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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
13 THE OREGON" SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUKPAY MOIiNINQ, v AUGUST 3. 1203. 50 r. for Less Than One Half 1 . v jyy Janufacturer's Samole Line 1 1 OST pf thetenUon Jhe;jMti wee naa oeen aevoiea -; "keeping UV on the returned wanderera T latter part of lh Hk nvt great emptying of the ' resorts Along thai beach and though social nctlvitiee hav not-yet aprung Into Ufa In th city yet ther la already the hum foretokening the 'opening of a new season. Calla have been exchanged' and " aoma plana and promises , mads ' even while matrona vara unlocking their doora and allver cheat as putting up the ehuttera. The few who hava remained In town through the cummer sraaon give eigne f relief aa they aea tha returned outere and aoma heave ' algha of envy- for tha healthy ooata of tan that moat f them proudly wear. .0 . Of course arery ' ona that waa "left In town went to tha clrcue laat week and thera were aoma delightful parties of old-young people who went and , laughed and enjoyed and forgot bridge and. teas. : The tennis tournament which opened at tha Irving-ton club yesterday - will - attract numbera of tha enthusiasts for tha game this week- The entries num ber lot, tha moat, It la said, that there have aver been. The Incidental aoolal entertaining by prominent Irvlngton ma trons will be a pleasant feature, Tha 1 courts have been cleaned VP and made pretty and presentable with a gala ap pearance for tha games. The club house will undoubtedly be more than ordi narily popular for the light refresh- -tenia-and luncheons that are served i thera continually. . . . - Tha jfnnra Nrnhanaan weddlii I IfTsT Weak will be an Important event. ... v . .. L Mrs. A. A, Morrison returned Frl t day from Seaalde house with her two daughters and her. young sons. Dr. . Morrison haa gone on a flahtng trip of week and will be back at the end oti tha week. w v. Mis Josephine Tatea haa been the gueat of Mra. Thomas O'Day tha paat week since her return from tha Moray place at Oawego. . . '.. . , Mra. X. C. Mears waa hostess at laat . Wednesday's informal at the Irvlngton dub. Dancing and- light refreshments were arranged for tha evening. Mrs. : Ralph Wilbur was hostess tha preced- Ing week. W W .Mrs. Htppolyte Dntard of Ban Fran elsoe la the guest of Mrs. John Bhepard for soma time. w ' Mr. and Mra. William Tappan of Applebury, Massachusetts, who vatre tha guests of Dr. and Mra. Henry Waldo Cos at Spirit Lake near Mount Saint Helena, returned east ' the first of ths week. George C. Coe and Alee Chalmers have left for Stanford university. ( . f ' W ' ' f. The Ecola house party will be (mailer : thla weak but next week a merry crowd of the younger set will go' down Includ ing Miss Carolyn Burns. Miss Margaret Walter, Miss Frances Wilson, Miss Lisa Wood, Gerald Beeba and a few others. . Dr. Philip Johnson has returned from a visit there. . ' - Mrs. Iou Flanders - ts to be ' Mra. - Thomas Kerr's guest this week at her Oearhart cottage.' Mra. Sherman Hall Visited thera -las t iweek-and ' Came up . to Portland to meeMr. Halt here after his week, at- Ecola. ' , They expect to . leave for their home rn Kansas City In about weak. , . ' v , Mlaa Martha Hoyt has returned from a visit , with her sister, Mrs. Robert , Lewis, . at - her Beaside cottage. Thai . week before she spent at Eeola. Mra. Lewie entertaining Mr.. and Mra. Da? Vld Lewla ovsr Sunday and Miss Fran ces wilsm 'And Miss Carrie Flanders .win be her guests thla week. , Mra. Fielding .8.4 ICelly entertained with an informal tea last week in honor Of Mrs. 'usorga corner jnsson isieiissa MoCraken) of Taooma, who l visiting ' her parents, Mr. and Mra. E. H. Mc Crsken. on Krag's Helghta. A few of ' tha younger married, set -ware Invited , and the party rnsde pretty picture, In deed. In Its light gowns, several or tne more recent bride wore their wedding v.