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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 27, 1906)
Tll' OHLCOII DAILY JOURNAL. FOIiTLAMP. HCKJDAY CV::i::a. ;.UV3T 17, U:V Il'JO CONTESTS Commuter Make Last Appeaf anc by -toting , Double- ' r r( header tor toceJe. M'LEAN SHINES AT . ' ' . ,-!.: :L BAT AND . IN FIELD i. 'i Cater Received it Good Drubbing in First and Hopkins Wa Driven to the Woods In Second Mstch Er rors Marked Both Games, '. t Batteries Henderson ' and .McLean; ana, mcuiw . -i - Portland . Oakland ,r Innings.' v . Batterle CaHff and McLean; Hop kin . Smith and Hackett. . i. ' Well, Oakland ha gone at last, tor the season. We wiU see "Brick" Deve i eaus and 'Slim"? Tom Tackett no mora thia year. No mora Jokes on tba "Rad Dog,,: o mora tun at.Hackett'e expeneo. ' The Oakland nine made their farewell , : bow- yeeterdey t Recreation park hi the form of a doable defeat at the bands of the .leaders. ''. ' -Even though- Portland wera twice Vie torloua It would not b fair to aay thai ." ts nima wra mnnd as ther wera not. neither - could the - fact that .the fans - danble-hesder for oiia aduii BSb3 ' make anyone belleva that Sunday bar- , gains' are as good aa ther are -touted, la the two conteats II large ripe arrora played a prominent part. and. for vari ety two wild pltc,hee and three passed balls wera thrown in. ' Such In baaebalL The truth Is that Oakland Is not in Portland's .class at any a tag of the gskte. .While Oakland hae torn rood men, the general makeup of tba locals, the way in which they perform at the . bat and In the field, make it almost an impossibility for the Oaklanders to get away .with a match. '.-, ; '' ' The crowd was not up to the usnsl Sunday else on account of Oakland being no particular attraction, but tba tana . that' did attend certainly yelled enough to last soma of them a lifetime Judge . Olaon forgot his dignity and screeched. What a voloe ha baa. His yelling caused young Hopkins to .' make . two . wild 'pitches.'-;- m rirst aase. ;'...:..' ' la the first contest the visitors took a decided liking to Henderson's curves, and in three innings rapped out eight safe hits and four runs. Portland found Oatee for one la the third and twe In the fourth. The score remained this wsy until tha eighth Inning, ' when Mitchell hit. McCredle . walked, - Jud Smith doubled and McLean hit to the left field fence, where the ball hid behind a patch of alfalfa, and "Larry" waa recorded a home run. There, was yelling enough than to last a lifetime, V SfeooaA Contest, V . After a 10 minutes' breathing spell. during which time several of tha players .enjoyed .a cigarette smoke under the grandstand, the teams got busy again. aeven innings being agreed upon. - Red headed Hopkins essayed to put them over for tha visitors and tha locals ware represented by Callff. The Commuters went after Callff in rapid fashion, and 'with the aid of two hits and Jud Smith's mlecue, two runs tallied. In their half the Portlands recovered one of the lost runs. In the second Caljff settled down . and remained as soltFaQbraltar there after. But poor Hopkins shared a dif ferent fate. In the second he was found for three runs and In tha following Inning 'fire safe hlta 'sent four more across tha rubber. After this exhibition Hopkins was sent to 'right field end ' jimmy Smith took his place. . Smith -checked the stride of tha leaders and Aha game was soon ended. . The score: ?, ... .v . v rr ,; PORTLAND. -. '!-" : ab.r. McHale. cf. ,4 0 Fweeney, as. .....,. 4; Mitchell. U. ......... 4 I McCredle. rt ' t 1 Pmlth, 8b. ' 4 1 Moore, 2b. ...........4 .1 McLean, c . 4 t ,1ster, lb. -. . ... .v 4 Henderson, p. ....... 4. e H.PO. A. E. 0 t e l t i : 1 t 1 Totals ; ,.,.1....IS . 1 10 17 I I OAKLAND. AB. R. H PO. A.E. ;Smlth.-rf. a 1 Aran Haltren, ct ..... 4 - 1 Kroger. It... 4 1 Heltmuller, lb. ..... 4 Hackett. e. 4 0 Devereanx, tb. 4 1 Hftlley. 2b 0 Frsncks, ss. ......... 4 0 : fates, p. 4 0 -I 10- .v. ToUls . ' ......It 4 It 24 It T SCORE BT INNINGS. ' Portland .......0 0 11 I I 0 4 T V Hlta . ....t.O I I I I I 1 I 1 Oakland ...1 OtOOOOOO 4 4 Hlta ..' II Mllli 211 5, 's "- SUMMARY. - 1? Struck out Bjr Hendrrson, t; by Catsa, t. .Base on balls Oft Catea, 1. Two-basa bits Van Haltren, HaileV, Tfevereaux,' Sweeney, Smith. - Double J .lay Sweeney to Moore te Lister. B to rn bases Halley, Moore. Psssedrball p McLean. First bene on errors Port land, I. Left on bases Portland, 4 ; Oakland, 4. Time of game One hour and 40 minutes. , Umpire MahaSey. Seooad aaaev PORT LA NIX i.'.j- ' i ; ID n XT pn A V! MeHale, cf. ......... 4 1 1400 Sweeney, ss. ........ 