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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
L-C'S S-A ITS Bobbyi : JThU JmW tooki llddlekln to mvi It unproiHi d. Ouaii I'll heln utyHlt to It and talc a rood nap " ,. . Now Tlddlekln mamma fay ah la to have nothing ta da with Bobby, because he la an Ill-bred floe with rude, rough ways. But . gracious alive t What ' la aha to do, when bera aha flnda Bobby ta her very own bed - f. Ob,' aha 1a so lepy. Meaa Bobby to steal bar bad! Ua deaorvso a rood, bard poke between. ftu ribs, ao b does. And that la what ha rata, But Tlddlekina discovers that Bob by aaleep and Bobby awake ar alto gether different dogs. ' Bobby awake Jumpa at her Ilk a hyena had bar into aevao fltal " a. "Now, will you behave," growls Bobby, and then h enugglea down and preparea to Bleep, while Tlddle kina puta her- li(Ue paws Uj her oyea and walla aloud. , . ' While ah weeps, Bobby snores. 1 She doeen't bear bar mother como softly down th basement stair. Nor aoea xJODDy tU it la 'too late. And then., alaa for Bobby I Hi finds It to ft fearful thing te fall Into th clutch of an indignant and avenging Tabby By th tlm , Tlddl. kins mamma flnlabes with hlnube has seen ail the star In th Crraa ment and felt all tb un. PPy 'foaling .of th animal klngdcm. ' "Wow - wow wow," w""5 b' oadfy llmbs tba stairs, "I'm glad ray mamma hasn't y. soratcoy fa. Noah Ark Party. I J ZmyZ?a ta of rather stlfT JJ paper a medium-weight water S0n. p!per ' -l "many) L "ki" wtAw J Noah and ,"rm- Noah absurd, churn -shaped figures Ilka tha imia .- . hT Vth r-oolors and when the colors have quit dried cut high, and all of on slia, from th rab bit to tha elephant, Tha effect Is lud ceo us. When the animals ar completed tak . an old cotton sheet and prepare your oa f with blue, red and yellow dyes. MlIt. " ro,u trUon of aacb, separate ly. In three glassed half full of water - and set to work. With your yellow dy and Borne sort of a brush paint a conventional ark near th centre of the theet, making It about twenty Inches ing. - Now with green, whloh yon can get by pouring a little each -of your yellow . and blue Into another dish, paint at the left edga of the aheet a high mountain peak reaching considerably higher than the top of tha ark.- At the right dge of the aheet, extending toward the mid dle, paint some tree branebea. Now dip Into your blue - and . with bold stroke make auggestlona of water wave. Pon t be afraid that you will not do ' It right. Liet your imagination run rtok Now mark a-black cross very plainly en tba door of the ark to designate the point of safety. Pin the aheet to the wall In an accessible nlac and you ar ready for th gam, which Is as follows! Put Noah, his wlfa and all th ant mala Into hat or basket and let each child draw one and write bla or her name in a book. , Taking turns, lat each -one b blindfolded, and, standing sev eral (eet away, tu,n around three times, then walk toward the aheet and pin. hie er her animal upon th spot first touched. The sharp steel 1 pin with BM heada--r -better -tor this- thaav the ordinary wire pine. The game la won by the child who animal come nearest to the cross on . the ark, Those who reach the highest points of the mountain and tree come In second and third respectively. A pair of giant goloshes or a ging ham umbrella, or a toy Noah s ark may be given a prises to the wlnnera, -while to the two whoa animal are voted to be In the moat basardoue po eUlons a couple of the tiny lobsters to bo found In Japanese shop might be a delicately suggestive souvenir. .0 'i'ftfji 'v''' mm ' ..'..'. - Smalleat XalaadL, . The smsllest Inhabited Island In' the -world la that on which the Eddystone ' lighthouse stands. At low watar the ; base Is only thirty feet In diameter. At - high water the base of tb lighthouse la oroplstsly submerged. .. - '. .... 1 1 i i i n ' i : ; . Cork WUI link. ', Cork., though th moat buoyant suh. ;itanoe, will not rise again If sunk tut est below tb water' surface. rAVE yon aver heard boys and glrls.a description of the-lire ot middle on a tralnlnf shlpt If not. you will be interested in tha atory of Robert Oreer, a Baltimore boy, who started out (ram Brooklyn Nary Tard last summer on bis first cruise aa a, midshipman. . Tba oouiae waa directed due south, and tba destination waa tba Philippines . byway of tha Cap. Tha Brat Monday out, at I o'clock, a ' general muster waa called by tba color, bugler, and the middles assembled at quarters . At 10, they lay aft on 'h tiuarter deck, every middy, tba older seamen .lining up In the rear of tha 'younger fellows, and the officers rang- . , Ing themselves along tha weather alas of the deck. .