-l . ;" '. , yi:T:TTT i '. -Mi ' - ' : - - m& gowns. Mrs. Kelly wore orn embroidered white linen sob turns and her t honor ' - 4 . ,. guest WQreJtunalng-.gOW jusi cloth over Bilk. Mra -Barker, Mr a. Kally'a mother, and Mra. Bamuol Qordon Reed poured tea. Tha gueetsi Included Mra. Clarence SewelV Mra. Cheater Sew ail. Mra. Sandereon Reed, Mra. -George K. Wentworth (Lucy 8ltton), Mra. Carl WlUlama (Helen Goes) of The Dallea. Mra. Beth Catlin, Mra. Hugh Laidlaw; Mra. Oeorga Marahall, Mra. Frank War ren Jr.. Mra. Otta B. Wight, Mra. Jamea Wllaon and Mra. Walter Bethel (Beasta Strong). .. .. ..'. r. ' - V..W ' W ' ' Mra. Ernest Laidlaw, who haa apent moat of tha aummer at Gear hart Park, la 'expected home thla week. r- - '". ' 'i'- Douglaaa Crane, the celebrated por trait painter, arrived Thuraday to apend several month hre aa tha gueat , of Dr. and Mra. E. Da Witt Connell on King! Helghta Tha artlat expects to execute aeveral orders while In town and thera are rumors of hia doing the portraits of some prominent society folk. There will be aoma delightful en tertaining for blra by hla beautiful host ess and other friends. '. . w r. H. E. Ankeny of Eugene, whose name Is on of tha beat known In tha atate, la at tha North Pad Ho sanatorium on Gliaan street. Ha Is accompanied by hla daughters. Mra. . John 8. Orth of Jackaonvill and Mia Oladya Ankeny of Eugene. The Ankeny have one of the handsomest homes In tha college town of the atate end are social lead ers. .. - : - , : : Prominent California gueata at tha Portland last week war Mr, and Mra. Jama B. Smith,' who own ona of tha handsomest homss la Burlingame, the fashionable Ban Francleoo auburb. Tha R. R. Hoga camping party Is ex pected to reach home on Tuesday. They have . already broken camp and lata In the week started to climb Mount Jeffer son before starting bom. 'WW Mrs. "Harriett K MoArthur has re turned from Seaside, where ah was tha gueat of Mra William D. Fenton. Mra. Levi Ankeny of Walla Walla 1 her guest here. -' Miss Meade of the Hobart-Curtis en tertained Informally at tha golf links Tussday for visiting friends from Farmlngton, . .irt- : " Dr. Frank J. Bladen left for the east Friday. He goes to enter upon hla du ties a medical officer on the staff of the John Hopklna hospital at Balti more, to which position he haa been appointed on account of hla high atand- ing at . graduation laai June. Me naa been a popular gueat during hia stay at horn thla aummer. Mra." A. F. Kerry of Seattle li her attending her mother, Mra. John Glen, who 1a severely ill. Mra. Kerry haa ona of the . handsomest bill homes In the 4 - c: F. Diaccil, Corngtiat my 4 .. Ms." aa4 Mtm-"gtgmatig'Trank ' and their children. and Mra. Meier are plan ning to leave the first of next week for Mew Tork. They will sail immediately from there and wtil apend tha winter and spring abroad; ; . . -- ' 8ound city. ' She la well known her aa a frequent guest of Mrs. Flatoher Linn, whom -aha entertained earlier In tha aummer at her pretty country home In the hUla out from Seattle. ' . , . ; t-':7;r; Mrs. C K. 8. Wood has returned to Oearhart from Ecola. Her eon Erskina Is now with her at tha Park, -after m visit at Ecola, having coma down fronj bla neighboring ranch. ; .-. w ; ' Mrs. Frank Hart and Mlaa Sany'Hart retumdr Wedneaday from 8easlde. A part of their aeaaon waa apent at Ecola with tha Lewis and Flanders party- - zzi7-tl:::-:..- - The Norman Langs of Oregon 'City returned Thursday from their aummer at Seaalda. -. - w ',; Mlaa, Mary Montgomery leavaa Tues day for a- fortnlght'a trip to Mount Hood. Mra. Montgomery, who has been east for aeveral montha, la now In tha White mountalna. 