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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1906)
i::r C-Jiti Trance the Oakland Tcnnle Tcyrney Open at Inf ineon Caseball and Racing.' TII- C CU1DAY JOw - -L rCHTLA5 CUIICV I Edited by J. A. KOZ&U G&ns-Nelssn f.Titch How the Cij.Ltei f'n Art Hitn. GIAUTS GET BUSY HARVARD CREW TRAI1NI1NQ OILTHI3-TM AMEQ FOR RACE WITH CAMBRIDGE DELLIOGER 0EATEI1 BV i'JSlHi In the race between the crews of Harvard and Cambridge Universities September 8 the value, of training foode will be decided. The Brit one have tenaciously dung to the beef-eating habit. When the Crimson crew : mid rjin oiie arrived fresh eggs and onions were sought daily, and the American col legians were commented upon by the English experts on training. - Beef vs. eggs will be something of a battle and the real test will be in the race on the Thames.' . ; ,-,,,..; I c Vj V'. i Refdy' ', Curvet Art Found Red-Headed. California , Crack; i k: Proves Too Strong for Lo-!, -;;.:.!:' .' cal Favorite, -: V. -' " - Easy, and Portland . Re- "! - v . ' cords a Victory. Ifr -i IM PROVES EFFECTIVES IRVINGTON TOURNAMENT r : STARTS AUSPICIOUSLY THROUGHOUT CONTEST caw Jommt s iram w mom Evtryihlag in Sportdom ; local Send Enough Runt Across In i Opening Inning t Cinch the Came ' : i-Jud Smith Lead the Players In -: 1 the Hitting line. ! ' Portland S. Oakland 1. '. . '":'""' .T Batteries Gum and McLean; 'Raldy j and Bliss. : ";""..'"' ' Ths Giants got togethsr yesterday ; Mora tha Kama, and decided that they ! had fooled a way gsmes enough to Oak- ' ; land, and made firm resolve to give tha Communters a drubbing, which they accordingly did to tha weird tan of I . to 1. While the game laated but II '' minutes, yet at no time did the small ? Saturday crowd get worked up to any : special degree of excitement. The con- ' test was devoid of any special features, j the kind that drive the fans Into ecata i . sies of Joy and cause them to forget ' . their dignity. It wae one of those eaay !, going. ,hsppy-go-lucky affairs, between , two teams unevenly matched, with the ' superior team scoring with apparent ! Reldy was on the pegging Una (or . ;jths visitors, snd Bill did his best to annex another game for his brethren, 'but found that the locals wars Just as anxious to win as he- In the very first ' Inning McHale and Mitchell found. Reldy .lor safe swats, snd wheat; Jud Smith i contributed one,. two runners croaaed the festive rubber. In tha third Portlar ' sent soother spinning serosa. In the fourth Dr. - Judaon Smith, who would ! rather play baseball In Portland than Ipull teeth In Los Angeles, smsshed out. 'a safe one. While no one waa looking, Dr. Smith stole second. Aa out placed . him. on . third, and while waiting for taomeone to bring him . home. Reldy's finger slipped, snd tha ball went over ; Bllaa' head and famous tooth extractor paraded home. In the alxth. with one . t down. Jonathan Lawrence McLean of VcinclnnaU made a hit. Tbla waa noth , !lng new for Larry. Dr. Smith came , 5 along with bis smiling willow and f waited for a good-looking ball. Picking out' a ' sweet one, Judaon smashed' It j ("among the eyes." and before his nsme- ' 'aake could recover It Judson was sitting .on third base, while McLean waa i squatted on the bench. "Portland added ' .another in the eighth, Juat for fun, BU 1 lam Sweeney got I pin, and while " ' Ilealey Waa trying to throw out Mitch tell at first Sweeney took a long chance Tinr.sTtIpfta-I5ngTTfiTra: On i tly to left field Sweeney scored. This ended 'Portland's scoring. ; kV Oakland's only run cams In tha sev enth .inning. Krugervhlt ssfely, and , with two down Devereaux .hit to left, and Oom Paul tallied the visitors' soil Hary tally. The official score: ' ' ,' PORTLAND. . ' '- ' '' '(' - ' , ' IB. K.H. Ptt A. E. McHale, cf. 11 1 S .'Sweeney, aa. t 1 Mitchell, If. ....