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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
ITV V- H . , AUGUST p V ' f 1 ' " ' L J l. 'I Li I i ciTY a:iET Li:::.:::- 7: vfrr'',-rr.r,-.-v' Filili, end jes- Every vsrd In Ms ptlz'zd zxzssxctsztRt.G'Jst.' be kicked up by tt goods In the store OLDS, WOUTtSAIt & KING vIWiwmw a. w Cp"nt for C!j C rooms Ctcurtd ; ; by fcuperlnttnclant Aftsr Much Troubta. ' , , : c -Sueerintendent Donaldson - of -th itPMtrflauiliir diMrtmint'hU been up against the Chines monopoly on split bamboo." For wbll he u woreieo, nit una nlantv of the eoltnt of -Which th big PUWW blUQIU that iwup lilt paved )traU every MgM are ' ham hMn nmmlaad. " '-. Last spring floods covered th bam- boo lands In Chin and scarcely any . was cut and dried. Nearly all the bam boo In the United States was lost In the Han svanciaco eonflaaratlon. . Imme- i.tir rr anarail .hla-h and hrdJ , ly any could o ODiainea xor iom vr money. Mr. Donaldson tried rattan and pllt hickory, hut neither gav satlafao !. nkttan casta far more than the twmboo and Ust jntr half as Ions. Xlrht days' use on the streets put a '. broom out of business and the broom maker at tht city .barn was working overtime. ' f ' Finally Mr. Donaldson learned that several bales of split bamboo was In the bonded warehouse here. ..' - He of- fred the Chinese to whom they were . consigned half a cent a -pound more - than he expected to receive and olosed .the deal forthwith. Inside of an hour after he heard of the shipment be was ' at the bonded warehouse and finally the precious bamboo was at the barn. More Is expected before this la used up. : It appears that one company In China controls' the output of the bamboo field and the dry houses. One of Its prlnel , pal agents Is 'In San Franeisoo and a Chinese firm here Is allowed to pur chase a limited amount. This Chines company refuse to sell 'to w.hlte men. In vain have broom makers of the ' Pacific eoast tried to buy the stuff In China and Import It themselves. The Celestial monopoly . holder refuse to soil it and there Is .- nothing to do but buy It la this coun try at the Chinamen' own price. . ALMOST GUILLOTINED ; WHILE AT HIS WORK ' John Carlson, a palnter In the e employ of C F. Pearson, oame - O near being guillotined this morn- In while at work In the Conoord - ' buUdtng. ' ' In varnishing the e woodwork on the elevator shaft : on the fourth story, he. bent his e head over the wire netting acting as a guard when the heavy bal- ) ano weight of the- eage de- e soended on hi head. Carlson pulled back as quickly te ' as possible, but. not until the d . right ear was almost out off and , a deep gash had been Inflicted on the side of the head. He bled nrofosety from the mouth, and it 1 thought be was Injured In- . temally. He was removed In an 4 ambulano to St. Vincent's hoe- e pltaL Carlson I a young man, aged. e about 11 years, and room at Sixth and Couoh treat. PERMIT IS ISSUED " ; FOR LEWIS BUILDING A permit for ,the Brat larg re enforced eoncret struotur of the city ha Just been Issued to Mrs. Clementina F. Lewi for the eight-story store and office building now under construction on Fourth street,' between" Washington and Stark. Its cost Is given a 1100,000. Vibe Contracting engineering company Is the builder. Other permit have been Issued as .follow: F. A. Hummell, two two-story dwellings, Corbett-between O rover and Olbbs, cost 11.000 ach; 8, P. Lock wood, repairs. Sixth, between Oak and Pine, cost HIS; Holt C. Wilson, repairs, Fourth, between ' Couch and Burnalde, cost $1,000; George Parker, smokehouse. First, between Morrison and Alder, eost tlOt; Frits Struckle, repairs, Washing ton, between Eleventh and Twelfth coat 11,000: Samuel Clifford, one-story dwelW Ing, Bugene, between Roahrknd"TJnion avenues, eost 11.800; J. N. Wood, one story dwelling. Falling, between Com mercial and Height avenue, cost II. BOO; Charles