The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 26, 1906, SECTION TWO, Image 27

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    tii:: Cr.ncou cu::dav tsu:::ial', rcrTLAiip, Sunday ..'nonihwo. august tz.
1 '
- ' w" K 2 V '.', .
Secret Selling It Rumored but
No beaier WilTAdmit VifPTT
, ting Go Stocke. ..V
Market is unchanged
Poultry .and Egg' Demand Very
' Heavy Good Demand Jn1 Both
Whsgt and Flour With China and
.apan Still Buying.
1 By Hytnan H. Cohan. -
Front Strwet, AO. 18. p. m.-iTh
principal feature of th wwk'l whole
sale . market: -i r- ', r
Mratarloua selling In hopa. , . ., "
' i- Whst tiad cm -nnt tmatib-
Moveaaent of flour Is air
Salmon Boston, shews smaller catch.
T- Potato aovtmeat' tvtba north. ... 7 . .
Increasa In locsl onion supply. " .
'- ; lower prices In train bags.
Poultry demand vary pronounced. .
. Egg higher, with small arrivals. "
V Trait Inspection to b furthered.
cyaterloos alllatT i KpaC
'-1-'Z tha PTomls of a H-cent markdt tor
, , sops by Joseph Harris and Julius Pln
. eus of Salem this weak did not mate
, nails. - Instead thera wss a Vary dull
? ton during; , the week. A few amall
; transactions were reported. . Harry I
Hart dlapoalng of a small lot of ISOSa
at a fair flgurs.- Thers la soma myats
: rlous selling going on ths market at this
hii wha la doina- the business ean
not ba located, for all affairs ara keptj
i a strict saeret. In fact all parties o n
: tumored deals deny from one and to the
; other all auch rumors, snd say that
not only aro the reports falsa, but that
the market la hither and better. Thus
far no sales hither than laat week's ftg
- are are reported. Twenty cents Is the
very top of ths market, and tha trade
" her does not seem at all anslous to do
business at that ftfurs. Several par
. ; ties hero report a number of oontraots
' written during the week at II and HH
cents a pound A featuro of the present
, market that' stands out very P"
nenUy at this time la tha fact that
only la a very few instances- have ,ths
buyers of vhilh-prled oontraots tlven
": any advance monsy to. ths growers.
. However. In all low-prload contracts the
regular advance Is given. This leads
tha trad to bellev that perhaps after
all thes buyers of Jtt-osnt hops may not
takei their contracts If the market
'should happen to go ths other way.
. The . cheaper gradea would bs adUy
) i.w.. thla time no dealer bellavas
that tha market win drop under tha
Buyers -seem' willing to d planty el
. buslnsss, from II to II oents. wun an
offer at 11 gents, tut the
general trade la not In tha markst above
those ngures. .
Hop crop conditions In California, ara
reported tha best 1 recant yrs. and
picking there la said to show soma of
tha best quality tfct stats has pro
duced for many seasons. The fact that
Durst, tha big operator there, has said
practically all his holdings to ths Klaber.
Wolf Nettar company shows that ths
- largest operators do not bolleve that the
' market will ba realty sensational. Ai
ether large operator and dealer, A. J.
u. r.t thla rltv. has unloaded most of
hi. hum to shorts, and seems content
to let the other fellows take tha chances
of a higher market. In the meantime
tha market ta a waiting ona. with no
great praa of business offered at any
V price and growers not disposed to sell
i. even arouna prejre..xiuxm
waaat Trad oa Oood Basis.
r Whils the loco! wheat market's prle
"" Jij
Jilt nf sny mnvrmsnt tn ths anatlMSUt ins. "' ,ukpia. 1J0I to;
at this tlms. ths reoent chsrterlng' of
, Ships by tha largo firms seems to show
that foreign trade will not be altogether
neglected the present sessorV The waek s
business was of a millers' character al
together, local Institutions being heavy
' buyers lo essiern Oregon snd Wsshlng
ton. ss well ss thos on th Sound.
Tha hew Joint rate on wheat named by
' ' tha Waahlngton commission hss not
. into affact. th Harrlman road
L mirlna- an Injunction, which will b
' tiill Hantember I. Thua far wheat
shipments to this city havs been quite
f.i- for the surt of the season, snd
" tha movement Is xpactd to , b oven
' better than a year ago.
. annwa amaU flour sales wers reported
to Japan and China during tha past
week, with tha former continuing to
- ba the principal buyer. A amall amount
of wheat is being ground for export
; business. Tujt ' regular grinding of eiaw
-wheat will, not begin before th latter
, part of the coming month.
- ataom aaaoa Shows Saall Oateh.
" ' i Whlls tha spring-summer catch of
1 salmon-In ths Columbia did not reach
th toUls of a year ago. th pack was
. considerably better than canners had
expected earlier In th season. There
Is also a shortage In tha pack of sal
mon in otner waiers. iu
....nn Art tha Fraser has corns to an
and and ths pack is glvsh at 1SM0T
eases, as against ISI.107' clues about
tour yeart ago when operations reached
a largo acala. Up ao August 7 th
pack on Puget sound wss 16M00 cases
'short of ths normsl run. Th-Alaska
Packers' sssoclatlon gives out the tn-
' nnatlnn.'thst th Paok thera Is 186,-
: 0 cases, as against l.0,3 cssea a
year ago. This estimate -
' elude th pack of tha Alaska-Portland
IJpaokaraaasoclatlon.. and- tha -Bristol
' bsr pack." which ars sxpected' to add
" It 006 cases to thjs year's production,
rnawrivn canners havs mads
, ths following 'prices for socksyaaijTflr
A Australia, per cass. for Traser rjvsr.
i II SI for half pounds and 11.14 for one
: pound flats, no pries for talU; for
: Suvlnl4t.7- for-haiveav-ll-for
- i-.- oriM for tails. For Canada,
; is tt.. for Frasor river Ulls, t for
i.i. 17 fnr. halves, f. o. b. British
n-l,.1.u Bhlnnln nolntS.
Tha salmon market Is In tha best
' shape In reefnt years on account of ths
very small supplies n an s"""';
4 tha amsller pack this season. Prices
- In the nyln sre sbout II cants a dosen
hither all th wsy through tha list.
