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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
03 p-nV f 1 n r r T7i-.-- r , .. m i ill V. , if till ' III - .. ' . I I I " 1 f sa, Y T 1 1 ; .5 ' Unparalleled barjiins will make this Friday a mernortbli Ciy in ths Suit Room. Cleiranct prices cbtain on every garment in ordjr to m-fce room for new importations. ' Here's your chance to get a, late summer or early iaii garment tor very.uttie. lere are three representative values, Good Merchandise' only -Quality considered our Price are always the Lowest. C!IoE2y-SatLr.n Mtey Damans 'of-Junr-yadalnty, smart rfN ijt2Hr&jfi& WaisU that have L ""Yr ""V" " v B0d wgu'riy up to t2.50. Made YYv VifUv fir", .i 3 7 l25ngTggta Sa Satis Itr SMS Just twenty fortunate 'women will - be able to get one of these fine Taf- iei diuc ,ouits ai tnia remarkable bargain price.;) They come in plait ed and lace-trimmed effects; colors.' black, navy,; .gray. ; Alice blue and green. A wonderful bar- fcn Q C gain for. . . .,7. .;. . . . . . W.Oa " 'i s- V '17 rt ' f , !" urVtflfa la urn In W eu vv rviu tucked, plaited and . embroidered styles; also a' few,. lace; trimmed- effects. While they last, YQ f riday-nly. . . . . i , tt . rmw1 S3.53 Wtitt lyklkjn SMrtsfcrSUS A lot of 45 White Union Linen Walking Skirts that will, melt away ' quickly when Portland women see how carefully they're'made and how smart they are. Both plaited and gored styles; sold regu- 170 Aiipsl larly at $3 and $3.5Q. . . 4'', r ,' H if - ft 4 i Sale,.lcec Curtains A very special opportunity to buy at the very beginning of fall the Curtains that " you will pay regular prices for two weeks J from now. There is a large variety of J new patterns in Cluny, Irish Point Lace, R"tnce, , Corded Arabian, Cable Net. and Nottingham effects, in both white" : and Arabian colors. Many patterns and some , of the best bargains may not last the day out; so come early. , v; Reg. $4.00 Curtains, special; pair. .$3.10 i Reg. $5.00 Cnrtains, special, pair. .$3.98 V'f Rf g..$6.50 Curtains, special, paif . .$4.98 Reg. $7.50 Curtains, special, pair. .$5.98 Reg. $8.50 Curtains, special, pair. .$6.68 XlciacjLBBigjJnevery department Friday-Scores of bavgains besides those advertised. ' Here is some of the best store news lor Friday. . EveryT bargain advertised here is a genuine special bargain a lower price -than you can obtain at any other store today. Better than that- you can buy It in Portland's most reputable store admittedly, the store of quality and .V-,:;; . .reliability, .ty- ' . ijJSreatHiicl lliaeryClearcccc WonderfuT bariraini these. but the lots are small .' So ife' we v advise you "Come early.". y C--.- S3 lo $8 TrtestJ Dress Cats 35c The entire stock at this oneprice, without reserve; both plain and fan cystraw and hair braid hats, taste fully trimmed; former . 0Cf prices as high as $3. Choice. . OK 58c to l Puck gad llatn Cats 19c Trimmed and untrimmed; also the entire stock of Ready-to-Wear Duck Outing Hats f regular prices f f to $2.00. 5 Now . . , iyi; r.'A r icA .7 a jru . wry. 25c to $1.59 HtzlyAbXitze and Un Irtaatd Strw Et!s Caly 8c! You will surely have use for one of these Hats to finish out the season; new Milan,' Chip and Fancy Straw Shapes; regular prices to $1.50, for only ....... ...... . ...... . . .. . .8t 19c to 50c Flowers; Fr!. Special 5c They're just ,as good as when they cosf 50c, but they'll go at 5f to make room for new stock. v andTChildrcn's Wear r.IIalfPrlce The entire balance of our stock pi Infants' .and Children's Hate, Caps, Bonnets, Pique Coats, Col ored Lawn and Chambray Dresses goes into this U-price clearance sale. Here are savings that come but once in a season: . Bats, Dtps and Bonnets Regular . . . . .50c 75c $1.00 $1.35 $1.75 $2.0f $2.25 Sale Price... ,85c 40c 50c 70c 90c $1.00 $1.15 Sale 49c and 89c Scissors and Shears 29c This is the . greatest value of . its kind ever offered in Portland.' Good cast steel Scissors-and Shears, finely finished,-5 to 9 inches long; some with straight, others with curved .handles. They 'will give good satis- - Or faction and are worth much more than this special sale price.. .,.ttjt f Uw gad Cfcanbray Dresses Regular 75c $1.00 $1.35 $1.75 $2.00 $2.60 Special Price..... 