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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
THE OSTCON . SUNDAY JOUKNALV PORTLAND. SUNDAY: I Cr.::ii:0. .' AUGUST ti . ltZl. am . . .ar i a - .. - : g'; t-Alfred Denjamin&Co.'s - Correct Oothes NOV ON DISPLAY Ji to Valuo Nono Do or Can Clvo Sottor U10C0UVER IIS SIIEIERlIl Finally Gets Material . Reduction : of Streetcar Fare to ' . Portland. FERRY FARES ARE ALSO - LOWERED CONSIDERABLY East Side Rejoices In Change,.. De claring Vancouver Sawmilla Can - Now Enter Portland Business Field "and Cause Redaction in Price.' - But BUde Bepaj-tmsat, ' After a fight of several run, Van couver haa flnallr succeeded In getting a substantial reduction In the fare be tween Portland and the city across the Columbia. The east side rejoices In the chant, for with the reduction In fares cornea a reduction In v ferry charges, which, enabling; the Vancouver mills to compete with Portland con cerns, may result In a cheapening- of the price of lumber. -ft '-!-ont war win. be it cents, with Si cents for the round trip.- The commissioners' court at Van couver held the club that finally brought about the reduction. The li cense to operate the ferry ' across the Columbia river was about to expire ana the court refused to renew the license unless a substantial reduction was made in ferriage across the river and . . car fare to Portland. .. The court demanded a-lt-cent-rate, . with St cents for the round trip, but this the company refused to grant. Ft ; nally a compromise- was made op. the . above-named - rates. The court, how ever, limited the time the license Is to run to January 1, 107, . announcing ' that a further reduction would be ex pected at that time. Residents of Van couver, assisted by Portland . mer chants, .have waged a campaign for ' several years past to secure thla reduc tion. The business men of Vancouver have always atrenuoualy fought It, . claiming that it would seriously " Inte ,.fre with their boaineaa by encouraging shoppers from that city to do their ' buying In Portland. The merchants of i thla city evidently had the same Idea, as they have given every encourage A merit to the reduction of fares. ' t This reduced fare will amount to ' i quite aa Item to a large number of la boring men who live on the east side i and go dally to their labor In Vancouver. .', jThe two earliest morning cars are , usually crowded with mechanics that , tlnA itmnlnTmanf fit th uvmllli .n4 ) railroad yards of Vancouver. It is esti mated that 25 i-men.' residents of the Veaat side, make this daily trip. I The company also announces a sub stantial reduction tn the price of books 'of tickets, both for ' Individual and family use. An Individual book of -.LrJ4esJa.JUwoJliorJL or cents the i round trip. A family book" of Xti same ' else Is sold for $7.6, or SO cents a ' round trip. t " .!.'' 1 The new ratea to be charged for far- rylng teams across the Columbia river will be of material benefit to Portland ' )obbers and wholesale , houses. The irate for a atx-horae team 'Is now (0 : cents; four-horse team, 4t cents; two I horse team, St cents; horse and rider, . 10 cents: foot passenger, t cents. The i rate heretofore charged was a heavy ' tax on Portland wholesale houses de ' llverlng goods by team to their Van couver customers. The single dlsadvan , tz to Portland in the new ferry rates ! the fact that Vancouver aawmllla ji now compete with Portland mllla ! In supplying lumber for building pur poses to the Immense east side territory, i which, it is said, consumes not . less ' than tares fourths of the lumber used i In Portland. Prospective builders on i the east side view this situation with ; satisfaction, as it la thought the effect of Vancouver mills tnvadlne that mary hei will result la cheaper lumber. . "t haven't noticed a tendency to die eMminale against Improving (he strsets "cent 14 Burnslde bridge, as was "1 x a resident of Kast Ankenj. streot In this morning's paper," aald ex-Councilman W. B. HalL the east side hardware, man. "This kicker failed to catch the spirit of our protest! as made to The Journal a few days ago. There is no objection to paving the streets, adjacent to the