. but u ia-axpacUd- tha t-brokara - will
liksly add Boms to ths prloa aakad, as
supplies are not heavy enough to go
ground.- Unlike former seasona. tha
. shortsgs- exists In i tha cheap fish as
wll as In ths higher grsda Colum-
1 fcla river variaty.
. Thera Is still a smsll movement ot
ni.iaai to the north, but ths main
government oraers are airraay qui oi
war and the ""l"t ' an
ctlV: Price the same. ' '
Somewhat larger arrivals ar thowa
In local onions with the prios easier. -.
Local cantaloupes are a .drug on tha
market on account of a very po6 stock
and maitrtrant quality: ,
According ,t Fruit Inspector vetch,
farmer who hereafter bring' in supplies
of diseased frulta will be prosecuted In
th courts. The Inspector says these
are tb main offenders at this time.
for If they cannot sell them-at- tn
etprsexgo-to th houses ' and
paddla. .' - :-'y
lwer prioeg ar named In grain
bats owing to tha larger supplies re
cently received from the orient and ths
fact . that .moator, .tneproo.ucerB re;
aalrementa have already been filled.
Voaltry Bemaad Taty Proaenaced
Demand for poyttry In tha Portland
wholesale market has nevr Been so
pronounced as during . ths psst week.
Receipts during tns six oays w-rw
fair and a few years ago ther would
havs been several large-Bleed euts In
ths prices. - Th larger population Is
causing a great increase In ths demand
and this year ths Portland market is
able to handle fully a third mora poul
try than it did" during th penoa oi am
Lewie and Clark fair. Prices ar now
so high trad will not buy If
they ar advanced. Beet demand con
tinues In largs springs ind good fat
hens, but not vn gees' or ducks ar
showing neglect. '- Prices about , un
changed for ths week. ; ' ; '
frf.-r awmewaawnisna lu
plies and an lmprovsmeat In th, de
mand. At this urns thsNtrads antici
pates higher prtcea This sho,uld not b
taken as a hint to hold, for all stock
should b moved quickly In ordr to
obUln th high valuea. . Boras of tns
poor quality cam la thla week and sold
rather low. , . . " , .
-an iraaed maata. lacludinr veal snd
hogs, wer very firm along th street
this week. rrlca weu up wwtra in-top.-
. . - ... ,
The trads pays tns loiiowing pn
to Front street - Prices paid snippers
ar less regular commissions: ,
ritit sad I. - :''
BAGS Calcatta, 99W beylsf
srlre; etllli
IbS, awe -s
-Hm clab, STe;
red Boaalas ne;
. ii d..
TOe: valley. gie.
brawtuc, 122.00.
kola. Wt OOi eraeked. mo per
Mil 1 BW IW . .
OATS New Prodecenj" erlve aa
1 wblts.
2a.0OM.0O: gray. 2I.O0M.0O. .
I JsT atralfbta. ftt.40OS.Ml V W-lSj
wlley, $.68; tnoaa. Ua. t.0: wbele wbaaa
U.Tj rr.. .. .0O; bikia, J.ta.
MlLrtTUrKS-BraB. 1 M ft Ut m-
jnnf fMWi miiwx-, wsaas --ww-t
wUir lt.06i rnry. VlO.BOaiasoj
I0.WI elT,- gtsla. TJoaj.Oj eheal. . - - ; ; . ' .
arter, sgge aaw amiry.
BTJTTkB fAI-i-T. e.. , fsrtUad Sweet
rwin, MVkSi eiwr, s.
II U rl E Of lli J oanvii fT.
S3ja: ordinary. xc, , itt.
KrtUS Ho. 1 freab Orefoa. caadle. 2JVk':
erAlaary,' Xtc aacandled. Ulect eaatera. 20c
fancy beaa, 14c par lb; rooatara. eld. 10H
broilan. 14 ar lb; oia snciu, laviai.w
lb; aprlng dacka, um)iH ni
' Bern, Weel sad Mitt. : --
HOPS CoBtraata, ltos. smb. lSttsSe per lb.
wnm laoe alio Valley, eonra. ta ndlaav,
Bet Sea. Me: eaetara Oreaoa, S04MM.
MOHAIR Naw. aaartaaL .
BHKKPBKINB flbearing. loejaua era awi
bmmI. tSO40c; madlaai wool, soajiae eacst
TALLOW PrtUa. per lb, tHa)ea Ve. 9 sad
UTrWTte-.lsOI stoek. IViO Per lb
$V!t. w'.aad.aajtHd
ITHe par lb i dry kip. Wo. t I ts W lbs. 14.:
Stt calf. Ma. 1. Baoar B IDS. isci aarraa
twre. avoad. BO lbs aad ever. Muet eawa,
uai: staaa aae vain. avo. -
eaeb. lOSJlaei Aasara.
Il.ww. .
rralta sas vaawaasias. -mimm
w m ner aaeht Bra
dneara, price for ear lot. TOfceOe par ewt;
swaeta 4 tt He par lb. "
ONWHa-JahblBg wire W.w Walls Wall.
1.6 per aack; new California, red. I1.T6,
llrer. 11.75; sartlc,'-tftsa. ser ir, .
oranfM. Valencia. S4.7to.uu; o.. ,
7 iTfci.,k n. r 1: California
Srapea. $1 0001.40; Orefoa. S0aj76e; blabj
rle. tl OOyi.M par crate; wateiwlone
1.10: eraUd, l.fcf eeacbee. T!1J"PJi
tl41.M: pruorm, mfk, Se per lb; packed. 0c
no; necBienerriaa, imt. k,
VlKTHl.lti Tarnlpa, sew, 11.00 per aartt
rarrota. IJI0 per eackl baata. 11.50 per ackl
naranlpa. tl per aack; Orefos "dbee.
toe per dos; caobafe. Oregon, be; bell
a.ppera, 40 50c par bo; tom1. Tjjc
EiriO par bos: pernios. -XeIOpi
atrlas beana. Oregon. J7e par lb; eaoH
flower, tl .00 par dost pea. 4B4I baeaa.
radial KJTe par lb
uoaeb, 1U: sraen ootona. Oresoa. HVi P
ZlX mamhai. Boa Der box: OtleTT.
