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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
'ir ft - ...j, "aucuit .13, n. BUUUEX RES0RT8. tumrl MtftkM MS Sal Tb feenial ea Hla a lll, IM Seaefc m4 K aw pari. A iJv ear. nn seurary wiu hwik. vmw direct (M wtr M e tM fu u4 be U1 ettea inarw to e LOlTSi lUOX-Lnk 0e, . . 1H4IUIUII M UWHit wees. Uverjr e all petata M Ik tauk, . - W. A. VhltKU, ftnitl aaadeiautan . t LewU Oe,'e mg Mora, iaealne. :. Or. Delivery t eU tae , MwrOBT AJTB TAfttrreA Wairv DtTelbiaa. mm uhI Correllia luun railroad, eeeat, k eaaxtert at newport. Of, idling U feints oa th Hui so OX LAJ amnt. J All Hot take Bealtarlaa Ok. 1 CARSON, W4t OASOASA, "iTAak. Tssau aUffett eofiurs imntAX mxiro. VAax. .0. X. Belehs-, WNt, OeUia. Waae. TOSXOKrS AxmatEinM. Urt.. .............. "rartaere la tb Mine" til ....,........... Paatejo ..,,..., Or ids Ceagbt la tee Web" ........... Vandavtlle Taadevtue ' There art several exceptional bar- gains advertised today in the Real . Estate section. : T i '" It coata money to hare olothes,' but . It need not eoat much. The thine to do la to aelect cloth that haa the rle1t quality and hava It mad whar It will be dona right. Our elothaa bar tb " quality tbat 1 enjoyed, and approlatd I by man - of taat and refinement, and remember our price la only Hi for any plec of good In our atore to your ' . measure. . Thla la something no otbr firm In the city will do. Call and look ' at our atock and examine the workman ahlp whether you wlab to buy or not. Tou will not be aaked to buy. Unique Tailoring Co., tot Stark street, near Sixth.' , - . r ; Notice Of appeal to the supreme court from the daclalon of Judge Fra ' aar of the circuit oourt granting a di vorce from Joseph T. Ellis to Ooldle R. Ellis waa filed In the circuit yeeter. day by attorneye for Elite. Mr. Ellla testified at th trial that ahe waa only IS year old when ' ebe married Ellla and accused htm of degrading prao tlces. -Ellla .denied her charges, but . Judge Freser held that the child-wife had told the truth and granted the dl-0r-. . , , .. ,.,,c, " We will hare our etudio epen today f rom 10 to t juot to plaaae eou ladlee and gentlemen so pressed for time that .- you cannot have a- sitting during the week. We have often told you about the excellence of our work, and let us ' again aaaure the reeder that no better ,. mey be had on earth. It's a big eaaavar- atlon but abeolutely true. B. W. Moore, Elks building. Seventh and Stark. ; , Boya and ' Olrla Wanted. 'Five nun ' dred boye end glrla to call bt our atore. Wa "irill ahow you how- to make some . money without any eost to you.' Par-':- enta can come end make the arrange . ment if thay like. The . work can be -' done after aehool hours or any time. ' The J. M. ' Acheeon company, . ladles' doaka and eults. 111 Fifth etreet.,, ' . The Dougherty-Flthlan Shoe company yesterday afternoon filed a ault In the circuit court aaklng for Judgment for .1117 agalnet L. A. Fray. It le alleged that on June 11 of thle year merchan dise valued at ll.Oli waa aold.Frey, and that be he neglected to pay tltT of the bill. Bauer aV Greene appear as attorney for the ahoe company. Excurelon rate on O. W. P. Sunday. To Oreaham, It eenta; ell point east of Oreaham, to and Including Eetaeada ; on th upper Clackamas river, 60 oents round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada, T cants. Car with trallere leave First and Alder etreeta, T:I0. t:S0. 11:10, 1:10, 1:4. 6:44, T.16. Tlcketa muat be pur chased, on sale In waiting-room.' . . ' " s Vancouver Care and Ferry Bundara) Commonclng Sunday, August It, 106, and -every-Sunday -uatll- furtbee-netlee, the Vancouver , oar will leave Second and Waahtngton streets at f a. m. . On aeme date and every Sundey nntll fur ther notice, the ferry will -leave Van couver at T:J0 a. m. No change In week-day acbeduie, ; Water through' boee for sprinkling yards or sldewalka, or waahlng porches or windows, must be peld for In 'advance - and need ealy between th hours of and I a. m. and t and p. m. It. must not beuaad f or aprlnkllng -etreeta. If used contrary to theee rules, or waste fully, tt will be abut itt . TroUey Outing on O. Vf. P. Sunday. To Orea-on City and caneman cars. Dancing afternoon and evening, tl cant round