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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1906)
THE ORECOII DAILY JOURMaY, PORTLAND. MONDAY , EVrrilllO, AUCU3T C7, l!!:. .-77 TODAY. iiTEL;&KEi;i5 BARGAINS Lot 1 and J, block 1. teaat Portland 815,000. . .-. Lota 1, And X, block 11, East Port land, 2z 1.000. Lota, 1, 1. I and 4. block 91, Eaat Portland, 110,009. The lota arc on Eaat. Third etreet. Mtwran Hawthorns avenu and Madl '. aon atrwet- 4-room cottage. In Ana condition, largo . room, plastered; lot 60x75; fruit, flna rosea, besuttrul lawn l,ot; io caan, tialxnre on time. Half lot, aouthaai-erB-Eaa4 Flrat And Oak street a. ,' Quarter block, aouthaaat corner Eaat Ninth and Alder. . , On full lot on Eaat Second, near river front 12,600 - One corner lot an Union Ava. It, 400 Ytaa tntow-tlTiiOTi ave. Ifi.r;.' ' One .ott aouthweat cor. Eaat Sixth And Aah (4.000. Lot. Quarter or full block on Orand ( Avenue. . , Bualnoaa property on TJnlon a venae. paying 1179 per montn.. rnct la.euv, Buchtel & Kerns lilt Mommxaos. u Made The '. Oldest Trust- in f Oregon 1887 J Company : In. Oregon Offers Its Intsrest-Besrtng Spsdsl Certtflostse ..ef Deposit te tb public, with the assurance ! t"St a otns eoneecvBtlve method of lnvsst i. enssblace mors sdvsategee: they are aafe, ' n-Totlsbls, transferable ead payable abort ' eaii, . . i EXfOUkCXA OVXB fl.TIS.IOMS. r:;::i fol (c: ct Crtjti ' B. B. ce. Sd aad Oak ate. UN J. I. COHEN H. U PITTOCK Pboaa Es. Tl. ...... President .Vice-President A. Lit rauax J. 0. OOLTRAp. ...Aseletaei Secretary A. LEA PAGET Secretary xotrxs tov 'AoesvT voa-rovB Mom . - CAST OB1 m CBVTf It . la easy to poat youraelt and It will par you to do so.: The man who Is aatng your money At t par cent will try to keep It, AO aeek Information from 'unbiased sources. Put la A little of your time on the study of banks, so that you will understand why they out rank other forms of investment. ; j , northwestern Guarantee ci.d Trasl Cornpany; KAAmbew azekAAA-A aids;, fsoOBd rtoer) . .. a. 9. Oor. sjaeeAd And Btark ata. Just From Alberta . ' Coma In And 'well tell you All About that wonderful country, the unequaled production of wheat And ' All araall rralna, potatoes and all root eropA Prices 7 to lie per Acre. Cheep trans portation. . , .. . ... . .- W. O. IDE, 251 Alder St. 10: ACRES fSBO Ser Asia Pine garden land: lsys 2t feet on car line; ie fere. Phone pACtflO Silt. . TOVrd; 268 Morrison WATCH LIINTS C1XOW And keep your Aye on WILEY ALLEN ' A CO.8. Ads for Una bargains In real estate. WEATHER REPORT. Y m onrr mm tow : ' " The bsmsseter ta relatively low ever CsH fwrnla snd Art sons and also ta tbe Cansdlsn ' northwest. A low preasur srea ef eowMerable nergy Is oretral over Lake. Ontario. It bss . etiueed moderstely beery to heery rein la th l-e regloa. th middle Mississippi vslley, th Ohio vsUey and th Atlsutle eosst ststss from - Main to Fieri da. A high presser area ef decides character te eentrsl ever Ksassa and - fair weather peers I is nearly everywhere west of tb Mississippi river. Th temperatures are nee normal in mt north ferine states and la th Atlsntle states, while ta the intermedlste region tny are from S te 10 degree below nor sts I. Th Indira rtoea ere for fair' wsathsr Is this district teelght aad Tuesday. ,: ... Terns. '. -Statlotia Mas. Mis. Precis. r-aser x.iiy, larssrow.. , ,. . Boston, Massachusetts 7 . TO - T 'Vthk-sse, Illinois...., M 64 .14 .Denver, Coiorsdo ....,72' . .. .0 , i ksnsss City. Missouri...... T2 5 ' .0 Le Angeles, Csllfoenls.,.. 70 SO . . .0 ...New Orleans, Loulslsaa... 04 , in -.0 . New York, New York TS T4 .OS , - Psvtlsnd, Oregoe.. ......... 89 01 . . , Rosehsrg. Oregon as - M ' ' St. Louis. Missouri 00 ' M . .0 ; 8ll Lske. I tsh TO SO i A , , . Ssn Frsnrtsce. Cellforala... r 7 M .: .0 I Spoksne, Wsshlngtoa SO . y; 04 ,0 Taroms. WsshlDston....... SO 64 -;.0 ' v Walla Walla. Wsshlagtea.. i ' .0 ,' Wsehtngtoa, D. C TO ' Tf ' : 1.00 BIRTHS. ., BAT August . te Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bay, i OITHRIR August T, 'te Mr. And Mrs. Matt 'i fluthrt, city, a poy. . COriK August U. to Mr. aad Mrs. Arch la Cook. T74 Wsscn. a bov. WIEfiT Aegust 24, te Mr. . snd Mrs. David , A. Wlest. a girl. DEATHS. - WYSS-Asgast 24. Cenrsd Wyes. AO years, 4S Kaat Blilh street, north, spopleiy. SPKINfiEH August 24. thristins R. Springer, ". 41 years. Uood Samaritan bospltsl. UNDERTAKERS.' ts. M I r oslaoersi modera la svsry detail. Seventh 4 liaat. Msla 4A0. Ledy ssslstssc . Rssssterfc, undertaker end enabelmer. tefih aad LavsUlU ava, t Pbeae SsU leksan reewrtahlng Co.. and em helming. 4at A.v st. laws Siaiav I1U. Aedy esslsuat. I. P. Fleley A Suem, Third end Msdlsea sts. (Vioce ef county esroesr. i'bsee Malt S. -v Rdwsrd Hotmsa, sadsrtsker. 230 Third t- BXtAAViuer C--...-AT. ' tingle grsvee" f t. s"r lets ITS to 11.000, nlr ewnteteer hi Aortlend which nee. enaetel rtueiiy maiMsrns aad eeres for -. rer rnu rormsttne eeuiy to W. R. hlscaee-e, Wof . , ... . mm mt I - J 1 eaaiiea rvu, sale7 w, as. aeewe, r . a UARXIAGS LICENSES.' Dsvld A. McKsy. 501 Hill Slrset, M; Mary C. Murphy. 42. , - William B. iMk, Llaatoa, Oregon, 80f Ada ' Weddlnr Cards. W. fl flmlth A O. rogue bidg.. or. romrU ead Washlagtea at WeaAuit- end ealllac enararsi ' a pnawe. A. X BBsbWo, Wsablucua as. lflae Arrtha U,,ll nn SIS AUakT bMe. taiulaaBdtasTUtwaralMlt'T; REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. K. U Wllltaais to Ids Beekey, lots 1 sad . blw k s. . Point View I Arlete Lmi MMiMVt. A C. ILuJ-era lot IS, blurk IX Arleta Park N. .... 10 Central Trust A Iaeeetiseiit eompsnr te K Mr KaimiMMi kila 4 and A. blork H, Central addiUea te Bast Pertlkad.. 1,500 Albert B. Carter to Tbnata A. Bdwards, hit m, block A Tremoat Kojifad ami MarU WoMe to refer Moor. - bit S, blurk . orlfiaaJ tow salts of Al- bllra " . . . .i v v ymi .,...... . 1,1.1. t mA - - - tn JlMMSk Vlrt- , aau. lot A blork 12. Ins Psrk.....v... ISO Flora Wn Cook swt Ueorfe II. Csok te Bridal 'Veil Lassber eonipsujr. south- eoansnr. aortk t aoutbwsst hi snd . 