75c per doa; green corn, 12HtlSo dot; -
Bier aqnaabi 7cl) per ooil astr-ax
tl 2J 1 75 per crate: pampklna, IHe.
DRIID FHinTS Applea. evaporatad. ItsJ
14 per lb: eprleota. liwwlsa par Ibi paachea.
aliu. u it,, -.-v. U-m m-r Ih Iraa: pranaa.
M te 40, tc: V.C drop oa
laat tn blacl
p H wmrm ' --
black. CHe par, .":
Cailforala white, etiU
it pa? lb; sate, goiaea,
T14 par Ibi fires. tl.40ai.BO
i li - Wnta. Stta. - - '
RtTOAIt All raflnorlae Cohe, tS tOl powdered,
H in- ml arannlatad. Sft OSl Sr (ranalatefl,
5,06; eoaf. A, ft.0: waatarn t. 0.. 4.B.:
HawalUa a C. Mo: eitr O. M-M; goMea
O. 14 M: D. eellow. bbl. 10c; H bbla.
nc; bosaa. toe adTance sack bail, leaa
tea Mf swt for cash,. M dayet awpU. M)Ib
"AboT prtcae apply to ealae of taee ttis
ear lets. Oar tots at Bpactal prices sunjeet t
Sectnatfons.l t
HONEY- eer erat. m
rofFSB parkaea brande. tlV 5S4J1H.T9.
tALT Toarae Half sroaad. 1,.J.00 pet
ten; BOa. M.50; table, "dairy. Me, I JOOa,
$11. 7b; laiaoeted Urerpool. Si. tlT.OOi looa,
tiaim: naa, SIS.OO: extra toe. hhte, a. ta, 10a,
ijuMtaiin. i:k. Mn l ha S4.nnciB.owt aacka.
toe, SKAMc: Urernool lump mcb, fll.SO par
ton: bo-lb rock, tB.oni looa. bb.oo. - . .
BICB Imparlal Japes. No. 1. ). "a
tH: Kew O'leana heed. Tt AJas. e white. t4 : tarte
S.toi pink. S2.TBI bayoa. 4.7: Usms. 3JS:
ellraa rede, 4HB. ' , , .
anTaaMta limia. Be aae Ibi Vlreinla.
THc per lbs roaated7aHe pet Ibi
rae, J7He
nuts. SftWto per dne: waloera, 154tlBVj pe
Hit plneaata. 1)ijv par lb; bt-kory ante,
in. m Ih. k-stnnta- aaaterr.. laAlac par lb
Piraall nate. 1B per lh: fllharta. J4IB per
Ibi feaay pecaaa. Iftrt alBtonoa. IStalTS. ,
Talats, Ooal 00. ' It.
ROra Psee Manila. 14e; atandard, UVil
COAL OtT rear! ar Astral Casae mm
rl; wttef white, tro barrela 14 pet gal,
woodas IT per fall headlight. lTO-det. eaaaa
,)AIIOLi5b sa-dag." eaaea 14 He per gsl. Ire
bJi1tIaV-Sl-de. eaeee IBs per gat tree
bbla 14e per gal ...
TUBrtNTlNB la eaees tea per gat. wooden
bbla s.v per gal -
WHIT f. If AO Ton lets. T par Jb; MO-lb
lata. c per lb: leaa lota. Ha pee lb.
WIRB NAItJ Preaent baela at W . "
LlNk'Kn OlU-Pare raw; Is B-Il Yam. BOcf
l-bhl lot. tSei eaaea. Me pa salt geaaHaa settle
boiled, reaee, o pat gall S-tibl let. Ma; l-bhl
lot Boa per gal: (raend cake, car lota. tJO.Og
ear tea leaa than eer ktn. ISD.0 pat tea.
Jtaati. riah Bad VtevlBleBS. . - -
ra"l-lAt front Streat Hoa-a, taacr,
tUci ardlnary, VJc: poor. T7Hc par lb;
bulla, tame per lb; veal, extra, SH per lb;
uruinarr. THe per lb: poor, fte per lb; nattoa,
fam-r. pet Ih; la in he. .
HAMS, AC0N, ITC PortUaa eack tleaal)
hanie, id ta It Ida. lit per Ik; 14 tn 14 Iba.
lVb pet Hi; breakfaat baooa, Utilt set
tram, eaealtee, la laaai ealla I ear lb lea;
noraehlde.. Hlted. .. 1.'T: . o.rt.
ll.00cll.S0: eolt bISea. , SftSlSoat goat aktae.
While the production of applet hat increased all over the world, pricet
for the Hood River fruit ara highest in their history. Hood River ap
pieriiveTthadow alt othert. 11
(Bpactal DUpatch by Uaaed Wire
t. - Tns Journal.)
New Tork. Aut- II. Thsra
wss little feature from abroad
with Parts snd Berlin dull. Al
though Russians wera weak in
" ths former cntr London was
firm, with Americans ths strong
snd ! activa features. Dsplt
; ths lats Irregularity tn this
markst following ths bank state
ment th close was active and
fairly firm In .tone, with quit a
number f good net advances. .
- 4 . ... 1 , . . . :
i Wall Street, Raw Tort. Aug: 28. Wera sot
the swtiTCB back of It aU so slnleter.tlM pb
lle silfbt TlV with lanueaMBt tbe sieveaieat
bow BBder fall ewlnc ta Incrcaae dividend of
earporatloa. . Tb awvenMnt ta la affect a plea
of guilty entered by tbe boards of directors to
the rears of graf tint. ' la tbe past when tlnne
of pmeptrtty eatM, the great ea rains ware
eeteied ap and ear was takes to atmke tbe
shewing is set very amall. Thla year there Is
the aurvalooa feature ef ratting expenses to ta
ereae tbe dlrtdeada. Thla aieaaa that tbe cor
pora tioai are bains hooaatry manatd.- '
f Praflts ta ttookboldara, i
It neans that the profits are going to tbe
etoekaoldara. Iobm food sonbj are exprenlng
alarm at what they term the nnrpneieratlve
sctioa ef dbrecbne la laeraaalns dlTtdenaa. ' All
tbe.lnersiasi ihne fa.aisa
conaarretlTe and proper. The stock of eorpar
atlaas bare all the time Beaa worta store- than
they wag Bailing for. This has been eepecUUy
true the laat three yaenk. Tbe pabll has beta
kept oat ef tbe good thins betneaa It rafnaad
te be circulars of valoe. Bankers, arbo ere the
aonl ef honor, have plodded with their clients te
bay stacks at low price, bat tb great advance
now finds theee Cllenta with tbelr hands empty
and with nothing te aell oa the boom. Tbey are
baying bow. Tbe only eanae for alarm In
gard te tbe big dlrldeada la that tbe boarde ef
dlreetora, attar baring posed aa honorable troa-
for a few - years aaay take late tbev
beads te reasme their old lyatem of working tor
tbelr own poeketa Instead of for the etnee.