trip. Car with 'open trailers leave Flret and Alder street on the odd hour and every 40, minute. Tlcketa muat be purchased; on aale In waiting- room. . ( , Two more btda for boarding the eounty ; prlsonere were received by County Clerk Field yesterday arter "Sticklers for Quality DIAMONDS " "We are alwaya In toueh with the market and our Importera know that we hrfndle only the purest and clearest etones. As owners of these jewels never etend to loee on their Inveetmente . (becauae dlamonda never go out of fashion), we ere not timid la purchaalng. therefore1 we alwaya have a complete and perfect stock. Importing direct elso glvee ue opportunity to offer' a shade the bast bargains to be had In thl territory. . -; We have our - own shop and every feoilltyfor repairing Jew elry In the beet poaalble manner. i. " ''. 'G.HeitkemperCo; - tM XOaUUSOaT B. Xowast Meed Jewelry atoms foe Fine freode," . , U0T Are wanted .4 this great work-a-day worW, and so, very early ' in life, you should learn to - become a "Lifter." . -t : . One I the most effective) ways' of lifting is to acquirelevrag e through the habit of saving; id this habit of saving-eorneo- , to those who deposit their spare money with this bank, and earn r '..' Oregon Trust & SavingsBank PORTLAND, OREGON V. H. MOORE, President. ; W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier. v SAF-DEPOSIT. BOXES. noon Neither of. the envelopes bore any jiame and it waa impossible to learn who the bidden were. A news paper man aaked Sheriff Stevena If one of the bide bad been eubmltted by him and waa called a comedian. The bids will be opened by the county clerk Tuesday at noon. --.-. - - : Bandmaater Charles I Brown was yesterday awarded the contract to fur nish musle for the Astoria regatta, which commences next Thursday. Mr. Brown haa had the eontreot with the regatta eommlttee for four consecutive eaeone and hla band is regarded aa one of th main features of the big event. The band will be composed to a a-reat extent of members of the park bend. which play the closing concert i of- the eeaeon at City para mis aiier noon, commencing at S o'clock.. , While driving down Hawthorne ave nue yesterday morning a Chinese. vege table bawker had the mlefortune eS having thlb wagon turned over and hla horae thrown on Its back in auch a way that tt could not move from ite posi tion. Veeetablee lay all ever the etreet and the email boya made the beat of aome of the apples and peare eoatterea out of reach of the angry Chlneee. The Incident waa due te the fact that the Chinese waa not accuatomed to handling horses and turned a curve too aharply. Articles of Incorporation Of the Beaver State Hotel Supply company were filed In th oftlce of the county elerk yeeterday afternoon by J. W. Thompson, E. B. Aldrlch and F. M. Hen derson. -They will conduct a general advertising agency. , Capital , atock, 110,000. , Trolley Trip on O. W. P. To Oregon City, Canemah park. Oreaham, 16 eenta; to Estaoada and upper Clackamae river pointer- 60 eentr round -trlpr Dinner at Hotel ' Estacada, 76 enta. Care leave from First end Alder etreete. Tlcketa must be purchased, on aale in waltlng roont .' ' . ' Burt Savage, 'guardian - of Eraatue Savage, a minor, has filed a report In the county -court ehowlng that ' the property of ble ward la valued at $600. It consists of Insurance In the Women of Woodcraft order on the life of the boy'a mother, Mary E. Horning. County Judge' Webster yesterday aft ernoon appointed Louise Wllhelra ad ministratrix of the estate of William Wllhelm. The estate haa property valued at I4.2S0, consisting of real aetata and personal property In Klam ath and Multnomah counties. Ail open meeting Of the Zlon Hamsu- yoneth -of thle city will be held at the Clay etreet eynagogue at i:iu mis an ernoon. . Vieitore will be addressed by D. Soils Cohen. After the address the regular election of officers, will be held. '''' - - , River Trip Sunday See the famous scenery of the Columbia. Round trip to Caecede Locka on steamer "Bailey Oat sert." Leave Alder etreet dock S e. m., returns 6:10 p. m. Meal 60 cent. Fare $1.00. Phone Main 14. Thla will remind you thai now le the time to have your hair oiattreesee reno vated and returned the Same day. Phone Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor. - . Oregon City boats leave Taylor atreet Sunday 11: a. m., $:I0 p. m. Last trip back 6:10. The summer I wan ing. Take your rivfrjlde now. Rsund trip It oents."'