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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1906)
Ti:z onnccri dait.v ' jsnr'T; 'tostlakd. i:o:iday cvz::i::o. Aucurr c.V 7l iPIIILOSflPIIV r in in nnnnAnr lit ill iiiiuufiUL r a -i s a . w w i f . .f T7-.'' ' $ Rtv. Hirani; Yrooman - Dsclarss t Universities Teach More That :J;-'--:;'l False Than True, - ' INSTRUCTORS N OT WEtlTT ACQUAINTED WITH FACTS 1 . ' I , j. . : uDeclaree . Church Accepta '" Science f . t Joyfully ; but. Looks " With ' Qreat f Suspicion Upon Philosophy, Saying Mtjortty orirlr NorTrutT , ( ( "Our Universities in EgTPtUn Bon , i age" waa th subject of aermon de , 1 Rev, Hiram Vrooman of th ! Swedenborgian church at th Knights Dvtkiaa kali (MtiiHlli even In. Dr. ?. Vrooman charged that th pblloaophlea f of religion -aa taught In th unlvoraltlea contain more that la false than is true. '.-'. f and that th universities ar In bondag , because of -making mleuse of scientific knowledge. ; He said In part; '. "All educator and aclentlata would j do well J tra. the true symbolical " T meaning of th word Egypt as used in f the Bible and then study , th paasagea . t m which this nam occur. By so doing V ther would be turned In th direction of V a truer anlrltuallty . -All nurelv eMentlria ' knowledge. ' gained through th Instrumentality of i. sens traprcasions,. ta tn apoetno tning " which th word Egypt stand for sym f. bolieaUy -whrvr employed In any part t of th Bible, whether In Genesis or : 4, Revelation or elsewhere. , "Bclenc Is utilised by th really '' rational and educated ChrlatUn as th '. 1 veritable basla of a spiritual philosophy, . i But It is perverted by th coldly selfish materialist to prove and eataMlah hi u inrisemy. .t "! i "Wherever Egypt Is spoken of In I good sense In Bcrlptur It refers . to ; scientific knowledge used In behalf of 1 f rational religion, and, wherever spoken t of In a bad sense It refers to th sam i-thing used -against-rational rell . l "It U declared la our. text that, Th f Lord, riding upon a swift cloud, shall ; oomi Into Egypt, and -the Idols of " V Egypt shall b - moved , . at his ; presence, , and the ' heart of Egypt -,- shall melt 11 4 the midst of It' ' When scienc and nature shall have : been Interpreted In terms of human na- t tur and made to reveal, as In an image. th mysteries - of tho . human mind. then tho Lord himself will bo revealed - : I In aclenc and, this text will bo ful DUN, ' . 'Our universities . teaoh scleneo and 1 philosophy their chief Instruction. Thar la . If, scienc and philosophy. Science repre- ( senta facta that ar IndlspuUbl. But i philosophy represents : tho rational or t Irrational, . ooncluaions ' derived from t those facta. Th church cannot offer i any adverse criticism of tho science aa f taught In our colleges and universities. She, r&thitr amhruo-lliMi llh wMe open arms. , But she has the gravoat kind of -charge to make againat th ' J; philosophies as taught In Our. ur unlvrl- "As a matter of fact, those courses ' of Instruction In our institutions of L learning, which are of a more , phllo J. aophlo than sclentlfte characur, contain ' more that Is false than is tru. ..' ( ' "Th materialtstla phlloaophtes as 'taught In our universities, as they re ! far to religion are essentially falsa, and I for hls raasoaj - our universities, by ( making misuse of sclentifle knowledge, i perverting It by bad logio to th detrt ; ment of a rational spirituality, ar In a ' aut of Egyptian bondage. - Scientlflo , truths will be liberated from this bond. I age (and also th unlversltUsl when th 1 Moee of apirltual reasoning directs ; tbem 4 to tho development of' spiritual philosophies which truly Interpret th , phenomena of llf." '. i UVILS OF LAW-MAKING. BoligWa Sglalatlom Oataldo Spker of r-- afsa, Says Bsv. h soiga A. gaydet.' . Pastor . Oeorg X. Snyder of the Bev ! onth-Day Adventlat church spok last . t evening on "Evils of Religious Leglsla- . 