1 ' Tha Fletcher Linns returned Wednes day from their camping ' trip In tha mountalna. Though they were run out by a raging forest fire, they In no way -lost the -enjoyment of their trip, and relate with enjoyment a number of incidents that appear most amusing at this diatance. The P. A. Youngs and H. O. Nelsonatreturned at tha aame time to ' their homes in Albany, and Mlaa Delta Watson remained thera aa a gueat of Mra. Nclaon. Mrs. Linn leaves for Aatorla 'today to visit for a week with Rev. and Mrs. W. 8. Gilbert, formerlyaof Portland, and will return to reauma her work In the First Presbyterian choir next Bunday The following week aha goes to Oearhart Park aa soloist for tha Young Women's Christian association oonf Art net , .v Mra. Richard Koehler and. Mlaa' Ilea Koehler were guests at Ecola laat week, and hava returned to their Oearhart cot tage. Mtsa Miriam Strong has Joined her mother and brothers at tha hotel at Oearhart Park for a week. Miss Emma Falling has gone to tha cosst for a short stay. Mrs. Carl wrt)lms will return to her home at The Dalles this week, sfter a pleasant visit with her mother, - Mrs. Flora Gosj in Irvlngton. She has been plessantly entertained by her young friends during ber stsy. The William Kerr Scott have re turned from their stay at the Breakers, Long Beach. In time to attend the Irv lngton tennta tournament. . . . Mra. Walter Eakln and her daughter, Mlaa Barbara of Salem and RIckrealL returned Friday from a vialt at Van couver, British Columbia. Thev were entertained at dinner at tha Oullllaum by Mr. and Mra. Fletcher Linn. w w The C. H. Lead betters of Irvlnrton were called to Ban Francisco Friday night by tha Illness of their son Bob, woo in visiung relatives there. -ww Mrs. Fred Walker of Ban Franelaoo, whose picture la ahown In today's col umns, nss ooen a popular guest In town si an iu uisasier or last spring Tn her horn city, sh has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mra. George Mc Oowan of Willamette Helghta, and haa been a sought-after member of many In formal summer partis. Bh la planning to leave soon for the east, and will vls.i friend In New York and Oh lea go. - w The - Dan Moorea are olannlna-' to apsnd tha' winter at their home at OS Flandera street after a year of travel ing and hotel life. Mra. Roy E. Norton and her mother, Mra Selkirk, have been occupying tha house the past year. WW A party of Hunt club members took a horseback ride to Trask last week, and war gone two or three daya. Those riding were Robert Eldridge, Ted Chase, George Chapman and Ralph Jenklna. w w Mr. and Mra Howard Russell - hava returned from a alx weeks' aojourn at Honorlua cottage, Seavlew. They will be at home at the'Carleton. . : . . , Harold E. Reed left for Palo Alto laat week to enter Stanford university. Mr. Reed was one of the moat popular of tha Portland academy graduates . of laat spring and prominent In the ath letic aoclal and fraternal, life of the academy. .--,,r .... , , w ; ' Mlaa Catherine Emmona a arsduste of St. Helen a Hall laat year, haa re turned I com Dana Hall, where aha apent the paat year, and will be at her home at Rlveralda the nozt month. ' w w ' -Miss TIda Reed and Gerald Reed are gueata of Miss Le Con I Jamison for the next two weeka at the Jamison cot tage at Seavlew. - w-w Mlaa Elisabeth Rosenthal entertained pleasantly Tuesday evening at her home, ttO Lovejoy street. In honor of Miss Lela Colaky and Jack Elaterof Seattle. Thera were seven tables of cards and "five hundred"' waa played. The prlxea wer won by Mra. O. T. Trommald, Mlaa Judith Lowengardt, Ed Hiratel and Sydney Mayer. There were beautiful decorations of (lowers and U-J iumlnatlona from pretty Japanese lan terna w w - -' Mra. W. A. Meara la a guest of Mra Bertha A. Cochrane In San Joaa Mr. Meara sailed a week. ago for Honolulu and Mr. Mears will remain In Baa Joae tilt-hla return. .I"'', '"-". Mr. C A. Dolph and her young on William have returned after a fort nlght'a stsy at Collins' Springs. - - - .'