2 0 0 8 1 1 Mitchell, lb. 4 12 1 0 0 McCredle, rf., ...... t 0 0 1 0 0 Fmith. tb 11 12 0-1 Wdore, 2b. ...i 8 111 l'O : McLean, c 8 1 8 6 t 0 Lister, lb. 1 0 0 0 0 0 47anff, p. , 1 2 2 0 2 0 ; lonahue. If. ... 2 1 6 2 0 1 .Tptale.. .17 "t 11 21 , I "4 ."' , . OAKLAN1V AB. R. H. PO. A. . E T Smith, rf....;... .. 4 11.0 1 0 Van Haltren. ct .... 8 Kruger. If. 8 Xeltmuller, lb. t . Hackett, o, 2 I eveTaux, 2b. ...... I llnlley, 2b ,. I Francka, as. llopklns, p. t 1 r V Totals. ...........27 2 6 22 12. I ' ' SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland , ...........1 1 4 0 1 0 0 Hits ..,,. ...I 2 0 t 0 11 Oakland , ...........I 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 lilts ........ ...1 w v 1 e 1 1 SUMMARY. fttrork out By Callff, 4; by Hopkins. 8; b Smith. 1. Bases on balls Off CsUiT, 2; off Hopkins, I; off Smith," 1. Two-basa hits Smith, Mitchell, lie. lan. Callff. Doubla play Frsncks to Heltmuller. Sacnnce nic wejney Stolen bssa mlth. Hit by pitched bell J. Smith. Passed Balls Hackett, Me t.n First bnea on errors Oakland. ' 1 Wild pltchee Hopkins, 2: Smith,-!. lft on bases Portland, 6; Oakland, 4. Innlnga pitched By Hopklna, 2; by Fmlth, 8. Bass bite Oft Hopklna, 0; off mlth. 1. Tims of game one hour and . minutes. Umpire Maaafler, f.:.':c:::s me defeated by ti;e kelso in Washington - Stat Lads Jrove Too Fast for Oregon Players , - in a Long Game. -' (Ssertal t tn The Jiwmal.! Kelso, Wash-, Aug. 17. In one of the fiercest battles fought upon the Kelso diamond "for many a day the Maroons yesterday railed to wrest the cham pionship of southern Washington from the Kelso- team.- Several hundred cited fans witnessed the contest and certainly received their money's worth, if rowdy ball counts. The game was one continual wrangle from start to fin ish. Umpire 4 Stacey of Kelso, who started, In to umpire, was off In -his de cisions and, after calling a foul-hit ball In. loft, field., a fair Jne, .allowing: Gra ham of Kelso three stations, the Ma roons Jiefuned to play without anothar umpire. Ten minutes of disorder en sued. French of Portland thn took a shy .with the Indicator; he tried to. be rair, but Kelso couldn't see It that way, and la the third Inning refused to play. Another long wrangle ensued and wae ended only by tha advent of some gen tleman from Bcappoose i offering his services ss umpire. -Ths gams then progressed with less tumult Hull and Slebels were both hit hardy out rssi neiaing. saved huh. Kelso bunched their hits In the fifth Inning and cinched the game by running five men over the plats. .The Maroons had. up to this time, succeeded In dishing up goose eggs to their opponents, and 8lebels was mighty stingy . with - tha hits. The score was then 2 to in the Maroons' favor. " Stebela' arm was .sore snd In the eighth Inning he gave up an Canryuell went in to pitch. Some weln fielding by the Maroons at -this . stsge allowed Kelso to score again. ( The Ma roons could do nothing In the ninth and the game went on record S. to t tn favor of Kelso. The score: - . , - '' MAROONS., :' ' ' ' '"'.., ;; JkB. R. H. PO. A'K. Gray. as. .....I lil J 1 Henkle, lr. ....... ... I Mangold. b. i 4 Campbell, 2b. ........ 4 Hathaway, cf. ...... 4 Trowbridge, id. , I Smith, rf. t Brock, a. t Slebels, p. .......... 1 ei o i ' i Totals ...! I i li M I ,. kelso. . . ''..: AB.aKFO.AK B. Halbert, rf... M 4 0 fanner, in. Thuraton, e. Baker, lb. Graham, 2b. . Heberden, ef. ........ F. Halbert. If. Peggy, aa. v......... uuu. p. Totals ........14 I ! 1 'Henkfe out; hit by batted bait ' SCORE BT INNINGS. Maroons ......1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Hits . . 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 ( Kelso- . . 0 0 0 0 ( 0 1 2 0 Hits . .1 10 0 110 1 00 ... .'. SUMMARY. V ' h r-' Struck out By Hull, 0; by Slebels, 1. Baaes on balls Off Hull, 1; oft Slebels, . rr la k. I . ft 1- L - -1 . i M . L WU-UOH nil-uri, 1 I1IWUUV llll Graham. - Sacrifice hlta Hengla, Sle. nes eiween Moncie anu 117- bels, Pftlmer. Stolen bases Gray. Man- eonnel," SUver Sua and Tarora, an8 gold. Trowbridge. - Smith, . F. Halbert, 1 Maris and Susie Christian. Marts Daggy. First base on errors MaroonatI. wksrsrt odds of to 1. i: ksiso, Leri on oases Maroons. n Kelso, 4. . Tnnlnga pitched By SiebelsJ 7: or (jamneii. 1. case mu im oie- -bels, 8; off Campbell, 1. Time of game Two hours and ao minutes, empires Stacey, French, Bodon. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. - A v.' ':' i .' . Won. Loet P.C Portland.; ......74 84 tl San Francisco 48 48 .608" Los Angeles .......... 