c :co:i daily pur,!:AL r c?.tl.::d, i:c::day 'evz::x::o, august C. V. PRODUGERECEIPTS VERY LIBERAL , .,-- . . . .. ... . . f ... ' '' " ' - ' ' ' ; i Arrivals of Fruits and Vegetables "'v TAra Much i Increased Along . '; ' ' the Street. 7 NO MOVEMENT SHOWN I . v .V -;, IN HOP, MARKET TODAY -Efts' Are ;j Slightly ' : Higher With . . Lhm: Receipts While Poultry Is Vtry Firm end Uttchaflgtd All ' Dressed Meats in DemaniL mnt BtrMt. Aug. ST. The principal foataree at the .Portlee4 wholaaale market today ares Heavy product Wftlpu. - . riv car watermelona arrive la. -' rail car a erect potatoea from aoatb. ''.' , Car baoaua In during storming . , ' - '. Car caaabaa Baloaded. ' - - V . Car pcb froia Toppentah. . .; Tomato ah war UrM eappliee. .- Paett Bead aaany erataa naleo. ' Regular ha ma Ue to He lowar. - ," ' .' WkMl market to hwror. .-' '- Nominal trao la Soar market No lata movement la bo pa reported. . j'.r V Alldraaaa aioata ara In demand. , ' . Potato mrkefc la rauier; quiet. J , Kaw oat sieving to tu aonth. , ' , Heavy Beeaipt of Trodae. . " Daring tba da tba raealpta of prodae slang .Front atraet wara verr heavy, ever S eara ..arriving In darlnc tho S4 boara. - Thar war ltt eara" of era termeWme (oar from California .aad oa from Tk Pall. Th Bret full car of aweet pMtoe waa anloadad aad car of - . caaabaa cans la from Caltfarala. A car' of , peach waa among tba morning' arrival from Topptnlea aad aarcral eara raataloap kclpad awl tba arrlvala from tba aoatb. Th canta loup market 1a ft trlBe lower wltk tka ton )nlt fair, riv hundred-eratea ara reported , la from Fayette la good ndlUoa. Tboao ara Belling aroaad IS a crata. -Thp atock la Mll -hardening the market and tar tbea prleaa rale k-dowa aa low aa Mm par creae. Paddwra' atock among tba latter. ". '';.' '-,' ;. Tenant Xarkt a TrU lower. . . WkU ta ' tomato market caaaot' be aald So be reallr weak, tba too la ant ajulta ao : Arm aa daring .tba prarlooa week.. Much keavler arrlral bare beea akowa during tba, peat . boara aad of tbea a largo per ceaf la of aecond-claea oaalltri amooth atorka being ratkrr aearce. ,. A tew aalea for local tomatota were reported daring th maralng aa klgk aa $1, bat later la the day tba larger per cent af tba . . aalea , wara ao)ad TBe. . ; ' 4 oiah Vaikat U, Zaala.v' '' I Atoog' th afreet tbla' maralng the poach , mark at waa eomewket eealer. Seat Albertaa tram tToppealab aeld -at an .per boa. while r geaeral prleaa rated from TS to 91 per bo. i The latter price waa for beet local Crawford. Caaabaa are la fair demand with tba larger . aoppllr. ; . I Swoet potato re lower with better re celpta. Along tba atreet today tbo price ruled ; betweaa talHc. with aalea art botk Saraa. t Tba arrlral of car from tba aoatb reUeeed ) tbo famlna that had eaieted for aereral faro, Ordinary twtatoaa are rather doll with the r market hoMIng itimy it iwumn Tame. But a fractional lnereaa la noted In ar I rlTala af local on tone. Small alee ara atlll the J rola. .' . . i 1 Vw Oata Mvrwg ta tka Soattv I At tbla anHa there la a good demand for ( Willamette .Taller eata ta, 4b aonth and -aew . etorka. are- betnr .mooed toy that direct aa t fer-aa oara eaa be obtalaod. A ebortago ta roll ,. lag atock la all -that ta keeping tka movement "I w .California email, wltk tka beter demand : tba awtil ta eteadler with pradneera' arlcea ,' ruling aroaad S2S a to a, f. av a. Portia ad, for pjo. i whit. Wheat Waa ara Jttlf'caat a huahal lower la tbla market today, owing to tka weekneaa .' la the ferelaa market aad th ateadp declln 4 la prlcee there.. . . y . Bat a fractional amount of export floor trad It reported with tbe orient for rhe beainntng of to week. , Export ralae atlU at I4.1S barrL r ' Tba haf market la amce act Ira with affera : oal fair "and former prlrea tbe rale. . . . , Brief Vetaa af Taneo afarkata. : s No lata meeement la tba bop market la ro- j ported, dealara holdlag an oatll picking time, I All liar af dreaaed aaeata ettU la actlr .call with former price maintained. 