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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
i:.;. .siiis fiooG oiisii, Dora TO tauafiE III, STRETCH T017ARD THE TIRE ;;d Tir.iE As End of SchoIarshJp Race Approach Surprises and Suddan Marjorie Colaa Remarries DI C vorcad Huaband arid Now ' J Spuria Are Expected With Corresponding Changaa ; . V- - '. in tha Scora List. ' . .v. Saya Sha K .Sorry. ti:c cnzc c : j daily jounuAL, rcsTLAHD. Tiiur.CDAY lv. .august , r-ni j a . i i ansJBBaBBcamspsEBBB-- ' -- ilfr , .. . SEGfl : -HfcMBnW OT OOTTWUITI TaT VOTsTS. Bono A. Wllaoa. Sit Halaey 8W Portland, or ,-r.Tr....,....71.Jl Nellie Hay Shannon. 1(1 Tenlno, Portland. Or...................Tl.l0 Ulllsa lacVtcker, 8k Johaa. Or...; ..' ........... ....... ....lOtl at Out Graham. Troutdale. Or.......... .... ... .5J.H0 cvLnhoda I Stalnaker. Albaay.'Or........ .,i .. i ......... OHM. ; Mildred L'Clemena University Park. Portland. Or. T.. ... "" duriM Grose, T. M. C A, Portland.,.....,.., .i....,....v....IMM e .Bertie a. Chan. Ui Clay St, Portland. Or,,..,.., ...,.....lM8t "Edith M. Harris, t Oxford St. PortUnd, Or. .................. -IM70 V Clay Jtm oa. 1 81 gut Twfllfta PU f(rtlin4..,Qr imniui? Carl Bhalton. rorty-alghtH St-. Mount Tabor. Or. 17.J5S Mae Pendcrgrass. III North Seventeenth St., Portland Or. ...... .li.Oll Roy Johnson. T Division St. Portland. Or.;... .............. .v. 11.110 , Malste ODonnell, Buxton. Or.'. ....,.................)1.IU Mary K, Powell, JT Salmon Bt, Portland. Or... ........... ......11.111 Faul Xygren, III East Third Bt, Portland. Or...... ............ l,t8 John Dtneen, Chains ws. Or........ .11.145 Dorcas Tan Bchoonhoven, Cora, Or............. .................. 14.185 Mabel Magnesa, Amity. Or................... .......... .10 Dean Knox. .Corvallla, Or....... , 7.140 31ena PatlHe. Grants Pass. Or... ....... (.145 Roth Turner, 101 Kerby Bt, Portland, Or........... . 1.115 Barry Brant, Tba Korton, Twelfth and Morrison, Portland, Or.... 1,115 JJoyd Riches, Bllvertou. Or..................... 5.500 Clay Cary, Salem, Or..r.... ............... 4,115 AUeea Hackman. Myrtla Park. Portland. Or... .....i.,... ........ 4.411 Guy Johnson,. 101 Grant Bt, Portland, Or..,.,,...... 1.110 Louise Scott, Central addition. PortUnd. Or...................... 1.110 R. W. Cyrus, Bel a. Or. ...... K.. ........ ....1,115 Iry Owens, Cedar Mills, Or.................,..; 1,715 Edward Kinsman, LJnnton. Or..,.,.,....,,,,,. ................ f,15 Acnes Evans, Letourtll. Or.....'.. ...... 1.100 W. E. Gwynn, 4 East Thirty-seventh St, PortUnd. Or......... 500 a. T. Cearns, Astoria, Or........................ 475 Richard W Gllvln, Roaeburg. Or...................... ............ 445 floors XX King. Kingston, Or..........',."..... 100 The score Udder of tha educational contest U watched .with ; that same eagerness which is manifested at ' the race course on the bUckboards ' an Bouncing the finish of treat horse races. : In the race -of bore and girls e for scholarships every day Is a heat. Every heat has its winners, as In the Derby, and Its honors. - " . j . It Is a matter of considerable distinc tion "to lead even for a single day In competitive ' effort for .v educational prises. ; By passing rivals, one by one, the leaders attain their places. Then Jt is only by persistent and strenuous Ubor that a lead once gained can be j maintained. : - Tba schoUrshtp contestants develop that real ability which Insures present day success when they learn to Induce others to take the Held and work for them. . ' - One of the secrets of the II days et leadership of Nellie May Shannon la In the fact that r her mother . and grand mother' spend eeveral hours every day canvassing for the little cripple. . It is said that Horace A. WUson, the leader for tha Ust 21 days, has Induced some of. his schoolmstes to take sub scriptions for him and be has trained them In the work. . . , : ; t Tha Panoa's Baagater. v TJlIlan McVlcker of St Johns, "the parson s daughter," has Sunday school teachers, retired ministers and Influ ential educators advising their friends publicly and privately to "subscribe for The Journal, so that our deserving fa f orit ' may : return to Dallas college." Then when Miss Lillian goes moving dowa the aisle the money Is ready for her.' ; :" For a long time Miss McTlcker bis held third pUce. If she finishes the contest there The Journal will award her 1100 for Incidental expensee and her choice of scholarships In the pri vate scboola r .V. ' - - xaam Oeaaty Olrl.'