. . V w . ;''. Two popular gueata for some time to com will be Oeorga Dennlaon and Harry Wright of Ban Francleoo, who arrived Thursday evening to visit with friends. Mr, Dennisoa, will b remem- , Fourth- and Morrison bered by many as the affable aecrataay of the California commission at the Lewis and Clark exposition last year. Mr. Wright, hla friend, , waa her much of the time through bla connection with the - California . horticultural exhibit There will be a good deal of entertain ing. for tha two gueata .1 . .- '" " : Mrs. Walter Cook and 'her baby are home from a' continued stay at Long Beach and Seaalda Mra Cook was un fortunate In meeting with a painful ac cident on the tennis court immediately after her return; fracturing her ankla seriously. Bhe will be confined to the house as a result for aeveral weeka. - --v. w Mra Edward A. Lindaley, who haa been visiting friends In ths city, -left the early part of tha week for her new horn In Nelson,-British. Columbia. . Bhe waa entertained during her stsy here by Mr. and Mra. Li Lindaley, ' Judge and MraLflilbsi't. Ms, and Mra Qacar Over- eck. Mra A. S. ' Norton ana pother frlenda . Mr. and Mrs'. Louis Burk have been entertaining Un and Mra.- Charlea Hendy of Denver, Colorado, at their noma 771 Johnson etreet, Mra. Burke and her daughter Ada will leave for New Tork in September.' Mlaa Ada,- who waa graduated from v Portland academy In the spring, will enter Smith college. v : ,. w w Mr. and Mra William Ogden enter tained' at a buffet luncheon at their home on Twenty-fourth street for Mr. end Mra Henry E. Noble, Miss Msjorle Noble and Mr. and Mra- Frank C. Miller of Kansas City the evening of their re turn from a trip to Cannon Beach. They ' wer aaalated la ' their : dainty serving by their charming daughter .Miriam.' ' .1 . - - . . . w w '" - Mra Mary L. Butler has sent out the Invitations for the . msrrlags of her daughter, Mrs. Floy Louis Lucky to William Whelan, to take place Wednea day evening, September I. at their home, tlS ' North Twenty-first street. Mr. Whelan la a nephew of Qolonel and Mra. David M. Dunne and Miss Lucksy hss been a student at Mra Allen' private school. ... -',.,. , , . . w ' , ' ' O. A. Baker of Ban Francisco enter tained : at luncheon Thursday at the Portland Mr. and Mra. F. O. Buffum, Mra. Harriett Sheldon, J. A. Horan and Robert Eldridga ' ' w w ' - Mra. Alan Welch Smith, who cams up to spend a fortnight with Dr. Smith, will return to Oearhart Park this week. . - r ' - ww Mrs. E. E. Lytl and her family have returned from theirf ummer's outing at Long' Beach; " EVENTS OF THE WEEK Mra. Ik' A. Boiorth, , recently, from Vancouver, Washington, celebrated her tghtteth birthday at the home of Mr. and Mra. B. Conrad of.Woodland, Waah Ington. August It. Only thro sisters and on, brother now remain 'of a large pioneer family Mra L. A. Bosorth, Mf. E. Bolen, Mra C A. Bosorth and B. A. Johns of Falrvlew, Oregon. . ', " ' - '. Mis Marguerite V. Stoehr, whoee wedding Is to take, place September-8, waa given a 4 en shower Tuesday even ing at the home of Miss Myrtls E. Long. The evening waa apent In music and whist, Miss Mysl Sharp and Louis Nedrow being winners of first prises and Mrs. Logan Roe and Oeorge Dick eon winner of the booby prisea. About 11 o'clock refreshment wer served. Those present were Miss Msrguerlta V. Stoehr, Miss Abbl Roe, Mlaa Sadie : - . .V- r ; . : ; a : The, Woman 's Store m Goodman, Mia Ethel Graves, Mlaa Mar guerite Bachua. Miss Mysi Sharp, Mra C. C. Going, Miss Anna O. Long, Miss Myrtle E. Long, Harry E. WlUlama, Kr ret Fay Biraa, Walter Scott, Herman Hucke, jack P. Adama, owen Mama Louis Newro, Walter Bachua and Oeorga Dlckaon. ' ; : ' . - ' . " Mra Thomas