tiis oizz'.: cuNDAY, jou..::al.' Portland, cukpay i.e.... A w A - - 1 . . JCiUiyVyV - Cc!d to insert an ad i ' rOa'RgWT--HOXTSEgSgI,INg- .w -1 Awnlaaad kMtkMM oa - 1 - c " . . m a S wood u4 water tree, reiae., w ; ram wrwT-Tt.a 403 M fcaasekeeiHns-rccseB; atse stag roeem; able. Phone Mala 801. BOB RENT 8 safuraleheA ... mill Uil - T I AND auSxr4it SiuieslgspIIH W0rn fee, beth Ml Benadryl SUM w eoo I amauj ex. ROOMS AND BOARD. mi l. faimiiv r adulta weald Hke rooa flret-eleee board: steals optional: nhnKM Htttani Teleaoee Beat 108 any .Aay " v Iwm 1 end s p. ax. - . THB WOODLAND. MS Sixth, ear. ef Madlaee . rloa la: beaatlfal Brteate reetdeacs; large . lawa. elegaat (mm. choice table board; - Bnaable ; i V A ii UIAU( with heard tor twa aeonlet Wxee. Psoas Mala ISM. tui 14th OOD table board eely; , Jeffereoa at. boaee eeoklag. TOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES FOB BBNT. " ' looms. AM Water at, $lt. rooma, 180 North Eleyeata, $1T.M. reome. AST Nnrtllla. $M. - ... - rooma, 84 North Nineteenth. 1 1 W. T mhh, Sot tnlon r. North, fJT.M. T rooms, 2oS Union an. North, SSTAA. 4 raeana, 107 Manlesreg $12. rooma. 80S Third. 2. . :- raoau. UOtt Baat rtrat IM. roooM. Baat Ninth and Coach. fSB. ' irooaia, Kaat Nhith an4 Couch, J0. roaaja, 1C Third. - . raoaa. 1W North FUtaaBth, ISO. roacaa. AMH aaraath. !. - roaaM. 4S0 roarth. M " T raoata. Wl Cbapnaa. IIT.W. " raaaaa. IN Blavaath. AU, SiTS-Sffiri: ; IN Maaoa, aiv. . , - ia. Baaaad, ffona aroaxaanav 171 Baantfe. f SI JO. - T Bavaata, aaa. Baat BWroetb aa rt Oarbatt, . MO Jaekaaa -0. ' TTT Jobaaoa. MO. I14J0. BOl Moattroaaarr. I 347 Twalfth. f0. oof MaOiaoa. n6. 74 Baat Bam Ida, t-M. W Baat Twalfth. Karta. Bl tMU roartk, 131. Brarart, .- fnrBlaho. 011 Baity. BM. . CM OalaaiMa, 2i0. ' X ark, hu Tvaatr-Tura, faa., laoan, 4 Brraataoath. IX. .- ' :Part:.WatBns;; am AMar Bt. BOB BB2TT BT THB DUHN-LAWBBNCE Nlaa f-taaa estusa, Na. UN Daloi am. Baaatttal saw I mow aottasa. Xo. BM Wahaah at, atoatarlUa. ... . Applx 144 flBBT BT. BVB BBNT Maw t-raaaa Baoora flat waMaf aiatasea. woat aMa. raaaoaabla; ahw a-rooa ' aoora bam, with aarsar lot, Baat 4th at. M. 4uM OoaiaMaetal bid-. . KADDBBLT TBANBrBB CO., fraant ul r Babla ptaa aa4 foraltia-unnaia; ataa rtor- aaa. rboaa OtAaa lla M. ItM. COB BBKT araaaj aottao. Ma, 14 lth aC, bo tana Bayt aa4 lrta. Aoplr aaxt oa. BOUBB for root! aatta I looaira w aoaraaa at. BOB EBNT Two igaa aa raa J. B. Baaa. 406 aoa.i ataa aaa t-atorj Bawtbarna tn, - BOB BBNT Nawlr Paparad T roooal aaa bath, baat aoBdltlea, fit. Ira4 Vlarack, Boat , nira aaa Aaa. . - . . BOB BENT J baadaoaaa kaodora T caoTeoiaatlr locarad aa Tbirdit. earUaa: S10. , SIS aad S14 Oorbatt at I rant raaaoaabla ta daalrabia teaaata. Da rid sU.Btaaraa, i : . Waahlattaa at. ... .BOB BBNT S-raaaa aottaao. Kanil Pboaa Baat T38. Si 4. Kara at riNB alla-htly aaad klrti rrada piaaa far aala . at a baraala prlra. Call to aoa It. Alias at ! GIlbaK Co aUith aad Morrlaoa ata. FOB BBNT Naw he aaa. rootoa, BMdara. Saa aaiKBborhooa, eloaa la. uataa wana. aaaaaa, alactrte Ilsht. saa, bath, faraaca, front aad aek jarda; ook tala ap aalck. Pboaa Baal Mi. -BOOM koodara. Srat-ctaaa tapalr, akadaa aa wfatdawa: Saa loaatlaa. aaw tuaiaiirnii aids. ' BOOM baoaa for rant. Bos Whtttakar at. plr flraat Phaalar. M Baraath at. - AB O-BOOM baoaa for mat, BS0 Baat Miitlaaa at. Applr flraat .Phaslay. M Baroatk at. BOB BBNT raralahad aoaaa. Bt. Joaaa. Blf . per taeath. laqatra 44S Bast 12th. aertB, ar pheae Boatt 107a. TO and Sat, aheap. Iaeah-a ThM aad Oak ata. Portland Traet 0a.. BOB BBNT Cheap, a S-raoai cottara at Boa aide; view of beach. I. J. BeM, S28 , ac Pboaa Mala BTTs. S0TBU M raaaaa. fair aaadltJea. ro aooa Ma i root, I paara' taaaa: Tary cioaa, east (Mav Xba iMtuaataj- ua., aaa a Lara at. - t- BOB BK!T A 4-roaai eottara, aaatlr fernl abed. , tor ss per ntau xa paruaa witDoat canarea. J. B. Baaaaar. TIT Caloa ara., aorth. rom BBNT I races Phone at. 1T4T. aattass. la N. Xlrt IS AND IIS S BMdara aoaaaa, newly flnlahad, SHU and Caratbara. TaL Mala 4aSS, BOB BBNT Dnoaa af rami saa. bathi Sit . Waat Park. Inontre SOS Waat Park ar B41 rmu ire. -BOOM howee wttk bath MS 14th at., aaar MUL aad saa. Call at BOB BBNT a-Bsata eettaaa, Baat Stk Brett ata. aad By- FOR RENT FLATS. BWO S-raora Bate; watar paid; Be amaU chit- oron. 40 aaui as. TWO kaadafi S-feeoa Seta will ba a September It eloaa la, eaat aloe; aaa thlal before pea rest. Beat B2D0. FOR RENT FARMS. BOB BBNT Obeap, 10 acres food rardea la ml, with aeaee, etc. S aiUaa oat oa Orasoa Oily rarlbia. Bear MlUreakte. Call C. Beam, Botal rwwwri, iim ajia waaniartoa ata. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- f l RXITL RB for aala. aoaaa for rent af S-rooa ' booee, with complete fantlehinra: aew, klfh- ' pwH avnjnra, cneap. aea uouaaay ava. 4 ROOM aartasa for rant aad ramtrara tar aala. nvi ley or., aaar wiuiana ae. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. FOR BBNT ar leeaa, Baa torareonv, a Urea bow wlndowa, S2S( t larta orflce reoaaa. - leae If taa. a for -loaa tlnei larre Brouiuuf baaeawat, ST. Pkmaaar Draf Co., Third aad aaaiaaa ata. FAST af ahoB to rant aaKaala far painter ar piaaiaer. . aaj (. nr-BOOMS. afaralahad i i sad aaatpw. i'' a far reel. . 