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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
t i r-r i ' - " j i -i 1 Grcit Sc!o of G III Ar.c:tr-TrcxtTr!zy SarprUe Sala cartas cf wcncn'a fava Whlta Lawn Valsta-A glacial lot of 300 la this aaticn'a rfttiaat atytaaThla it all wa cocli aecnra of tham o if you want cne It resars that yoa will have to arrtae to bm herej bright and arly fa tvt nert?VaitM iaady witi &ra rowa cf wisle ambroiJery down tha jroct and trickaWide insertiorr with rowa cf bamatitchingr, Fancy pobtad yo-sa, lace and ambroiJery trimming cr clatters of tuckaVery large variety to choose front; allaixea; Waist aoUIas ras'ly at $2.50, S3.73. S3 aa. Your choice tomorrow at won darfagy low price of 1.08 See Fifth-Street Window Dfanlay No Mail or Phone Order Filled T ' MEim o, franc's assth Friday surprise sale 40 "Peninsular? Stool Ranges 025.95 Ea. Great special offering of 40 High-Grade "Peninsular Steel Ranges ft tomorrow'i 865th Friday Surprise Sale built of plants hed steel, asbestos-lined, duplex grate for coal or wood, extension firebox, "6 holes, ventilated oven and steel oven rack, handsome nickel trimming, SO per cent more heating and cooking capacity than any other make, every range fully guaranteed for 10 years;. tomorrow (IC Ql only your choice at this exceptionally low-price, each...........;........... vWVvJ All Styles AM Grades Alarm Clocks, Mantel ' Clocks, Fancy Gilt Clocks Clocks of all kinds at verjr low prices. "American" Alarm J Clocks .9 Beacon- Calendar Clocks . . ...$8 "Alert" AIarinClock--wf 1 Intermittent Tattoo, with luminous dial, special ........... . el.49 One-Day Mission Clocks, assorted designs, special.. ..... ...f 1.49 Eight-Day Kitchen Clocks, in oak . or mahogany finish, strike every half hour ...2.23 Eight-Day Mission Clocks, assort-' , cd patterns, gong strike, great speciaLyalue at ,...412.98 Enamel blocks with gold trim - mings, 8-day, half and ' hour strike; special 84. 69 Iron Enamel Clock, ivory dial: $9.50 values for 8T.T9 $1500 Hardwood Bronze-Inlaid Clock, best works; special low price - of .............. S12. 60 Our entire assortment : of Fancy . Gold Clocks at 20 per cent off. Walt ham and 'Elgin Watches at special - low prices. Ingersoll Watches.,... fl.OO and f2.00 200 D Frank's 065th Friday Surprise Sale Neckweflr Values to $ I at 35c Ea. Tomorrow a phenomenal offering of men's fine Neckwear 200 dozen aecured from a large manufacturer at an unusually low price All the newest and prettiest styles in light and dark patterns, lfrj, 2 and V and 2ft inch Four-in-Htnda, made French fold or reversible Plain and fancy silks in grand assortment Figures, stripes and dots in endless variety Neckwear that finda ready sale at 50c, 78c and $1.00 C each All you want tomorrow at this special price. .. sfs $3.00 Pelts 89c Special lot of high-grade gold -and 1 sliver- Belts In assorted styles, with or without buckles; values up to 1 each, on sal at this . on.' special low price 5TC Women's whit Wash Belts In SS ; sorted stylet, with embroidery or 'hemstitched edge, (lit buckles; values to See, on ejale 39c Special lot of women'a Handbaga, fitted with coin, purse; f 1.6 val . ties, on sals at this low . 9Q. price, each 6 Knit Underwear Women's flne whits gauss ' Lisle vests, Swiss ribbed, low neck and - no sleeves, prettily mads and An lshed. ail sixes; 60o values, oa . sale at this special low - 17. prloe, each ....'V. Women's Knit ' Drawers. French bands, umbrella style. lace- trimmed, all slses; the best SOo values, or. sale at, palr..,CC "Harvard Mills" Union Suit for women, fine ribbed lisle, high neck, lone sleeves, ankle length and low , neck, no sleeves, knee length, hand finished, perfect-fitting, all QO. slses; reg. 11.26 values, for..C la the Lace Certain Section for tcscrrow't fiS5th Friday Surprise Sale 1000 ptinct wtltt aa 4 Arabian color, Nottin?ham and Madraa wave Lace Cnrtalaa to be lold at ridiculonsry low price per prfr-Par- tiea fnrmiahing qp or renovating wiJ Cad these cur tains jnst what they want for parlor; tgroom, ser vants' roprastcVNta-raTrfrer&50'to inches. 