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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
: IlTiie . Jiv3q BGE! fcliBerCleaE-Up 'Sales nra Allll 10ep "Peninsular" -Stoves and Steel Ran get-100 Models-Basement Sole Portland Agents for -M Willamette" Sewing Machines-2d Floor WomlnN $iaM$50 Vaues Half Frice In the "Suit Section, tomorrow a v : special lot of handsome Silk Suits !lL Shirtwaist and jacket effects to be cleaned out at a phenome nally low price This season's prettiest styles Jpr street and dress wear Blue, rose, gray and blackMade up in the very latest effects Good assortment and all sixes -Suits selling regularly at prjcesj-anRing from $18 to $30 each Your choice while they last at y3 regular prices Only 43 of them, remember Better plan to be here early if j you, want one... 2 JT JTIvrW White Skirts Price 1 i 1 . ' Our entire remaining stock of women' white- Wash Skirts on sale tomorrow at one half regular prices-.aU the newest styles in Indian Head Linens, Piques and Linens, made plaited, 4, 7 and 9-gored effects; embroidery, lace and button-trimmed, or self-strapped; skirts selling regularly at prices ranging from $2.00 up to $25.00 each. 1 Your choice while they last at :on.e half price. Cloak Department '6econd Floor.' .-, K' . -.- "'.:- t ' ' $3.50 Handbags for $3.39 Each i j i " 1 1 , " . , " 1 . . t ... t. Special lot of women's high-grade Handbags, fitted -with card case and coin purse s and. mirror, gilt or gunmeta! trimmings; tan, black or brown wal- : CO Jl'Q rus leather; values up to $3.50 each,, on sale at this low price, ea.... )? 7 Speciaf lot of women's flandbagsi in lisrhf colors.' fitted with coin purse; 5, 7Qf . regular $1.50 values, on sale at this phenomenally low .price, each..,,.... -fv Women's' black Silk clts, assorted styles, with or without , buckles; lO 25e . s r l . v. : : i 1 ... -, value up IO OOC -cacn, "Uii ic ai iuii B(iciii tun yntc 35c and 50c Wash Belts with gilt buckles; grand values at this tyw price, ea Women's ?5c to $6 Vests Poartli off Regal ar Prices All this week take your choice from our entire stock of women's imported Swiss Ribbed Vests Low neck and no sleeves immense assort- ment of styles in ' all grades Silks, silk and lisle, or plain lisle Handsome hand crocheted yokes or' VaL lace and insertion yokes All sizes Values ranging from 75c up to $8.00 each Your choice from the entire' 1 1 VII stock at 34 otf the regular prices 4 mum 75c Hosiery 33c"Per Pair ; 1,000 pairs of women's Lace Lisle Hosiery, in tan, brown and navy, also few pairs i of white Hose with black silk clocks; all sizes; regular 50c, 65c and 75c i 5 values, on sale at this unusually low price, per pair., .'...i.JJv "Humpty Dumpty" Stockings for boys and girls; double knee and rein- 1 remaricaDiy low pricc.a forced feet;" all 'sizes; 25c values, on sale at this remark y . ; I . I .' . . , . i , .. 'M Great Special Values in Men's Fancy H Hosiery 5000 Imported Tooth Brushes at 8c Each Sate extraordinary of 5,000 imported Tooth Brushes, : splendid quality bristles; 4 rows; best tooth brush offered for the money; good value, ea...'. (Jl 1.000 Celluloid Dressing Combs, shell color; great value at, each.. ....124 Star Bathtub Enamel, best in the market;, great value at ................... .28 "Mysa" Soap for toilet or; bath; 10c cake on sale at this special price, cake... .5 Fall 4-pound bars of white Castile Soap on sale at this low price... ......;...39e Witch Hazel Soap, extra good value at this 'low price, cake.. ........ .( ...... .3e Evef-ready Safety Razors, no stropping or honing, 12 blades. .............. .SJ1-00 Women's White Dresses$10 to $72Vals.Price Our 'entire stock of 'women's ' White Dresses on sale at Y refruli lar prices- This season's daintiest and most at- tractive styles - are included India linons, batistes, mulls, dotted - Swiss and linens Very elaborately trimmed novelties with VaL lace and, insertion. some "with low neck and short 'sleeves, French flounce and Princess effects, skirts trimmed to match waists Some are made, over slips of delicate color with fancy ribbon girdles High or low - necks Long or short sleeves The handsomest lne of white dresses shown by any store in the west Val ues ranging from $10.00 up to $72.00 each Your choice from the - entire stock