1 "Part af faratahed aTSra ta e 4 b. ), ar aueaojoril wtth poooe. aalUbla for law waiaaaa. t a, eara jeameL. I WILL abara Br oaaaraodr-raralahed afflea ta tbe aanet prooilaeat baadlnr la I be city with a aoairabw party, x ei. j Joaraal. BOB BB-tT Oroand floor afflea apaea) mflca beUldanf la city. I aa, Joaraal. P T af raralahad afSea ror root la Laaibar harhaaaa Md. Pboaa Mate BoSa. past af farnlehed Butte aftlM - ' ? Mnait ?'; tinaii, , rnZ"; BU eUkek aalfi -in) A-VQ ''2L";f'ifrY- A-man Inquired among his friends where he could get? a $2,000 houc2 by paying a cmrll JL I ;i3 ;nuU , amount dqyn' and the..balarice as xent i ;;After;;caUihs.oh:a: fevv financial"-men lieAvda in the "WantedReal Estale" columns of The Journal. This he did and' the deed for his new home is ' i ' , ; " i . . . j.. i i , i . ' ..." - " uVi ' ' .VT,r; i" i i ' ' ! . a - " ; 11 . FOR RENT MISCELLANEOaS. BALL and ballrooak aoaarata or taaarliar; bow aoa who ail aoaroaWBroa. raoaa at" oo SUMMER RESORTS. THB sba CBorr, . Boptonbar, U aa Lana BaarB. aaaa 4vrtnt loaal iaea to pondthj. rjBialalag Is IB llf B. Hutchlnsoa, See I i aw. Willi lira. W. Vlaw, Whthlnctaa. AUCTIONS. FOBTLAND Al'CTIOM BOOMB. A. 8CHUBACH, Pro - til Plrat at. Pboaa Mala MSB. Asvtlaa aallr at t a. m. Hithaat eaali Bald (or (araiturai alaa fooda aold as alcaaioat BUSINESS CHANCES. n v nnnrraV aiork aa waat aida. i,5oo OrocarT atock au'waat-aldaT-f" . fauu, twuoea uiaa u aoeurii aaa ao i ' lor naiaBca.' 11 aii a i mwwv aad BMt Biarkat; m for a alca lltUa kaalBaaa, laejladlof ; : Otto & Crockett v ; 1 WABHINQTOM BT. BURST Switch atoek anld choap I baT aad loaa loonoy aa appro Tad atocka; fold duat and pradoaa atonaa booth t dlrldand-parlnc atocka aoia; pmapana or aiani pariun . fmruwtinl laMnflaaa BroBOtad: Bonault BH .for profltabla lanatSMDta; aaaaibar Portlaad Stock Bxrbanc. - W. i. Cnrtla, 110 lav aaandal Uk. Pboaa Mala 68S4. .- MBAT Biarkat far aala ebaapi BU Oaloa ara. Borth; ojomff ffooa taaimn. BOB larorniarioa or for aharaa of tka Nleola coal atlaaa, llailtad, amta to raai Bockauor, Baanacar, Paloaaa, Waah. f"0B flAT.B 4 tamral BMrchaadBM atorat stack inoaU'aa aaoot aa.umL en aaa raav. ia aowa wltbla BS Bllra of Portland, aa Boathara PaeISc rallroadi Pala baalaaaa: sood raa- Baaa for aauiag, Aoaraaa aa. eara aoaraaa. 'BILOhf ATB, OBBOON. waats ' a tiaak. araaawrr. trait aaaaarr aaa a boot biiii; a Baa epaaln bora for aaek of tht aatar- aai cainiaiUHB Biaoa ianmiw llrta of Saa farm and aropartlaa aala or axehaafa. OaldwaU Ca.. Phila- awth, orasoa. DBUO atora for aala akaaa: taa aalr araad aolloBa town! atock eoaiDlata. titaraa, marbla foaatala, coraar aura, root ; $10. airotria llrhta aad talrphonai awaar ola oat W baalaaaa; aplradld ooantn for dracalat; coma aaa aaa ror jooraauj aan tlasa tf daalrad. ; AppLr aras akora lfaoat Aaval. Orafoa, . WHO IS bt a. MOBGAM 00. FOB SALB Good aatlla raaalr- loC S4.S00 cash i blf proSta aad eaah baalaaaa, Oaart Balna amiuar, Basaaa. Orasoa. . PBBNOVI BNAIi rlaa ia ortoa -OC Rant Bwltah ai pacta aa Oar; tBU) Btr aa low aaac apportaaltr to bnr bafora auaacrlptioo boaka ara rloaei. . t. W. Harat Caw. BOS ale Bar aid. BTBAK woodaaw and taa a for aala; awaat erur'aiskV Sooc paiBC aaa la aaa. uau MOO MAN with that SBMamt caa Baeora nod oalooa intaraar; bis opponaiuix a mai party. CaU Stark atraat. SAXiOON aaar Portland, Aotnf Baa taaataaaa Call ata-Madlaea at. aaaat ba aaaS Bt aooa. AWMTIX BAROA.IN Sawmill aad S40 aeras of laaa, a muaa rreai rauroaa, pnew i,iw X ia, eara Joaraal. H-ROOM hoaaap laaat, sood laeatloa, alaarlas Call t Madlaaa. Sw par aaoata; pnea fiuw. BOB SALB ar axchanra for raal Wash aoantar. CaU 444 WIUIaaM aatata, ava. BOB SALS Old eetabllahed confectionery, elf as aad trait store; s lar(e urins-raoaxa IB ooev Beetle. Ml Plrat St. . CIOAB aad eoafaetloaery store: MM required: will eoe thla fej a Boaey-maker; tayaeticatei ylnca a proapeolrre bnyar; a berfala, BiSH Stark street. . laqulrs A SO-ROOM borcl. bread aew sad Brat elaae. for aale at very reaeonaDie pnea u xaaoa Immediately. ESTABLISHED real acta re ofSca; sal oa aaay taraai Vaarlnc city. HH Sixth, near rus. SS.OOO FCRN1TCRB T8-rooa worklnraaa's Botel ana Bar, cieara azsv aonxniyi wiu moe for part raal aetata; alckasss caass. SI North Sixth at. .-,.. WB WILL sell Monday a paylas salooa, ceatrml. dotnf fna bnalneee: price leea tnaa acieau ran aea aa. 2ASV4 Stark atraat.. FOB SALB Up-to-date ' aoafeertoaary. cream parlor and dellcateeeca; Bne price raaaoaabla, D 14, eara Joaraal. FOR SALE Old-eatabllehed S B M, eara Joaraal. FOB BALE H interest la Sxat-class reataarant. to aooa reeponeiDM coos; eery aooa propon twa; centrally loeatrd,J S400 Beaded. Apply to owner, 2ST Beraelde at. LAROB corporation ' deaanda nvr tttanrloa: aa enerretle yo vonaa Baa ar lady with 11.000 and proper references caa draw STS monthly aalary aad half aet proSta la addition, la a alca ctcoB Income bnalneee; pjaney refunded It not VaatlaSed; aaceptloaal opportoalty ta riattt pJrty. B SS. eara JoaraaL MAN with S400 ar MOO caa handle baalnaa ntioa mar xe a aara o'B aaewey-a"- WAITINO confectionery aad dear store. ii naylns Bill baat of cor aeiung- con rl nee barer It's. a aaapi prloa, 2.000 Call 248 Stark FOB SALB A rood paylas aonfectlonery aad lth raeuaraat aad II Tint -room 1 ... atena ' In connection; will aell half Intereet. 202 at., Taa uauea. PATINO salooa for eele or axes are for raal aetata or aometnme; a neaiaa eaj Phone WoodlawB SX 18SS LOT. wtth Falllns aaa Beat lata; aaay venue, soa City. Box Ml, Ore- VI hare seraral parties waatlnr room tor nonnaa. anner to onr or rent, wnac aan 'on a .Adrance Keauy usw, iui nana nixia. boas Mala Bias. 00RNRR gioierr for aale, weet aide; B M, eara JoaraaL about i.taw raqairea. M0RTOAOB daa oo at earn Berry-ro-rooBd for aala cheap If taken at aace. Adilreae Aleary Lleoa. aus uiackaaas St., east aoa. SaO.Ono OENEBAL store ta lira towa af 1.SO0. 