40c 50c 70c 90c $1.00 $1JW '. v '': t ; Piqne Coats -fr; -r;-----j----1 Regular .. . . ; . . .$2.25 $2.60 $3.00 $3.50 $3.75 $7.00 Special Price.... $1.15 $1.85 $1JS0 $1.73 $1.90 $3.50 mm Every Summer Waistcoat, selling, regularly at tltO all C-!j t. tr, w!3 be sold fcr v n They're rr.zls cl i-.t quality Oxlzrl ' some white ground v.IJj small figures or stri;i; also dark effects.. If your size is here you can nave ' ....SKC3 Yonr New FtH Sl!rt b Ztzj fcrTca The early fall shirts are: awaiting your inspectionsmart and ; new. They're made of new, patterns .in and cost only 91.00 , g Ken's CsaiiercMefs ZzZzzzl t 5cti 12'c Special lot of Men's Hemstitched -auanr, f ! anH pfemlM.j quality, reduced to. erh , ...aJL- leyll.look lust jaJittlerogrter--iiMgi'apui and cost only $1.00 V CI CA Initial Handkerchiefs, all Initial Handkerchiefs, all n letters, 20c quality for... L C,; . Frifloy c?2, 5Cc Hosiery 25 4 7 h4 For Special Friday Sale we will of- ) fer a special assortment of odds and ends of extra fine imported Hosiery, mostly black, none of which are 1 ; worth less than 50c a pair.'. Both lisle and cotton, in plain or lace ef- ' fects.' We shall place the entire lot ' on sale Friday and Saturday at the f remarkable bargain price of Note Early shoppers will get the best assortment ( Come early. . . ; 75c end 3Sc Sample Jeivclry Sale 18c 5 ; This Is a special sample lot of new Jewelay Novelties that, having been 'on inspection as samples, were closed out to us below their regular value. ' .Real values. 35c, 50c and 75c , J - Assortment consists of Brooches, Cuff Pins, Belt Buckles,! Hat ; J fine and Belt Pins. ' Very.. special at .. .... . . . . . . , . . ... .'. .18f ' : , Written Paper and Enveiope Sale , A special Friday sale of the 'world-famous Eaton-Hurlbut Stationery pa . per and envelopes, in the latest novelty shapes. . . - New shapes in gray, white and blue. Paper is regularly worth V ; ::-w;;:. ri2Qc and 30c a quire and the envelopes 20c to 30c a package. "7.r7 ' 7 v 80c to 30c aper,' quire! . , . . ." .10 j 20c to 30c Envelopes, package. 10 riUSTRIUG DELLS OlilGGiOM Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers : Ara Busy Instructing Would - Be Navigator. ISSUE CIRCULAR LETTER ' : GIVING NEW REGULATION Launch-Owners - Consider Some of ' Equipments Called for UnneccHary and Comolain of the BxDcnM butl'J1 ' - -riow: Inspectors Set Them Right " Mer. Edwards and .Fuller," Inspae - tor ef hulls and bollara, ara lasulnr cir , rular lattara to launch ownera oaJllnf : thalr at,tantloi) to the act of, Congrcaa approvM May i, iioa, ana tn united Btatea Impaction .law which require a ; lanr amount of equipment for the pre i ventlon of aeoldenta and loaa of life. "Ownera of launches appreciate the ln ' structlona, -thar say,- particularly be ' raua the requirements are so many now " that it would be impoaaibla to remember half of them unlean. written down' ia ' alphabetical order.- ' Some of the launch , men hare called upon the Inspectors i and sought enlightenment as to- what uses some of the paraphernalia they are ' required to carry shall be put to. Ono man. for- Instance, could, see no. use In -' carrying- a large tbell when his launch '' wss supplied with a siren. - He was not : familiar with , the law providing that a vessel 'at anchor In a fog must keep ' her boll ringing at regular Intervals. He - ', thought It an unnecessary expense to j -Scarry the bell, since he never went boat- j . Ing In foggy weather. I .5 Following la a list of the equipment tons gross and under: 'i One licensed -officer (dual license "for Pilot and engineer): , one whlatle, oper I ated - by compressed aln or -soma , mo- chanlcat means, capable of giving a con tlnuous blaal -of sot leas than four sec onds duration: a life preserver for every person on board, these life pre servers, to pass United Btatea inspec tion the same as on a steam vessel, each life preserver to be marked . with the name of -the boat; . one eight-inch fog bell: . regulation, side lights (properly fitted with screens), after range Ugh to be not less than wevea feet above the foi weidtisht; ' 1 1 ' - 1 jj ' '" Open veasela of under ! tons gross, carrying passengers tor