3& yards longFine Crastels patternt and heavy all-over design, 23 patterns to aelect from- $2.75 and $3 vames on aale tomor- row only, at this remarkably low price Third FloorPar pair.. See Fifth - Street Window Ditplay Mail Order ; , Will Be Promptly Filled ; , i i i "'SSSBBBSSBaSBBSBlBBSBBBBBBSJBJBjBMSBB Great Sale of Trimks and Bags 32-inch Leather Bound Trunks, full linen-lined, bolt. 24-inch Full-Stock-Leather Suitcase, with shirt hid, , lock, best iron corners, 2 trays and leather straps', brass lock - nd bolts, linen-lined; fQ A ? regular $19.00 trunks on sale it CIC ' vlu hi pecial price, each . . O OeSrU :: this unusually low price, each ...... 1 24-inch Leather Suitcase, with shirt fold, leather. 36-inch Iron-Bound Trunks, malleable Iron' corners, lined, brass lock and trimmings, very handsome full linen-lined. 2 trays, etc.; regu- CI 1 (A case; regulac $8.50 value at, , . fy f lar $17.00 trunks oh sale at V 1 ?o3U : ch., .. .. ................ .. eVU j i. o." , . . , , , . 14-inch Baby Suitcase, bookbinders' t 1 rA 34;inch Steamer Trunks, bolt lock, heavy malleable cioth cover; at this 8pecjai pricet M. . . 1 .00 iron : trimmings, linen-lined; $10.75 CQ 1 1 ti u .x.j , d u T. , value on sale at this low price, each., s)Va ID 14-,neh Pford Traveling Bags chocolate color, ., - -- r- - -r brass trimmings, cloth-lined; $3.50 fjft Telescopes, Shawl Straps, Trunk Straps, etc. - value on sale at this-low price. cach..raH.ClU Womens$3.50-$3.50 Shoes at $1.35 a Pair Broken lines of Standard Footwear for Women on sale at a marvel-' ously low price lace and button styles in kid or patent tips, light or heavy soles, shoes for street or dress wear; regit- ( lar $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50 values on sale at.. ..i ....... 1 Women's Tan Oxfords, this season's very best styles, light weight or Welt soles, all sizes and widths; best $3.00 values on f 1 LC sale at this low price, per pair...... v 1 ew J Great Special lot of Men's Fine Shoes, in box calf, velour calf, kid and patent colt, all sizes and widths; regular $3.50 CO values on sale at this wonderfully low price, pair.. . ... vVe ' Misses' and Children' Footwear on sale at greatly reduced prices all grades, all styles-' , . ' '. ' ...... Z . V ? ,:, '.' Jox7D,Topics3 SUMMER RESORTS. IwmI as sale at Steelee. tmi Iwk aa4 Ilewsert. A mJM f rlw Salivary will be siaUtaiMa, OrSat Sine fiea tut aaat at Uaae Mas wit be wiB atteaa teeatfUy s ae- tSui ataCKteals Oebtsu aeatl baaeaarsn a Uwaee, Waab. De. bvatr ail Haa ea tte baaab. XASlbS AHQ ttAJULa FAAK .,. W. a. WbUataa, aMUl baaaaaaHeia .. at Lewis ) Oe.'s araf store, laaaisa, -Or. DeUvery ta all aetata ea the VXWTOK AVB TAfttrnr n7. pivaiaiaa, aawa asaai vwwj" m fiuura taUraa. Wit . e.artere at Mewfart, Or. . Deliver ts ail saints ea the baa ah. . . SOT fait Wet Lake saaMartaai Oa aaeat. Hot Labs. Or. r OAaSOV, WASH, aTlasfal srlaf B ., asaaia. a,, w. tal Oa. - SMaoan; Hatfatt, oouivs bmrtaax mnrva, waav. p. Ij ailabaa. Sist IHIIISS TTnH" Jjrl......'.......,...."rartars la the lflna" ar. 'XeasM la tha iWa" UraaS ....... ...... ............i...VaeavHie FaBUiae VaedavlUe b-it j-.i-i- iiiiii'LiL-n iu i n n 1 a ; If you ar looking for a better po sition, rciad the Help Wanted ads on the classified pa;es today. ' Tba following civil service e lamina tions, with the dates on which they will be held, were announced by the civil servloe commission thla morning: Assistant examiner, patent office, Sep tember I. f ; aid, coast and geodetto sur vey, September 12, II; aeonomlo botanist ana . muwwii.M - .. - , plats printer, bureau of enaravlng and printing; assistant photographer, geo logical survey, September 11 construct ing engineer, reclamation service, geo logical survey, October t. 