-'"," , Artletlo tailoring, perfect fit and rea sonable prloae; new fall goods now In. Armstrong the Tailor, Balelgh building, Washington and Sixth ata. Paclflo tilt. Toor Eyes 'Examined Free. We are still selling eyeglaesee at 11.00. .. A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger 4k Co., Jewelers and opticians. Ill Sixth straej. Launches to the Oaks every few min utes every evening from Favorite' Boot ing company's, south sld bridge, foot Morrison street Dr. G. M. Walla haa returned from the coast and may be found at hla office ae usual. , v . "' Aeme Oil Co. eelle the best lefety eoal oil and fine gaiollnea. Phone Eaat Tit. Woman Exchange. Ill Tenth etreet, lunch 11:10 te I; bueineae men's lunch. For Quality, Quantity and Quickness, ge te Morris' reetaurant. Weeeter sella everything 40$ Wash. KenUl Signs, Aaaley Printing Co. ' Ub,.i'ujY tiilO SAVS COUilCIL Fsderatsd Tr.deVPirts Stamp of Disapproval on Home Tels-' . " phono Company," - - RESULT Olf STRIKE OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS Inability of Linemen to Rea,ch Sada factory Agreement With Company "tDfficIals Kit euTtilif Report to Connt cil and "Unfair Declaration. - The Home Telephone company of thle city ie unfair." according to a verdict rendered yeeterday by the executive eommlttee of the Federated Tradee Council of Portland. The brand1 haa been officially placed upon the new com pany by organised labor and will reet there until It haa been removed by meene of an amicable adjustment of differences between the management of the company and officiate of the.Federr ated Tradea Council. . - The characterisation of Portlend'e new company aa "unfair' resulted from' the atrjke of -the electrical workera in the employ of the company, eeveral weeks ago. .At that time II linemen went en strike becauae of Inability to reach- a satisfactory agreement with their em ployera , with reference to a ecale of waaee. ' Strike waa declared end the men have remained out since that time, though efforte have been made te setUe the difficulty. . ' . Through the medium of the Interna tional Brotherhood of Electrical Work ers the trouble waa brought to the at tention of the Federated Trade Coun cil. A committee waa appointed, by the council a week ego to Investigate the metter and arrange, if poaalble, a Bat tlement that would be egreeable to both the atrlkere and the telephone company. The committee failed to effect auch a aettlement and so reported to the coun cil. .. After Ue report had been diecueeea the matter wae placed in the handa of the executive committee of the council. The committee began an investigation and conferred with both the atrlkere and efflcere of the company. . Falling to effect en agreement that waa satisfactory to the contending fao-tione- the eommlttee aleo reported , to the council. The report waa aubmltted Friday night and action upon the report of - the final committee waa et once t onca j taken. The council decided to declare the oompany "unfair," which waa done immediately. ..-. ST. LOUIS MAN LOOKS FOR HIS LOST BROTHER Hugh Ryan. v ' The ebove la a likeness of Hugh Ryan," who le sought by hie half brother, John Bums, of 1411 Cleary etreet, St. Louis. Rysn la auppoeed to have been in Portland for some time, but all trace of him wae lost. Information of.hls whereaboute will be gladly welcomed by hla brother. 7 "'. PERSONAL.- Mr and Mra. Victor Krachefsky will be at home to their friend a at 616 Sec ond etreet thla afternoon, from! to 6 o'clock. Percy R. Kelley and L. M. Curl, both ex-etate senatore from Albany, are guesta of tha Perkine botel. They are In Portland in connection with the land fraud eases. . It. C Mnhon, a .contractor from Eu gene, le registered at tne reraina. Oeneral J. H. Aiken, who waa prominent candidate for the nomination of etate tveeeurer on the - Republican ticket at the last election, la at-the Parkins.' - - ...... A. P. Tugwell. supreme ruler of the Order of Pendo, le a gueat of the Perkine. Mr.: Tugwell resides in Loe Aneelee. . M. U. Gartner, said to be the wealthi est man In Oregon, la at the