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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
t::3 o:::::i daily journal, tohtlakd. thuhsday LY.:;i;:a aucuzv 1 V ' i t '" A LiiJELY OLD SQUAW LAST OF. V " ONCE POWERFUL CALAPOOIAS -,-. i mm "J' 't Indian Iixe, Last of th Calapoola Tribe. . AlbtD,Or.cAn. !. "Indian Lis, ft the UK ef he -Caiepoole a one pow-i- rful India . tribe inhabltatlng these I " turti,' imUm In - Brownsville, - In this county. She' doe net know - her t , age, but says --the- she - - distinct ;'' remembrance of tha coming of tho whlta " man an(T their first ettlement in this county d4 valley. ' Even at that early data ah.' waa a crown woman and tba aquaw of ona of tha most powerful ana . important af tba Calapoola tribesmen, I bavins eJindren' fpspooses) of. bar own. f Considering thaae ; facta, -.-ne doubt aha Is wH elon toward tha century- mark, f Old. decrepit and blind. It -la necessary V to wait Xiv her as If she ware child; J It being necessary. to prepare her meaia , and take, them to her, piaee bar In bed .4 at nights .and see that she doea not get ' lost In endeavoring to follow seme of I the old tralla of tha neighborhood. The county court of Una county al- low lira- B. . Cushman 14 pa moMh-j n aa an allowance to assist ner tn earing v, for ber.' .ask by no means easy or to be desired. The old Indian woman was J, born tn "Linn county, oq the banks of t-the Caiapoola liver, near i Crawfords i" villa; where aha spent her childhood H days.' never haVlnt 'left 'the' scenes of ' her early .lire. for any great length of time. , . .' t .. . .. J::, Astl f ftVMftl MM. . ' ' t With hef wlir paaa -away the last of t; tha Calapoola ao Indian tribe that was 4 always friendly to the whites, often ' ' assisting -them- In their warfare against (.other hostile tribes and chieftains. "In- ' ian 1A- n-"the last or them, and In br lonely existence there ia much to excite aha sympathy of the more .fortu nate i ones. ' Without tepee, husband. 4 ; children or tribesmen, she awalta the call to . that "happy hunting ground" and that bourne to which her dear ones and her fathers have long ago preceded her. There--nono of -thelfa,-ao dear to every child qf the foreat. to beckoh her, or children and loved onea to care for and 'protect ber in tier declining years. .. . ? . . J- - The oldest settlers speak of having known her. and say that often have they seen her in company with her husband and children migrating from place to place. The Indian . waa ever a nomad, wandering from place to place In'quest of . game Or flatting grounds. Leading his ponies with all his possessions. In cluding wlfa and children, the Indian would penetrate the densest wilderness to satisfy his longing for new and plen tiful grounds of game and fish. . ' cia Types sapiaiy van a. ; These old Indian types are rapidly vanishing. It Is but a few years ago Since me inaian was ma irpiwrni elng. hla gaunt and alnewy form much admired for Its strength and rugged virility.' Tribe after tribe baa paaaed away, and today wa have the spectacle of a race strong la their native and nat ural environment, unable to withstand the stress and strain of modern condi tions, rapidly passing into the history ef the past. . . , -, ...;! , The Calapootaa for a long time were stationed on the Grand Ronde Indian reservation. At the close of the Rogue rtver Indian war General Palmar was obliged to-separate the IS tribes at the agency, on account of war and tribal hatred oxletent - amongst themselves. Together ' with other tribes ; they were removed to the Bllets Indian reserva tion, from which place they annually would wander. JhUtuxJAd thither., mak "if Household Specials For Tlwrsday, Friday ; Saturday Little money tavert that make it worth your while to " take advantage of. -Something here you use every day. -' ' ' ' , ' Packace.,..;.'; .'r ; k Packaee. Bone Acidw...W......36f ; Cascara Barlr .. . ' , sJif Borax ............. .... .12a Flax Seed . . 8e Bicarbonate Soda V.... -e-LFlajd Seed, ground...... 