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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
cr.zcc:r-cu:n.v jcur.::Au rcr.Ti.A::D. Sunday ::c::i::o. august u CI ECt Epy Ail " An advertisement under "House For Rent" costs 18 cents.' This ad one week of seven KEP1T YdDdJR days costs 0 cents. If that house of yours is one day untenanted the loss is greater than one week's advertising 18 cents spent in time may save many times this amount FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE FARMS. for Sale farms. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. PERSONAL. CLAIRVOYANTS AND Fell. mi MOBTOAGB GUARANTEE TRUST 00, .OA mtu mmt 81. OOO Firs-room MtUn kH ta.Setith Pertlsnd: kat 100x100; kosutlral laws, WW 13.200 B.vssesom oitri kowt, tarnse best; full bmt: lot lOOxlOO; lota ot fruit Bad flnmi beeatiful . H.kuO tlx-room m story bow ties to; psosra, aa-lo-data; Jt kuUt; tot MHul P . i'iiii .ii r - fsrnlshsd In Mull town; tplsndid trsds; sick tl.luK-Eseaa-room km IB S thaBOl 10100; tsrmsi a Bsrgaa. , . . 11.180 su-rooa kouss ta Wert Irvlngtea ' a food Mum; tsrma. . . 130.000 (W flat, annate eat storeroom; $460 itlrs stock f millinery In .man eoaij. . try xowa mm xo rwum own, .w " MM) a avxaey eotUfa.'hetMd -aald water,- btk, etc., Muim. - : tLtoO-NUa aew B-reea eettags, Balaaa. ' Fins ht l-rooai Bodsra heass, let B0S1U0 IHI, saw jaornaaa w, .,, ' ttaoo plradld atw tettaf,, to (OkIOO, a East xaauiu at.,- . f . : $J.00 t "BMt alegsatly Built bow aodsra T-reooi nousss at ga.ouo eeca; eweu apcanoaa, $6.000 Bssattful osodera t-roaa raaldaaaa. largs grsaat, eoraat, asst aiaa. -. . $8.100 Very Blc well-built T a teveetk at., waat tlds. rloaa la. ., H. H. tTAUB, ' ' Stftt Waahlaftoa at., Rooa IT. - Phone Pselfl 862. " rOB SAXBt ' uvn Salomon, . - ' - 2S1 STARK T. fT.BOO 80x100, Broom hooss. N. tM at. T luwv Kn.Ktt aoAa honss. Gllssa at. jrX lOOilOO. Portland Heights; Bnobetraet- ad Tlaw, 1 blocka from carUaa, atraata nada; a-rooaa aooaa., 5,000 Ifoom aaadara konaa oa 10th at TMlll.iwi kmiaa. W. 2M at. : (all lot. - M,TI0 1-rootn boaaa. Tanha at. I good atabla. . sou m)i. , AST BID. a,T Bawtfcena Addltloa: mw . St,rt0--ooai aanaa, Waldlar at, BoUadaiTtS Mma uMi.. ananvaldai aaraar. L aoo. Iroaai aottaaa. Eaat Utk at. HoUa $1 JO-aVrtoa'aattafa, rraaoat at vl6A."in&ri. 2tl00 i Oaad boaliwM aaraar. ilM Vary daalrabla aad eleaa la. .worn aULaVlM am aaat aide, aet tea far ta M walk freea boalaeaa center. TkU : la the wet ene asaold la . piece . .. . -eentainlne elallt lota, rrica M ' ' ' r. raaaonable aad It eaa boofht oa email anontbly paymenta. ' POBTLAJID TRUST COMPAMX , ' , . . vr atu. . , . S. B, eor. Third and Oak eta. kLBINA are clone ta. t-l 600, acladla aarpata aad eteree. Beat Aim at. walklac dktaaaa, T reoma. awoera; e.euu. . -. - nam nee ra low. atectricty. cloee ta; Id.OOO; terma. ml roe. Park, rooma. Ona let aa eerlrae; aaat front ; S00; aoo eaak. ftinnyalde a lota, reedy to bulla ea. etreera raoei. Beware mi oou eacai ev B. A. VAM rOMBM CO, SI1H Morrleea. I boom noTjsa, ". feT-rnTak-n. ; . PITY tVATbCwIi XBAB TJNI0N AVB. OABLINBl PB1CB UOOjllo PW2L BALANCE 118 PBB MONTH. LOOK THIS TJPf It wnj. pat ton. A. PATTBRIOII, n nnm bt. raoNB pacific im. FOB IALB H0 acraa, 00 arr cle, red," wm . . feed aalMaater toea ereaara. bb,uw . 00 acre. In aerea tmBrered, food I . barn, with plenty et rrelt, bkbuu. e led acree, 00 acres auder enltlratiea, gi I ' aow knlldlnea. wall wa tared I IM eer acre. 0 aerea. IS aerea Improved, SH craef ef 0 acree, O.ender celtiratloa; teed baila- raaa I Vt aerea or ercnara; aa.uuv. BANK OP ESTACAOA, ' ' ' Bataeada, Oretea. aVra TO THINK! - War weald yea ga ta aome deeolata re barb, a fram MOO ta 1400 (or oOllOO-roet let wbea yea eaa bay a lot enatalnlag nearly aa acre riant la the city. Ball Baa water, " alab and elahtly; the moat beautiful building el tee ta be found aaywbara lew ta faoo eack; terma. rNN.LAWBTC CO., ,. lee St Pint at 10 ACBKS aear Lenta, on the O. W. P. By.! all feaeed; ereeL, rice Uad creel raai thranab It. aood em-lna ea It. he bulldtnae, eeaaty read on two aldae ot It; ine berry -and tardea ranch I only aiao aa acre. a fata BOzaa. la a bodr. at Laurelwnod. rich land with water, for 11,000: the loti bow eelUng adlnlalnt tor 1200 to 1200 each. EAST POKTUAND RIAL ESTATE CO.. aWBaat-Blwtlaiiei at Pkona Eaat aMTl BAST POBTLAND BBAb ESTATE CO.. at M Keaa nforrlana at. baa op, aad an.- aader aew aaaaatemeatl Braekmaa, Treutman Elklna, aaeeeeeora te Wrltht at Barwortb. We hare for eala and erchaate a rmd variety ot all kino ef proper tlea. lncludlat timber . leads, city aad country bualaee chance, etc., ate. I notary nubile, eoUecttag, emplayeieBt areney. Motica fatare ads. . Pboaa Best ITS.- : Houses for Sale aVreem beaee, paatry, kail, woodebod. tar den; let BOxlOO) I blockt car llnei aloe neigh berbeodl 0o0, 1200 dowa, balance $10 per BMata. . , ... . . - New t-room alaetered honee, baeement, aa. , (Mat foandaOoai aa ear llnei gl.aooi terme. ' New. madira g-roeta boa, fin realdeece lerattoa; 1 block car Use; bath, eement aneat, ete.l 2.00 eaay terms. W, J.Day & Co. , - - 1UH Iwartb at 11,180 NEW .-room boo, . . weed-fibre Blaater. enacreti bath bei t. bt. Falling, ear Ml, Oreaoa ear. East ltk East terms. Bet City. I CAN sail yoa a w boas cheaper tad bet. '; tar thaa yoa eaa bulla aow. . , v.