'For full In formation regarding these examinations applicants should sea Z. A. Leigh at the postofUce. . y; ,,;., ;" A 'petition has been filed In ths' cir cuit court by John. Mlka and Henry Ras asking that tha plat of Ma Belle park addition, near Hillsdale, be vacated. Tha Ras brothers are engaged In tile dairy business at Hillsdale and wish to make ths platted ground part of their farm. Title to nearly all tha property la held by thera and tax titles to ths lots that wars sold when the, tract was platted have been obtained. Ma Belle park was platted when tha west Port land motor line was In operation. Tha traoks hav.alpca been torn up. " Alleging : that aha can not find tha "algners of notes given her as security for money loaned, Margaret Flaherty has begun suit against W. H. Taft In the circuit court to recover $850 and $210 attorney fees. Miss Flaherty al- ernhat-h-ttmnwi-Taft-$lv-oir rota signed by W. JU Thurlow, $0 on a ' note algned by John O. Allen, $llt on a note signed by Mrs. K. I Sampson, and $371 on a nota algned by A. I San ford.. She atates that she cannot find persona . anawerlng to any of these namea. . j , Suit for tlS.OII damages from Char lotte W. Klngsley for personal Injuries ' baa been filed la tha circuit court by Robert F. Robson, a carpenter. Robson alleges he waa employed by George Smith to work on a bouse that ha waa building for Mrs. Klngsley, and while working, on a sea fori d the deavored to do soma leveling about tha house and drove against tha scaffold, knocking it down. Robson alleges ha waa thrown to tha ground, sustaining a fractured leg and other injuries. While unhitching his hore In the barn In tha rear of hta residence, at I0T Seventeenth street, at : o'clock last night. R. H. Hoover was attacked oy an unknown tnug armed with a ciuo. Tha robber atruck at him several times. but .failed to land. Hoover ran out of tha stable and started for police head quarters to report the matter. During his absence the crook sought to rob tha house by crawling through the kitchen window, but waa heard by two women In tha dwelling and frightened by their aereama. ' Mrs. Carlson of SIT Stxteenth street saw tha man Jump over her fenoe and race) down Sixteenth etreet. Hoover bad no cash on him at tha time of tha attempted robbery, but weS in posses sion of a draft for a considerable amount of money. sllrirk. who an en-1 not ta s from Weston, tha wheat belt of Umatilla county la turning out an unusually large yield thla year. The production ranges all the way from li to (0 bushels per aero. One farmer, John O'Hara, had SO acres of wheat that averaged II bushels to tha acre. Another farmer's crop of barley went 10 H bushels. The weather la reported fine, the price) of fruit high. . Announcement has Been made by tha poatal authorities at Washington that the parcel poet convention between the United States and Denmark will be In effecOctoberPhearcejoex m One r$f m Dollar d)l It la enough to start a bank ao oount with, and If you adopt a ' systematic method of aavlng the dollara will pile up surprisingly. Why not adjust your expanses so that they U1 not exceed three fourths of your earnlngsT Thst will enable you to save a quarter out of every dollar. Just figure what such a system would have done for you had you commenced it Ave years ago. But, cheer up! It Isn't too late. NOW la the time to open tha bank account and put away ONE DOLLAR out of every ' FOUR that you earn. We wel come your account and will help 'you to save and to auccoed. , WE A PER PAYCEHT interest en Savings Accounts Banking hour a, a. m. to I p. m. Saturdays, a. m. to I p. m. i, THE CITIZENS DANK - , , ISO CBAVs ATZaTTJB. ' t. H. LA MR RRT....... President A. W. LAMBERT ..Cashier changed with Denmark must not exceed ISO In value, according to the re aula tlona, and must not welch ' more than four pounds sl -ounces. They most not measure more tbanthrea feet alx Inches in length, nor atx feet In length and girth combined. Tha postage rata for the parcels to be thus sent haa been fixed at 11 cents a pound, prepaid. The Construction News, published at cnioago. haa In lta current Issue an other article on Portland's, wonderful ouiiaing reoora zor assy, June and July. The News ears the, facta and figures, as shown by Indisputable records, put Portland far ahead of all cities In the United "States and Canada In percent, ago of increase of building permlta Is sued. - .. 