13,000 wUl bay only hareeaa kaalaees ta good towa; exenense ror farm. 11.500 Half Inuraet sawmill paying (tad tanaenos. - -,r' St.ooo Half Intereet 1a ahlngle atll 10,000 for general etore, eaetera Waahhit ton; arerass sales M.000 per , month, ln- reatitats. TBOMPSON OAOB, BST PARTNER - retiring wtahee ta dlaooee of kfe Intereet ta a payiag real aetata office; Sl.Bop eaah and good references will ba required; beat of referencee glrea. Partlealara 248 Stark street. .... WANTED Reliable bmb, competent bookkeeper, who will In real few tboaeaad dollara ha luna- '. her sompeny aad take act! re part; referencee and financial etaneing aeyoaa QneetMa. par. tlcalara 24t Stark at. . WANTED Ta bay a real aatata baatneas, or rent oraea aaa say larBitara. u is, ears Joaraal. WANTED A lady net orer M with 175 or tlAO aa partner la a Beat little atora eat of city. T is, ears Joaraal. I BAVB a aaat. eloaa grocery: rant ' SIT: monthly trade aronad $1,000; good deUTery rig; will sell prlyately ta direct barer for S&O; tea sood ta laratca. Addreee B Ta, joaraal. na agaata. SOM BUTS ana half Intereet ta Broearr atorai thla piece la Baking awaeyt pertlea Maying ,n. bui van, uiTwiie. ie ix ana aaiieri yoareeTf; cheap rent; call st aaae. my Fearth at. INT0ICB a boat llano? for that ameemt yoa , cn ware n grewiag aaae: this a a map. Ca paying grocerf bnel- au 24H BtArk atreet. FOB BALB twmUI ea railroad. 40.000 . capaaiy, eo.uuu.ww reet trmoeri now aperet. Ing ea gilt-edge erdera; clearing ap eerem! , thoaaeitdr dollara par month; If yoa ara look- neining worta wnut, MOrasg M. avadaae, IMecoa, . BUSINESS CHANCES. WfJLL-PATINO bakery sad nelteatmia rtore for aala; cbaap reaU- O. JapXer, AaAVa Waaa- A OOOD layaatBOnt- anka IB naw aaatl Bow tacreaBtnir arery taonth; raqalrea $ia.00l aa . coaaoea ia taaa. a4fe waaainctaa, roaa a B t BOtIN ta aUbt aoa Kroflt 10 a day: a lamakB BM. . ba aold at oaea. til Wri.r, PATINO water plant for saw. Reqnlrea . ai.ouu caaa. u. xapiar uo sasei rvaauuif me ou ' S ROOM . , f 370 ' If aold wltb In rln, bat ewae T. Joaraal. a few dare! thta Is a bar r ta sbllsod ta aalL Addreee rOR SALB, and a snap If taken aooa Bakery in auouroa; dticb eran; oolus tons aaauttss. ... ou. lara-wmirnai., : DELICATE88BN and babetr. rood comer, A a btulncaa of S2 to SSO per day,' caa be 1a- ereaaed: alaa 14-raozn hooaa. rood loeatMB. will be aold cheap. Berx land. No. 1. raartk and Aakeay ata. . SMS B0TS oaa of tbe beet located aad Boat prominent, cisar etorea la roruana. , ao wnrda. 221 H Morrlaoa at. tSOO t-ROOM BCOW RODSB ta perfect order! , coat 11.000) Boat sell quick. Edwards, 131 Mornaoa at. OOOTOR WANTED QUICK ta take laerattes Badlcal practice: very cneap: beat Mcauoa la Portland. . Bdwarda, 221 M Marrlaoa at. rOR SALB OB TRADB) R(mina-boaaa. rooma, aoina aooa ouawcae; aa Beat street la city: will alao trade for sood heavy taaa aad wasoa. for partlealara call at 21 North filxtb at., -or Phone PaeISc 31)60. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. BOUSE FOR SALB. rrr the foUowlnt' Uat wa aaa salt oa. S new aod era T-reoa kocaae ea Terk at,, tbe one oa tbe earner lot tt,S90i the other two tB.eOO each. ' a aew Badara .r-rooa kaasas aa 10th and TboBpsea ate.. Sa.TBO each; full lota. 1.1 s t ma heaaa ta Seltwood,- . I S new S-room honaea aa W ara aaa SX.boo. the ataer as.ooo. 8 S-rooa cot Usee ander aXBStractJaa ta aanyalda, 11000 aech. . ' And laat bat not leeet, t alca new baat -low la Vernon, rooma aad taadara lh' arery detail, Sf.ooo. - . viooBB iNTrgnnrNT oo., - Booms Q1-40S Stearns tds., . .. . ,. BUtfe aad Morrlsoa ata. . . ' SPECIAL BARGAINS. " " WEST 8IDB. S4.M0 T-rooa mod era hooaa, U kWak. ' t.000 S-rooa modern aoaaa, BeTaath at. -' S2.S00 S-rooa Bodera hooaa, Watar at. 13.800 S-rooB Bodera aoaaa, Thonaaa at. SA.000 SraoB eottara. Bear fall fronnda. EAST ilDB. H.000 0-raoB modem aoaaa, aaap. .300 S-rooa . modem boaaa, aaap. .000 S aooa Bodera boaaa. f 1 , 8N) ,1 i room modern oottaa-a. . Sl.soo s Ursa room Badara Oood torma aa all af It. Otto & Crockett . i.-; B4Sa Waahlnttaa. -. ' WEST SIDB HOMES S-rooa aotiasa. aVxth S3. ZOO baya a at.; rood tot. - tS.SSO for a S-rooa aoaaa with erary Bedaia aoorenlcnee; Sherman at. ' M.000 bays a S-rooa eottaaal Bilara ta arery ways la Saa eondltloa. . S2.t80 for a Urea modern eoHafe af rooaa; aa a corner lot, roarth st. BAOEMANN A BLANOBABD, , . -; ot-rtfttvt , ' VACANT LOTS 109x100 aa St. Johna car line, s few aaaO balldlnga: Boll Boa watar. ti $200 ease.; balance tlO per month. 0x100 at Ockler Oraea. 1800: $2S cash; balance $10 per month; 4 per cent. . 100x100 ea Cambridge at., $000. ' ' 100x130 facing aa Willamette boahreard. ererwoklnc tbe rlrar; a baaatltal bo tiding alto; 11. BOO; H eaah. . 60x100 ea Oxford at $800. ' ' Aad aereral lou ka HlgMaad Park traa $100 aad apwarda oa easy pay moot. Otto ti Crockett i ': 846 Waahlastoa. , ' . - S-BOOM hoaea and attic, modern an plate, elegant baeeaeet with cement Boor, wnsh trare, bath, 2 toll ata, gaa aad alee, trlelty, amoklng-rooa, doabls bedroom, doable doore from kali aad from parlor, beautiful Bxturee, boya' daa: lerely comer lot 00x100, wltk roses galore. J. B. Beenvar, TZTj. Lnlea are, aorth, t-ROOM hoaea, beaement, full let, 82.600, aa rargo; will excuanga tor eaau isra; ea. tlreTy Badera. 3.100 s iwb aoaaa, no xoi, uooa ara-i u eno u block. haanUfal lava. S taodera; terma. . . '' $22,000. . FOR a 1-etory solid brick banding ea let rt, bring mg . la .good Income- As atopatty . around not as good sold for 'Bach Bore, the awaar will raise tbe prloa, after con- : tract expires la a few days. Leak st It, . and tall aoe If yea saw anything cheaper. .-, F. FCCHS. ......... . ' 221 Morrleoa. 1 1 MONTHLY payments flne pcoperty aa Bee ThoBpaoa A Oaga. 687 Sherlock bldg. FINE S-room boaaa. Bast Sta, aaar poatotrioe, $3,260: eeay terma. 