8t Cream-Tartar 34;:Ba119 77. .7f v c"u " - "Sal Soda ............... 7e EpsomSahs 6,, Cider Preservative 25 J Rochelle Salts .......... 7 .'. Sugar Milk ... .29 Alum,; powdered ....... e Sea Salt.': . .12et 22, 35 Compound Licorice, po.; Of - Persian Insect ' -J - - Bird Seed . . .'. . . 7e" Powder. . . .8f, 12f, 21 Soda Phosphate ...... . .lOf Camphorated Chalk. f .vi- 8 Prepared Chalk . ....... 8 Chalk and Orris. ....... 8s -Sulphur v.:..........-.. 7 Precipitated Chalk".:. V.; ' 8 CALIFORNIA OLIVE OIL . ' Expressed from selected olives from the great orchards of : Califomia--deliciqus, healthful a thousand-dollar guarantee . insures our oil to be 100 per cent pure. - - . . 'vNTS...:.:..:......v ...; ....50c . ' ' . '- QtAaRITS ""M"M.ta. MMMMtlk.. S5C ' , GALLONS . $5.50 Shavers Rtientionf- : '.-; I -s t'-.- V-;',. ,t j . ;,. . rSntcty Razor 4'93' Regular ti.CO Razor 24 blades, 10 shaves to a. blade . tZi shaves. Shaves year and a half, no cuts, no cussing, no Jioning or stropping, in fact, ever-ready. . - FCl'.jL...ILCL'IuEliEliStF fiXCXER QDUflStRS "' .v '."; ' . . ; Filipinos " Who' Fad American's ; Body to Sharks Captured by . Secret Servica Agent. ' rSpeelal Dlsptteh tS The loarasLt : Tacoma. Aug. 21. The oriental liner Bhawmut. Captain Roberta, arrived yea- terday. Among her paasengers was r. rrtm without a oai 'Mi-Tshiii.' who Is lit the .employ .off aange" -haMt forming ragei the government aecret eervlce, and has been at Manila investigating the. mur der of Baldy Rogers, a- prominent cus toms broker, well known on the Pacific coast. '. . ' Recently he was killed by two .Fili pinos whom he had engaged to row him from Cavlte to' Manila.' After killing him . and robbing tha body the . men threw, the remains Into the water, where A II--vy Lcd to Cory. Alonwitli dytnepala fomje nervo"-MiulnnmlU-MlL Why? ie- eauae a 4.ordered stomach doe not pet nit the food to be properly digested, and i's produeu aaslmllaud by the system. The blood la charged with poisons which come from this disordered digestion, and la tarn Ue nerves are not fed oa good, red blood, and wa tea symptom of nerv ousnesa. sleepleesnete and gsnerai break down. It Is not bead work, nor over phy sical exertion that doea it, but poor stom ach work. With poor, thin blood tha body Is not protected against tba attack of germs of grip, bronchitis and connu mo tion, lortliy ue Doay at once wnu xjr. Pierce's Golden' Medical Dlaeovsrv a rare eotnblnaUon of aaUve medicinal roots without a parUcla of alcohol or tngewus aaati forming aragst A little hook of extracts, from oroml- nant medical authorities extolling every Ingredient contained In lr. P1rcers Golden Medical Uleoovery will be mailed Ares to- any address on. request by postal card or letter. Address Dr. E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . . . . Many years of active pracUca convinced Dr. Pierce of tha value of many native roots as medicinal agents and he went to sharks devoured the trunk. Both the! treat P". m . iTTyJ i . L nN-fxt-.t hit own necullar Drocesaee for iy wi" , ill, the wftarlng them bafflcjandj assistance of the Manila - authorities, discovered and arreeted the murderers. Aftef the arrest one of them confessed the deed, and both bave been tried and sentenced, to' death. - w The, Bhawmut - had a serious experi ence wttlv fire while going from Kree lung to AoJI oa her voyage" eastward. The blase, which ia attributed to spon taneous combustion, broke out In the storeroom, where a quantity of oil and Inflammables are kept. It waa discov ered by one of the Chinese crew, and for four hours a number of streams or water, were kept playing on It before it was subdued. , Ths paasengers were kept in Ignorance of the fire until the next day. The damagea were principally con fined to the cargo. ... . , Ing pilgrimages to the valley towns, sell ing Indian baskets, gathering Macnper- riea and working in the hop fields, so as to gather aufficlent eupplles for ths winters cold. i Today It la the rarest of occurrences to meet an Indlsn In our