1 - It Is Interesting to read of tha lea island la tha Columbia likewise of In- terest to know that this ts one of ths longest-established studios In Portland. yet It never has learned tha art of sleepiness. It Is wideawake, energetlo and op-to-date. Open Sundays from IS to s. b. w. Moore, Elka building, Sev enth and Stark. No agents. - Articles of Incorpo'tlnn ' " -tfee- Standaid Rasefl company were filed In the office of the-county clerk yeater day afternoon by B. C Ely. William Ooldraan and Las I. Potter: They will engage In tha manufacture of raeco and raecollth, which are flooring and roof ing materials made of sawdust. Capital stock 1X00,000. , ; s Jennie WUllngham haa begun ault In the circuit court for a divorce from J. W. Willlugham, charging desertion be ginning In March, 10I. Mrs. Willing ham alleges that aha has had to sun- port herself since her husband deserted her. They were married at Canyon City, Oregon, In June. 100. Water through hose for sprinkling yards or atdswalka, or waahlng porches or windows, must be paid for In advance end used only between tha hours of and I a. m. and and p. sa. It must not be used for sprinkling streets. If used contrary to these rules, or waab. fully. It wiu b ahut i a. --- Penney Bros. Friday Special. Five big bargains In wine $1.1 grade white Tokay at SI per gallon. Friday only. Phono last 117. Free delivery. 171- 181 East Morrison street - - . Rev. George B. Jackson yesterday afternoon married George W. Johnson and Amanda R, Bohannan, at tha resi dence of Joaeph Prlacott, 111 First street. . f , -( Artistic tailoring, perfect fit and rea sonable prices; new fall goods now In. Armstrong the Tailor, Raleigh building. Washington and Sixth ata. Paolfle 161$. Concrete Construction Co., Til Cham if of Commerce, manufacturers of concrete stone blocks. -t Contractors 'for all kinds of cement work. Tel Main 110. Goldsmith A Co. yesterday sold ' to a local merchant, whose name la with held, a lot SO by 100 feet at Twenty- fifth and Marshall streets, for $$,$09. Wataheariamonds and Jwalry on easy payments', $1 down, $0o a wek. Don t go without a goon timepiece. Mstsgsr A Co., Ill Sixth street. Launches to tha Oaks every few mln- utea every evening from Favorite Boat ing company'a, south aids bridge, foot Morrison street. . Articles of Incorporation of ths Rolfs Brick company bare been filed In ths office of the eouutv. clerk bj & H, uuij llker, Frank A. Sweeney. O. L. Archi bald and Jamea M. McNaughton. Cap ital stock, IS0.000. Thsy will engage In the mann Tact Ufof plain and orna mental building mateiiala. Milton A. Nathans, atty 1000 Stelner at., San Fronelsoo. Commissions prompt ly executed. Insurance adjusted. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oil and fins gasolines. Phone Eaat Tl. Women's exchange. l$l Tenth street, lunch. 11:$S to t. See Buffum A Pendleton ad, on page S. . Rental Slgna. Analey Printing Co. IVILL INSPECT LIFE-SAVING STATIONS OF. OREGOII Captain Toziar Wiir Start on Six ""Waaka' Trip Saturday for That Purpose. NEGRO RUNS AMUCK SLASHES WITH RAZOR ' An unknown negro armed with a raacr ran amuck In crowd In front of Dun Stan's cigar a to re at tha west approach of tha steel bridge last night and slashed George Stewart, a byatander. across ths face with ths weapon. Iiij flictlng a sertoua wound. After the as sault tha colored man made hla ehcapg up First street and Patrolmen Burke and. Kay, who were sent to the scene from police headquarters, could find no trace of nlm. It la understood that the assault was caused by Fran Houbart, who, upon noticing the negro gaalng tn a- store window, yelled "Rubber!" Thla seemed to Infuriate tha fellow, and, drawing a rasor from hla pocket, ha proceeded to Indiscriminately slash at the crowd. A wild scramble ensued, but Stewart was unable to retreat In time. and received a cut, which silt ths left side of his face open from the ear to hla chin. The police have an excellent description of tha negro. 