K. Lenon, one-story dwelling, Kast Thirty-sixth, corner Clinton, cost H...J. - ' ' ' : - " ' 1 : . HOW FRUIT PEDDLERS EVADE ORDINANCES The attention of Mayor Lane was this morning called to the way the fruit peddlers of Third street evade the in tent of the ordinance which allow them to remain In one locality not more than II minutes. - ' -v- - Four wagon are always to be een somewhere near the corner of Third and Morrison streets. Their owners have a working agreement When the policeman on duty at the eomer orders . one to move on, the other three also move. Exactly In the same order they take up position on the next block, stay there a while, then cross the street and, turning down, are soon at the same old stands again. . , BACK TO PRISON AFTER ONE DAY OF FREEDOM , ewsMMSMssssaes '.'-. Salem, Or., Aug. ' IIWTha next day after he was released from the peni tentiary, where he served a term for ob taining money under false pretenses, R, . B. Dowell of thl city was arrested y aster-day on a warrant charging him with a. similar offense. Dowell I charged . this time with forging the nam of Harry Savage to an order for It and getting the money from O. A. Damon. Dowell I in Jail and will be examined before Jostle Webster today. "T r . Schtdule of T. J. Potter. ', --..The T. J. Potter leave Ash street dock for North Beach, touching, at As toria, as follows; ' i August It, T a. m.t August II, 1:10 a. m-! August II. 1:10 -' From Ilwaeo:, August 14, 11:10 p. nv; 'Auguat t. P- m-i August If, I a. m. ' - Ticket -at -Thir-and-Washington streets and at Ash street dook. Meals may be secured on the boat ., , ... Mew Ooto-aU Bat. -. ' Atfguat -IT to October II a colonist rate of 111 from St -Paul. Duluth and Superior to Pacific eoaat point will he In effect on the Northern Pacific. The company had planned to put In the col onist - rate thle year on September II, but the unusual demand for laborer In ; the Paolflo northwest Induced a change to an earlier date. The rate from Chi cago will be III and from St Louis $30. 9 flHK olhcfTBjyhlf tialn tsme-TolHng in A six old lady, not accustomed to traveling, hailed the conduc ' I 1 I . t 1 a. 1 1 1 . "Conductor, what door shall I ret out by?" '" "Either door, ma'am" graciously answered the conductor. "The car stops at both ends." . V , .; It doesn't matter a bit which door you enter the store by to morrowyou'll find yourself surrounded by bargains at all points. The sale Is going all over, every department participates. And the end of the day will end one of the most rernarkable special bargain evamts of all the year. Come in at any door, at any time during the day the store faces three of Portland's busiest streets Fifth, Sixth and Washington. ': $12 VJhite Serge Jackets $4.98 Chic, natty otyles dainty, handsome English Serge and Bed ford Cord Materials, built in hip length and boxy cut, smartly tailored in severely plain mannish effects, best - $12.50 values of the season, adaptable for year-round, thea tre or cafe wear; a few to close Friday at..........M&8 70 TELEPHONE ORDERS tJGreatMews-forSewm Machine and Rug Buyers ' Vomrtk floor., . IHJI OUS, WOBTBUUr Sj - kxm9 sawrjra BU.OBXBB v i, .. SISaTS. O.W. K. Sew ing Machine, high arm, ball bearing, oak cabinet ttve drawers, box top, guaranteed for 10 year; the best machine on the market: ' regular value ltl.ll. Special. 918.75 S.BO WOOXi rum buob ... Wool Velvet Bugs, sis TxS4 inches. Oriental and floral : design; regular value J.I0. , Special. ........ 1.05 Of Special Interest to House keepers Thliw SOoov VOWS. '. ' Oet ready for the long-Wlntee-ovealngsw Fit your home throughout with the peerless "Block" lights, un surpassed for brilliancy and satisfactory remit to users. Take Blevaeet to Third noes. Block Oaa Ugtit,'. complete with burner, mantle and globe. Special , 60s) Imperial Oaa Lights, complete with burner, mantle and - globe. . Special . B0t ';':'" . Oood quality, well finished, ".; Regular ' 10c value. Special.. ..................... 