4 good lota oa carlbM. Eaat atth, $1,200; 250 eaah, ba lance $16 per month. Oood corner lot, 4 boaaee, rents $28 par Biboth, weet aide, SS.OOO; $800 eaah, balance . $20 par month. Will trade for racaat. prop- "' ' CHARLtSON a NB7I.L, Pboaa PacUlc 11M. $18 AUsky blda. SELLWOOD HOMES S1.35U s-rooa mcoera awnaga, two Blocks from earllne; teraia. $700 S-rooa houae; quarter block.' w! 8780 S room boaee. two lots. $1,100 4 -room bones, T lota. . - BBLLWOOD TOWNSITB CO- . ' ' H. P. Palmar, Manager. -108 Sherlock bldg., or (at off Sellwood car St Tenlno ara. Pboaa Sellwood 181. ... OOOD BUTS. ' SMO 4-roea eettaga, fall lot, $8M eaah; Balance use rent. $1,400 Nice corner, t-rooa cottage, Bast Bnnnyalda; $300 eaah; balance Ilka rent. - 1,8110 Quarter block on St Johns ear line, with T-rooa boaee which seat mere to build than saked for tka whole; $t00 cash; balance like rent. . $4.200 Eaey permeate for aew, etrletly ' BMdera T-roem boaee, swell Belghborhood; aaay walking dtetaaeei waat aids. , .1.0004 acrea. aeerly all la high stats af Snltlyatleai S blncka electric car aad fallf . equipped; big soap aad eeay terma. . For good Iota aad bones ass - , F.FucllS 231 Morrlsoa Bt. Acreage cn Car tine -V acres, terel. ea graded street, sear sta tlea Moant Scott earllne. caa be aold In lots st big pmSL only ft. 100, or will Ball 1 acre f00 aad 1 acre $650; terma. Don't pay $1,200 to $1,600 for houae sad one lot 40100 la aaae locality wkaa yea caa bulla hooaa of saas ealae aad ewa oaa aara of area ad I ad for tbe same a aaay; thla Is s ssap . Mara !( to yeareelf. tt , a. vai aa w,t 188 Fourth at., Boom St. eww a, MSO0 BNAP. -ea Bast Flrat st,. steel bridge; 60xl00-feot lot with goad ; terma. PABBISR, WATKINS CO, 250 Alder ex. 10 ACRES Section Line mad, T atlas from poet. or rice; Mrel uno; eery cneap; aaiy gl.ouo . terms W. J. Day Sc Co. - awkt rsorts at, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ' Special Bargains for sals by r. Pabola, Waahtnftoa bids. r .000 T-rooa aoaaa. S roll xeta. Pultnn Park! terma. f e.aUQ ear two a-roooi mooem aonaajnni eat eldojreiit f z JBOBLtB! ieraja, S.IUOTOentonetoVS-room hoosai .Slasf Ollaan; rernia te.TOO line U block. T houae. araat mlAi termel a taaa. 3,000 rine paw BMdara T-raoa hooaa, fall aoi. a.eex vara: terma. ... la Mxk Tm Utn end atora TTnlea aye. ta.OOit oOilOO 10th at, with bulldlna-l ta- BMit tut month. Sit.ftoo Oorner aa 4th wtth three 1 story Baii'iinre. , . eeo.oog Satory brick, 4at at. ' II nflo innlon Wllllana aeanaB. ia.Soo Beet boalnaaa hi aa Eaat SSth; all JBprovomenta paid: a snap, feoo rine V.u aa Eaat Carle. ETorett Blandem Bad flllaaai eaar laj lea. ee.aw JB acrea on earuna , a eeauun r lAlaa. - St.sOO Plat "H acrea' ranch, cleared and fteral; T-rooa saw Boaee, I blf Barnai wooa bonea: Terr larre chicken' hooaa: orchard: well; board-faaced; a flna piece; terma. a. uuauis. waeninaioB xtiaar. axooa i. t- Bars a few extra floe Iota aa Eaat Ollaaa with fine etcw af nty and mountaina; pare air, fine Belghborhood; beat of ear eery Ice. for only S3O0 each; aaay terma; S sold ta the last few deya; hero la your chance; coma quick If yoeuaraat aaa, as they will all aooa F. DUBOIS; Waahlastoa Bias. Booa 1 , 1 If Tea Want a Baas .. T , HERE IS ONB. A Flna Corner oa, Washlnttoa at.,oNer ISth. 'loia is s unanca in a Lifetime. On! ly ST.600. XBIS UP, i PORTLAND REAL BSTATB CO, 0. R. DEBUROB. Manaaer. . - 18 230 Abinxtoa Bld(. . ' . .. Pboaa Paclna T7S. . BAST BIDS BOMBS 1,600 for a aew S-rooa Be nee. Bodera la erary way, piped for furnace, 10 Hooka freak steel brldre: a a nan. l.TftO Modern t-rooa eottere oa Baa lot, Bnnnyalda sddltloa, Saa nelaoborheodi sand tor t 'BEMAltlr-VAKOTAtor 81 Fifth at. ACBEAOB Any sns tract, H acre ta ISO, aa caruaa, aaa price to salt, laeoatiaata st once. Ton can't rp wrong ea aereaaa. . Tka OoBttaaatal Co., - Set Stark f t. - A - MINISTER TBAN8PEBRBD Wa Ball his noma tbw week, S-rooa boaaa for 1.200; It'a nearly new; ' waU bnUt; weU painted ; cement foundation; doable floora; wood libra plaaterad. tinted watla; alca SOxlOO fenced lot a saorx oiecas oc car; aooa, ankk Berries sood adrraandlna bulldlnref ftrat takes It; only 11.300. Home Lea ad Oa., Ut Tint at. A PRETTT. NEW OOTTAGB Fine Baa raaaaa. bath room, iwcoptloaball, eeller beet plain V las; porcelain bath: tolet and arak; wlthla aaa block af car; eloaa In; only 11,000. Boaaa Land c, 14tH First st. . , ... WEST SIDB) INVE8TMBNTB 88.500 baya 1 Bodera kaaaes aa Sox 100: A T and S rooma : fine lna M.OQO for S Sao honaea, f aad aeoaiai real far MO per month. ' ' fll.OpO bays a earner, clone re, 2 Srat alasa honaea ; earnlne 10 per cent net, , . , . BAOEMANN A BLANCHAKD, , ' SI Fifth at., f $1JOO S-BOOM boaaa, hem, chicken aaai eota at.; pari caaa. ... $1.00 t-rooa cottara aa Bast Btn. $3,000 S-rooa houae. Beat 28th; , SSOO rwa: balance oa eaey psymeats. 61.800 1 rooaa eottara: Clemmerrlel Axbtaai terms. ...... '. $600 Twa lots. Kenllworth. aai earllne. ' , . , ; C. TAPPER A CO.. ! 28S Waahlngtoa; Mala 2410. 4 , .BeeWeace STS L'aloa Ara. Eaat 1124V ' GBANCB af a lifetime 60x300 feet ef : property. Union are., for $1,600 eaah; beee- ayt irorth oor. already aug. see Masuil Mln LOT Lincoln Park; aa eaah requ owner. - W. B. Theaas, 400 Aaabar of I trad. 0on $1.660 BBAUTIPUL - a aaetiflee. anrll aei otember 6tb; modem: T larre rooma t tar- raced lawn; ranlt, flowers; Flrat St. earllne; SWM eaah: balaaca time. lea as Moore, 184 Nebraska st. ..... , . . BROOM. ablai I . St,M. T71 . Taylor. Eaat 4671. Louis Salomon REAL ESTATE. ' Fog tbe past IS years at IR8T AND VA8KINOTON STI piew permanently located at .231 Stark SU KBAB 8BC0SP. . .. 