-,v.v." Two Bargains ' fTOOU block la St Jobns: rirat iew this ''tea bargain that win not last long. 11,000 New modern t-rooaa honee, 1 block . east ef WllUam ara la Holladay AadM- COTI ' SON, tl Ablngtea bldg. ' U.aOO NEW atodera T-feea ' houee la Irrtnar tea; earner, wail located. eOu 100-foot lot; . easy term. . PABBISTt, WATKINS 00, '300 Alder et. FOR SALE FARMS. STOCK, DAIBT AND BAT BANCB In the White Balmoa Taller. Ban aerea arfctlr Weal aad all "fencer lOO err i eolUratlon. balance eaey cleared; well wstered: 1 reom kouaa, I aedlum-slaed baraa, 14 Bllea to a tore,, p. O. and S ehurches. H aille te rbaeee factory, ea county road, state line, dally mail tad telephone Has; a aaap at 111 SO per acre, bat muat eeli at encel terms eaey, A. W. ESTEl, Whit talmoa, Waahlaftaa. : FOB SALE 000 acres tend) 128 heed ef eattle, . few Bora, this year'e crop, farm Imple BMatai plaea baa 2fl0 fruit trees, berrlee ea? ell kind, geod eraser, aear te timber, toed rente, not IB forest reeerre. For Informatwa write te Oaa A. Nyaua, Oraat eoonty, Oragoa. Mount Tar noa, 12.000 Bold 14 acree U mile from Deoeertoa, aU hlfhly cultlTstedl good balldlags, er- . ehatd, etc, BAOBMANN BLANCH ABD ' 1 Fifth at. . BttT Bead Blear (rait lead tor eale. sal miles from tows, Addraaa 0aer, lech St. Heed Blear,' Oregon.'' , to! FOR SALE BT OWNER Email highly ha JrTlt rem ajues from beert SC Psftauo. Hnr, reals S, aim , . - ta) arsaa rlrerlua lee.4 half haarardam lerel, ruanlnt water tluough It, on good roaoa aad cuae t the new aariiae neint built; Va auUe to traded echosl, I eaa Cher,; church ea, atoreo, mllle; 10 ail lea from city. , rrice ii.ogo; half eaa atond at f per eeai. ' 20 acres. Al' sell, all clear: good a-reem houee. new I bam aad ehlekaa-houee. wood- ahed. rootaouae; eome trait tree: fins coring water, running waiter) aear caruae. envvi ' Tkaihril Mitt in una Al bad. 100 acraa la .cultlratloa and croa; eata 41 arm, atrb 1 acraa, ttmath 1ft asna, bp 10 acraa, T acraa la aumaiar (allow. 2tt acraa tnilt, I acraa atora cUar) a (ood d-rooat koaaa wltb aaairy; aood family arcbard; kop-kooaa, craaary, cktckaa-aoaaai (laa aoft watar at kouaa; aood team maraa, karnaaa, wafon. bufiryi 1 tSO aow, T mot: doaaa eblckanaj 1 dlae plow, 1 atowar,' 1 rake. 1 binder otbat tblnaa toa naoMroua to aieatlon; an B. t- t. nail aad plwna Una! T atllaa (roai (ood town a railroad: tine market al bomet H ailla froai achoof. Price IS.AOOl en aood terma. i Only ea arit-telLaajraJraiaAltax, 15-acre place aillee from tewa and tan read, oa aood road, mall routes email beuaa. harabed and mllkboue; picket tcace, aoae -and tardea; place all fenced; 1M acraa la L iu a-r,u . . , - - ' 120 a (Tea. 106 n caltrratkm, I erapa aow ' Mint Bar re ted; wbeat, oeta, . retca; larfe orchard; food team, wayon and karnaaa; a food butty nd borae and baraeaa; row a. chicken, and turkrye; a moilera S-ruem Bouec; place lire lerel, eTer-runnlnf water ea it, ea food country road; B. F. D. mall, phone m ttaa hoaaei S ml lea from Jefferaoa ea rViutbern Pa cltlc railroad; woo Id take two-tblrda tat rood eltr pmpertjr at (air price; farm toa eame. Price, 110 per acre, .. DANDT BUT.- . : ITS acree M acree la cultlratloa, at wtik-b 10 acree hare ae atumpe; toed 0-rooar boae, with paatry and bath; mod family orchard; land barn 44x4s, aew aotbeewe, weedhoaae, aillkboueei fenced and eroae-feaced; eoonty road by the place, B. P. D. mall, phone In " the boaae; 21 bead cattle, tare and email, of which T are freak eowe; OS head Ananra toate; 90 acree ereek bottom onion land; I new wagon aad karnaaa, all klnrte farming Implement; lota ef other thlnae toe anmerona to mention; kalf Intereet wheat la eack; half Internet hay la barn, ' one third Interact 1 acrear ante la aacka, eoarter intereet t acre apnda, aarter intereet H acre oniona: mile to erheol end tewa. In Waahlnrtca coaaty. Price te.OOO; kalf eaak, balance t Room 319 Commercial Bid?. : Bead for ttat at farma for eata. . - Choice Buys 4.T00 106 arrea 20 mllea fraai Portland, lVi miles from railroad atatlon, to acres cleared. T acre green timber, balanes ah swale, seslly cleared; land level; . good lVi story trams boaee, barn AOilOO, good eat bulldlnga, email creek near bane, 1 acre good hearing orchard, variety frulte, aa county road, i of a mile to achool, food team, worth 1200; a eery wagon, aprinf wagon, haggy, t sets, karneee, 0 heed of cattle, T milch cows, ' It hot, t aheap, too chickens, 00 toa bay, 12 acre eata. acree epada, mower, rake,' niowe, harrows, culttrator, other small' tool; bait caah, balance S years at g per cent. This is the beet hay oa the market Beet ot soil. bos houee, bera 24iMr 1 acre tneai mind. ercnara, e acres Clear; poou, aaii caaa, (3 000 48 acree, 10 miles Berth ef -Sourer, ea mala county road; tS acres cleared, good T-room aooaa, toed bars, t acree variety orchard, g acree beaverdam.' fin location, aero road from etore, creamery, church, ecbeol and large hall, 1 heras, aew wagon, g bead eattle, hot, cream eeparator. IS tma bar, BOO boa be la eata. 00 chicken, aome farm Im plements; oaa third caah, bale noa terms; beet ' at soil.' " gJ.SOO 00 aerea. It miles froai Portland; 36 acree cleared. It aerea alaabed, burned end seeded, balance fine a ah swale: 40 acres traced with d barbed wires, small creek, aew t-ronm houee. email barn, a heed ef cattle. 1 bora, plenty ef .bay te winter all etock, level land, country road ea t aides ef place. ef a mile te school aad church, E, F. D., trle- boobs la beuee: kalf caah. belance terma, or will take part la Portland city property. , Rdlty Co. 2MH Wblsg4oa St., Boom It Portlaad. Or., ana auo maia ex., vanosavor, waaa. For Sale - Para, BH acres M choice land; 10-roora houee, ample aupply ot fruit aad ben We. la- lading fruit dryer; atodera hennery, 1,000 ea bend; beet poultry and variety berry farm obtainable la Waahlagtoa eoonty; four hlocka from depot; aa line of trolley road bow under cooatructtoa. Prlc M.B00; terma. Addrees O. RboadM, boa 04, u 11 la bora, or. FOR BALE. CHEAP Dairy fara ef 42g acres. IB mi lee from vaaeouveri ins acres onoer cultlratloa. BO-eere arcbard. BO aerea timber, balaaes peeture; good T-reom bos, 1 large barn, i rruitaryar, b aiua ana many other bulldlnga; sll farming machinery, eompleta creemery eutOt aad complete water worke; 46 head ef eattle, T boraes. BO sheep sad 20 bogs. H. I BrswBlog Realty Co, 121 Moc rleoa et. 160 ACRES with good honee and bars and about acres sMsrea, for sale par gsuw. 1V1 Mar- FARM FOB IALB toa acres ISO la eaittvatioa, balsaee la Gator and timber, all fenced, food build pa, trait ef all hinds, well w a tend. V4 Kile t s good gradd school sad railroad stattoa, all level, tarn anil; teem, haraeu, wagon, bach, 11 cows, cream eeparator, Kews, harrows, blader, Bern, seres pe tee end t sores sf corn go with the place for $10,600: BT.CO0 . caah. balance to aalt parchaaer at t per east. Inquire et WARREN STATER, . McMlnarUle, Oregea. $1,200 BUTS a ISO-acre farm, toed bona sad m oaras, orcnara. me owner, woe a i. aaat ecu; gooa terms. HAUEMANN ft BLANCH ABD. ot arietk, mm . FOB S ALB FARM $20 seres, g miles south nt Roeebart; 100 acree choice bettoia lead, 220 seres peeture, good orchard, bona and barn, all fenced aad evom-renred, oa aala rued. Bear school; am offering thla bartetn. In order to cell at sac. Write owner, i. F. Francle. Brorkwty, . Douglas Coaaty, Oregea. Price $6,000. . - - FARMS ar Besvertoa ef 24 aU iti to 46 acres, Madlaea at (roB $600 ta $0,000. Call 100 ACRES tneat land. It mile from Portland; Tv seres in euuirattoa, gooa a-rooa aou, , t barns, 2 orchards, aprlng In paatur; owner ' anable to work the piece, will sell st saertocei may take some good eubarbss property la $2,00 Ertra-nlce BrVsera fara near 0. W. P. carllne; good buildings, 20 acree clear, ales orchard, running water; greet bargain. ' $0001 acre ground, Firland ttatloa. Mount Scott Una; $160 dews, belance $10 a mouth. H. H. STAL'B, StTtt Waablngtoa at.. Itoea IT. . '" Pbons Padfle 6B2. 