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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1906)
TII3 OKEGOM DAILY JOUr.::AL, PORTLAND, I'CIIDAY EVZIiniO, AUCUCT Ur l!! . t II u.cliis coio OF DR. BARRY Man Apprt Whn , ,Cliim Dfl' ' ceasad Physician Lived Double . ' Life Twenty .Year. ; CLAIMANT DEMANDS HE : t BE GIVEN UON'S SHARE After Ebtttataf-HirMenthjrlcml Proceeding Will B Commenced to ." Take Seven Millions From Other Heirs. v',' -w- 7 -r-.r-i ' flosraal Bencta! rrlo. . Rochester, N. - T., Aug. , 17. Robert ... I. Barry, on tef ?Dr. John H. Barry, . who died In ' New York About three year ago, la in thla olty aeeklng proof of . tb validity of hie " claim t to hie father eatate in New York, estimated to be worth 17,000.000 , He backs, up hie . story wttb written ' evidence and - corroborative verbal , testimony. What , appear to have been double life led by Dr.. John H. Barry for nearly SO 'year In New'York la disclosed. There ., la aleo a mlsslng-wlll. .-- - i According to young . Robert Barry' .' " atory, he wsa- born In the Arlington r- hotel. New York, May S, 17. : Hla l mother died in 'New York April. Itll. , and waa burled in Keneica oeraetery. After her death, Robert wee eent to f a boarding school and hla father went i to live at 110 Weet Seventy-third , street It wa at thla time that Robert ' , I tret eaw the second Mrs. Barry, who . now claims, with her son, all of the . late Dr. Barry's estate. " By the .terma ef TJr. Barry .wW bla entire property f '-divided equally be- . 4 ween ' the second Mm. Barry and her son. Robert la wholly Ignored. Robert - says, however. ' "n'nows his father , 'roads a will which left almost all of Jii property, to hltn..j. . . . The last will was dated about two " 'weeks before JDt Barry'a death after he had been' through several operation ' and numerate administrations of drugs. . CHANGES-LIKELY ON PANAMA COMMISSION - (Josraal ' ' New York, Aug. 17. As a result of - the presidents trip to Panama it is - pee ltd that several changes will be t- mad among the directing officials. Desplt the denials of .Shdnta it Is , expected . that be wiU retire f rdm tha . chairmanship In favor, of Chief Engl . neer Stevens. It baa not been decided -" who will sncoeed Governor Magpon, ''but It Is known tha president la dis satisfied with the progress -made. .... : IDA BRADLEY IS RICE r , HILL POSTMISTRESS . ; - ..-':-j 1. "i rWaihhistni Bane ef TWjoemtLV ' ; -? ' Washington, .Aug. J 7. Ida M. Brad J, ley has been appomted postmlstrss at i k Rice Hill. Jpougias, county, Oregon. 3AWtf.JlT Rced-Frerich PInno Uannlaictarino Co. Will Use the remodeled Common wealth BuUdlng. en corner Sixth and Bnrnald - streets, as a depot and for their western piano s, ' V . . . ' This company employs no travel ing salesmen. It has no agencies In interior tewne It doe business di rectly with the people, either by mail or by personal call at Its wholesale ware rooms,. . Sixth and, Burnslde streets. - t:.y: . Th -place is nsw to the people of th northwest, but It will meet with success, for it goes at the bottom of things it cuts out all retail extrava gances and saves the buyer big money, ,''i - 'T '.Z1 1 - ;. i . ; : , Writ us. We' will mall Catalogue, prices, terms any Information you want; or, if you say th word, will end th Instrument the purchase of which rests entirely with you) If it' looks and sounds as fine a we've talked about It, pay us 12 for a tarter and we'll fix the balance to anlt yen. SOME 1906-7 PIANO STYLES A seeders aad thoroughly s " "te-date, rally guaranteed Pleso may be yaid for t '' so months i- .J23T A beantlral lastnimeat, exeet lew ese weala retail fat Soo yy 1 wlthla - tw ; Mr . ...... ....... Votbiar fines , words tas ssmvagat 1. praise of . . '"f - tww fmi1 time ....A.t..31 'Coin In, write or 'pVon 'Main 1J. VM "' 'I'i'rYT ''SV';-. : '.r, n::J-FrCa:i3i Pimo r:znzlc:tcrinaCo. VZh til lZ7ZZl2 Vjttti II salesroom II trade.