8 84 .612 Seattle . ......60 44 . .418 Fresno.. ........... .47 72 .898 Oakland . . ...........44 - 70 .884 "' tH washes Shut Oat, ' (Joarsal SpecUl Serric.) ' v Los Angeles, Aug. 27. The Slwashes suffered a shnt-out yesterdsy through Indifferent playing. . . Score: Seattle . .......000000000 0 10 Fresno . . ......1 1 000 100 4 0 0 Batteries Garvin nd Blankenshlp; Fltsgerald and Daahwood. ..'V-" Bvea Break at Oakland. - (Jonrn.l Bpeelal 8rvc.r Oakland, CaL, Aug. 27. The Seals and Angels divided honors yssterday. The scores: - ' : ' Morning game R. H. E. San Francisco ..02000010 08 8 0 Los Angeles . . .l 0 0 0 0 J 0 1 18 0 2 Batteries Randolph and Eager; Ty son snd Spies. Afternoon game' ' R.H. E Ixis Angeles ...0000801004 11 4 San Francisco ..0210121 0. S 2 Batteries Bergtman and Mangerina; Hltt and Wilson. Umpire Hodaon. NORTHWEST LEAGUE. . Won. Loet 88 40 i 45 . 44 . PC. .407 .600 .458 .422 Taeoma .. . . . Butte Graya Hafbor Spokane , . . .........40 28 26 - At Bntte. ' First game - R. H. E. Butte. ,...00 2 0 1 0 20 6 10 6 Grays Harbor ..00 0 0 0001 0-l 8 4 Batteries Hoon ana Bwinaeiis: oooa- win and Boettlger. -Second game - R. H. E. Grays Harbor . .2 010 0 0 0 0 08 6 1 Butte .......000000000 0 7 8 Batteries Brtnker and .Boettlger: Bandelln and Swindells. Umpire How- lett- , . , ... ' First same R.H. E. Tacoma ...8 0001000000 04 8 Spokane . ..00108000000 18 18 4 Batteries Butler and Shea; Blesrud and Altman. Becond same R. H. k. Tacoma .......... .0 1 0 4 0 0 6 4 1 Spokane . ........ .6 4 0 0 1 0 4 7 6 Batteries putier sna ones; Macnois snd Sueaa. NATIONAL LEAGUE.' Chicago . . New York ..88 76 74 .740 .447 .444 .452 .431 .284 .878 .828 Pittsburg Philadelphia 82 Cincinnati . , 61 Brooklyn , ....42 Rt. Louis , ....44 Boston . . ............88 80 ' AtOlnolaaatL First game . , R. H. E. Cincinnati ,.. .4 8 2 New York .-'-... ..7 8 2 Battsrles Hall and Schlei; McGlnnlty ana Howerman. -. Second game R. H. ' E, Cincinnati , .......11 -O New York . ,...0 8 2 . Bstterles Welmer end Livingston; Ames and Bowerman, . Umpires -O Day ana (arpenirr. At Chicago. R.H. E. Chicago .7 11 0 .0 4 1 Boston "ra . ,....... 1 Batterlee -Taylor and Morsn; Young ana ieeanam., umpire Ktnsue. - Pitcher Brown of Chicago1 will no doubt succeed Christy Mathewson as the king of National league ' pitchers this SEATTLE f.lEET IS OEWIOG ifiO Most Successful Racing Season i That Was Ever Enjoyed In 'i : -' Northwest. V -: as usual the pubuc r IS THE. ONLY LQSER :.' . -' ' . ii ii i in ' i ' Expert' Toser Reviews tha "Sound 'City" Race Meet and Last Week's .Performances (or The Journal Larte Number of Good Things. ,. ,''' : By Ralph H. 5"oser. (Special Correspondence te The Journal.) Seattle, Aug. 24. But seven days re main of the moat successful race meet ing in Seattle's' history.. Financially and from an attendance atandpolnt for mer meetings look decidedly insignifi cant by comparison, endNthls notwlth- stsndlng many croakers scoffed st the Idea of doing awsy with syndicate poo ic ing and securing enough books to pay the purses. The. management not only had an average of 14 bookmakers on during the whole -meeting, ' but the at tendance waa considerably over 1,000 with few complimentary tickets "out Severs! Saturdays the attendance ran up to or over 10,000, so that, with the field book and bar prlvllegea more than paying running expenses and the books taking earn of the "purses, with several thouaands added to the association's exchequer from "run-ups," tha results of ' tha season must . be wonderfully gratifying to the small coterie of stock holders. . From the form student's standpoint the racing was what might be termed "etreaky," - with the bed "streak" more than offsetting the good. There have been too - msny reversals, too much . "blblloal running' to , suit the burners of midnight oil, and many of tha "tricks turned" ought to have remained on the stove - much longer than they did. : However, In the main the meeting waa a mighty Improve ment over those thst have gone before, if my Informants are correct, ao that tnera Is cause lor congratulation. Bookmakers Just in from Butte re port bad weather, a decided scarcity of horses on the track snd cola -in- the ring. ' - Harry Btorer has applied roc,ji-aay dates at Petaluma. but up to this time bad not heard from President Williams of tha Psclfle Jockey club, who Is aU I-1 w-ilHJ !... 