holder. Is that event wholesale red act looa la
dtvMeads most be expected, bat so long a pab-
lle aenttmaat retarding atMr-masasament of cor
porations remains as It ta there la little -langer
that any director will dare conceal any earn-
In as. ,
- Aaeuar uatoa raeue atececs.
Tba-'total n amber of shares sold today wss
l.tOl.OK, stalnst tOS.SOO th same day last
Tne total per vara ar noaas aoia xoaay was
l.es4.000, against tl.m.000 tbe name day
laat year. : . .
Harrliaas stock were centers ef more ees
satlene la Wall etreet today when t'nloa Pa-
cine reached a new bleb record at 10 H and
'fro-'tne top.
movad to tb front with" an advance el
ahii ks sole
than points to IBS. This Is within TB el tb
highest price at which at. Pasl haa ever sold.
. laserd far Atshlsaa.
Atchlsos became a star prrrnrmer with aa
advance af a bant B points, at KIT, which estab
lished It a saw high record price. Ileal common
sold n to 47, which Is tbe blgbeat pnr
I oca tbe great boom af tee years age. Tbe
genoral market was strong and Mlaaenrl Pacta
wss one af tbe stork heretofore dormant which
raised. Thera Is talk ef a atovemeat ea tbe
part of th Gealde te maks tbelr stacks pop-
n: picnics. 13Vi per B1 cottars. Ifife pet Tb;
regular short clears, ansasoked. Ite per lb;
einoked. IHe per lb) clear barks, ensmoked,
ISe per lb a looked It par lb; Unloe butts
ll to IS lbs; cnasaohed. So per lb! seashsd. te
par lb; clear bellies, namoked. 14 par lb
smoked. 10 par lb; ebouldere. 12 W Per lb;
pickled teasues. St.O Quarter bbl.
LOCAL LABD Kettle loaf, 10s, 11H est
tbi bs. Itae per lb; 60-lb. tins. Ite par lb;
atesm rendered. 10a. 11 He per lb; Ss. 11
per lb: compound. 10. SH
II. so; t-lb talla. fancy, l ib I
W-lb fancy gsta. I.I6: fancy 1-lb a
Alaska ulla. pink. StOSOci tad. $1.1
IZ.TB; raney, i i nara. bi.sui
l.ti Bosilaal
ta tall, MOO. "
FISH Bokk end. Te per Tb; Saunders, Se pat
Ibi ballbot. Sc per lb; crabs. ll.sO par doe;
trtped bass. ISVk-? petlb; cstftsb. Be per lb;
salmon, Colombia Hear Chinook, ac per lb; steel
beads. be per Ibt bloebatka. tc par lb; herring,
aa par lb; sole. Br per Hi; shrlmpe, loe ser
lb; perch, Ac par lb; black cod, Te per lbs
tnmcod. Te per lb; silver amaht, Se per lb;
lobsters per BV, freeb mackersL se pec lh;
trswSsh, SO per doa: sbsd. te per lb I aturgse.
10c per lb; blses baas, ic. , M
-' OYSTERS Sboslwatae bay, pa gal gASS;
par 110-lb sack, t4.00. , M
cTLAMB Bardshcll, ser hex, Horn rssst
aUaw. 12.00 gar bos. . .. , , ,
4 t .
.1 .71
.71 H
.74 Vi
.7IH '
Mllwauke ....
St. tioul
KanBSS City...
JUverpool .....
..... .17
li4fl 1 44-
' .- 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
(Specisl DUpatcb ts The Jnwrnal.)
Walla WslU. Wssh.. Aas. St. Tbe cool,
rlnndy weather that haa 'prevailed fnr several
days Is elding farmers materially In harvsstlnf
their crop It la estimated that about M
per cant of WaUa Walls Bounty's wheat crap
Is in ths sack snd murk of It la the -ware,
tenses along the 0. B. A N. and W. A C. R.
tins. Outeld of a boot 100.000 aack eoM
by Knrek Flat farmer to tb Kerr-Olfford
enmpsny there have sea a sale of ear con
sequence, garners la general predtrt that the
market will bake aa upward tuts- within tbe
next nvmth, and will hold onto tbelr wheat.
1 . "Lirpl Csttsa ttsrko.
' IJnenonl Ana. 1S rtent SsOtS Steadr.
t no'"'") 'alura jtrong I ttd 4 IS t
BofstS SB. . . v -f'
ktr and brokers sr belag sseearegsd te get
aaatamera Sa trad In them.
The record prlca, I8B.O00, Is Iseolrad In en
of tre njemharshlpa posted tor transfer ea
tbe New Tork stoek exchange. The flfnre la
the other four aalas ranaa a beat tsB.000
Official qaotatloas by Orsrbsck. Starr A Cook
company: .
Amal. Copper Co
Am, Car A Found., coov.
do preferred
Am. Cotton Oil, Cooi. .. .
Am. Locomotive, com...
Am. Surer, com........
Am. Smelt, com
da preferred..
Anaconda Mining Co....
Am. Wools, com
Atcblnsn, com...........
do preferred . .........
Baltimore A ObkH Sam. .
do preferred
Brooklya Rapid Tranalt.
Canadian Pacific, com,.
Central Leather, com. . .
da preferred. .........
Chi. A N. W.. com.....
Chi, Mil. A St. Paul...
Chi. A N. W.. cam.....
71 H
Chase peak AV Ohio. . ....
Colo, rual A Iron. com..
teu. bnw 6i
16 JTVa
Colo.. Soother, corn . .
da ss preferred.