204 ACRES, food paying dairy fara near Bcsp- pooae, wita erocs una tool; ne eome rirer elaee duck lakes; oa sccount of old eg end retiring from business will aell receoeable and ea eaay terme." Full particular at barber shop, 22T Frst St. SO ACRES, unimproved, alls north of Tn courer, ai.otwi; rerma. n I B acre, Mt, Tsosr, $5,100. Too ulpaos Qsgs, 867 Bhsrlock. M ACRFfl t alios west of Eugene, Or., good road; 12S acme ealtlvstsd; T-roma honee, 2 arcbaida, t large barn; fin place; $30 per sere i $1,000 eaak, balsaee B per cent; will take good realrienre properly hi exchange. BOO acres 12 miles north of larane. Or.; t large kern, nouae, runnlnf water l all eult vsted and fenced; 116 per acre; 1-t caah, bal ance terme. - 60 seres near Orefbta, II cultivated, will be aald for S3 BOO. m ! THOMPSON A 0AAB.'6T Sherlock bldg. AT A BARGAIN BA acres cleared farming land near siugeue. u is, car joarnsi. US-ACRE fsra t alias oat; 100 teres rich bot tom land, well watered, good bulldlnga; rropt Stock. Implsmente Included, for 110. fmO; good tar mat this eaa't be beet for the money. 75-acr farm aear Bearertoa. rich vagatabls lend; well watered, food bulldlnga, near achool: a bargain tt !0.00; $4,000 eaah, bel a ace 10 years at I per rent. Two acre, aew d room houaa, oa 6. W. p. car Irn. only ll.ino. . , SBUfiDZ-UaXaUZU CO, 846)4 MerraMa at, c hit. rfhv 97SJW0Wmt r Fares Yfcere Fanners Grow Wealthy . - - 1,600 acres, aear Willamette river, t miles from Eugene, ell fenced, acre to culti vate, ftuo opea pasture, balance timber; vplace weu waterea; nee tooa e-ruvm reeioence, eey oral amall tenement houoae, B large baras. Price $17,900. Including BO cow a, 100 tone bay, Implement, eta, Bemembsr, this Is log-acre nlaee. tn mile eat. lk mile elec tric railway atatioo, all fanced. nearly all In cultlvaHoa; nice t-room rmldenoe, guud bars and ether building.; choice fruit, living water, r ii u ami. rricw o,jw, tuvimiiu -e , borer. Implements end fed. A beautiful country noma convenient to atatioo and city. IM all fenced. SO ia trap; pood building, , rich soil, MX) fruit tree, llrlng vurer. eltuat ed kept pert Tamhill eouaty. Prfre tS.eoo. A 23-aere place right at railway atatloa. BUc fare, 10 mile out; vary elcelleat garden aoD: -reora boua. food barn, choice trait, A dandv for the monev. Prkia B4.BU0. ' Ve Urea an.! ainall farana. til beat BB the .lead... auliuroaa. acrstf ejrga gram , ana stock ranch ea. gardea and fruit ranch ea. you eiMMild Bot fall to are the"" . . . DUN'N-LAWRENCB CO . Tb waders in city end county reaj eatate, Uk Fleet 8t. 150 ACP.r.8 Bra land, 10 Biles from Port land ; 60 In cultivation, balance easily cleared; sued 0-rooin boua, 2 barns, fine orchard, bo travel, running water. 2 Bailee frm car. line, tn ei-boot, church and store doss by; a real aaap; 11.000 caah. too acres 11 neat dairy farm la county, H Bill, to carllpa, . V, mile to railroad ' Hod, ell cleared, running water, water Piped ' to boua. good bouee. larfe barn, hue dairy- " bouee, ether outbnlldlnt. TB tons of bay, 400 boabele oat. acree potaleee, other crop. 4 aorsra, 2B oows. T bead young cat tle, some hot, wagon, harneaa, all farmlnt Implesienta. paatur for 40 r 60 head Bjora stock; -place 12 mllea from Pertlaad; all goee 'forl4,B00; 3,6O0 caah, bale ace oa or before B years at 0 per cent IB acre. mil from railroad atatloa; 10 , In cultlvntlon. good 0 room houaa, new bera, rood orchard. land aU level. 4 acre, onion land. T auilee from Portlaad; 12.150, 00 Fine 40 acree: '25. la ealtlvstioa. orchard. -10 mllea from Portland, a - Belgbborheod; B3.2M, Booo caaa. - Charleson & Weill ' tit ALIBKT BLDfl. PHONE PACIFIC UM. IP TOU want good farma of aay alas, tnspsct my list; I do Bet list soar farms.. A few - choice ones: .. . 12.00020 teres folly equipped, 11 mOea from Portlaad. . . . a3,ooo B5 acres ef the best land, T acres n hope. 8 acree ia orchard and walnut treeej tlfr.t w- Wllmateeta rtvee and boat landing. . 10.000 HO acree, very beet land. 12 mllea sat; aew balldlags. bumper crop et 00 sore thrown la. . . . 10,000 One ef the best tl-eers farma bj collet town, fully equipped aad a daady. -BlJooO Ideal dairy fara, B0 aerea; S3 mile outi eaay terms. . . . . a'jn oii ni2 i mm the banner farm ta tn valley; haUdlags atoos test 110,000; aa saey - W. Ft'CHS, ' . " ttlH Morrlaoa St. . WHITB SALMON FRTJIT LAND. B0 acres, all fenced, TOO treee; B aerea mora eaa be planted at one I t acres ef ger den: runnlnf water; boaae, bars; oa county read: $3,600; term. ... 100 scree, sll feaeed, TO acres ia ealttra. Hon: too treee; t food springs; T aerea la alfalfa; gS.MKi; terms. SO aerea. 276 trees, B aerea ready tot tree; S spring: house; Bl.BOO; terme. - ' SO acree. all fenced; honee, barm. 1-aer Chicken park; 150 young tree, mostly bearing; t food well: on cmnty reed; $1,600; term. . FIDRUTT LAND CO., " . ' Main' 1084. BIT Oregon Un Bldg. Il.aoo B ACRES all cultivated, amall keoae. BBore tnaa aa acrwia ueiiive, mmmf yii-wi w th eityi Powell Valley road. A. H. Blrrsll, 201-20S McKay Bldg. ' FOR SALE TIMBER, Look at This 1B4 scree, T miles from Portlaad; SO acree cieereu; j ecrwa ew, imwr. w--- meted at $,000,000 feet; very best soil; will trade for .Portiano propertv. - , COVER a SON. V UB Abiagtoa bldg. BOO ACRES timber land, SB Bile from Port- Jind..T neat rsllrpsa.