k h. .... -X.. Caprrlfkt leoe, hy fmmJiiniHiwMi 44 MM lUllllllllllMIMMUHKIHtHMIHIIIMMtMl 4 M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M 5:53j-g;-3 Rf.:. . - y - .. ;T ' THE HO'AIR .QLXJB ...Made of crystal glass art, orna " ment to any horned We have - securedwo-hundred-and ii fty-of these at a very low price and will mm I Impose i -EVENING between the hours of ' 8 :30 and 9 :30 p. m. at the phe- nomenally low price qf 85c. ' v . . SPECIAL' 1 . M RwlarMl; Granite Umted Sauce. Pah r-. ........ AnlB eiuci rin ngiai quim V and U indispensable to any house- wife who appreciates good cook MMMMMMMMM4MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M M M M M M M M llltHllHMIIHIIHHUHItltH M M I H '...-., The Neyv Society for thePreventI6n of Cruelty to th Common People;, : " , 1 i our Food FEBIGH'TEH TO SEEK TRADE m SOUTH UMk Trad Charmers to Be Sent at - Once to Undo Effect of Sec 1 retary Root's Visit. ..-" -J - '" - ' ; J ; , v - . (taUMl SWUI SOTTtM.)' .' . Parla, Aug. ; II. rranch eommtreial HnrunM vr SorUry Roofs tflp 1 ad Xhf appkrant dlspovltlnn of South Aiartc t yield to what Paris edltora call Uncl Sam'a ardant woolnc haa at laat Ukait a. practical form. Whin - th Tampa aod othar aolamn voloaa " ,aT wanting tha country of tha . tgntfleanc of too much aympathy Be tween North and South America, a bum bar of Trench exporters persuades tha ministry af commerce t send eompa tent.'-trada eharmars. to' dlUoIve anj audita i llluaton their Araartcail rivals may. have 'left behind them. 7 ' ' .-"WodonT-want to monopollae the trade of South America.' said tha chair man of a saasa meeting today. : . "We only want our share, which, in certain llnea, the Amorleaaa have been gradu ally, getting. . We . muat Quit .sitting back and asking trade to coma to na. Wa are going ewt after it", ' .- WOOD GIVES TESTIMONY j (Continued from Jaga Xne.) . . - talned numerous applloatlona and aa algnmenta,. and In . each case Jonea wrote In a deecriptton of land located In tha propose reserve. . A feature of Wells' work waa that tha first two ap- plieahta he obtained were his wife and his brother. '," -.. ., Nathan C. Richards ef Sumptar tear ttfled ia regard to tha protest agalnat tha formation of tha reserve. In Sep tember, . 1101. he accompanied tha dele gation of representatives of the mining Interests who called on United States Senator John H. Mitchell here in Port land and got no aatlafactlon. .':... . Jokaui Xm BsoaUad, .: Charles A. Johns of Baker City had previously testified to the same pro- teat Johns recalled that Senator Mitch ell had Informed tha delegation that the Blue Mountain reserve, waa one of President Roosevelt's pet schemes. Daniel . Webater . Tarpley, several tlmea Indicted and once, convicted, be gan ht testimony as a government wlt nesa - yaaterday afternoon . and conn pleted It thta morning. He told of brib ing Merritt Ormsby. son of the forest superintendent, to Inform Mm or the boundaries of the proposed reserve. Tarpley carried tha newa to Horace v -. j ' -x. j r rf 1 v 1 1 t 11 iiit 1 j m 11 xv a 1 1 a FOR WOMEN AND GIRLS IS 4. Ill a a- rJr A(A fTS Sj " aahsa. j . , aBW afjsaa V , t mm :r The wonderful record of cures back of every bottle of the Bitterss ought to convince any woman that Is is a per fectly safe and reliable remedy for her to take, . It has been tested and tried for 53earsf which is a sure guarantee of its merit - it Is especially adapted for strengthening yOyteiMnrifyi"g the. MorvUand -indudng-restful slumber. Then it also cures Cramps, Female Ills. Dirzineas. Fainting Spells, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and Costiveness. Try it today. Here's proof. MRS. H. CHAPMAN, Cincinnati, MRS. M. J. ODELL, Odell, W.