' do 1st preferred. ....
Delaware A Hodaon. .. ,
Denver A B. Om com.,
do preferred v-'iu. . ... im.1
nn 71 r i i
da tat Drefarrad.
If H
Federal Bmehera,
Illinois vcnirai ........ .
Lonlsellla A Naabrllle.'.
1B1 I181M 150M
Msnkattaa Hallway.....
Mexteaa Central Ry
U.4 K. T., eom....
do preferred
Mlaaonrl Pacific........
National Lead
New Tork Central......
N. Y Ont. A West.';..
Narfols A W eaters, eom.
do preferred
North American
Northers Pacific, eom...
Pacific Mall Sleanv Co.
Pennsylvania' By......'.
P. Q., U A C. Co
Presaed Steel Car, com.
Beadlnr, conf. . ........
- do td .preferred,
do 1st preferred
BaV. Iron A SteeL com.
- do preferred. . .
Bock liland. com......
do preferred -.
St. I. tl. r.. Id pfd.
do 1st preferred
Sk L. W., eon...
oo prefei i ed . ..
Soa thera Paclflc com...
do preferred,.,,
lowtbern By., ears.....
do preferred...;..,...
Tennasisa Heal A Irs, .
40 .
JO 14
80 U.
Texas A Pacific.
T..I St. L. A W ebm.,
do preferred
Union Paelfle. com....
do preferred
V. A Robber, eom..;,
' do preferred
V. I. tteel Co., eom...
do preferred.........
Wabash, com. ........
do preferred .........
Western Union Tale...
Wlecenela Central, coal
do n referred
47 U
yirgluls. Chemical.
Total sales for day, 1,021,800 shares.
' ' .' -
Receipts Very Small in San
Francisco Easier Tone in .
j Cash Barley Oats Firm. .'
(Special Dispatch by Leased Wire ts The Journal)
Baa Francisco, Aug. SS. Tbe local cash
markst for wheat closed today dull and
nominally tinefca need sad the wees was aa an
eventful tbe, eelda from a little lower range
ef euotable prices. Tbe receipts throughout
ware rare small end only 123 centals today.
For carrots ea pases buyer wer Indif
ferent opera tors. Tb French country markets
were slow. Antwerp was quiet. In Liver
pool . the spot market was quiet. Septsmber
was nncbansed and December was weaker.
Monthly options adraaced In, Paris. , ,
' ' Osah -Barley Sasier. '
While la torn . quarter cash barley was
quoted easier toward the cmae ef tbe week,
sale her r la th country were stated today
to hats basn made rUa-alig-Tr-wr-ra1aflviy.
a bl(h price aa prerlously quoted. De
cember barley was sacbanged. t'bolc eats
con tinned arm, each not being plentiful. Only
tb red variety has so rsr appeared la tb
market this season, but white will ariir from
tbe .north la a short time. Tbe receipt today
wer X. MX) centals.. 'I tiers appeared to
shipping deal and for rye, prebably for ene of
for mill products was without sny reported
rhange. lbs -receipt ot Sour wers ttl bar
Thsra was quit 'a reaction Is butter, Call
fornlt fresh extras falling back 1 per pound
and Urate He. All other grade of butter, as
trail ea cheese aad eggs, ar msd aa prsvieosl
A a ml seasonable fruits war very weak,
hot without any particularly; marked change.
Fancy peaches and Bsrllett pear War th
stesdlest en the Ut. Urines ware (till drag-glt-oe
taM varieties.- - -
Th recolpts of potatoes and onions ware
small bat while th markst wss firmer fnr
ths former se change In prices was reported.
Other articles generally remained aa en Friday.
Oreea cars Was hither. This week closed
without sny further chsnges eed oa s quiet
market for poultry; ,
' Meastary Bates. , ,
Pew Tork. Aos. i Sterling ejcbanfe.' fj.
mand. 4t4J8s 40 days, 1U2,
, ... -
Wheat Market-an-Eighth-to
Quarter Cent v Higher Than,;
- Friday'a Closing. '
September. Unchanged While De-
cernber Loses -- Trade Believes
When September Liquidation Is
Out of Way Market Will Improve.
Asg. SB. Aug. St. Gain.
September.... .71 S 1U .00 .
Decambsr .T4BT.74A .00 MUSi
May ' .78B .7t -4 :
IHa-lhl WHSIt Bltrlat flfledTaaif rlnea, tosetEer with the vsrlefated Shrub
to- st ont f its nrtc- As soon aa tb September
llqaldatto la eut of the war. we aball sa
boarder and stronger market. TB trso re
gards tha llfht nioremsnt of both winter and
spring wheat at thla writing as th Important
feature of tb situation. Indicating aa It does
that rhaatralaera ara' sot eolna to sell freelr
at tbe p resect lersl ef prlaaa. Tbe weather
la a Utile Improved ever the spring wheat
coaatrv. but more rain la- preillcted over Sun
day. Very good sutborttiee.eay that the crop
n sure sa oa ouv an inrii. vww
world's shlpmsnts snd a alow export demand
may hold the market from any sliarp adraar
at preaent. bat this la offset la aa - Important
way oy tns essence aa eary rcaia
hedging sale. , . .
- Is eorw tb Bear leaders were sgtresslve ant
the trad wss Inclined to follow, but late In
the sasaloa ther was soma covering oa the part
at early sellers sad soma fresh burins. Thai
mm ti.M upbal MHMaiit firmer tons.
Official a notations by OTerbec. Btsrr A
Cooke oaipsayi
Open. High, tew Close.
Msy ...
fH4 71 Vi Tl , Tl
-. 4 tttf T4U . uin
TtS 1, ,. TtvJ ttliB
mber ...... 4T v
ibei ...... 48S
ttMBtMff m
sUJ r
September ...... 1T13 1T1S
January 1UT UbT
September f STT
October ........ tat . S90
January ......... THS
Septambar er !
October WT
January T2T ' T2T
S8S .
' T8T
' SM"'
trrsByoox. baxv iuixn.
Ltrsrpool. Aug. W-OffleUl grieesi -
WB1AT. ; : "
'' Aug. SB. ' Aug. St.