1 FAXON PARK , .. to aow oa the market; tots at acreage prises, according te .laiprnyemente. Lota OOXZHO sns, . S1SO. $180 ' Lots 100x2001226. $260, 1276 ' xeta joaaaaa I too. gtuoi aw These lota are mostly la eultlvatlnn. leeet Mxa aaa aigniiy, ea a gooa graaea atreet, ewae to good !0-rooB srbool, at Lenta; ta fare ta aay part af Portland; water free! terma. 0. B. ADD1TON. OWNER, Take Mount Boott ear. 6a. Lenta. Oregon. $1,200 BUTS a S-rooa catUga, Baa auxa; xerme. . BAOEMANN A BLANCBARD, 81 Fifth et. A MODERN boaaa la Holladay Park, faraaea, cement walka, gaa, electric light. flreDlaee. oee aroner, luevt Third ati FINB tot betweea Vnloa are. aad Wllllaaa are., ..aear Maeea at. ; If taken Immediately thla lot . caa ba bad for only $400. "A few alee lota la MoatBrflla for ealy f 1M; $10 down and M per aaonth. Better look thta i ap before they are all gone. . a. a. Mccor, so Fifth st. j , - $1,800 M0DBRN 8-roeta boaaa and fall lot; part eaah and balance la Boatbly payments 4 For fall partlealara pboaa Sellwood 226, ar ' Inquire ea preBleee, 1046 Eaat Lincoln. . $S,2fl0 S-RQ0M aew modem boaaa. 8M Baat Madleoar part each; good locattoa; . trait treee and i carllaee. FOR BALE Lot 60x100 feet, ea Carpenter st., Bear Denrer are., for $300 caeh. If bought Im mediately. , Mrs, a F. Blaawlck. Ml Eaat PlBS St. REAL F.8TATB BARGAINS $1,000 acrea, near Lenta, aa 0. W. P. By. terma. - $1,8002 sightly lots sad S-reoai raaldence, . Beer carllnee. Mount Tabor) terma. $1,800100x100, buck la Pattern's' addi tion. $8.100 Coraar Water sad Olbbs sts.f S-rooa residence, cement walka and fears) Baat be sold at aace; this Is s snap. , WAREHOUSE SITES. ' Wa bare choice warehoaae sites for sals aa the aaat had wast side. FARMB. ' for sals ta all parts of the north a eat. SINN0TT SINNOTT, . BM Chamber ef Commerce, . $2,6008600 -CASH, balance aaay terms, bays a nearly new 6-room boaee; modern, aa to f - date, HoTtadars addition. II minutes' walk to weet siae; a anep. new owajer; no Bgaaia. D 12, ears JearaaL FOB, SALB S of the. beat lota ta Kara Park) terma. Plaaasf Drag Co., Third aad Madl- soa sta. - FOR tALB A saw Bodera rooa eertaga and $600 CASH, fa U lot far $1,860) $604 taak , . - and $40 per month. PORTLAND TR1ST COMPART '. , . . i' OF OREGON. . H. W. Llndhard 401-402 McKay BMg. Cor. 84 and Stark sta. fe.iHNi w-room aoaaa. raixoa are., lot loOxlOO; a aaap; ea terma, M.6SO 4 ream cottage, cornet Eaat Bear bread sra. A cost bay. , . 'FOR SALE RSAL ESTATC fl.SM MODERN and new S raoena story sad -e nnii:. a Baxuaaaa ap. I w; m aiea, cheerful and airy: porcelain bath, wood Uft, ew a . xnio m iMwitiTeiy xoe courenleni, cnaapeet sad beet (or the I la Hlrbland. $3,3-15 Uodara snd aewt atory aad half. -aluable lot, oa Union aTeaue; all Improye- Bl property or home. ' . $1,678 Qoeea Anna cottage, 8 all . tinted, bath between bed rooma, ballt for eeav ori ana naa not aeea occupkeo. .Terma. 3.8uO Orer looking Bile of eur rounding couniry: eeeaiuui aoaaa aa la Dor ueigau 100 feet aouare: earner. - f $836 Tor quarter block' fca Cpper Albtaa BBoia amue, in gooa rental aiavict; geea xor Ineeator te balld booses to Mil. Cash ar aaay terma. , . . $078 Bor lot a bore grade oa Commercial ax., in oeei reaioeace pari; large rir ireea; 14-foot alley; aa ear line; gaa, water, newer. Eaey terma. 1,878 Suburban hamtv acre- ot gruaa. T buwuiuub aiBeu roome, ao aiinuiea nue xroa center ef city; up Willamette tlrer. j Perm 40 acres; price, $1,860; I acres ander FuiiTutioni orcnara us rreea voatiy sppiea; room hooae; place all fenced: tiring water; 1.000 eorda of wood standing; eonreoVant ta rorunaq aamet. . . 1 JOHN B. MATTHEWS, T22 Chamber ef Commeroa Acreage 1.000 seres to be cut ap la a nee II tracts . from 1 to B seres sad ap; west side, axeel. . lent locality, anil aueurpaeaed; market apeas - nvaayi poo to fiwi per acre; terms. . , 244 STA UK STREET. - 1 LOT 00x100, 11th snd TiUsBonk sta., Irrlng- bwbw . euune bbbui eoi t. . - Bboald be a landowner: great aale ef bow on; any alaa tract from I to 10 acres an: $86 te $160 per acre; cboles locality, ' aids; saay terma. Sec , ... - - 244 STAHK STBEET. ;. - . aad -sst IF yea waat to belM any kind af building, s or large, go to Americua ma tor lamber. bar, doore, wladowa, p teeter boards, ate. , BBADTIPCL aioderB room booee. east front, , full tot, JS.OOO; $600. balaaca $2t monthly. Owner. Pboaa Eaat 675. a-ROOM aaodera eotxage with bath, hot aad eaia water, aaa carpers ana anaaaa, a lota, earner, alee lawn, fruit aad Sowera. 1 block from car. 6e fan. M alnntea' ride: SI. loo. half eaah. -Towae, BM Morrlsoa at. Pboaa racoaa aoia. 500 Honids For 'Sale Farm a and city property. THB INVESTORS OTJIDB CO.," ' . 11 Marquaa Bldg., Portland, Oregea. FOB BALE, CHEAP acre at Monet Tabor; terme. vwaer, . aai aaat atorriean. aaraar Vnloa are. . . BUT a lot ea the eaat aide; 5-mlnute car serv tea. wlthla walking dlataoce: Sne haaaes SjotofMip; nrlces Arom $600 ta $850; -xarme U ' bf. B. TBOMPBON, - "'- f 841 Mlaaualnpl are. Pboaa Waedlawa BOS.' ar branch office oa the ground. . Twaaty saeead aad Morrison. Open dally S a. b. to 12 b. Moant Tabor aad BaaayeUle earn. FOB SALB OB RENT $3.600 New A room aiodera boaaa aad corner lot, Eaat Mttu at., aaar Hawtborae are.) -eaey terma. 