6 Regular lOo value..'; Special ...........134 l7. 1 J I 1 I? Il'ftKI Lr.iirnn t1" gr"ul Br?- Regular too vaiua. opooiai..... sre Glass Lemon Juice Extractor. Special 3f) Colonial Candlesticks, Inches high, with candle, shade s holder and fancy shade. Special .,..68 . v , .svee tok abb msT bbts saae, - Tom and Jerry Bets of II pieces, decorated tint flower and gold line; regular value 15.00. Special.... $2.50 Women's-and-CnUdrea's-J-L Underwear & Hosiery Specials : . ..'"'.''. ,!'v'' ; ; - KVT UNDERWEAR . ' WOBBBS Sl.tS TBSTS Ma. " .Whit mercerised, medium weight cotton Vest, high neck.' long sleeves, silk trimmed; regular value IMS. Special . .'..8S ,''"-X;.'Y , , WOBOBSTB T8e TBSTS SO. Whit list Vesta, sleivalees, fin crocheted yoke; regit lar Tto value. Special .....t....60 - ( " - anssas ss tbsts oa vabts lso, :' Misses whit 1110 Vests.' long and no sleeves. Teas length pant to match; regular value ISo. Speciat , each ...19 HOSIERY t;:.:'::.y WOBTBaTB SUM XOSB SS.' ' S ' Highly mercerised black lac 111 Ho, Imported as sorted style, full finished; regular value 11.00. ' Special, pair .......6(51 SB XOSB IT. . Children' fin ribbed fast black, seamless Hose, double knee, heel and toe; slies t to 10; regular value lie. Special, pair . t.. f ....1T BBBsmSBBBaBBSBBBBSaSaSBBs Men's News XOSZBBT ABB WASH TXBS TXB TOFI0& SS XOSXBaa ISe.- - A line of Men's fancy Hose; also plain black with drop tltch; regular value ISo. Special, pair.... 15d ' MSB'S SS Watl TXBS IT. -A lino of Man' onr-ln-Hand Wash Ties, in whit and assorted colors; regular value Ho. Special lTe) 71 Snap for Linen Buyers ' "J '-. .' - c lire rtoet. ' .;' TABU BAMASX Is TABS. ':'.-' Heavy cotton Table Damask, die pattern, II Inches wide. Special, yard .t ...16 fr the-Unle-S : Covert Jackets for Half ! r Choose from any of the short, tight-fitting stylet tome col larlets, others with notch- and shawl collars of velvet or materials, all splendidly tailored, some in plain styles, oth ers in trimmed effects, with strappings) stitching! snd but- tons, values froga $6.50 to $35.00: choose any tomorrow , t i HALF PRICE FILLED Oil FRIDAY SPECIALS V .. ANNEX FIRST FLOOR SIXTH STREET. ; x None of the hem advertised under this head will be sold at less than regular prices EXCEPT during hours specified below. .' ., ! 8 A. M. TO 9 A.M. Infants' $150 Shoes 49c Infants' Shoesin several pretty styles, patent and kid leathers, button and lace, sizes 2 to 6, regular value $1.50; special, pair ........ .............tea ", ''-; ' f. . 9 A. M. TO 10 A. "M. ''-1 -Women's $2 Oxfords $1A9 Women's Black Oxfords, in five styles,- plain toes ." and patent tips, Blucher cut and lace, -light-weight .. sole, regular value $2.00; special, pair..... f 1.49 " ,10 A. M. TO 11 A. M. :r: Women's $5 Shoes $2.69 Women's Patent Leather Dress Shoes, hand-tarn soles, mat kid top, leather Louis heels, regular value $5.00; special, pair T....: 32.69 . 11A.M. TO 12 M. Hen's $3.50 Shoes $239 Men's Oxfords, patenMrgunmeta1 calf, Blucher cut, welt soles, well mad and stylish, regular value $3.50; special, pair S2.39 12 MrTO 1 PrMr nen9s $t Oxfords $2.98 Men's Best Grade Patent and Demi-Glaze Oxfords, mads over new and down-to-date lasts, several new ' styles to select from, regular value $400; special, pair .... f2.98 J v HERE'S A HO WDY-DO I Children's stylish Jackets Reduced a Third Second (Floor. . Too late to reorder and fill in the gaps, so we're going to take drastic measures and close these lines. Mothers will profit in worth-while degree by tomorrow's reduc tion. , ' , . .; Children's Jackets, in H length, in . fine ' all-wool plain and fancy -materials! trimmed in silk . braids, velvet and fancy buttons, sges ', from 3 to 6 years, reg. prices from $6 to $12.50; special 34.0O to f 8.44 A Vash, Petticoat Special T Za teres Beets of Wemen issoaa Floor. Pretty $L50 Skirts for 98c Bam a third tomorrow and share In these great values. . Read; , .