- '.. II - SUDDEN DEATH TO IVOflLARSKI ' f v . ' ' ., , , Blood-Spattered Warsaw Sees Another Russian Commander v-v " - Shot Down. . V ASSASSIN KILLS SWlh'LY AND MAKES ESCAPE Girl Shoot General '" M mv- Whose Wife Spring on the Murderet and Hold Her Until Servant Put Her ' Under Arreat -: Jeans Special Service.) " Warsaw. A- tlj General Won- larskt waa ahot and 'killed this after noon while driving from his residence to bla offloa. . '. Accompanied by ' two adjutants on horseback, tha general left his. home at . I o'clock and .' was drtvsn alowly along the street. When near military headquarters hla carriage waa stopped by the . press of traffic and hla adjutants were unable to reach tha vehicle. , Just as tha driver whipped up hla horses, g shot rang out. and Gsneral Wonlarskl fell forward. In the ex clteraent caused by the shooting, the assassin, who waa plainly aeen by hup dreds of people, mad his escape. General ' Wonlarskl wss dead whan the adjutants reached hla aids. - This morning it was stated that notice waa sent to all cabmen warning them not to drive . for- any generala today...---"- , - '-.'-w - Hovei aois Tired of Flaees. (Joataaf SpedarStrHee.)' . . Petersburg, Aug. IT. It la (St ported that General Kaulbars, at whom a girl trlsd to horl a bomb yesterday. has resigned and that hla example haa been followed by the principal military and civil governor,' .: - v mum satwa Vail. ' ,". (Joarssl epeMal Berrlre.l Odes, Aug. 17. A girl student tried to kill Governor Kaulbars with a bomb. but apparently her nerve failed her as aha approached the palace, aa when near the palac he let tha deadly engine drop. It ' exploded ' and blew off her hand. She waa In only person Injured, although many people were -In, the neighborhood at tb time. - The wounded - girl, -with a ' man and woman who accompanied her, were : ar rested. : . . : ., . . JKOlee) Is Wlf- fJearsel aaeetal ItIm St Petereburg. Aug. 17 In th prea ane of hi wife and hla personal at tendants. General . Mln was shot to death by a girl on ths station platform at Peterhof. ., :. , As he sank to th ground hla Wife rushed at hla assassin, caught her by th arm; and triad to wrest the pistol from het The murderess shot again, and thai 'mads a fierce struggle for liberty. Madaaa Mta .fought bravely, and held tha girt lintll the servants ar rived. 7 " ' '. ' vr ' Ths .girl said:. ."Hs was-doomed." of general Mine who .was condemned by th terrorist after th revolt In Mos cow . last Deoember. At that - time he gave order for th. suppression of the terrorist, which Included ths arreat and Immediate ' execution . of alt persons found with arm In their hands.' - Tha general's promotion has v been rapid; a year or so ago he had a sub ordinate position; than he was given command of the Semtnovaky guard, and waa made adjutant in tha personal suite of tha emperor. - rVonlarski waa temporary governor- general and commander of th Fifth army corpa. ( ... aUotaM&uUL,' - Disorder ar reported at various centers. At Kliilov soldiers who ar guarding prisoners mutinied and II were arrested. At Tamboft the revolu tionist killed three soldiers.. At Riga ths police discovered 14 bomb. Three robbers attacked the government spirit store and troop killed Ave of them. - Stolypln' Injured daughter is alive, but la stilt In danger ft tm t.,tt t1Pt hi son will recover. V Bumo Kills Oolowsl (Jearaal Speelal Bervlee.) St Petersburg, Aug.