Perkine. Although Mr. Gartner resides at Mc Minn villa, his ehlef wealth le In a nura bar of mlnee In Brltlah Columbia., . Mlaa Mixtion I. Thompson, daughter of George I. Thompson, chief clerk of the Perkins hotel, leaves Monday for a visit of several weeks with friends end relattoee at Marmot, Oregon. Mc. end Mr. C. H, Schlaehs jot-Den ver. and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bhotwell of San Francisco, all well' known to many Portland aoclety people, ere at the Port land hotel, George J. Salem of Mehalla Kobra. Egypt, la In Portland oar a tour' of the northweet etudylng agricultural methode and machinery. Mr. Salem haa been In the United Statee for four yeere and haa luat completed a eouree In agrl- nuitura at the University of Missouri. His present trip Is to give him a prac tical Idea or agriculture, tie naa neon in most of the Urge agricultural die trlcts of th northwest and will spend a week In Portland, devoting hie entire time to the etudy of agricultural ma chlnery. ' - Judge George H. Cabanlaa, a popular police megletrate or Ban rraneieco, ar rived here yeeterday en a vacation trip. He te going ae fer north ae the Puget eound country, out win vieu rortianu again on hie wey home. Way They Starry. ' : . . Trom the Salt Lkke Herald. " Some glrle of Evanevtlle, Indiana, have formed whet they call the Single Blessedness club. Now the chance are that the young men of Evensvlll will conspire to msrry those girls Just from pure oussedness, to break up the eluU bfiOLIES tlllTEO FOR CAHAL Govsrnmsnt v Advortlats for Co- Ustials to Work Digging Big t Ocean-to-Ocoan Ditch. LABOR CONTRACTORS 1 ; ARE ASKED TO BID Not Thought Many Will Go From Northwestern States, aa They Are 1KaJrtac-0 Living Harand Work in'Panama Is Not Easy. The government wante 1,600 Chlneee laborere and the people of Portland are Invited to send la their bide If they have any to offer. They ooolles wanted foe work oa the Panama canal and muat - be delivered in the canal aone before January 7. next year; fur thermore, they muat be healthy, strong and willing to work. Invitations for proposals to furnish the Chinese were received here this morning by a number of transportation companies and coolie labor contractors It 1 not likely that many Portland Chlneee -will eteer their eeuree to the tropical climate for the purpose or digging a waUrway from ocean to ocean beceuse they are doing better here than they could possibly hope to in the alrln of land to the aouth. and it la believed that moat of the eeollee wanted will be brought directly from cnina. For thle eaeon undoubtedly the Invita tions were eent to the transportation eompanlea. -. :' - - The successful contractors wiu ne; held under heavy bonds guaranteeing the deportation of the coolies upon the completion of the term of the eon tract, and they will alee- be required te deport, at their own expenae. all persons who at any time have oeaaed working for or have become permanently dis abled while in the eervloe of the canal work, together with their- wivea and children. No laborere will be eecepted who have been brought from the Hawaiian la lands, and aubjecte of the Chlneee em pire are desired direct from the south ern province. Only euch persone wilt be accepted aa have been accuatomed to cllmatlo and physical eondltlona ee nearly similar ' as may be those ex perienced upon the Isthmus. ' Tense of Bmploymeat Th terms of employment will be two year, but may be extended. The wont ing day ehall eonslst of 10 hours. Over time In excess of 10 hours per day, and all work upon Sundays or holidays, shall be paid at the rate of time and half time. Bundaya, the flret day of January, the twenty-eecond dey of Feb ruary, the fourth dey of July, the third day of November, the day proclaimed by the president of the United Statee ae Thanksgiving day, the twenty-fifth day nf December, and the first and last daya of tb Chines New jrearBhalt-be-eou4 eldered ae holidays, upon which no work shall be performed except In eases of extraordinary emergency. ' Payments will be mede semi-monthly upon certificates signed by an agent of the Isthmian canal commission and the agent of the contractor upon, the canal 'aone ' certifying '' th total number of hours of . labor performed, ' and tthe