1 1A lAVmhtn 1 aAHth. n, rsDsv . . . ..... J. K. Werlela to P. H. Marlay, lot 16, block Z, Albtna Hrasiesd J. K. Werlels to P. H. Maris, lot 10, block , Alblna Hosvetead B. U and Delia loss . Hasemsaa te W B. Mies, andleided t lots IS to 01, Inrlniles, block B. Oeaersl Cobib ' soa'a sddltloa to At. Johns............ B. L. sad Dells lose iUaemaaa Joha A. HeteaiSBU, WUXVl e sefiuuuia 1 yaat corner of lot 0, block A. Oak Park addition to St. Johns Bschel H. snd' t. S. Mors aWt9 ij,.". mum w ....... . a tut!l.Mwt. aitditloa to Kaat Portland. 1,130 Brace m. McUrssor to wuusm u. o . and Harrj u. HsaaDiet. isu sera. sections 10( 16, township t Berta, rang . 1 west ' 10 im . . mi w.k .J I- . T u U.. ' 1. A. fill H.liBKOUI bu..iw . ... r Kmm ut AO. block A TrenoDt Tsrk.... i B0 Isldor and Kmms tioldanltb to Louis P. ' Bene snd Wliuan Hants, sk viocm IS. eoMsnuth s addition Bath's addition , ii.'.:,V ;'' 1. H. PsttersoB to Wllllsat : . east 1-1 of lots 1, . I. block i sade, except east 1 1- fet ef W. J. snd Oedsmke, a . .1. Bams -J At OS Cor B. Hubbard to Oeorf r. Muoosro, eereel t UbA ssctioa u, iswdmiv a aortb. rsaas esst I..... r. A. and Anal D. rrst to tirjfoA Second Williams ATMS additloa . . . ,0OV William 11. and slryALa4 l T. Turser, lot B Slock z, wiison s - . tloa. etcspt north IS feet ef snM art S. TOO Cbsrle J- snd Ilea A. arhnabsl t lare- ' ; line Xockasin, tsc is, now w, , . t Psrk i": ' rrederlck lu aad Frsncss W. wssntwra , to TrnBiaa u. mcnsraeini, w ; Uu, A 1. IdStSMlOa ....... Z S Nels and Annls petersoe to HC. Has- . sea. lot A. Blocs au, ,iuiwi-.. . B. O. Hanses to Nels sbo annis raw. i. . h.i k on V.Mllwortb ....... Mar; J. B. and John 'Prestoa to rredi-rtrk llsnsw. lot . block 4, Uarelwood Psrk 100 Jeoals and D. Tsn Bsnts to John lot T, blocs is, stcjaiun s " Esst Portland Emm B. snd Horses W. TBI learn a Cbsrlas W. CsmpbeH. lot lo, dwcb a, ; Moultna A Bcobey's subdlrlsloa of block B. Tlbbstts' additloa te.Ksst Portland. 1,000 B. and Kama Scott to William M. turned, lot 2. block IS. Trsmont Ptscs. 1 ecarlty Bselnsa A Trust eompaar b Wll- . nam misjn, ut ij, ewes w,.eos Ins first addition te Bast Portland. - 000 BVi ahatraets tltla. lnsorsBC or SMrtass loans, call on Pacific Title A Trast eompany. Trust eompaaj, S04-6-AT ratlins building. Oet year Insurance and aba tracts real sstats from tb Tltl OaarsBts A Trust sompanj. t0 Wsshlngtoa street, esraer NOTICE. CHRI8TOPHBB DB -COCRCT DUrr., formerly or Comg Castle. Aingscowa, in in coaniy of Dublin. Ireland. Eayulrs Pursuant to an order of the cbanesry diTtsoa ef the hlsb court ef Justice In- IreUnd, mad la the matter of the trusts of the settlement ef Christopher De Courry Duff and Eltssbeth Q'Nell Duff, hm wife; and In the matter ef the: trustee acts. lS0-18s: sud la the carter mt the trust act. .1IWS. the Bald Christopher De Conrrjr Doff, If II ring er If dead, the legal personal riprsssntstlee ef the said ChrUtopber D Oourry Duff, M to com In and pro his claim nt the chamber of the . Ho. Mr. Justice Barton, Four Courts, Inns Quay, Dublin, IreUnd, oe or before th Oftfeotb day of Norsmbef, isos. r la default thereof be will be per. emptor! Ir excluded from the bestflt ef the esia oroer. t . . " Friday, tbe twsnty-thlrd day of Norember, MOO. at th eaM ehsmbsrs, la appointed for adjudicating a suck claim. ' DaUd this third August. 1006. -.. . . . H. A. ODSUBOVB, Chief Clsrk.' NOTICE. Wheress. my wife, .Addl Ashley, formerly Miss Addis rera, era, e in sn teenth dsy of August, 1B00, lesee my bed snd board without just cease or provecatloa, this 1 te notify all Mesons whom It may concern that I will set be responsible fsr aay debts ef her eentrsctlag In my name er eta. wise, from and after this date. , , . UEOROB L. ASHLEY, Portlaad. Ore go. August S4, 1A0S. Bids Wanted Wsnted Bids te E. Church. South. do akioe work A 11 All Bids to be in M September S. Plans sad a peel Scat Ions - a! rssldence ef B. H. Mowrs. 170 Hslssp st. MEETINO NOTICES. T HABMONY Lodge, No.- 11 A. P. A A. M. St ted communication this (Monday! . svs.. - T:80 o'clock, Ms eonl tempi, Thira ana Aiosr sts. Ail m. m. weiDBmt. . oy . W. M. . RlUS B. BALL. Beeretary. ht. W. A.. Oregon Orap Csmp. Ne. 0,0TB. Mob. Say. I7IA ana lurenaus vmitere wsi M. W. A. BTEROREEN CAMP. S4AS. Wdnesdsy sreslng, Allsky bldg.. Third aad HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Young men te leers telegraphy sad railroad aecouoflngi salarlea fTAOO te SB0.00. For fee sstaloese address Morse Collsg sd Tslegrsnhy. ADA 12th St., OskUad. OsC WSNTED Two er three flrst-elssa, ell-efeead mschuas mem permsnset position, gend wagea. Orsgoa Furaltare Mfg. 0., Macadam lead. WB get verfc for bars: aeeelal mam fa. . x. at. a A, Foerth and YtmhIU. Union Hotel . SI NORTH SIXTH ST. '. Free employTnent t er patnas. Weekly rslssi Boom, 11.29 ep; rm board, 04.M ap. . Asoerson. proprlstor, WANTED lounr mskers: stsedy Nsrth Frost eoraer of Davla. SALESMEN te Istrodoc the world's -wonder In fruits Bnrbsak's new s toneless plum iMIrscle). Choir ef territory. Cash weekly, ddress Wsahlngtea Haraery eoapeay, Te entsh. Wssblngtea. WANTED At t2JM ner dsr. at Cell at engineering depart' aneut Oregon Water Powsr A Railway Co., First snd Alder sts.. isr particulars. WANTED Royj steady work. Writ. Preat, Davis. ... .. MEN AND WOMEN to leers barber trsds hi eight nsvls;' iisdusise vsia fiom OTA'lu $20 weekly; expert Instructors; est a lor se fr; snerlsl rates this month. Molsr System si Colleges, U N.arth Fourth St.. Pvrttead. DON'T MONKBTI Be a WHOLE MAN. FSFE OF ALL DISEASES. Dr. Medians, soceessor te Bed Cross Dispensary, eor. Third aad Asa. SEVERAL festers, also cutters and ether aha. makers; stesdy work. Wsshlngtoa Shoe Msaufacturlng Co.. Best II. Wssh. WANTED First-class blscksmllh. 