- 17. Colonel Rleraan, Semlnoveky regiment, assocl at to General Mln, ia reported to hav been assaaalnated at Louga. . LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR COON IN PORTLAND " ;' r ' Chprles E. Coon, lieutenant-governor ef Washington, was In Portland today on his return home from a trip to Wis consin and Illinois. Lieutenant-Governor Coon- waa in Chicago tha day a great number of prostration -occurred from th sxcesslve heat - "A peculiar thing about It," ha said, "wm that th thermometer only regie tared SO degree. Th terrible humidity, however, I what did th work. -Nina people died and hundred were prostrat ed. I arrived in th morning and th heat wa still very great, but later a breei blew in from Lake Michigan and cooled th atmosphere. It wss th worst day of th summer for the inhab itant of th Windy city so far a pros trations ar concerned, but they have had daya there when th temperature was much higher." . Lleutensnt-Governor Coon aaid that his trip was partly in the nature of vacation and partly business, but that there waa no politic connected with it OVER QUARTER MILLION TO GREET W. J. BRYAN fJoera.l Speelal Service.). Kew-Tork,- Aug. IT.wrhw-railroad expect to bring 100,000 people into this city to greet William Jennings Bryan. Delegation ar arriving today and are aiding th Nebraakan to spread Bryan enthusiasm vr th city. Steward t Honor Beoeevel. . (Jeered Speelal Serrlee.) , . Niagara Falle, at., Y., Aug. 7. The International. Stawarda' assoclstlon. an organisation with a large membership throughout tha United States snd Can ada, began Ita annual convention today. The association will elect President Roosevelt to honorary membership be cause f hi interest In pure food legis lation. Ths convention will remain in session until Friday. The Xeadly AatoaaobUe., (Jeerse! Special Servtee.) ' Prvldnae-Auav - J7.i C'hsuf feur -Oliver Labella of New Bedford was killed and Ann Fraisen of Fall River was fatally Injured In a collision between an automobile and a trolley car. . , - . spivjsTH's r:::v ivas LI . ITS TR.!:i 'i But It Is. Fashionable Again In London and the Women of America Are Uyrg riai is. Uaul Snl.l kMlM New York, Aug. 17. A cabl t th Herald from London sayst Ths -wasp wslst is coming Into' favor again despite tha fact that It is regarded by a major ity of women wirn distrust. But fash Ion's decrees must be obeyed, and many women who ar emphatic In protests against ths wasp waist suffer much In tneir efforts to obtain one for tnom serves. ' 7 . " A physician who wss consulted on the subject declared that he issued wsrnlngs without number against tight lacing and at last had given up in despair. Hs wld- only of f er-thi pi oiulee -to th girl who waa tightly laced: "8h will suffer from wrinkles around her eyes, purple cheek caused by Im perfect circulation, ' red ' hands, broken veins in ths nose, a worried expression, and generally gray hairs from malnutri tion.". - ,v , : ,. - , . ; LEM SHORT KILLED BY BI8 ; dose of l:osphi::e Man Charged With Complicity T In Great Northern Holdup ; ii Neair Seattle Is Dead. (Rpeetal Dlntch is The Joaraal.) ; Chehalls, Wssh., Aug. 37. Liera Short died about I o'clock thla morning from an overdoes of morphine. Steve Adams,' a dope fiend, who furnished Short the morphine, waa Jailed pending an Inves tigation. Shortwas - last spring con vie ted of ateellng a horse and buggy near Seattle, it being alleged that be was an accomplice In- tb Great North ern holdup near Seattle. HI case was under appeal to the supreme court. . He wss out on bail. He worked at a mux condenser her and hi parent reside in Chehalls. ..,; . s.GE's l:i::q ive.xv says Witl-Breaker Asserts Money- Maker Was Not Competent to Draw Testament. , , (Jesrul Speelal Strvtee.) Albany. N. T. Aug. 1 7. Revel C. Sage of this city, a grand-nephew of Russell Sag. 1 about to begin aotlon to break the Cage will on the ground that the testator was incompetent to 4raw-it. Thla - new claimant's- ground war novel ad sensational. He says he haa ascertained that when Russell - Sag drew hla will h mad a private paper also. In which he! told his Wife how She Should dispose of