1 C(ai anew another advance of He a . today with raluea rallaar botweoa BttVlt, I Ponltrr eerp Srm with amall receipt and priow noMing cloee to top. - P.efilr" BDU f local fetndrarture abow- a . decline or rrom H ao He pec poaad today. - Batter and cho Srmer with aome front : atreet haadlara aaklng higher raluea today. -Th trad par tb following price ta Pront . atreet. Prlrw pa Id aklpper ara lea regular commieaion: ' ' Srana. rioar aad Food. ; BBAIN BAOS Calcutta, ttlH baring 4 prirv, aw 1 1 its, wTflv. WHtAT New club. V: red Bueal ' blueatem. TOc: caller. toaTlc) BiRLBT New Feed. 11 OQ; rolled. I2S40; brewlnir. 122 00. ' I ' CORN rV bole, 3T.00 cracked. 13. 00 bar . BTB-dl 5i per ewt, . OATS NewProdaeara price N. , 1 arhlto. ' IM.OO; gray. I2J.0O. , FLOL It Caatarn Oreroa patent, . f3.Mg aveoi atraigaia. ae.evaje.ev; IS.M; oxtwrt, SAM: a valley. IS.6S; graham, fee. $.60; wboi wheat, 7: T6; rr. So. $4.00; (alea, SS-fa. hilu ivii ro ra, aiaov per ' aiin.a MjM' Maiw e torn "mlit. Bia.noi ' lfv Sie.00vtZl.00. baeera' arloe Tiaaofbr. BAI Producer' prloa Timothy. Wltlamott ! valley, rancy, p ix.w; r, 11.06 ordinary, 110 00a 10 50: ae, SieooqiT.OO; mixed. tfo.OOOj . 1 grala. TJoaa.aOi abaat. ' tra oregoa. u.eo; clover, ewaga.vw. Bvttar, Eggs aad JfWtry. V ' B CTT BR BAT T. a. b. Partmad . Bweet rm, 4H;, aoor, BSHc , BUTTKB fllty creamery. SSel oBtolde faacy, BHHkiMc; ordinary. Sec. etore. 14c. V ' BOOS No. 1 freeh Oregoa. caadhwd. lim Se; ordinary. S3t23Hei Bacandled, SlHOe, CHKS.MB New toll areaoa. Oata. UHajiae; , loung Amerlc. lBifllftH. . w POULT a I mix eck-Bina. line par Ik: r I aacv bene, 14 per lb; roaarere, via, i 10H r lb: atag. llfJUH P lb fryer, lie. ller. 144 par lb; .old dark. iuuetMei hi aprlng dock. IIHOI'H lb: a, SQlOt aharXS0S.0 per doa; pigeon. fSt pr, aeuw . r . ,.' ' : Sapa. Weol aad Xldoa. " HO PSOm, tract, IPOS crop, 18OS0 par Is, WOOL I BOO dtp Valley, aearee to BMdlaas. . SSc; Sn. 4c: a eater Oreaea. BodJUe... MOHAlB Hew, aomlnaX SHEEPSKINS Shear lag. 150 each; abort Wool.- S6O40 median wool, SvSJ71e eaeh , ' leng wool, TftcfJILOO -eacb.. . . TAlX0W-PrIniljirwSS4al. B.-B aad ''cHIT'n A RK IBM tock. SHtM per th; , -isoe. IQSH per b. hidkb Dry, N. U ie Tba had ap, IdHO tTH per lb: dry klo. Bo. Lib Is lha. ie: IS Tbe had Bp. ISH dry ealt. Mo. 1, aadet B lb. ISci ad hide, (leer, aoaad. 00 Iba aad ever, loailct eewe, HeSHe; atgu and barm, eoaad. SOTec kip, IS to SO lb. Be; ealf. aoaad. od la Iba. lie: ra. - aneelted. Ie lam II. I per lb meal , fcoroehjde, ealt ad. each. 11 25QI.T5: dry, acl, 1 1. OO , 10; ol hide. S003oet goat aklaa, . tamiaar eaeb, 10U Aagora, oaeh, Se) , i.au, .. . . , i ' ' rrarta aad TegataMam - POTATOES New, SOeeilM Ber pacbL pro ducer, nrtc for ear lot. T0Oe per ewt; aweet. iH per lb. ONIONB-Jonhuit prlea Nw Walla Wall. .!. per aack; new t'alifomla, red, ll.Ttj ellver. J1.75: garU. PAIM par lb. fBFSH PBUITS Raw appla, Oeftll.Bfti araajea. Valeaela, MTBfldOO; banana, ta) jHc lh: lemooa, choice. 4.T5all.0O box: fancy. f5.00fts.lo per box; llmee, Mexican, It. 34 per loo; Hawallaa. )! plume. BOTft per crate; ' ntlonnel.Soat.HO; raephanrle. ( ); black black Sg. ( : Callfornl grarw, l.of(T.25; Oregna. 75e; black herr lea. If 00C11 M per crate; wterrxolev-.-S1.0p- rrured. II. 10; - prne, K -tni I a)H . Toc7i.on; pear, II 0011.50 : prune, bulk. Br , JJ0', Backed. SOB per bos; huckleberrlaa, ;rTABf.ECTamlpa. new, II.OO per each! carrnta. 1 Ml per ah; beet. II M per aaekl I piiraalna. ll.M per ek Oreaoa ndmhe. SO p , doa; eabbaga, Oregoa, Bet baU joun?:ALrs DAILY i : TIPS Orj MARKETS v. , - in i - ' r . J '" . Br yv: b. aunt) Co. '" ' Poultry market la vary firm. d Tha damand ia exceptionally d : coot), and tha raealpta ara barely . e aquai to tha call. - Tba prioea on , d d aprlnv ohlckana hae drpppa4 to . d d tha quotatlona on hana. - v- d d ' ' Egga harft firmed up conaldar- d d . ably. Tha market ta advancing d ' under light raealpta and a heavy d d.. demand. Wa expect ta eee the d d market very active from now on. : d ; Dreaaed memte are moating d d 'with ready aale and are arriving ' d ln better condition. Weather 4 . condlttona have eonalderable to. d do with thla. We would again : caution ahlppera to watch the i d , temperature .cloaely In making : d) ahlpmenta. " , d ; Butter ta In good active de- d d mand. Prleaa ara firm and ad- 4) d vanclng. .... edeede popper. dOttSO per box) tomato. Toe t1.10 per box: parenlpa, . PveaiLOOi atriag bean. ' Oregon. . t7 par lb; olt flower, II .00 per doai peaa. detSet ben. radUh, eilT per m; rttehoka. Tit per due: aqnaek, 1H; graea oniae. Orogon, 18M per d bunch;' cucumber, SAe per box : eel err. !0e po doa; gra com. ltaisa doa; earn Bier anah; TocOllXW per boa: oggplaat, llBfe 1.7ft Jer erat: pumpfclna, lit. . LWIBD I KUITB Apple. , raporae. isep lc per lb apricot. UHOIB per Ibt pMcbee. I2elau per tt: aaefc. Via pr lb lea; pruaae. SO to io. 0c; H orop oa ch MS amaller lae; Sga, California black, etfCH per Ibi CiUforala white, CdHe per lb: date, goldea, TH par lb; tarda. l.0dl.a0 par la-lb Boa. . ' Breoerlea. BJuta.' Bta. S0OAB All reflnerlea Cuhe. SA.80; powdered. IB. 15; fruit, graaulatcd, $S.06; dry granrhrtvMOO bubl. The atubbora action of tba market fli.Oft: aonf. A, M.0S; weatera P. C. -ft-.: Hawallaa C C, i.ae: extra C, 14.56: golden V. H Mi D, yellow, 4.u; wla, ioc; DO la. tBct bexea, ao advance oa aaek baaia. Ie woe per ewi lor aaaa. l euyei mapif. laejia pr-Ib. - ' " -.. (Above .prleaa apply s al of lea tha ear lot. Car lota at apodal prleaa eaujeet t uetuatlona.) , . .. .,- , BON IY (8.00 per erat. - ' , COPrKB I'ackac brand. lir.28ttlS.TB. -. SALT Coo rae Half rroud. lOta. ga.ae pet ton; 60, ia.oOl table, dairy. 50. dltOO; too, I11.T6; Imported Uvorpool. SO. UTOOt Mo. iie.SO; b4a, $10.00; extra tor. bnta, Sa, ee. loa. .6ojsj0; bulk-. PSO lb. ft.00tSS.0n: aaeka. tOa, ioQfalet Liverpool lump reck. (II. B par ton; 60-U rock, 16.00; lOOe, fe.00. : ' RICb Imperial Japan, No. I. Set B.- 1. SOSHai Mw Or lean bead. Tel AJax. Si Creole. BHe. . - f BRANS Small wbtta. Sd.SBt mra white. B.60; pink. SS.TSI haroa. ti.TSl Umaa, SSJS: exlcaa red, 4H. . NUTS Peanut, Jumbo, s per Iby Virginia. dOOHc Per lb; roaatad. SH per lb; Jape- aaar, oezoHCI tea.. iniH'ipe : aaeoa aum, SftSao per doe;" walnata. 151H nnr lb: einenata. lOAllHo nor lb: hl"korr Beta, loaj 10 per lb) cheatButa, raatern, laOlee pa lb; Branll auta. 15c par lb: filbert. 1115 per lb faacy peeaaa, ISci alaaend. lS41Ta , , ralatj. Oaal Oil. Bta,: - BOPB Pare liaalla, 14! taedro . itlie: el. lie. COAL- OIL-Pearl or Aetral Caaea 1SU Bar gal; water white, rroa barrel lee per gal. woodea ITe par gal; headlight. - ITO-dag. eaaea tlHe par gat OASOLlSBae-deg, caee S4H pe gal. hwa pM le per gal. , . BBNZ1NB asdef, caae SSe par gal. hrea bbla 18Heper gl . . TUBPBNTINE 4a SSa par (aL weodaa bbla PSe per gL RiTB LEAD Toa iota, t per t; aoo-a Iota.'. So per lb; lea lota, S4 per Tb. WtRB NAtlA Preeeot had at (S M. LINaKm OIL Pure rw. h S-bM Iota. l-bbl lot. She; earn. 53c per gii; proalne kettle bet led. mm, 0a par gal; l-bbl let. S4a; 1-bbl let o pee gal; gronod cka, cor lota. (90.00 per toel la than ear. lata, S0,O per ev ...... v Maata, Bmh aad IvevlalamC::'' " tlMR liBATS rront-atTt Haas, fane. SHc; ordinary, THOW; poor.' Ta)7H per lb; bulbt. SOSH par lb; veal, atrIH per lb; ordinary, T Ha per lb; poor, 4c per lb; mutton. iancy. BtJSHC per in; larooa, iv, HAMS, BACON, ETC. Portland peck (local) bam. 10 to 14 Iba, lHe par lb; 14 to IS Bm, ldHc Pr lb; breakfait bacon, 18Q21 per lb; picnic. 1JH per lb: eottar. 10 H per lb; ngalar abort clear. Baamohed, IS per lb; antoked, IS par lb; clear beeka, anamoked. IS per lb; aaaoked tie par lb: Dnloa batta 10 to IB Iba; ensmoked. Be per lb; aaaoked. a per lb; emu belli, aamohd, 14a per lb; ntoked. 15 par lb: ahouldera. 13H par lb; lefeled ronanaa. Id 00 avarter bbL LOCAL LARD Kettle loaf, 10a, UH UH par e par lb; Be, Ufc IN 5a, 13 par in; ow in. una. ue ateam renoereo. iva. tin per Ibt compound. 10. bh. ' CA AM NED SALMON Colombia river. 1-th talVa. Il.ao; x-lb taUv I2.TS; faacy. l ib Sato. fl So: u raecr e. Il.lv, V vrepa, oe iBi Aloaka tall, pink. Bt)SO red, $1.60; aualjial Sa, talL jp.00. . . rtSH Rock cod. Ta par Tb: Sounder, Soer Pa: halibut. Be par lb; crab. ll.M par doa; atrtped be, IfH Per lb; catfteh, Pe per Ik; ftalmaa, Columbia river chlnaok. ae per lb; atael hd. s par lb; bloebaiki. Se per Ibi herring, ee per lb eolei Be pee lb wrlmpa. 