Sepremher . 6s 2i. ti
December As 4d ' , 4a 4V.4
......... 4el.d
as Td
December. .
4a 144 Xii
,4s. 74 d
Portland Stack Rxchsnn. Aug. St. Today
eels Were tbe la revet since tb establishment
bf tb local xchans. Klerea thousand aharee
traced in, inciuflmc m,wu snares or
L Boy mining at la sad 1.000 shares ef Heels
at t3 23 a share.
Official quotations:
'I'-.- . - , Bid. ' 'Ask.
Bank ef California. tat . . .
klerrbaata' National Bank ... ' J TO ,
Oresoa Trwat A Rsvlnss Bank.... , 180
I!nlted Ststes National ... SOS ...
Portland Trust Co. or oregoa jot
Bankers' A Lumbermen's . .. .104
lesser Msnnfaetnrtng C 1M " ...
Campbell's Oa Burner.. ......... '
Union Ull a"o ;
Aasoclated Oil .......v.- SS 40 Vk
Alaak Packer' Aasoclatlea... .. BT ...
Psetfle Stste Telephon.........--ST ..."
Horn Telephone ... bs
Puaat Sound Telenbo 80
OrrsoB Life iBsurent Oo. '. Inno
J C. Lee do 130
Cement Products Oa.. ........... ... 40
Rmnlre Contracting t.. ......... l ...
O. B. A N. By. 4 100 .104
Merlin Townslte. SO 38
NIcoU Coal 01 03
International Coal S3 '
Alaak Petroleum t IT
Alaska Pioneer 47 AS
Standard Consolidated.... lltt ItH
Oregoa Securltlsa -H JTlt
Snowstorm SuO 10
Lass Creek Gold 01 01H
Tscoma Steal I "14 1
Osllce Ceneolldated OS OS
Oallaber 06U
OoMen Bnle Consolidated.. 01 Vb
Bullfro Terrible 1...
IJolcooda ... 04 ft
North Fslrvbrw. 04 OS
I Boy 1J
Hlswstba. 04
Cssesdls IS to
Lucky Boy - w
llecla eiw
Bambler-Csrlbo 0
Dixie Meadow...... OStf . ...
Greet Northern .OT IS ,
flawallsa Commercial. ST t ... .;
Honokea 'II
Hntchlneoa ........I 14
MakswaU H
Ooomea , JJ
Paanhas . 1;4 "
L ii Ion as . ...
Total aals today, II .000 shares.
bait rKAJreuoo jmrnie kkokajtok.
Saa Francisco, in. 25. Official closing!
Belmont ......f5.12H
(sab Bor ...... .21
Uoldes Anchor . .2s
Home ' ?! .
Jim Butler ... l.M
M.cNaiasrs .... -TT
Mldwsy -SO
Montana ....... M
North Btr.... .4
Oold Bay Sl.M
0. Bull grog... .It-
fltslnwsy 4t
Con. Csl.-Vs... 1 10-
Opblr- S TO .
Mexican ....... !."
Caledonia ...... M
Bxebequer ...... .Ml
Norcroa 1.10
Oohlen Belmont. '.bO
Ton. Ex tea....
Mont comer Mt. M
.ja fto
Sceptrs ....1f..
.18 "
.. .04
Weat End
Atlauta .....
Bluebell .....
Columbia Mt.
Cre. tjtiarry .
DlamoadiVld .
" .T4
Dexter .........
Oold Wedge....
Los Star .....
Ot. Bend Extsn.
Ot, Bend Annex.
Crescent .......
Cowboy . . . . i .
Sulla A Bear...
Black Bock.....
X. Y. Coosol...
Msn to..;.....
Little Jos
Mayflower ......
Jumping Jsck...
Reg Top EX...C
Mustang .......
Bull Frog Mia..
Jomho-Bxtesjir -.4t
Kendall T4
Lasana ......... .JJ
May Quaes -.J
Mohswk JO
Red Top l-fS
Ssndstnrm ..... .JO
Sllrsr Pick 5?
St. Ive ....... .Jl
National Bank.. .IT
- Bear Torkr Aug,
U. Cot to fstare cleaed
to IS points up.
Officlsl quotation
by Orerbeck, Sun ' A
Cook umpsny. .
irren. ciis. - eH '.. aH...
January .
March ...
April ....
May .....
October .
... Via
.". aid
, 40 ' tSt
... too
sis sos
J.- Ea Higgina of Department of
Agriculture at Honolulu ,
: , v j Gives History.'.;' ':.' ,
Many Kinds of Bananas Grow on Is-
' lands. Most of Which , Are Un
known to Those Living Outside of
the Tropics. - .' ;-.-.'t :".
Br J, S. Blfflas, oi United States Departmeht
- of Asrtealtare, BoaohUa.
Hawaii might wall bs called nature's eoav
aarratorr of rare plants.. Our loos and mterest
bis SDecles have -een carried to this IsUnd
arnan. and most of them bare fonnd s m
eonaental noma. Tha aoraeooa flowsrias trees
bery, would Is tbemselTea jnatir uie nam
"Tbe Psradlse of ith Pacific" which has bee
applied to Hawaii. But when to these ar
added the great variety of rare and delicto
frnlta the term I etlU mere foil ef meaning. .
Te describe tbe traits of Hawaii -ens then-iee-
would require a amall volume Is Itself.
J. E. Higgins.
Th banana, th pineapple, . th vocado. th
msngo, th papala, th bread fruit, and many
than aU flourish la great variety. Only less
aomm a re tb starappl. tb aweet sop, th
or' op, th cbertmelya, th mounts la sppl
ad tha cayenne cherrle.
Many ef ths grew wild la th forests and
o thera, Burn a tne anew, use eaaia. in wuu
raspberry and the poba.
Tbe banana grows wild and cultivated ta
maay varieties, there eeing ever su rorms as
th Islands. Some ef the cooking banana are
a lnxarv which ha a far sees denied te the
peoples ef tbe tempers te sons, but which aa, J
tor affords la rich profualoa to th aatlr
Haaraiiana Urine- near the troslcal forest. A
thnmaurhlv rlnansd native banana, wall roasted:
and aarved wlth sugar ssd ereesx,, afford Si,
rare delicacy. -
Tb msnse- H sometimes sawws aa xn aio
of tropical fruits. No fruit has bee-n leaa IBder
stood ar saor- sbased. but to thos wh know
th maago In Its beat varieties, this nam seems
well deserved. HawaU Is fortunate la sating
received many of these fin varieties, snd I
tb past tew years, tnroaga tae iniiea aiaiee
department of sericulture, some af tb most
Botes aas - atost Blgniy priseo. vsrisusa vi un
tropical world hsrs been tntrodnced.