bridge,' with any kind of material the property holders want But there Is an objection- to having a non-property holding - Interloper circu lating a petition to have Bast Ankeny street, that is not - adjacent to the Burnslde bridge,' paved with some ex pensive material, or as for that matter paved at all. We are abundantly able to circulate our own petitions to have our own streets -paved whenever we think they need. It. This kicker asks the question, -"What does Mr. Hall rep resent - on Kaat Ankeny streetr and then answers, ' The Second- Baptist church,', and ' his answer is , correct. That church owns 10 feet of property fronting: on that street,. which' I venture to say is Just 100 feet more than this kicker owna or represents ' r"Many of the reaidenta on East An keny are indignant at the misrepre sentation that baa been made in this paving matter. - The Individual who cir culated the petition requesting the 'Im provement represented to the property holders that the coat of putting down a hard pavement in front of a (0-foot lot would not exceed" II IS, and might go as low as $7t. Now the fact is that ths lowest cost of such an Improvement as is asked will be not lesa than $100 per lot and-will mere likely be IZtO. aa the history of similar street Improve ments put down in this city will prove. We, who are Interested. In this 'street and have to pay the improvement bills, especially dislike to have the represen tative of paving contractors - take the lead in such matters." . . : A majority of the residents and'prop-! erty owners -on East -Ankeny are 'said td "be" opposed to the plan to pat an gxi pensive pavement on that street nd are determined to fight It to a finish, . , AUTOMATIC "HELLO" BOXES I'ILL Mil BE VOKKKG v- -"T"; Company Promisee Four Thou sand Will, Be in Operation .Early in November.' Early In November, It Is promised, be tween 8,000 and i.OOO automatlo -telephones will be in operation in Portland. The "girlless" exchanges of the Home Telephone company are being Installed In the buildings erected for the purpose by the company. The down-town ex change will be at Park and Burnslde streets, while that on Bait Morrison, be tween Bast Eleventh and East Twelfth, will accommodate a good part of the east side." The Alblna business will be attended to by the exchange on Union avenue near Russell street.' The long distance business of the city will also be transacted from this exchange. For a whole year the construction- of the lines of the Home Telephone com pany has been In progress. Oangs of men have-been at work .laying the 'phone cables underground throughout the business section snd in many of the residence districts as welL Where the wires are not laid underground they are carried on poles in a compact form in- side big heavy cables, " TVa"witt-have oves 1.000 -'phoaaia actual operation some time in Novem ber," yesterday said Robert Tucker, president of the Empire Construction compsny, which is doing the construc tion work lor the Home company. "We don't wish to open up until everything is ready and every 'phone in actual operation without the least, hitch any where." i Boys and Girls Wanted. r Five hundred boys and girls to call at our store. We will show you how to make some money without any cost to you. Parent can- coma and make the srrangementa 1f they like. The work csn be done after school hours or any. time. The - J. M. Acheson company, ladles' closks and suits. 111 Fifth street. Brpeetal ttoasa is Astoria JUooaat Anna! SWffatte. For the above occsalon the Astoria A Columbia River Railroad company will ell round-trip tickets to Astoria at rate of tl and for children at half price. Bale dates August' Stth. 10th, list and Beptentber 1st; return limit September I Tickets on sale at. Union depot and 141 Alder street. Phone Mala .. , I . .... " Your ' H Credit ':Is ; Good r:'' ' . .'.