1.. I. -. . Sf aim nu.tuwi niuvu. What an awful harpooning ' the poor penoilars took on Monday last! it was blng. Ding, rrom - rirst to iinn races Inclusive. Lulu , H. being very hand played at to 1, closing at I, and breaking the four and a half furlong track record, pulling up In 0:UH" with 100 pounds. , The Schralber ruiy is cer tainly a speed marvel. - Ed Sheridan, another Schretber-bred 1 one, took the mile and a alxteenth in the fast . time of 1:4U with 100 pounds the best raoe of hie life. There were close fin' . . . . - , . . . . M mmv 77 . Wmmmo im. .Tuesdays SotnoTS. Tuesday. Alta Spa, 8 to 1; J. C Clem, 11 to 1, and Sherry, 4H to 1. rather sur prised ths tslent. whlU Golden Light, Soundly and Ellerd were the favorites to finish first, the last-nsmed pair zrom the Ellerd stable. Ellerd was run up from 8200 to 8700 snd retained. E. J. Ramsey ran up J. C. Clem from 2300 to 1600 snd secured him, snd tba Nip pon stable fiUed -the .vacant stall with W. Durkera Metlakatla for 2600. This mare used to belong to the lets Caesar Young. Alta Spa Is sn Altamar filly, bred by Burns sV Waterhouse. while Sherry, a good horse right now, was raised by R. E. de B. Lopes at Fleas- anton, California. . I "Derry" Andrews, one of the nerviest and beat-liked coast bookmakers, - won 84,200 In a lively game of "draw" ths other nlgbt. . , .. ,...:'' A rumor le bussing about to tha effect that the King County Fair association has sbout decided to sell Its grounds (The Meadows) to the Chicago, Milwau kee . tt St. Paul Railroad company, and that the latter organisation will In a year or so begin tha erection on the racetrack site of machine shops.' As the story goes, the racing folks have a lease on the place that will carry them through next season If they destre to keep on st The Mesdows. but they have secured a fine tract of land about four mllee farther out toward Tacoma, ait- uated along the line of both the stesm and electrlo . railroads, and making It nearly midway between the cities of Seattle and "Tacoma. For The Meadows ground aomethlng like $30,000 waa palj. and it Is understood they werS offered $300,000 for the site a few weeks ago by the Chicago, Milwaukee tt St Paul Railroad eompany, it being tha inten tion of that organisation to build there on their machine shops. . . - . Doubtless the new course will be much wider then the old, snd instead of a wooden grandstand they will have an Iron and steel structure larger and thor oughly up to date., with lighter and more airy bookmakers' quartera under neath. That the transportation facili ties will be unsurpassed. goes .without saying, and In this respect there will be a big Improvement, appreciated great ly, by the racing publl 2fe ravorites Bseav. Wednesday not a favorite got its nose In front of the finishing point, the re sult being fhat the bookmakers more than evened up Monday's score. The runners were: Rostof, 4 to 1; Miss Provo. 7 to 1; Melttah. 8 to 1; F. W. Barr, 2 to 1 (as good as 8); Hersaln, John McLean, Crack Catcher, Who Has Left to Join Cincinnati Club. ' .; . I i jU... , 1 , f : . C " ' ) ' - A V '""4 Hi A BASfC.UL TAKES HCLD -dear cldlg;;oc:i America's National ' Sport Was Well Patronized During Sea son Just Closed.- . a. (Joaraal Sneelal Serrfce. London, Aug. 27 At last there are signs that baseball la proving a success In .England, and those ardent advocates of the game who- have proclaimed lte merits from, tha very housstoMnow feel happy. They have reaeon to- be satisfied, for , the league -which they started this year has become more pop ular with each succeeding wees, botn with players and public While the early games were watched by gatherings of from 200 to B00 per- eona, tha closing matches of the toums ment -drew- gates of - more than 2,000 spectators truly a - sign r of populsr progress. ' This Initial league struggle ended with the following result: Woolwich Arsenal Games playsd, 10; won, t: lost, Irsjruna for, ltt; against. 127: points. 10. v, , , Tottenham Hotspur Gamee playeer. 10; f won. - 8: lost, t; ' runs for. 141; against. 101: points, 10. Leyton Games played. Ii won, 4; lost. I; runs for,. 147; against, 181; points, - "r- , Clapbam Orient Games played, is; won. . 4; lost, 0; runs for, -148; against. 148: points, 8. - Fulham Games played, t; won, l; lost, 4; runs for, 181; against, 178; points, 0. - : Nondescripts aamea played, 101 won. I; lost,-1; runs for 118: against, 187; points. 4. '.'-V-'.. . v". Next sesson will be a busy one, as Ave leaguee have already been formed In London alone.' They are the British Baseball league, which le tha parent body;- tha Southern league, the Junior league, the London league snd ths Com mercial leaguew Everything eugure well for the future eucoess of baseball la Great Britain. ' ". . . .