Elder" x6f Sart Francisco waa this honor guest at a dinner Monday evening given, by Mra and Mra H. G. Murray. Cover were 'laid for ten and the decoration were pink sweet peaa and asparagua fern, forming a low, ob long centerpiece, with high vases of the blossoms toward, each end of th table. Bouquets of tee sweet, pea" fiM"AOia women and boutonnleres for the men wer th favora The other gueata were Mr. and Mrs. L O. Morton, Mr. and Mra F. R. Francis, Miss Huldan Berg,' James Super and D. B. .Condon, . ; , w ? - : - Mra.. William -' Baxe -entertained Wedneaday afternoon Iq honor of th twelfth birthday of her. daughter Bella About II children 'were entertained and apent the hour between S and In th Out-of-door games. Refreshments wer then served by the hostess, who wss aa. alsted by Miss Jessie Cannon, Mlaa Mildred Jonea and Miss Bessie Miller. Tha ohUdren present were: Annie Mor gan, France Ball, Dottle Shepard, Jane Hale, Abble Wllaon. May Jordan, Bessls Wilson, ' Ruby Pratt, Helen Michael Annie Worden, Jennie Dalton, Beatrice Hall, Mary Anderson, Hattle Fisher, t ;;.;;- v:.'i:' . : - t, fyi$- 1 'VWf :T-'y ! Mist Mtrguerlty Stoehr, a September - . .Bride. r"Tomorrow, Monday, we will launchV Suit Sale that will ' go down into history as one f tha most extraordinary events of the kind ever held. We! again call your attention to the fact that they are the best Suits evej sold, in Portland for low; prices. Not a Suit -in the lot that is not worth double what" ' VHBI UU UUUTEWIH OSUO IM 1J1 1(C1I WOlUl ' visit to the store. OU3R SALES ARE ALWAYS SUC- -; CESSFUL BECAUSE THEV ARE DIFFERENT FROM , ALL THE REST. With the above we "i shall Include s -. -it ;' SALE This sale will appeal to every woman who desires at low ..' price Skirts that have all the, latest style. Kinds limited to about one hundred in number. '. : Our prices are so low that the immediate departure of all are determined. Come early and make your selection.' ; Nothing but the mightiest bargains could bring the crowds we have had all through our Summer Sales, Tomorrow we .' -repeat the Greatest Bargain Sensations. . ' SEE OUR SALE WINDOW ON THE FOURTH STREET SIDE. . Ruth Fox," Margaret Douglaa Oeorge Pratt, Harold Simpson, Henry Glenn, Willie Hollla, Charlie Patera. Marahall WlUlama, Harry Shepard, Ralph Dalton. Dudley Flaher, Clarence Sparrow, Tom Wllaon, Harry Patera and Hugh Mao Murphy. r ' ' . ,. . A pretty dance waa given at Hotel Salt Air, at Centervllle, Long Beach, Tuesdsy evening. The hall waa deco rated with lanterne and evergreen and punch was served during th evening, with Ml Ruth Hoffman - In charae. Those present wer Miss Lelah Nelson, Miss Achaah Fargo, Mlaa Tutye Schacht, Mlaa Roaa Schacht. Mlaa Holmaa, Mlaa Hoffman, Mlaa Bird, Mlaa Klngery, Mlaa Vernon. Mra Gutman, Mra Keath, Mra Perry. Mra Chimes, Mr. and Mra Buep. pell, 81oan"Hachney," Dick Batea, El' mar Krus, Mr. Lovejoy, Ebon McFar land. Jack Stolte, Renel Ketchum, Henry Jennings jr.. James ISK'nflisnn. Mr. utlt her. Mr. VVheelef! Will Kendrick and Irwin Con. ; .: '. - w ''.". A party of young peoeple went up to Rosa Island Thursday evening for sup per. There- were 14 In th launch, and decorated with Japanese lanterns, rugs and cushions, th boat mad a pretty picture. Mr. and Mra H. I. Btowell chaperoned the party. After a tempt' Ing aupper prepared- over a bonnr th company went farther up tha river and passed th evening merrily with music and atorlea. Tha party consisted of Mr. end Mrs. StowelL Miss Nina Berry, Miss Margaret Lamb, Miss Blanche Nelaon. Mies Ftda Gray, Miss Nellie Hale. Mlaa Vera Cross, Harold Simpson, Oeorge Simons, Frsnk Bester, Thomae Burton, ' Wilson Jamea . and . Howard MUIar. ' .,-' ,- Miss Eva Wallace and John A. Hlgby were married by Dr. Clarence True Wil son of Orsco M. E. church, Frldsy, Au gust 17. They will reside at 