1 -tlnn " Xtm Innlr kl. . . m w.. . - - ' . ( U 1(1 JU . I , i xzil:-4. and spoke In psrt as follows: .. p -Liove to Ood Is the great primary ! principle or unlveraal law. . Lov to our i neighbor la th secondary principle, and i covers all the varied relations between i ' men, which Jt 4s th duty of civil Uw "fto regulata When civil Uw attempts ' . to regulau tho relations between men and their Ood. It goes beyond Its leglti i. mate sphere, and enters the realm of ,. religion where It hss no rightful Juria-l- diction. ,, " ' "In Romans aill:l-t Paul gives ex- . , This' is our' Shift Day ; 200 Shirts'are on our court-. ters'; some the $3.50 quality; Others $3.00 and $2.00 your pick today st just f 1.95. " " : The $1.00 Shirts are now ; selling at 65 1, and the 75c Shirts at 50f . . , , Come before your size oes ;';: " v.. " 'X ' Mtn's and Boyg Outfitters ' 1W AND 161 THIRD STREET ' Mohawk Building. ; pllclt directions concerning our duties to civil government. He quote fir of the ten oommandmenta. all five of which pertain to th relation between men and tbetr neighbor: and then sums p thus:- "If. there be aar other-com mendmtnfji lstrlcfl comprehended i his saying. Namely, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor aa thyself."' Now If J1 th commandments pertaining to our duties to civil government eve oompre hssded tn th saying. Thou ahalt lov lay neighbor aa thyself. It la self-evi-dent that civil law la limited to the relet ton of men to their neighbor, and ha no right to Invade th spiritual do main of man' . , relatlonahlp 1 to , bis ires tor, Anyon can- sea, br reading th ten commandmenU over-hat the- first-four precepta deal aolely with man's Ti Uonshlp to Ood direct, whlls ths Isjit sla deal with man' duty to his fellow reaTuree, Th first four of th ten commandments atand entirely outside th pal of civil Jurisdiction; and alnce th Sabbath commandment atands fourth In th Hat, w -claim that all stat -r national law which attempt to regulate Sabbath observance - ar . th forbidden ,frVlt Pt?Vr"-Pnlltln1 nnlna- V PRAISES COMSTOCK. ' .t v. . .-v-. . Wltooa Sy Xaa WHo rats Troua '' a StMusa Za oo otttsom. . ' Anthony Comstock,' tho reformer who puts trousers on. ststues, has one friend in Portland anyway. " Ho is Rev. Oar enc Tru Wilson, who In the last of -hla series of lectures on "Modern Sub stitutes for Christianity" at the Grace Methodist Episcopal church spoke ot Comstock as "that much-msllgned men. la a good osampl of what Chriatlanlty can aiska of a man." ' ' - Dr. Wilson's text leat flight was John Iv:, "God Is love, and he. that a bidet h In lov abldath in . Ood and - Ood - In him." .:, ',. . "Her w have ' th experience of Christianity dwelleth In- Ood and Ood in htm. The Indwelling "spirit of God and' th adoptsd child nhrind in the bosom of bis eternal Father la th sub lime- iprMne - of th Christian re ligion. Tou may have It for the asking now. .Millions are now walking with htm In whit. They pass th pollutions of this present world and com out ot It factorlea and atorea every Saturday night pur aa gold. ' White as snow. There Is no power Ilk th .religion of Jeua Christ to keep one steady - In temptations and ".grief a and disappoint menta, tho Christian's secret of a happy III oeing a apiniuat experience. -Th thlc of Chrtatlanlty . la x- pressed in this text; dwelleth In lov. That wilL transform .Iba-world, Thet will make good neighbors of criminals. Of sinners.. H that dwelleth In lov will wrong no oa. ' He --will keep th golden ml and not limply talk about it. H will b giving himself In help fulness to every caus which needs as slstanca, Th Christian religion ha raised up Just such votaries In every land in vry aga,. It; has men enlisted to prevent, crime, to . tear down the strongholds of Iniquity." Anthony Com stock, that much-maligned' man, la a good example of jwhat Chriatlanlty can mak of a man. It has boon doing such work through the ages." .. ; , SUFFERINGS OF LIFE. a. a. Sraokley skowg OkocoaOst ". Oaaaot Bo Kada With Saff rlag. . ' Rev. B. S. Muckley of th First Chris tian church preached th last of th "Llf1: series -of ermon under Th Suffsrlngf of Ufe," from Hen. xil:il. H id: "Tha meaning of uf(erlng la 0 pro found , mystery to mot people. .