midst having quietly and silently passed to that place that knows no pain or sorrow. Ere long the last remnant of these vast hordes that formerly occupied these wilderness retreats In early days will be no more. and live only In the titatory of our peo ple as' a raoe that haa been and today more. , J.T... tonic, alterative and rebuilding agents. Tha enormous popularity of Golden Medical biacoverv la due both to its scientific compounding and to tha actual medicinal value of Its Ingredient. The publication of the Names of tAe inoredi eittt on the wrapper of every bottle sold, gives fall assure oca of Its non-alcoholic character and remove all objection to the use of an unknown or aecret remedy. It la not a patent medicine nor a secret one either, This fact puts it t a class all by itstlf, bearing as It doe mpon every bottle wrapper The Badge of Honesty, in the full lint of Its Ingredients. Tha 'Golden Medical Discovery cure, weak stomach, indigesUon, or dyspepsia, torpid liter and biliousness, ulceration of stomach and bowles and all catarrhal af fections no matter what parts or organs may be affected with K Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are tha original little liver pills, first put up 40 yean ego. They regulate abd invigorate, stomach, liver and bowels. Much Imitated but never equaled. 8ug ar-eoated and easy to take a candy. One to three dose. . RICH MEN DUPES (Continued from Page Ona) opened her matrimonial bureau In West Seventy-third street mansion. Bhs worked the "personal" columns of newspapers to great advantage from the very start When the love bualneas got too heavy to handle alone aha went for Mr. VerraulV and that accommodating young woman promptly left her hus band.' . Then began a rush of business for the "personal" columns and a steady procession of love-lorn men and fortune hunters to the brown-stone front on Seventy-third street. Mrs. Brown did notsly enUrely upon the advice of Mr.Verrault In the selec tion of the victims, but had around ber several younger women and a few men, moot of whom have figured In the de velopments of the last few days. Mrs. Brown's pretty daughter, Helen, donned a maid's outfit and waited on the table and .helped In the luring of vlo tlm. . , BtrfcTerraaOVa Career. Mr Verrault was born bout II yeara ago, in I ronton, Wisconsin. Her maiden name was Bin Flnnegan. When In her teens she was girl of rare beauty. Taking a sudden dislike to the name of Flnnegan,' ahe had herself called Bin Forreetre. Blna Flnnegan went to Philadelphia In 11 and Jlhersat a boaxdln house Verrault met her. He waa captivated by her pretty face and on February II of that year they were married. When the honeymoon waa a week old Mrs. Verrault waa caught ahopllftlng la a Philadelphia store, according to her husband, and was sent to Jail. After aha left her husband for Mrs. Brown, he went to the letter's home and made a scene trying to get hla wife to return. Shortly after he waa waylaid on lhe etreet, held faat by two - male friends of the women while hie wife and Mr Brown lashed him unmerdlfuUy with blacksnake whip Victor Browne, who poeee as - s atnilptoirldd'theon-nn-Wcumg their victim . DEVELOP OREGON OIL (Continued From Page On) flash and a flam of gaa shot Into the air six or eight feet, and continued te burn steadily. .... v,-'. wtaadare OU Ha There. ; " A Blanaara Oil agent who has exam ined It says the gas is pure petroleum gss. It Is believed that an oil reservoir exists under the Ontario district, and that the place Is on the verge of an oil end gss boom that will rival Texaa and Kansas field Don Carloe Boyd, an On tario ctttsen. Who Is visiting In Portland, said "This region was formerly the bed of lake, and every Indication exists that It Is underlaid by ell and coal. A die. covsry of fins coal baa been made about 10 miles east of Ontario, Specimens have been burned and found to be nrst elaae fuel." The railroad that that haa been built from Ontario to Vale under arrange ment with the O. R. N. company Is nearly reedy to begin