10 pet 0; perch. S par lb; block rod. f per lb; tomcod. Ta per lb; airrer wnelt. Se lb: lobatere per lb; rreea mackerel. per lb; crawaah, SOc per doa; ahad. Se par as; (tur -, 1UC per in: Dlacx pm, ave. 0T8TEBS Bboalwata bay, par 110-lb aack. 14 00. . CLAMS Hardshell, per bt llama. $1.00 par box. . , - aa iX H.SS: x. SioQt raaar CATTLE 10 TO 25 CENTS ' OP IH YARDS - Better Price Predicted by Journal ; Materialiiee Tpday- Hog and Sheep Demand la Good. , ; Portland Fnloa Stockyard. Attg. IT, Live stock receipt: . ' Bog. , Catle. Sbap. Today 100 ... Week aro. .............. ITS - SS ' 1,141 Month aao..., TO 3S BOO Tear ago 10S 47 - TO Tbe advance predicted for tha cattle market by Tha Journal a abort- tlmt ago haa ma terlallaed and today' price are atrong, 10 to Soc hlgber tbaa oa Saturday. BecelpU In nil line r email. 100 cattle formln tb total for tho peat 4 hour. Hog r being taken t th price bat lb market la ot qulta Srxa.' Sheep Srm and unchanged. Ofnrlal Uveatork aviotatlrmai Hog Beat aatm Oregon, ST.SB4T.B0; blocker and China fata, M.an. Cattle Beet aaatern Oregon ateera. $S.B0) I 05; beat eowa aad helfere. I2 50t 00; (took era and feeder. $S.75;I.OO bull. $1.10., Sheep Shearling. 444H; lamba, je. . EASTERN HOGS ARE LOWER. ealpva IB-Oieagw Ara ereftbae Tbaa .' Tea Sfn H trou. Chicago, Aug. ST-Llveetoct receipt; ' ' Hon. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago ........... ..17. "0 ' W.mirt , : 24.nrin Kan City... 4 800 I.SOO B.Ono Omaba , B.500 ' T.OHO " 7. oik) Hoc are Se to lOn lower with S.0OA left ever from Saturday. Receipt a year ago were M.nnO. Price: - Mixed and IMfi-ber. IH.OOia 4 an; good and heavy. I.MI 40: rough aad heavy. I6 454J5 00: lfjtht. HI O0414.MH. V attia nreaoy l jiic lower.. Sheep Beak to 10c lower. , BXW TOBK COTTOB HABXXT, New Tork. Aa. IT. Cot ton future eleaad IS to II point hlaner. Official auotatlona k Or er heck. Starr ' A uooaa CMapany: v Onen. Hlrh. Low. Aug ST. Aug January n it pxn P44 PS BIO to PRO BT 7 PM 04 Bll Pehmary ... Hi March ...... BB BIT - P4I B5S B3S B5I Bftl B(4 POJ aT BIS P2I B30 aprii ,.. ... .,... ... Map B3S BM BSB Aamat - ... ... September. J-w POT." pat October .....Boo PI4 Pod November ... r . ia ooa December s.. BIS BS4 - BIS " i Bw Trk-Lea4ea Sugar. ' T,". A"g- BTBar Uvr. SB4 toa a. so is-iod, - w SELLING 00 CURD ' CAUSED DREAK Bears Force Down Prices in Min neapolls Early Irt Day on Ac-" ; , count of Bright Weather . CHICAGO RECOVERS V ' :'. ': PART OF ITS LOSS Option Drops a Quarter to a . Half tt '-the Close Liverpool Is Down for - Both September and December Sample Corn Market Is Firm. BELAT1VB WHEAT VALUES. Aug, ST. Aag. September....! .fl(i $7 SS. Loee. IPOS. .71 B .OOH $ .Ti .74 H 8 .OOH .S1H vecemMr i May .78 B cjhlcaro, Aug. ST. Tho flrat hear Influence tb wbaat trade- felt tbla morning waa tba break la the curb at Mlnneapolle aa tbe result ot orient weattrr ever tbe anrma wheat Mate. Th aelllog praaawr appeared to art ap aa oan a tee market had Ita flrat break aad there waa a fair volun of boymg rdera, wblch hroaght about aa almost eomnlete roeaverv lllal A tin.. . J.U..(La . . . . aj eltenalre trip, aotlmat Manitoba at S4.A0O.- I waay indicate that tb boar force) roreee have Bold about all they eara to, . Tba aamnle corn merbe wee rtraa fnht bacaua of AOO.OUO burnt la aolo fnr htnnant inc sturdy morn Inc. in Bortnweat intercat M (ailing eata In thla market. Tkero- Is a doubt about large yleMe an inn auarm, . Ird and rib deeed apward. with Januarv pork a little hlgber and no activity In any thin. Official enoutloo by Oraraack, Sun , kou company: - WHEAT. Onetl. Hlh Low. Cloaa. September foi 7fH December T4 74Z May n T8H TsS 70 4 ;v ?i H 78' TiV TSliB COBN. September December -, May....... dSH 48 44 v -44 4)4 - 444 OATS. I;.SSa Decambar ... My Sairtomber . 801 Bfl'2 80 8" A ' Sl S2 SSHA Mess pork. . 1700, . 1701 . 1S50 1300 ; LARD. . S7S 77 , 0 . SS . TBS 7PT SHORT BIBB. . .. mr pas . 80S 807 739 - 728 1700 IBM, BTS . 80 TBS 1701 IMS , 87S 8M TBS STT 80S January .... September ic toner Inuary September' October ., . January ... 80S T28 T3QA . , LTTIBJOOL BBAUT XAB.XXT. Unrpool. Aug. ST. Official mrlaae: ' . . ! . WHEAT. ' . , . Oooa. Clone. Aai ig. So 5?J Loaa. wpt ..., a 244 . , aa 2u,a . 