- .- First, the executive officer- read tha articles of war, than tha roll was called, , each middy, as his name waa called, an- 7 waring promptly, "Hera, air," and, cap n band, walking down tha long line for-, ward under the critical inspection of all the officers and men. This over, all tba middles turned their attention to tiffin (as luncheon Is called aa soon as tha tropica are reached), on the berth deck, where each- of the mess cooks prepare) tha meala for- twenty . men. Here, on tha deck Robert and his . - fellow middles had their mesa chests ar- ' ranged between tba guns, and between very two guna were two dining tables. . Every morning at ( Robert and tha , t other middles had either to get down on tbetr handa and knees and "holystone" "3 tha deck, or, clean and polish all th brees fittings, or sweep down deck. - There ware enormous chain cables to be j cleaned, all tha middle sitting over them. sounding and ellnkina and emu. Ing and dusting each link, and daubing , 1 the cables over with coal tar and lac" . ouer mixed. Then there were the gun carrlaaea to be stained, the suns to blackened, the stanchions to be lacquer- . od, the masta to be scraped and a score . of other things to be attended to before tha ship bouseolaanlng could be called dona for the day. "For the day." mind you; each following day tba entire pro gramme had to be gone over again. Indeed, whenever rr.lns and wlnda a rose, there was not only tha regular work, but a lot of extra work besides. Sobert would then find a wet deck be- .' wt and aa the hammocks ware never allowed during the day, ha would .have , to alt or Ua down on tba deck, wet . though It was. ' It was the Monday after their second Sunday at eea that the mlddlea met with : the most unusual and Interesting expert- -ence of the voyage. They bad . bean . Coin Barefoot ; ; ." MORE fun geln' barefoot than TTI I anyrnio' s anuw. . - There ain't a aingle notber thing that helna yer feelln s so. Boms daya I stay In rauvver's room, a. gettln' In her wny; An' when I've bothered her so much. she sex: "Oh, run an' play t" I aayi "Kin I go baiefontt" Bn she X 'sayei "Jt y' ohooea"-. . ''Nan I alwus wanter hollar when rm pullln' off my shoes I It's fun a-go)n' barefoot when yer play In' any game 'Cause roobvra ould be noisy go' In dlana awful tame . Unless they had 'heir shoes off when they crep' up ta Ihe night. An' folka can't know they're comln' till tbey get rlgt. close In sightl An' I'm surely coin' barefoot vry day when 1 get old. .... Aa' haven't got a lure to say I'll oatch my death 0' soldi ( An' If yer got . barefoot, yer want t go outdoors. ' ' t eon't stretch out an' dig yer heels in stupid hardwood floora Like you kin dig em In th' dlrtl An' where th' long gross grows, Th' blades feel kinder tlckley and cool between yer toes. . o when I'm puiun on my anoe rm mighty 'frau Ml cough 'Cause then 1 know rna'd stop me 'fore ' R 1 got my stockin's oSI ' If y often go 'round barefoot there' ' lots things to know Of bow t' curl yer teet on atonea, so they ..... won't hurt y so An' when th' grass Is sUckley an' pricks y' at ft touch, .plank vef fet flOWit anllc- an' It . don't h'irt half ao much, . 1 loae my hat 1000 every day.- I wish Z did my shoes jar slse I wlsht I wa ao poor I hadn't none to lose 1 ' - T Harper's Magaxln. i. Mary's Little Owl. ART had a tittle owl, wnen orotner came acowL Until, to cure thla haughty way, She made him atop in bed all day. , Why Piggy's Tail Curls. MANT year 'ago. so the legend . says, when the world on whloh w live was first made, and only ' a few people lived there, the Vood Spirit was out on day walking up and dowa . th earth. By and by he met a very . ferocious beast, and, stopping, "bald. ''Who made you?" "My maker te the ail powenui, answered tne beast. "What wTsryou vireated torV f. t man mnA hi. mVi 1 1 Aran - "To eat man and his children," th roly. - a Then the Good Spirit. knowing this must be the work of the bad man or evil spirit, told the beaat