-4 ' McLean, c S 1 Smith, lb-. .....'..... 4 ,1 Moore, lb. t Henderson, rf. I S Uater, lb. I 'Gum, p. ............St S 1 i ; e , 4 0 It Totals .....II S T ST 11 1 . . OAKLAND.' - ' . ' AB. R. K. PO. A. K. Smith, rf. 4 a e t e Van Haltren, cf. , . . . 4 IIS a Kruger, If. ......... 4 I - S 1 MeltrauHer, lb. ...... S t I 11 1 Bllaa, e. . ..,.. 4 - e 1 , 2 , 1 e Devereaax. Sb. ...... 4 S 1 1 I S Haley, 2b. t S S S 4 ilia, ss. iiiiiui. i e a e t a Reldy, p. 1 t S S S S Totals . ..... J.....I1 1 t 14 It 1 SCORE BT INNINGS. Oakland , , t t t t t t 1 t a 1 Hlta t t t 1 t t 1 t i -Portland-i-i-TT.r..l t 1 1 t 1 t 1 I Hlta ...I t 1 I t 1 t t 7 ; ': ; ' ' ummart. - - ' Struck out By Oum, 4; by Reldy, L Baeea on balls Oft Oum, 1 : off Reldy, I. Two-bar hit Mitchell. Three-base hit Jud Smith. Stolen baaee McHale, . Smith t, Sweeney. Wild pitch Retdy. ' Left on baaee Portland, 1; Oakland, I. Time of gameOne hour snd 21 m In vitee. ITmpIre MahaiTey. BASEBALL CHATTER. BUI Reldy did his best to get sway with yesterday's game, but the Giants . ware too buay with the stick. l:, : . i ' The Plsher-Thorsen Orsys will - Jour - fley this morning to Astorls, where they 1 will meet the crack nine of that city. : ':: ,. ' ": .a , '':, Henderson,, who played In MeCredle's place, made tha prettleat catch or the . game when he hauled In a long drive '. from Van Haltren's bat' . . . 's ''' - e a ' . '. '..:' ;" Oakland mads a - gallant ' try ta the ninth to tie the score, but Devereeux's fly ta Mitchell settled the contest. .r ' e . '. '.'; ''. Oakland will make Its last appearance this sesaoa at Recreation park thla . afternoon. Cates and Esstck will do the twirling. . ' ,-. . .' . . a e '-'. ' McLeea was back In the game yaater ' day, hla finger being sufflclently well to ' alia w him to-catch. '-. Tng-of-Wa wots. . ; Ths Portland Tug-of-War association is making great preparations for Ita big tournament that has been planned for September SO. - The teams that will compete- represent business Arms of ' this cltT""' ' r" .'' '.- " atattlvam had BaaflMrer. ' ' (pedal Dtopetdk ta The eeraal.t rutte. Aug. it. Jack Dougherty snd n n Sullivan have arrived here to sign r the world's welterweight ehsmploa- . r . ocui eoxAnoA. Rev. W. L. Rlly. LL.-D., Cube, New Tor, writes: "After .flfteett daya of eoruclating pain from aclatle rheuma ,m. under varloue treatments. I waa aured to try ballard'a Snow Liniment: e Arat aoplloatloa glvli.v my flret re r and tae second entire rel -ef. I ran ve It unqualified recommendation, tie. i. L4. .WeixJars, Cla iaCa INSIST THAT BOUT IS Oil LEVEL Coldfield Promoters Are Going to Have Serious Talk With - ? i l Referee Siler. - BIG SALE OF SEATS ON ' - , . J THE OPENING DAY Nearly Full Amount of the Purse Realized on the First Sale Larry Sullivan "Accepts Big Bets, on the Colored Man's Chances. ( - (Speelal Dluwteh by Leased Wire te The JosrinU Ooldflelo. Nov., Aug. St. In carrying through the Qans-Nelson fight ths peo ple of Goldf leld will foUow the beaten paths altogether.1. More than likely they will admlnlater quite-a jolt to some of the traditions of sportdom,. but 'when all Is ' said, aths end they have in view Justiflea whatever original means they may employ. The officials of tits Gold field Athletlo club for one thing Intend to have a heart to heart talk with BUer when he sfflveshjoAjTJBe.Cjtant