-i 2H to 1 (was 8 te 1). and Bonar, $ to 1 (aa good sa 7). Andrew B. Cook, Lain H. and Susla Christian, hot favorites, did not even ehow. ' Fw W. Barr beat Ruby a head la 1:12 U In the Vancouver handicap, Mlaa Provo had a neck margin ever Golden Buck, while Melltah, May L, N. and Utlca flnlahed heads apart In the 1-year-old event. Flo Manola, favor ite 'in the last, was lame going to tns post, and did well to finish second to Bonar, a very suddenly Improved racer. There was nothing remarkable about Thursday's racing, three favorites snd wo. heavily-played non-favorltea get ting the coin and hurting the bookies considerably, v Blue Eyes ran a mile In 1:10, and Florence Fonso, In this race, finished outside the money for the first time In It starts. Golden Light beat Black Cloud a noae In the last race. Friday the publlo had a good dsy, five of the winners being strongly sup ported. Charley Van Dusen ran Sherry up to $1,000. In the fourth race and secured him. E. O. Swltser retaliated by claiming Van Dusen'a horse. Baker, out of the race. The fllnshes between Bert Arthur snd El Verracoe, Tuck Back and Elba and Royal Rogue and Neat ness were very close. Royal Rogue beat Laura F. M. in the last race In 1:1H4 for elx furlongs, this being-very bad In view -of her record-equaling run at els and one half furlongs, first six fur longs In 1:12 flat. She did not finish In the money Friday. Saturday the favorites were beaten In nve of tba eeven races, and many thought they were defeated In six, for tha decision In fsvor of Jerusha In the Second event was anything but popular. apparently nine out of ten seeming to think JJixeno had finished rirst. Legal Form, X to 1, won the first by a com fortable margin from TryconneL with Santa Ray,- the favorite, in third place. The ludges did not faoey -Borel's ride on tha latter, and suspended him forth with, pending Investigation. Utlca beat Mllaora a head. Grace St Clair, flret choice, In third place. Grasscutter made most of the 'running In the. Victoria handicap and beat the speedy Ruby a good length. Misty Pride third, two lengths farther off, and a, bead before Funnyslde. Gorgalette . beat Ed . Sheri dan half a length for the Alaska handi cap, mile and a alxteenth, thle result probably being due to Davles' horse turning very wide Into the home stretch at a cost of perhaps two lengths. Little Buttercup beat Silver Sue leaa than a length In the etxth. Marie H., tha hot favorite, finishing fifth, while Christine A favorite, showed decided superiority over Salable In the last st a mils and 60 yards. 'Tim Sullivan rode -three of the seven winnersWerusha, Gorgalette and Little Buttercup. , 1 BEAVERT0N TOO FAST ." FOR THE f ARMINGT0NS (Bseeial Mepstca m Tse JosraaL) ' Bearerton, Or., - Aug. 27. Besverton defeated Farmlngton yesterday by the score .of 12 to 8. .. The lineup: . - Bearerton. Farmlngton. L. Hardy......... .p. .......M. Ingram Thomas ....c.,...i...B. Rherse Buts ............ .lb A. Ingram Albers 2b.., Johnson M. Hardy. ....... .ss........ Robinson Jones ;8b. J. Ingram Martin .......... .If H. Rherse Frohnoer ., cf....; Hinton Rolfe rf . Miller GANS SAYS ARTICLES 7 WERE LOOSELY DRAWN ' (Joarnal Speelal Servlte.l ' Goldfield, Aug. 27. Cans sUtas that owing to ths loosely drawn fight articles in which no hour on Labor day la apecU fled tor the fight he will go In the ring whenever be pleases, giving as an excuse that the sun msy hurt his eyes at 8 o'clock in the afternoon. He takee thle method . to revenge for slights which he thinks have been put en hint.- Tickets amounting to over $30,000 have already been.aold.i A ball will be held tonight LARRY M'LEAN LEAVES. ' . FOR CINCINNATI CLUB John Lewrence McLean left last night for Cincinnati, where he will loin Ned Hanlon's ball club. In hla last appear ance yesterday McLean played a bril liant game., with the stick he was par ticularly effective, making seven hlta out of aeven times up. McLean Is the best catcher that Portland has ever hsd and hie good work will be missed. He was without doubt the beat eatchar in the Coest league and ought surely make good with tba Cincinnati elub. AMERICAN LEAGUE. " Won. ,...70 Lost PC. .410 Chicago , . Philadelphia New Tork ... Cleveland . St. Louis . 48 , . . , . DO .81 .41 .670 48.840 62 68 M 60 .840 ' .681' .481 .3 .804 ,,,...40 .....66 ,..,.48," Detroit . .... Washington . osion . SCOTT'S FAST FLAY m FEATURE Irvlngton ' Veteran " Succsssf u Against Hit Time-Honored Friend A. BV McAlpln. ZAN AND FARRELL DOWN ROHR AND BENHAM Jordles", Plarlns; Was Brilliant Throughout and Opponents Didn't ; Have Much Show Result of Sec orid DaVs Playing inXournament '. ' .' -y '"' ' ' wt. . . - .... The second day ef the Irvlngton tour nament resulted In the defeat of number of upper-class man In the men's handicap. Notable among ths defeate ware -tnose or A. B. McAlpln snd Z. Rohr In ths single and ths team com posed of Rohr and Benham in the dou- biee. . . , MoAlpin. at owe 4-C, waa beaten by W. K. Scott, who received 16. The flret eet went to McAlpln. but Scott played a very steady game and. by ike' help of hie handicap, pulled out the next two eeta by a very narrow margin. It took tnree eets to defeat Rohr also. Blair did the trick with a handicap of re ceive is i-4, Rohr owing 4-8. The most decisive defeat of the day was that of Benham snd Rohr by J. V. M. zan snd Tom. Ferrell. Rohr and Ben ham played from owe 18 1-6 and gave their opponents . 