'v Notlca. AH eye-wttnesaea of accident which occurred on the 10th Inst, at corner of Third and Washington at 11:1S p, m.. In which a lady was thrown from a buggy and Injured, will confer a favor by calling at SOT Chamber of Commerce building, between t and 4 p. m.Sr by aendlng addreea or phone Main fill. Mitwaukla Country Club. astern - ana Seattle . races. Take gellwood and Oregon City oars at First and Aides. . - ' .as aTmovo oiozaratiosts. BevnbUoam Declaration. Tha United Statee will wither If our - party doee not win In fact, there'll not be any of It left- Except, perhaps, a morsel that the Cubans will take In, So -beer- our wrntng"btiinssaj-is geschsft." 1 ' Banaaratla Beelaratlosu . - We hoar the bells a-tolllng for tha death of Uncle Bam, Tat there is a chance to save our country'a lie : " - Glvs DemncxAte the power and we'll nurae 'him like a lamb. . And there II be no more or tnie in ternal atrlfe. -, -e. ' Valaa tisidn Beclaretloa. ' Wa run. machines that's neutral and . thsv do their work sublime . They wash ths linen white aa driven snow ; And patrons get their laundry when it's promisea. ir urn. Cause our wagons fly where'er they're called to go, ;. . I v UNION LAUNDRT; - Ti Mala $$. Second and Columbia,, of IM real experiences that are liable to befall them In their work. The ata 4lena and equipment will also be in spected by Captain Tosier. Everything from the construction of the houee to the number of cups end saucera have to bo gone over by the Inspector and a complete record made of their condi tion. After "Inspecting the ' Oregon coast stations. Captain Toaler will examine those on the Washington coast, finish ing his trip at Gray's Harbor. He re' celved word from ' Washington this morning Instructing him to secure the lowest rids on the work of moving the station at Coos boy and the construc tion of the launch ways, and forward tha figures to Washington This Is taken to- mean that the government at .Washington recognises the need of hav ing the station in Its new place before the winter sets In, giving, the men a chance to become familiar with their sew surroundings, MOONLIGHT SKATING. , At the Oaks Bisk Friday Wight. . ' Decorators are busily : engaged ar ranging tho Oaka rink for the moon light feature to be held Friday night. Hundreda of stars 'will take the place of the large electric lights and st 1:80 a brilliant moon will appear in one corner of the rink to shed Its soft and many-colored rays over the throng of merry skaters. Mo additional charge Is to be made for the event and the thou sands of rink patrons will be treated to a delightful surprise Friday night. Chaap Rataa Eaat. On SeptenVber $ and 10 tha Canadian Paclrtc will sell round trip tlcketa to eastern terminals at very low rates. Tlcketa -good for stop-overs with privi lege of returning same line or via anv direct Una. It will eoet you no mora to travel via "Tho Great Scenic Route." Double dally train service and the best of everything. For full particulars call on or addreea F. R. Johnson, F. at P, A Portland,. Oregon, t '. , : Larga Fruit. ; ;-, Peaches and all large frulta look bet ter, keen longer and have a superior flavor If preserved In Everlasting Jars, all glaaa. Replenish your atock of Jara with Everlasting. A child CCn seal or open. City retail prices: . nnte, 7 rents; quarts. $1 cents, and half gal lons; $1.10 per dosen, at all grocer. Wadhama A Co., wholeaalo distributor Trie NIGKRLODIO!S lata, BaS. Alder aad WashkagSea. KomrovpioTtrmxs fob tbt- - BOOT. "A food Old Be Trolley Bide." ' Aaaalsatoa Be This week children preeeatlng eeapea Free. "Wat OeeV MINISTER VANTED TO WORK iranoRARDs . Owners Would Give Religious ; Paopla Chance to Hear Ser mons and