- . V ' Rhoda Ik Stalnaker of Albany, who entered the contest three weeks later than, the majority, of, tha atharay gradu. ally has worked up the line to the fourth position of honor. If she should finish ths contest in this position she would . receive a purse of 176 in coin and the second choice of all scholarships which are not In stata Institutions, Miss 8Ulnaker has persuaded Influ ential mechanics to Introduce her to their comrades at ths shops of Albany ' Fall Derbies Fall Soft Hats If you come here for your Fall Hat, well fit your face and purse perfectly. . H " Our Hat man will be pleased to show you ' - The Beaver Hat : $3.00 THE HAT FOR OREGON HEN a , M TRADE-MARK PORTLAND v ORE- - lti and 16$' THIRDi ST. T- Mohawk Building. , snd has secured msny subscriptions , from them. She Is represented by and popular with the masses of the people. During the Ust four days she has made advance , colUctloa from II new . sub scribe r a The carrier of The Journal In Albany already had a large list of sub scribers snd he Is amased at the num ber, of new subscribers secured from day to day by the Albany contestant Frospesoma Ooaaty Boas. Albany is one of the most prosperous and beautiful county seats In Oregon. Its surrounding country Is famous for the quality, variety and quantity of Its products. .)'.',',.!. ,.'. .v. Farmers on the rural routes "out from Albany have Joined In the support of Miss Stalnaker. If all the patrons of these routes were called on many thou sands of votes would be added from that direction. ' . Other towns In L4nn county, if called upon, would be gUd to assist in put ting the Albany girl to a high place In the educational contest ::.,.., Bote Boy Beedajteln. ' ' Una county Is rich enough and pop- ious enougn to put three .or four -can dldates through The Journal's contest and te secure- choice of schoUrshlps for every one.- The only other contest' ant gathering votes In this county Is R. W. Cyrus of ScUvand Cyrus Is not now among the winners. Be will have to And some one to help him promote nis campaign. v -7-The time la diawlng near forthaflTT- isb of the contest and all the contest ants are putting in their best efforta Delay now with any contestant Is dan gerous. Progress of Clay 'ones. One of the phenomenal producers of new subscribers during the Ust few days Is Clay Jones of 401 East Twelfth street, Portland. This young man has both city and county support Friends of his mother at Woodburn and ner vals are cooperating to put CUy' high among the wlnnera . , William J. Clarke,' proprietor of the Oervals Weekly Star, has written snd published - a- notice TVT7rabtetoth candidacy of Clay Jonea And any cause which Mr. Clarke espouses Is pretty apt to And a very large follow ing n and about Oervals. . ', Indorsed by Oervais Star. under the caption, "Help a Homo Boy," the Oervals Stir said: "CUy Jones, the 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mra J. B. Jones, for many years a resident or this vicinity, is a contestant in The Portland Journal ASKS SEPARATION V FROM HIM AOAIN Sums in Htr Complaint That Jamts Did Threaten Her life, CaU Her . VUe Nam and Willfully Break and Smash Family China. "I "will kill you. X would not think ig you. Mnrjoris."' It would not affect me a bit". This is the Unguals that Marlorie A. M. Coles charges Jamea W, Coles with using to her after she married him the second time.' Now she wants to be divorced the second time, and a suit wss ac cordingly filed by-her te tha circuit court yesterday, afternoon. The complaint sUtes -that Coles and his wife were first married at Bridge port, Connecticut In February. 