- And many,' becauae thty do- not nndarstand It, rebel against it But th meaning of surrenng need not altogether bo wrapt la. mystery, if we studied llf ta Its various -expression and relations more o to got a working Idea of Its moaning. would understand - th - moaning of suffering hotter) for th meaning of suf fering la largely if not wholly wrapt ud In tha meaning of llf. - "God cannot mak character without suffering, for there ar some thing that Ood cannot do. Aa a flnlto being man must learn' to harmonise with hla envi ronment It Is Ood'a plsn that ho shall grow-by an attempt -to perfectly adjust himself with, his environment In Uiia attempt h is learning obedience learn ing obedience involve suffering. . W ar told that evea Christ learned obedi ence by th things thst hs suffered. But w ar also told that for th Joy that was set before htm, h endured th cross, despising Its ehame. When w hav tha Chrletlen phllpsophyolJifee-fteiUoA' targ element of joy entering Into our suffering, becauae w look beyond th experience to th eternal thing it bring. "Suffering- has mad th world mov toward tb ondurlng. It has stimulated investigation and knowledge end through tnese naa atlmulated progreaa MILLIONS IN DARK. Bishop Tfcosam U of Bealghtod Fe. . pis of xadia aad Malaysia, ' "Whn I went to India 47 year ago our church had a total membership of II, and an our work wss in ono vernscu lar," said Bishop Thoburn. a Methodist missionary to India, who preached at orace Mtnodlat church yesterday morn Ing on "Watchman, What of th Night T Bishop Thoburn I visiting Jn Portland. "At th present time I in superin tending missionary activities In south ern Asia In 17 different tongues, not dialects, and we have thousands of con vorta annually. Our Is only on of many aenominaiioa at work, out though great-thing hsvs - been - accomplished,' the mass . of , heathenism Is yet unen lightened' .. ; - , , , ' , 'Three hundred and fifty million In India and Malaysia and million upon million In Mohommedan and othor heathen land r living In mental, so cial and spiritual darkneas without bop. They hav no aasursnc of Immortality, Many havo o vagu idea of futura rein carnation, but there Is usually no aerl- AUI thnnvtit Af ... ti V m ft., m A Mn ' clear hop."i x. . r . " - LIFE AS A RACE. , Xf. B. Xk atoaao Draw Xaterestlaf Study rroaa Taklags of auJ. At thrirt-C0Bgrgstlowsl - church yesterday morning Dr. K. L House preached on "Llf aa a Rac.M In order to be succesaf ul : lo ths race, he says, one must prepare himself thoroughly and must lay aside all excess baggage. "According to Paul thi world I not a grandstand." fa said. '"whr men hould sit down and look on th show, applauding or criticising; nor Is it a promenade, where people may pas up and down to see and be seen: but It l a raoatrack. a plao for activity, effort and progression, toward an Inaplring goal. There la a definite spec of ground that muat be covered, and many are tha spectator who ar watching us. "Psul also asys thst th great crowd of witnesses hav dono their part and that w must take their places; w muat keep - up th order of tho age. T refuse to get Into lino Is to antagonlss the order of th world. It I to break up the progress of th world." FALSE DOCTRINE. . . - . ... r - or. Bea-Bsra Stile Bly Skew SCew Zt Stay Be Basil y OomrodL Rev. Bn-Esrs SttUs Ely tn his yss torday mornlnr sermon at Calvary ; Presbyterian church grralgned tha ori 2r 1 . L,- -. VnNTIyv ' "'' " v J -ri Tr tti minis An iruii Dm .