- pwaaeporiatioa: eraiua n t(W ftoo feeT cedar and Br; T.WO cedar telephone poiee; price wita tana io.uu; without uaa, sio.ouo; enougn cueo u deal aecurs; bo agents or trltora. . W. Dlion, Oanby, Orrgoa. HOMESTEAD rellnqutobmeat for le cheap; 100 acres wita reel or umosr, a sua from railroad. 1B1 atorrteoa at. rTlFien acrlo. anv slss Bteeesi prices. W. . bowelL $U Chamber ad Cess. FOB timber lands tea Tbempeoa a Oaf. B6T Sherlock bldg. 13.000.000 FEET boot fir. Bill bouses, squrp msat operating bow, local demand. This la tb bsst buy wlthla 60 Biles of Portie.t)d. . See it tt BBC. (4uo acres una.; tbs t ttnentsl Co., S4t Stsrh St TIMBER LANDS la all parts of westers Ore gea; large tracts a specialty; beet bargalne os tbs coast; I do sa saclualvs timber buai aess. well establlabed sad prepered t hsndls desls la a higs-ciaaa way, u. u. . aunoa, ' Eugene, Oregon. ... WANTED Owners hsvlng timber Mads n Lshs, Klamath aad 1101 ooustisa p lease aeaaaai ests. D DO, ear Journal. -BARTER-AND-EXCHANOE. T ACRES (or part), at Mllwauklsi sB clear, laya along tbs oregoa city ear tins; snr s choice pics sf cleared land, valued at. from $2,000 te $4,000. near Aurora, or betwee i. P. aad Wlllsastt river. Box M, route 1, Mllwsukls, Or. FOB BXCHAMOB 00-aera fully equipped Bret el aa piaeor ml, for Portland property! Bines sr dlvidend-producere end will sued InvestlgatioB: water rtghta of tbs beet AaV drea P. O. Boa BBL Grants Pass. Slu avaan, aw 111 ruiufavm, rw, pHtii., three miles from tows, rree oeitvery. Bin land; worth 15.000; sichange for Portland property. Address T 16, cars JoaraaL 40-ACRB farm, well Improved, good bulldlnga. orchard, near Hiuaeoro, ror portiaaa bobs. H age mean Blaacbard, Bl Fifth st FIRST-CLASS photograph outfit for amateur r nomographer: win eicnange ror aaytaiag ei ts value. B 47, ear JoaraaL FINE block sf lots la St Johns to ev Chang for konss sua lot. ceil at pi rum at. 0B0R0B ANDERSON, piano expert kas Bw Babogaay upright piaao 10 traae ror 10 er sers near carllne; owaeri only. T 13, oar Journal. ,) -. , . 0ROCERT store with Uvlnf-rsoaa T 4t, care Journal. tor sal or trade. FURNISHED hotel la lira country town aear Portland to excasng ror city or eeantry property. T B, eare JoaraaL WILL sichange trees and furniture of Bl rosa brick balldlng, always ruit, ror gooa isra sr city property. B 41, eare JeurssL WILL eichange food general stars la tbs valley for Improved a or 10 seres near saruao. m 40, car JoaraaL WILL asehsnf t reltnqutehmeata la Lane county, near eoeai, ror wnat.nav yoax m 62. ear Journal. - - ' 1 WANT tmall ranch eo carllne, with tannine water, for ewca, corner, auo eweu modern 1-rooB hooss. Y B0, ears Jour sal. wa: , exchange far-Cole's alr-ttfht heater. Eaat SOU. T22 Clevslsad ar. Phaaa OOOD-PATINO boeaew, wt Bids, $2,000,- exchente for ran,. si, ears journal. EXCHANGE $8,000 Oood Brooa reeldensa It Meororo. or., ror r-nrriana property 1 a lea opera hone and lot 100x100 la beert of bael aees district; rood Income, Inquire Theap. bob a wage.- 67 Sbsrlock bldg; BEAl'TIFUL borne rn Piedmnat near ear, long 100, for acreage aear eat. Tb ooatlaeatal Co- 24$ Stark et. SMALL farm with orchard, bars and beuee Beer Portland te ezchang ror 2 new houaa worth $3,500. Address T $4, JoaraaL BXCHANUB tor city . property, Isra stark farm.ln xsmnui eoonty; an rtaeeri. Boom, bera, orchard, running water, sxtna, ftnei price $24 par aer. T ta, Joarasl. FOR BALE OB EXCHANGE Houss tad lot foe wago tad food teem; Oer erred payment, f 1$ BMata, Apply 117 MaxgasrlM iL, MeaterlUa, Improved weet side property, value 13.600. nod ear ' eaak differ largar prepoeltloa. D TB, eare JourasL. FOR BALE A good $36 eaaea with t paddle, juat uali.ted with 2 eoate of areaa paint sud I owit of shellac; pries (17. Addrea . B Tt, car Journal. FINE eoset lot to trade for good horse end butty. Owuer. BV6 Eaat tecuad St., surth. TO KXC1UNOB Cnetem-made drees suit, sine about 8. for lady's bicycle. Address X 32, cars Journal. ' ' ' FOR SALB by owner, sr trade for farm, mod ern t-room houaa In Feat Portland; tneet ' realdrnc section. T 17. car Journal. WILL exchange houss and lot en waat side , for rooming -house. M. K. LEB. BS Blith at. gOR BALE OR EXrilAXOB ' tf-room modern nouae on Martuerlte - ave. I nice jard; jrlll take vacant Jut -a- Brat pay. meat, five, terme to aurt oa aaianc, . , M.E. LEE. a Hlitk at. HORSES. VEHICLES. HARNESS VEHICLES of all kinds, new aad aeooad-haad; , largeat etock. Joweat price) boraes and rig rented by day or month. Tnmllnaoa a Css slday, til Washington. Pa doc 607. -A SNAP" A 6-yer-ld drlvlnf bore and a $171 rub ' ber tlr butty and a $25 harneaa all for $160. ' Monday 212 AUaky Bldg. . . ' YOU CAN savs money In wagons and bntfle. . Tb Portlaad Warrbouae a Tranafer Cow a the pUce. $40-342 East Weaning toa at FOR SALF Pretty pony, Sound, gentle. 4 yean eld. good life, thoroughly broke. llfl Mon tana eve., Bt. Johns car. 12 HEAD ' fara boraes for sals. Inquire et Turner Bros.. 2- Boaeell at, Pbons East t43. . FOR SALE Thoroughbred Altsment Blly; owner dnee not waat to keep over winter. Apply 410 Morrlaoa St. FOR BALE A rlenny huffy, nearly aewt fall leather top, rubber tlree. 104 I'uloo are. MlNES AND INVESTMENTS. The J. C. Lee Co. Hlfb Grade Stark aad Boada, Aa. DeForeat Wlreleea. Kelndeer. MareoBl Wire tee, i Diamond Vale. Oregon SecurltesAlsska Pet a Col . Bailee Con. ' 'Aaaoclated Oil. Copperopolls. Dixie Meadows. Goloonda-j North Falnrlew. Mt. Pitt. Campbell's Oaa Burner. Unloa Oil. Home Telephone, Standard Con. T a co ma BteeL Whit Beer. Alaaka Packers' Golden Rule, . Hiawatha, . . : International Coal, Almeda. ..... Caacsdla, " Ot. Northera, Lucky Boy. Highland. Huret B. S. - Itewart. Coeur d' Alsas S. a S. Gold Run. Bkamania. tumbler Cariboo. Boowstora. MerrhanU' National Bank. Banker Lnmbermsn's Beak. ' .Pacific States Telephooa. ' Bank of California. . . Ore. Trust a 8a rings Bank. The J. 0. Lee Co. If you deelrs to parchass any sf the above stocka get ear prices before placing poor. or der. We ran furnish nearly all 61 tbaa about one third the value plsoad apoa them by the respective companies. j . " H. W.Donahue M?r. LefayetU Bldg.. Portlaad. Brokers Dspt. TUB J. O. LEB COMPANY .'. BIOH-CLASS STOCKS AND BONDS. Wa are alwsys la the market either to bay or sell say active mining or Industrial stocks. It will pay yea to get our price. B. W. DONAHUB, Mgr. Broking Dspt 19-20 Lafsystte Bldg. MEMBER Portland Stock Exchange; orders st rut ed oa all Industrial aad mining stocks, W. J. Curtis. 