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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
a- -ji:z c:zz:i cj:x.y jcutjial, tczituj Sunday l:c?j;z;g, august 2, i?c5. rriave-ibounteneiziJ--L2fl lavtaw f tgBt airaacs U ScImc u-,-.,. iaiagtrjr. . SUNDAY. AUGUST A mo WUi ths tid of empire flowed eastward and the emigrant ' whi to India It was, ; . 4.000 year ago and more, ' 7 Jfltd according 14 Dr. Q. A. Orlr-'" 0MtTWtt4 on. Tb moat recent mlgra- from th nortbweet. No oao .can toll when this commenced. . All they eaa say la thai parta of their earliest literary weoord, the " Veda." hav bm considered by ; . competent aeholara to data from B. C. 200a , Too ttala Una of approach was over tha western passe of tba Hindu Kuan and alone " tho valley of tha Kabul rivar into tha Fun- Jab, thane tny apraad over northern In dia. Tha entry Into the Punjab wa gradual, extending over centuries. When the lateet comers arrived they found that the-lan- guag and tb euatoroa of their earHeat prade ceaaort bad developed to eueh aa extant that tha speech waa unlniolHgibl and th usage were unsympathetic to thorn... Thla la re fleeted ta tha condition of tha Aryan lan-' guagas of India from tharllt time to tb .preaent day. There alwaya have beep two abarply differentiated troupe of Indo-Aryaa language, otf representing the speech of i tha eartleat invadera and tb other that of tba lateet, while between tha two ther lav ',. bond of Intermediate form of apeeob which " can be referred to th dialects spoksa by those who were neither first ar last .. ; The mikado' empire la called a country without beggars.- without drunkardarwtibr very body pollt and good nature and dolus work of JaaaSj Maaag , somsfort Nothing la heard fAm af or aeen of the affect of tha - - recent war. ' Tb people do " . . not talk of their late triumphs, but are work ing ulet)y to develop their laduotrla and ta train, control of the new market which their soldier have mad for them. 'A tendency ' to exclude other nation from the mark eta doea not exist Th uniform and repeated aaauranca la given readily by Japan' leading etateamen that th promla of tb open door In Core and Manchuria, will be aanied out atrlclly o far aa Japan la ooooeraed. ' Cores ( Itself gradually la getting under effective Japan control and admtntstratloa. The : natural reeouroe of Japan ttlf perhap are limited, but Ita people ar frugal. Intelligent, and energetlo and do not aeem to feel th ' burdena Imposed by th war aa a heavy , weight- - r ., . Cotton paper 1 on of th aoveltle Th eouth la demonstrating that all gradaa of paper, from th beat form of CotU y Stall linen grade to th lowest, can MW Article) be manufactured from cot f ComaMKd.'0" i dflition to this a variety ot by-product euch aa akohol, nitrogen, material for gun eotton and amokeles powder ar secured la proflfabJe guan titles. . it I estimated that f-tmancrTTnanJTrgrgra'btIofT!OTIoi at lat on ton bf (talk can be gathered. ' Upon this basis of calculation this new In- -dustry annually can depend upon from 10, 000,000 to 12,000.000 tone of raw material. This not only will furnish aeceasary'supplle to meet all bom demandrhut also admit of the export of pulp or finished product to foreign countries. Th bulk of tb material ' going Into tb manufacture of paper at th present time I sprue pine, which annually i ; la becoming more expensive la tb depletion- ' of th forest and th high price which euch timber command In th market for other . uses. . The utilisation of a wests product, such aa th cotton stalk, manufactured into paper pulp will be a vast benefit to tb whol country. -..' . , Ths most Interesting part of th dark con. Unenl U Abyssinia. Her th beast of th field and ths Aowers of th . : meadow from th Medlter- AbyislaU , ranean region meet those of Has Ma ' j.rvy.v.m. AMiv- inTi.i. snow Capped mountains re- " r"" , tain a wild goat; here also Is a peculiar and aberrant dog, and In .th western lowlands is a true wild boar. Several of th eotelopc -. and two or three species of monkey ar pe culiar to Abyssinia, aa ar numerous birds, a few fish, two or thre reptile, and a great ; many plant. Th human race are of varied ' types and widely different origin s, speaking a diversity of languages, som of them as yet unclassified, la