hi million. He- claims that if th content of thla prl- rr-" " f stands thev are. they will prove that Sage was tnoompetent wherf he mado hla -111. TELLS HOW PLOT FAILED (Continued from Pag On.) lection war, afterward canceled . by the government" Heney turned to th .group oompoeed of the defendant and their counsel. "You we. j getting th beat timber land in th sute then open to . entry. For what waa worth U0 an acr you were to pay l,a. Blnger Hermann, on of th alleged conspirator, wa commissioner of the general land Office at-that time. Th cancellation were mad by higher authority- on th ground that th reeerve not having been created the -state bad no right to- make selections based on unsurveyed school lands within th boundaries. J. L.' Wlls,-who had been on th witness stand all Saturday -afternoon, finished 'his testimony 'this morning. Among his latest disclosure was that one when he hsd gathered a buneh of 14 appllcationa Jones told htm to hav them signed and acknowledged by some other notary. Thla Wells understood to be a precaution. He had received hi It a head and therefor he did a re quested. He took the application to M. F. Culver, who acknowledged and sealed without th formality of having th applicants appear before hlra. Well Cross-avem Inert. W. D. Fenton, attorney for May, began th cross-examination of Wells. He brought out that John Kenworthy, one of th applicant who eold hla right to th witness, is th "Unci John" Kenworthy who wa a landing member of the Centenary M. E. church. Fur ther questions Identified George Wil liam a, another of th applicant, a Major Will I am a. a ' brother of ex-Con-gresman Richard ' Wllllama. Attorney Fenton also added to the record that Major Wllllama lost, a leg at Gettys burg, that hs was well-to-do when he signed th application, that ha I tlll well-to-do and that he la a member of tha banking firm of Wllllama A Eng land. ' ,. . , . Ex-Xudge M. I Pipe, attorney for Jones, brought out that Wslls once took a flyer in school Isnds himself, buying up eight or ten cltlsens but falling to profit by hi scheme because hard times cam on and he couldn't keep up th Interest on hi purchsse. .. V I .. ,., REBATE INDICTMENTS NUMBER TWENTY-ONE , - (Joornal Special Service.) Chicago, Aug. J7. Twentf-on Indict ment hav been prepared by th gov ernment attorney-In charge of the in vestigation Into the - alleged rebates granted th Standard Oil company by the railroads. It la certain a majority of the Indictment will D "returned when the two grand jurie which have been at work report No Individual will be Indicted. Tb corporation alon will be required to make a defense. wm Seaaftt Chicago. ( jnersal gneetal ervlee.) ' Chicago, Aug. 17. Chicago In Ita ef fort tor become a milling center haa se cured a considerable advantage. On and after today the Western road will not accept a lower rat for th trans portation of flour than they get for hsullngaht.- This sctlon remove on dlsoriinjoatlon against Chicago, and MinneapoSi,'. Kansas City and other western billing eltle loee an advan tage which they hav heretofore bad. ' I--- . . ',. - t . ... " joi!; wm rJIIISKEV-T JWurwor Has Him Negotiating for the Purchase of AH the Distilleries. THINKS HE HAS NEW ; usE for his Alcohol PortlMdealeriecUrTTrrieynBo Not Fear His Competition, and Say The Will Give Him a Merry Bit tie If He Enters Liquor Buaina. ' (Jmraal Boeclal Strrlce.l Peoria, I1L, Aug. IT. -The BUndard Oil company haa taken steps toward a' quiring th ownership of .all principal distilling plants la th United State. This announcement mad in distilling circles her yesterday oomea aa a sur prise to thoee who were unawar thai a conference had been held in Chicago between repreaentatlvea f th -distill ing interest aad tha Standard oompany for th purpose of trying to agree on terms. A price he s been 'set