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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
Zj-' . . --..... - ' -v .. "T1 J I ' - SECTIOII TVO iii i' i iii PAGES 15 t .... - - 1;. PORTLAND. UKKIjUN,' 5UN13AY MORNING, AUGUST 26, . 1906. The Olds, VJortmun & King Store Vcv:s -The Different ' ' Store. The Olds,Wortman& King Stare tlevs Fifth, Sixth and " : Washington -, The Olds, VJortman& King Store Ucvx ' Portland's Greatest Rug and Carpet Store Holds a Commanding Sale of Thousands of Antique Oriental Rugs This Week Gems of the Orient Record show that this house buys and sells more Oriental Rugs than" all other Portland "stores combined. Our regular prices are lower on rugs of equal value than those of other houses.' A shipment is just received.. Our; rug buyer, has brought us the results of diligent research, and his Xi ability and "experience has been'acquired by being associated with Oriental fabrics all his life ; edu- -. ii cated in Rugs as a lawyer in briefs, evidence and precedents, as a physician in' medicine. We' n J know what we want, and he knows where to obtain; it. Treating Oriental Rugs--gems of the, I eastas mere merchandise scandalizes some dealers. Or they profess itdoes: : It pays them 'to.' 1 hedice the business about with mvsterv and sneak of Oriental Rues with hated breath ' This creat u - - - y . . o tStRug Stbre of ours brushes aside'these notioiuvas a . western breeze 'dissipates an eastern fog. ; Rug Stbre of ours brushes asicjc Rugs are merchandise. " Why not treat. 'cm as such? "We do. dissipates ' an eastern fog. We may have been unfortunate, , but we have never been able to secure the exclusive right from the. shah of Persia, with Aladdin's lamp,.' to make a tour of his posses sions, and carry away bodily the "Finest and most superb 'collection of. Rugs" to offer in this market ait 'any "price. ' There is no real mystery in ine COliecuon.O Ancmai iVUgS. ine nppnnuniiira ire nn more, Tin ipsa, man in rn purcnase oi any lapnc mar, is in CIC- mandI,R.ugs are largely collecte'd .from anl sold in London and Constantinople. These journeys to the Orient by American or other collectors ARE tfOT MADE QN CAMELS THROUGH THE DESERT, BUT ON STEEL RAILS AND IN CIVILIZATION. '.', Rugs are bought with real money, not by exchange of salaams 6r the wearing away of Oriental craft and deceit by, any shrewdness,;. ; Turks and Englishmen alike will sell 500 of a thing for a less price than ten of the same thing. In short,' the particular man or firm Wio secures the "Cream of the Orient'by other meansthanabilityL to purchase m quantity and pay for purchases promptly, exists j . very' largely; in the charming tales and imageries that aboundjn the "Arabian Nights." The time has come already' when the intelli P gent public has wearied with the transfer of ridiculous tales from the literary department of the newspapers to the advertising columns. ( This store makes ownership of the finest of these old Oriental beauties possible to purses of moderate reach. And this September r opening sale is evidence of oyr -down-to-date methods as regards thee rich Oriental fabrics of the hand loonuojainjusinesa prop-7 p osition to buyers of Oriental Rugs, now right at the beginning of house fitting and renovatrng time. In -a great .SPECIAL . SALE WHICH BEGINS TOMORROW, we shall offer at sharp reduction from the lowest prices ever quoted in a regular way in this city by any house for equal values; both small and carpet sizes in Kazaks, Shirvans, Daghestans, Mossouls, Guanghes, Anatolians, : Bergamos Teherafts, Irans,' Kirmanshahs, Savouks, Milas, Bokhara s, Khivas, etc. : Read the week's special prices, and compare values -round town. . Then select your Oriental Rugs while savings like these may be made. -TAKE ELEVATOR TO FOURTH. FLOOR. i - OU HEAR the above or something" like it said on every side nowadays: "For the newest1, things visit OLDS, WORTMAN & KING'S." . Every day now some thing new that will not cannot wait. Something else is coming along to crowd it , out. Incident