th xtrm southwest ar negro type. In th southeast and south tbsy ar handsoms Oala-Hamltla r Somala "stock. In th north there ar Hamlt gad Semite, and trac of ancient Greek or Egyptian colonies, and dark skinned Jews . who origin seems to ants-dat the destruo- tloa of Jerusalem. Abyssinia ha a history going back to a thousand years before th Christian era. .' , .. ' Cuba Is planning to grow. Ths Cuban con grees ha authorised tb president to spend up to $1,000,000 to encour; . Iramlratloa immigration. Eighty per ta Cab nt ot tn moun5 is t b I lacraaetaa l,nt ln- bringing f am 111 11 from Kurop and th Canary Islands, and ths remainder to bring laborer from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and north ern Italy. , It hat been asserted 84.000 Im migrants cam to Cuba during lb last year . of their own accord. Th Bans: of Habana. recently organised by Important banking In terests In New Tork, Porta, and other Euro pean eltlea, began actlv badness In Havana during July. - Th bank ha aa authorised capital of $8,000,000, of which one-naif ha been paid In. Th belief t expreeeed that th bank will take an actlv part ta lran- LaoUon which will facilitate-ap increase tn : Cuba' foreign trad, particularly with th UalUd State. : ; ; - Unci Barn's dinner pal) I fuU and ,0ver . flowing and Ailing other people's dinner pall. Export and Imports for th - year fell just short of $8.. " CsfcU Saat , 000.000,000, th actual amount VaaimsJly being $2..000.000, But th aaraaa export far outran in mag- . . nltud the Imports, the excess of th former betng $317,000,000. - This Is a msgnlfleent trad balance la favor fit th United State -and excels that af any other nation In ths world, e All ports of ths country contributed . to th great whole. Th south sent Us mil 1 lions' worth of cotton and th west sent Its . corn and wheat, while th east sold vast ' quantities of manufactured materials or mln- ' Teral products. . 1 : r -" Joaa A. HowLAMft, " : mm v; mimmmmmm- m-mm b 1 1 ' -.. :; " . ,.. . , 1 . .... 'v,. . . HAT ar th new graduates of th 139 or more universities and on, lege dotngf . Roughly eat Iota ting. there1 wer graduated la June. ZS,- . (IS students. Five or alx thousand f these graduate will continue their studies for th profession of law, mecHetne, and ministry, gtatlstlc from several college show that the percentage aa divided among tb three leading profession 1 about equal, Tha big majority of tb college graduate will- enter business. . Bom will assist their father or relative In th management of business which vntualy they will con trol - If or ar undecided Just what to do. Tbey prefer a business where the proapect of advancement and In tha end achieving: Influence and a comfortable living ta good. Ther ar not many such desirable posi tion lying Idle. Consequently. It tony be ex. peoted tfaaf several thousand Of tb young men will thtnk of tb temporary advantage snd begin fetching. In 4 so feil ' offered college graduate as school teacher ere higher than the wage of a beginner in . business. Thus the temptation for tempo-, rarjt gain find many victims. It - la true that principal of blgb school and town auperintendont of school ar fairly well paid aa compared with tb salaries of tb averere business man, but tb number of such position Is small. v Wot la a Barrjr to G t Wrl. v It I eafe to say that fully T5 per cent of tbo college graduate at present are loafing, and will continue to do so until fall. After a four year course t he average college graduate doe not seem anxious to put his nose to th , grindaton and start earning his own Hvlng. He think of th two months' vacation as tb last opportunity b will bav to spend -that lenwta f time to nleaeurer-An everin- dulgent father who had to work bard for tn, money with which to send his son to "eolleg. concurs with th vacation Idea. " Yee. mr son." ho ssvs. " you deserve a good rest cfr beglnBing aettv worn in -n M mntnr vnuraelf this Mimmr. I w know whst hsrd work Is. and I do not want too. to b offered something for nothing, my son to hav to work o bard a I did." when nlnety-nin men out of a hundred ap Handlcapped by thla advice, nearly 73 per proached olra for free pa sees, wa unusual. cent of th new college graauates ar loanng thls summer. - -. . - . -. Borne