operation. It la believed the road will go no further thajL.Vale unless rival lines build Into the territory and force the O. R. N. company to build through central Ore gon, connecting the' natron extension with tha Vale terminal. - The company haa made ' a aurvey about it miles and located Its Una through Malheur canyon, which is re garded as a strategic move. : Berne yeara ago the Corvallla de Eastern, having projected an extension of He line from Idahn through central Oregon to the Snake river, appropriated the Malheur canyon right of way, packed rails on mules Into the canyon and laid a track te hold the route. The road never was built further. Most of the rails have disappeared. Some of them were ap proprlated by homesteaders, who by hitching a horse to each end Of a rail and dragging It over tha land, found this a ranld way to . remove aageorusn. Other portions of ths trsck have been covered with drifting ssnds, THIRTY-F00T-H0RS - FOSSIL IS UNEARTHED (Joaraa! Special Srne.) "' Butte, Mont.. Aug. fl. ine fossilised skeleton of a giant horse haa been dis covered tn - the big Sweetwater divide fossil aeda by archaeologists. The dis covery overthrows the exploited theory that the: horse wsa evolved .from- smsll five-toed animal, 'the remains of which are found In the Wyoming foanll bade. This skeleton is 80 feet long and fully a tall and In an excellent atate ef j preservation. The glsnt horse was an I herblverous animal and ita Jawbone dls I plays powerful fr'naefS, which axe but l-llMJ aefcavSA - ; J- Y ' : 1 WHOSE BEAUTIFUL BABIES " : WERE DESERTED? ; Two Pretty Infants Left Uncalled - for by - Well-Dressed ; Young Man. (Soaraal Special Service.) Los .ngeles, Aug. St. Where are the father and mother of two beautiful ba bies left last Friday morning at a houae on North Bonnie Brae street near Tem ple etreet T This 1 the question which humane officers e.nd nsslstanta are. fry ing te find an answer to. Early Friday morning a well-dressed man caUed at the house, where a woman sometimes take babiea to be cared for. With him were a girt of ttt year and a boy of II months. "I want to leave my children her My wife will come oa the next car and bring their clothes and give you full particulars," aald he. '1 muat hurry to my work before I o'clock." With that ha was gone. He gave the name of the elder as Rosalie Cronlnv The woman hourly expected' the moth, er, who didn't come however, end feel ing that ahe could keep the children no longer the woman telephoned the hu mane aoelety. - . -a Since Friday the little girl haa aald almost nothing, and the boy la too young to talk. Both children . are unusually beautiful. Both looked ss If they -bad been used to the best cars and wore rich dresse l-j!ayhomdCLorott want Jojeajnors than anyone else," was asked, ana the enua (taped "Auntie May." "A mamma, papa and an Uncle Har ry." are ether poasesslons of Roaaile. according to her atory. . Th woman at whose house they were lert aescnoes the young man as blonds, tall, wealing a gray suit and straw hat . lM TO RECOVER KEY LOAKED S. A. D. PUTER Wisconsin - Men Who Took Forged Land Certificates File ; Suit Roseburg. (Special Dtopatek te Tke losraal.) 'Roseburg, Or., Aug.. it 8. A. D. Puter, who is now serving a. It months' sentence for complicity in the Oregon land frauds, la one of the defendanta In a ault filed la the circuit court here today br Wade . H. Richardson and Charles O. Forater of Milwaukee, Wis consin. The ault la to recover IS.000, alleged to be dwlng from Puter on a promissory note, and on which he gave aa aecurity forged certificates of sale of school lands In Oregon. The other defendanta In the caae are Oeorge Baldwin and the Commercial Na tional bank of Appleton. Wisconsin, who. It is alleged, bought the -original cer tificates of sale from Puter, be ahowlng tha. plaintiffs the forged copies and also an abstract from the clerk of the Ore gon atate land board abewing him to be the purchaser of the land The plaintiffs ssk the court to de mand of Baldwin and the Commercial