2-6. Thle In' a good handicap and the upper-class men were not in the swim for a minute. They were-undoubtedly' off their game, but could not have won had they not been. zan actually played a better game than either of hie opponents, driving beauti fully and lobbing , with great effect. Ferrell's work, too, waa all that could be desired and Rohr and Benham cap tured only tw games in ths match. Zan and Ferrell are achaduled to play McSwaln and Turner thle afternoon et 4 o'clock. 'The latter team will give ezaotly the handicap aa did Benham and Rohr and will have to play . the finest game of tennis to corns out on ton. Another good match was that be tween Kenneth McAlpln and J. V. M Zan. the latte being defeated In a three- set match, zan -was compelled to give 8-6. ,t I The summary la aa follows: Men's Handicap Singles K McAlpln beat J. V." M.Zan. 4-8. 3-4, 6-4; W. K. Boott beat A. R. McAlpln. 4-6, 7-a, T-8: Blair beat L Rohr, 6-8, 6-8, 6-8; West beat Durham, 6-4, 8-6, 4-4. . Men'e Handicap Doubles ., zan and Ferrell beat Benham and Bohr. 6-1, 6-0, Men a Championship wlckersham beat A. B. MoAlpin, 6-8, 4-8; Bellinger beat ShulL 8-1. 6-6. ' - On account of a mistake In the draw ing in the ladlee' handicap alngles a re drawing -has "bee made as follows Mrs. Lockwood R 8-6 Bys Mlas Bchasfer ............... .R. 16 8-6 Miss Laadbetter...., .- R 8-6 Miss Heltehu..... ................ O. SO Miss Fording.. ................... O. 4-6 Miss Goss R. 20 Mrs. Northrup...... , RT-6 Miss Joseph!.. ...O. 6 2-6 Mrs, Judge R 4-6 Mrs. RaJsy.l..............V.R. 11 2-6 Miss Fox ........s.. ....R. 8-6 Miss Moore .................... Scratch Miss Campbell R SO Miss Gray R. 4-6 Bye VedaF's swlMdnle. .'' ' S p. m. Wood vs. Breece. court (. S p. tn.-Thorne vs. McSwsln, court 8 Miss Bchasfer vs. - Miss Lesdbetter, court 1; Mlaa Heitshu vs. Miss Fording, court 1; Miss Goss , vs. Mrs. Northrup, court 4. . .' 4 p. nk Terrell snd J. V. M. Zan vs. McSwaln and -Turner, court. 1: Wilbur ve. Durham (champion), court I; Miss Josephl .vs. Mrs. Judge, court 8; W. Morse vs. E. BUlr (champion), court I; Gammle vs. Caws ton (obamplon), court , ,.i , .- : .. . . . B p. m. Mrs. Scott and Cawston vs. Mrs. Raley and MoAlpin. court 1; F. H. V. Andrews vs. Dr. Zan, court 2; Rich ard Wilder vs. F. O. Ferris, court S: Msrlss and Gregory ve. Raley and Scott, court 4; Walter Cook ve. Norman Courtenay, court 6; winner of Wood va. Breece ya. Barber, court 6. j SPORTING GOSSIP. The San Francisco ball team la dus to arrive In Portland tomorrow morning for a week'e series with the Giants. After six games here the Seals . will go te Seattle for a- week, ' Next week the Anaels will ne nere, tor a series. Following the Angela the Scale . will come back for a week, and than' the final series will be played with Mike Fisher's Tigers from Fresno.. v -,-;. -e e ... Joe Gene has employed a burro to waken him In the morning.- Battling Neleon le "more confident He can't see anything at which to take alarm. ; - ... s e . ' ' ' All work tn Goldfield atopped In an ticipation of tha coming bout. As soon ss ths prices o( seats st the ting side were posted they began to dig again. v e ' '-' . ' Woodburn defeated the Powers Blues yeeterdsy IS to T. ' v . ; . nmmjt n tr-mAm mn have formed a $10,000 pool to back the White Sox to i w .wi.iHmii 1m me n.nnlnt. . This h.n ant seat to ba slaced tn New Tork snd Phllsdelphts, snd If the odde offered are aiiraciiTa me mmoum will be increased. ; . . wi.. ,m mat Ksuhsll fana and find their allegiance divided be tween the Box end uuoa. some uveiy betting is promised ehould the two teems clssh for a. world's -championship series next uctonar. , S S i sTatsgt from 'trmdfleht-rhr- effect that Gana will accept Slier ee referee. Tomorrow, according to sched ule. Nelson will refuse to have Siler. The third move has not been divulged yt. . And there le a "lobeter" born every seeond. , : -" , Buck Francka worked like a Trojan In both gamee, but they came too fast for - him, .