216 Commsreisl b)k, Phoae Mala 6384. WANTED A good minis propoattloB te ls oorperaU aad flaane. 2. B. Bsllsy ah Cw 411 Laaaer ncBsat. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. f usrsntesd sound snd trus. Pedigreed shepherd papa $6 Bp. , tubl Ssosad aad JSSIB SIS. " FOR BALE Fins Jersey cow wltb calf. Ad' dress Alfred Mslmhorg, 10 blocks eaat of and or montaviua canine. t FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. FOB SALB AT to- FEB CENT OF COST 1 roll top desk. 1 roll-lop typswrltsr deoh. 1 Bet-top typewriter dash. t loaf oak table. . 1 1 small typewriter table, ' ' 1 lsatbsr settea. .1 I Blrror ttsad. t rsvolvinf sraebatra, . B armchairs ilsstbsr). , " 1 straltht chair (leather), . ... ' t typewriter ehsirs. 1 email wicker chair. Call at roeaY B,- Cbsaberet,fmarc biog., city. SABOLINB LA l'NCH GREAT BARGAIN vain lino neu luo II tax auictiy. Brand new 3-foot, t-H. P. latest dalga Cushmsa gaaollas engine, epeed It Bllea per hour; beautiful aatoral golden oak decks and comning, ane seal cuasiens. sir xans snu whlatl aad Ufa Pr eservsrs: launched July a. rsLlspnci J9cm TBquTfC B. S. Chambers at D. Chambers' . Optical Parlors. 121 Seventh at Phone Mala 4I1B or Baax law. BILLIARD AND POOL Uhlas fat reel at tar sale on eaay payment. , TBS BBUKSWICK-BALKB COLLBNDBB CO. s .40 Third at, Portland. SEWINO-MACHINEB bought sold, exchaagad. alee rentea. riSTERN BALVAGB CO.,. 27 WasblngtSB st SECOND-HAND fursltur of all kind) alee a eomplete line of new furalture ana Boms supplies st lowest prices; everything msst be eold. 2111 Front st, corner Balmoa. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURB SACRIFICED. Quick ssls oa account of Immediate removal to a dlatanee. (No aecoad-hand dealers.) 1004 Bsst Sixth at.. Berth. FOB 8ALB Fresh Jersey and Dnrhea cow. gentle ana gooa Bilker. Apply jam num. Marquam'e hill; take stsps st head at Wood at.. South Portland. FOR SALB Msssa fruit Jar; qusrt 60c; pints. oe par oosea: ua ana runners oompists. Cian Bottle Co., eorner 14th and Coach. fPbon Mala t2M, -1- FOR SALE Houseboat, tt rooms, aofumtabed. aad botysrd with Income of 170 and better J aunt h; toot at Bsst ItBhlli. D Bt, car snrnsL BOOKS bought,- sold and exchanged tt th Old Book Itor. 22B TsBhill st ARTISTS' aatsrlars, picture aad framing. st. Hooraoase vs., sis aiosr sx. BOILER Hea flag plant, radiators, pip, ate; ' WESTER ! BALVAGB CO., 827 Wsshlngtsa Street WB print your name sa 60 sailing card, proper sib aaa etyie, sac; naeinese caros, si, A. W. Schaal Co., 220 First Pertlaad. , Or. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES Bade to order; eeerma-bana goons (or sale, cariaon a au from. INS Coach st Chose Clay 871. SHOWCASES, counters. Biturss bought, sold or - - . TT. 1 - 1 .ew - mimm .V v ii. 11 ,r . " 1 rrn n a i , . , w., mi w tut toa st Pacta 703. 7 1 TWO hoasstsad rallnqulahmentai good land. valuable timber, class ta rsllrosd snd river. . B 48, ears JournsL MOTOR It H. P.. D. C. tnd atartlng hem. WESTERN BAI.VAOK CO., 627 Wsshtngtoa Street WB aeed feralrure tnd will pey full value. Pbene paciao TVs. asters aaivsgs ixh. an Wsshlngtoa at . B0IEN'S BBEUMAT10 CCRB Bur cur tar rheueestiam. Bold by all dragghita. . CLASSIFIED FARMING LIST of Oregon and wtawngtoa rurninea pv suirai iiireetorp u., 104 A Msg toa bldf., I'eriaL.riT,foi ap xo aato. 0 SUOHTLT dame red . tefrra-aiarbln st Wry low Brie: Blnger, Wheeler a Wilson, Domestic, Whits. Hooss bold. Dsvla and otkera; te asks room for aew stork Wheeler a WUB00 snd Sinters, t. S. $ll.3t Mot tlaaa St., Maraaa hldg. . . . WILL eichange $ OAS RANGES Also rook store, wood, oil .bsj gBouiin. WESTERN BALVAGB CO.. . B27 Wsshtngtoa Street. FOR SALE $70 music-box with 20 pieces: win ell for $.; else a parrot, $26: good Ulker. Bag Imatllla see., Seilwood. gl.IOHTLY used plaas st a bargain price; muat evil et eace. Address T $, ears Journal. FUH BALE Hsdams Mlerobe-Kfller. H. D. W later. toVk Grand sr., Wluters blk. FOR SALE Crop ef prune en the treee aoo or AUO bushel. i. A. V 280 St Larrabe St., ' Pertlsnd. Oregoa. KL'GB Art snusrea: saver 1 good ones ea bead. . ,, WKt'i'KKN 8ALVAUB CO., 7 27 Waablagtua Mtreet. ' -J FOR BALK Fox terries' pu prise, t weeks old, . pedlgrosd. Pkoae East 6J02. FOR SALB Fins Homers. P$l Kt Bnmaldt. Pbon WKIL-KL'EMHIIED B-roum boBMboat. foot FOR BALE Choice Scotch colli puppies, or win irao ior Dicycw. , 11. caac euos. FOR- SALB for atorags charge, one double see ted spring wagon, roll top desk, safs, aire furniture, glass partition and doors, at 81 North Front st. t COUNTER CAKE 4 wsll races, table. te. WESTERN SALVAtlK CO., U7 Washington street. ' WILL SELL 8300 worth ef mv mlnln stock In the Portland fold sad copper mine for $200 ir xaaen tins weea; am buuuinf ana neeu money. D ot. Journal. $200 FOR the furniture of a T room bouse, must be sold by Monday boob; a bargain; 256 Nsr tllla st . . V FOR SALE Two Scorch pups bred from broke stock of tb beat. PImm Eaat 4377. WILL trade pretty pour, 4 year old. Bound and gentle, thoroughly broken, for good allk cow. Call 119 Moatsaa a re. AX ADJUSTABLE, rubber-tired baby baggy for ssls cheap. 1U Eaat let St. N. 4 SIDEBOARDS Extrnxlnw tables. dining ekslrs several rood chiffonier, folding bade. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., B27 Waablngtoa Street S. ' C. SMITH BAMMERLE88. 12-OAUOB, donble-berreled botgun, . nearly brand-new and ta perfect condition. Cell or oddress J. W. B. Bawllnsoa, 220 seilwood tt, city. FOR BALE An rnderwnod typewriter, No. 4; aeed $ atonthat flrvt-daaa condltlotg price $75. B $1, ear Joarasl. - FOB BALE Oood fara wagon, $11. T33 Bid well arenu. "" FOR SALB Aa old hull 21 feat long. B Tl. corojaiojynal. Addr PERSONAL. PROFESSOR O'NEILL, derma tnloelat: eaa. plexioa. hair. Scalp aad akin specialist, sa perfluous hair and air facial blemlahee per manently removed: do scars left; reference fives; ladlee tsugbt buty cultnrs, eleo rolysls, slsctrlcsl and Bsnusl maaaag for . aula, etc., given ; terms reasonable. Psrlore. 