hm4 ' 10 euugmen uiera aa 10 ma viewa , un certain matters which are liable to crop up In almoat any contest, and they want to post him in regard to poaslbls con tingencies they would like nun to wstca for and act upon promptly. - The fact that Slier knows the gams of Judging puglllstie happenings from A to Z outs no figure . with thess sagebrush pro moters.) They see in ths fight a grand advertisement for this young and vigor ous mining camp, and they are deter mined not only that it shall go down in history as a square oonteat. but that tt shall bo referred to as a bout that was marked by ths fairest of fair play snd ths most Intelligent handling. . gh oa tha TeveL -; ' "I think- wa have convinced ' most I people that ths fight will be oa thai level," said Tex Rickard to the writer today. "From the moment we got Nel son snd Gsns together and outlined our plans snd proposals to them none of us hers on ths ground bad any misgivings ss to. ths sqnareneas of -the affair. Gaaa, who waa supposed to be the reel subject for kindly advice and timely 'rnlngi knew juat now tuinn stood before he had been here many hours. I know that In a little tall I bad with him he said: . "Why, Mr. Rickard, even If I waa in clined that way I'd think a whole lot before I'd sttempt to) do anything wrong here. Why, they'd kill me." "I may ssy, however, thst I sm firmly convinced Gsns is ambitious to defeat Nelson and that he'll fight like a wild est. - ; ,. "In our conference with Slier It may occur to him that hs wss never talked to before in the wsy ws will talk to him.- Ws can't help thst. There is no question of Seller's integrity. What we went to provide against sra mistakes of Judgment. We will impress upon him thst in this, our first, ring event, we went It to go out to the world that there was not a particle of favor shown toward either the white boy or the coon. Boat tike Tools. ' " ' Above sll ws want him to be par ticularly watchful in reapect to fouls. Ws don't like fouls. Of course, 1 there Is no svolding a foul sometimes when men ere fighting fiercely, but we went to - have an underatandlng with Slier that if one of tbeee men commits a deliberate foul In order ta avoid being knocked out or to and the contest when hs sees no chance of winning, such man la not to receive one eent of the purse money." - ' -i'' -.: "And . whit ' would ' become of ths loser's end of the purae if Slier decided the man lost on aa intentional .loulT" was asked. "It would be turned over to oharlty," aald Rickard. "Both man ' understand the proposition snd are witling to abide by it. I talked with Nolan personally on the subject snd hs ssld If Nelson commits sny Intentional foul snd loses the fight, thereby, he d&n't went a' cent or the aa,oae.''. Slier Is expected Mondsy snd then the promotera will go Into session with hlrn over, the points named. It is pos alble that the veteran referee will be amused st ths crude Idess of ths Gold field promoters, but he cannot fall to be Impreaeed with their determination to carry out their Labor day program so that there will be no chance for a kick from any quarter. . .. 