2 dsy; assr If ssllafactory. Address . TV'. P. Acrlvser, Heppnsc, lares on, CEMENT flulsber wsnted. Apply W. 04T Vf First at.; evening at T. S. Edgar, WANTED 4 competent men foe soliciting clothes for rlesulng snd dyeing; good (alary and eommlealo paid good hustlers, st th Esst Portland- Steam tleenlng A Dy Works, J 4 Grand see., -elty. - - WANTBD Msa. of experience (carpenter) wsnts wots as laremaa er gnuinrr. or win eentract for work. B 10. cars JourusL. - STI'MPS lo be Isken entene acre. Sellweod cerllne. Phone Bellwocd ee. - MATTRKHS-MAKEBS wanted. Taslog Breel, PS Morrm gf. . ' v j f HELP VAtlTED MALE. ' WANTED Boy to lesru th sheet aietsl trsds. rertianA Sheet Aielai Wrk,-s Asst JAadl' soa st. 1 .. . . T STRO.NO boy wasted Wsshlngtoa at, v - la grocery. Call 003 WANTKD Aa all-around paotographer. Browai - tag Studio, 187 H First sc. . WANTED Young man 90 Tears mt ass for work la liquor store j must know esst side eireria; wsres so pr wees arse rsw ssontns. lr-TStrA sr. T ' ; HELP WANTEDFEMALE. WiNTBD Girls te AMke alls at T rtrat at. " 'Boas ef AU" erst. BANSIK'S LxniM' AOINCT. Oiltt Wssblna toB St., cor. Arrest! apetatra, Paeat aUU ' AW. - renal bels wsatsd. OIRIS WANTED Opsretors te work ea shirts . Bin vvvreiie. treasons gITSa SS inxpVlBCj. Apply at Btsndsrd factory Ho. 1 tirsad are, snd East Tsylor st. i TRI ROUI tAPJK AOENCT. ' Fsmsis hslp farnlatn-d free to employer. '' . Bglstrstlaa Fr. IS0t4 Fourth at,, apatsira, room SX Mala SA20. WANTED Ladys aay, salary snd eommlssloA. peofltsble posltloai Isl 11th st. WOMEN and girls wsatad te work In fruit cannery. Apply Holmes Canning C.,i Kast Eighth and Dlrlsloa. Ml nary. Apply at Paelae Lu zSl ArUus at. 0IBL8 wsntsd for genersl housework; rooks aad waitress. city Employment Ofoce, suits 1. 216 Washington st. Mala 210. SALESWOMEN for cloaks and suits; also for uaiags; an amst D competent una tboroughir riperlrnred. Apply at UDerlntnont'a oi Ace, Olda, Wartuaa A King. WANTED A dishwasher. 104 North Tth St. COOKS, f.V, aad 10 a week; wsltr, e- . uir. paid; m uNsjtns wore; housework. SaS. and ether good Home Eadlse' Agsecye Mara S8M. LADIES wsBted te do easy' fsacywerk at bom, .spare time or study; siperWne un- iry: rood dst. Csll ft te a. KS Tleldner Bldg, 407 Wasblngtoa at,- WANTKD Olrl te keep hoaas for small fam ily. . inquire ess bssi iota street. , WANTED Flnlsbsrs ea eeerslls. Mt. , Bead rectory, second ana Onaeh at. WANTED Olrts ta laondry. - Mt. Hood Shirt f actory, aeoono and coach sts. - WANTTO Olrls te make shirts and srsrells. Mt. ilood Factory, WANTED A good girl er a hoosekaeper for a rew wseks; good wsge. Apply 400 Cast Sellwond st. Take Wood law a car. - WANTED Ohi for light baoaewerk. Phone L nton ASeS. y FIRST-CLASS aalesassa ar nlsswoesan for money-maker. Call 0 to IS a. m. at loom 9 Barber bldg. 0H Orsnd are. . , WANTEIe MldrJls-sged wotnaa aa bonse keeper lor eaatriy widower: ugnt wars, small wages, good boms. . 130 Yamhill. Mala M10... -ft WANTED Immedlstely, thoroughly eapabat gin; aousswora asn eeokingi ismur ef two; wages ISO. SSOH Ysmhlll. Phoae Msla B41A MALE AND FEMALE HELP., BaaaASs, , aS.aAaaas llaAhwe1assaamiaimiS'.eaS.sam HQPPICKBRS We pay 160.000 lor picking eur ex seres or sons; nesurinu campmg groaaoe, delightful bathlng.v gracery store. botcSer sbap, bakery, barber -shop, danrlag narUloa OOx ISO feet, music by Portlaad orchestra, pur water, plenty ef wood, telephone, pbysinlsn; booklet giving full psrttculara; no charge for Job; low excursion railroad rates. Register at ones at 82 Fourth at, - Phoa Mais 4670. Krb Bros. - . BOPPtCKBBS Wasted; good camping grounds; absut 14 days' work. For psrticulsrs ae drees Harrlsoa. Bros., North TsmhIU, Or. CAPABLB solicitors, svsry elty ana county; commission or salary; the beat policy and company.. 224 Lamber Exrhangs, Portland. WANTED 400 hoe-nlckers by Sept. 1: hi ' yard ta Oregon; good accommodations.- Apply to Andrew avsn at ue., an atafrisoa ax. BBLP wasted aad ennpltsA. BaAle ar female. R. . . Draks, ioOVt Wsshlastea at. PaelO 127A HOPPICKERSj W pay OOe pee kne,- bonkheeso t free. Will be at tbe St. Charles hotel last ' wsek la August to as 11 reand-trip tlebeta te Brook a Come by .train September 0. Ad- dress Homer Oouley, Brooks, . tlregos; 72 r. r. Goeley, Brooks. Orsgoa 00 40 HOPPIOKERS to pick two yards, close In; re ne rare gi, wnicn incinove rrs nsoiins ot camp outflts to snd from yarns- rsglstsr aow, Hansen's OfAce, 20 North Bsc sud St. , H0PPICKER8 wanted SS2 Corbett, corner Pen- soyer; good Psetfte 1115. shacks, bops aad water. . bsne Mrs. Aaapp. 11.000.000 TO build . Brst-elaae hot I, . Pertlaad. v la, car aesmai, WANTED 100 bopplokers at per box: beet Eans ia vsiiey; ao aerea, Frea 4. uusr, ubbard, Orsgoa. .WANTr.D Man or wan wbe anderstaada making old fashioned sppls batter, Peunsrlrn' nis styis; on with little sspltsl preferred Address E 70, JeorusL SITUATIONS WANTED MALEv ALL-AROUND' Implement' mas would -Ukt Itaatloa with eoaie ffood house: long 'ex perlenee on tbe read on aslea and sollectlou. aaaress u no, cere joeraaA EXPERIENCED III wishes tob lasts 111 ng me. . , Address . W. J. private telennene systei Smith. Scappooas. Oregon. BANCHOWNERS If la aeed ef aunsgsr ad- eress a i, cere Joornsl. - - EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOTMBNT OFFICB FOB MEN. SO North Seeoad st. Phone Mala 1520. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BBNT Heasee. eetUgea, nets, stores, wrices, roemiag-hnnass, eta.. land lords will Am Well to csll on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF SHOOS. Fheee BS. TA B. B. Osr. Sd aaA Osh. WANTED Boom ead beerd la' private family. msa wirn nog ; no on; actions to outside loca- I iiou, tn-essissi ana e e ctoca oiaoer. I so. HOUSBS. flats, room tnr houses, storss, ss rices, te. rrompt attention sirred. Phone Msla 1171. ft. w. Undharo. McKay bldg. WANTEfh By Sept, 10. Aroora modern boa eetweea A as ana. Hswraorne, Bast 12th to isth. H. A. A., care Msrsball-Wslla Hard. ware ue. -)..' BE8PONRIBLB tenant with S ret -class referee and 20 years bast ass experience here la Portland wsnts te less largs rooming -haass. J. Iadlgsn, 104 Sherman st. WANTED To lease or farm ea shares e n rat- class farm la Oregon; thoroughly aomgeteat man. Address Inre Third et. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Business -or rssldsaee eteustty ia th ellv In schsnes for rood farm lands; rsmsnST hnrrhior Tmns-Ii.eTn-'ts"Ssn.nnni ws also bars soms excellent buys In tlmhsr and . grsslng Una, Csll and see as; ws he get srnuslnted with yon. TURNER A WALKER, t . A AUVs Wsshlngtoa at, WB W.I IX SELL year property, no Butter what It Is -or where locstes. Scad Seecrlptloa now aad we will ds th rest. Investors' Ould Co.. Ill Mareaam bldg, Portlaad, Oregon. - GOOD Income and residence property, feta, farss- lag and timber lends. ....... ' H. W. LINDHARD, McKay bldg. CITY property exchanged for good farma, aad farm for city property, by - F. FUCHS. 221 Morrison st, ' v I WANT s 0 er T-room boose on esst slds; give price and locatlea . la first, letter, t 0 SO, , cars Journal. - j ... . - . WANTEIe-Mod era boasse. vacant lots, hnuaas on tustsllment; hsve buyers for all ef the ' T - ' LAMONT ' HARRIS, f . 'f' " lOTVt Slkth Bt. , : WAMTEIs I lot. weUelecnted. In evchsngs lor new set si piano. . raoa maia eazs. WANTED A few desire Me lots. er linos, F 1 office.' s Shesp far gash. B, J4, carf Journal WANTEDwmSCELLANEOUS. rAINTINO, aprsymg and whltewashlaA tress. be a meats, barns, docks, etc) Isrgcst gasoUae sprsyum outat es the coast. M. O. -oi A Co, SSA Ualoa are. Phoae Best OiT, WB WILL BUT year rorniturs eny old time. wssisra asirsgs uev, ui rtssoingioe ec WB WftX Bf'T. SItl.L OB TRAPS ANT OU IHUll. WmSKH BALVAUB W- M Aat WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TBA. Mill tft -Ma TtfBJilTDRB WANTED : , - FOB . ' ; SPOT CASH ' ' ' POBTLANO AUCTION BOOMS til First s. . . Mala SOW HIOHEST pries paid for . gooos. Pboaa Bast evn 10 Daloa are. . WHO IS M. Ci. MOBOAN A CO.! FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT NICELY furnisbsd Foou sultsbl for on twe senUsmeat close rs Burwslds- bridge; moasruf rent rssonsoi. . ezv A aa i vaa. WB caa a room mods t a few mors roomers at 870H Esst Morrlsos St. ! new belldmg. rooms riesn snq Dice, rrs poone sou twin, price rssssusois. rnon saai iza. XHB taBAMD. AaW Kesth Third gsatismsa per wek saa an. THB BIOHELISU. SSH North Blath gsniiy luraisasa; sissm Deal una nus, sicrr.r e.....,.Ke .. board If desired, free bath and phoa. alee trie ugnra, Mrs. Brown, sua iota st. FOB RENT t or S anfurnlsbed rooeas la Baod- era flat, priest family, atw CUy. . went V ' a. ...... . . priest entrance. - hot and cold water, ATI north J 7lb st. rnon Main 1OT. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TUB MITCH K1U Flanders aad' Seesatb Room, housekeeping and . traalat e reolentt prices resaoaabl. , x LABOB elegaatly furnished booseksevtug. room: gss range, running water, lbs Lswaa aaie, euss,. Aioef st. . ., S1.2S FEB WEEK Lares, elesa feralshsd house keeping -rooms; laundry aad bath. 1A4 Bhermsn, South FortlaaA. ... 8AVB half hotel expmsee; f 1 week ap. eleea. , furnished housekeeping-rooms, sultsbl for two; perlor, laeadry, bath, yard. Bias soa. ti car.-. .... . . . THB NBWCASTLB. 402H Third at Furalshed ' bouaskseping-roonss; also aiagla reoaw; reasee id, raoae Jtais aw. . LA ROB alcove rooms for S or 4: central. ., enesn, clssa, bath, laundry, phone; seme see. 12 North 11th St. I NICB looms, famished for boueekespias: saa. , bath, hot snd cold water, sink, big pantry; r io. xu Boermsa si. ROOMS AND BOARD. THB WOODLAND. 200 Sixth, cor. of Madison Closs in: bsaatlful priests residence: large lawn, elegant rooms, .coowe raue Mara: rse sansble... , . , BOOMS with boerd for two people: heme prirt . legse. Phone Mala 10M. 2S 14th at. GOOD table boerd only; horns cooking. 442 seirersoa x. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDBBLT TBANSFBB- CO., prompt end re ii a oia fuano sne rornitere-movors: bho iot age. Phoos Msla 108S. Office 110 M. Third. FOR BENT e-reem cottage, N. 12 Uth at.. aerweaa Moyt snd irvug. - Apply neat ooor. FOB BENT- Two S-room cottagee en Grand sts.; else en 2-story boas. I. B. Foss, 400 Hswlboru ere. FOB BENT Newly nspered T rooms ead bath. nest conaition, fis. rres, T icrecs, . jmsx Third and Ash. - .! FOR RENT B hsndsom wisdtta T-reem hsuses. conveniently .located on Thirdet. esrllne; 010. 012 snd 014 Corbett st. ; rent reaaonabl te dolrsbl tenants. Dsvid S. BUarns, - S4S Washington St. - 1 , a . ' FOR RENT S-room modern worth,, 14. Kay next door. cotters, Kentt Pbone East MA. FINB slightly used hlglr-rrads piano for sale . at a bsrgsla pries. Csll te see It. Allen A ' Gilbert Co., Sixth aad Morrison sts. . . FOR -BENT 4 room cottage. Phone M. 1T4T. MB , N. .. Slat. flO AND 1 2 modern house, newly flnlsbsd. , Sixth and Carathers. Tsl. M-la 4020. . FOR RENT Hone sf 0 rooms; gss, batbt Sit ; West Psrk. Inquire 200 Weet Park er 241 First... Dr. Koehlar. , -:.,,.'. , S-ROOM kpus with bath sad gsa. Calis At - S6A 14th st., nesr MI1L . FOB BENT I room cottage. Bast 0th SSad Bv erett sts, r i , .,v- t FDRNI8HED bosaekeeplng-rooms fsr rent, at Ll MODERN naatly farahrbed S-rooss cottage, large yard, ISO; adults. 741 Williams av. Phoae " Woodlswa 410. - FOR RENT FLATS. . TWO Broom i flats; water paid; "no small xhll drev 02 Mill et. Illbo. i FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT Cheap, 10 acre good gardes land, . with boas, tc. S mil out on Oregon City . earllns, near Mllwankle. Cell C. Helm, Hotel Bush mark, 17th and Washlugtoa sts. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART of shop to rest, aa suitable to paints eg plumber. 200 Fourth st, OFFICE-ROOMS, nnfaralsbed morns aad sasapes . rooms far seat. Goodnough bldg- Apply st ' Vrater. . . I WILL ahant my elegantly ramie bed effles . In th most pramluent building In tb city. w,mb ueaMreuae paurty. a . sournni. FOR RENT Ground floor office spsee; beet office bulldmg la city. Y 40. JonraaL . PART ef famished offlce for rent In Lamber . r-xensnge rung. meoe Msla 0804.. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and banreem, sens rate or hngetheri new ana witn an ceiavenieneee. . rnon Mala sue i ; AUCTIONS. . PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, , A. SCHL'BACH, Prop. '. - til First st. Pbooe Msln 5460. " ' Asctlos dally at t p. m. ' Highest cash price ream liar luruiiurw, ens gvous suiu ea eoar ' slgnmeat - ' BUSINESS CHANCES.. MEAT market for tale cheap; OAS Vats ave north! doing good bust noes. ... FOB Jnformatloa or, for aberse ef the. Nlrola coal mines, limited, write te Peal Betkmler, ' tnsosger, Pslouse, Wssh. '- - ... FOR SALB A genersl srfhsndtse store; stock movie snout OAonn, eneep rent, tn tows WttBtn-28 .mites-of -Portland. n Anrlthera PscMc rsllmed; fsvlng baslnese; good res. sou for selling. - Address B 23. ear JoarAaL PHILRmATH, OREGON, wsnts a hank. creamery, rrult cannery and a, now mill: a Ann, vspsnlng here for esch of these enter. Klees; eapltallsta please laveetigswe; ask r - lists of 0ns fsr ms snd properties tor sals or exchange. . Caldwell A Co., Pblb math, Oregon. DRUG tnre tor sals rbeep; the only one la - good eollege town; . stock complete, ask ' inures., marble fonntsls, corner store, rent 810, electric lights end telephone; owner going" oat of' business; splendid evening for aruggist; come una see ror yourseii; part time If desired. - Apply drag store Moaat Angst, WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. t FOB SALB Good SMcesntlle business reotrlr rag es.oin csso; mi pronts one esse oaeiuee. George Meltls Miller, Eugens, Oregon. PHENOMENAL rise In price ef Hurst Switch expected eny dsy; to is msy ee rear last opportunity Is buy before subscription books sr closed. J.- F. Hurst A Co., 80S Mo Kay bldg. . FOR SALE o . exrheege ' for reel sets to. lunch coaster. Call t4 WUllame ave,. lvzi::zzz .ciiANcrs. A S0-BOOM betel, bread new and krat class, tor sMs at vsry tssseasbls price U takes asasesisiy. a ll, ear Journal. , FOB SALE th latsreet ea Srst-elass rMtiursst. to good rasoousluie couk : very good nropoet. aauui esnirsuy locnted; suu nssaaa. Apply . so ewasr, sot Bemslde St. . MAN with no r- SM0 csn hsndls baslnese urwposiiioa Tnst m a aura Dig ssoaey-gstwr. vr. eoumai. FOB SALE A good paying confectionery snd elgsr atsnd with restaurant and living-room In connection; will sell half latere!. . 2U2 Beeoud et.,The Dalle. ' . CORNER grocery 11.000 required. for - al.-weet slds; about u so., care journal. FOR SALB Sawmill - ea rsllree'd. 40.000 capacity. eu.uuo.0MI feet timber; aow eperst ' Ing ea gilt-edge rder; during ap several ' lauaaiaa sNMinrs psr montn; ir you a re sooe . , lag tor something worth while, address H v. Hsaoa. augaus, Gregon. , ..-. .... DBLIOATESSBN snd baksry. good eerner, does s business of 'J0 to J0 per. day. can bs In cieeaeuj nine is-coom boos, gooa locsiioa, WIU be eold cheap. Bergland, No. 1. Fonrtli na janseny sts. . v BOOTBLACK narlnr oa stale at.; Pendlasoa. - Oregon, rheso for cnah. For nsrticniars .an. aiy -ef Jastrnsl ofSce. PARTNRR wanted: energetic young - mas. te tsks aeUve Intereet la Established grocery business In Portland; 11,000 required. , As- ore x - to, eare Journal. SALOON neer PortUnd. doles Sne business must be eold' at 'once. . Csll 242 Madl soa it. GOOD salary, good situation fsr avss with 1300. avoaress . x si, cere JourssL 2T-ROOM bonse, lees, lorstloa. clesrlng suu per monai ; pries Call 242 Msdlsoa. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Here Is a Few of Wiley. Allen &. Co's. Fine Bargains 02 Wj scree Fslr S-room boos. 2 seres - ef rood orchard. IS seres aadsr rnltlrstlsn. 2S seres of good timber, near earlln aad ea good road: eaiy $30 pes acre. ' - SevsrsJ Sa pieces ef besverdam land ea ' Jobnsoa creek, near . LsaU; Srst euaa for ..garoaa purpos. - -- ' Also H ead acre resets with reeleenoss) ; houses te rent, raralaaed and unfurnished, at rsssoosDie rears. 4 Aacre tracta. all Imnroved . buildings. S minutes' walk ' from school and car station, Se fsr te any pert ut Port. Isad. and the cbeapsat feu ea . the Mount c aooir una.. .... . Wiley Allen & Co. ..;; .,' LENTS,. OREOON. " r SSOO t-ROOM bonse with pantry aad small basement, good barn, S ehtckca-hoaoee. S lots snap for anyone wanting a small home; a nasi cash nermsnu. bslane to suit. ' . I7S0 t-room house, eoraor 108x111, 2 blocks irvrn car; ground ia woria the Saooey;. easy term. -' ; . - - -. . $1 ,060 S-room cottage, bsth. tollef, lot ftOxlOO, S blocks frea cart 2300 cash, balance 10 per month. , . . I1.M60 ukss a good heahs; te sse this Is te buy It; terma. . . . 12.000 S-room alee and strictly asodera aome, large eloaet with sack bedroom. 1 block from oar; aaull cash Aeytneat,. balaaea your own terms.. . ' . 12.280 S-room modern home. Sa neighbor streets improved; . niecs from carl Lots 210 easb aad sr per meet; they are ivs asvs vase to car suu mov. xur aau STEIN METS " A CO. aallaes. , US Th 181 Morrison at. 1 LOT 50x100, 12th aad Tlttameok eta., Irvtag toa. Pbeae Mala 40T1. . IP yon want te build any kted ef build tag, emaB er large. gQio Asasncsa iaa tor lumber, tlas- eer, eosra, wiaauas. pisster eoaroa, sts. 5M Homes For Sale Farm aad city piuusity. . THB INVESTORS 0TJ1DB CO., Ill Mareaam Bldg.. Portland. Orsgen. FOB SALB, CHEAP Vs acre et Moaat Tsheri xsrxs. vwnsr, sex aa( aaomaoe, L'sloa see. . BUT a lot en theoostrsMe; B-mlaat car sere- ice, within . wsiamg dtstsnee: Sn- houses going up; prises from SSOO te 150; terms It Sesired. ,. . -' ,"..,.... ' W. . THOMPSON. - ' S4S Mississippi sts. Phoae Woodlswa 202. or branch efOce ea the ground. Twenty, ascend nad Morrison. Open dsily a. m. to 12 m. Moaat Tabor and Sonny aids ears. DON'T forget the pleee The Now aara Paint as Tarsias Co., now at lis rtrst, hat. Msg rtsoe and YambllL . ' - ABB yon looking for A hoarser aa Investment T Good rssl sstate Is safe. We hsve sons tbst le gnvxl, . Before Joe buy sse what we hsve te oner. :.. r . i If.. B. THOMPSON. . S4S Mississippi vs. Pboaa Woodlswa 202. S-ROOM home, 01.200, eeay terma; owner called east. - Mala SBSA. US Commercial block. FOB SALB One I Sod one Areom henea. Phoa . East 4010. : - . . Choice 0,000 seres ef choice timber leads aad arveral houdrsd seres ef reel laade; alee aserk - ranchea and smsll tracta la tbe Cose bay country. . . WILEY ALLEN A C0-S 11.100 CORNER lot. east front, ead Arsom hooee oertlv fvalebeA. fall two stories end room for bath, psntryLnnd. rlnasts; full ssmswt oasemeut. pan ea aa. sa. a,, i nompson, g Mississippi eve. , Phone Woodlswa 2uS. BOUSES bulH ea Installments, tots If desired. SIS Cemmsretal bldg., Msla 1840. FOR SALB FOB U 200 . S-eere trset et lend located at Tlwaeo beach llfe-esvlng sts t loo; all cleared aad fenced, good 10-room bonne, good dairy barn, atatloa for 14 cows', sew cream ee para toe ssd - milk eaas S bugglsa. 