1100; that thoy now have two children Ada, aged 14 years, and Horace, aged I years:; that on January 11, H01, en complaint of Mrs. Coles, a divorce was granted her and with . the decree she was given the custody of the children and one third of aU the property. Mra Coles states that she compromised with her 'husband by agreeing te ac cept a deed to lota and 1 In block T of Mount Tabor Villa In this county. It is also alleged by Mra Coles that ImmedUtely after, she was granted a divorce her huaband begged her to re marry him, and his persuasion was so eloquent, and his promises to be good so earnest, that on April J, 101, less than three months from the date of the divorce, she did remarry him. Be avers that he ImmedUtely be ran to treat her cruelly and call her vile names and choked her when she re fused to give him 110 that he asked for. Mrs. .Coles says that her - hus band came home and asked her to go on his bond on a contract that ha had.' and when she refused "Jumped up and aaia, 'I nave a great mind to finish you right now.' He then took hold of the table and upset It, and broke all of the dishes thereon." ' i Mra Coles asks for a decree of di vorce, the custody of the children, one third of the property and 140 a month alimony. Coles is a Carpenter. Mc Allister Upton appear as attorneys for Mrs. Colea g-fehBlw" ONE DOLLAR thipavs ; H0LLADAY PARK V ' CONCERT-TONIGHT 1 . i " . The nark band will' srtva ' tha fal lowing program tonlaht at Holladav park, commencing at 7:45 o'clock: Marcn, -XMve or Ijlberty" Boouteh Overture, Bemlramlde". ...... Roetinl Walts, "Golden Sunset"... ....... .Hall Morceati ciaracterlstlo, "The Vis- . on" , ,..,Von Blon Medley of popular songs.. i.t.Rosslter ' - Intermission, f :.;. scenes from "Ernanl .......... .Verdi Flower song,' "Hearts and Flowers' Tobanl caprice elegante. .MDoueea - pro- messes" Laurendeau Kxcerpts from "Babes In Toyland Herbert Two-step, "Spirit of Independence" Frankle Rlchter hs.egiBjr9wnfcndnctoiv PROSPECTUS REGARDING NOME TO BE ISSUED The Portland board of trade will, it Is said. Usue a prospectus of the Nome Improvement company . and undertake to raise enough money by subscription to float the harbor project proposed by Captain Chilcott of Seattle. The com pany haa made an estimate of the light erage and harbor dues, and shows a handsome baUnce annually in favor of tne stocKhoiders. . PER WEEK THEREAFTER ' To those who. demand a Range that combines the sterling matyeabie qualities, artistic finish and tha best modern Im provements The Malleable? stands foremost as excelling in these featurea." Every Joint In ita thorough construction , 1 Is riveted to air-tightness, a feature which insures perfect and economical operation. In the building of The Malleable" the manufacturers have given equal consideration to every detail, with the result that they have produced a Range that is scientifically perfect. The oven in this Range la air tight, a feature which haa clearly demonstrated ita perfection In !.V' cooking and baking. .We guarantee "The Malleable" to be perfect In every part of ita construction, and our offer, alone' : is convincing of their superior qualities ; -; '!;''-.'.7;r;vv',-:,; U - ' ': TV-'-'"; -.X .' ; y''Tr'.-z . WE GIVE LIBERAL ALLOWANCE IN EXCHANGE FOR OLD STOVES AND RANGES V Tha Elfhth Week of Our REMOVAL ,'.-. SALE Offers Man ' Bargains in All Grades , - of Furniture. YWRCaEOrrf I. isaooo C0nPLETEH005E-FUm5HEn5 (fMAKcVoURl lowanitMi . :: Xnelnded ; . .'. in Our. V ; REMOVAL SALE' ', , . . Are Numerous Odd Pieces -of Every v . Deacription. Board members Interested In lrrlara. tlon are arranVIng a meeting of water users, to be held September 1 and 11 at Salem, to consider the Introducing of a water-users' code that will be appro priate w mooern and. changing oondl iw" ana 10 me rulings of the rlamstlon service. conteat now being .conducted.' He" Is soliciting subscriptions with a view to winning a scholarship in McMlnnvllle college. The family now reside in Port Und, but for the convenience of friends who wish to aid the young man sub scriptions can be left with Mra C. A Koester, who will see that Clay gets them o. K. The family have : many other friends hereabouts who would, ao doubt, be glad to help so worthy esuae and only need a reminder to send In their subscriptions to The Journal. We note that tbe young man is making a splendid race lor the coveted goal.' . . . . Toaag FeopU Zatarested. Every boy and girl Interested In an education should read over the list of schools offered as prises in The Jour nal's contest. They Include the .beat schools in Oregon, both state and. prt vats Instltutlona ' - ' Caaaoe for ataoatloa. ' Any young person who from, neces sity or choice desires to make hie own way through school during the coming year msy do -so by enlisting In The Journal contest -and -taking subscrip tions to The Journal for the neat three weeka , .;.