4 uec....... oa 4Hd- aa Bd -J ;- "' ; CORN. Sept. 4a 8M ' 4a i aa S4d Dee. . ..i4a Td 4a THd - aa Td Sola. world s sbaib pvnvx. Chleage, Aug. IT World' grala visible ap- piyi .' Today- Tear age tVcreee ...ll.22S.0OO 1J.P1I.000 lS.SlT.OOO ... S.710.000 S.IOS.OOO 3.BA5 000 ... S.870,000 10,871.000 4.001.000 t CSI0AS0 SKAIV . CAS LOTS. . Chicago, N Aug. ST. O rain ear lot '; - Car. Orad. Eat. 1B0S. Wheat 40 4N 44 or Cora ....17 IX 144 ' 8T0 Oat 128 62 SMi.fttf mm rer uqui atiaaeHDOira. iuh: im. mtn, tt. I car age: ' Mlnneapolla, 80S; Oulath . SAB.TBAB CISCO BnBTBB IXCHAJfei. 1- Baa . rtaacleco, ng. ,. Bid. Belmoat ......SS.OO Caah Boy...... .18 Ooldea Aacbor.. . .88 17. Official cloalnr: Bid. Stalnway .40 Con. CL-V.... 1.00 Ophlr ' 8 0S ' .if . TO. ; Jim Bat lee .... l.M MeeNemare .74 Midway , t tJ Montana S.PS North Star M Ohio r.. .81 Ton. Extra .... S.87H Nevada .......1BJI0A Wt BBd.ViVTr B OOA Adama ........ .00 Atlanta .TT Bluebell ....... . Booth .81 Columbia Mt... .88 , Con. Qiiniry ... .14 MamondAald .. .41 Dixie 07 Ooldflekl .70 Jumbo 1.48 Jumbo Brtaa... .41 Kendall .70 May Quaea .... .18 Mohawk 4.15 Red Top..',.,., l.M Sandatnm .80 Silver Pick..... '.67 " St. IV........, .81 National Ba nk . . .M- Oold Bar .06 0, Bull frog 14 . Caledonia ........ 80 Kxcta cover .oa Korcroaa 1.10 Oold Crown .... .14 Oreat Bcod..... ,8S Reecue '.11 Black Butt Ex. .04 Montgomery Mt, .88 Sunoet .'..-.-riT-.-r .SO Sceptre ........ .40 Manhattan -IB 8aylor-Umprey. .15 Dexter ' .00 Oranny . Sold Wedge ... 1.00 Lope Star .IS Ot. Bend Bx 18 Ot. Bend Annex. Cowboy ........ Ttenvar Annex... Black Bock . . . . . N. Y. Cnoeol.... Man. Cob...... Little Joe....... MaySowar Jumping Jack... Red Top Annex. Muatang . Boll Frog Mlo. .04 .14 .84 .OT .TOA .48 .04 - .18 .68 eosroB oorrat buskst. Boeton. Aag. ST. OfflctU enppar cloaa: ' . ' T , BM. I Bid. idventare Bill I North Butte. ...SM.60 klloaea 88.00 lOld Domlnloa... 41. M At Untie 14 00 . Kleceol 118.60 Blnxbam 88.00 IParrot Bt 00 Calumat TK0.00 IQutncy Bl.flOA Centennial .... 16.18 Copper Baaga. T8.8S innannoa ....... am . Tamarack . v. 80.00 Victoria ., SAO Wlnoan 0.00 . liair vraat.... in.nu rranxlln ...... 18.79 lrae Oon. . 24 7HiWorrrtn ,.,..188.00 Oranby , 1100 iy pw Cel. Art.. ..lit no Michigan ..... ja.no Mohawk ...... M IS Black Mt 8 IU) Nevada Co.... 16. 87 Hi Bo toa Coo. .. B8.02Va MB" TBABCISOOLOCAX STOCU. , linapclaeo, Aug. ST Official nrlcea: ' Did. AB Contra Coata Water., ........ M'j Si f Poring valley water. ........ 81 J3 XI ei. Hawallaa Commercial.............. 80 Hoaokea Suaar. .... ...... 18 oi H 14 Huteblnena Sugar ....... 14 Mabawell Snaar. 88 I4H ao Onomea Suxar...... .... 8H 84 .... 1S ,' IB .... 87 . 67V Paaoha 8iar..,. j Alaak Pcker1. 871 , 7H ABBOCIHieO VIII., ,... .. elf Paclfls 8 lata Telephone SK 100 VBTTZS STAT1B aOTIBBatlBI BOJTDS. Hear Tork, Aug. ST.. 0rmnt boada: .. Pate. Bid. Aak. Two, reglatrred Opt. . 1044 106H do oouoon. ............ ... Opt. 1041 onu Thre, reltrd Opt. ITOU 104 do coupon. .......... ....... upt. irrnu 104 Small, bond - IO8U roars, reclotered. ........... IPOT oi o doeonpoei... .' IW injj n roars, reeletered 1028 180 Ml u del eenAoe j IBM I HO 1X1 Z M.trlct of Columbia........ 124 118 ,.7. Philippine 4e . ....100 .i rOBTtABTS BABK tTATEB3jTT, nearlng" today . r .V. Clearlaga year age... .aTTT.WS S3 . T1S.866.6T V. Gala today........ 41,670.46 ; Btarllag Xaekaag lata. - New Tork. Aug. 17 8terllg rate: te- mand. a6i4B.ai aa w. aijoia.o. Wheat. ... Corn Oat Iner. Produce. Markets Have Csttxr Cuppllss To day In All Line Peaches Are Coming Feat With Price Down Tomatoes Not So High. EARLY GHIII8 JUllO IfJTO LOSSES New York Stock Market Very "Erratio" During the Day With V Good Advances at the Start. ' FIRM BUT IRREGULAR J - IN LONDON MARKET Atchison Holds .Quite Strong Despite ' Big Losses in Other Favorites St ' Paul Drope Three' and an Eighth . Smelter Off Four Pointa. '' ;: NET LOSSRS. ' Anaconda S Northern Paclfle... S amalgamated .... Mimourl paciaa... AtcbUum gN. X. Central Smelter i,, 4 Penmylvanla ..... Car A Vboadry... 1 Ipaclnc MU Brooklya lUl'eopl' .. Colo. Paal ....... IV Preeecd Steal Car.. 1 St. Paal ..... BH Readina C beea peake Canadian , Leoumotlva Hep. SteeL pfd,... e .VUBock Ulaad. .,. a Routhern Railway. Pnvr i.. I Southern PadSc... 1 Ert a Leutavlll .......fc V. S. Steal IH U. 8. SteoL Bfd.... a i nEi uains. Sugr aiiat. Lad. W. . 5 Woolen 1 (St. L 4 1. W., pfd Illlaola Oenlral.... IMlTeaaa Pclne... 