-' ... .. mmwmmmmwmmmmmmmmwmmmmmwmmmmmv Fpllowing upon the active eight weeks which up to the present time marks the period covered by this remarkable sales event, the ninth week offers a profusion of sale-values a continuation of the con. : vincing .reductions which have prevailed sincets commencement The succesa attending 4ur f forts -has been most gratifying, and we are thankful to our many patrons who have taken advantage of and shared in the special values which have characterized the progress of our "greatest of all sales." ; It will now be a matter of only a few weeks before we will vacate our present location for our handsome new six-story building on MorrisonandSeYtbtjceetswherewilLbe gathered together the-complete"StoCktTbf fhi" various derartoieiits which will combine for . "the - foremost comrjlete ; housefurnishing concern tfon the cpastthe home of quality and of liberal credit.". ' ,1. .. ;' Make ' - . Your Own v'; "Various Pieces for Parlor and Livinjl-Room" in' an' ' Assortment of Designs; RECEPTION OR HALL CHAIRS. $14.50 Chair, in ' the . golden 5ak, richly . -arved desicm.: leather seat. - Sale - '"'"priCC a jfaaaa a1 9 M t $15.00 Chair,' ,'in. the golden oak, richly '-carved and polished. Sale v. 1 ' 1 V.: price . ..... ... ; .. : . . i. . .... .flO.OO ' . $16.00 Chair, in the golden oak,' seat up ' - holstered in'embossed leather. ' ' ; Sale price V ,'. f . . . I . .'. . . .'. .11.50 ' $25.00 Mahogany Chair, in carved design, . -' seat and back in embossed leather. ' ? ' t ' : ' Sale price I ...... V. : ,: , ,'. . , . f 16.50 : ARM 5. CHAIRS AND : ROCKERS. V '.1: ' $10.06 Arm Chair, in polished quarter sawed golden' oak. : -" !-; oaic ui itc ...... ............ r " . . $15.00 Large Arm,-Ro?ker in. the golden oak. Sale price....... . 810.00 $16.00 Arm Chair, in the mahogany finish. Sale price.. ........ .811.50 $16.00 jArm" Rocker to match.. Sale price ....... ...'..('.. .....811.50 $16.00 Arm Chair, "in the golden oak, leather seat. Sale price. .$11.00 $21.00 Large Arm Rocker, in the golden oak, richly carved and polished. ; Sale price .... . . . , . . . ,. . . . . . .9I44OO p$26.00 Arm Rocker, in the polished quarter-sawed golden oak. ; ' - yriCe rm ww -V-rTrir---i ............... . i . t V i i . r, 818.00 $25.00 Arm-Rocker, in highly polished . mahogany. Sale price. . .$19.00 $38.00. Arm Rocker, . in solid mahogany, seat upholstered in mohair. v . Sale price , ; : ... . . .828.00 $43.00 Mahogany. Parlor. Rocker. Sale; price .V. . . . . . . .V. ; . $30.00 ;;.-; : :;' 'i-; .-r DIVANS AND SETTEES. ,' tfy''-- $37.50 Divan in the dull mahogany, upholstered. jSale.price. .'.i". $40.00 Settee, in 6plid . mahogany. Sale price . ............. . . -$6.00-Divanf -mahogajuy. leaoipholstered in' silk , tapest bale price ................. ., 823.00 $29.75 v -:.,.,tL A Few Pieces for tne Hall Comprise -a 'Part , ' of taiei Sale Stock v HALL SEATS. - ' $8.00 Hall Seats, m polished quarter- ; , sawed golden oak. Sale price. $5.50 ; $36.50 Seat, . in ' richly - polished ma-; iL- hogany. ; Sale price. . .826.00 ' $37.00 Seat, in selected quarter-sawed , golden oak, hand polished.' , Sale price .....$25.00 $45.00 Seat, richly polished mahogany. .Sale price ......... $32.50 : $5?X)0 Hall Seat and Cabinet, in pol- ished quarter-sawed golden oak. - : Sale price .$39.50 . . ;.' ,.!;' '' "' f ; , ' HALL; MIRRORS. '- ' K " ; I ' . .'v; $26.00 Large Mirror, in the weathered ' oak, best bevel plate glass. ' - Sale price ........ . . .... .$16.75 $27.00 Large Mirror,' in polished quar-ter-sa wed "'golden r oak, ; best ilate , mirror. Sale price. .. ..... .817.00 ; i 'y, HALL LAMPS. : :;' - ; 4140.00 Mission Hall . Lamp, in the , , ' weathered oak. Sale price. $20.00 -'.V . t Many Hign - Grade1 Bedroom Pieces - y Are Included in ; the : ? ::' ; "V , ;' Sale Stock -Tfr'-Tr. BEDROOM CHAIRS AND ROCKERS. X$6.50 Dressing Table Chair, in the golden oak. ; - ' '; Sale , price . . ; . . I . . . . . ....... t . . ... . . . . . $4.25 ; . . . . . ,- - . - . ... .. $7.00 Bedroom Rocker, in the mahogany, any fin- i ish. Sale price! . 1 . . . . . . .. . ; ! . . . .... . .$5.00 .$8.50 Dressing Table Chair, in the mahogany. ;f . " : Sale price '. . . . .'. . .... . . . .', . ....... $5.75 , $9.75 Mahogany Bedroom Chair. Sale price. $6.00 $10.00 Bedroom Chair, in mahogany." . Sale price! ,', . ... "" 1 ..$6.75 $10.00 Rocker to match. Sale price. .$6.75 ' $14.00 Bedroom Chair, in mahogany. Sale price;. .......... $9.75 " .- ,v ? : .'