hire, may have a six-Inch fog bell In lieu or an eight inch fog bell, and may carry a combina tion side Ught in lieu of the regulation side lighta In all other respects she must comply with all the requirements of a voaC or IB lung gross anor under. Closed vwasels of any tonnage (one to fifteen tons) must be equipped the same as vessels of It tons gross and under. Pleasure yachts (gas, gasoline, petrol turn, naphtha, fluid or electricity), must comply with all the above requirements. with ths exception of the licensed offi cer and the life preservers. Tour particular attention- Is called to section of law which reads as fol "Board of local Inapeotors shall sua- pend .or revoke the license of operators or navigators of motor-vessels of It tons -gross or less, referred to In this act,, for misconduct, gross negligence. recklessness In navigation. Intemperance or violation of law on part of holder and. If, revoked, the person holding such license shall be Incapable of obtaining another such' license for ono year from the date of revocation. ' " "A penalty of 1600 ta provided In sec tion 4500 of the revised statutes for a violation Of the law for not carrying life preservers, as required bythls act." - OFF: FOR THE HOP FIELDS. Families Art Bagimaiag o fcooato Year ' Tarda Along tbe Blvor. Hnpplckers are beglnnina- - to leave tor me ileitis along the Willamette river and soon the heavy exodus -will be on. Several families left on the steamers today and others have brought, their baggage, to the docks ready for snipmont. - , With the opening of the aeason. ad ditional .boats will likely be put on from this city for up-river rxilnts. so that all who wish to Join the crowd may do so without much trouble. The Oregon City' Transportation oomnanv nas arrangeo to nave three steamera In commission for the season. These will is pi Ui THE POLICY-HOLDERS' COMPANY - " , Clean, Economical, Well Managed f A Mdst Desirable; Company to Insure in M ' v ' ' '" - ' ' . . Home Office, Commonwealth Bldg., Sixth and Ankeny Sts, , ., - ' Fortiand uregon ; ; , . A. L. MILLS. President - be the Pomona, Oregona and Altona. Owing to the low stage of the river. these boats run as far as Salem- only, but , the large majority - of the yards are. located tnls. side, of the capital city. At present the greater number of pickers are going to points this side of the mouth of the TamhUl river. , BARK IN COLLISION. Toilers Btetaras to -. - twos Waea BoaaA for VcrUaad. A dispatch from 'Ban Francisco to the Merchants' exchange today states that the French bark Marechaer de Vllliers, en route from Antwerp to Portland with ergo of Blunt, retumad to Aat yesterday for re pa Ira, having been dam aged In collision with the steamer Kau gal. I The Marechael do Vllliers la soppoeed to have left Antwerp yesterday morn ing and collided with the steamer be fore retting far out to see. The opinion here ta that she got mixed' up with one or the many steamers In 'the coastwise traffic' and that she was only slightly damaged. . The cargo Is consigned - Astoria. - Aug. ' II Sondltlon ' of the bar at I a. m., smooth; wind northwest weather foggy, thick outside. Arrived dbwn at 10 JO a. m. and sailed at noon, steamer Mlonlan, for Honolulu. San Francisco, Aug. 21. Arrived, steamer Aurella, schooner Carrier Dove, brlgantlns Lurllni, from Portland;' F. H. ueggett and log - raft, from Astoria. Sailed yesterday, schooner Oliver Olsen, for Portland. - l.lwkrrwvkl - Ailtf 91 -.Irrivl Hit.,. ler A- Co. of this city and to believed to consist Of about 20,000. barrels. SKIPPER TAKES FALL.- OaptaU ' A. . Oraaam Break Wane Ooaattaur Say Bales. Captain A. B. Oraham. manager of me Oregon City Trantportatlon com pany, 1 nuralng a broken arm and slnos the Injury ' la In the elbow he may have . to gesticulate with on hand for some time. Captain Orahain' met with the acci dent Monday, morning while juggling witn some rrelght on the Taylor atreet dock. In counting a lot of baled hay nis root, caught under the bale wire. tripped the skipper with the result that he landed head first on the deck. In some manner the left arm got the worst or the deal. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. L. SAMUEL, Gen. Mgr. CLARENCE S. SAMUEL, Asst. Mg. ZlVtSRJZ The schooner O. M. KeUogg left down this morning, bound for San Francisco, tn .4.ooe reet or lumber. The sahooner Orient has finished loading at Rainier and will probably be picked up oy tne tow on tne way down. The ' Matson Navigation - company's steamer. Hiiomaa, - Captain Johnson. sailed last' night for Honolulu direct She will return In the latter part of September. . The Britlah steamer Knight of it George commenced discharging cement at- Columbia dork this morning, and the oriental liner Numantla began loading flour at the flour mllla. The bull of the steam schooner Jim Butler srrlved Ip the harbor this tnorn- inavin 4w e o-tua- from- Orara harbor. ana was tiea up. st the new wharf cf ths Willamette Steel A Iron works, where the machinery will be Installed The Jim Butler Is one of the strongeat- duiii vessels or ner oisss on the Pa cific roast, and will be a valuable addi tion to th lumber fleet. . The steamer Alliance. Captain Kelly. a duo to arrive here this evening or to morrow morning from Kureka via Coos bay. . ' . The- Alaska Packers' association has taken advantage of the act pasaed at the last session of congress to chanse the name Of all the, vessels owned by that corporation, it has been decided that the vearela' name ahall commence England, ship - Bacluthe to Star of Alaska, bark Himalaya to. Star of Peru. bark Coallngalo Star of Chile. u MARINE NOTES. M-llUmuuiu. fiuui- Portland Antwerp, ' Aug. M. Returned yeater day, French bark Marechal de Vllliers, Antwerp for Portland, damaged In col lision with steamer ReugaL Astoria. Aug. 22. Left up at 4 p. ibl. schooner Monterey, Balled at 1:20 p. m British stsamer Bcckenham, for Bhang haL Arrived down at 7 p. m schooner A. F. Coats. PltOrCOMMISSIONER , URGE IMPROVEMENTS (Special Diapatrh ta The Jesraal.l , Salem, Or Aug. 21. In the report made today by the Oregon pilot com mlssloners to the governor the state ment Is made that th bar at th mouth of th Columbia river Is In poor condi tion. The . state pilot . schooner San Jose and the Joseph Pulltser, owned by the bar pilots, have been stationed at the pilot grounds snd have given aatls factory service. , The water on the bar I not deep enough for big vessels 'to cross except st high tide. The com missioners believe that with the annual expenditure of $50,000 the bar can be kept in good condition. Th reglatered river pilots are: Ju llus Allen. C J. Anderson, I A. Bailey, T. H. crang. H. Emkln. H. T. Groves, John Peterson, A. L. Pease, W. H. Pope, CT. Reed. W. C Snow. B. Sullivan. J, i xumer. The registered bar pilots are: A. E. Cann, C. 8. Ounderson. R. K. Howes, u. j. mc Vicar. M. D. Staples. The bar pilotage charges for the year ending June to follow: Inward bar pilotage, f 10.(00.10; outward bar pilot age. 111.404.72; total, f22.0O6.02; domes tic tonnage, 470.112; , foreign tonnag. I!.2. ' Th report Is signed by A. V. Pendle ton, prealdent; 8. Farrell, George Noland and Albert C. Ross as secretary. KELLER'S. DAUGHTER v IS TRIED FOR MURDER ' iJearaaLJpetfa! Serle.) . Moscow, Aug. 22. The trial of IVe three charged-with conspiracy In the murder of Oeneral Doubaasoff began to day. One of th accused Is the daugh ter of Oeneral Keller. Renders the bile mora fluid snd thus halpa th blood ' to flow: It affonta prompt relief from billousneaa. Indi gestion, sick ana nervous hesdaches. ni overinauiganoe in rood and drink. U. L. Caldwell. Act M. K. A T. W Cheootah, Ind. Ter writes, April II; "I wss sick for over two yeara with en largement of th liver and spleen. The doctors did me no good and had to give up an none or being cured, when y oruggiat aovisei me to use Herb n. t has made me sound and wall." tan Woodard. Clarke A Co. , . HAULS LOAD OF POWDER THR0U6lf CITY STREETS eBBBBaBBBsBasBassagBaBKaaBBBBBB Teamster of California Powder . Works Takan Up brPollc and, Askad to Explain. f Attention of th pollc was directed this' -morning to a truck loaded with three tons of Masting1 powder being driven' to the Oak street dock, in vioia tlon of th ordinance which absolutely prohibits the. storing or hauling of high explosives within the city limits. The liver of the vehicle wss brought to police headquartera by Patrolmna