of them who ar half serious for. the . future prospects In business content them' How MaddoxChecher, Lost His Job. ADDOX was checker In a big house that employed forty-two typewriter girl to make out addressed envelopes In which wer to b Inclosed adver- - tlsments for fake medicine, fak beauty remedies-fake everything that la sent out on a "mailing list." It waa his duty to check these addressed envelopes against a list of addresses printed on a long piece of paper, to snd th Incorrectly ad dressed envelopes back to tha girl who mad tb murtake. and ta prevent any errors. ' " It's girl's work," b remarked th flret tlm 1 mat him, " but I naad tb coin. AU , there I to do I to guard against error and read about g.OOO addresss a day, sending back tb envelopes when ths girls make mis takes. The boss over m Is ons of them high collars whose neck I would twist If hs ; cam Into a place wher I wa tending bar ' and asked for a drink. He thinks It's real work." , ' But soon afterward I noticed a change In th habit and th disposition of Maddox. H began wearing better clothes every day, and he took seltser and milk Instead of bour bon. So I upbraided him. accusing Mm. of falling Into-th-laa of his euperlor. DU War! vtalL " Th work marka th man." I quoted to ' him and Inatead of getting mad. and up braiding m he submitted meekly to what a few weeks before would hav been an In- suit. Tet during this period I never would bsv suspected Maddox of being In love er at becoming th vip tlm of th fair sex. In deed. It wa not until he got flrad and got drunk and told th truth that I ever vn ' suspected ths true condition of affair: It sesms that Maddox want to work, and, card while acting a lookout In a fsro game, sides, you hav caught so many ol ! my mis he ought rror In th addr.sses aa nsver h m 1,klr t0 m they wer caught befora. Nothing could a a - cap htm. and each day be sent back to Fait a Thrill of Sympathy. ' th - forty-two girl who apesated th ma--- " I'm -working Iowa and Missouri."" she -chine scores and score ot envelopes ta b . said, sweetly.. " Please don't And any more rsaddressed; and thsreupon th " high col- mistake thaa you can help In tho two Are Hunting for JoBs. ByW.W.Hiscox. .selves with th supposition that becausof tb usual dullnee in th summer. It will be a wast of time to inquire for work. It in deed la true that some business men do not ' cer to add to their office fore during th summer, yet there are many employer who much prefer 'lo Instruct beginner during, ) July or August when more time without loss of profit csn be expended on their training.' and so that by faU the beginner wUI be able ' to do actual productive work, and the older employee will pot lose valuable time during ' a busy season In teaching th new men, . . " . , - . . I V ' . Tkla Waa Wml4 Not lafasal. ., Ther ar exceptions, however, even among college graduate. On from an eaetern ool ' leg was desirous of entering th office of one of the big railroad. H wa careful to pro- t en- jj-- e a a a . tftJfxUWUIIBll IVIVUIBI VI VM the manager did not wish' to slight. For a week or two two oolleg applicant wa put off by several trivial exouaes. He finally be came Impatient! and determined that on hi third call he would begin work In tb rail road office. He waa told by tba manager that It was Impossible to And work for him to do during the summer, because of th usual dull season, and that he could gtV him 00 en couragement until fall. "It you have no objection' replied th ool leg graduate, I wul take off my coat. And something to do In your offlo this day, and you need not pay me until fall, unices In th meantime you should decide tndt my services are worth something. . I believe I can?aav you and th railroad company a llttl money and time by handling those bill of lading differently. It will do no harm to gtv m an onoortunHri-end It will cost you nothing." . ' . a . a . Of fru f War far Mat king. Thla was a aow method of stuck to the -. n...j w.. awunnmn to b aaked th hour and U1UAI ., v .. . ,., -i it Is needles to say that ths colleg grad- Luati was given an opportunity, end proved - hi worth. - - . - . . Twenty year ago a colleg graduate could By W. Carey. lar," who was ths superior of Maddox re proved th girls and placed black marka against