-, , A student of the public schools who wishes to Uke sn extra course in musio may provide in advsnoe for a year's Instruction by working for a short . time. The Journal has several musical scholarships which so far there has been no call for . and these may be won eavlly. ' Valuable Technical ehoUrshlps. There are technical scholarships also. which prepare both young men and young women to become ' self-supporting. These should be In demand and will be If the right persons read this notlca,- j- ' Inquiries In person, or by letter will be cheerfully answered by the contest manager. The Journal, room 211, Port Und, Oregon. Msec at Stake. Tuition In best Oregon schoola ITlt In gold and cash commissions. Following Is tbe list of soholsrshlna with approximate cash value of each, offered as prises. Detailed information concerning them will be published from time te time, or furnUhsd.on applica tion to tbe contest department: Academy of the Koly Names, As- torla. value ma Albany College. Albany, value los Behnke-Walker Business College. Portland, value , its capital .Business college, Balem, value las M . ' Inlll T IIMINIHI I oiumoia university, Portland, ' value ioo Dallas College, Dallas, value....... los uiuespie school .of Expression, PortUnd. value no um Military Academy, Portland, value J. lot Holmes Business College, PortUnd. value lot Hoimes-Fianders Private School. Portland, value , ... loo international correspondence - Schoola Scranton. Pa, value.... lit Oregon college or Optometry Q jucaiinnviue college, MOMlnavllle. value .....v.... o Oregon State Normal, Aehland, , Oregon, cash prises and .......... ureajon conservatory or i Music, Portland , i Ons Pianoforte Scholarship, value SO0 , , une vioun Bcnoiarsnip, value.... lit , vine uuitar ana Mandolin SchoUr- . snip, value lot Pacific College, Newberg. value..... luo racino xeiegrapa institute, Port land, value .. . 12a roniana ncnooi or oomestle Scl ; , ence.; Portland W. . C, A.), value ..... ia.i oacrea tiearx Academy. -. Balem. - value las i. Marys . Acs a a my. , Portland. value too Besides the cash commissions whih tha students receive when they secure new subscriptions, cssh nurses to the total sum of 1710 will be awarded as louowe: . , . . . . , 1. A purse of IJ00 for the general es. pense of the winner while attending an r fimm insuiution providing t. A purse of 1100 to be used In tha same manner as the abova I. A purse of 1100 for IncldenUl ex. penses to supplant a scholarahln lected from the foregoing Hat. . 4. A purse of I7S In addition f Uof the foregoing scholarshlpa e. a purse or ito in addition to ana of the foregoing scholarshlpa -(. A DUraa of III tn addition ti of the foregoing scholarshlpa . - - cvass SOXATZCA. Rev. W. L. Riley. LI D.. Cuba. Jtm York, writes: "After fifteen dsva excruciating pain from scUtlo rheums tlam, under vsrlous treatments, I was Induced to try Ballard's Bnow Liniment: the flrat SDDllcatlon slvlna mv flrat re. Ilef and the second entire relief. I Van Ml m We offer tbe facilities of a well-quipped trust company, guided by the experience of successful men. In tbe care and management of your ln t tereeta If age. Ill-health, lack of .. time or any other circum stance Incapacitates you from slvlna your affairs the atten- tlon they demand, place them In our charga consult us zree- ly as to what Is best to be done to protect and further your property interesta We do a general banking and trust business, receive de- posits subject to check, pay 4 per cent Intereat on time de posits and current rates on savings aocounta . CAPZTAXs 130,00000 J. Frank Watson .... President to. L. Durham i iVtce-Presliient W. H. Fear v Secretary 8. C Catching. .Asst. SecreUry llcrchaals Inveshnent & Tnist Company: - SOT Washlngtoa Street, ij i au ovTrurrj jJ 1 RATES For 30 Days Only s.oo 3.00 5.00 7.60 -BB ft.00 Oold Crowns... ......,...S .11.00 Oold Crowns............f 10.00 Plate i 11.00 Plates , Filling, up from........ Work- auaraateed. Boston Dental Parlors S01M norrisoa Bt Opp. . O. and Bgetes m rtaak's. 17ALLA lYALLAr GETTING RIO OF ALLEGED GRAFTERS Man Who Had Soft Snaps tn Watar Department Discharged and Others to Co. Walla Walla. Wash.. Aua. ti Tnl- lowing an expose of the way . the af fairs of the water department' In eon. structlng the new gravity water sys tem are being handled. Chairman Kirk man of tha watar committee announces h-t ..J,t..l1n... U...1. k . . i. wiiLiimu tmm , .111, WIIU WSS drawing 1210 a month as Inspector and timekeeper, and H. 8. Crowell, a time keeper, hare been discharged. The water committee also announced that some half dosen Inspectors and time keepers now employed on the pipe line win oe laid off next week. ' ; Members of tne council are making Making" imvertisinff Ml '-'-.,' '.'