1 Wall Street. New Tork, Aug. 17. Tk atock market was vary atroag ula today. It waa atrong aad weak by turna, tha atrength being ahowh mainly In th moralng trading. Tba afternoon trading waa of a weak character.. -mere were nut rew aavaacea during toe oay aad the war for amall amount. Atchlaon held very well considering tha general liquida tion ana nam u ansa or. out peine uc tnu cloee. Ifa July etatement show net tn erene la rulnga of 841B.SS0. Money rate rated aroaad 4HO Per cent.' Ortclel ejnotaUona by Ovarbock, Starr Cook DBSCBIPT10N. Amal. Copper Co.'. Am. Car reaad. do nreferreMl . 11TH ei BIH Am. Cottoa Oil, com... Am. Locoaaotlre, eaoi. . Am. Sugar, earn Am Smelt, com. ., do preferred......... Aaaoonda Mining Co... Am. Woolen, com Atchlaoat, com.,,..,.., do preferred Baltimore AS Ohio, eom. 11 144H 141 . 117 283 tt 88W 107 do nrel Brooktyn Rapid Tranalt. Canadian Pacific, eom... Central Leather, com..'. do preferred.......... Chi. At O. W., eom Chi., MIL St. Paul... CM. A N. W., com...., Cheaapeaka A Ohio...... Colo. Fuel A Iron, com. . Colo. Southern,.-eom do Id preferred...... do 1st preferred...... Delaware Hudaoa Denver R. Qjamn do prfrrd. ......... Erie, com do Id preferred ...... do 1st preferred. nilnol Central Lonlsvin A Naahvllle.. Mexlcaa Central Ry...., M.. K. T., com..... do preferred..,..,..,. Federal Mining.......... Mieaourt Pacltte National Load..: New Tork Central I. T.,Ont. Weet.... Norfolk A Western, com, do preferred... North Amica....... Northern Paclfle, com.. Pacta Mall Steam. Co. Paanaylvanla Ry P, O.. L.' A C. 6....;. Me .4 Steel Car. am. 47H T8H 4TH 141 BIH BO 81 H a "tteadlne. com 141 i. do Id pref cored....... 1 jlt preferred smm. sron er oiej, com. ao preferred Rock elaland, com 'do preferred SL Le B. r.. 2d pfd. . do lat preferred St. Lit. W., eom... do preferred.... Sou l hern ParlAe, eom.. 81 M 101 18 H 00 V BIH w prererrea 118 do nreferred. iouh Teua. Coal A lroa.... Tex A PadBc ) S Tk St. L. A W., eom..L. do preferred ...Ill 83 Cak Ptciac, com.. 1TH u. a. Banner, com. V. B. Steel Co,, 47 U T vVabaah, eom....... do preferred. Weatera L'nkm Tele. Wlecooein Central, ee do preferred...-..,. Vlrarnla Chemical . . . so. 85 H sl 8ph Total sale for day. 1.207. POO abare. Call BMaay closed at 4 pee cent, v LARGER SALES SHOWN ON LOCAL EXCHANGE Portland Stock Bs change, Aug. IT. Today SI .000 akarea af Mock wr wild on the local mrkt. Of tbea 00,000 war Lee Creek oom at i H aaa l.ooo ahara of RambUr-Carl ooo nt roe. OfBoial ouota tines ' ' BANK STOCKS. . , BM Bank of California , 803 Aak ioo 160' i luS atercaante- cations! nk....... uregoa met A aavinail I'nlted State National SOS Portland Trait vo. af Oregon dabs era . x leuNrmai MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Leaeer Manufacturing Oa... IBS t:ampeH a uae Burner s S04 41 ioo ' 66 60 1000 160 v 0 t. . 104 - 18 03 t'nlon Oil..........,,..: Sno Amoctated Oil..... 30 H Jtiess rirseni Of racine atate Teiepboae dome xeiepnone. .. ... Puaet Sound Telephone Oregon Life Ineuraaca oC...I J. C. lea Co t. , lemant rrooncta . . Empire Contracting.....,..,,,.,, 108 0. R. A N. By 100 Merlin Towaalt in ..... ....IK IfTOW ml. I IateraatJoaal Coal 84 - a1 Mtxiyq . STOCKS. I . I Aiaaxa patmiaum.. IT Alaska iPkmeor 44 61 Standard Conanlldatad UH 11U Oregon Seeurltle . 00 ,4, 07 Ie Creek OoM.... . . 01 . 01 H bailee Coaaolldatad... 4r Omllaber OA CI IMdea Bale rooolldtd. ......... .. P , 02U Bullfrog Terrible i 00 OoWod , ' 04A norm eeurriew. ...... v .'o L Boy , ... Hiawatha ... ' 01 H Caeradla i v.... I8H Lacky. Boy 16 ' MH neeia bzzh aoo Rambler-Carlbna 88 84 Dlila Meailowe.. ......... ...... 084 ' 04 Greet Nortbar.. ... , ,08 SUOAR STOCKS. ' " . Hawallaa Commercial........... 8T " i.. Honokea .uiuuuiiiiuitin'. !?Ju t Hutchinaoa 14 IS MakaweU 88 84 Onomea M ' 84 Paauhaa 184 Union y 48 j , lotai eeiee eeoey, ei,w aasrse. , . , BnUdlaa rerahita. The following prmlta bate bean' la- aued) today i W. T. Stephena. xepalre to two dwelllnga, Second, betwwen Porter sn4 Wood, its aacb. TO SOLVE AERIAL NAWGi.. BMEANSOFffi '' ' ' t lournsl Special Service.) 