their name, which meant that tbey would loee a few cent from th 60 cent to $1 that they earned dally, Andth forty-two girl, of all else, shapes, and complexions, bowed their heads closer over their machine and cursed Maddox be cause hla eya wa so sharp; and, also, his employer praised Maddox and declared he waa th man they had beeo lookmg for th man who mad no error and let no error Up past him. :"' ' '"a : a " V : ";. ' Wag Slattsj far A4raactnant. - So at the end of th first thre week Mad dox was a personage of importsne and slated for advancement to th position held by ths " high collar " whoa duty It was to. dock th girls. Then something happened. It was at noon tlm and most of ths girls were nibbling th llttl fune he they had brought from home. while Maddox waa leaning back in hi chair. resting.' He heard a thumping, thumping on the floor 'and presently a girl stood besids htm. Her hair waa brown and wavy and set like a wreath around a pale, exquisite face, ,whll two great brown eye looked at him reffcoachfully. Bh was smaH and help less looking, and Maddox noticed that ah walked wrth one crutch, which had mad the thumolnx. ' Bh sat down, uninvited, near Maddox and - stared gt him out of her big brown eye: ,"Tou'r Mr. Maddox. aren't your' h aske ), " I Just wanted to ask you to go essy on me. ' Tou'v been eendlng back a lot of envelope. I need the money, and. be- command $20 a week ajt th start la many lino of buslnss. ' As a green reporter bo waa offered 929 a week on th New Tork morning papers. Gradually tha Initial wage -ha decreased, until now $10 a week la th average price paid tor Inexperienced oollege graduate ta business lines. ' Th successful men do not stay long at thla wags. In alx months, tbey are raised to III, In another sis months to 120, and continue to forgo ahead at a rat of ti extra every six months, until (h maximum of their earning power I reached. ; Among th believer in the efficiency of college graduate ar many western manu facturing companies, who make It a practise to ngag anywhere from five to twenty-five new oolleg gradual every summer. These men ar selected by a personal inspection at th different college by a representative of the company. ' ; - .; - . . trMrrcatsgArSc)tfttl.-- .Not all college men ar successful m tb business at which they begin, but a larg per cent ae are. Tbey at least are able to par- oetvo themawtvea. after being In business short time, whether they will succeed and whether they ar adaptable for to work If they conclude not, out tbey get of their own free will, to the benefit of th business and to themselves, They try something el, and Anally land In aom lino of business ' which meane- sueoesu to them. Along In Beptmbr we may expect to meet th June college graduate, with shade or tn from hi vaoatlon. Th num ber In Chicago will not be enough to make eve a small ripple la commercial life, but It I safe to say that a good perceotag of them will succeed at tba work they .undertake. Ther always Is a demand for trained think. er la business and that demand caa he ann. plied partially by colleges and universities, Buslnss are growing too fast to wait for lcs boys and clerks to gala sufficient ex- nerlenc to nlaoe ihnt In inii .iiiu The best sdvlu lo give a oolleg man about to begin a buslnea career I to perform hi dally work willingly and thoroughly, no mat ter how trivial th work may be, and, what I more- Important b willing to work a llttl longer and harder thn his fellow workers. nd to do about twice as much a Is expeoted of him. Any young men doing this, whether colleg bred or not will win promotion. states at least not ths llttl ones." Then sh went away and Maddox, for th first tlm since hs left ths country town wher hi boyhood sweetheart lived, felt himself In perfect sympathy with a woman. And he felt also that he had been cruel to a girl who needed help and protection. It might bav been all right and Maddox might have been auoceasful In his efforts to cover up the girl' mistakes It It had not been for th High Collar. It so happened that High Collar waa friendly with tha big blonde of machine No. 19, whioh was next to th on that th llttl lam girl with th brown eye operated, and in an outburst of gratitude th llttl lam girl confided In th big blond