110 Seven teenth atreet. . Mia Nina Elisabeth Shay and Ben Jamln Johnson, both of Wyeth. Oregon, were tnsrrted by Rev, Henry A Barden Monday. August SO. C. L. Weldmeger accompanied them. Miss Slna Johnson and Philip E. Frl- berg wer married by - Rev. Henry A. Barden at 171 College etreet. Thursday afternoon. The - ceremony ' wa wit nessed by the clergyman's family and Miss Llna Llnehan. Mr. and Mra Fri berg will make their horn at Free- reont. .... - Mis Florence Payn of Schuyler. Ne braska, and Oeorge Johnson of Port land were married Thursday at tha bride's home. Rev.' David Pattee of Cedar Rapids officiating. After a visit to the Johnson home In lows, Mr. and Mrs; Johnson -will return Id Portland to llv. 1 - " Oscar Alger of this city and Mis Pearl Hllleary, the only daughter of Mr. and Mra Henry Hllleary of DAmaaoua, wer married by George C. Carl at the bride' homa Dinner waa served to 10 relatives and Immediate frlenda after the - ceremony. Among ' tha wedding gtfta waa a 20-acr farm given by ths bride's' parents, and Mr- and Mrs. Alger will make their home. thera. ' ' I w . .. Mlas Anna Grace Long and Harry B. WlUlama wer married Thuraday even ing at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mra Edward tong 111 Olbbs street. Rev. J. Bo wer son officiated, the same minister that married the brldt'a parents tt years ago. ' Th parlor where th ceremony wss WEDDINGS. "V 1 1 r i OF Fourth i and Morrison DV WH W. aUVaXAW, President. The Most Complete Conservatory of Music and Dramatic Art in America The Paenlty ef so Btmbers enhrame some of the suet able and eonaclentkme la strartora la thla eesstry asd ksrope. Appllcatkis, are bow betas received ' for H ME A WD ISO PABTXAt . OHOLAUKI7B. Slat Seasoa Beglaa Sept. U ",v flpeelal Indue Bent te talented eaplhi with llsilted dmm. our Istereailns bdbklet No. will be eest free en aprillrtrlon. Call sa or iWrw J. A. KIVIKAW; Masager WEDDING AND"' VI5ITI NO f CARDS W.G.SMITH 4 Co. Waablastoa Balldlns performed waa ' deoorated with, pink atreamer and fern. The bridal party stood underneath a horsesho of smllax and white flewera ' In tha sitting-room there wer red streamers end in th dining-room yellow.- The. bride' sister, Mis Myrtl S. Long, attsnded her and Herman J. hucke waa the beat man. The bride wore a trim traveling suit Of gray and her slater, too, wore pal gray. About IS gueat witnessed th eeremony and enjoyed a ettolsl evening afterward with music and refreshments. Mr. and Mra. Williams will reslds at SS7 Wheeler street. - 'w -w:' - " Mis Edith Line and lame Mitchell wer married Wedneaday evening at their new home, ttt Multnomah etreet. Rev. E. H. Mow re, pastor of the Mi' tt. church south, officiating. ' Only th Im mediate relatives and friend were pres ent Th reception hall was dona In Ore gon grape snd Caroline Testout roses, th parlors with festoons of Ivy and miniature lights wlth. baskets o roses, suspended from the chandeliers . by Streamers of whit ribbon, Th dining room wa especially beautiful with a profusion of flowers, the fireplace be ing banked with fern and weetpeas. At the bride and groom came from different room to th archway Joining Conservatory th parlor and under a shower bouquet-. or : whit sweetpeas caugnt up with bow of whit sstln ribbon th simple ring ceremony wss performed. A re ception followed th ceremony at which a buffet lunen wa aerved. Mia Ann Bluat caught th bride' bouquet MUSICAL NOTES. I - - " 1 -'-'"-l.'::irLnJi.J I ' Ben F. Drlacoll. come soloist of the 4 City Park band, la a Portland .young -i man . with a promising future -In his chosen profession. He ha gained much deserved popularity during th concert season because of hi atyle of playing snd the soft richness of ton, which la at th ssms time clear and full. MrDrlscoll was soloist with th City ' (Continued on Pag Seventeen.)