7 r " si neks sals. ' This wss ths first dsy of ths ticket ssle snd ths receipts wsrs 111.000 in cash. Ola Elliott, , who has been In stalled ticket seller, says ths reserve tlons amount to 17,000. so that tha ft rat dsys receipts have brought In a sum very close to the amount of ths prise money. It la said that ths choice sests to the number of lit have been sst sslde for visitors from. Ban Franclaoo and that practically all others have been disposed of.' ' The t general admission tickets, thoaS at II, will not be on sale antll the day of ths contest. In the meantime even tha working minora are inveatlng In fit and lit seats. - There is plenty of betting today and not a few heavy wagers, if one can believe sll he hesrs. For Instance, Larry 8ulllvan, manager for Gans, ' la credited- with betting 13,400 sgslnst 13,000 today, a-mlnlng man knows ss "Shorty" Kendall taking tha Nelson end. It was further reported thst Carl Lsr sen, who a few days sgo plsced $700, backing . Nelson, against 11,000 of ths other end furnished by ths ssme Larry Sullivan, wired Sullivan today that he had collected 111.000 Nelson money In Manhattan and wanted to know how much of it Sullivan would bet against. Sulllvsn's answer wss thst hs would cover ths entire amount, wagering 17,- 000 sgalnaj ths Manhattan pool. . ' . 1 ' ' Tighten working Zard. . Each of ths fighters did a full day's work. .. Nelson wss on ths road In ths morning. In ths afternoon be strutted around In the open air for a while, his object being-to sccustom himself to the glare of the desert sun. - Hs shadow boxed for about IS minutes and then wrestled with Bob Lundle, after which the pair had four rounds of hard and fast boxing Indoors. . . . ' 1 Nelson seems to have Improved his knowledge" of boxing. In the old daya when training for the Britt fight Lundle used to make an even thing of It with the Battler when they bad their after noon apars at - Colma. . But yeatarday Nelsoa got In at least three punches to his opponent's one. He paid soms at tention to defensive work, a now thing for him, and It occurred to me that he must be keeping In .mind ha la to tackle one of the greatest ring generals the lightweight claas has known and is drilling himself accordingly. Manager Nolan explains Nelson's Improved work with ths gloves by saying that slnoe the eaatest with Jaltt Melees, has beea boa tng oonatantly with ths best men to be found sll through ths United statss. Gana went 10 miles on the road this morning and put In an hour of mixed exercise In tha gymnsslum la ths after noon. Each man weighed under IIS at ths close of his work. Wnea rigHt Starts. Thers Is a dlsputs In progress as to the hour at which the men are to begin fighting. Gans claims.- that while the articles sst forth that I o'clock Is ths hour for the final -welrhhrg in. there is nothing In ths agreement to ths effect that the oonteat Is to begin Immediately after weighing. Gans Insists thst hs will not sntsr ths ring to fight until 4 o'clock, while Nolan claims ths spirit of ths srtlcles Is thst ths fight should begin Just after tha S o'clock weighing. He aaya further It was so understood. "I have already warned Mr. Rickard thst I do not intend to fight before 4 o'clock," said Gans. There Is-nothing in ths articles to compel me to tight earlier. ..Nolan may kick about It, but I don't mind that It is not because I want to eat after I welsh. I would be well under 111 for that matter. I will light very , close to 110 pounds ' Lsrry Sullivan sides with Gsns to ths extent of saying that ths srtlcles do not make it Imperative for the men to enter the ring and fight Just after tha S o'clock weighing. At ths same time -Sullivan admits that' there wae an understsndlng thst ths fight should begin as soon sfter I as the pugilists could . bs gottsn ready. Sullivan be lieves It wul be about 111 when the contest begins. - Tex" Rickard. like Nolan, say- It was thoroughly understood that the preliminary event between Jack Clifford snd Bob - Lundls wss to begin at I o'clock snd tbs msln svsnt Just sftsr the I o'clock weighing