141 11th at, comae Alder. Consultation and advice free. Phone Mala 6607. BEST commlsstoa psld subscriptions. . Jones St.. Pertlsnd. Orsfoa. on all mafsBta Store, ttl Aider FDRRIER Ledlee, hsvs your furs remodeled and repslred by practical furrier and expert Btterf 80 years' experience In this branch .. enables Am te guarantee aft re sstlafaction; will cell at residence snd glee -estimate, If d aired. ' A. Reiser. Lewis bldg., Msrruaa snd Psrh. Phone Pacinc X4S7. ANT man or weaaa eaa be strong snd happy by asing Serine Pill, tb met tonic t prlc - 11 s bog, B boxes $S, with full guarantee. Address or (sll J. A. Clemeoson. druggiat. rwr. aaeona una xamnui axa, jrorxisaa. -ur, MANLT vigor restored by Dr. Robert' Nrv Olobil. On Booth's treatment, $2: t meatus, . so; seal sscarsry eealea By mu Agsnts, Woodsrd, Clarke A Co., Pertlaad. Or. REXINR PILLS euro sll forms ef . mueule wee a weea. for asen ee woman. -Frio; tl It bo,t br.$eltb full gra teev Address or call J. G. Clemeneon. drag- flat, tecood aad Tamhin U. Portiaaa. u. DISEASES - OP WOMEN Prtvsts maternity bopltal; fl'ilrt mcatloa snd special cars. Dr. At wood. 850 vt Morrlaoa at room t. Pboa rcine its. , DETECTIVE AGENCY Osafldsntisl Inrntlg , tione; report furnished aa Individuate, tbsir . character, responsibility, etc. I bed debts col lected; missing relsttvs located: charges reaaonable; aueTespondence solicited. Oregoa Deteettr, Service, offlcee 208-204 Fltednsr bldg.. tftth aad Washington sta. Fhoa Msla 6616. - , MOLER, wrinkles, saperflaoa hair rsmsvad. Let me tell yea how. Ns chart. Mrs. M. D. BlIL Suite 1. 6lllaf-Hlrh bldg. pMlfU IBS. SUITS pressed while you wait, BOe. Ladle' Kirts pre, a. aoc. ui inert. vm aixia ex., next ta Quelle. Phone Padfle S0S8. TES, Pslsae TableM ssk you sleep perfectly; they cur aeivuusneee end asks ysa strong; Etrlce mom s aoa. a nnxaa xz no; saaranteea. AU drugglata, or sddrens Brooks Twog Co., 07 Nortk Third at Portlaad. Oregon. BOLDEK'S BHEUMATIO CURE Burs rare tat rheumatlem. Sold by all drnggiata. HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES Par after yeerre- eelv tbea ssnd s ssmpl ef your balr and tU x., 22 Inrbee; examine tt; If a'blf hur galn. remit; it aot. retura. Addrees Ladle' Hair Emporium, 224 Dearborn at., Chicago, lit . e BOLD ON There It eae thing that will care rheeaatlea. Ash your druggist far Dart tonic or address sr call J. O. Claaiam, drug gist, Portia sd. Oregoa. TURKISH BATHS, 200 Oremtaa hldg.; la diss oaya. gaiiraa nignrs. ataia ivoa. TURKISH BATHS LADIES ONLY, t Ma, shampaolnf , acelp and fee treatmenta. cnyst developmeat, manlcurint and chlropodr. 601 Wsshlngtoa. hetwssa Ittk sad 17th. Msla 7040. DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing aad dressing. ttl TamhO at BALM OP not for all female disesssa. ttt Eaat Belmont Phone East 4084. DR. O. V. KETCBUM care promptly print aisesse. aianey, nervous, sxia ana special femala trouble. Call r writs. Offtr 17nu Third St. eor. TsmhllL Pboae Pacinc 222B. CALIFORNIA Medlcatsd Healtnf Soap, tolwt astn, complexion, aursary. Aak your teal; for It. Monre-llelm Co.. reseral agsnts, 27114 Morrison t Pclfl 1671. DR. RING CHOONG, Importer Chinees root medicine; sell Chinese tes, certain cure for tU dlesssss. 101 2d., bet Vsmhlll tnd Tsylor. WHY BE BALDf We guarsntse to prsveat nair rrna rsiling owl mma cars Itching scaia beolately. 473 Alder, st Msla 2X31. SCHOOL OF PBYCHOLOOX teacbea Bagnetl teaiinf, concentration, aypaotiaa ana Ja 1ml, try I psttsnts treated for all dlseessa, 7$ Alder st Phone Msla tSSl. "THE ADVENTURERS." "Sweet Danger," "A Marrlag la High 14JS.X ".Twenty Tears Hns'llnf." "Prisoner ef Bends," "A Social l km," 60 esaa each.. A. W. Schmals Co., 229 First tt. sf MARRIAGE PAPER. It page, 800 descrip tions; worth $100 to Bioo.imo; Angust ism; 0c. seeled. L L. lore, Bol 1600, Dsavsr. Colorsdo. SA WFR ANTT8CO Ttflf -tnror-82T01 -Rtsrk; mt.. room 21 tad 12; . aasssg aad aieoaol rubblag. - ' BURMESE HAIR RESTORER revitalises the scalp, cures dandruff, stops railing aalr, pro motes growth of balr aad glrss It a healthy luster. Bottle hoc sad $1, with full In. structlons, Addr Dr. Pisrc, 181 First tt., Portlssd, Otegoa. MISS OIBSON, expert scalp treatmeat and Bas. aage. axsom mm. is Lvnw. eooya eaorrieoat. T0CNO lady from Chicago bat recently opened manicunnf parior. snit sMrrmea . st.r room 14. , TOUR shoe sblned fre ef chsrg at th Model Barber Bbop 1 eneving lae. TABWS Foot powder brings Instant relief for , swssty and 111-ameiiirg rest; an aniggtiitt or by mail, xo est, aiaaigan row aer wort. BUIl'tlB ,- vierseriais, lui H DOWER would h pleassd to meet s wldsw snder. 84 with so cliUd; Sblect, autrlmear. is, tara Jearaal, f ---J. ' -,- . . . ' - ' ' ' A RKF1N EI elderly lady would like ts cer spond wttk sa elderly L'brlatlsa gentlemas wlik Beans aad a borne; object,- autrlssoay. Addrees B It, - care Journal, MIDDLB-AOED capitalist, Irnesmne, dratrss sompsnlonship of kpvlng wife; rich sr poor, makes bo difference. Write Boa 429, Bt Joseph, Michigan. r MAYOR'S WAI.NIT on -gear foW t. aeaai aimpmi tuau, . laating ; puc ana $1 bettlee. BIB Lam ber Exchange, . Secoad end Hterk. BEKPECTABI.B fentlemail. aged 41. wllh inevTr snd home, deeiree scijualniauc wltb respect, sbls domestic lady, meld or widow; rlr personal deerrlptlou In first letter; object, mstrlmoay; eoufldsntlal. X B. care Journal. VIM", VIGOR. TIALITT Da Pont t CI' a Kola Tableta. Nature'e great tonic for eltb'r eex. 25. by bmII. . Albert Berni. Second aad Wsshlug toa. agent Portland. Or. . LA DI ESI -Use Chichester' Engllah Pill. Beatl afet' Only RulUhisA Tata ao-otaerr-gny or your Druggist or aena c, eremps, tor pur tlculare end Booklet for Ladlee. Chichester Chemical Co.. Phllsdelphl.- Pnnsylvsais. WANT a wlfs sr hue band 7 If so Jols our so , clety; we bar husdrede ef member of alther sex whs wiah to marry; many wealthy. 24 Russsl Bldf. ELDERLT workinfmaa, food provider, sober snd isdnatrious, with nlrs little boms, would like to meet respectable Ady, matrimonially luclined. Address B 83, cars JournsL GENTLEMAN wishes. - scqualnUnc yonnf widow lady hsvlnf own borne; lsdy hsvlng .little flrl preferred; object mstrlmoay, it suited. Address Box 61. city. GENTLEMAN unacquainted In the city de sires acquaintance ef a lsdy Under 86;, ob ject, company. Address B 67, Journal. WANTED Acquaintance sf elderly asa of - means matrimonially Inclined, by' elderly ' womaa with food property; bo Incumbrance. D 70, cere of Journal. . MOTHERt.T ear et children. 