that Mr. Maddox waa so kind to her and covered up all her mistakes, and never sent any of her envelopes back unless hs positively couldn't help It V tig llonaa Waa tk Oistarbar. So th Big Blond., wbo was friendly with th High Collar, being angry because Mad-' dor had sent aom of her work back for Cor rection, told High Collar, whea he took ber r-to- dtrmer-rhtvnlng; that Maddox was- playing favorites, and was shielding th llttl leme girl because he was stuck on her. Those ar her words. Ths nest day which waa.laat week High Collar grabbed all th latter that Maddox had checked and looked over th Iowa and Missouri list; and down In tb list hs found on addressed to Cebar Rapids, Instsad of Cedar Rapid. When ha saw th " b " In- stead of a " d," High Collar frowned, and. ignoring the 4. TOO correctly addressed en velopes, he descended upon Maddox. " Mr. Maddox." h said. In hi coldest offi cial tone, " It Is bad nough to havtcheck ur girl without having to check our check er. This letter Is Incorrectly addressed snd you shocked It a correct Tou had better quit." .1 . ; - Then h fired th llttl- lm girl, who hobbled to the elevator weeping, juat aa Mad dox went sut , . i . '-II . . .- , .... T . . and Be a Guest Dy C. D. AT. would you like to relax a bit in the humdrum routine of your common- place exlateaee and take a little Jaunt with your trncl BamT "WouId you like to hopeootch acroaastha continent a cotrple of ttmtr. -wttlrveveral vtopw aJtmg ) way at IntereaUng point, oat In tb "diner,- sleep. In " teapera.' munch peanuU and - candy all th day long In a word; have a ' royal. Jolly good time and all at tha expense of Unol Sam? Would you like to atay a while aa his gueat, aay, In tb big dry they call Gotham, go to shows, take In win din ners, and champagne suppers, see the tender loin, visit tha groat banking Institutions, and then maybe take a run down to Long Branch to shake hands with King aroT And when these diversion palled on you. would you Ilk t bav him take yeu Oowa to th sunny south, where tb orange and sweat potatoea grow, down to Florida, and from ther toth oottoa) fields f Alabama) thaae back up to the bracing mountain air of Virginia, and on to Baltimore, where th big fir waa, and then to Washington to th government build ing; then mayo to Pittsburg, where they make th Iron and steel, and from there over to 8t, Louie for a few weeks' quiet recti ' Would you Ilk to do this ha, v all this fun and mayba much more and not eoet you a cent? If o all you will have to do I to gat a lao counterfeit btu; but be sure It la not a bank not, for that wouM not do at alL Oet It by fair means if you can, but If yon can't then gat It om other way, Juat o you get it, even If you have to ateal It Tour Unci Bam la a bit quixotic la thla respect, and un less you bav th t20 Ml) treasury not, and have It right with you, you might aa wall gtv 1 up all hop of any Jaunt ' I ratlin ; lata Dwsmoad Cnstla. But hi gueets, when not oa tb road, must be locked up in powerful castle, so that non , of hi secret may be divulged through them. But, vn th most wlde awake will be caught napping one la awhile, ee peel ally In so sleepy a place aa St Louis. That la wherd I caught Unci Bam fast asleep, and, after . storming th Desmond eaatl which J th. strongest castl la Bt Louis, la more way than one succeeded In Solving this wonderful mystery of haw a $20 ountrf elt bill can do such wonders. ' On th other bench there wer two benches In th apartment la which tb grand, keeper f th Inner circle told me I might rest and under a newspaper, stretched out th full length of th bench, was an object closely resembling a phantom picture of Rip Vaa Winkle. It waa a man, or, at least, all that, was left of him.