In. - I suppose when It Is pointed out. to Gans thst his Interests In ths moving pictures will' be effected If he dbes not sgres to hsvo ths contest called while the-sun Is comparatively high he. will gracefully capitulate. As "he says hs does not wsnt to sst sftsr weighing, his attitude at present Is not easily ex plained, unless It Is thst hs saw a weak spot In tha articles and wanted to poss ss s bit of a sea lawyer. Billy Nolan ssld late this evening thst ths pries sgslnst Nelson had lengthened to 10 to . It haa stood 10 to t for severel days.. Vary few sports believe thst such good , odds will be forthcoming next week. ' . j YESTERDAY'S SUMMARY AT SARATOGA'S RACE TRACK (Special tneaatefe by Leaead Wits te The tarsal) Saratoga, . N. ' T.. Aug. II. Today's results at tha track:' - Six furlongs Nealon ' fDugan), t to I, won, Wstergrsss second, AnnetA TTilTir Time, 1:14 4-1". Steeplechase, two and a half miles Herculold (Flnnegan), I to I, won. Phantom second, Gets Bell, third. Time, 1:11. Six furlongs, tha United States Hotel stakss we Mund (Radtke). 11 to I, won, Arclte econd. Vax.Popull. third. Time," 1:147. i . .. - The Saratoga cup, ens and three quar ters miles Go Between (Shaw), 1 to I, won. Sir Huon second, Samson third. Time, IKI 1-C. - . One mile, - purse Ostrloh . (Miller), 4 to 1, won. Jocund second, Asellna third. Time, 1:401-1. Six furlongs Convllls (Miller), even, won, Grtmsldl second, Tsnkes Girl third. Time, 1:11. . . Johnstown lesds tha Trt-State league In attendance with an average of 1,141 persons for each gams'. ' tike the Bos ton Americana tha Johnstown olub Is s tall-ender, but both msnags te do ths business llttl WRITES!; WRITES ON SITUATION Many Think That Joe Gans Is V as Good as He Ever GREATF1GHTER WHEN THE GAME IS RIGHT i . , ... ' ... . " Coldfield Fight Moguls Art Employ ing Every Sort of Means to' Adver tiae the Coining , Contest Many . Fake Telegrams Hare Been Sent . v: By W.' W. Naughton. (gneetal Mroateh bv Leaead Wire ta The Joeraal) San Franclaoo, Aug. It. Is Joe Gans ss good as aver physically and pugi iUatlrallyT. His admlrere seem to think ao de- splts ths fact that Joa hasn't shone aa a knockout specialist in his recent fights and the farther fact that hs can Tntl'VTi 188 Pfiiir 1 ' 1 ' "---? could a couple of years ago. conaiaenng tno In and. out nature of his paat - per formances,-Gans has a steadfast fol lowing among sporting men. tha rea son probably -being that when out to win Gans furnishes such a splendid exhibition ' of rlngmanahlp that tha lovers of ths Queensberry game quickly forgive ths lspses he has been guilty of and merely keep In mind the ster ling fighting quslltles bo undoubtedly possesses. i . It Is plain as daylight Ha any ens who happens along where a bunch of Gans supporters are discussing the out look that tha opinion pre valla that oans can do much better than hs haa dons st sny time during ths past year. . Holly may have beea given to Hug ging too much and Lewis may have caught Baltimore . Joe out of . "nick," and all that sort of thing, but ths av erage Gans msn puts suoh .lights . out of mind entirely when sising up tns chanoea of the coming affair at -Gold- field. The feeling is that for quits a whlls Gans has hod his best fight bot tled up for the benefit of Bittllng Nel 1 ion or Jimmy Britt. whlchsvsr of ths twain happened to be hla opponent In a world a championship match. v .'