The pineapple le familiar to every. va
In northern latitudes, and th fam of th
Hswsllan pin aa the beat that tb ma'ket
affords baa spread througbout the Cnlted States,
tbe fruit having bee shipped to th Atlaatle
east. --
Tb s roes to. erroneously known a th alli
gator pear, la ona ef tb most hlchly prised ef
tropical frulta. It frequeatly Is sot appreciated
wee first tried, but no fruit grew mar rap
Idly Is aae'e estlmatMi. Tb first attempt
may be mad with dlallks, th second with fc
dlfferane, but th third experience will prove
delight. It may b seed a as lad dressing
sr simply with salt and pepper, or amall
portion may be placed la soup after It has bee
served. With sugar It maks a dessert wry
pieaslag to soma.
Fsw visitor to Hawaii go away without s
strong llkrog for th papala. - To moat It
s delight wbsa estea for the trst tlae. It
I aa Ideal breakfast fruit and when wall
grows, chilled over Bight la tb refrigerator
and ervd either without seasoning or with
Urn jnlc. ar Belt, few slabs could be mora
Tb breadfruit I highly pHed by native
and by thos who have long It red In tbe tamade.
Growing una a tree ef the aost tropical ap
pearance with large, dark-green, deeply lobed
lesree. It bang Ilk t large greea ball against
ths foliage. When thoroughly roasted the
breadfruit Is delicious.
Tbe stsrapble Is a fruit little knows but
destined to became vary popular when store
generally grown. The sweet sop, soar sop snd
ehertmoly srs sll of th asms family and
furalsh soma of ths best fruits for sherbets or
for eating from tbe head.
It hi hoped thst tbsse frulta a) I It sot torn
tlnne to be tbe exclnslre plessure of those wbe
He In Hawsll. Th sipertments which are
sow being undertakes by tbe Hawaiian ex
periment static bare gone tar enough to show
that the papsia, and avocado may ba added te
tbe list of thos' which could be safely marketed
th sulalssd.
VBcetoB. Aug. to. O facial erajper clcae:
mi I Bid.
S a 28 North Bntt. . .S 2..iT
asm Old Dominica.. 41. MH
IS JO Osceola ...... Ill 60
2H.nO Parrot - 26JM
T26.nn. Qnlncy SA M
Arcadlaa . ....
Atlantic .....
Btnghara ....
CalBmet .....
Oentennlsl ...
Copper Bang
Da IT Weat...
franklin ....
Jreene Con...
renby Shannon .....
T.0O Tamarack .... . St.00 ..
10.06 Trinity t.00 .
10.00 I'nlted Copper. M M
2fi.l2Vs 1'tah 00.28
12 m Victoria , t.TB
la.TR Winona ....i. 8 Oil
Kersd Cos..
18.79 ICal. A Arts... 11T.O0
sa Francisco, Aug. St. OfttcUl clo:
57 Jt
Contra Coat Water...
8prlng Valley Water..
Olsat Powder...
........ M'4
a '
Honokea Sugar
Hutchineos Sugar. isr. lH
Makswell Sogar....U..... J6 ; Sa
Ooomea Sugar. t4 ,
Hasans Bngar.
.... t1i
aiaasa rKrri ,,,,
Associated Oil. ........ .
Pacific Stata Tslephon
- Mw Yrk, Aug. woTerameag nnnas:
Twos, reglstetsd
' rln coupon
Three, registered....
do coupon
Small bono..-
rears, regletrd
d.l COUP". .
Fours, regletered. ....
a eonpo..........
Pl.trlct of Columbis.
Pblllppin 4s r.
If yos. hsv sot sarvrwrsd Ths goi
sal Wsat Ada lately ya kav faaysaaj
sat ad Uraok with tJaxarw.
Dais. Pl.L Ask.
.. Opt. 104 llf.Vi
- Opt. IIH l'k
,. Opt. I0.1l 1H
.. Opt. imiZ lot .
im iZ
,. lBoT, l:ii lot
1P0T ln.114 104
,. i2x im ' niv.
iu-i.1 mo . l.i n
. 1UZ4 US V '
lu .
Sheared r Decline TTwenty-Fivi
Cental From High Points
' During Past Week.' , ;
Receipts Smaller In Local Yards
Wliil Consumption and Demand Is
Incraasinj; Hogs Are" Firm With
" Small Arrivals. .."" v;-;
By Hymaa H. Oobea. '
PortJaad, Unto Btoehysrds, Aug. 26. t p. as.
Urestock raeslptsi
Hog. Cartas. Sheep.
This week ................ 411' 41 2.&.I0
Laat week... 415 600 - g.S7t
Month ago ............ ...i 27S " ttt 1.124
Yes ago............ .STB - Tlx .,!
Ae s general rule receipt war smaller tbl
week in the local stockyards. Sheep were th
only exception to this rule and ths total ar
rivals there wers BUI s.oau neaa as agamaa
2,878 bead hat week. Judging Ust jeax'e ar
rlvala with those of th past week, however.
the- were smaller. A year ag a. 33a beaa oc
beep cam lata th local yard during th
weak. Th popalatio ef Portland and tb ter
ritory dependent upon th local yard for sup
plies haa lucres sed fully fourth. This would
mak larger rsosipts accessary in eraer to sop
ply the . current demand. Generally speaking
the sheen market stood ht very good paaltloa
during th week. . Demand was eg goad quality
with the exceptloa of at sheared, aad area far
these tb market held nrm arter a aiignx
vane of SSo frea tha high points early ta tha
wash. -
Keg star bat Tsry Tina.
