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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
THE ORECC.J DAILY "JOURNAlA" PORTLAND. THURSDAY : trLI UNO. AUGUST 111 "tvsry-YcunjHJcn in Portland ItiilhParYca-ta- Know Us Northwestern Guarantee end Trust Company" 1 lubw Bsekaar T. (moI rieor) . . Cot. stepon Ml Stark ta for sale REAL ESTATE WK HAVE FOR BALK TODAT ONH OF THE FINEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED ON GRAND AVENUE. ; BUCHTEL C: KER1NS Zil CASJ K nnirAu r WORTH $5,000.00 My price for a few day $2,750.00; 10 acres, 4a fat hops, fine hopdrier, 1 acre in choice ; fruits, house, barn, all fenced, cleared and At soil within one-half mile of R. R. station. F. ABRAHAM, i, 113 Second Street VE LOAN MONEY ' 6PcrCcnt SI CS BEFORE MAKING A LOAN. northwestern Guarantee cnd'Trust Company. ; XMarnka Xxoasvara BaiXdiar. BaoOBd Floor.) S. V. Oor. Baoomd amd Stark Bta. ' On tha Kaat Side, cloaa In, just rlfht for Iron works, boilerraakara or any other manutacturinc. un sona Bround and btwen Km at Third and Kaat Second . atrte. Prlra 140,000. This la the only block for aale that I know of that Is bo -.t.. in. ii. a. i. ti, .h,.m. ,....T..., Ttrmaj . T. T. STRUBLE, 250 Main St A GENUINE BARGAIN Wa will sell on Saturday, Auruat ?S, J 00 pounds of our special blend cofTee at !ia per pound, equal to any 4c coffae In the city. We will not aell over Ave pounds to any one person. Come early, aa we will o&lr- aell 10 pounds at this price. " - . MICHIGAN TEA CO. IS4 Grandly PORTLAND ME43HTS Ixt three blocks from ear line, - - jrraded streets and . water, beautiful , traes, elerant aites for homes 300 per Jet. GEORGE E. WAGGONER. Phone Mala 37. 10 ACR.ES SSM la Aare Fine cardm land; lays t: feet on car line: 6o fare. Phone Pacific .. , ,v .. . . , . TOVVN2, 266 Morrison r 1 Just From Alberta . . Come In and we'll tell you all about that wonderful country, the Uhequaled Irodtictlon of - wheat and all small grains, - potatoes and tall root ' crops. Prices $7 te 2a per cre. Cheap trans portatlon.. ... . ; t., ....,, . W. G. IDE, 251 Alder St. WATCH LENTS CROW And kp ydur eye on WILEY ALLEN A CO.S ads for fine barsalns in real eaute. . . ,, ... 1 WEATHER REPORT. One Full Block! The barometer la relatively lew la tha Peetde states, without three being aay well-deflned dis turbance la ertdenee. Shower and thunder storms hare eruried la aoatbeaatere Wasblng ton, eastern Oregon, Idehe, tub. Wyoming, eastern Colorado, Montana, the Dakotaa, Ne braska. Mlmieeota swd upper Micblgea. The low preeaure area yesterday over Nebraska has asoeed enutk te Ksnsse sad caused the pbenoa.enaMy Weary rainfall of AM Inches st ksnsse City, Missouri. The high prMeure eras ta the' Caaadtaa aorthweet la advancing slowly eastward aad Its crest ts now erer Bsakstcbe was. Ksat of rh Mississippi riser the barn meter la - relatively lew and lbs tomperatures ara above a.e'msl. Light local rains have oi'i urred la the middle, allesiesippl aad fihM valleys sad at si-ettaren pieces la tne snuis Atlantic atates The Indication are fog gencranr fair weather IS this district Friday, preceded by thunder. eerer and higher temperatures east ef the 1 ecsoe Bsountelna. i.tpservstkooa lakes at S a. m., JscUM time: ; -Tama. ---.os-;' Max. r run, Oreewa. , art Mia. Preclp. 43 .14 v 1 - iivsetts. I i. 1 --a ) t. I , ...... .0 .34 f:M .0 .0 T ' .01 .0 T .38 A 1 -a I Si senurl . . . . . . KS .TO t A'm, ( ali'.e-aia T4 , M m f mm. lxullsns. .... eg Tg -w ,wk. Krw York 4 " ' T8, I wtlsad. teregoa , T4 .' M I ssewirg. 'Hegoa.,, SO 4 t. lKis. Mlsa..nrt n 74 ' Pen) lake. I lek TO M has lerserlecw, pllfnrala... ST , " ' Psksee, tsblngtn 2 fil lacme Wssbinetoaj , Te el aia Walla. aahlnartoa. . TO H Vesgus, D, C i 34 13 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Cheater Boddy, Bridal V1L Oregoa.' 18; Tiaa K. Uaaary, Welenty Barbara. 4t Morrison street,. 28; Marys aa Stauklewlca, it. ..