-Va,. says: "I was bedfast a long time with t"1 hfve u,ed yur B-e 'or ; rt .nd -kuaqi trLvbu, your . Jg-cS'nJ ; ; Bitters soon made me well again." -r;- : it to aU such sufferers." . ' . M ' i - Greeley McKinley, who Induced R. & J Hyde of Wisconsin to put up 44.000. Tarpley gathered m bunch - of applicay tlona to purchase school landsw hurried to Salem and paid an Installment of SI centa an acre on U.000 acres within .the propoaedV- rmrvt- Tarpley, McKinley, Hyde nd Merritt Ormsby were In on this deal. Later Tarpley. aad McKinley aelected, an additional 1,000 acres In tha aama favored locality. Senator Mays objected to any one '"butting In" aad demanded half of the 17.000 acres. This meant certificates apparently worth $40,000. Tarpley offered to pay It centa an acre. Maya spurned tha offer and trreatened to have the. boundaries of the reserve changed In order to shut Tarpley out, but ha never carried out his threat. ' Tarpley also testified that ha sold tha certificates of two sections of school land for Captain Ormsby, tha forest au panlntendent He turned the certifi cates over to Georgo Sorenson, who said they were Intended for J. J. Pltagarald, deputy city attorney of Portland. W. M. La Force, a local attorney, pre ceded -Tarpley on the wltn.w-etsnd. He acted aa a go-between in tne acnooi land certificate transfer from Maya to Cap tain Ormsby. After telling this story he balked at relating the eubatance of a conversation that he had with Maya, saying that it Involved the relatione of attorney and client - The olala of privl lege waa aeniea oy juage Hunt on tne ground that the proper foundation had not been laid. Then La Force teatlfled that Mays had hired him to obtain In formation from his old friend Ormsby regarding the partloulara of -the iorth- coming report on the Blue mountain re serve. La Force tried to get tha Infor mation, - but, according to his - own story, his m Union waa a failure.. - The trial of tha eaaa la progressing slowly. 84a attorney a are Interposing objections at ahort intervals and Spe cial Assistant Attorney-General Heney and United States Attorney Bristol have to fight their way alona. At present legal arguments and objections are taking up about a fourth of the time.- : INDEPENDENT LINES - DRAWN INTO STRIKE ' Ooerul t.aeeUl gtrvtea.? San Francisco, . Aug. it. President Cornelius of tha International Carmen's union this morning presented to the Oeary and California street lines the same demsnds made on the United Railroads, It for an eight-hour day. Any action at tonight's meeting of the car men will now apply to every line in this city and if atrlke la ordered the tleup will te complete. .... The independent llnea will undoubted ly follow the Unlted-Railroada In refus ing or granting tha demands of the em ployes.. The refusal of the carmen to await tha arrival of President Calhoun for an answer Jo JJmlrrieraands, widens the breach and makes a atrlke almost inevitable. . . .'-.y , . FREEWATER SALOON - IS TO BE ATTACKED " (laeelsl Dlspetea te Ibi Joaraell Freewater, Or.. Aug. It. Tha city council of this place haa granted a sa loon license to Mr. MCEIrath of Walla Walla, and it la understood that ha will open a aaloon Immediately. - District Attorney rneips declares that tha proprietor will be arreated for vio lation of the local option law ae soon s ho opena for business.' According to Mr. Phelps, partlea have already con sulted him regarding the matter and a complaint will be made aa soon aa the aaloon opena. He will bo prosecuted under the local option law And the mat ter will b tried out at the October term o? the circuit court, Tha fight between J I ton and Freewater, which towns are very close together, hss been long and btttr, and this wia makt lt.avenworee. aa it has, aiwaya seen, , oa the , uquor GETS 85,000 NOTE Mistake of Bank Clerk in Can- . . -... 4 - . 'adian $ank of Commerca ; . .Enrlchaa Stranger. DOES MOT COME BACK TO RECTIFY MISTAKE Police Searchinf for RedpientTol Jer Almoat Proatrgtad When He . Discovered Error Note . Is Num- bercd and Can Be Identified. " fJaaraal gsMlal Brrtes.l ' San Francisco, Aug. II. Diligent aearch is being made for a man who haa in his pocket 14,100 belonging to the Canadian Bank of commerce, which waa paid him aa tha result of a mis. take on the part -of tha paying teller, who "handed the man a $1,000 bank note tnataad of on of I60O denomination. which check ha preaented and called for. Every bank in thla state haa been noti fied to look out for a