totel emount due the contractor for the eeml-monthly period preceding. The ca nal commission will furnish and repair all tools. Implements and appllancee for the performance of the work to be done. " ' . No damage or Indemnity will be paid by the commission to laborers or em ployee, or to their families, for the death or disability of any laborer or employe by accident or disease; but'the contractor must agree . to assume end become, responsible for any and all damage for which said laborer or em ployee, or any of them, or their fami lies, may maintain a legal elalm by reason of such death or disability from any cause. The isthmian canal commission will IfumUh suitable end proper lodgings, storehouses, fuel for cooking purpose!, water for. domestic and bathing pur poses, transportation over . the Panama reroad when engaged in the perform ance of duty, burial grounds, quarantine stations, sanitary arrangements, medi cines and medical and eurglcal treat ment, as well aa proper care and at tention during sickness, with subsist ence during such time in the hospital. Famine end children may be allowed to accompany the laborere in the propor tion of 16 per cent of the total number of laborere employed at any time. ' BAND CONCERT AT ' CITY PARK TODAY The overture to "Tennhauaer," scene from "Lohengrin" and ' two numbere from Grlga celebated "Per Gynt" ere among the featurea of the program to be played by the Park band thle after noon in City park. Then there Is the grand selection "Macbeth" by Verdi, Von Weber's "Invltetion a Is Value" end a fantaala from "Iris" by MascagnL Thla program la one of th heaviest ever preeented In Portland, and, be cauae of Ite length, the concert will be gin et t o'clock instead of 1:10, aa here tofore. " , ,..-' Bandmasters Brown and. Da Capiio will conduct the bend in two parte The' band will be larger than uaual, an especially heevy reed aectlon being necessary for the proper production of the number chosen. Thla. will be the last concert for the eeaeon. Following le the program: Grand March 1 rom "Tannhauser"... ,,,, Wsgner "Invitation a la Valee"..... ;.Von Weber Fantaala- from "Iris" Meepsgnl Introduslone II Sole. - Overture to "Tennhauaer" .... .. Wagner Intermeaso "La Roeo!i-T.f .' .Aecher Intermlarton. -(a) "Morning" - b) "Asa' Death" -.from "Per Gynt".,..'. Qrelg Soenee from "Lohengrin" Wagner "Album Leef Wegner Grand Selection "Macbeth". ... . . .Verdi i-Berceuee Celeb re from "Joeelyn"..... ' , , j...b. oodard Two-Step ."The Master Stroke" -. Chambers Doxology "Auld Long Syne." Charlee - Brown, A. D Caprlo, con ductors . '. -.. . ' " UNITED STATES SENAT6R ANKENY IS IN PORTLAND United State Senator Levi P. An keny, senior senator from Washington, and Mra. Ankenyr are In the city visit ing Mrs Ankeny'e elster, Mra Herrlet K. Me Arthur, -They were called to the city on account of the illness of the senator's brother, Henry' B. - Ankmy, who le a petient at one of the locel hos pital a "Wo shall leeve Sunday night," eald Senator Ankeny, "and after attending PIANOS (ley IX. -WQjg; VI S?- Pianos 1 : 'ilflsl'.,,' fflEIXS HMO PIJSE s -THBl HOME OF THE BEST." . l i V '-U'j' -3" WASHINGTON ST. -' ;' Largest and Leading Dealers in Every Western City. A NE W ESTABLISHMENT ' NOW READY FOR BUSINESS ' -; ON THE EAST SfDE OF THE RIVER. r r The lone Steam Carpet Cleaning Works , R. F. SHEPARD, Manager. - C MATTRESSES and FEATHERS RENOVATED PROMPTLY Cr'peUaeinedRcfitteOndId;Fjr Guaranteed. Work , , ' "' " Cor. Twenty-First St and Holladay Avs Phone East 880. -I.H. mmm i L.. J.--ggggggSSgS Portland's Greatest Wins . Merchants To Restore the Rose Blush to . Pale Cheeks and Invigorate the c System, Nothing . WLU Operate Like Our Famous Old 0. IC. PORT or SHERRY 50 Cts A BOTTLE IT NEVER FAILS Oregon Importing Company 195 Third Main 380 270 Wash. Main 143 the Mrrlgetlon congress at Boise, will return In time for the visit of Con gressman Ransdell." Congressman Ransdell la due to make an Inspection of the neede of the Pa clflo coaat for government improve ments. ' San Francisco Fire. The Phoenix Assurance ef London le paying Sen Francisco lossee dollar for dollar without discount w-Ut le one et the largest end best eompenlee In the world. ' ' j. ' ' ' " ' B. N. Hall and Paul Van Frldagh, . ... . . joint Agents. 