on every distil lery In the Peoria trust and present In dications ar that th deal will be ef fected and the plant paaa into the hands of the Standard Oil company within 10 day. .'' The chief reason for thla actlvitvon th part of Standard Oil Is ths "de natured alcohol" act recently pawed by congress. ' When this bill was passed surprise ' wss occasioned because the Standard Oil company did not fight th measure that was destlnsd to afford re lief, from high-priced gasoline, one of th chief products of th Standard Oil company,' Now It is said -they deliber ately allowed th Dill to go through, confident that they would speedily gsln control of this threatening comnetltlbn aiivr mi out passea. ' Th Rockefeller lntsrests hav en gaged expert chemist who find that th product can be manufactured cheap ly enough to make it a serious competi tor of gasoline, but hav discovered also that th Hquaaould be used in the manufacture ot mercerised cotton and other fabric and that It would be an extremely valuable product to control. . --,- -.'i .... a LET HIM TRY IT. PortUad Wholesaler Say tke OU JCaa : Would. Fall aa Whiskey afaksr. . Portland whole liquor deslsrs did not express any great alarm when in formed of the action of th Standard Oil oompaay. They are of th unanimous opinion that It would be Impoealbl for the on trust to secure a controlling in terest in th manufacture of whiskey in tha United States, . B. E. Cohen, of th Oregon Importing company, whan asked about the situation, said: -"There is nothing to it - It would re quire year for th Standard company to, gain a controlling interest in the whiskey production. , Then independent distilleries would be able to haras tham to auch an extent that the oil people would not be able to- boost the prloa, of tne stocK. it can't be done. - - W ai lliaepsngenr of any. action thst may be taken by tha Standard peo ple,'' said Fred H. Kothchlld, of Roth- child Broa. "AH the spirits bought In this part . of th country come from California. Nothing could be don that would need to ecare Portland dealers Every farmer could manufacture bla denatured alcohol, and an ' attempt on th part of th Standard to gain con tro! would only result in failure." W. J. Van Schuyver did not entertain any fear a to the result of such a deal so far aa It affected- hie firm. . Eugene Hoch, of Blumauer Hoch, expreesed more eellng than any of th other dealer Interviewed., He aaid . ' "I hop th Standard 1 beaten at thla gam. They hav already forced the price of gasoline to SI cent a gal lon whan It I only worth it, and th people stand by and 1st tham go aheed. They will wait only so long a their patteno hold out and then w can ax pact to see th middle elssse taking a hand inr the government of such cor poratlona. If they force the prle of whiskey up they hav th prlc ol ell ther will be tijn f"r Tbe people will not stand for such power In th handa of corporations, and w will find our country In th earae con dition as many of th European coun tries revolution." ., . SILER WILL REFEREE SULLIVAN IS ROASTED Goldfleld. Nov., Aug. 17. e d Sporting Editor of Th Journal d Slier . will be referee and th . 4 fight will com off as par sched- ' 4 ule. Larry Sullivan, Gsns' man e e ager, was severely toasted by the Goldfleld Athletlo club for objecting at the last - moment ' 4 Ther 1 talk of running him out 4 :of town if he continue. Rick- ' 4 ard maintain that Slier himself . 