- Presently, Just Ilk the original Rip. h opened hi eyes and rubbed himself. He.then took his paper blanket, carefully folded . them, with tha editorial aid out. and put thorn la hla. pocket. Then, he elowly took hla pillow by th handle, dipped It Into tho pall of anheuasr Nit; and quenched hi thirst.. Then h , looked at me- I already had been looking at him. In fact, I bad . for some momenta been working my wua doublo time to figure out Juat how I could open th ball with this queer specimen of humanity. Anyway, looked queer, not to say weird, down la that subterranean cham ber, amid tho faint ye distinct pitapat of tb larg, moist drop that slowly percolated . through th celling from th famous sweat box above. X wa anxlou to know who ho waa, why b waa and what h was, and all libourTt-Tr nd.wmg-aninderrTraBted Several ..... . ... .. to know It After picturing myself in all sort of tussle with blra, and working myself , almost Into a stat of nervous prostration, X concluded ther wa set 111 on avenue left , ma I would try diplomacy. So, shoving over my halt, finished sandwich to a point Wher b easily could reach It and putting on as un concerned' a smll aa possible. I ventured: Who ar your I emphasised th " you," for I wanted htm ta think that I might be somebody, too. : a a A Garnt af Dad Sam. . " I "T he slowly repeated, at ths same Urn feeling of himself to make sure he was still there. -O, I am tho guest of Unci Sam. Blank'a my name."' What, not Blank, who cent m a loss from tha calaboose In Chatuhoochea that you wr getting tired of being your unci' gusst so longr" I am the sams." " Why, man allv," I replied Incredulously, that waa four month ago! Do you mean to taH m you' have been enjoying Unci Bam' hospitality vr atncT" , " That' tha point exactly, ever nine. - And X am getting tlrd of It If you will listen. I'll tell you th tory." . After h had taken another drink of An hevser Nit and chased th sandwich, ha be gan) " It was about six months ago that I first mat Unci Sam. X wa tn New Tork and wa walking along Broadway, whan became up to m and ask m quit sudden Ilk If I had a eountsrfett $20 bill about ma I told him I had a $20 bill, but didn't know about Fable of the Great Thiiilfer; Saved the Best for the Last. By Hollis W. Field. QNCE upon a tlms a Great Thinker sat himself - down In a reetaurant and ordered a porterhouse steak, out thick -' -and medium-don It was a good ' restaurant and ths stsak cams to him, don to a turn. ' , 1 " Now, In Ung. this steak," mused ths Great Thinker, " I shall apply myself to th task la all philosophy. " Rooognlstng that my keen appetiu make relish. I shell begin with tb stringy, pointed nd of tb piece, which never I much re garded la gastronomy, for tho reason that It Invariably 1 left to the last -'.- "Efatlng thla portion, with my hunger enly slightly appeased, I shall cut away tha sir loin portion abev th bona, which, thick and Juicy, aa It la should serve stin to tlckl my palate a It I had not eaten already th least desirable meat In the out " Finally, turning from th sirloin to th tidbit of tenderloin under th bona, X shall bav reserved ths best of all for the last and finish a meal with unimpaired gusto from tha am ta th lat bita- of Vncle Sam. Romero, i K being a oounterfelt; but I ahowed M to , him. and he eald it waa a counterfeit all ' right, and then he amid I might eotne along with hlni and be his gueat for awhile. He " 'aald bla own hotel waan't up yet, o h'd Juat . And quartern tor me in tha Hotl.Iorat.l wee hypnoUaed completely and did whatever , n told m In a few day he called form at the Hotel Tomba and took m downtown : and introduced ma to noma of tha banker and showed them my ao bill. Then from ther he'lnvlted me into a llttl private offlc of his own. where aom of hi friend wer gathered discussing th merit of 30 coun terfeit bills. Ther also Invited mo to state my opinion In, tho ma Acs-. They offered mo a , ooupl of good Havana olgara, They seemed, not to Ilk It that I waa so poorly informed on tho subjaot under dlaouseten, and then wanted to know bow my friend wer getting along, where they lived, and all about , them. I told than tha only friend I hd lived, , ' In Mew Torn, but I didn't know hla Mr number. . ... , . ; Flat Dlaatrt a4 Clay. ' ' " I waa at th Hotel Tomb about tour " week altogether. AU the nrleod of Inula : Bam' cam up to see m almost ovary dan . Bent mo up fine dinner dad oigarsv Thr eemed much amu d ever th g which X . had given .theen, for every one In a while they would pull It out and look at It -" " . , " When I had been ther about two week) - t?"cle Bam cam up alone on evening, vstlh a An dress suit which he told mo to put onw for ho had bought me g ticket for th ahow for that night, and ho wanted m to look swell. .'After th show, Juat nJor your self ta your own way ho