402 Ceta- Barelal bids. . Pboaa Factne.SlS. A BARGAIN FOB S0ME0NB. 8 room BMdara boom, full : beeemeut, large groaoda 08x141, all kinds of large and email fruit, small 1 bara; 2 blocks from BannysldA earllne; good reaeone for aelllng. $10001 $1,400 aaak.f Owner, 1220 Eaat Taylor. Pheae Eaat $036. Coma ( and eee that It la jaat.aa adrer- $1.290 COBNEB lot. east front, and S-reea . koeee partly farnlehed. fall two atortes and room for bath, pantry aad cloaata: fall cement beaement; part eaah. M. B. Thompeoa, S4S Mlaalealppi are.. Pheae Wood la era 202. ABOOM booee, balf block fruit. Sowera, mag. BlSeeat new, f l.ow. bis ueamerciai eeock. BOUSES batlt aa rnetaUmenre, lots If dee trod. SIS CoBBerctal bldg.. Mala 1S40. srcrceii Bas bssa Bads aa Piedmont lots the' laat six month fl. Bow Is that for aa lareataentf Lota $400, $600 and $000. Installments. Bound to Inereaee Bfala ad Bach before spring. Be Piedmont. Take St. Johna, Weodlawa ar V ear. FOE BALE FOB $1,200 Aaera tract ' ef land located at Tlwaco beach Ufe-earlns Btattoa; all cleared and fenced, good 10-room boaee, sood dairy bara, statloa for 14 cow a; aea- ereaa erparntor and Bilk cane, t bogglee. 1 light wagoa, 2 plow a, . 1 new kerrow, 4 Ka. 1 allch oowe; title aaaranteed. . J. W. MILLBR. Nacatto, Waah Ing tea. ' Here Is a . Few of Wiley Allen & Co's. Fine Bargains 2' acres Fstr a-rooa booee, a seres sf good orchard, 12 acres ander eultl ration, At-acrea ef good tlea eee, aaar earllne-nad aa good read; only $36 per sere. Bereral Sne pleeee ot bearerdaSl land ea Jobaaoa creek, near Lenta; Brat elaae tor gardea parpoaea. . Alee snd sere trtets with reeldencaa boeeee to rent, foralabed sad Bafarnlahed. at reasonable rente. 4 6-acra tmcts. sTI Imnrered - wttk pinainn, $ BiDnireira7rTTdm ichocTThj car autloa, 6e faraa te eny part of Pert lead, aad the cheapeet lota aa the Moeat cett line. . , WUey AUen&Co. LENTS, OBBOON. DON'T forget the place Tbe New Bra Palat - A Tarnlak Co., Bow at 172 First, bet. hbr rtsoa aad TemhUL ABB yoa looking for a hose or aa I erect men tl Good real oetate Is ssfe. Ws bars sobs that la sood. Bafora yea buy sea what we hare ta offer. ' , . -- . '. v " , M. a. THOMPSON, -848 MlealBcippt are. Phoas Woedlawa 202. FOR SALB, by ewnerv a beaatlfal home oa Weet aiope or exoonx -limri lerge arvaane, ' choice fruit aad ebrubberyi mnat sell sosai will sell' st a bargahx... Inquire at . Mount - Tabor Drag Store. Pboaa Eaat 4220. . . MAN with little money and lots of gall caa boy Sns bnalneee corner aaar Madlsoa bridge. Inquire 242 Madlaoa at. - . i -ROOM home, $1,200, easy terma; owner called , eaat. ' Mala ettot. 818 Commercial block. . BLOCK, $cdb11 boaaa -snd teat, Bear car. $160 caak, balance taonthlyj buy this: qnlt rentlag. Male SU68. 81$ iCommerclal block. NSW t-room cottage st Montsvtlls, terms, or exchange, pkoae Eaat 414 FOR BALE Oaa and one A rooa boaee. Phoas Eaat 481S. , , ; . Cnolce V';,? v 8.000 acres ef choice timber lands and . arreral hundred acrea of coal lands; slae stock ' rsncbes and email tracts la the Coos ..bay ". country - ...-.,,... WILBT ALLEN A CO., - FULL LOT, Myrtle station, S-rooa boaee.. $800. Baat aide not 17-room boaaa, $A700. Call . 248 Madlsoa at. - FOR SALB 8 rooa modem heme aa Oortett 1 .$,60 'rett-t good torntloxi for owe look. . mg ror. weex aioe duibib. , PORTLAND TRI-ST COMPART OF OREGON. .a. M aad oss sta. CHANCBB TO MAKB MONET. . "83.800 New, modem, S rooma; eloaa ta $4.800 Latsst laprersBsaMi -. lUwtherae Srenne. . $n00 100x1001 faeas ear line, - M.6O0 Whole block; eloaa ta. $4,800440 aoree coal, Cooa county. . $1,000160 atrres fins timber, Lane SOB lit. laqatra 304 Fearth. Pacific 2136. . NOTIOB Whereas, my wife, Addle Ashley, formerly Mlaa Ail die Pack. Sid. ea tbe six teenth day oAagaat, 108, leere my bed and beard without juai caaea ar proeoeatloa. ' thla la te aotlfy all peraena wbom It may concern that I will not be reeponelble for any defcte of er contracting la my name as other wise, from aad after thla date. - : . ORORUR L. ASHLBt, Portland, Oragoa, Aogast 24. l0A. , -. . FOR SALE-i-REAL ESTATE. MM S-ROOM rot tare. . well ... flnlahad, lot. 6c fare: tloO oowa. balance aiootb.r. $1.00A 6-room houae. full lot, sows fruit, to fare;N$iuo oowa buya tt. $1.300 4-roon houae. faH comer lot, oa la) proved etreet; $400 down, balance monthly . . ta 5.0OO Elegant 10-room houae. etrletly mod fall lot, plenty of eh rubbery, neer R. Taylor . ana jern; muec no seea ta he appreciaiea. $4,000 block, corner Montana and Sharer aia. ; a aouasa, a ana 1 rnoma, room ror an. . other houae oa corner) will dlrlde; half eaah, . balance terma. 4.HO0 New T-room Bodera reatdence. ballt lor s hoone; all modern conrenleacea, full lot. pamea atreem; xiqiiaaay ran. " - - 83,000Cholceet fi block Portland Heights ea earllne: flneet View. $850 call lot la Irrlngtou: hlgS and sight Cholceet aabarbaa lots ea earllne. 8200 and ap; $10 down. M a month. - Come ta aad wa ,,w.n taxt jutt-our- la aaa laea, . . - Washington and-Oregen A ! v Realty Co. ' v . ., 2SS WASHINGTON ST. ;': $500 S-ROOM boaaa with - pantry sad email Beeeaseat, rM aara, x chicaea-nooeea. a lots: . aaap. for anyone wanting a email borne; email , eaah payments, balance to snlt. 750 1 -room boaaa, corner Iu8xl12, 2 blocks from ear; ground la worth tbe money; easy terma. ... - ' . $1.060 A-roem eettaga, - bath, toilet. lot , 60x100, $ blocks from car; $300 eaah, balaaca ev per xoonin. $1,660 taken s good hogae; to see this Is to bur It! terma. - $3.000 S-room 'nice and etrletly modern home, large etosete wltb each bedroom, 1 block from car; small caeh paymeat, balaaca your owa terma. t - $2250 S-room modern home. Sat neighbor hood; afreets improved; block from car) ' Lota $10 eaah sad SB per aaonth; they era aeoa ana eiooe to, car aua aot xar eux. v STEIN'MKTB A CO.. The Homaaellera. . . 