1228 Borthwlck et.. corner Jarret. Phone 6714. ASSAYERS. 1 GARVIN CTAN1DR EXTRACTION CO, Montana Aay omrs. is ART EMPORIUM. PROPES.SOK B. MAX ' MEYER, 24B Alice. Portrait and Isndaeaps artlet snd teechee, AUTOMOBILES. f COVET COOK Mots Csr Cs.. Fifteenth ad Waahlagtoa Agsnts for Cadillac. Pierce, Great Arrow . and Stevess-Durysa motsr-esri machines rsahsd, repaired aad tores. , Msla ARCHITECTS. . B. MBNOE9, Architect lit Becoad at ATTORNEYS. J, S. WINCHESTER. attorny-at-law. twtarr puhllot) 80 WahlnttoB bldg. BATHS MASSAGE. SOUTHERN lsdy snd sssistsnt glvs massage; tub - ow v, . Waablnftoa, TOUNO lady glrss vapor, alcobol and aedlcatsd . hatha. Parlor 27, 208 Vi Stark at MI88 RAYMOND give oathe and Baaasi treatment. The Cosmos, 268 uj Morrlaoa st MADAMB VASHTt Tarkiah and tub baths, maef treatments. 201Vj Third stj BLANKETS. LACS curtain bleached aad tends la any color, too and ap; blanksta clssnsd snd nsp rs - etored equal- to new. Phone -Eaat 1001. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. rTrnrRr SIPPLIE8 Adnlnh A. Deknm. f .. 111-132 -Flrat t eerrlee e full W aat eei plete aaeortment si xowssi aasrasi pries. 8. RIRKENWALD CO.. 804-800 Everett at Largest bate here' supply boos ea the ceeet. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. UOWE. DAVIS Bl KILHAM, lOB-111 Seruod St. Riaat boob- Btaautuctarsrsi sgsnis xor soa Improved Losee-Lssf ledgers; ee th aew Eureka leaf, the beet ex, th market. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. BVERDINO ft FABRELL. produce aad soaBte- aloe Bsrcbsats. 140 rroat ac, rortiaao, vr. Pboas Mala 1TB. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. WASHBURN ft FLOTD Carpeatera. Joiner snd carriage wort, rui eta et. rnone rsnoc inn. CLEANING AND" DYEING. CLOTHES etvened aad prassad $1 per ssa Unique Tslloring Os.,-34T waaaragtoa ax. If. W. TURNER, prnfessionsl dyer sad alasser. BOB Jefferson ef. Phone Mora xrtia. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOES ANTBODT OWB TOU MONBYt - WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OK PO lUSrHJE. CIT1EENS' LAW ft COLLECTION CO.. CITI. SENS' BANK BUILDING. ROOM 16, 122 Vt ORAND AVB. PHONE EAST 8032. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST Read! Read! Read! ' THIS IS. FOR TOU. ' BEAD CARKVUI.LT TUB F0LL0WINO WOBDSv ldamBartli Ttl old famous mad turn. I permanently lo cated la her nwa home. 42B STARK ST. MADAM BARTH has been brought from the eeet by fttandsrd Bsoph) to hirsts ore, bsvlnf located more oil," gas and ere then anyone la the world. MADAM BARTH doe Bot rlslta to he the snly cUlrvoysnt and pslmlat la the world, but she Is srkaowledgsd to ba ths S reelect clalrroyant allvs. MADAM BARTH 1 a natural born medlsa, aad this wonderful woman by almnly taking your hand will tell yoa the trouble that kre eating awav st your beert; shs will tTl yoa of thoss tlihiga which yea hesitate to let even your most tntlinsts friends know; ane will tell yoa 'f th one yea lore snd why tbst on doe Dot do as yea desire, of the Influence thst drsws thst on away from you; shs will tescb yoa how to control snd Influence the ona yoa lore; she will tell yoa of your fsmlly, your chil dren, of business, ehsngss. Investments, lew suits, looses, Bsrrisges; where yoa srs going, how long yoa will live snd wbst will ecu- your desth. snd whether lend yoa ewa can tslns say mineral, sll, or gee, end ta what extent: If yoa hsvs Invested money unsuc cessfully shs will Sid yoa la retrieving losses aad will snow yoa wbsrshy 70a failed. Man a asa and women bss spent yesrs of sepsrs tloa sad misery swsy from tbs ane they love. Why! Recall as they did not enderstsnd escb ether and becauee they could not control snd Influence the one they loved. Remember, klsdsm Berth doee aot Bss snythlnf tn do celre you. no writing ef jueetlon. no asking question, but by simply laking your Anna tnd looxlhf hTyour far ah will demonstrate her great power of second alrhf snd tell yea all that you deelre; ah will tell 70a the Important thing In your past llfs, what Is In ths Immediate future and what will be ap I the time of your death, giving names, data and full detail concerning everything of Imnortsncs. Ona look at MADAM RARTH will convince yoa of ber power. She hs helped thousands, shs will help yoa. And all ber work le guarsateed. Csll snd sew tl many testimonials at Ber home, 420 STARK ST. Hours: 10 a. a. till B p. a. Low fee. English and Oermsa epokea. . r SPECIAL READINGS THIS WEEK I CfJOe One BOe Boc 58 6V 6c tor liv B0t Dt NIBI.O. 8cm WASHINGTON BT. Roral oriental clalrvoyaat. peechlo, pslmlat Greet adrleer oa love, -baelneea. marriage, divorce, lew. Investments: sll revealed: tells exactly what 'yoa eome for, nemo, are, oc cupation: whom, wbea you Berry; dcrelope siagnetlara, good Inch, powers of aaVrst con trol, curse ell nervone diseases, weak habit, reetores loat vltatltr. locate trssaure by spirit power, devvlnpt medlna.S Klblo a y.cvptlsn art snake kins atorS succeaaful (haa say athat BJaUd warkw. Less at hsslta. vWiiat Strang FoTver t -'". - ..... t. - i3IclYcJrais; BOMB WIIX TELL YOU WHAT TTtET CAN DO. HERE IN WHAT HE DID: , . ' HE PURI II I.Y PREDICTED ON THE TH DAY- OP LAST NOV.. 100.V IN . THIS BAN FKANC1HCO EXAMINER THAT El'OENH M'HMITS WOULD. BB BEELECTKU MAYOR OK SAN PKANCIBOO UI IS W1THOLT (JUESTION -r ..'' ' . f T1" "" MluaV t - im I'.ri.r au-ib-.sifK CLAJRVOYAM ......... TKANCB MEDIUM 1 "M.l iw Turn ht tn trmn-cBfTiWtr"v; -psychology, thoroughly eoavsrssnt with ths occult science snd rifted with sxtraordtnsry heallnf power, lis bclimfs to a clsas ts his Profession and Will consider to bt mesaarsd by no other (tandard than hie owe. HI sow srs srs wonderful snd Indraputsbi. his advlee reliable, bla Infnriuslloa dear, cocci snd t th point. Mrivor Irsvls does not ester to ths superatltloue or Ignorant classes In his resdtai. Hs uses no dark rooais, csblnrts or csnl. Ills msthods srs baaed apoa eelentlfl principle, aa exceptional SvlBeasBl sf tb liner forces ot nature. - . Com sad Irsra aow to deal with occult law, hsw to create harmony nad a healthy atmosphere; tbs secret of "mind over matter. How to be surcsmfnl In buslnsss. law, to, marriage; la fact, every thing. Your talent, character, capabilities snd all - Important erenta of jmnr life ere clearly and ' explicitly set forth, giving dates, names, uv callons snd sll rellshle tnformstton concerning; those with whoa you wtll coma In contact and lta reeulta, together with advice sad knowl. -exit that will enable you to benefit mantatly. physically, financially, ate. . . COME AMI RK HEALED. - If you era sick-In mind or bmly, be will, " without ssking uetona, or snnoylng phvsicsl sxamlnatlons, tell rne"tlie nature end ceiiae ef Sour dlaease. slid show you the wsy to perfect eslth snd bspplnees. . Mclvor Trsvls' tueory M thst sll disease ts due to eonsreetloa. a re- - tarded or Impeded circulation of (be aerv and blood vital fluid. 