--. Where Oaaa Stood. - s The aporta wbo argue along these lines appsar to believe that for. 11 months or mors Joa haa been betwixt the devil and the deep blue. Ha has hsd to fight to keep tha wolf from the door. So aa to glvs substance to his professions of reformstlon hs has bad to do well enough to prevent tha scan dalmongers crying . "fake" and at ths same tlms hs bss been haraaied with the fear that If he performed too bril liantly the Dans and ths Natlvs Son would ksep further aloof from .him than aver. ' Well, If that was ths way of It there Is no need for further dissimulating. Jos has got what hs , craved for a match with tha Durable Dane, and tbs doubled-yelked question, 'Is Gans as good as ever and haa hs been under a. wrapt should' bs ssttled conclu sively on Labor day. j Larry M. Sullivan, one of Goldfisld's fight promoters and at present manager of Joaeph Gans, Is displaying conald erable genius In ths advertising line. He Is new to the game, but from what he has accomplished ' thus far, hs doesn't have to tilt his ltd to Brodle. ths brldgs Jumper, or Fltsslmmona. ths lion tamer. - 'v-;. ; ' . SnUivna's Lofty . sraate. ' "' As a matter of faot his early efforts give promise that be will one day oc cupy aa lofty a niche In ths tsmpls of fudge aa Sootty, ths pyrotechnlcal king of Death valley. Soros of ths things Larry dosa te draw attsntlon to the Osns-Nelson con- teat produce a clean-cut, startling ef fect; they taks as sudden a grip on ths Intel! Igenoe-as-'-t hough the recipient of the Impression hsd sat himself down on a tack. Hie greatest effort, un doubtedly, was his Invitation to Presi dent Roosevelt to attend ths Labor day turn-up between the Baltimore and the Danish dumpling. . Now tt happens thst there are Idle days In" sporting- elrolei along Fillmore street, and aa a consequence the spirit Of mischief Is abroad. Wbsn It wss Oalvastoa'a Sea Wan makee life now as safe In that ettvaa on the higher uplands. E. W. Ooodloe, who realdee on button street In Wsco, Tex., neede no eea wall for safety. He writes: - "I have used Dr. King's New Dlscovsry fof Consumption -ths paat five years snd It keeps me well and aafe. Before that time I had a cough which for years hsd been growing worse. Now It's gone." Cures thronlo -Coughs, La Grippe,-Croup, Whooping Cough and prevents Pneumonia. Pleasant to tske. Every bottle gusranteed at Skidmore Drug Co. Price 10s and 11.00. Trial bottle free. ... . v .. . printed that tha Goldfleld club In tended extending - tha , courtesies ' ef their organisation and , tbs freedom of their town to certain : celebrities . In varioua walks - of - Ufa, - - tha - Fillmore street Jokers had a corps of messenger boys distributing Invitations that never saw ths dessrt -:'': - .:.', . v V''V 5.A Bogns TMapatem, - ',T' ' They area, had a : bogus dispatch handed to a veteran announcer In whloh he was asked If he would introduoe tha flghtera In tha champlonahip bat tle for a atated turn of large amount' When he. In agitation, sent a reply ef acceptance he was In duo time banded another telegram ,4n which he was In- rormea inst ? : rival announcer naa grabbed the Job for 10 per cent leas. It wasn't -likely that this bunch or practical Jdkere would ' let Sullivan's invitation to tha president escape them. and it la aald that Larry haa by this tlms aa acknowledgement which reads as follows: 1 .-;-' "Oyster . Bay, Aug. II, 1101 -L. M. Sullivan. Goldf ieldsi- - Very sorry.