-.T v ''l a f7 ' I I , . Si.S!"L5- Uy. Bel alys tie less aaje , .' ' "ISS- ,,1-. J JS - . ' -. -.WyyiH---- yafe oith tO aw-eet ieerew m eess UerwUos. , : - v auAX '7 g 1 prtxlatka ef U bdg f. ' ' , I' I; AAte, ental faf&lee' which In soms way be es ma-attached - to tho early Christian church and havo In ono form or another lived aa a part of th Christian faith In the minds of many - who believe themselves tru follower ot th Re deemer. .' , ' "In short." ths speaker said, "the fals doctrln was this: God Is good; matter Is evil and tho seat of sin. Th evil, could not have com directly from a good ood, is antagonists to him, and Is separated from hint by a greet gulf. "To this Paul opposes tho solid truth of ths gospel. . No need Is there for this shsdowy crowd of beings to bridge the guir between uoa and nia world. for Christ, th on all-aufficlent modi- s tor, fills tha spec and leavee room for no other. v !lt iatheJatter truth to which our attention Is directed by the verses under consideration.' We are told that what the world need la education, and doubtleas It does. . Wo are told much about the necessity and value of Im proved physical and social conditions for men, and certainly thero la truth In this. But thsra Is ono deep, under lying, preeminent need which I too often Ignored. It la th need which the gospel recognises, provides for and fully satisfies In Jesus Christ It Is the need of reconcillstion, such ss is affected exclusively end all-aufflolently through him. Bo, then, it la of Christ, the reconciler, w . are to think and apeak together. - .' rreferred Bloat Panned ooda, Allen Lewis- Beat Brand. - , FIGHT FOR SEATS OF H PETTUS AND MORGAN i l.-:"?"'- (Jearasl Special Strvlee.l''-' Montgomery. Als, Aug. f 7. Reports front all sections of tb stat Indicate that at todaya- primary an unusual, ly heavy vote will be cast On th re sult depends th eholc of governor and other stats officers, rspreoentatlves in congress, th successors of Senators Psttus snd Mosgsn and two "alternate ee net a re. Supporter -of termer And Cun ningham, th rival candidate for th governorship, xprss confidence In th outcome. Much interest centers In tb senatorial contest. in which ther l large field of antrte. - r c If . Caking Powder )) '' fl Twle ss goedl ft . II OL'. ose "third the . II V SHiM P'lceofother. . 11 '---V V.' 11?"" 1& Dekum To Catch Burflars. . . Th lateet and moat affoctlv way to catch burglar, according to Mrs. Esther Svana, tha Janltrees of a larg depart ment-houao In New Tork, Is to grsb them by th lapel of tho coat and holJ tight simple. Isn't It T And yet -Mr Even baa captured three that way and led to tho capture of four other. Mrs. vans' husband, when at homo, very obligingly run to th telephone and notif to th pollc. while hi plucky better halt hangs on to tho bad man's .oat lapel. Mra. Evan -declares that h haa no fear, but ay that It la uch a nulsanc to be obliged to Interrupt her work and catch burglars, and wishes that the nouae waa not quits so attract Iv to worker of th "Jimmy." All th burglars, so far. have coma In th daytime, but the burglar,, alarm .has never yet failed to notify her of the presence of uninvited guests. Mrs. Evsns received a note, after th last capture, signed "Burglars' O" saying mat ir sns appeared in court agglnat th men captured, that tho bouse would be burned to the ground and thst she would bo killed the first time that ah waa seen on ths street But Mrs. Evans la still fesrless, and says that If her testimony Is needed to convict then, she will testify. .Do you wonder, that this plucky littl woman "hang on" till bip comes r Peter Pan Change Purses. , All summer w hav worn Peter Pan waists- and wow wo-aro to jbt)fl6n Peter. Pan change purees. Th waist wer rsslly . copied from the on Ml Adams; wears In ths fairy play, "Peter Pan," but as to change purs. It hardly seems possiDi that a fairy would need one. Perhaps Miss Adsms wsars It n the street. If so, 1st u hope that ahe will not D oniieea tn wear if nn i long a Catherine Countess wor tb