National bank' of Appleton, Wisconsin, to show the amount of money advanced to Puter on the original certificate and also ask for the aale of the lands, ths proceeds of the sale to be applied first to the payment of the amounts advanced by Baldwin and the bank ana the bal ance to be applied toward the payment of the promiasory notea held by the plaintiff ; ' . i srew Ores an wise la Washington. Farmlngton, Wash., Aug. XI. A Chi cago company win estsonsn a creamery here that will handle the mllklnge of 1.000 cow The fsrmers and business men of this section have subscribed to 16,000 worth of the capital stock of the enterprise, end the work of constructing a building and Installing the machinery will commence at one A creamery will arso be established at Palouse City by the same company. " ' Native Beat for AU Did lve j CIZ rvi Kldaey trouble. BbevsnattsaB, Nervowa vVeaka, No Alcohol. OMnM. kfomry m my pam we tn A Feed UtMtmm, mat a drv4.Ja MS It at Dnti 'pa Hetli t J fa nd tv "Ttlsserrs mttvb rcim co. r-V. ' i V ' l i I - II fil l 11.11 ....... - I.. - .:-..:.'.- :i IT IS BEST SOLVED BY USHIQ maim umm One-Third of life . s IhtiL Thlliu" T3h Quarto Disconnected r . ... -. Answered ' " Do you trite in the morning rested and repaired, . a new person, hed clear, muscles trong , nd .'"i ,. every vestige' of yesterday's fatigue, vanished? ;If not ,vj ;v , , ; j , , , c" i THERE IS SOHETIliKG WRONGS The bed is to the alumberer a third of life-lwhat bread is to the waking hour a builder of vital : force and of mental and physical energy.S " ': . J." ,'V; ', . ':';' , '-'; " A Mattress Discovery of Great Importance MADE OF SPECIAL CROSS-WEBBED DOWNY COTTOffPELT, IN POUR PARTS as ':' shown aboft), and -joined by timple and secure fastenings into a. perfect MATTRESS, tat' pictured ; Below. . . ' . v :- 7.. '-: -.,.'' ,!. v: IfKctSat-r isfcetcry Honey i: Refunded' Try It for Thirty r.MHt v '" , 0 :yy :Ce JJuarto lonnoctedl 4 A MATTRESS to be perfect muit possets all qualities of COMPORT:. SoftneatlElattldty - snd Resilience HYGIENE: Primal Purity and Non-Absorption; and ; pURABIUTYt Uniform t and ; ; ; Lasting Surface. ; , ' "' " ' ' '. y' .'''''' v- - THIS MATTRESS pottettei all . these qualities It ia the most elastic and softest made. Hygienically perfect because built of anow white cotton and absolutely non-absorbent. '. . MOST DURABLE because an . occasional aun bath and a change in the position of the eectiont V ' la all that is needed to keep it in as good condition as 'when new. EASIEST HANDLED became: ' made in four sections (each weighing. 11 pounds), enabling you to bang the Mattress on the line., for airing aa easily as a pillow. ' , .-' -,,. -. - ' ;;..'.! The covering is the finest quality 'of linen ticking, which is easily sponged when soiled., . a DEMONSTRATION IN OUR SHOW Vi'lfJDOV Every day until Saturday, including Saturday evening, we will have with us Mrs. E. K. Jacobs, the expert,-who will expatiate on the. unexcelleoVqualities of the . -. t; , V V ' Quarto-Mattre3-The Price io 020 OiO 17) ASTBmT OUtJtTTlJIO ClgAjjnrJAgCTUgtHIJi ' ',; 'f-iK ''yy,':--y:-, - ' y:S::y'r: .-J y -yy-', "Clearing Reductions ON LADIES' SUMMER GARMENTS -WefterjthescrwccpingTTCd to close out all tailormkdc summer Suits before wc, moyie into our hew store. This Sale means a de-' cided saving to all who purchase before we move. Garments are of the very highest class, every way. t: $18 TO $30 WASH SUITS ; FOR $6:50, ' All lightweight and linen wash Suits which sold all summer for Cf) ' ! $18 to $30 your choice now . . . -; . . ; .; . . pU.eJU V; CASH OR CREDIT, AS YOU LIKE PRICE IS THE SAME $10 WASH SKIRTS FOR $275 ' t All lightweight and linen wash up to $10 your choice now sh Skirts which sold all summer JJ O 7C CASH OR CREDIT, AS YOU LIKE PRICE IS THE SAME I If you fell to attend this Removal Sale"! you will miss many rare bargains such I as offered -above. Come tomorrow. sJ ' ' V- i - A'y Eastern Outfitting Go Ths Stors Whtrf Your Credit Is Good V- Washington and -Tenth Streets .! ....