111a wonderful rwsa are effected by directing his msgnette aad payrholoflcsl forces toward the congeatrd part or nruan. thereby energlilng, equallslnc and remaining the blood end nerve circulation, and In most esses a permanent cure of tka ui'n .oosiinsi oieaaaee erreeiea, The men or womss who dors not advance . . . ...ii,.,. iim .ipi na,w u", wm epiri, of their ags will be -cruahetl snder the ttlserv of It They who remain Ignorant of tksfe ' fst. gen lit and talent will be blown about by every breess of opinio aad svery w lad sf do, trine. The definition of Itnortne Is tin, sickness, sorrow snd death. j There a power in nature, eo subtle, yet . eo alrong, that when employed by s msstsr. . people ere influenced without their t now led re : Into doing the wlshe of others, bad habits snd dreesaee era .cured, estranged lover art reconciled, happy marriage sr brought about. It reunites ths asperated buabend and wife, troubles srs everted, enemies srs overcome, success snd advancement la secured; msny tlilngS srs seeonipllshed by It for tbs good ot . thou suffering ls mind or body. - - - By this secret power Prof.- Mrtvor Travis hss establlehed for himself a reputation that bo anlust critic lam can disturb sad wtiea yea see blm yoa see the king of sll elelrvoysnts and dead trance mediums, palmists, etc. The fee ssked by him. 50r of sll. Call snd ba t ot bis WONBBBPUfa-POWEBS-. " REMEMBER THB NAMTJ, . , ' puoF. McIVOB TRAVIS, ; ' FIXE8T PA BLOBS IN THS CITY., ' $4114 , " Morrison st. , ; ' S41H Corner ot Beventh. ; , Rsadlaga Dally and Sunday Hours from A. M. to g. Tf READ AND THINK ABOUT IT. V . . 110 FOURTH BT: ' 1 N. E. COR. WASHINGTON. Nature's Gifted Astral Clairvoyant, Palmlet Aatrologrr aad Oceultlat. I tell you who yoa are. w lie re yea com from, kow msny aembere there sr la your family, what your occupation la, and wkst It Would he; wbst your sllmsata srs. how "to cure them, where yoa wtll be meet successful, snd why; wkst your health will be all through . life, bow much wealth yoa will poses. If sny; who It Is tbst cause sour trouble, snd how to overcome It: If yeor aloe contains ore, nd ts wbst silent: Bow to control thoss jron love and admire; where your lost sues srs. In fsct, no metier wbst ysa wish to know or wlah to do, I will accotupllah It for yoa or chsrrs yoa nothing. THE MENTAL WONDER OF TODAY. Psychic-Magnet Urn or Boul Fore has bee teated and provea beyond a doubt to be ene of th most remarkable sad Bystsrlous of na ture girts to msnklsd. It a only of-late peer thst a small aumber of psychic of this part of tbs world hare developed this great , fore ta kny dear a of ase fulness. - Being one . of thst few, by giving myeelf ap to tb verv etrlngent laws ef nature fur the past flftees yesrs, I hare sttslned to a very marked' de gree an efficiency ia the use ef this srest snd mysterious force. I ass this power and knowp edee for the hsppiness aad good of mankind. Rom people wonder why they are aot aucceae ful whoa other roupd thsm. although, of lee - . a mint blliy llign fliemac-Tvee. are prneper on la all they altempt. linea ladle attract th stterttloB of tb opposite asx Uk a Bat aral aoagnst. sehers, eltboagh anno th lceo , brilliant and food looking, ar neglected, and they wmder why their friends bars sawh hosts Of admlrere and they bar aou. . Gentlsmea bar the asms experience to tell. Why Im Iff W hy do others set rich while : yoa rvaetn poor? Why do others succeed In sll they un dertake while you almost fallt Whv do your friend attract anltable companions, marry snd bar happy heme, end aot year It is hersoee yoa hsvs not eaough of thai tree I Force, called Magnetism. Csll on me today. I ' will Impart to ysa knowlede snd tell you how yoa msv becnwi successful by this remarkable power. Glee advtc apoa all matter of bnalneae. Journey, mining, peculation, aortal aad doossstla re let Ion a. tc. . Pcnaanently Located at V 110J Few-til Stv FOB A FEW DATS ONLT. A SPECIAL $5 READING FOR $1. -ALWAYS CONSULT THB BEST. PROF. B. RHIMO. Ore a text living satral dead-trance elrtr. ' vnyant ef tb age: ADVISER ON BC'SINr.- AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE: whoa ysa will Barry, how to control tb ode yoa love, evea though Biles away; reunites th asp. grated: five secret powers to control. I will do all ether adrcrtle to do. ad a great deal more. THE ENTIRE. WO-i'j HAS BF.r-N STARTLED WITH THE POc . ERS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES I HAVB mt MT COMMAND, end I prove It ts yoa wlto sut price by giving vca e F RK E TFr FR BB be having rosr NAME TOLD (IN FTTLi. JC8T WHAT TOU CAME FOB, aad glrs yoa advice sbsolntely FRFB heroes yo ecl s ' to have a reading. WHO CAN OR Wit DO MORE TO CONVINCE THB BEBPTK 1 DO NOT MIS THIS OPPORTUNITY, AS IT WILL NOT BR orFERrn TO TOU AOAIN. PROF. R. KHIMO, , PewnaBently Loreted In HI Ores rtoese." HOURS. 10 To S. DA1LT AND SUNDAY, No. 26B Fifth St.. eorsee hfsdlssw st CONSULT THE RKHT. Pmf. Wsllsre. th noted clslrvrcraat, Palmlat and dead tranes toedlnm. The oldest tn neactleav-gUa sssfs tWia.-J" "Hs ""tslU "yor pt present ssd futurs, Tslla your friends, enemle and rivals. Who end wbea ye will marry. . Satlafactloa. or be charge you seising. Consult kla on kuslseas. Consult bla la hva sffslrs. He charges ysu only 50 cesr. THE COSMOS, tnsv, Morels m CAFES. THB 0FFICB tf Wsshlattsa St.. p e l - 771. Bemuel vigneo. CHiROPcrrsTS. CHIROPODT AND pgcrrrRIwo;. p Hill. Ble t, Bel'log CI0ARS AND TC-" i;(NT a CO DI$I'S' 7K Of Fl ' VViULAAO, c