- . - e e ;- McCredle's vscstlon of three days hsd a bad effect on his eyeeignu tn two games yesterday he didn't get a hlt tt waa a ahame te give young Hopkins such a drubbing, but thsn we needed the runs..-... "; ' " , '.; , Ths grest becketop, Lou Crtger. le well sgaln and will take hie turn behind the bat for the Boston Americans. e e ' ' -' The Chicago Americana have done tha greatest work, of the year in baseball. At one time this sesson they were In eventh place, . e a rf Maneger McCloskey has a new tesm la i . : . ii JLy ' t Men Now Vlsl tins, the t lClty Invited to Call. : L 9 1 o examination Qlven Free. Tt nftfl men tA mn tn ihm TW w slclana, are of - the world a bast out the northwest to be reliable, honest, upright physicians and surgeons. Quick snd lasting cures have established their reputation. Cured patients Indorse them. Grateful men recomman4 them. , - " Call at Once If You Are In Trouble rf i : Itajr Toung snd middle-s'ged men who have injured" themselves In body and mind, with weak hack, falling atrength, eunken cheeks, hollow eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory. Over SO Per Cent of Our Patients Have Been i - Cured for $10 and Many Only $5 During the , v Pat 17 Years In This CityWe Qlve the Best Treatment at the Lowest Prices. ; ; We are tlwaye willing te arrange term a to suit." Toil can pay by the visit, by the week or by the month, and we give liberal dlacount for oaah. Remember, our charges are the lowest snd most reasonable In ths city, snd ,you get the vary best treatment. Call and And out about your case at once; It will ba the happiest day of your Ufa. Consultation free. - TABXOOU Vgntt, wormy veins, varicocele, reduced and- cured with out cutting. No pain. Rupture, hydrocele end plies cured without op eration. - Consult ua free end find out how we. cure without the knife.,' Ourprlca for a cure Is the cheapest In the northwest.-- 02tBO2fXO skin diseases, ecseme, ulcers, sores, plies.. constipation, Itch Ing, heart, kidneys, liver, atomsoh, catarrh, rheumatism, "pains. Un of Town Ssem Ttstting the City Consult us at once upon arrival ' and maybe you can bo cured before returning home - Many cases can be cured In one or two or more visits. Consultation and advice free. Wim People who live 1q outstds towns and in the country who cannot call ehould write for consultation and advice, free.' Many cases have been oured by home treatment. - ' - Our new treatment hae cured 8.000 othere and will cure you,' Come to ua and you Will always remember It aa the moat Important transao-... tlon of your Ufa. If you can't call, eend for our frea symptom blank, ' -We will tell you If you are afdlotad. Consult ntlonfree : It yon live en of the otty, eosse tot oaer visit yon eas go back ea the nest train. . , . ';.; - r - j - You Need Not Ray Until You Are Cured:: .- Should you destre, you msy deposit ths tea with' any bank or busi ness house In- Portland, to be paid to -us sfter you have been restored to health. . ... 4, . , . ; ' , v .," ' . ' ' ' V- i--; OfBce hours 6 V m. to 8 p. tn.; Sundays and holidays," 10 a. m. to 11 nv DR. W. NORTON DAVIS Gi CO. Seadlar Speolallsta te tns aTortawee. . BstabUshed 18SS, r TAJT OT UQTMU HU TXXB9 SI, OOSUTUB rOTS, rOBTLAJTl), OB. eSeeeeeee WE CURE IV.EN ...FQR Cocssllsllci ments OI some oonirsciea aisease wnicn was powriy treated. Theee esses of simple Infection soon develop- into deep-seated end Chronic debility, which soon pees beyond- the reach ot medical aid unleaa properly treated. We nte this Class ef Cases. Bo Fell area, , , - WHY LIVES ARE WRECKED ' Many men whose cases were elmple In the beginning were not sble to pay tha exorbitant fee charged by many Specialists on Ken's Diseases, or who went to specialists who were not qualified to diagnose and properly treat these private diseases of men, from lack of knowledge and proper office equipment. The X-Rsy-8tatlc, Microscope, eti.. are all necessary of. floe equipments thst every up-to-date apeclallst must have in his office in order to mske diagnosis of esch and every oaas and for proper treatment Of dlaeasea. Ws have all theee Bqalpnteats in Oar Otsoe. We knew before we undertake a case Just what treatment Is necessary to restore the patient to health. Xm this way we So not fall. v We cure our patients., f. .. . . ; BLOOD POISON v : ' Is the most dreaded, dangerous and destructltve disease known. Thle dlseese not only unfits you for your work and duties, but mikes a man unfit for marriage, for holding responsible positions. When his system tuwomaa Inoculated with the germ ths whole body undergoes a change of decomposition and not only results in of the men. Thle disease csn oe enrea.. wo nave rsceivsa n mniiuni gratitude of those whom we have cured snd who show their apprecia tion by sending us other cases, i i i-li i v ... -'lii.