13 Morrlsoa St. BEAUTIFUL HOME -' ' Comer 60x100 sad aew S-room Bodera . hoaea. eeay walking; dletaace; owner going to Alaaka lint mint ecu. xv ivcjbtuivt wne airiw - ' 100x100 and t honaea, S rooms each, rent sou per moatai price amy s,uuu. FrdDKiiig -.' .-v- SOS Commercial bTk., td aad Washlngtna ata. FOR SALE, 1.1BO Xew modera- S roaa aoaaa sail exita ana Morriaoa at. . vwaer, m r goon fpierw a. mm, biot, mikiv. wita a a-rooa nenee. cnicaen-nooae ana an fenced; S yeans frelt treee end other Ira Broyements too anaeroaa to mention: price . $1,000. Inquire at 1T2 Woolaey et Unl- reraity ' Park, rertiana, Oregon. FOR SALE Aroom modem cottage on Eaat 87th at., aaar Hawthorne, bi.bw; terma. - Handsome aew 6 -room house -on Eaat Mth, Bear Belmont; fall Imprersmeats; aoly $2,800) tor me. I t.noicv nn iibv, eiw, vn cv s.u 1 block aoath af Hawthorne: make as ai alter. . e-mom house, lot soxioo. aaar Hawtoorae, $1,000; $23o down, $10 payments. $3.000 New s-room cottage. East Mth and kfBdUon: XBnO down. 4-room cottage la Arleta,' $800 eaah) thla a A Deanurul imn puce. - ., . CO.NKUN PROA.. ' SIT Margaerlte are. . Take Moaat Tabor Reeerretr or Mouat Scott eara. $2,200 TESTER" AT, 8A0O0 TOD AT. ItB Monday, $3,000 . Taeaday after that a Ton cannot bar tt Ife eft the market. S rooma. cement baeemeat, atatloaary waah- tabs. poreriaia natntao, eiecrrie nenie. iuii lot, fruit it eara peas the door, improved atresia, treee, roaa bushes; yea can't duplicate a 48. CARB JOCBMAlc Pboaa Mala 83M. -ROOM modem dwelling, SIS Mala, sear SUag; beaatlfal loealltr: too enontn. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OF OBBOON, - Exchange T2. ' $3.400 NEW Baodera S-etery a-rooa honae; aa aaa sewer eoraocxaowei xbtubb. wb et let st. '-v. -.. . XBW T-reeai modera boose, block from Union eTe.xaaty,rrmi,jnqnira, in aoonej- CMcc:BiilMlii?;Lols;:;- -vf":;aosc:Iiir;-K";' " ELLSMKRE Oa Eaat BTth and Hawthorne; lota 60x00, $860 aad ap; $50 dowa, $10 Boatbly. PARK Tit W Tract af M eats ea Eaat STrb St.. S2M aad ap; 10 per cent dowa, $10 WAN ADDITION Esst 87th end DlrtatoB ata., toxlOO lata. $SM each: $10 dowa aad $10 monthly, per eaat Internet, , , t' . CONBLIM BROA. . ' Sir Marguerite are. Tske Moant Tabor Reeerrotr ar Moaat Scott Cars. . 10 BBAtrriFrL lota eaxlOS feet, la beat part af Bunnyeiae, .eeetf wms.-u , unv w.w, t-" i eat ob tbe market today. $2.000 Best block oa Baat Taylor , st. IA arhlnetiua-eaI ' Phoas Paelte S62. FOR SALE -Lota only a blocks from good ear. 90 to $128 cuss . to mgniaaa eenooi. eeur Each. 16 Blnntee' ride from center of ,. . . . .'.city, aad S of them will make yoa s nna nnana apoi, n PORTLAND TRf'ST COMPANT - OF OREGON. ,". . I. car. M sad Oak sta. $1,000 MxM PESTa wltk S-rooa brass, ea 'Williams sra.; good . wcatloa, choice bay; "Tr VaBRISH. WATKINB a C0 ) , 1 ."i 230 Aider et. FOR BALE Cbaap, I -room cottage lot 62x126; lota ef fruit. Call ot addreee Ml WllUameere. FOR SALB mts on earllne; aaay terma. I a-enh-e ef eemere, 14th sad Alberta eta. , BBAUTIPUL aabarbaa home for aale at lea agora aad oa aaay terms. T rare JoaraaL $2.000 BARB bargain; block la baataeas center ox e. , i" "-i- - -w property. Call 107 Third at. FINB 1 2-8 acrea. Bear ear. slgbtIyA$808 Msla SMS. SIS uoameraiui biocb. : e . i K. BLOCK, small- boaaa. Bear ear, 1T0O; bar ' . . . , ... . a, a r 1.1 kluh gala. maiai ewuo. wwm. LOT wltb email bouse, wear ear ,- owner called sway; bzdu. ' sis uanoBmai o.we. . FOB SALE, h-owner, good residence property, i 61 Eaat ISth,' between Plae aad Oak) boaaa of 8 rooma, with pantry, bath and toilet, beaement, Mt auxiuu, wiib sown Bara, xtbii and Sowsrs. . . - . AT a aacrlSce, . by . awaar, S-rooa boars - en the sast side; owner leering xaa eiiy. vsu 434 Chamber af Commerce. .' FOB SALE S modera A-reoa boaaee ta good location : Buy ot owner ana eexw oemmieBion. Pkoae Weodlawa 208. $300 UP TO $1,200: lots esst aad wast aids 8000 bp to 17.000: cottxgea . and aaaodem boeeee. 302 Commercial blii. S-ROOM bouse newly ' papered, bet and eeJd water, lot o"iiuw, nieniy ei iron, axou ensn; balance $1,600 at $2(1 pet month.- Inquire 288 Larrabee. ... t 2-ROOM boaaa. wltb farattare, $00; clone In. $33 000 80x100. 10th St., aaar Washington; bnr this snd double your money T la one rear. M. C. Darxs, 258 Akler. . - -v v - - - -. - $1.780 NEW 8 room cottage, tot 60x100. kww XX-IUlama . v. aitfak eeataf haluM eeay paymcnte; Mala 3110. - t ' v 4 ACRES for sale aheap at Flrlaad: klse email Store ror rem ax a ax aainxet. m, waaeca bach, Brewa beteL $2.400 LAROB Arooa boaaa. large halla and cmeera, ge ii,inna. wmiw. viiu,w, auw sag window ecreene: erarythlng tn first-class ecu. dlttoa; near earllne la Sannrslde: eery reason, able torma. A. H. Btrrell, 201 SOA McKay Bldg. - $1.876 4 ROOM cottage, fall baeemeat, alee lawn, itbctmibbi wowr, mi. mm, ricpuena Jkau. A. H. BlrrelL 201-SU8 McKay Bkag. 82.600 LAROB A room bones. fnll cement baao Sellwond at. near . U. Blrrall, 201- ami, I''e'', . In Ion see.; a good buy, i SOA McKay Bids.).... r V.:- FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 'Ionics'; far : Sale r' 23,000-rThe mansion at tbe aartbeaat ear. a or of Stih and riaadars ata.: groaoda ara -"100x136. ,. ". . .... -J . ,,- . $22.000 A beaatlfal borne oa a aaartsr . block la toe beat part et Nob H1U. . $10.000 Owner will sell hU new, Bodera raaldence oa Ollaaa at., near Mth: beat ealae of any property on the market. J S.500 Ten-rooa bouse, ftrat-clsse bt erary reapeot; Inelde lot ea N. 24tb St. - r . . t47.0OO k room modern - heme aa Kearney M. 600 Ten-room realdeace on Nortbrap at -Bear ,34th; rented at $40 $ month. , . M.oy0 Ten-room . dwelling aa 'Kfcxg'8 Belgbtt: a choice coraar. ; .