---but am tied up with a fleet review' propo altion hers and can't get away. Had 1 known soon enough you . wanted trre Labor day . date we,-could -have, "poat- poned our attraction and then . I ' could have been with you. Regarda to Tex and Pet Who do you - like for ths fight 7 (Signed) - Boose." v JIM JEFFRIES IS HEADING TOWARD THIS STATE - Champion Pugilist and Party Are En Route for Oregon on a ; Hunting Trip. (Snedel Dlesateh bv Leased Wire te The leoraal) nan Francisco. Aug. IB. Jim jeiiriea left this evening for Oregon, wberele expects to spend several weeks Jiuntlng bear and deer. Jeffriea will go first to Eugene and than to Foleys Springs. ft urn whence ha and hia party will travel about 100 miles Into eastern Ore gon toward tha headwaters of the Mac kenzie liver. When ths champion "ar ranged -tha trip soms time ago he had promisee from about 11 menthat they would go along. It waa athat time Intended to make the outing a stag af fair, but ' aa man after man excused himself front" the trip, Jeffries found finally that only aix would be an hand. Hs decided then that aa arrangements bsd been made for mora tha msn might as well taks their wives along. - Mrs. Jeffries Is to accompany tha hunters and Cy Myrlok, treasurer of Ascot Park track at Los Angeles, has also brought his better hslf with him. ' Dick Adama will complsto ths party. Which leaves San Francises, and ths balance of ths oampers will Join them at Eugene.-,.---'. :;.-,...,-., - --.. Jeffriea spent soma time while In the city looking for Colonsl Brady. Ha hsd heard - that Brady circulated -' a story about his farm In which It was given put that the farmer champion had only one bale of alfalfa - on his ranch' and that ths only work he did on tha ranch was to take In the alfalfa ' when It rained. " Jeffriea - Intended - to make Brady taks back tha statement or go on record in an affidavit that- It waa cor rect.. .'. . '.'.'., v '.'.,. ' -' AMERICAN LEAGUE. f -'. aaa-sasaasBBapBBB. ' '" J . ; Won. Lost p.a . .nt .170 .140 .140 Chicago- 41 41 41 It Philadelphia sa New Tork-v ..........11 Cleveland .- .,. II St Louis . ........... 40 . Detroit . , ..51 Waahlngton ........ 4S Ttoatnn , , .J -r -p-p-ay- .111 i4tl -SI I81 .101 " ' Yesterdays BesnUs.' : At Waahlngton Washington 1-4. inicagn -. At Philadelphia Philadelphia it De troit I. ........... At Boston Boston I, St. Louis 1. ' At Nsw Tork New Tork 1-1. Cleve land 0-trf-r . .- l national League. - - ': u -' ; Won. Lost P.C. Chicago . . ...... g 7 . II.- .717 New Tork 74 40 .141 Plttaburg ........ V. ..74 41 .,.444 Philadelphia . II -41 .' f . 462 Cincinnati ......... .40 .411 Brooklyn... ....41 tt . .SI4 Bt Louis 44 -74 .171 Boston, , t 71 .111 ; Tstrterdaya Bsaralta, - ' ' At Chlraxe Chlcaao 4. Boetorf 1 - At rittsourg Pittsburg t, Fhlladal phla t. m A Cincinnati ' Cincinnati S, New Tork I. - - At BL Louis St touts I, Brooklyn 1 OFFICIAL MEASUREMENTS ; vm OF GANS AND NELSON The following shows ths efflolal m urements of Gana and Nelson: Gsna. ' i- Nelson. 114H pounds. ..weight '.lit pounds t ft 114 In height..,.. I ft 7 In. rt 10H It..... reach.....! ft TK In. 14H ln..........neok......,Y..14 la. IIH In. ....chest, normal...... .14 In. 114 In. r, .chest, expanded. v. 1 14 In. KH In. walat ..,.. In. 1ITA a ...blcepa.JJ......lH In. 11 V4 lnl,,it.forearm-,.,T.raOTi,ln. t In.. ....... .WTlts......,...TW In. I0H in... .thigh ...10H In. ll' in.. ..calf... ,tv.... 144 In. Its In. ......... .ankle.. .....-..ih in. 'A PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ' ". Won. . Portland . . ...71 ; Ssa Franclaoo ..,,.. I A Loa Angelea ..........61- Seattls , .......... ...10 Oakland,.-. .....44 Fresno . , . ,. ....44 Lost P C -St .647 -41 .411 -IS S2I - 61 , -.441 tl .11 ",71 ; ..110 NORTHWEST LEAGUE. i -r-r- Won. Taeoma . . .,..-... ...II - Butts . , ....! ' Grave Harbor ..IT Spokane . . .......... .11 . Lost, - II It . 