-uh.-.;'-, NERVOUS DEBILITY r ? : V: ' v ' Loss of energy, will power, laok of concentration of thought. -loss ' of memory, which weakens your entire system, mental' ee well ae physical. This lowered vitality of the nervoue and physical condition le strength ened ao that la a abort time you. will have your, original atrength and be . yourself again .. '...- . .. .r AU acute and chrenle skin diseases, ulcere, rheumstlsm. heart, kidney, varicocele, stricture, gonorrhoea, liver and stomsch troubles cured by the latest scientific methods, - - - WRITE. If you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential and all replies sent In plain envelopes. No names, eases, letters or photo graphs of patients published or . exposed. Inclose 2-cent stamp to Insure reply, ..' .,. -..',.. . ' -.'., -1 :..( . - Hours 6 a. m. to p. m.! Evenings, T to 8: Sundsys, 6 a. m. to Ifnooa. . SBCOSTB ABB T6MBTT.Ii v. St. Louis, with ths exception of Beckley .. u. ImAIii. hmM midt monav for tha Boblneone, but the team Is much wesksr than the old carainaia. . . ; .k.Mnlm rnlumhua tesm looks to have the American association pennant cinched. - There has been a great deal of wrangling In the A. A. thle sessOn, but Columbus has said nothing snd plsyed ball, '-,' Tha Buffalo4 club le the headliner In the Eastern league. While Jereey City le playing good nail, ins - oisone n. lead that will be hard for ths "Skeet- a ers" to overcome. ' , , v'. .' - , .e - a -. : womeUrtHi Philadelphia and ons of them was knocked out. Thle will be a good boost for the game in the quasar uity. ; . . -. e e ' Tha annual regatta of the Inland Lake Tachtlng aaaoclation, which takae place On Lake Winnebago this week, glvee promise: ef being one of the most suc cessful e vents aver palled off by the association. v ' ' ' " . ; ' v ' Ths racing sesson of ths North Psclfle fair circuit opens todsy with a week'e meeting st Everett, wesnington. rna etrcult comprlsee Seattle, Salem,' North Tsklma. Spokane, Walla Walla, Lewis ton and Boise, ,.,,.-. Here are some of the predletlone mode by well-known flghtere:. Terry stcuovern uans zvr mine, rim the marvel of the prise ring.- -Toung CerbettrNelson - le a great fighter, but Gens Is the clsss. He JO the daddy of us an, . Jimmy Brltt rough t them botn. ana Dene le 76 per cent the better men. Willie Lewie -Nothing -to It - but Smoke, He hss the eleep potion In both 7 I - c MaWaw Ttavls mmM.ff. "Ttiele n8v. . spactallsta. They are known through 4 Free N. Piy Ucless Ccred ; We enre Skin SHseases, Blood Pelsoa, arloooela. Sttrletmre, Xervsaa Taollne, Weakness, 4oaeRttoea and Blaeaaes of the SUdneys, Bladder and Broetate. . Brlvnte Diseases Newly contracted and fhronio . rases cured. All burning, itchlnx end - Inflammation stopped In 24 hours; cures .effected in seven .days. -:- btabllsked 23. Years i Portland . '-We And msny weak and suaerlng men,' with ' lost - vitality, prematurely old. with loss of - memory,- no energy, whose cases In the. beginning wera elmple ail a nisriguremem or me noay oui niso STBXBTS. roBTXturo, 01 hands and Is the greetest general In the Willie nugersld It will be eurtalna for the Battler long before the 16th round. - i .-- . Sailor -Burke The men With the punch la ths best bet, end thst's Oana. . Tom Sharkey The Dane -will think he has run against a man-of-war whan Joe hits him, snd I don't think he can miss, i :-..''' v-- : Abe AtteTl I pick Osns outto win on the bit. 'He' le clever - snd' hss .the punch.'.,, i, i i ... , i ... '..-.j- t: , ' -.' r a , ' - '- " . " inland xvake Begatta. ,' " ,, y ' (kMtl Specist Service.) ' Oahkoah. Wis.. A us. 17.--Wlth a large yachts of all slses, rigs snd descriptions. It looks as if the annual regatta of the Inland Lake Tachtlng association would, rival. If not eclipse, tha meet of last year, whloh waa the banner event of the association's history Ths yachtsmen who are here are well pleased with the . s A -A . ll I Milwaukee, Minneapolis. St. Paul and, other polnta will be represented at the regatta. ' ' TJ' ' ' ' ' tow Bates ' to ' rans-Welsoa ,' Oloee Ouaissst. i On August 20th snd tlst ths South ern Pselflo eompany .will, sell tickets, Portland to Ooldfleld. Nevada, and re-' turn at a rate of 646.60, ' account the Ooldfleld September Sd. Further par tlculare by ceiling et the elty ticket office Third and . Waehlngton streets," elty. .' . j -." ...v. . , r. grefeirea snosn jaaae ' OJeodsT'. - '. '; Allen Lewis .Beet Brand. rrsese sew saaay Wis! Ass te tedays remnal that wlU tetesest yen. ...