...... .-.-.,-4.1-jcv ': aaaS' ,,,,-, ; ..... jraynior-:itseii:;r .uThc-initiaUnvestmentJn-adverttstng-ca ny-inmosU cases f 2 be small. After the start there is no "expense " to ddvertis ing. Because good advertising pays for itself. ; ? ; f v V w HERB do the tremendous Western Ideas have brought to ua the advertislntr aooroDrlations come from, Mr. Business Man Certainly NOT out of capital , ; , No,they are made up byreduciflnfllie" cost of selling, by eliminating conces sions and extra discounts to the trade, by maintaining prices on a firmer or even higher basis. .,; : V-:V'-' Because by advertising1 vou create de mand from the consumer for your goods. . If s easier to sell goads for which there is consumer demand lience less ' expensive. y , Jobbers and Retailers MUST sell goods for which there is consumer demand hence no need for concessions or extra , discounts to the trade. When Jobbers and Retailers MUST, sell your goods, they buy at your price, and you can make it, and keep it, a safely profitable price. I ;' But you must get what you pay for . consumer demand.;-.;' ;:"-.t- We want to show you what we do to assure successful results from adver tising. v - '.:;.:'.-. We want to show you how we put the Western Spirit of Aggressiveness backed by Facts, Initiative and Push into every advertising proposition that we handle , . aggressive advertising men or America ' until today more $5,000, $10,000 and!, $20,000-a-year brains are enrolled on : . jDurtaff.toprepare. advertislntcam palgns than in any other three adver-,, tising organizations in the country. ' We want to show you how these men . will handle your proposition basing" . their work upon the Lord & Thomas Record of Results a $100,000 compila tion of recorded results from thousands of advertisements of hundreds of com- moditles in All rood newspapers and ' other media the only tangible basis , ever devised for advertising; ' ' . ' We want to tell you all this, Mr. Con- ' servative Business Man, in a personal ' heart-to-heart talk. We want to show you how to start advertising with a" small appropriation and make it "pay -'. .foritself., ;a.,;,.;v....,- . , , . One of ouf representatives Is in your v city every few. days looking after the interests of some of our present clients. . That is why we are advertising1 in this , newspaper to you NOW. - v.- A letter granting us ah interview In your office will not obligate you in any -'way.; -': : ,r v-.;,:; . n,U : ,i - .,.', ' V '-: '' . v Wo ars lisalug a series of small books ' (dotb bound) covering; advertising in all its phases, , which wo sendttse to interested advertisers. - Lord & Thomas CHICAGO V ' - MA.O AZIXK - OTJTDOOH ' AjyynsRTiSESGc laAItOEST ADVERTISWa AGENCY XX AMERICA NEWYORK Oa. ILOO. Woedard. Clarke A Co. aa Uvestlgatloa of the payrolls foUow- ing the insinuations that they have been padded and some startling Information Is expected to be unearthedbefore the Investigation Is completed. . A Mystery Mohred. How to keep oft perlodlo attack's of biliousness and habitual constipation was a mystery that Dr. King's New Life Pills solved for me," writes John N. Pleasant of Maanolia. Ind.t Tha onlv pills that are guaranteed to glvattarfect satisfaction te everybody or money re- uniy i at axoumore urug.vo. funded. SUITS FILED TO COMPEL ? SALE OF TIMBER LAND (Special -DIspateb te The UnerasM Eugene, Or Aug. U. Charles 1L rChlck, a wealthy timber buyer of Grand Rapids, Michigan, who has been buying several thousand acres of timber land up the McKensle river In lane county during ths last few months, haa begun suit la the circuit court against,, x. Bridges, former register of the lend office at Roseburg, to force the' per formance of a contract made with Chick and his associates for the sale of T0 acres of timber land in township IT south, range 4 east . It is alleged, that Bridges on 'August" 14, 100, sntered into an sgreement with ' Chick to sell this land st fiO per acre, but that later he repudiated the contract and so notified the plaintiff, others who made contracts to sell land to Chick have repudiated them and suit vrtU prob ablgtbe brought against than, ' . , . v 1 '"J '