1 Olace Bay, N. 8.. Aug. IS. Profeaaor Alexander Graham Bell haa completed tha alrahlp by which ha hopes to aolve tha problem of aerial navigation. The trial trip of hla new aircraft will aoon be made. , For aix yeare Profeaaor Boll haa been a atudent of the problem of aerial nav igation, and ha la confident that ha haa at laat found the key to auecewe in thla una, aa ha did In tha telephone. Profea aor Bell'a hope la built upon tha motor with which hla aerial car ia equipped. Ho haa alwaya contended that tho lack of a light motor' with aufflclent poorer waa tha only obatacle in the way of tha flylna; machine. In bla experlmenta Profeaaor Bell haa eliminated tha balloon entirely from conalderation, and haa devoted hla oner Btea to experiment a .with kite atruo tnrea. - TJnllke other kite machlnea. Pro feaaor Bell'a product la triangular In ahape. Early In. hla Inveatlgatlona Pro few aor Bell waa convinced that all box kite flying machlnea era defective In two wave. In tha flrat place tha box klta la braced In a horlaontal and ver tical direction, ao that croaa aupponta have to be Introduced Into tha -frame, whlca Inoreaae the. weight without add ing to tha flying power and at tha aamd time operate aa an obatacle to tha wind. In tha eecond place tha box klta type of alrahlp haa a aerloue defect In that tho weight Increataea with tha cube as rapid' ljr aa. doaa tha lifting power with tha aejuara, ad that tha lighter the klta the Iea It will lift In proportion. . - In view of theaa discoverlea Profeaaor Bell-wk led to conatruct a. kite tha HARROW ESCAPE Aeronauts Drop Ten Thousand Feet and Barely Avert Fearful Fate in Basket. BALLOON ISTS CRAWL UP NETTING AROUND CAS BAQ With but Three , Sand Sacks Left Daring Men Manage to Slacken ' Speed o Fall Just Before Reaching 5rth. ... r;,.:-l- -' ' (Journal Special Service.) -Mew -Tork, Aug. 27. InaperpendloU' la r drop of 10.00J feat made by hla baU loon Sunday, Dr. Julian P. Thomas and brother, ' JelTereon Da via Thomaa, had a 'narrow eaoape from death. The' ba! loon had deacanded at Beemervllla. New Jeraey, Saturday nlsht. Sunday morn ing Dr. Thomaa decided on a aecond aa- cenalon, Ha dropped over aufflclent bal laat to take him up nearly two milea at which altitude tha gas In the bag Suddenly began to condenae and the bal loon began to deacend with frightful rapidity. ' Dr. Thomas had only-three baga of eand ' ballaat left and when near tha earth ha threw thla all overboard and at once leanpned tho apeed of tha de scent auSlclently. to modify tha danger, Tha two men then jumped op from the floor of the car and, grasping tha gaa- bag netting, climbed far aa they could above the baaket A few momenta later tha wicker car atruck tha earth with force enough to have had moat aertoua reaulta bad they been in it. The point at whloh they landed waa near Oakland station, Sullivan county. New Tork. ALLEGED THIEF IS CAUGHT IN TACOMA - Fred Taylor alleged to have been the thief who broke Into Tork'a mualc atore on Flrat atreet laat Wedneaday night, was arreated In Tacoma yeaterday after noon. Taylor la charged with, having atolan eight eometa, a - saxophone and an oboe 'from the place, and it la claimed that he pawned three of the inatrumenta In a second-hand atore In thla city for tS IO. Deacrlpttons of the atolen In atrumenta and 'the thief were aent to all nearby eitlea and Taylor's arrest followed in I acorn a. Taylor la aleo aocuaed of having atolen a watch from the pawnbroker In thla elty to whom ha Bold the cornet. According e tba advices Iroin the aound city, tha man under arreet la waVtecTi for tha theft of- 10 watrhee from a lewelry atore there. A detective will be aent 1 bring back Taylor as aoon aa the neceaaary papers are prepared. IMPERIALS TUMBLE . WITH MIGHTY CRASH - (Jownal Special Service. ) ' St. Peteraburg. Aug. 17. The bourae reflected cohdltlona of tho empire re aultant of the activity of tha terrorlata. Imoerlala fell from TO to 81. which la tha greatest drop during Emperor Nich olas' reign, ' IOWA MERCURY DOWN TO FORTY DEGREES - " fjoaraal Special ServWe.) Dee Molnea, Iowa, Aug. ST. Tha mer cury dropped to 40 over tha waatern part of tha atate today, f root appearing at Charle City and ' the Bortheaatarn part o the atate. . . i DR. THOMAS HAS rw'. . ' 1 s r n; Professor Alexander Graham Bell land Hia Famous ' Many-Celled Ete, With Which He Hope tb Solve th Problem of Aerial Navigation in :Notb Scotia. '.. .. . .. ..