4) d 1 a sufficient guarantee of a ) aquare deal. Gana will do. no ) more boxing until th time or 4 the fight Nelaon will do much 4 4 -of hi sparring out of doors to , 4 4 gat used to th glare of th sun, 4 4 whicm 1 strong her. Slier will 4 4 arrive tonight (Signed) 4 4 ; '- M'GSEHAN. v 4 4 AGGIE MEYERS NOT TO ANG ON LABOR DAY - t ' '.,'' jserrtas-sa-Msa-Ms ' ...." "' (Joom.1 Speelal Serrkt.) , Jefferson City, Aug. , 17. Th gov-, ernor' haa - granted another respite to Aggi Meyer, who was aentenoed to hang on Labor day for complicity In the murder ot her husband" at Kansas City. Ths Isbor organisations objected to des ecrating their holiday by a hanging. Th respite is to, October 1. Frank Hottman, tha woman' accomplice. Is given a respite to th ssm data. The governor aaya he wa reprieved because a writ of error to th supreme court wss . Ordered. - - -. , . TURKEY AND BULGARIA 4 SNARL AT EACH OTHER v- - '.: . .' - ' , r ., , , . , -. (Jnsrsal Speelal Serrlee ) CAnstsntlnople, Aug. 17. The threat ened war between Turkey and Bulgaria I likely to break out at any moment. Bulgaria's diplomatic representative her resigned hurriedly today and friendly relation ar at th breaking point, . - ' , ' ; . .." - For month Bulgaria has been prepar ing herself for war and la reported to be surprisingly strong rem a military atand point , " CIS. : . IS Lu ilufi; Thunder Mountain Not as Paint: ed, Say John Treweek, Promoter. ' MANY T0N3 OF HIGH-PAY ORE NOW IN SIGHT Wath orGoldBerirLedge l 24 Feet, Avertginf IS Per Ton In 'k Value development Is Just Be- It la said tha combined efforts of th optimists of Portland ar constantly required to counteract tb Influence or a oertala hammer . that la wielded tn thla city.. Industrl that ar develop ing throughout th inland mplra, in cluding th mining industry of Idaho, ar far from a large commercial can ter and th optimist, of Portlam ar determined that these Industrie shall look to Portland aa their headquarter and eource- of supplies. "Contrary to the damaging ana un warranted atatementa published tn a Portland newspaper, .. th Thundsr mountain mining district la a rich 'one. and has a groat future," aaid John Tre week, superintendent of tb Sunnysid Mining company, who la In Portland to make a teat of ores at th Garvin CyaS ld Extraction company's plant 'and ne gotiate, for a cyanide nlant to be oper ated in connection with a 40-atamp mill now at th mine. "There are ioe.BO ton of nay ore. at a low eatlmat. now In' alght in thla district aad th work of development ia just begun. Two mine ar working; and othsrs ar being opened tap. Th Dewey mln. a free milling proposition. I -working a - stamp mill and making a good profit, aa shown by the amount of bullion that peases through the Sola assay omce. Th Standard mine haa a larg or body, but la not yst ready to operate, Th Sunnyald company haa iqr igni month been shipping 4arg quantities of powder, machinery nd provisions for to. men Into th district A e load of powder hae just been shipped from Salt Lake. Th management has tOO feet Of ore blocked out and now available. Th or reeemblea that at Goldfleld.- Nevada, a quarts porphyry highly oxidised. . Th width of th gold bearing ledge 1 about 14 feat, and It averasea is Mr ton in values, mi Homestak mln in th Black Hill, On of th most profitable in th world, is working In or that averagea only si and 11 nr ton. Th Sunnyald com- nanr ha 40 claims tn its group. De velopment work la being pushed with all nosslbl Bpeea. ' Mr. Treweek cam to rortiana to 00 business becaus he was able to find her on of th beat cyanide teetlng plant In th country. He i an experi enced miner, and ha worked In nearly all carta of the world. Prior to his connection with th Sunnyald company he waa manager and consulting engineer for th Mines d Pierre Fltte, at Haute Pyrenees, on tha French frontier- i mined eight year In Australia, at Cool nrdte. Kalgoolte and other place, in Kwm Zealand 'he had charge uf tli".n- Natlona and Long Drive mine. .. Me waa euperintendent of .the Custer and Lucky Boy, tn Idaho. As manager of the Mercnr Gold Mining company near Salt Lak h placed th mln . In th dividend-paying list! .. Receibts of ore for test ax in uar- vln Cvanlda Extraction company's plant