A very firm ton we displays all thronrh
the wrek by the hog market. Beoslpts for the
six days had a total of 411 heed as against ar
rival of 418 head but ereek, art head tAonth
ago snd ST head for tbe saws pertoS Curing
tha nrevlou rear. Of course ths hot weetfcer la
ot casamg much demand for block bogs tbsag
dsys, but tb amaU rrtval hare not near beaa
sufficient to meet th require meats oc to
A good, steady toe wss tb rare ta tb .
tl market daring tb ls day. Demand and
supply wae about equal and prices held ear
changed from the prarloa week. - ;
Official livestock quotation: f - .
Boss Beat eaatera . Oregwav 27 SotsT.50!
Mockers snd Chin fat. Sd-oO; tocht - and
feeders. 3.00; bulla, tX-CO. '
Cattle Best eastern tree go steer, ss.oot
best cow snd be I fere, fS.bO; stock srs sad fd
r. W 60: bulM, tl.W. r '
Sbaep Bbasrllass, 404Hi lambs, gv'.
Arrivals f ths Wtok. .
Th forjowing arrivals war a bow ts tad
yards tbe past week: , --...'.
Saturday, August It Adams Bras, had Is tw
cars ct sheep from MeMlnoTllI; A. B. Ford f
McMlnnvlll brought la tw cars at aheap for
th markst. ' . - .
Sunday Vaa Bllay of Albany shtppsd ta eom
bans for Frssicr A McLssa; g. W. Johnson bad
la some horse which Jb waa shipping to Aber
deen, Washington; J. C Sabln of Barrtsburg
had ta one car of cattle, also two ears ef sheep.
- Monday Frank Dingse ef Jnuctios same k
with three Souh la-decks ef ehaapt B. B Morrla
ef Rarrlaburg sent Is tw ca.-a ot cattle; D.
Taylor of Balesy- had ia aa ear of eettle; J.
W. Badd ef Carlton bad so ear f ttl sa
th msrket.
Tuesday J. W. Bedd ef CarHoa had ts ews
carload ef goats: It. B. Botcbkis af : Klrto
shipped ta four ear of stsers sod cowa; A. B.
Brow of McCoy - cam tn with on aowblsdeck
ef sheep d hog mixed Jobs Blnlkar of Cree
wll brought la on carload ef csttis.
wedaaaday Kiddle Brae. f Island city seat
in aa ear ef hog; O. ; A. Bosch mt Junction
cam ta with one carload of cattle; Mr. Routt
shipped la tw double-decks sf sheep front Boss
burg, going to Cantons Packing ODeopaay, st
Tscom. ,
Thursday Mr. McLssa ef Shan Iks shinned In
tw cars of cattle: three care ef cattl trrrred
from LaOraad. soma to Frra-Bruha 1 eomnanv
f Seattle: S. U Overt oa ef Bow last bad on
car af cattl ea the but rat; Mr. Orator had aa
the market three ears ef cattl from Con doa;
D. K. Oilman m hi with one carload ot
bniasa aad mute from Brownsville eamatt ta
Heppaac; Falreblld A Marlatt ef Heppner had
tar ear f cattle ea the market: w. B. Win
ef Bags bad la tw ears af aheap; A- B. Mac -
gsa or BuaTies jaiaaa seat Bp bogs ea stsemes
Maacot. -
Frldar W. ' J. wnaoa easM hi with. ear
of hags; B. F. MoOe had la soma aoreas whva
a was shipping to Seattle; A. J. Plckard af
Bugene had tw ears of caul a th market i
Mr. Fletcher had ba tw car of sheep frora
McCoy; J. P. Hoffman had m see eer t cattle.
Saturday p. A. Phillip bad ra ona car sf
cattl from Durkee eonalgaed to Carat Pack
ing compaajvTeciwa, W asking tas. , t
(Special Dispatch to Th Joaraal. ) .
Baa Francisco, Aug. S5-A gula Wtl
market la Nevada mining stock at, ta full
swing. Higher levels ar belag rseordad daily.
Tb forced Uquldathm at ever aad a a seed
be afraid to tax bold af theee atoeka at thla
time, ssy operators. Ther has been mora buy
ing seder la evidence the psst waek thsa any
time since the exchange issumsd bnslsiea sfter
ths recent cauatropb. The hull - bar tb
sltsstloa wall In head aad while ther may b
eom react! oa It Is th eonceoau of eutnlo
that stock wilt eoatiau to idvaac. Th da.
clln ia th Nevsdaa from the day ef tb Ban
Francises calamity arar.gsd about IS points,
wbU tb mines bar Improved st least ii
psr cent on sa s rents. It will be asa
from thla that tb Nerada stocks should b good
for a geaeral advaac svaraglag troaa SO la
TS per esat, . .'. ''
Raw Terk. Asg. 28. Baak sUtaaaeat:
I llVlqWlrs)
e2.8U,4 1
eg. Tot. b
Beaerve, Ises V. S..
IMin .
Specie . ..
t.t).4- I
Legal ...........
Oepoelt .....'....
eDecr. f .
........... . s",-
..... 08, 7 t
(Special DMpatrh by Leased Wire to Tbe Jmsl
Seattle. Aug. Jb. Track lt, tic
suits: ' ' ' I.
Beven furlongs, selling Legal Form
(Earnnhaw), S to 1, won: Tryoonnel.
second; Bant Bay, third. Tim. l:ttt..
One and on eighth mil. seUlng .
Jerunhs T. ' Sullivan), T to 0. axon:
Dlxell. ssoond; Blrdls P., third, . Time.
l:H. "..,-.:.'.
Five furlongs, purs ITtloa fKeor'
It to I, won) Mllsora, soond; Orc
CTalr. third. Tim. 1:01H.
Ftv snd a half furlong. V
handicap Grass Cuttr (R. f",
I. won; Ruby," saoond; Uj r a i.
third. Tim. J:0k. m
Mil and a aisteanth. Alasks hn-1'-esp
OorgsUt T. Sulllvi). t to i
won: F& Bhcrldan. scond; blu I.
third. Tim. . ,
BIX furlong, selling Llttls T
cup (T. BullivsBl. 4 to 1, won;
Su. soond; Hrln, third. T
Mil rai yrAm, sailing--
A. (F. Wlrkon). 4 td t, jmno; ,
ssmnd; ' riorno rono, tr... ;.
i " " 111
Wallowa has a, mas tl
whoas mind Is st sour 1 r