follows incident novelty follows novelty in quick succession, and it comes about that the coming week will be filled with days every one of which will be crammed full of interest, of newness, of fascination to visitors at the store. In fact, every day this week' will be a well-planned shopping carnival in itself. "It's hard to pick a day now more interesting than another, so fast do the. new things crowd in Every hour has aome " fresh surprise. The arrivals come in as to Some great International Exposition, as novel, as enchanting, as irresistible and full of charm and sparkling newness. And this week opens the season. Be a "first-nighter" and come to the Store tomorrow. Every line and paragraph in this store news is of importance as you will know by reading and yet not half tha tory V of the coming week's opportunities and attractions is told on this page. To shop at OLDS, ; WORTMAN & KING'S is to shop at the foremost store today on the Pacifit-coaattha-; - mo6t unique and. complete. Leaders, pioneers, MODERN MERCHANDISERS. A group of great specialty shops, 'thoroughly organized to sell the newest and most authoritative- I styles in the world's best merchandise at the smallest. profits based on largest aalea. . ' - - - . ... - . First in v SILKS--now and forever SILKS now more than ever ' . : THE SEPTEMBER SHOWINdS OPEN TOttORROV , Parts la ndln har prophet to say that It will b a'creat at lit aeaaon. and more than that, a aeaaoa of liralr - nt Ik. PUlds ar in tha aacendant. Unlqua and almoal atartllrra; novaltlea ara' balna; Introduoad.' America haa accepted tha edict and tha nest few months will ba distinctly a 811k regime. Portland's foremoat "Silk Store" will be given over this week to special displays of tha latest and most fashionable productions from Kranoe. Italy, Swltserland and America. Every design, from tha small and modeat affects to tha moat w startHns; and elaborate patterns, many confined to ns for Portland, will o shown. A noteworthy exposition anil sure to Interest you. Annex First Floor Fifth street. v-: ' .. :- " ' ' ,-. i t lOTI-Amonf others tha VIW mo nZXS In . "W sTDTT nisXa ara Bar in an enmeas TanaTy , , . . , ... ... ... , .. I all the new weaves, styles and colorings. A per combinations to choose from' at, - " yardjB5tl.OO,-fl5 "and f 1.50 sons! inspection is necesaary as printer's Ink oan- not describe tha beauty and newness priced at, ., yard 85, fl.OO, fl5 and f l.SO ( The -New -Dress-Goods Regular $10.00 Rugs';' special. . . . If 8.15 Regular $12.50 Rugs; special, v.f 10.25 .Regular $14.00 Rugs ; special . . .$11.35 ., Regular $15.00 Rugs; special. ,..$125 Regular $18.00 Rugs; special. ., .$14.65 Regular $20.00 Rugs. ; special . . . $16415 Regular $2.50 Rugs; special. .. $18.50 Regular $25.00 Rugs rspeciatT7:$20.50 ' Regular $27.50 Rugs; special. f. .$22.50 Reguhir-$30.00-Rugst-8pecialr. Regular $32.50 Rugs; special. ;. . $27.00 Regular $35.00 Rugs; special. ..".$30.00 Regular $37.50 Rugs; special. ... $32.00 Regular $40.00 Rugs ; special . . . $34.00 Regular $45.00 Rugs; special. .37.50 Regular $48.00 Rugs ; special. '..$40.00 Regular $50.00 Rugs; special. . $41.50 Regular $55.00 Rugs; special.,. .$45.55 Regular $S0:00"Rugs ; special. .. .$50766 Regular $65.00 Rugs; special.. .$54.00 $25.00 -Regular $r0.0Q-Rugs; special. . .$58.35 Regular $75.00 Rugs; special.!.. $62.50 Regular $80.00 Rugs'; special. .. .$66.75 Regular $85.00 Rugs; special.. $70.00 Regular $90.00 Rugs; special.... ...$74.00 Regular $95.00 Rugs ; special , . .... . . $79.00 Regular $100.00 Rugs; special. . . . .$84.00 Regular $110.00 Rugs ; special . . . . . . $92.00 Regular $125.00 Rugs; special. .. .. .$104.00 Regular .$138.00Rugs ;.gpedal;. . . A8112.00 Regular $160.00 Rugs; special. . . . $133.00 . T- 1 a4a.aAAT . A -t AS sTV Keguiar xyo.uu Kugs; special...... 9iio.uv i , - , 4 It if ri f Regular85.00Jlugapxcial154 -flU Regular $195.00 Rugs, special...... $162.00 Regular $225.00 Rugs ; special. . . . , .