show a steady inoreas of activity la mining, operations throughout ' the northweet The minora of southern Ore- son, northern California. Idaho, eastern Waahingtoa and Montana find Portland convenient Disc for testing ores. Recently th plant baa been greatly en larged, arid several thousand dollar In vested In th Installation of th moat modern laboratory, furnae and grind ing machinery, tn charge of a trained force of aaaayar and chemists. ; .. , itim iin .ni,i nrinrn im ktW M..b liUii ntlbllo lil LOCAL POLICE G0U3T Acting Municipal -Magistrate Strode Believe In Tempering 1 Justice With Mercy. . . 7 bellev In tempering justic with mercy, a polio magistrate i cauee upon to listen to th mlsfortunss of th poor unfortunates who paaa In re view before him and where It la evi dent that ther Is no criminal tsndancy on tha part of tha offender I am aur that justice can be beat subserved in giving him a chance. In all my tl year practice at tha bar thla la th first tlm that I hav vr sat on th bsach In a criminal court and I am an sa vorlng to follow the Sams rule of fairness and light which hav charac terised my legal career," Extract from an Interview with Victor X. Strode, act ing municipal judge. . For a tlm thla morning It appeared aa If for th first tlm In th history of th municipality there would be -no magistrate to preside over th destinies of th polio court Judge Cameron left Saturday on hi annual vacation to visit th regatta at Astoria snd It developed upon Mayor Lan to appoint aom on temporarily In hi place. The xcuttv head of the city undoubtedly had soras difficulty In securing a temporary ap pointee, for It wa 10 o'clock before Judge V. K. Strode put In an appear ance and took bla plao on th bench. Without any delay and In a business like manner Judge Strode called the first case and the mill of justic took up It accustomed grind. Decorum reigned throughout th court proceed ings, and for one Attorney Walter Wolf, th jumplng-jaek of th pollc court attorneys, sought a chair and re mained passive. , Deputy City Attorney Fltsgerald In commenting upon Judge Strode' flrat day. In court declared that h handled the case In a moat creditable and able manner. Judg Strode waa the counsel for x Sheriff Tom Word In th recount pro ceedings. . . . ' . GILLETTE ON TRIAL FOR KILLING GRACE BROWN '. , ; . r f, .i .. ; . '' tJnarsal Speelal Serrlee.) " Herkimer, N. T.. Aug. !7.rAn xtraer dlnary term of th supreme court con vened here today for th trial of. Chester Gillette, charged with thek murder, of (trace Brown. 8h went out. on Big Moos lak with Olllette, and he ssserts that ah wa drowned After th acci dental upaettlng of th boat, , c.. .-. " Besides the tegular subjects listed below we will con-' . duct a special class in Algebra. A professional" instructor. ''Of thorough tr''n;"fj nnrl iiiiim will ' f-tvt .. prannaf attention to any who desire' tp take up this subject. j ; - 3 ; REGULAR BOOKKSEPIKO ' : BANKINO . - BUSINESS WRITINQ-I COMMERCIAL "' ARITHMETIC - RAPID -CALCULATIONS . Our school is in session 'may enter at any time. No a desire to improve. - ';.;; ,.'. vr-. ' i.V v;nW,-i v? BE HNKE-WALKER : : : THE : LEADING " -f . ' y - BUSINESS COLLEQ E I ELKS' BUILDING. BY MODERN METHODS is ft part of put business course. Card, systems, voucher accountings looee Ief work' and other improved styles are taught. G - A graduate from our school is well versed in all inethodsof bookkeeping in general useBusinessTform college currency, are introduced early in the course. . Office practice, the use of filesT etc., are important features. All this is fully explained in our new catalogue---free for the asking. Call, phone or write for a copy Z?g - it ov. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE ; ' OPEN ALL Park aad WasWgts) Strssts - i Mori 'eall ferkttp tha it eon Trim, OollrU. . -, Oo-atnoattomal aad . , : l " . .