that he waa going .... to change It. At thl It started to run awav hut tha tiemA finlvlt Aeuaht It tbV the tall, and, wrapping it around his fin - aei in ft curt, pulled tne eeaat aeon. Then be struck It en the snout, and, bending It head to tha ground, said: "Henceforth man shall eat you and not von man. Tou must die in tha earth with your nose for your living." Thla la the reason thatthe llg' nose Inclines ta . th ground and hi tail I eurly. : J ; Boys' Hair.. ABOT'S'halr grows one-half slower than a girl's. In boy th average rat ef growth Is t feet i Inches In six years. During nis twenty-first and twenty-fourth years a man'a hair .grows quicker than at any ether period. -The human,, hair-form a profitable crop, rive tone are annually Imported by tha merchants ef London. The Pari ; slan bsrvest Is upward of MO.000 pounds. una in aaju w wy,vw a year, , . - H mustered at Quarters and exercised at firing exercises. After lunch tbey were exercised In divisions, and then - were , stationed for manning tha ahlp- rail, and were put through their Instructions by tb older seamen. - - ' All this time tha boya war on tiptoe with excitement, for the word bad gone around that the moment tha ahlp reach ed tba equator Interesting things wero to com to pass Just what no middy could guess; but this much they knew: , f . , ' ! " Arithmatlo Pagclo. i( s-yuiuonKitr th chooi- f master. "Johnny has made a V ' a queer mistake In the arith " v metlo problem. He ha; the ANSWER correct, but haa copied the v figures of the problem wrong out of the "AIX OF THE CIPHERS and ONE figure In th MIDDLE column ahould be changed for a certain figure tb same figure In all five Instance. . ."What's that figure?" Can you boys and girla tell I : "' . BlddlOO, ' ' - 1. Why are bell tb moat obedient of Inanimate thlngst" . . . What I th dlffernc betwen ft wtenmaker gnenrraTTeTt l What U the difference between . tight boot and an oak tree? - -4. What are the two largest ladies In t. Where waa Humboldt golnf wha . he was St years old? . 1 What fur did Adam and Eve wear? 7. Why la anger like a potato? : a. Why la a healthy boy Ilka England! v .What tree Is of ths greatest impor tance In history? . ' . , 1(K Hrfw does ft ooy look If you hurt him? - . ' :S . Cttrtftillnffg. 1 Curtail A boy' nam and leave klnit nf conveyance. 1 Curtail a title and leave part ot th body. a, Curtail an animal and leav a rep tile. , ... 4. Curtail an adverb and leav a heav ily constructed protection used la war. 1. How can you, by logic, transform an acrobat Into a ship? 1 How can you show by logio that Thaddeua of Warsaw was ft giant? Beheading. ; -1. I am a great ash) behead me and I . am an adjective) oabead me again and 1 am a liquor. t. I am an article 'of food; behead me and I am a verb; oehead m again and I am an adverb. , Who Can Bead Thisf ' Stand take , to - taking -, -I that you. , turn all my . ' ; ' . Hidden Word. The ham of a -Stat I to be found hidden In each of th following sen tences f i 1. The Indian and il whit man trap ped heavers, '.'.'" x. 1 no nine miss is sipping ner tea. -. We-would ha vo overtaken him,- but horaa atumblad. 4. Yes. Belmont, en apple la ft fruit ' a. Did 'da hoist the flag? . He wanted me to color a door. . Znlftaft. Take l- f shame, 1-4 of Mary, 1-1 of ear lar. l- of Italy, und 1.1' a 1-4 of right. 1-4 f te. -lt ot eel- sav a Beloved country. What Is 111 Answers to Last Week's Pussies Beheading and Curtailing;, March arch arc v Aster, ' goldenrod. Cinderella J?ugala. The two rats were hidden In the tip per part of tha carriage, the two slip para on either side of Cinderella, the Prince g fao la the bush to the left of that King Neptune would ppear to de mand their homage. Sure enough. Just aa tha deck exer cises came lo aa end cnd'ffjbt bell . rang, tha notes of a Jolly Jig beaan ring In front h hti1e, an the beginning vt n u.eloa uoi. into View from tha officers' quarters. . At the hoad marcned a curlon ana Imposing character, drew : in a blue and Ion a. flow Ins hair, be-rd ana moaatacho made of unbrelded manila Cinderella, and the homely sister's face to the left of the Prince. ' ' - -y Charado. ' 'V'.--"-''-'. J My whole' a nierry art, forsooth, - The sport of wit and aage; Some ay it'e never good in youth; And always BAD-1N-AQE. ' Enigma. Tr. keetr-tiat tmyrUerrm v"H nrct, ima uaj rni. Answer i THai LADY Of THE LAKR '. ."' Xrop-Xtter Quotfttiona. .' Longfellow "Joy and temperano and ..