$187.50 Special Ribbon Sale v-.., - id3rJrirs moor. ; v . '. IB aaa t0s Tasey ' miskens All-silk Taffeta Ribbons, I' Inches wide, with ' oolored flowers In 'center and colored . edges; regular ISO and 100 values. Spe cial, yard 9V Heaps ot Prettlness 'Mongthe Autumn Yash Stuffs and Flannels : rim rioo. ? '.':',;-' .. . Look through your wsj-drobes. Dresses yetting shabby f Children "running through their , clothes"? Start to replenish now from ' tha new stocks. Never In the his tory of tha business have wa had tha great volume and variety of fabrics, or so much ' beauty embraced In them. Tha Waah Goods ,ounters and shelves ara - heaped ' high with winsome prettlness, ditto tha 1 flannel counters. Hera's all tha unpreten tious oottons you want for work-a-day . frocks, up to tha richer ones for evening wear. , Sea tha smart and genuine Scottish Clan . . Plaids for dashing waists at....,.8B Cnshrinkabl English Flannels, par yard .50 to 75 . liobalr Watatlnga In handsomely embroid ered figures, yard ...... ...50 Bilk embroidered Flannels, - yard . v. rvr.rrrrr.-rr.eO ttr fS.SO Velvetta Flannels for kimonos, Flannel ettes, outing flannels In single and double face effecta, Eiderdown flannels In plain and figured styles. Danish cloths In all colors. . Handsome "Bear cloth" in every ' wanted coloring for ladles' and children's ,, warm and swagger coats. Tha largest and newest line of quality flannels on the Pa elf lo coast ' Coma In Monday and have a peep at soma of tha prettlness Domestic Aisle.. i s : i . . . Women's Hosiery Specials "'' ,Fls Floor. ' ; ',;' " - Wmus'i 60S Usl Koee S7e Fine Im- ported mercerised lisle Hose, In tan only; ." regular value too. - Kpeoinl, pair.... 874 " . Women's SOo lVsvos Rosa. ts Black , Jnce Hoee, with embroidered boots; regular value toe. Special, pair. .29 Notable Bargains for ' i Moat Portland fellows know where to come to save' in their buying of smart , ' Haberdashery. - We're trying to- educate tha fellows who don't No ws don't sell everything without profit;' sensible' men ' don't go td a no-prof It store;, but wa do keep right 'down to th "brass tacks" -of , real worths and often ' tha bargains are ' exceptional notably tomorrow. Annex, ,' Sixth street First Floor. , Handy? Tea. Special Monday .. , Ken's SOa Vaderwear to Several broken lines . of Men's . Balbrlggan . Underwear, .flat and ribbed effects; regular value - too. Special, to close, garment.. . .290 ' Meal's TSo and SS tfolf S&irta 4o A Una -. of . Man's Golf shirts In white, tan, blue and black and white: regular values 7&o ' and toe. Special ....... . .494 Stea'a "too Xaadkeroklefs lOe All-linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with and H -inch - tiemr"rBtilr rains-tot?, flpp- elal . 104 Ilea's ISO Hosiery Its A line of fancy , Hose. In tan, gray, brown and dark red, with silk clocks; regular value 2So. Bpe . cial, pair... .......94 Hot half the good news could be told today , Be sure don't miss Monday's papers. Special bargain sales in preparation for housekeepers. Also great bar gains in Corsets, Jewelry and Leath- -er,Goods, Millinery and. Art Goods. I New arrivals in Women's Furnish ing Shops. - --- - - . a r-:.V See Monday Papers J Women's Knit Underwear Specials ... ' -; . ' . '. First P&or. 1 - ;.'--- wosmaat tub Tests or Faats Sts Extra else "Mrode" silk , and cotton Vests, long and no sleeves; knee length, French . band Pants to match; regular value f.1.10. Special, each . .-890 Women's 1M Tests or Tights TSe Silk and lisle "Merode" ' Vests, long, short and sleeveless;-ankle and knee lenirth Tights to match; regular value Special, each...T80 Women's $1M Taloa statts ttc White cotton Union Suite, the "Merode," long and sleeveless, knee and ankle length; regular value 11.26. Special ....................... .98 ' "Notions and Things 'Toull need at home on your arrival from vacation Jaunts. Things' easy to lose and hard to find 'specially at these Monday bargain prices First Floor. .,.45e 10c bottle Perfumed White Petroleum Jelly. Special tie extra quality ClqthJ Brushes. Special. lo cake Mission Olive Toilet Soap. Special... ........ ' 'lOc large tlsa extra quality Chamois Skin. Bpeclal ...... 35 ' SSo bottle Eclipse Almond Cream for Sunburn, etc, SpT-20) 10c bottle Carter's best Black Writing. Ink. Special ..... .6 tGo Oregon Souvenir Books. Special .15 te package square shape white and cream Envelopes. , Spl.3 !5o 1-lb. packet Writing Paper (odd lot). Special, ..... .12 . Japanese Lanterns for picnics, parties and boating at dosen 60 and T5 -lr box lHien-cteth- finish-Writing -Paper. BpectelTT-rvr-rl 2 Stc pair fins lightweight and whits Dress Shields, sixes S and I. Special .......i .............'...........lO Card of 1 doten Whits Pearl' Buttons, all slses. "fepeclal. .54 ' Chinese Ironing Wax on Sticks. Special, S for. .B lie set of I Shell Hairpins. Special . . . . .104 Best black and whits Hump Hooks snd Eyes, I dot. on card. ..Special, i cards .B - Important . Salt of Women's Heckfixings First Floor. Wash Stocks, lacs trimmed and tailored 'stylet, worth lis, ' Embroidered Washable Stocks, worth I Sc. v Embroidered sets, colored embroidery on canvas, Worth Mo, Satin Storks, with eyelet front, worth lOc ''".... Embroidered Stocks, wonk 75c. . Divided Into -thves Iota."-" -' Lot 1 --Special at each . i . . .-. 1 04 Lot I Special at each. ............... ,.."t.....;., 1B Lot I Special at, each.;.-.;. ;........ .25 . . ABBex Fifth Street First Floor. . Portland's loading Dress Goods Stdre starts ths 'ball a-rolling down Autumn's stley planned and aimed for a ' "ten strike" with the city's critical buyers. Spread out on every side through the Salons ara great bolts d"f ;; handsome stuffs Just off the looms of foreign and American mills. - Fabrics full of charaetsiwgoods entirely different from styles of other seasons. : Btuffs especially adapted to tha several popular models ,. that Fashion has approved for Autumn garments. Fabrics best suited for the verve and Jaunty Eton Jacket Suits and "potry styles and others that ara Just ..the thing for the longer-coated tailored models which some favor and Fashion stamps approval upon. , -A bevy of mentions may tempt your attendance -at tomorrows advance opening showings..,. ;,.'.',-"'': '; '' '-' :. '-"''v .- New fine Frencu serges, a. popular weave ror mm . , ,. . - new DiacK uressuooos Fall season, at yard. .Sl.OO. 91.25 and fl.BO In all colors, cream and black included Kew Panama-so-Hmches wtdeT-thlit'durabTe" fabrio In all the wanted shades, at yard..........60k, fl.OO, $1.25 and fl.BO New Broadcloths in domestic and foreign makes, In -all svening snd street shades at, - yard..... '...fl.BO. f2.00, f2.50 and f 3.00 . - We call - your-apeclalr attention to our Moravian Chiffon Broadcloth at yard...... ...f3.00 : It's the best quality, highest silk finish and post. -tivsly sponged, shrunk and spot proof. M New French.- German, English and . Scotch mixed Buttings, fabrics which fashion leaders claim have ' the lead. We are ahowlng a large exclusive line ' of theaa mannish Tailor goods, priced from V yard ., fl.OO to f3.00 ; Plaid Drets Goods are shown hers In such an lm , mense assortment, all. the new color combina tions, weaves and fabrics, ths largest assortment ". shown on the coast st, per - ' ' yd.. f 2.60, f2.00, fl.BO, fl.25 and fl.OO New Serges, alt wool, at. . yard.... 50, 65, fl.OO, fl.25 and fl.BO New Panamas, all wool af ' . yard.. 50, fl.OO, f 1.25, f 1.50 and f 2.00 . ; New French Serges, all wool, at ' yard...... fl.OO, fl.25, fl.BO and f2.00 New French Henriettas at - yard.. . OO. 75, fl.OO, fl.25 and fl.BO Nsw IUllan Mohairs at yard ..