44-11 Conoord Bldg. Tel. Main 1ST. , If you were to divide the amount of . extra cost of . a fine piano above the price of an ordinary Instrument, if --yN6-were-to-divide this diftl f erence, we say, by the num ber of years the piano will , be ia use you will clearly ar rive at the infinitesimal .ad ditional cost per '.year for a really high-grade piano as compared with those of leas worth.! ;'v You should remember In buying s piano that you ate not, buying for today, for a season or s year.. ' You are making an investment in an article that with care will last through your grand daughter's lifetime. ' - Eilers Piano House sells the very highest grades of pianos for what ordinarily la asked for inferior grades. That is the principal reason for the Eilers Houses selling one half of all instruments sold on the coast. , We are sole handlers of Chickering , pianos in this state. We ask you to let as show them to you. We want you to hear their delightful tone. '' v, Promptly Attended to. - . .' e1 EaBeColwell (raraMrty Fansaal WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GBOCEB ' SSI. tes. SsS Third St. see, Jlffano. Big Store of Uttle Prlcea rOttOWTVO YSICXS WILL SAT! TOV Ble Ok BVIMT 90IXAB. VAUTT 0ABAKT1IB scHirtnie's azsx sAzrue rownxm Is etUL pee lb , See DS.T OEaJTOLATIP SUOAS, TtM SAOX..S4.S0 WrSTISM PkT . OBAauXATXO CA SUOaa, rta SACK stss St tBS. WTSTISM PIT SaJUHTLATID AkX SUOAB S1.0S I pas afagaone eleased evmats ,..,.....S6t I pass aew S-erews seeded relstas ,.. Sec lbs sew S am loess atoacatels ........He l ib aa Boral baklag sewser en Crease Blaekwell's eUra on, at bettla..ese l-la pkg Arm Banater sasa Be 1-gal eaa faary table srrs.,,.. ......eo H-al eaa taaay table ayrap. ............. .SO Saredded Wkeal Manitt, per pk lot reaer Berly Jan Pees, see sas soe IS ear Rojl Sna aoaa ...Sn t eaaa beet H eanllata la ell , SA S-lb eaa pure lard..... .66 lo-le eaa pore lard tl 10 Cere ereteni. 1-lb caaa, aolld, per dos fl.00 " n r - -tT I,.,,,, Skreeerd eeenaaat Pr lb UW HrS-wbar Soar, per seek Sratrb seta, pat pk Pwraai eereal, per pk So rll' Kaptha eoeji. per bar .............,..( ftort anft-whMt rVer, per eaek j.l (Ml lira S Moeka enffe (retalar SBet ...... U dot ends erarkere (aboat IS Iba) ....,,.oot Kofllsk Break feat tea, par lb Piaer Oanimweet- ree tresalar SSs) ....,..,15 r1a Blanrit pee pk Be SPECIAL 100 bases ef Jfaecot , LasBdry . aoap. 100 bar to bos. per bos .....$S.1S Stet Ble De1lerle TaeMar ead miafe, . non ha ees. , , Mordaunt A. Goodnough PXAJrO AJTS XAmifOaTT Pupila enrolled at any time. - Bend .or call for ' catalogue. -Boeaa So, T-abba Bldg., Oorae BJeeenS and Washiag-bom See, Mitwaukle Country Club. :. ' Eastern and Seattle races. Take Seiiwood an4 Oregoa City ears at rtret sab! Aider, . . HUNDREDS OF PAT- TERNS,. YES, THOU-. SANDS TO t CHOOSE FROM. CHEVIOTS, TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, VICUNAS AND CASH- MERES SUITS To Your Measure $17.50 to TROUSERS To Your Measure to We have Increased the ca pacity of our shops so that . now we are equipped to turn out one hundred suits a week, and on time to the very minute :lwe , promise therm- In the past - few months we have many times been unable to deliver suits promptly. We have never turned out any hurried, care less work and we believe our patrons will understand and appreciate the situation with which we were confronted. -You-will - not - be 'forced - to wait henceforth a single minute after the time your suit is promised. v Inspect our new work shops. ; Look over our stock. We have over two thousand "patterntl6' show "yourl finer, more fashionable as sortment than any ever be fore shown in Portland, we believe. "., , r ELKS' BUILDING Corner Seventh and Stark Dankrapt Sdo Of the $8,000 Stock or L.MING & CO., 6th tt. Ladles' and Oenta' Pnraleblsg u aipo ai our ranvm. Come la sad look en ear hasMaas stork be for, bajtag ekwwbar aad yos will be sore Is aake a parekaee froaj m after eettlng enr eatreaMly lew prleee. rxx valets a ax em n maim. MAN, SING A CO. I Stash Street, Sitesea Oak aad Stark. iWANTEr . Illgh-cla perlalir ea' must heve esperlenoe, 1 encee end ability to sell i pie; cxcluslv Iocs! t'.., splendid epportunlty for party. vnraAVCA c fiixos a. rosTaVATD-: 1 1 - r. 1 $40