44 -v -- t ' y p.c .in .too .467 .411 ' rttmlel Ptspatek The gaaraall Spokane, Wash., Aug. II. The locals were, too much for the Taeoma, men to day. ' Seorei .' , , Taeoma I Mlf 111 I I Spokane . ". .....,.t 0 1 1 I t t t 4 Batterlea Faarch and Shea; Rush and Swlndslla. - 'The Houston club In the South Taxaa league won. II straight games this sea son. t .. UTITffitfn UMlitfiW OF BROKEN , IT , WILL PAY!. YOU. TO SELECT A' , SUIT , THIS LAST- WEEK OF OUR , CLEARANCE, WHILE WE ' OFFER ; CHOICE; OF ABOUT 100" FINE ; WOR ; STEDS SUITABLE FOR FALL! WEAR MANY ' OF THEM HEAW ENOUGH , FOR , WINTERS-AX . ;". ' .; VALUES UP. -a 87 TH IRD ' TIIE STORE WJTH THE OPEN WINDOWS. ; ; Twenty-jy0 Matches Decided bl the First Day and Only One Default' Specutora Witness a Good Quality o Tennis Result of Matchca. From S O'clock until dark ut.Ha ' afternoon the six courts at tha Irving- ? ton club were kept constantly busy by -ths snthuslssts of. the stringed bat and ' tha bouncing bait The bli tournament . opened auaploloualy, . and before, the ' day 'a dose 11 matohea war wan . ' loat, it of them being in the men'a slnglss, in which arc entered II play. . era. 'But one default waa recorded, that of C H. -Lead bet tar. who wu- unn. pectedly prevented from participating, t It was ths aim of tha committee to ( schedule the most interesting matohea for the grandatand court and the grand, etand wa filled by spectators. The first days play, on ths whole, wad un- " usually good for a handicap tournament and many wbo ' have heretofore beea considered comparatively young at the -s sport demonstrated tha faot that they -have mastered many of tha fine points of this game of numberless fine points, . - , . Maaipal aBataTs. . : The-match of the day waa tha one- ' in which McSwaln. the red-headed CalU i fornla player, - downed Dan Balllngar. . who waa believed by many to have a ' fins chance for the handicap oup. " BeUlnger was compelled to give his opponent a handicap of owa If, but' It' la doubtful If ha would have won had the players met aa even terms. - Mo- -Swain's strong- suit la hla net nlav. hla ' ' volleying and amaahlng. In thla style v of plsy It Is doubtful if ha can ba sur passed by any of tha local players. Mo-' Swain took the flret set wltH tha rather one-aided score of 1-L - la tha -second set Bellinger was at hla beat He began with a determination to annex the match. ' His chops were keen and bis steadiness both In tha back court "' snd at ths net were marvelous. . It waa ' nip and tuck ta aevan all. -Then Mo- - Swain took tha next two with hardly: . tha loss of a polst and the watch waa . McSwaTfl drew In the upper naif. and. with BeUlnger put of It ne will jneet no more men -bn even or nearly ovan .' terms, st leSst before tha finals. Brandt ' Wloksrsham, who drew in the lower - hair, wen hla first match, awing 41 and -giving t-t'to Sargent The lower class . msn msds a strong bid for the second set but waa finally beeted. i . . . .-, .. ' Turner 'bested Gammle ta a Two-set match, owing 11 S-t anl giving - It. ; Court eney and MoKenaia had a - long ' tight of It Meeting on even terme. they played for nearly two hours, tha flnU score being 11-14. 0-4, 1-4, In the former's ' favor. - - Another ' thrse-sst matoh waa that between Dr. . Zan and Gray, tha latter receiving If l-t, but losing out" after capturing tha first sst McMillan,- tha husky football ooaoh. waa put out by Kenneth McAlpln. McAlpln received only 1-4, but ' played a clever gams and won in straight seta, t-S. S-t. Toung - McAlpln Is a good player and with . his handicap - cf receive 11. l-t (Continued on Page Eleven.) LINES OF "rr- 'TT'" en - ;.. TO $22.50. ; . -:- fir ' V