1 light wagon, 8 plows, - 1 new hsrrow, d Jte. 1 milch sows; title gaaraateed. -' o J. W. MILLER. Nacstts, Washington. ' FOR SALB.. 82.1SO New modern 4 room bowse; . trrms: Ennh Out I aad Itorrmna st. Owner. t-BOOM modem dwelling. 01S Mala, near King; beautiful locality: 6o month. PORTLAND TBCST COMPANY OP fjREOON. - Eiehsngs TA ' . KBW T- V, block Union ava. easy terms. Inquire TH Rodney. ChDice BnildLog Lots ? ELLSMERE O Beet STth and Hawthorne; lots 00x90. 8350 aad. an: 800 dewn. Bid Vj monthly. ...... r a n n. viavv irncr ox uv lots en nsec arte at., I2SO and. ap; 10 per ceeV down, 10 ', nwnthly. ' SWAN ADDITION East STth aad Division sts., ooxioo lots, 8350 esch; 10 down snd 810 monlhly A per cent Interest -' ' CON KLIN BROS., SIT Msrguerlte sv. Tsks Moaat , Tabor Reservoir sr Moaat Scott Cars.. ... l.rW 00x90 FEET with Areom house, ves Wllllama eve.; food fecatloa, . choice bay; terms essy. ., . PARRISH. WATKINS I C0 k -. -250 Alder St. ' ' ' AT s sserlftee. by eerner, S-coom bona the rest side; ewaer leaving the elty. 030 Chamber ef Commerce. Csll A BEAUTIFUL suburban home or sale at few Sgara aad en cast terms T.r ear- Journal. 12.000 BARE bargsttl; V, Mock ' la baslnese . center of St: Johns; prospective wareboase property. Call lOTSs. Third st. . 12.500 MODERN 4-room hoose snd fall tot; part, csh end belsnre In monthly psyments '. For full psrticulsrs phons Sellwond 220, et tsqtitae en premises, 1045 Baat Lincoln. FOB SALE 2 modem Aroora houses' ht good location; buy of owner aad save commission, - Phone Woodlswa 2nd. .... 25 ACRES laad. IS cleared, hslsacw esslly r lea red; noose and nara. rrult trees, well: to erase oat sstate will be eold chesp. Berg, feed. No. 1, Fourth end Aahsny, - Sellwood 'if, H. Morehouse. M70 I. Itth. , - Phone Sellwond T4. Cly View Psrk lots,' AI78 end ap: Ross Aitilttlon lots, lino and up; S down and 1.1 4 month. Horses from SA00 to 1.1,000. Lot 1200 end op. la all psrts ef. Sellwond, List your property with aa; we will eell It. S2.TO0 COTTAGE with ttliim feet, oa 14th at., near rortiaoe Acaaemy ; mia im s goof hergale. , PARRISH. WATKINS A tQ, ' ' . . 250 Aider sk . ',,. FOR tiLZHZW r2TAT7- 200 FARMS, null tracts isd lo"; brei-s ee O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addiios, iavaui, . Orsgoa. Iske Mouat Boutt car, as. MAN with llttto measy. aad tote ef gall eaa buy Sue business curlier near Madison brldgs. Inquire 242 Madtsoa at. FULL lot. Myrtle sutloa, -rom boose, seat skis lot, 17-roua bouse, 2,Tuu. 242 Msdlsoa st. - sa O. 'W. P. CARUNB 0 seres very choice Is ml nnd exosuent spring running water, aeaotilul residence , property., i. C. Frost. Stsaley station. - - fOA SALE Some nice lota, ar weald build te suit u ' . aa, a... . njwu Osder Psrk stntioa, nt. Joons. CHANCES TO MAKR MONEY. . IASO0 New. modern. S rooms:. close In. 04.000 Lateet Improve meats; 1 Uawthorn svenu. ' ouo 100x100; face ear line. .,,;.. '. M.oOO Whole block; eloss in. : . --' 04.000 440 acre cos I. Coos county. -J l,000la0 stes fius timber. Lane county. inunve wo s-osirin. rucine also. 20.500 SNAP, en East' rtrst St., near steel bridge; SOxlOO-foot lot with , good T-room terms. PARRISH. WATKINS CO, .aou. CHANCB Of a lifetime OOxiOO feet ef business property, union av.,' ror si.ouv easa; nsss- nisot worth fouo,' aireaay sug. see exsguirs, two union ava. norta. 1. 860 BEAUTIFUL home, a sacrifice. SB til nspiemoer Bin: mnarai I tars ruoote, ter raced lawn! fruit, flowers; First at, csrllns: 0X00 cash: balance time. Isaac Moore, ISO hebraaka at., .. . ' , ,,. - . FOR 8AXB Cheap, I-room cottage, lot I lot 52x120; iota of Iran, csll ee saorsss soi wuuai ava. OWNEB 100x100, Wlllsmette; choice lota; 'payments. Bella Goseett, Arrerslos atatloa. St. i Joans ear. - - . . S-ROOM eottsss, S7M; S-room cotUge. MOO. See owner. Joe Nssb. at NsshvlIU Addition, ea tbe Mount Scott earllne. Ales . choice building lot chesp. . . - ' S ROOhf HOUSE, , LOT ASilOO. - -FRUIT TREES, CITY WATER, " NEAR INION AVE. CARLINB; PRICE 11,100; 0100 DOWN. - BALANCE 415 PER MONTH. 1 LOOK THIS rP: ' IT WILL PAT TOP. ' 7 , 1,A. PATTERSOB, '"' H flNB ST. - : PHONE PACIFIC JTT1." 21.200 NEW 4-nem heoa. bsth saa, wooo-nnre pisster, earners rs nassmsnt. Falling, cor. Bast 14tb;, eeay term, 501. Oregon City. , - '- e ' , ' ITS Bos 23.000 NEW asodera T-roonr ta Irving- xoa; corner, wsu . aocsisa. SOxlOO-foot lot; . . - i easy terma. . :. PARRISH. WATKINS t ' 250 Alder at. CO, - ' yv FOR SALE FARM Sw :." STOCK, DAIRY AND HAT RANCH . '' -la the Whit -Salmon VsUey. 