without reserve' at lt Tegular prices All, our high "grade Cotton Waists, values up to $60.00 on sale at prices 2nd floor 1..2 IvC Trcnks end Traveling Bays Large Assortment on the Ttlrd Floor Sok Portland Agents 'stermoor" Patent Elastic Fc!t Mattresses $35.00 Velour Portieres Ele(3uced 1 The grandest valaes In high-grade Por ; tieres you ever had the opportunity to buy are ready for Monday shoppersA special purchase from a proiainent ' porter enables ps to offer magnificent donble-faced, embossed Velonr Portieres at the low price of $20 pcir-Double faced red, red with reverse side green green reverse side brown, rose reverse side tan Only a limited auantity of ; them Regular $33.00 valnes on sale at this matchless low f f l price, the pair........ V) OVvU Custon shade end drapery work our spedaltyLowest prices -Third Floor $6.50 Portieres $495 the Pair Special lot of double-faced merceriaed Portieres, -.ln all the, popular, colorings; silk cord-front and bottom: "handsome, designs and color com- . Cil I binations; v regular' $0.50 values, on sale at this' .low ; price; :pair VVtJ Special 'lot. of 200 live-goose-feathetPillowt,' covered 'with fancy. 1 C , art picking; regular. aize;-; very, best $3 values, at this price, each.. VV a J We are sole "Portland agents fof-.Ostermoor"' Felt Mattresses.-'.Beds, Bed ding,. Blankets, Comforters, Springs, etc, On the Third Floor. :iig 25c Wash Cobds 1 3Mc .Yard , 100 pieces of fihe; printed Organdies, Lawns .' and A. Batistes beautiful styles, in greatrvariety of new designs and colorings; best 2Sc values.v j . . on sale at this special low . price, per yard ; take advantage ........ Jkf . 100 pieces of embroidered Voiles and printed. Foulards, this season's handsomest Styles, selling regularly at ,25c a yard; your choice this week . " , at the wonderfully low price of, yard; a very liberal price;.... 200 pieces of Noveltv Cotton Suitings, all new fall styles, great assort-' ment, .32 inches wide, .the grandest value we ever, offered at, this 'price . . 1 WW $ 14.00 Walking Shirts $5.45 $ 1 2.50 SUh Petticoats at $6 85 Special lot of women's high grade Walking Skirts In Panama cloths, mo hairs and batistes This season's best stales to be sold at a fraction of their real value We helped a; v ; 'My u.- prominent manufacturer clean up stock and as usual you are asked to share in our good fortune Pleated and circular V cut with : folds or plain gored Blues, grays, garnet, tan and black Skirts of the best style and ma terial and selling regularly at prices up to' $14.00 each Your choice while they C :A f "last "at -low priceTV Hs J Sflk Petticoats - Creat special sale of 200 high-grade , Taffeta Silk ' Petticoats, made of, the best quality., silk, deep Tflounce, with corded ruffle and ruching; graduated ac "'! ' cordeon-plaited, with tuck- ruffle or two rows of ruch ' .'. Jng; -red,, navy, green, brown and blacks; values up to-$12.50. each, at.,..;. $6.85 5py $15016-Bntton Lisle Gloves 78c i ' "' . 1 . 1 " .' . 1 " " 11 '. 1 1,1 50 dozen women's 16-button length lisle Gloves, in black, gray, mode and nary all sires; regular $1.50 values, on sale at this special low price; pair fFQ : (Mail orders will bej promptly and carefully, filled ...................4 UC ; Special "lot "of women black Lisle Gloves, with lace top, 16-but- f 1 . ton length regular $2.00 values, at this special low price pair.. p 1 vJ Complete 'stock of long glace and suede Gloves, in black, .white, street ' and opera shades all . sixes. - Best . values in the city. Mail orders filled. ' All $ 1 .50 Shirts Now 95c Each HopPickers' Gloves 9c the ; Pair i'l1' i-s 1 11 111 Hill , 1 V t5bj s" J Ifilll till I I "'" '' ill! ii H II 1,000 Man's 11.(0 Oolf Shtrta V to b sold at Oto each ahlrts f avary goo4.tyl. ptalir-r plaatad boaoms, coat or rfu lar. atyla, attached er-.d-tachad euffi; "Manhattans, -auatU." '-BUT" and othar colorlnra, all aisea, creat va rlety; - ' 11.10 traluka, ' your rh;;;..;..:...95c Our satire stock of -Star" Shirts , at - axeaptlonally low prlcea.1 Best ' atylaa nd pat terns: ... 4 . , 1 M val a, se..j..,...e6a S0 vrnhiaa, aooli.1 ;. -f 1.38 Sajo vala , oH......f 1.65 10.000 pairs Of Hopplckarr Olovas, made y of good heavy eanvaa, soft flnlah In- aide; aU slaea, for men, women, boys ' ' and lrls: 'cmnd special, value at thla apoclai low price, ..' pair ...