$2.00, f2.50, f3.00, and fS.BO New French Voiles at " yd.. fl.OO, fl.25, fl.BO, f 1.7B, and fa.OO Jfew Broadcloths st - yd. fl.BO, f2.00, f2.B0, f 3.00, up to f S.OO . And every new, down-to-date weave in AU-wool and Silk and Wool Black Goods. Compare our ; prices, color snd qualities and you will buy your. ' ' Black Dress Goods here.' Advance OpeningrExpositions of lVomen-s Portland's Ores test CHurmeat Store aooM Floor Salons. , Even If you do not desire to purchase at this time. It win ba well worfk . your while to visit the Garment Salons this week to sea the profusion of styles and' the marvelousiy original wsy In which theaa are carried amt in alt tha bewitching fashion touches that master minds have evolved,- In . - accordance with authoritative dictates of great style leaders la tha , world's foremost fashion centers. To visit this exhibit theaa days will be from a dresa point of view. Ilka mingling In tha vary beat of French and . . American society, In ths charming tailored models, magnificent gowns . and smart wraps one sees reflected with brilliancy the very essenoe sf dress elegancy, ' Ton- catch the flashing gayety of New Tork and Pari at their best Fashion hst Indeed achieved a -new sarlea-of Inspiring ' - triumphs. ' Ws have .worked along tha lines of least resistance. Every . garment that has found its way Into our stock has sanction af the authoritative master deelgners. And yet tha new models are not lacking In diversity far from it. It Is a moat representative collection. But all that would lose force were It not for the modest prloes. Is It not logloal to suppose that the largeet store which devotes Its greater effort to ready-to-wear garments for the new season's service Is In a position to present a bigger series of stylish models snd at prices lower than those which Its leeser contemporaries offer? Tea. and our convention of gar ments for, the coming season's service demonstrates tha force of that' logic. The best values this or any other store has tvsr offered at ths ; opening of a new season In New Tailored Suits as Low as $12.50-1$ Good as If 25 New Fall and Winter Coats at $6.50 and Up to $85 New Evening Gowns $50 to J450 We offer for tomorrow's shoppers two very special extra Induoanenta ' ,for buying while tha savings ara on. - ,- , , - i . .; . ., Women's Handsome Silk and Tub Suits tf O AC $12.50 to $35 Valuesto close ; . .... . VO.VD The suits arrived from the makers on Thureday last All of tha present season's make. - Our buyer closed ths lot at an absurdly low price as It wss too small for tha manufacturer to dicker long on. Good fortune ' for us and ws pass It along to you. Ths suits you'll need for afternoon and evening wear during tha remaining warmer daya and nlghta of Sep tember, tor borne wear all winter, and for donning at many eoclal after lunch and evening functiona through tha year. They're dainty, freak and pretty as a bed of tulips. Boms dotted, mull Princess dresses In lavender.. and-whiter A-few- Shirtwaist- Suite In -black -and -white pin '" stripes and neat checks, also Alice , blues and sweet lavenders. Also a ' lot of whits lawn Shirtwaist Suits In tha collection. These latter at-e prettily trimmed In Valenciennes laces snd skirts art tucked. Valtiea run up to $35.00. . Choose Monday or while they last, at fS.95 ' Handsome Fall and Winter Coats, Great $15 Values, $10.HS - All In tha popular length; it-and 50-lnch models; very newest swsllest modes; smart shepherd plaids . and checks in handsome mixtures.' Plain tailored snd very "mannish" effects, mads In masterly workman shin; how init half-fltttns styles. Ths coats are In swagger colorings, grays predominating. Select the garment tomorrow you'll need soon for tha cool evenings, and later for street and driving wear, at a marked saving ths difference between 115.00 ana .f Zr 'sit, Children's Colored VJash Drcscz: Reductions reduced! Rather, than carry over ws'U sell Children's Colored Wash Drees In plain or ft. r materials, trimmed from tha plain to tha most elaborate One or two-piece Suits In fancy. Buster Brown, Russian and regulation .Sailor ages from 1 to 14 years. -"Remiler trlces 7fro,Seotal aAr..S8,. Keuir prices iz is to :.7?. Regular prices too to Special at. .. .. .47 Regular prices $1.10 to Special at...f..69 Regular prices $1.71 to $3.1$. Special at...... 05 Regular prices $1.09 to $.7B. Regular prices $4 00 to H 7&. Regular prices $. to $5.7. Regular prloes $ 0 to $i.7. Rpeclnl SX -pece .-,,( special at.,..) tpeclal at . . , , ; Special at. .. s Ft.