-., Ladles' Wash Petticoat of plain blue or light 'brown chambray or blue and whit - striped seersucker, as sorted style of flounces; regular price 11.10. , ' Special at . , f84 ' .... atest Garment Stirring Trio of Typical Bargains! "Round-Ups" are completed, Garment Stocks were never so clean as now.' Never in the history of the' big Garment Salons have we been so ready to enter upon a new season, with decks cleared and holy-stoned of the passing season's stqeks, and loaded to the guards with magnificent new lines for a budding season. And yethere and there a little lot of Summer Raiment protrudes above the sea of Autumn : Apparel, like tiny isles in the ocean. They must be swept away. Prices sharply cut must be the instruments of destruction. Among the stop-overs are some pretty WHITE ENGLISH SERGE JACKETS worth $12.50-ake your pick tomorrow at 4.98; a lot of COVERT COATS, chic styles, short and tight fitting, values from $8.50 to $35.00 choose any one you wish at HALF PRICE. And then a lot of dainty White LinenWASH SKIRTS occupies counter room needed tor Fall wearables, $5.00 to $8.50 values you may have at $2.49; $10.00 to $15.00 Skirts at ? 4.98. A wo.nderful coterie of bargains. "A little detail?" read. ' $5.00 to $8.50 Wite Unen Skirts for $2A9 Pretty White Wash Skirts', in round lengths, five and seven gored style, some in ' plaited flonncs effects, others trimmed in strappings, stitchings and buttons, $5.00 to $8.50 value to - close on fndsy ati, $10.00 to $15.00' Vim linen Skirts for Vi.M ' These garments are in plain white and oyster-gray linens, circular and gored styles, some plain -, tailored, others trimmed in dainty embroideries,' straps and stitchings; regular $10.00 to $15.00 skirts to close on Friday at... ...... ............ ................ i. B4.9S 1 P. M. TO 2 P. M. $3.50 White Duck Oxford $1.98 Women's Fine White Sea Island Duck Blucher-Cut Oxfords, made on the new auto last, Goodyear ' welt soles, regular value $3.00; special, pair f 1.98 2 P. M. TO 3 P. M. $5 Shoerahd Oxfords $1.98 , 12,000 pairs Women's Shoes snd Oxfords, tan . and - champagne, in broken lines, values to $5.00: spe . cial, pair .81.98 ; 3 P. M. T0 4 P. M. ; J:'r Women's: $5 Oxfords $2.98 Women's Best Patent and Demi-Glaze Oxfords, in the latest styles and newest lasts, values to $5.00; special, pair 82.98 Girls' Shoes Girls' Shoes 1 in two styles, made by Williams & ' Hoyt, in nice kid stock, patent tip, welt sole, good weight, with medium extension edge Size liy, to 2, reg. val. $2.50;-speciakpair 81.89 '. ' Sizes Byi to 11, reg. val. $2.00; special, pair f 1.69 Sizes 6 to 8, reg. val. $1.75; Special, pair 31.39 . ., .. 5 P. M..T0 8 P. M. v Boys' Shoes A broken line of Boys' Shoes, kid and cslf leathers, food weight soles, wear well, values to $3.00 izes 9 to 2; special at, pair.......... f 1.69 Sizes 2yi to Syi; special at, pair fl.89 Sensational Price-Cuts in the Fashionable Silks Rich, Handsome $1.25 - Crepe de Chine 83c Yard Vtluci anrh aa tha art unmatchable and will I crowd the salons of the ' Annex with eager buyers the next two days Friday and' Saturday. - 24-inch Black All-Silk Crepe de Chine, very heavy grada and deep rich black; regular $1.25 grade, special for Friday and Saturday, yard....... .83 19-inch All-Silk Black Taffeta, extra good value at - the regular price of 60c per yard; special for Fri day and Saturday only, yard,..............,..46f A MAKER SOLD US THESE AT HALF PRICE. ! $1.00 Silks 19c . : . our Dress-ooods patrons share : ; THE LUCK. 'A manufacturer's not came due he was "short" on cash and "long" on pretty, stylish fabrics piled high on his tables. Our buyer happened along and bought liberally at the price concession allowed it was half, saved. 