- . ' -"; ' ' -' ' ' ' V, ' : '"V '.. frame of which forma a trlarigle. Alblned and form tha llftlns power for the. great number of theaa kite can be com-1 machine. ' : ;. " ' - i EVERYBODY AMD HIS VIFE ; Buyise real estate Purchases Draining 'the Country of Ready Money, and Taking It From Other Business. : ' , '" (Journal Special Service.) " New Tork, Aug. ft Real aetata is draining the country's great reservoirs of capital. .JSHllona have flowed into realty deala In- the past . few yeare. Millions ara still going tha name way every week. ' ' While mofiey laated, tha inveatment in real aetata thla year waa larger than during tba earn a period last year. But money hag boon futuilng ahort the paat few week, . . - . . Bankers pay real estate operation all over tho country are taking money away from other buainoaa. Much of It has boon tranaferred from flowing capi tal Into fixed capital. The army of rich men who fiaually keep large caah balances in banka have inveated in real eatate and have no big amounta of ready caah for use In emergencies To the tremendoun absorption of capi tal by real eaUte la attributed the growing stringency of money, .-i HVEOlORIfEARSIlS LAND JOL OPEN! FOR ENTRY And So Estate of John C. Fletcher' Is Diminished Great- . Iy in Value. After living with hla family on a homestead on part Of what waa the Bllets Indian reaervatlon for the five years prescribed by law, the proofs of ownership offered by John C. Fletcher were refuaed by the general land office, bocauaa tha aurvey of ISO acre ot It had not been approved, and the land waa declared not aubjoct to entry. The remaining 40 . acres had been aurveyed regularly and tha survey accepted, but Fletcher waa not allowed to prove bla title to them becauee he. had built hia house on the ground Included in the JJO acres not subject to entry. Because of thla the homestead ia of no value to the eatate of Fletcher, who haa alnce died. Tha appralaere of the aetata H. C. Starr, Jasper Agea and John Doaklne -filed a report in the county court this morning showing that the property of the estate la worth II 129. The homeotead la mentioned In the report, but rt' appraised aa-having no value to the eatate. Attorneya for the estate declare that Fletcher a fam 11 y will be able to prove up on the homeetead if they continue to -live on It until tho aurvey is approved by the I""1 iflflKt ', -.'. BOY BANDIT SEEMS TO GLORY IN MISDEEDS - Confronted with a team in tha pent tentlary. William Boyd, tha 17-year- old youth, who in company witn urnBt Hutchlna, 14 years pf sga, held up George Robbing at Ninth and Couch atreeta, Saturday - night, maintains aa air of braggadocio and evidently aeeme to glory in hla misdeeds, upon the ealllng of hla caae In the municipal court thla morning, upon motion of the prosecuting attorney, tha matter was eoqtlnued until tomorrow morning In order to have Robblna swear to a com plaint Hutchlna Is coTtflned.ln the county Jail and will be . brought before the Juvenile court, for trial. , It la believed by tha police that .the -robbery of Orouch and tho attempted ' hold-up ' of Robblna are the only erlmea of thla character committed by the boye be fore they were checked: in their wild eareer. la Hutching bom at iU First1 1 V . - .V "'I atreet waa found a 44-calibra revolver used in tha Grouch robbery. The .lad borrowed the weapon from Maltland Beea of 100 North Fourtenth. atreet. LENTS PHYSICIAN ; FALLS FROM CAR V, Dr. O. I Robb, residing at Leota. fell from a car of tbe Mount Scott Una at Hawthorne and Union avenuee at 1:15 p. m. yeaterday and .auetalned a acalp wound. The ' 'phyaiclan declares that when he boarded the car the motorman suddenly threw on tbo power and he waa thrown to tha pavement. ' Dr. Johnaon dreaaed hla brother medico'g .wound, which la not regarded as aerloue. Liverpool Cottoa Qalet. , IJrerpool. Aug. ST, Cottoa ratare .eleaad 1. to 8 point higher. Market quiet. WORN OUT BY RELIEF WORK .rily; ". . - '-'' iV'V V,' I.'.., H.. , v.' t. 4t ' J ZJT - .j 4 t - Mom Mra. Peter B. Martin, nee Vj C ricbs, a recent photo of svLci U shown here, has almost kroi':4:t herself to the verge of nerr: prostration br.hT tlrsleis l"' among the sufferers of Can I cisco. , She is now cornL- t port for a rest, , . n V.