- J 84. TOO 1 boene on Lore Joy 'tU, Bear 224. " ' $4 S00 Modera A room dwelling aa Mar shall et.. aaar 24th. A sood bone Br 8 good ; lnreatmaot for rentlag. , - . JflX T?om tottage4as Sooth 4th St , betweea Lmcula aad Orant. -. . ' ' ACROSS THB RITER. ' W0 A beautiful boma oa Wasco at., ta MVIIBtW k aVTBja eW , f 5.mW -Uaniisa Brwsrlmwea reelden caT eaj ' akamU m.. llollad- Farkj kH 00x100; wa wwa, aaastaV aWBUlBST's 2 ,J , - 000 A weU-buIlt modera T-room hooaa ,aa Eaat 2Hth at. Eaat Ankeny car line). $5n0 ehaaer toMa te-Bs to salt the par. " $3,600 for aa Arooa hooaa tad flue erouade In SwunyaUea easy terma. . . . . ,$3,ZMA rtarmlng NEW t-rooa ""eottaga ana block from East Ankeny ears. , v; . . ,2x.000r!i'J"S2 '!,er heaaa ea East 18th St., balf block from Warerly car Una. ...r 1:Bulr,.'l!OJ Prtar.for bnjae. 100x150; 15 magnificent ahad tress; easy iwrmn. HailM ' ; ; CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. . ; . J. Frank Porter ' ' K2 WASHINGTON ST., tPSTAlHS. " $2,400 for thla neat.S-sooa aew modera realdeace ea Baat Morrlsoa st; la a bargain; easy terma. . 1.460 -room atory reeldeare. 2 blorka Mount Tabur earllne; - 1300 eaah. balance monthly full let, brick- bsssmcat, bath, toilet, ate. j 8460 for a 4-room house sad trrvo for a S-room houae and lots MxlM feet each, aaar Wood. rock earllne; barxam. - -; ACREA0B AND SUBURBAN HOMKS. ' M.TAuw Vain regrets, llks Ba aqua's ghost, will rise ap to haunt yoa In your latter daya If you rae roar opportunity on that 10 acrea erermoklng city on tbe heights; boaee cost orer $8,000 and land la worth the money: eertala deeempmena aara ta take place will Bake It bring arreral times the price aaked la next yeer ar ao. Can't aay snore aow. . M.OOO Snleadld well-lmprored 6-acra tract and beaattful modrra borne, 2 blocks ef O. W. P. earllne and Johnson creek.. v- $5,000 for well-lmnrored S-aere tractNlna, Aroora modera real donee; aloe large . bam. windmill, aplendld rerlety orchard, etc. j short distance Woodstock car Hoe. .: 18.750 lor this well-lmproyed 4-acre tract and nice A room residence, bara, etc.; aplendld Inang bearing orchard, all klada small fruits; lont Scott. earllne. ' ,.( v J. Frank Porter 4 J 232 WASinXOTON ST..HPSTAIRS. ' M ACRES laaA- cleared, balaaca easily Cleared; boaaa and bara. fruit treee. well: te cuae oai estate will lie enniei laaa. bia. Ii PeailU aud-Aftkrny. Sellwcoit' If. B. Moreoonae, l70 E, llthv . " Phone BcUaood T4 I City View Park lota, Ai7.1 and ap: RoaxV Addltloa lota, $100 and op; $8 Aiwa and $8 s attata. Homes from IOO0 tn 8A.O0O. ots $200 , snd an. In all parta ef Ke 11 wood. . LleX your ' property wltk aa; are will eell It. ' . FOR BALE S aeartf aew tats, walking die- xaace, wear aine. at a Bargain; inia pron arty la offered It aa extremely low price, aad Boat be eaah.' M. B. LEE. M Sixth St. SNAP Lots all klada, beat locations, fronting ' ea ana Bear Bt. Johns ear and Arbor Lodce elation. W. B. Baat. 202 Portland aeulersrd. waat. ... .. . , a-:-v..-,-b-m' FACTORT STTB OR FOR. CEREAL' MILL . N, S Into IB Albina oa B. P. spur and oa Alhina , . are. across street from Columbia No. 2 dork. Thla la a bargalB for 612.000. Leabert. Whit- ,. mar A Co., Sberkck bldg. . , , LOTS! LOTS!! LOTS!!! " i . SOilTO wniaaetta Heigbts. 2.600. 60x100 Waace St.. $SO0. tot 100 Ceatral Albina, BBS0. . . THOMPSON A GAGE. MI Sherlock bldg. THB ealy $30 land wlthla 18 ail lea et Port I and; len a eras. XV cleared, list iimner, oa rieor. anma piling, cmp. If aold thla week: will aell part; terma; toe fare Siindare -come dowa see It. Harry Ward. 1 Bile weet Bartow, Or. - QUARTER BLOCK, Beeek at.) mndera 6-rooa lOBSa. gooa oxrn. iruii;.ontr ii.irw. inaw. .-. .. BAOEMANN A BLANCHARD, . ' . 81 FlfU at. , .-. - ,.. $2. TOO COTTAGE wltb 38x100 feet, oa 14th ' . ex., near a-oriiaan aaesiuBBuy I auie bb aww , ."''.ABBISH. WATKINS VC0rv;; 250 Alder at, ... HOlRB aad kt. $800, aaay terms. 13A7 Bar- rage ex., v ijieiwtv.- --; DARN te bay tots where tbe Great Weetera City la springing np ss it nr magici i-ortianu water I see . s. xioamar, 121 union are., aorth. WILL butM yoa bouse la say part of the city ;. ' .'ea terms same sa rent. ,.. ; . .. M. B.. lee, as aixta sx.- ; . CAN yea beat thlal A room modera cottage. baeemeni, i a corner ioxb, cwaa w - wnwi . only $1,400; par terma. ' . , .-" , Corner lot. East Mth and Alder, $1,650. One lot at LenU for $100. - 160 acres good timber land $2,080, ...- $ acres ef aaad $000; good terma. 1 sere, close to earllne, $200. f Borne xgood lots tt $80. . - Call st the efOce and get- tbe terms. . .. J. A. BARBETTE. Ml Burnstde. $2,800 FOR good S-rooja bouse OB Jobasoa St.. weet side; cheapest place oa this aids si the rlrar tor taa money. ' tSOvt for 10 lota la Sellwood with rm alna watar: enltahle for chickens sr track. - TYSON KINS ELL. , J - 802 Commereial blk. OWNER 100X100 Wlllamettetcbotes lots) rtyaieate. Bella Xueasix,--auTerewe nauga. t. Job as ear. FOB SALB Modera t-room aew booee. Ilka correepoada; bargain; from owner, going to Buroue; witi ,. . - -- --. , bo agaBta. $89, Esst Second St., aorth, Coma anon. . r ' . 1 . LOT ea Mth st. aes Bswtharaq art. for Mia is asewia. ea easy M. - B. LEE; M Sixth, st ' WHAT, do pea think I'll gtea yea a aaa booee , SBd XOtT Aeoiuieiy inei a eoww waex IX la to bunt for a home aad I will help you. J. B. Horaer. T2T talon are., aorth. teat 8100. : t-ROOM enttage, $760; 6-ronea cnttaga, 140. See owner, job oasa, ax n aaa ea the Mount Scott earUaa, eoa 1.BBB, ax naeayiue AOOltlon, Aiaa cboTca building lota cneap. BUT a beaatlfnl borne 1 S meme, beet bath. toilet, gaa, ruu oeeenxeni. cement clear ap, Sne laws, excellent location, 11,500, J. g. lieemer, T2T taloa art, aorta.