Rllev.He Informed the authorities that he waa employed by the California Pow der works- to haul the explosive, and that thla was the first Intimation that be had that there waa a law against ' It. Pending further Investigation ho waa allowed to. finish unloading the kega. Th powder Is to be shipped to Kern's quarry on one of the liver steamers leaving from the foot of Oak atreet. - The ordinance ooverlng the matter provides that no person shall manufac ture or cause to be manufactured, or bring Into' or cause to be brought Into, or receive or have or keep or atore or suffer to remain In any portion of the city, within (00 feet of any dwelling- house or place of. business, any blasting powder, dynamite or other explosive ma terial or compound having an explosive power greater than ordinary gunpowder. From the provisions or the ordinance It Is evident that the hauling or storing of explosives must be carried on outside of the city limits. Deputy City Attor ney Fltsgerald la Investigating the mat ter and may file a complaint against the persona responsible. - 1 v- P0CKETB00K FILLED WITH FORGED CHECKS (SBM-tal DtaDatefc t Ths JoaraaL) Welser. Ids., Aug. 22. A man giving his nam aa J. F. Graham was arrested In this city yesterday, charged with passing forged checks. - He passed ons check for 22 and attempted to pass an other, and suspicion wss aroused and he was placed under arrest In a pock stbook belonging to him were found sev eral checks filled out and signed by J. Graham and Indorsed by O. P. French. They ranged tn amounts from 17.10 to $1,600. He also had a number Of typewritten recommendations whloh p pea red to have been signed by walla Walla men. The alanaturea were all written by the sam persoiw It Is stated that GraJ am Is an ex-oonvlct, 'having served time In the Oregon penitentiary. From appearances he Is an all-around crook. and the officers are investigating bis record. Two other men were Implicated with him, but they have disappeared and officers are now searching for them. . , BRING -YOUR PRETTY FAT -i SMALL "GOOD ' BAD . BOY 'GIRL . OR . ) TWIN BABIES TO THE ! jfieatitx-Baby-5hdwh AT THE OAKS iust 25 Saturday Afternoon. Au , ... r . - S BEAUTIFUL AND COSTLY PRIZES.' " Grand Parade of Babies and Nurses at 3 P. M. Prizes for the Handsomest Decorated Baby Carriages. " -Ladies and Children Free From 12:30 to 6 P. M. Next Wednesday Magnificent Spectacular Production of "ALLADIN,V ILLAMOOK HAS GREAT : COUNTY FAIR THIS YEAR (Waahlaatoa Boreas ef The JewaaL). Tillamook. Or.. Aug. 2t.-Tb eountv fair IiS progress her Is th largest and greatest display ever seen In this sec tion. Th stack show la particularly taking, for th growers have . put VVB M. Laoo Pa. ; f,, ,. ..i,llt .; - ., .... .TmsolBWIkob VR. LWMSClt EVCMANOC 6UllDIN DM Oregon oorporatlom wkiok llgktsas ta policy-holder's tardea. Mat lowei raaraateed level praminm ratea than aay etaa eoaapaay. v mellabl aa dertxed as tenreseaUUv. forth, their best efforts to make a show ing. The attendance has-been remark ably large, for not only th entire coun ty haa practically been , preaent, but there are. a large number of viattora from outside point. The - farmers' congress today waa moat Interesting snd various questions were discussed. The meeting of this body it is predicted marks a new era In the agricultural life of the county. It would b imposslbl to tell of alt th features of th fair a th people seem to have outdone themselves in ar ranging th display, but outald of Mi stock show thr 1. on Impreeslv feature and it Is the dsiry exhibit. It Is almost perfect snd Is on of th chief centers of attraction. . United Btatea Senator Fulton U a visitor to Ihe fair today and this sf'-r. noon delivered' an address. Mra 'Abi t Scott Duntway' during the aflern. i spoke to the crowd In favor of worn suffrage, and declared that th I lost last spring will be renewed. STo Call Coatri;--' . Washington, Aug. U If any trlbutions for th relief of fan I . Cisco wss sent from i'hll It was r received Ihrousb the Red Cr.'-e e' nels. The question of what i r.:'e . for the California t-liy has t tr slno San FranMao waa on fl i cltlea of thla coiinlry to c " t tribute to th strlrken pi. . , parsiso. Se BuXfum A Talls:; i s