-. i v. . . ..4 ..t - 9c 1 All our It and 11.10 Manhattan , Shlrta at low prtcea. Men's extra quality Chambray Oolf Bhlrta, In plain colore bine, tan and ....gray; 1 pal cuffs to matah; Just the ahlrt for avry-dy wear; all alaea; reat valuta at, . ', each 4 i ........ . ,OyC Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Third Fleer Artistic Picture Framing to Yout Order at the Lowest Prices HTtlV; st Suits $g:50 Vals:at$1.48 Portland's Leading Cloak and Salt Store fe : offers another grand bargsla In VVomsn's Shirtwaist Salts for Monday shoppers Im mense assortment of attractive styles la Indian head linens, mulls, lawns, Swiss and fancy checked ginghams Dress and shirt waist suit stylas Lace trimmed, waists em broidered, tncked and pleated long and short sleeves,-also Bolero jacket effects trimmed with deny lace and short Kimono sleeves Colors Include white, blue, green, pink, fancy. mixtures and checks, etc4 etcl Suits of the best fashion Well made and finished throughout and selling regularly .at -prices up to S7.50 each Your choice tomorrow at this cut price the suit...............; 1.48 Plan to I) here) aariylf yowwant the fccW galna Stew opana for thjs sale) at fla.m.ahari) Crystal Glassware at Low Prices U-Inch Glass Vases at, each....,..ll 16-inch Glass Vases at, each:......lS 21-inch Glass Vases at, each.......21 8-inch Glass Berry Bowls at.......lT 7-piece Berry.- Sets - at...... -..iBf 6, 7, 8, 9-inch glazed Jardinieres; great values at, each, 19c, 31c, 47c and,.. Louwelsa ' Weller Artware Jardinieres beautiful styles low prices: 7-inch, 77 ; 8-inch at f; 9-inch at; 10-inch at each 7-inch &ose Bowls for, each... U-gallon Glass" Pitchers for... Thin-blown Tumblers, each . . . . Plain Glass Water Sets pitch er, 6 glasses, and tray, for... ...4a .....44 87c ...ra ,fa.T9 600 Pair s of Women's Oxfords $2.45 Pair SX5Q and $4 Values 600 pairs of women's high grade Oxford!, J. Sk T. Couains and other standard makes to tfae sold at less than manufacturing cost Patent colt, vici kid patent tip, Rus sia calf and chocolate kid Welt arid hand turn soles All sixes and widthaFoot wear of the highest grade selling regular ly at $3.80 and $4 a pairYour choice at the low price, mm Men's g3.3o Shoes $2.10 300 pairs of men's welt-sewed Telour cajf and rid kid Lace Shoes-rail new, ap-to-. date styles; erery pair guaranteed satisfactory in eve(y particular; COalrt "all siies and widths; regular $150 values, at this low price, pair.. ayaVe V Sale Trunks and Traveling Dags - -ref ..515.?0 32-inch leather-bound Trunks, full linen lined, bolt lock, best iron corners, 2 trays and leather straps; regular $19 Trunks, on salt' this low price, each 36-inch Iron-bound" Trunks, malleable iron corners, full linen-lined, 2 traya, . etc; regular 117.00 513,50 Trunks, on sale at..., V 34-inch Steamer Trunks, bolt lock, heavy malleable iron trimmings, linen-lined; $10.75 value, on sale it CQ 1 C .'this low price, each...... 24-inch full stock leather Suitcase, with , shirt fold, brass .lock nd bolts, Knen lined; $10 value, at this f0 A( , special price, each ....... V UtTV 24-inch leather Suitcase, with shirt fold, , leather-lined, brass lock and trim mings; handsome case; . Cy r ; re- $8.50 value, at, ea.. 5S 14-Inch , Baby - Suitcase, ; bookbinders' cloth cover, at this spe- C 1 (( cial low price, at, each.. . p I aXlVI 14-inch Oxford Traveling Bags, choco late color, brass trimmings, cloth lined; $3.50 value; on M fFQ sale at the low price of.". VVaC O Men's Suits One - Half Price a:oik x Boys' Suits at One -Half Price Sale extraordinary of men's high grade 3-piece CS Suits in fancy tweeds, worsteds and cheviots strictly all wool mats rials in the best patterns" single or double breasted styles Suits made by - the Leading Wholesale Tailors Stein, Bloch, L'Adler Bros. & Co., Hart Schaffner & Marx, The Washington Co., and others, $18.0d to $25.00 values on sale at 1 this very low price,, ftcr suit.2 riCC All Men's Outing Suits at One Half Price. Special lot of 200 boys' 2-piece School Suits of strictly all wool materials Fancy mixed tweeds in double breasted styles Ages 7 to 16 years--Suits selling regularly at $5.00, $8.00. $7.00 and $8.00 Your choice y D?aW for . a few lays only at . fl ICC