(,' rpoe, . . . , Slam th door on the doe ' tor'a nose." Emerson t "Oood manners are made US -of petty aacrlnces. -.v. Central Aerootla. Game of Bung the Bucket. H AVE en even pumbea ef boys and . divide them. Into two aid ee. tan ,, . Ull, ,11 MM..- . - ' other the "buckele." The ""cats" stoop down, much a If for leapfrog. Th hindmost 1-oy braces himself against the hoy In front of him. - while the foremost one supports himself gainst a wall er th ld of a building. ' . XW" J ',. ; IB 1 tit ' ' 1,1 ' liuwA l ... 8 L B B P T O V B X V L O O D TEXAS . ropes . a tin crown ornamented huge tin star, and carrying a trident In one hand. ... "Hall to King Neptune I" roared on of the older are men, and then the mid dies took, up the salutation and shouted an lugemer. Beside K-m-'Nptun tripped a b-- skirted creature with long nenilla locks,' a crown ornamented wltn atar and ere ' cent, and eportlng a fearfully and won " derfully be ribboned parasol. "Hall to-Queen Amphltritef roared the seamen, and "Hail to Queen Amphi trltel" echoed Robert and bis brother middle. " Behind the royal pair marched the . Judge advocate general In tha gorgeous t costume of - an Ellsabethan courtier, combined with a wig of the Revolution " ary era. with him marched the purser, fixed up TTncle Bamllke, with a seven-inch col- . lar and red, white ana blue awallowtall coat and tall hat and trousers, the lat . ter atrapped te his boots. The doctor brought up the rear, front ' ad by a huge apron, his sleeves -pro tec t - ed with cotton covers, his huge stovepipe '- hit mad of inked-up blotting paper, huge blue gogglea on his nose, a bug syringe In one band, a wicked-looking " lance and nippers and unsheathed knife In tha other, "Great Caesar!" ejaculated Robert. T "what's the doctor going to dot" ' The doctor heard him, and. turning ; greedy eyea upon him, studied his bodily parta attentively for a moment, and -said: ' - r 5 - ... . "Ha r you're -worth earring up! I'm the executioner!" And In spite of himself Robert felt a . thrill of tearfulness, the doctor looked so murderous. There were a chief of police, police assistants, officer of the deck, assistant ' officers, .chief bear and cubs, drummer. ftfef, chief of detective bureau and oth ., r officials too numerous to describe. Around and around the decks marched the procession, until the green middies 'appeared to be sufficiently Impressed,. . Then King Neptune and Queen Amphl trite took their placee on the thrones which had been placed In the stern. . Their retinue took their stand about the ' throne, and the doctor, chief of police and chief of detectlvee paced alowly and grimly toward tb lln of fearfully ax : pectant middles. "Robert Oreerr suddenly shonted the chief of pollc. "step forth." Robert stepped forth promptly, but with an ill-concealed shudder. What ware they Intending to do with aim Slice off his carat Bllt bis noset Cut bis throat T Pinch bits of flesh oat of Tb bung now leap on to th backs of th bucket, th first going as far up the row ef back aa he can, and being clossly followed by the other bungs. As soon as they are all on thy sing twice the llneei , . "Bung the bucket one. two. three," If by that time they have not uo ceeded In breaking down the row ol ' bui'kcts. the letter sing, "Off I OBI off!'- n- Hr her hf"-twfr eorw-oua Tha -nun" must try again anQ again until they are succeesful . Then the two aide chang place. ,' Wedding" Superstitions, HERE la what happen to bride when they marry to any color they may select: Married in white, you have chosea all krarrrShn gray, yoa will go far awayj . Married in black, you will wish yourself MarrledCkl red. yoa wlU wish yourself Married n greeni'ashamed to' be seen; " l"rted in Klue. he will always J true; Slarrled In peerf. you will live In a whirls Marr ed In yellow, ashamed of your fel- MarrieT'ln hrown, you will live out ol Married in pink, your spirits will gink. town; - - - - --' - 1 Marry Monday for wealth, Tuesday for health. Wednesday, the beat day Of all Thursday for crosses, . Friday for losses, Saturday, no luck at all his arms and legsrBura him with hot pokerat Horrid tales had been told . the boys by ths older seamen tales ef wore doings than these even. ' A