEY ARE HAPPY Naw Railroad Does Away With Long Haul to Market With Their Grain. Ranchera In tha Grand Rond valley will be able to do away with the heavy haul necessary to ..get their grainto markellhie year by the completion of It mile of th Central railway of Ore gon. A. B. Brown, chief engineer of the new road. Is in Portland and atated that the work ot laying the steel had been In progress for several daya "We will have IS rails In operation In 10 daya," aald Mr. Brown, "and it miles by fall. Work on th new Una haa been pushed forward with all haste and Its completion can be expected early next anrlne. "Tha farmers and rancher are happy over the prospect of having a railroad to operation within a short time and reel' is whst a great thing It will be for them. The mining Interests In thst part of the country are elso eager for Ita completion and when all tha work I done, a great boom le expected In the nrtce of land In the valley. "Detaya In steel shipments hav been our lot the same aa other contractors, but now that the metal le arriving there will be no delay. We have an extra force ef men at work putting the eteel down and w expect to hav cara of wheat traverelng at leas 11 mllee of the road within 10 daya- . , ( t . PA1NTAQES fMrtV aad Stark S . wik or imwr . . feateet ef All Jagalen aad faa-Makese, Dereaaa aad arses. . Th. lie tear. Se4le Rita, leaa WUaea. 8avM WlUlaaM A O. W III. I Ptrfora lUa i hlMrn tike tar seat st week day. aiatlBeee tot IKIt CENTS. laea. avis wiuieau a ue. Ills Davie. r T BUsrefa. ' rsMMet (tally st 1 to. f ;5o sed . ilHton Me sad SOe. Beset t. THE STAR AIXM ST OCX OO. Week ef Aagsst IT. "A CREAT TEMPTATION ' Dally sMtlntes st l:H Bvealag aerfenaaae tt 8:1S . exevsc Seadera. 1 BTCntaas, 1. SO ae4 89 le te. Prleee Ifetl .11 Mil Brets ewaree tor venla( pernramsrs r pbeoe Mla awe.. Boxotaee . efea traai U a. nu te S a. at. UYRIC THEATRD two - arutiT sr. " "THE I1USH WIDOW -- to fear aeta. - ' ' " '. Three Mrfcrwanoea sally i eae tnr- ami twe Is the ettBlng. mm4 eeete JOe. , aeatlwlea lui Evsry evening t o'clock. Bring children. Corner Morrleon and X Change ot program weekly. HARRT SHCMAN, General Alvc. (lMrsal Bpa'l OerfVe I Peoria, IlU. Aua. U.A j..ini r of the Blghty-fifth end ... regiments, Illlnole Infantry, b. PeorU tlr and will ronflna o morrVw. There Is a Ur a ef the 014 soldiers, many of i traveled eonalderabla diataac j jpreseak 4 . t