said, ' at my ex- pen you will And money la the vest pocket eat, drink, and be merry. After yeu- are I tired out with your night' revellng'you may 1 com back her If you wish, or put up at aom other hotel, Juat a yon choose. X put oath suit, and whan evening cam went down to th show Just a he had invited me to do. " I thought It strange that Uncle Bam should allow a guest of his ta go about ao iarg a town atone, but I was satisfied lnvtny va mini by that time, that h waa a bit peculiar in aom ways, so I wot and enjoyed myself and after the show had aa elegant rekati whleh x WM Mrry mr trimaa oouldnt njoy with m. I wa oa th point several times of going up to hi house and asking him to Join mo, but somehow th notion died with ni before I got well under way After I was all tired put I west up towards th Waldorf-Astoria thinking I'd Ilk that place better than th Tomb, but Just aa I was at" - th eotranc along cornea Unci Bam, and ; asks me to take a llttl walk and tell him. how I-enjoyed i myself. Of course I couldn't refuse! sine I waa hla guest, and by-tb time ' our walk was ended we were so clos t th "Tombs again that Unci Sam thought I might as well drop In thero for th night ' ' ' .' .. .- -.v a '- '" '- Sways Call a aa tha Baaiars. , , V This performanoa was repeated several times, and once Unci Bam got pretty mad be cause I Maid by myself and dido oaK oa my friend to aak him to share my good Urns; but, asldo from this ones, ha waa alwaya pleasant. . Wa went down . to Lonr Branch once, and looked around. - While w were down ther he also Introduced m to on of . th banker. ' From l new iwa i we then went down la New Orleans. MU. I liked 7 v lumber of th wJ ir a week, -a day or two, y V It there. Wo also called on a number tbora. W atald there th. un tn -Plkhurar for a Ai then went up to Vlcksburg for from thero to Chattahoochee, and fromHber to Atlanta, Oa., wher w staid about a week, calling oa banker. Tbcstw wwatover to' Virginia for a few day. From ther ta Baltimore, from there taClnoinnaU. and than lo Cleveland.-From Cleveland w Jumped out to Denver tor a few day, and. attar w got through there, w want all th way back to New Tork, staid there a few weeks again (Tomba, same hotel aa before), maAe more Tlrltt W tnfcare, also haA a turn m caller at th hotel. From ther w went to ' Memphis, and from, Memphis cam on up ta Bt. LOUi. - r, ; .' - " rv been her for a weak, and - bop Uncle Sam gat back from Washington-soon -h-went-thr oa a HU1 special business anxious to get back to my own heme, so I can. change my clothe and shirt. gt a ahava, hair out and bath. ' Cloth will get dirty when you hav them oo alx months. Befior he left for Washington he said a so aa h got back we would go back down Into Vir ginia for a few day, and from ther I don't know' where he Intend ta go. Tee, we've been to see a few bankers her, too; w al ways call oa tb bankers wherever w go. ' Even as be was talking ta ma Uaola Bam earn In, and took hi gueat away for another few days' sojourn !ft soma town down InVIr .gin la, but net before your good unci had be stowed a most withering look upon m for ' being so presumptuous aa to pry lata his qulxotlo notion of giving a man a six months' pleasurs trip In return for a $20 counterfeit ' . biu. -.::,' - -';-( - v . - ' Th Great Thinker began a ha bad out-; lined. v . . Th stringy plnt of th thick steak was a Httle- tough,- but xif TSXc Urn t flavor, and if" ate, logically and appreciatively. ' CutUng in a th lowr stsm of th " T " bone, th Great Thinker extracted th thick portion oX th porterhouse which corresponds to th best cut la the sirloi steak. Ha begs a ' at th tougher end of this cut but half way up It length hs -paused a half mlnut and ' 'glanced around lm a llttl uneasily. . ) Tea tnlnotea later h laid down hi knlf J and his fork, pushsd t4 dish of potatoe away, and sighed. Two ounces of th slrioln portion of ths steak lay oa hi plat, unfinished, while on 1 . th dish th delicat tenderloin clung te the bona, untouched. And tha Great Thinker wa distressfully full of steak I " However, It was a Great Eoonoml Prln clple." said tb Great Thinker, as be moved . slowly away from the tabl. ( "Th Walter wh finally at th tenderloin portion, however, declared I hla fellows that th maa wa aFo . j i