booth made of awning waa aol. emnly set down In front of tha king, Robert was conducted within. It, - breathless silence reigned for a mo- ment or two, then walla and erica and .groan began to laaue from IL - "Robert s being tortured I" whispered - en middy to another, tremulously. "Let me got Please, let me go!" pleaded tha vole. "Oh! kill me at once I Oh! have mercy! Have mercy V What waa really happening Inside' the booth? Why, this: On entering it. : Robert found himself seised, bound and gagged. Then the ship's barber. ' who had been concealed there, pro . oeeded to shave him, while hla aaslat-- ante gave out the walls and cries and groans and pleadings, which the trem bling middles outside attributed to '.' Robert . '' . The shaving over. Robert was bun died up In a tarpaulin,' and waa eolemn ly carried forward by (our seamen to . all. appesrancea deao. - Rapidly each remaining, middy waa given his turn Inside the booth, to the accompaniment of much the aame groana and cries. Whan at laat thla nart of the nro. - gram waa Completed King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite transferred their court to the forward deck, where there , - lay aide by aid, gagged and bound, ort ' th boards all of tha mlddlea who hsd Juat been put through, the .shaving boothall aow full of "laugh." which , ' they wero fairly dying to bellow forth. : A tarpaulin tank had been filled on the lower deck, sbout seven feet deep, and a ducking stool placed In positions The uocior now came icrwara ana. vngagglng each mldd o miaay la turn, witn in assistants, placed him la help of hla the atool and gave him aa many duck nga In the tank as the King com mended. Usually th middy who made tha moat fuss got tb largest number of duckings. When at laat the Strang ceremony waa ended. King Neptune and Queen Amphitrite aroee. and th mlddlea, re leased from' their bond and dripping Ilk dogs, were commanded to file alow y by, kiss th Qeeen's hand and th King's toe, and receive the symbol of knighthood, which waa a smart rap on ineir neaas iron vim jwings aceprra. Than tha King and Queen and their retinue marched away and disappeared Into the officers' quarters. And thus ended Robert's and th other, middles' cay wita lung Neptune on too equator. f The Bell Boys Story. I WENT upstairs this morning when , she rung . I guess she must of Just got out of seemed to m her nose looked kind ot red; They was a little wad of hair that hung ' Down In a pigtail on her back; she brung A telegram out to aha door, and Bald: , v, "Well, get a move good heavens, are , you dead T"-. . .: t ..... , . Somehow aha didn't seem to look o" : yuung. . 1 ... 1 I can't help kind of wondertn today ' ..... What made her look so queer j it seems . as though ' There's something that Is gone, I'd like . to know . .' If all the ones that's beautiful when they Oet on their riggln' and ar axed np gay Ain't much but framework when they've gone at right And safely locked themselves hi Out of sight And laid what ain't grow ad onto thesr. ' " . f. " AHOTBZB ITOBT - ' X wish Bombodyd kick gs through a fence; I must be gettln' dotty; I'm so dans -I couldn't see halt .through aa iron gate; - " , . Why, any one could string mo while you wait; , No wonder Morton say I'm short of sense. , A man arrived her yesterday ' fore ' noon . ... who seemed to be a fighter, gad aa As ever I had snotta. And irabbed hi Batchel and ot BaafuT Say. , " Hla do s were great, he had oa Simon's. too , I picked him for a winner rlghi away.. . T. araan'f tin. T V. .... fc. - ... . . 1 hoped that mebby I could touch hla '.'hand: - . . . X brought him pens and ink and things - and stood - . Around to be as useful as I could -And let him see I thought that ho was grand. ' .. - - , .