.' -r. ::..:: ; ,- -i.y, Krj' r CHEVAL MIRRORS. ; $34.00 Mirror, in the birdseye maple. Sale price. ...... i. .......$24.00 ; $4250 Oval Mirror,- in the golden oakl f Sale "price...... ...'.... $30.00 : $6760 . Mirror, n themahoganyit Sale price '.t''.'.'rr.7.$40pO.i; - , , , - , ii ... ... 1 . - - . . ,. ;( . -1 .. ...,:' ' ;i '..i',..; 4' . v . , , . ., ,.- - ... , , ,..... .' ... J . -'r ' . ' .' t, f": . ' ... ." ' ' . . . -. . - i -' '.:.".. - "' .'."" yV.:':;!t;,.'-:!:'r' ;. , ' ...v- ...-, .... v-'rA'?:; DRESSING TABLES. ' " ' - v ... .. 7. - : . ,j . ... , ..4 . - , . ,. . .. :' ";';:.'. f" -, ' ,'...;. r ', ,! '' ": ' ',' v $30.00 Table,, in. the golden oak, best plate mirror. Sale price.'. .$20.00 $32.50 Table, in the mahogany, best plate mirror. - Sale price. 822.50 $30.00 Tablef fnthe mahogany, mirror of best plateSale price $20.00- Some Stsecial Values in tke D epartment Bedding WHITE SPREADS. In-Three-Quarter Sizes, Cut Corners," Fringed. , ' " ; : Sale Price. $2.20 Spreads 81.60 $2.30 Spreads $1.70 $2.65 Spreads .. 1... :T.$1.90 $2.85 Spreads ..... . .$1.05 . ; $3.80 Spreads .r, rr. r. .$2.25 : , v COMFORTS. - .,, ' $1.00 .Comforts, in various patterns Sale price. ...... ... . .65ft , $1.85 Comforts, in an assortment of patterns and colors. ' , , " Sale price . . . .80 $11.00 Satine Comforts, in several patterns and colorings. Sale price ............................... r.'i . . . . . . . .87.50 $30.00 Down Comforts, silk covered--Sale price.',. .$18.50 ' T: WOOL BLANKBTS-OTTON ? WARP. V " . ' ' " . In Blue, Pink and Brown Borders.: - V . : $1.60 Blankets Sale price, pair..., .......... ......... .81.25 $4.00 Blankets Sale price, pair .......... .'; V. .'. '. r. $2.75 - $4.50 Blankets Sale price, pair. t.83.25 $5.75 Blankets Sale price, pair. .Vt , . $4.25 ; WOOL' BLANKETS. t ' J : - ; $7.00'6-lb. Gray Blankets Sale price, pair. . . . ; i; .V7.. . . $4.75 $8.00 6-lb. Mottled Blankets Sale price, pair. ..... . . . . .85.25 $8.40 Wb.'Merino Blankets Sale price, pair. .. .85.50 $9.00 6-lb. .Double and Twist Blankets Sale price, pair. .85.75.' $16.00 8-lb. Pink Blankets Sale -price, pair........... ..$8.00 v.. .': ';)-. V''; pillows. rv'..-v;::-;.-;'";-, $6.75 Monarch 4-lb. Down Pillows--Sale price, pair. V. $4.25- Many Pieces in tke Popular Quaint : Designs fe?;Fmislies v '-iy r-r:V::,Vt'vyr-';'-';::-"4 $6.75 Mission Plate Rack, in the ' weathered oak. . Sale priced .$4.00, -$7.00.1Tabourettesin the .weathered -fi oak.' 'Sale price. ........ 1... 83.95 $7.60 Stand, in the weathered oak.', ' Sale price $4.00 ' , $10.50 Magazine . Rack, in the weath . . ered oak. : Sale price........ $7.00 ' $10.50 ' Mission Arm Chair, . in the - weathered oak.. - Sale price. . ;$8.50 1. $11.00 Palm 'Stand,; in 'the weathered ' oak. - Sale price. ...... ......$4.50 , $15.00 Arm Chair, in the weathered ..oak. Sale price..... ......810.50 , I $16.60. Roman Chair, In the weathered i-.y. oak. Sale price........ ..'.$11.00 . - $20.00 Library Table, in the weathered . "oak. ' Sale price.. ....... ...$15.00 , $22.00 Shaving Stand, in the weathered oak.; Sale price.. ....... . . .$1575 $26.00 Folding Breakfast Table, in the 'weathered oak. Sale price. .$18.50. f Drapery ;Dep. Offerings for Tliis;rVeek ,f $1.10 White; Nbttirighara, Curtains, four patterns in this lot to select from. --..Sale priceair .V . ., . ; . . ;.y. .65e $2.60 White WbttirhghamTCTurUihs,fiVe"patt ta select from.- Sale jrice pair. . ....... . . . . : , .......... .. . ...4., .81.30 $2.00 Concji Covers, in; Persian stripes, 60 inches wide, three yards long. , , Sale price, each............... ...81.00 f; Sale ; of "Rugs in tKe Carpet Department 27x54 Velvet Rugs, in Oriental patterns and colors.-Sale price. ..$1.65 24x48 JringedAxWnsterug94jnjew effects. . Sale price. ..... .$2.50 27x54 Reversible and Washable Cotton Bath Rugs. Sale price . . .$1.65 28x58 Cotton Batlv Rugs. Sale price . . ... . .'. . . ; . . . .. .... . , ..... .$1.85 . pining . 02r t:IM:,.., : ,.,,,.;! ' -1. vl'.-..' 1 ' -; Restful''' ' - 'and v lrfTf? Y Tf V YT " ' '-- ' 3l'Er?l1 X) CX li Summer ..Furniture. XT ' ;;; - . - 1- m at ' ;-;; SGOHPLETI-ll005BFUMISiM5S ' Prices - ' ' " ' ' ' ' Prices' ""' .1 . ,1 I , .' .1 '-- - . -r, . . - t - :.'.' : ' : " i