Sing Hymns. ' Captain Tosier of ths life-saving service will start. QO-aUtnv of Inspection oftlt the stations In Oregon and Washington Saturday morning. Ths work Involved In such a trip covers sverytblng In tho life of the men sta tloned on the coast and will require nearly six weeks. There are live stations in Oregon and tha first one to be visited will be at Newport. The men In service there will be inspected In drills of every oThaT .J f ye ixiamnioin nupjrarav, nm.v iaauu mn invitation to ministers of the gospel to take a vacation In tha , hop fields and Incidentally labor to save the souls of their 1.100 pickers, not one of the ordained has as yet com forward to offer his service. . Inquiry from the hop man reveals the information that preaching In the hop fields Is an Innovation which haa not yet been tried In this section of the country. But - Christian people have to work, aay Kreba brothera. Juat tha same as any other people. Chris tlan people go to the hop fields as well aa lovers of dancing and the pur pose of tha management la to give to all, aa far Ss possible, tha dtveraton which suit them' best. Some pickers will not wish to attend the , nightly dances, snd for them ministers will be furnished. If possible. Any minister who ceres for the privilege, said ' a repreaentatlva of Krebs brothers today, will be accord ed ths us of the dance floor on Bun- day morning for purposes of religion. During the remainder of tho week he can preach from points or vantage on the camp grounds ' ss often ae he wishes. He can pick hope during the day and preach nightly, taking up a collection aa often as ne.HKec, Besldea, he will atand a chance for some of ,the marrying Jobs which are sure to mstertallse befor the seeeon I over. There ought to be a good many of these, for th employer havs announced that they win pay .the costs of all weddings contracted at their yards during the aeason. Her "a great opportunity for an enterprising young evangelist or pul plteer. BASE BALL ATHLETIC PARX Cos. Taagha aad Tweaty-fearth. 13 Cam, Bglnnlnji Aag. 15 Portland vs. OaKIand -p. a. PartfT Oaaaea Called eao p. at. Sundays, Grandstand,- 8c. Children. IOC . Box. Saats, lie. "PERSONAL Judg W. R. Elll of Pendleton, eon- greasman-elect from th Second Oregon congressional district. Is a guest at ths Imperial hotel. Judge Ellia haa been visiting friends and relatlvea at, New- port for severs I weeks and will return to Pendleton tomorrow. ... A. S. Humphreys, ex-Judge of the United Btatea circuity court at Honolulu, la a guest at the Portland hotel. - Frank S. Dement, a prominent miller and politician of Walla Walla, Washing ton, la vleltlng frlenda and relatlvea In Portland. George W. Whltahouae and family of Walla Walla are at tha Oregon hotel. It. H. Turner, cashier of th Baser- Foyer hank. Walla Walla, Washington, is a guest at the Portland hotel. W. U. blckUison aad J. P. ttartman, Oaks Rink Friday Night BORT : : Admission 10c, Skatea Me. Under a Real Moon and, , . , a Million Btsre. . THE STAR wxix or AvatrsT ss, lese. ALLEN STC01CO. "Ccnoht in Viz Xk'J BAIT.Y MATtNgKS AT I : T. M. lVININQ PERrOaXANCB AT S:1S. 4 Prleae MSHsaae. eient Soadara, lOe to all sata. Bvanlns. 10. Sue aiHl Sue. Saata aa rorvd f availing perfonaaar by sbasa. Mala 0494. Box atflce epaa trvm U a. Bk to S s. u. - Ihl Grand Barry Jlahase Oa. "The Seller ' aad the Hacae." Baaa-fieaei S) Oa, Tarae Olrd.llara. I WtU VMeaa. ! Mr. Carta Laae. 1 tyaaa A OaUea. Mr. Jaatss Saraa. Sieeiimn Price Mattrjaee. 10 to all aaata t leant bate. BTealncs, 10. SO. es4 see seat toe. PANTAQEfl 'Z but rumT nxATtx. aalyh Oaatsjlass A 0. 1a aa tiaa'..a riay. 'A waaaa. at Kaans." Yaaklea Ptate Trie. 14iS rv" Jaaa Chtoa A Oa. Bart CaasitarwM. Blaeieea. laaa WUaa. rartorsuai' alb el I S", f "' r. AdaHaalna. via aae 3ur: tov. eSlae ad tklldn f SMt t. t day eutliMee tor TEN CMS. UYRIC THHAT ' AM 0i:-J l- ik rot s Af-rs ASsjIatlaaj. !: arrH aaa'a f rarmiK-ae mr af a 4 ' buslnrss mrg of Sestlla, sr st land hotel. ',