-... .. ,, , , I'd Ilk to bump xny head against' wall!' - t . - 1 . , Because he ain't a pugilist at alL " ;, '. Dl bet he never even seen a ring; -Hs Just aa author that 1 wrltls book) 1 That shows that yov can nvr tH thing j About how great ft man l by his looka, '- . . -Evnlng Sun. Hydrogen in Balloons. HTDROOEJf is so very light and diffuse so rapidly that it Is al most Impossible to retain It In any Slasa vessel. If a bottle waa filled with ydrogen gaa, and an ordinary cork placed in the bottle and allowed to stand a few hours, there would be very little hydrogen gaa left. It would have passed out through the pores of the cork and air would nave entered, A glass stopper will sometime allow th hydrogen to escape around It. A small crack In the bottle, which would b entirely too small to allow air or water to pass through, will allow hydro gen to eacape with great rapidity. Thus when a balloon la filled with hy ' drogen gaa It becomes very buoyant, as It la several times lighter than the air which It displaces. In fact, air la four teen and one-half time as heavy aa hydrogan. - -GirlsrRememberr D ON'T an- a hoy because be wear shabby clothes. When Edison, . the inventor ef the telephone, first entered Boeton hs wore a pair o yellow Unene breeches, la' the depth of rw'i '.... a hr.. t'dl Player trlee to secure one of i Dorj.t snub ft boy bcaue of the y partners, and thus get a place In ' nui.uvv v. i ymiwym, Oil. f , the world' poet, waa the son of a man who was unable to write hla own name, pon't snub a boy because -hi home Is plain and unpretentious. Abraham Lincoln' early horn waa a log cabin. Don't snub a boy because he chooeeg a humble trade. Tb author ef "Pil grim' Progress" was a tinker. Pon't snub a boy because of hi phys ical disability. Milton was blind. Pon't snub a boy because ot dulses In hi lessons. Hogarth, th celebrated painter and engraver, was a stupid boy at bis books. Don't anub a boy because he starters, Demosthenes, the ureal orator ot Oreeoa, overcame a harsh and stammering vole. . pnn't anub any one. Not alone be cause enm dsy he may far outstrip you In the ro of lire, but because it (s aelthar iiiad nor right aor Chruuaa. ITTLH L-O bad I write . An s)-A on a B, A MIA 1 1 1 . aklut 'And ah ha4a't I I'D. -iTwa not a very JM t-ukV - Aa any 1 may C, And M-T was her paper -- When 'twas almost time 4 T. .. At laat aha took bar pencil And wrote. "I think th B If U should make him angry. . . la aa awful n-M-E, "Dear teacher, please X-Qs mo. . I've nothing more I say; , But I'U write a lovely S-A - Oft JJC-T-dld some day." . cm. bus: Y Ladies First; HARVET loved animals, and so r grandfather gave him sevs beautiful pet. There were a whit po with tare sleek pa tehee ever his and eye, and two cunning mal kittens, and a monkey and live t tie. beside ethea-pe'.a. The puppy waa named Beggar, 1 cause he begged so hard for eve .11111, If.llLCU. . U. WV. V M . - r- Jk t d nw " cause they were always playing h and-go-seek. Now, Beagar lost snd-go-aeek. Now, Beagar lost hla m- er wnen ne was oniy uiree aays oiu, t "he waa brought up on milk, of whlc grew so fond that he would fairly po. upon the pan of milk before it bad I Quite placed en the floor. 1 Well, pussies also love milk, you In' .-' and it made Bo-Fee p and l-8py n ' unhappy to see big Bergar -gobbllna . all. the milk before they got a cha. to see It. much lea taxt It But one day. Just as Beggar waa atr to perform nis usual greedy trick. th two pussies had begun to cry ow-ow-ow-owl Where do w com L Harvey happened along "Why, Beggar, rou -elfish thing!" shouted, and seising hlra by one e dragged him away from the pan. "Nt air. stay . right there! Gentlemen ladlea bav thlnga first, and I'll tc you your manners." . Then the two pussies Settled down .: a delicious, uninterrupted treat, w Beggar Sat disconsolately on hla 1 legs and -said aa plainly with hla Sa yon or I could with our llpa. '. was q lady.;' 5 " " Game of Jolly Miller. THEh"i,,',B,u"'-l,,,; ... ' A th miu wnt round hm mi nisi wetiita. tho'bag' opp, w?-ent -round he mr rJltm grab. Thr" tauat b n uneven num SfP"1"- .A1i h children. . 2tP ,Und oouplea, arm arm. and singing thl vers, me tonal!-.! eiTei.Z' aloe ,0J.Lowl,aT the ether. -r Ana es ehtld tan t:i-the ee- me wora -rrts- tua chl marching on th Inside of the e let go of their partner' i arm try to catch hold of tha one Btanl Immediately la front of their pre oue partners, . fiow the child In the centre circle. If he suoeeeds the one waa left out must take the c and th gam go on aa deacn I. i ' SpidT-WB Thr-'i. ' Thread made from tb r -'' lighter and tron-r I come from th e.iawo- . - there I a factory u4 on . manufacture of spiders t. iX ' Boyal fpanl.h Coaci. The tt eosch us-, t tb f Mnain Is drawn by e t horws. with whit plu.. a harnesa ' - .' . Ko Etyxo:!. . About word In C ' fue ( "f." J Jnciud gulf, month an ' f 'te.' '' ' l v-u'-::V'-.-:,-:- 1 'A " r