-.. ,. irom See tarUa SCDCOL OF ESCEST STATtDARD "' IN THE ' -'::' ARTS, SOEJCES. imms m KDSICI WITH Lcrj8 Ecdowraent AND Excellent Equipment Superior SchcUrshlp "CerttSeate from PaoiSo Unlvrsltr hav admitted student from our elseeee to exactly th sama grades in Williams, Amherst, Princeton, Tale and Columbia." - - , HORACE M. RAMBET. . , . ... , . Class of 111. Its tbtrrt H freei ss artlel kr nsv. Horse M. RSBMr, ef t. Staplim's Cturrn. ' porUssa, Is a book lt. esUtlsd "To BMkers ef Hlfber K4nrstlM." The arttrlM Is tbe koofelet ere sll wrlttss kr slamsl sad rodnis ef Psclae, sn4 mmf s eaa'n ta asklsg. Tti Prcptrtry Ceprrlstsl ' High School graduat and others having credits lo mass up. for col lege courts csa do so la Tualatin Academy. T ' . , "tim to oATaxoatra. ' Fill Tepa Opens ScpL lSOi TBE ALLEN PREPA8AT02Y SCHOOL Cnrnsr Est Twlfth and Salmon streets. Pranares ounll for colle snd technical schools. Sixth year begin. September . For eataiogu aaaree . .. . THE ALIEN PREPA2ATC2Y SCHGCL .. roBTUurs, omaaosr. . '5fcSS for MOaji Csl, t It Oold Crown, ..,.... ,...f.0 f. Oold Crowas .....L4.6O 1.S flatea ...V..S5.00 11. ate , fT.60 rulings, op freas. Sf Wack. naraitssC . - - Costcn Dentd Pcrlcrs SS1W Storrlaes SX, Opp. . aa ' Vha atsenlatwa ef VortlaaA aad ia Orege thai of aay Oregon avswsyapsa. OTUDI33 ' SH02TIIAND CLASSES ' '."" '- TOUCH . typewriting grammar :: letter writing e t-tt T V VvTrt PUNCTUATION throughout the year- -Students, entrance requirernents except-" 'i TEL MAIN 8S0 TUB YEAR - A. P. ArmatroBf, LL, B., Principal mttt. It pays to atttnd our school? BesalKslly lecsted bi.Portlssd. Oregtm. Sera ssiurpsawd tseilitiee lot tbe eul tare sad educsllos ef yessg vrosien.-- Special epportssltlee la Masic. Art. Lssrssres snd Liter stars. Wsll eaalpeed Phrslcsl snd Chemical Las ereturlee. Herssrhmi ssd Miners! Csbloet. Tb larsvst sad eldest Ladles' Ssmlnsr la ths Pacific Northwest, it eajort s national repststie he Im parting the beetobrtiral. neatsl snd aiersl train ing and developing tree wemsahssd. Equip oelsllr ssd educsriossllr lor the meet sislted sutles. Coalers Academic ssd Celleglsts Desrte T 6tst Asthority.. Isterleresc with coavictien. ef Bea-Cetbollcs ie acrspslesslr sveided. Acsdessy Is ideally lorattd. ssiid istpirnig scealc edva asses. Social epporrenities ssch ss ar svsllk Is SO ether city os lbs Coast. Bsildmgs Isrte end eeainodloo. well-ligbtsd. heeled snd veatilatsd: dersittories ssd privsts reesis auppiied with ell atodera ceaveaisacss. Tbe Isetmitiea at liberal sad prorsne witbont sscrifidag tbe character aad tradition ef as snd chiTesient. Tsrai aaodeet Satislsctery relerescetreqalrad. Write tar eaaoeaeeaest booklet. Board ssd tuition SIS per pesr. Adams Sister Saperlor. St. Mary's Aosdsay PORTLAND, ORBGOW. U.S. A. Th School that Places yov m a 0000 Foamoiu MCUSINCSS COLlXCt WAM. to TENTH STS. PORTLAND OREGON ' Writ Direct to Principal Room IS. PORTLAKD; ACADEMY a-- : 'r Portland Oregon' isth teaji wzu orar Pits' boys and girl for Eaitsra and Western collages. Inciudsa a primary And grammar aobooL Boarding hall for girls affording tha comforts and ear of a refined bom. . - Ofllo hour during tb Summer from I a. m. ( 11 a. Par eataiogu writ to th ' addrssa given above. military: acadei.iy A Boarding and Pr School for Boy. Manual Training 1. Military Dlsolpllne, Bora ef any as College Preparation. Boy of any ag admitted at any time. Write for Illus trated Catalogue. Dr. J. W. HILL, hop. and Principal Pall Una will open Sept. II. 110. voanajTB, omaeo. , n : Columbia University! TTnlversifV PsrW. Portland. Oregon. Classical cicfitilic, commercial andV' . 1 A . I A grammar graaa courses, nppij low catalogue.- - ' Tea as net ptoperty keeking eat rot To. 1 nsliaa get) wakea Tn e'earaai Waa Ada. 4- . . 1 ffitb I'- V