'Why not? These. goods were in the lot Well share the good fortune with you if youH buy Friday or Saturday.. More later. about this "buy." , 42 and 44-inch Silk and Wool Crepe de Chine, in all . tht following wanted shades pinks, light blue, champagne, .tans, castor, browns, myrtle, royal and navy blue; regular $1.00 grade, special for Fri day and Saturday at, yard V ................. ,49 Store Contributes a S2.4B Bargains . TBI MM KB BATS WOBTSt TO StftwOS m Think of It And hurry to the store. Thl 1 ' cleaning up with, a vengeance! . It mean rmilinery a tremendous loss to . . us in dollars and cent for one, day, but my! . what lot of friend. we'll make and . we'll balance up the se , ' ' son' books, ' too. ' It's Ilka taking a dose of . , , bitter medicine' at ' one gulp. Boon over and '. hoping for ' good re 110.00, $11.00 -or . 120.00 -fey c i fi .-u.' suits. Tak any. of Trimmed Hat In the 'at . the house while they last Friday, .....................98 ' : 'ssjo bvox 'mat .,' . Women' and Misses' Duck Hats; values' at 110 and 11.10. Special 49 A Vsir ef Btrong DTSwlnsr Oaras Xeld On Bayer f '' Ribbons & Shirtwaist Patterns! , Women' Vsralsklsg Bhops Tlrst now. S6o ABB 40 TATTBTA BXBSOM aoo. Best grade all-llk Taffeta Ribbons, t. 4 and i inche ' wide; worth lie and 40a Special, yard ....25a . .- WAIST BATTBBBB A IAU. J..;,,'. Friday we will place on sale a fin lot of hand -ambroid- -, ered ahlrtwaiat length Patterns at Special Reduced Prices aa follows: Regular 11.50 value.' Regular ' IS. 00 value. Rngular 17.10 value. ' Regular 110.00 value. Regular 112.00 value. Special. ................ .32.25 Special..: 33.48 Special 94.98 Special S7.00 Special. .....iT.98 - . A TBIO Or TEXPTATIOBS POB PBM1B1B1TT. Women' rnmlshing Shop Tint Floor. ' - Gloves : Belts Laces -,.'" wombby ana: oloyxs. .-. S-clasp silk net Gloves.' with lisle palms and fancy era-" broldered back; regular value I1.2S. Special, pair. 854 Ji-huttlM, lnytt. .Ill, ni..; -1-. . Special, pair . ..f 1.35 ' '. woMsarB wass mn. a A line of white duck Belt with gilt buckle;"' worth tlo to lOo. . Special . 25 " " : XAOBS ABB XBSXBTXOBS. "' ': ' f ' Thousands of yards ofj Valenciennes ' lAce , snd Inser .. tlons. to I Inches wide; worth to-IL0O-. Special. dozen . ....85; A Bargain Triplet la gewetry Bealm-Aaasr ' First Ftorn.' ' '-;.';'' " IB STBBXZBO SXLTXB SOABF 'FZBB Sfc . ' An assortment of sterling stiver Scarf Pins in a variety of head designs, French gray and oxidised finish; . regular value 1 to. 1 Special ......... ,.. ....... . ....3e) .'. ' SS FBABX BUT BTOZXBS SSe. V A line of Pearl Belt Buckle In oval and square shape, finest finish mother-of-pearl with strongly riveted crossbar; regular value 16. Special .......234' ' '. SiaS BH.T BEBTAJb FVBSBS TOO. A line of gilt metal Purs'e, hammered frame and long' . chain; regular value , Special ........79 HIRE S A BUNCH O "LIVE WIRES" "Penny Savers 99 Fir FIom.. In the Smalt Ware. Shop that "await . the- Friday ' buyers. .Better clip thl list and bring. It .along when you come shopping tomorrow. . tic 1-lb. packet French dimity cloth' finish Writing ' Paper. Special . t ... j i 25V J Bo box Scotla.fabrlo cloth finish Writing-Paper, Special . ; ...........I..... ...tB4 lie bottle LePage's Liquid Glue. . Special ...ICy Whit Waxed Paper, In roll for wrapping, lunches, etc Special, 14 sheets . 4 I lOo package of 100 Paper Napkins, with eoldred bortf . Speetal - I . lie fine quality double stitched Wblsk Broom. Special . v T ' Sticky Fly Paper. Five double sheets 11.00 bottle Coke's Dandruff Cure. Special ISO box Allen's Foot Ess. Special ISO fin Imported French Tooth Brush, Special.. 1(0 can Violet Perfumed Talcum Powder. Knee I.. Card of on dosen best nickel-plated Safety Pin. I I ltc best ball and socket Garment Fasteners. I. dosen . ........................ 110 best English Needle Books. Special SC spool heavy black Linen Thread. Spec' 1 II fancy mounted Shell Ear Combe. t. s sUUa e -Uewl Beet Brand.