sauor hat named for her.. . .. . . ''' . Intuition, i :. "Our intuitions ar tho veiled queens Who steer our course through Ufa." ' Mseterllok ssys "our," but It is eon eetieo ny au mat women hav more Intuition than men, perhaps . becauae they act on Impulse rather than reason, A man - wlU carefully reason a thing from, point to point, and when ho hss laboriously reached a decision will find thst a woman has reached tho sams conclusion In no tlm at Oil, simply through her Intuition- and th funny psrt of It Is that her intuitions ar sel dom wrong. Msn should, and do, eon suit their wivs In regsrd to their busl- sffalra Th vary fact that ah hss not befuddled her brain by worry ing, reasoning, and arguing ths matter, wlU hslp her to see tha vliai point clear- 1 CARTERS itt7 J Pitts. rrrJ ".-..?. SMk Baadeehesad teUsvssn the tumbles dan a bUleae steteef the syatwa. snob ss IMaslaeas, line, Jriarisaex, Plekuss sfle satlag. Pala la the Bide. 4a. While their bmmm) Wsjsrkihlssiinmsshss bees shews la eattog Baadaea. yet Carter's UtU Liver Mis stO sqeaUy vahwbla la OeoetlpBUea, saiieg aad sre veatlBg thtaaaaoytogeomplatotwhlle taey sle eomot mil disorder of t beetesuokuaialete tho km end isgolsts the bowels. Bvaalf theyeaiy Aeaetbey would ssabaestprieeless to those who soger from tsJsdteweasiiig eesiplelna bstfortsj. etety their gnedniae doea sot end here, n those whooewetory theaa wUI god thee littt ptlla vela, able tasemaay waya that they will sot be w Bag to do without theou But after aU slut hett AK11 M Ot bane ef ee maay Hvee that betels where , we make emr gnat boast. OaryUlseussllwkU StheredoBot. Cvtor-t UtU Llrer Pnie are very email aad eery easy to take. One or two pills stake e doss. They sre strleUy vegetable and 0 net griff e garvOxitkr taetr seaUeaaUea piste U who ly and quickly. Bualneea man aay that tn vaiua or- a woman as confidential olerk lie . In her ability to graep th posalbuitls of -a-mattsr- qolckly "and to be aoia to corns to a right decision through Instinct. Girls who wish to bs of valus to their employers should try to cuitivato tnsir intuitive racuitiso. Of eours it la not good to depend ea our Intuition and do no reasoning, for ha is -a capricious goddee of whom we eaa asver be quite euro. , , , ' .y n "..-":. Shirtwaist Suits. ," The newest are ef fin flannel. They wash beautifully and are very serviceable. . . ., They are Just the thing for meun talna or oeashore. . Por early fall In town, too. they will come in handy. - . Favorite colore are salmon, . pmk. mauve. Blue and cnamoia. Some of th new flannel aav am- broldtred figures. An sffsctlvs one le buff color em. broldered with black dots. ' It Is trimmed besides with' black stitching, pipings and buttons. ' , .. , Boot Off for Talparaiao, Usarasl Bpeelal servlee.l . , , Washington, Aug. IT. FrOm Punts Arenas, Straits of Magellan. -word haa been received from Secretary Root, aay. lag he bad star ted for Valparaiso. ( HEAP it The BREAKERS HOTEL AMERICAN PUklf, isaoa Beavte Light, Steets. Bet sad Oeld seM EfiST' F; D. Jones & Co. c:oti::"3 syt.:? as be sd by Kllllo ef Rotben for skew sulldraa wklle TwUUag tor ore Fifty Years, liaootass th eklldTsortens the goata, allarf 11 pain, mrm waa eoue, ea m w remMiy for aierrtxee. KOOAK 0VCUttQ t4HO ' tNbMaCMMT9 Of ALL KtNOS ; Saw sua wife Die. ' . tiimrset SpeeUI semca.1 . ' ' -Muskegon, Mich- Aug. 17. Chauneey Vanorman was found unconscious on a sand spit near this place ytaterday. He bad (one kHntlng la a boat with bis e.mwi..iwjiw'iwiwqrwiwwg.inii pmiewp.' ' m - - .V. .--' ' f . or ra vaoxtzo vobtxwbss. Wtt hi gvwy Tefc. Bay Tickets i EAGLE COAL, ?7.C9 PER T05I DELIVERED T.t: i '. 181 E Water Street for Iced Tea U8S Oevers Golden West Ceylon y '' ..'-tea :';'V Peculiarly Refreshing. Sealed Packets Only. . Closset (Si Devers wife end Merman Bermln. and saw hla wife drown. Bermln was saved. . ,, Prefswed Steek Oaaaoa )oSg AUsa Iwi Beet Brass, r , . T ' '' A