certain $1,000 bank note and if tha missing one . la pre aented, for deposit or exchanged for smaller currency it - will probably be Identified. ' Tha police have also been asked to locate the unlawful holder of tha note, and they are exerting every effort to do so. . . Bank notea of $1,000 denomination are . not overpientifui, and the num bers on the note are known, so it can not be presented at any bank or broker ago office in the United States or Can ada without immediately being taken up. and the chances are that evil will betide the Individual who la found with the big note In his possession. When tha paying toller discovered his error he waa almost prostrated, and the bank officials were in consternation. The Incident has caused much excitement In local banking circles and waa the chief toplo of conversation last night at tha clubs where bankera congregate. There la considerable speculation aa to the identity of tha man who walked away with tha note, and the polloa are taking active Interest in him because he did not coma back to the bank and rectify the mistake." , It is possible, put not considered probable. 4ha-th-man haa Wot yet tits-- covered that ha waa overpaid to the ex tent of 14,100. Tha case ' is expected to furnish somo sensational : develop ments. - . ' . ' JOLLYING PRESIDENT ABOUT HIS SPELLING (Joans! Special Serrice.) , Oyster Bay. Aug. 21. Publlo Printer St tilings and other officiate wrote to tha president this morning enthusias tically indorsing tha change of lan guage. The president, censured by many. Jollied by others, Us unmindful, enjoying bis vacation tha same aa if nothing had happened. . stilling aaya ha haa already put a committee of employe to work remod eling the manual of style. He haa or dered them to hold all proofs until It la complete. He aaya - tha - new manual with its simplified spelling will enahje him to dispose of the services of a number of proofreaders. T , Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. . , . . ; must be properly digested and assimilated to be of i f - any value to you, otherwise it is a source of harm', -v' .in$tead of good. U : , .'-.'. -r:',V : r - . If not digested; It ferment and decays, causing .5 V Tvi t 80Uf tomaokTf jhaarj bifrnA nausea; headache, irr-. -t 2 v- flatulence, bad breath and other discomforts; iJiit Dysp cure . epsia v- eompels proper digestion of the food and sends tha j food nutriment through the blood into all parts of ' the body. , " iv:-.--.v.-.v '..;;.. The tissues are thus built up and every organ it :' V restored to health and strength and put in perfect ' , ; -condition. 7. ''... " - 'v' ; Disease is driven out to stay out tha eaust 1 V V i: Is removed.. ' ' '.. " ;: v v ' '. c PlaatersvUls. HlM. i ''.'' "V;;., "' - X have prescribed Kedol quits oftea ia ay practice. ; . sad -have found : it a very J effldent remedy, for, all r stomach ailmeats. It has always given the best of - ' restuts. - j.t;hay.k.O. .-v '.. ' t-4-' . KODOL DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT 1 ... V- Isms a. as a teiU, mt wa Jim. ' MAKSS THI stomaoh ewtrr. m tkatsh. afB.S.BaWlM ao.,ikion,V.t A. - Sold by Skldmora Dru( Co. and -Woodard," CTarke A-Co v TKl ' . r.'S;.v Passengers traveling on the y : Steamer Lurllne Will be landed at any steamboat point between ' . r xi ' '"'la 'rL Is a a 2 1 'v ; line v ruruanu uiiu isiunut Every day in the week but Sunday. , This Is a neat, trim, large, commodious, fast-running steamboat, carrying passen gers and freight at lowest rates. - Accommodating officials, .'prompt evfc--",:;;: '".:;,' ; rCv " Portland wharf, foot of Taylor street Astoria landing, Flavel dock. . "V;;;'i.',: r Departs from Portland at 7 a. m., from Astoria 7 p. m. Connections at Astoria with trains and boats to and from all beach points.;' ,y :- ;..VV;. V V:v ' .'.-.''.' V '.- :zxzzxai c: The BREAKERS HOTEL AMlfKTCAJt PLAW.J y t : LaABtira Kleeute Ligst, it. not Osaaty, xzscsi op Tra racarzaJiiOBXannsw. sad Cela salt Wster Is Kvery Tss, Buy Tleksta la Bieakeia, y, Wash. PeMMe Adsma. Braskere, Weak. ...... guestlon. . v 1 - , . , -'-" , ,.'V- Y; ' - -