240 seres perfectly level aad all nndsr fence; 100 seres In culrlvntlon, belano essy cleared; well srst seed; 2-room hoose, 2 medlum-slsed bams. k tnlles to stores, P. O. and S cbarehee. H mils te cbseee tsctery, sa cosnty rosd. stage Hod, dally mall aad telephone line; e snap At 112.50 peg acre, bat mast eell at once! terms easy. A. W. E8TEA, Whits Salmon; Wsshlngtoa. rOB BALE 000 acres land; 128 heed ef cattle. few horses, wis years crop, term imple ments; place bss 200 fruit tree. . berries of ell kinds, good wetar, beer to tlmhsr. good rsnge, net In forest reserve. . For Information write to Gaa A. Nymea, Mo at Vsraoa, Great county, Oregon. - . ' . . BEST Hoed Elver fruit bind for aala, only ' S miles from town. Addreea Owner, Lack Bos as,, rieoa nivsr, oregos. FOR SALB BY OWNER SmeU highly trs- proved.isrm s miles rroa seen at rortiaaA. W. M. Harvey, route 2. ejty. . - . . v;:?v' For Sale ' v:-'- ' Farm, SH" acres ef chotce leadt- 10-room bouse, emnle eanolv of finite nsd berrlee. In- chiding fruit dryer; modern ben aery. 1,000 on .nana; nest poultry sua .variety Berry mrm obtslnabl In Waahlngtoo coosty; four block from depot; en Mae ef trolley road now under construction. Price 30.800; term. Address C. Boonose, box 54. Hills bora. Or. PABM FOB SALE l SOB asrsa ISO In rainverjoe. Balance ead timber, all fenced, good bailo rs, fruit of sll kinds, weU watered, u Kile -to s good graded school and railroad atsttoB, au arrei, an oii; csasa, asiusss. wagon, hack, 11 cows, cream ss pars tor. Blows, harrows, btadsr. mower. B ecrse ae tstse; aad S acres of com ge with the place for 110.000; 17.000 cash,, balaac la aaU purcbss ess at 0 per cent. Inquire et WARREN A BTATBR, . ' ' McMlssTtlls. Oregon. ' FOR SALB PABM 220 acres, S ml lee eeuth ef Roeeberg; loo acre choice Bottom uaa. zw acres pasture, good orchard, boose and bars, sll fenced aad gross-fenced, oa mala reed. neer school; am offering this bargain la ardor to eell at enee. Write ewasr, J. F. Francis, Proekwsy, . Douglas County, Oregon, fries 00.008. '.. I ' ACRES rich atrawberry, fruit ' aad grata land; 11 acres . cultivated,- 1 mile from elty. Sne well, no buildings; prtee 12.250: small cesh - payment, balance your ewa time at S psr sent; will produce 8100 per eere la strawberries. G. W. Dixon, Csnby. Oregon. 'FOR SALE TIMBER. KM ACRES timber land, SB "Bailee frea Port. . fend. - nesr rsllrosd, river transportation; crulats 24.1OS.000 feet cedar aad Or: 1.0M cedar telephone poles: price with fend 818.000; without land, 810,000; eaavagb cesh to tusks deal secure ; no s rents er trine re. t). W. Dixon, Csnby. Oregon. ' CERTIFIED scrip, sne sin pieces; lowest prices. , W, U. tsowsu. sas csamher of com. TIMBER LANDS In all parts ef westers Ore gnu; Large tracts s specialty; best bargains os tbs coast; I do aa exclusive timber bosl- " ness, wsll establlabed aad preps red te bsadle oVel In a high-class, way. H. C. Mshou, :- Eugene, Oregon.' e WANTED Owners having timber fends ta Lets, Klamath snd Crook eountieo pfease eossmsnl cste. D 00, care Journsl. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. f ACBBS (or pert), at Mllwaaki: an clear, fey along tbe Oregon city r tine; for a , choice piece of e leered fend, vataed at from "- 82,000 to 14.000, near Aaron, er between A. P. and WllUaetta river. , Bos 88, routs 1, Mllwankle, Or. FOB BXCHANOB 000-ser fully Mttlpped Srst elsse, placer miae, tor rortlsse property - mines are dlvldead-Beodacer sne win agsaa tnvsstlfstlon; water rights ef tbe beet, dress P. O. Bos 881. Orsnts Pass. AA tlO ACBES. 100 In cntttvatlon, rest pesters. three miles from town, free delivery, bill land; worth 86.000; exchange for Portlaad property. Address T 15, csrs Journal. - 40-ACRR farm, well Improved, good balldlngs, . orchard, assr Hlllsboro, for Portland home, Hsgsmaaa.A Blsnchsrd. tl Fifth at. ... , FINB Mark ef fete la St Johns to Siehssgs - for hoaas and fetv Csll at 01 Fifth st . GEORGE ANDERSON.- piano expert, has new mshogsny upright pis no to trade for lot or . eWBsT , - t GROCERY sr trsds. tore with living. X 48, cere JournsL FURNISHED bote! la lire country" town near , Portlsnd to exchsng for city or country nropsrty. T 0, eare Journal. " WILL exchange lease aad furniture of At-ruom arlch building, always full, tor good farm ar elty property. . B 41, cere Journal. ' WILL etehsnge gnd geaerel store Is the valley for Improved I or 10 aerea asar ear Una, - B 4o. esre Journsl. WILL exchssgs S relinquishments la Lene county, aesr coast, tog what hav yest E 02, care JoarnaL ..... WANT small ranch en esrllne. with running water , . for H block, eorner. Bad - ewefl modern S-roora heuee. V SO,, care J eur sal. FOR SALB 0B KXCHANGB Hnuee snd lot for wsgon aad good teem: deferred payments. 111 month. Apply 32T Msrgserlts et, M outs Tills, WILL eschsnge Imnroved west , aide property, . vein eA.Bnn, snd pay cash difference oa larger proposition. D T5, cere Joeuek TO EXCHANGE Custom-msd dree suit, gist about as, for lady A bicycle. Address X 3d. , ear JournsL 3 rc:'ri 0(r""VPlTl l -., id. a e I. lmm. A ear Journal. - FOB SALB by owner, er trede for fsrm, nwd bouse a r vac fort i sod; Baeet T 17. care J-mrosl. residence sectioa. 11023, .'vcnicLr:, iiAr:;srs JTB-HICtES Ae blade. WW ,. fsnOMCThndf . Isrgsst stock, lowsst pnoset h-arses aad rug) rented by 4-y er assata. TsmUneoa A CeA -' aldsy, 211 Visshlngtsa. Pscim but. YOC CAN save gsooey In wagons end baggie. The Portland Wsrohoose A Trsnsfsr Co fa the- place. S40-S42 heat Waahlugton at. ' 13 HEAD farm horses for aala, Tiirnsr Bros., . SoO Biisssll st, ' S64A. ...,, I soul Phoae soulre e FOR BALB Tborooghbred AlUnsant Illy; anrsel cVuee sot wsnt te keep ever winter. Apply 4M 'Morrison at. , ' FOR BALE A, Henny boggy, nearly aew; fnj lesthsr top, rubber jlres. 104 UabMave. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB J. C. LEB COMPANY i. . HTGH-CLAB8 STOCKS AND BONDS. ' We ere elways ta tbe markst either to bva er eell any active mlnmg or Industrial stocks tl will pay you to get oor prices. I. W. DONAHUE. Mgr. Brokerage est. - 10-20 Lafayette Bldg. - MBMBEB Portland Stock Exchange; orders sis . ruled on ell Industrtsl aad mining stocks. W. J Curtis. 215 Commercial blk. Phoae Msla B3S4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. GASOLINE LAl'NCH GREAT -. BARGAIN .. vslue SSOO Sell S2S It take quickly. . Brand new 22-foot. T-H. P. latest Cesigl Cnshmaa gssolln enghse. speed 12 miles pes hour; beaattful astursl golden oak seeks anj combing. Sne seat casblons, air tank ant whistle aad life irsoervers; launched July 4 1000. Inquire S. 8. Chambers at D. Chamber Optlcel Parlors. 17A Ssvsoth et. Phoae Mall 4718 ar Bsst 1839. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rant ar Sa ssis os essy psyoaaora. THB BBUNSWICV-BALKS OOLLENDBB CO) 40 Third et., Portlaad. . SEWING-MACHINES bought. Sold, sxchsaged IS aad sd; anto rsnisa. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 027 Washlagtoa St. ' SECOND-HAND fornlrurs ef all hinds; sine 1 1 somprsie un oi new rurnitur and hoast supplies at lowest prices ; everything meat be sold. tUtt Front et., eerner BalBMA FOR SALB Mason fruit jar; oust. 50c; pints eoo psr oossa; uoa ana . rsnosrs eompietn Ctsne Bottle Co., corner- 14th sad ' Coach Phoue Msla Srsa, - - . . FOB SALB Houseboat, S rooms, nnfarnlsbed eaa boatyard with Income of 170 and battel a month;, foot et Beat VsmhllL D, 00, , can (bid end' exehnnged BOOKS bought. st tha Old Book Store. 228 XamalU at. ARTISTS' materiele, nlctarea end framing. o. asuwnuuss as av., ia atassr hi. a?B print ywur asm ea 00 ealllng ssrds, prepsi sus aas style, sne; mo nosiaes cerds, IL A W. Schmale Co., 128 First, Portlaad, 5a SHOWCASES AND FIXTT'SES made to srderi secona-sane gooes tar ssie. cartson A Aalt strem. 200 Coach st. Phone Clay 87L SHOWCASES, counters. Sxroraa bought, sold m swensngse. wssiern salvage ue.. nzr wsa Ington nt. 'PadSe TSS. WB aeed furniture aad will pay fail tsIus, Phone PnelSe TOA, Wasters Selvage Csv, SSI Wsshlngtoa at. ' . . BOLDEN'S BBECMATIO CURB Sore sere Sa raeamatism. . soia ay au erugglats. . - CLASSIFIED FARMING LIST -of Oregon sal Washington furnished by Rural Directory Co. . 804. AMagtoa bldg., Pertlaad, Orsgoa; b te date. .- , ' - 50 SLIGHTLY damaged sewing ms chines M f very low prices; Stager. Wheeler A Wilson rmmsetle. White, onsehold. Duels sim . ethers; te make reera tor new stock Wheelst , . A Wilson aad Singers. S. S. Sbjel. 835 Mar ' rlsoa st.. Marouam bldg. j FOB SALB Reds me - MIcrobe-KtUer. ' H. ' D ' Winter, 00 H Oread svs.. WtOters blk. FOR SALB Fox terrier pupnlee, 0. weeks eld pedigreed. . Phono Esst 020SW - - FOB SALB for storage ehargs. --Soe datrbla ssarsd spring wagon, relltop desk, safe, stct furnllare,. gLsss partltkms and doora, at SI . nwia e rams el. , , ,. .... FOB SALB Two Scotch ipe bred from brok) stock et the beet. Bast ' 43TT. S. C. SMITH HAMMBBLBS8. - 12-GAUGB double-barreled ehotgaa, nearly brand-aee and la perfect condition. Cell er addreea J .W. B. aUwImaea. 220 Sellweod St., city. FOR SALE A good SSS eeaoa with 8 peddle jnst pslrted with t eoets ef green pslnl . nnn i coat or eaauae, price nil. Ai B TS, care Journsl. : " " i - SLIGHTLY at a bsrgsla petrel kddrees T S, Journal, must eell at ease. FOR SALB Aa eld hall U feet long. Address B Tl, esre Journal. - PERSONAL. PROrT.SAOR O'NEILL, dsrmstologlstl . gota plexlon. hair, ecslp and ekla apeclsllst. aa ' perfleone heir ssd all fsclsl hfsmlahee pen .naaeaily resaoeed; no aeare lefti wtsesnsm given; fediee tsught beauty culture, eleo trolysle, electrical snd mssssl msssage fop . ssalas, etc., gives; - tsrms reesoaahle, Psrlore. .141 11th et., corner Alder. ConsalUtlea aa advice free.- Flo Mala KM, BEST eommlsstea peld sgeum en sll magaslns subscriptions. Jones' Booh Store, 181 A Id si St.. Portland, Oregon. FURRIER tadlee, have year fare resaodelsd and repslred by practical furrier end expert Otter; 80 ears' experience la this brand - enables ms te gnarsatee entire eetfefactfent will call at residence aad give eetlmste, , desired. A. Reiner. Lewis bldg., Morrlsos aad Park. Phone PaotS 2497. ANT asa er woman can be ntrong and hnppy , by nslng Sextoe Pills, the great tonic pries 81 a bos. 8 basse 85. with full susrentse. Address sr eell J. A. O me neon, druggist, - cor. Second aad sen BhIU sts., Portias MANLT vises rsstored by Dr. Robert' Nsera - Glob-itss. One month' treatment. - 2: I ' smathA I"; sent eeenrely seeled by ssslL : : Agents, Wobdsrd, Clsrke A Co.. Pertlaad. Or, SBXINB PILLS care all eisemla r weeknaae. P Price 31 0 box. 8 bo is . rltb fall - tee. AAdros ee eell J. G. Claausases gist. Sscoad aad TamhfB Ste. Pertleed. Ur. DISEASES e OF ' WOMEN Private stenritl hospital; omet mcstioa sas apectei cere, ler. atwnno, emits morrison s room -Psetne 1TBS. - DETECTIVB AGENCY CenSdenrlnt isveetlgs- . t Ions report rurnasheO ea individaaia. tssn chars ctsr, reaoonslblllty, etc.; bad debts cob lected; missing relatives . Iocs ted; charges eessossble; rorrsepondence solicited. Oregos Detective Scrvtee. efOco 808-804 Filed ass bldg., 10th sad Wsshlngtoa sts.- Pbsat Msla 5S1A ' .- - MOLES, wrtnkrss, saTerrfTeowe hatr raseved. Let me tell yon how. No chary. Mrs. M IJ. Hill. Suits I. Selllag-Hlrech bldg. Pselflo ISA, i SUITS pressed while yon erelt. S0e. LsdW asirta pressea, sue. . til inert, jim oasao e 1 . p. U, VUT, . !., neat to Qnellet - Phoae Paelo oe BOSS. . TE8, Pal mo Tsbteta aisks yes sleep perfectly! ' they cur nervousness ens mass you sirens l - r,? sa. - a. , e .-no- 82r0l- I II drurrlsts. er sd drees Brooke Drug Co.. 81 North Third St., Portlaad, Oregon, BOLDEN'S RHBUMATI0 CURB 8nr4. rheomstlsm. Sold by all druggists; BUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Pey after yes re ceive them; sens a sample or your saw ass ws will send eoo one st ear s-ov ewitcese. 8 4 oa., 22 Inches; sxemlne It: If e big her. ssln, remit; If not, return. gain, remit; If not, return. Adoresa Laaiaa- Hair ImDorlum. 324 Dearborn St., Ch loses. 1IL . - ,:-' BOLD ON There te one thing that will care rheumatism. Ask your druggist fsr barb terrle or s ddress er call J. O. Clsmsaaen, drag. gist, PortleBd. Orsgoa. , TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregnnlsa bldg. fedlst days, gentlemen night. Msla 1088. TURKISH BATHS LADIES ONLY. Massage, shampooing, scsln. and fees trestrsent. ' chest oVvelopmeaC manicuring and chiropody. 561 Washington, between ISti snd 17th. Msla 7040.. DOLL'S HOSPITAL r Repairing aad - dree ring. 381-Tsmhll -Bk--' BALM OP FIOS for all feawle dlsessse. East BelmonL Pboaa East 4034. MOTHERLY csrs of rblMrrs. 1228 Bortawle St., eoraer Jsrrst. Phone 8714, . -v.