- Weddlns Card. W. . a. Smith Co.. Weeh- Ington bldg.. cor. Fourth and Washington star Wedding and calling cardg engraved er puulea. K. T. Besbton, Kit wasuingrsw, ss. ' Miss Bertha UH mm II Altskr bid. Stamping aad In needlework l leeson tlwi. BIRTHS. CORBET aacnat 33. to Mr. aad Mrs. Elijah Corbet. 12B Twelfth, a hor. CHWit miiii tlrl -Mrr lad Mm. Mariou ' harles. 314 Orerto. a hoy. . DEATHS. BR DT August 26, Portia Brady. 18 day. 44M I'toloa iwniw north. nsrtussis. ra? urncr. so SHERMAN Augaet XI. Marrllt L Sherman. II years, 2 Carry. Bright' dlaaaar. - H'HROEIll'll Itiml lu Frlla Hrarocdr. 4T . . J errs, at. Vleweut' hospital, Bright' dis ease. FUNERAL NOTICES. JOHNSON At Btell. Waahlngtoa, August I. , usesr Johnson, sgee 34 veer, runerai eervlcee at tha Swedish Methodist church, corner Rortkwk-k and Beech sts., Friday. August 34, at 3 p. m.'. iutermeat Lens Fir eroietcry. Frlrnds Invited. . .. UNDERTAKERS. Dennln. McEstee di Ollbaua-h. undertaker ana raibalBera: stedera hi every detsli. errata and Pine. Mala sail. . Lady aaaletaat L. B. Hemetock. aadertaker aad wmbelmer. Eaat Thirteenth aad L aw till ere. rheae Bell wood II. Brtcksoa L'ndertakln Os.. aad embslmln. 40 Alder st. Fkee Mala $133. - Lad a sals taut. J. P. Flnler Boa. Third end.Madlaoa at. Office of eounly coruaar. rboaa Mais . Edward Uolmaa. aadartakar. 330 Third at. Clark Bra tar aaarara. M hturrlaoa atuss. ...... BJviKTiiw emim. .,, Blmrla araraa ilO. Fsmllr Iota tTl la tl 006. Tka oalr psssrtrrr la fartlaad arklch par pstaallj BMlatalas aad cam for lota. For fall iBtornattoB applr la W. It. MaekrasJa. War. esater blurk. eltj. ay.- M. Ladd. analdaat. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Matthew aad Hoaa Becker U i. Frank rerter, a aerea of Arc boa Kelly do-' aatloa land claim, aeetloa Is, towa ahlB 1 south, ran S east ...........I 10 Frank and Elsla O. IVtrter to S.-P. TonlloaoB, t acres Art-boa Kelly da aatloa. tead rlalta, - saetloa . IS., towa- ' shlo 1 aoath. rduaa 1 east ........ S.&OO AlexaBder M. awl Catheriaa Dewar to Beeurlty Bannsa A Trust eoaipaBy, VMS 13 and 14, block 4. Kallroad Bbopa additloB tn Alblua, exerptlaa; west to feat of said sou; also tract lying he- ' tweea aaat Una of said lots sod WU- -Uaais btcsim 1 Mlrhael aad Kllea O'Brlea ta Boms a Catholic archbishop of the diocese of ... x Oresun. parcel of land In aeetloa f . townshla 1 aoath.- ranare 1 aaat I.OOO Victor Land company ts Victor Flerrm, WIS 31. Z2. 23. 14, Zh, BUCK' Zl, Pralnsulsr addition Na. 1 to Baat INietland k i r. SM Syramora Baal Kstato company to jsmes , H U.m lm OV . nA k. I...1 . If ' Park BOO Charles Lafollett to Eniau Latollett, 10 . acres eoutneaet corner ot eaat Vt or sorthwaat aeetloa S4, township t north. . ranse 3 eaat 1,500 B. A. Kinf to Georse It. Kins, H Interest la iota a ana T. Mount Scott Acre. . t . . loe James W. and laatbs Cook to Bmma M. Wataoa, lots 1 and 2. block I, Cook's , Second addition to AIMna 130 Janet Phi a Huckett to C. C. Oalee and -Harriet Vsler, lot S block X Horhello. 40 Jacob H. and Etna M. Cook to William , H. Bwla, eaat V, lota and . block 24, ' Hanson's aaeaad addltloa ta East Port-' land ....... s.000 Elisabeth and Joseph Waberand Oswald , Katarndobler to Elisabeth Weber and . Oswald Katarndobler, part of block 8M, s. Carutbass' Addltloa to Caratbors' ad dltloa X J. H. and LelaC. Oonaldsoa'to Oeorse and Peter Neursrer, lot , Lamarieut ' Psrk No. S , 1,000 Samuel Herbert and Tlctorla Hatha-ay ta K. H. B-swlc and Mam 1. Beaarlrk. . . trastee, lot IS, block 1, (toper's addl tloa te Eaat Hoi Hand ,v John f. aad Matilda Murphy to Auuata 4TS aieaeanasi. part ef lots i sad a, bssrk ISO, city 4,100 Thomas and Mary Uaonoa to Charlotte A. O'Connor, let 10, Mock ZD, Bunny side Title fluarantee A Truat company to W. W. Bnllare. lot , block B. First addl tloa to Holladay Park addition, and other-property ta - Holladay - Park-sd 300 . w'owrrr'arr'ti 'ren -'ir Priest, lot T. block 4. .Williams Are- ' ana addltloa , C. C. and Harriett Osier to Janet Pbla - Horkett, lot 1, block S, Rorhelle ...... Edith Baurhyte to Marlon Hturhyte, lota . I to . Inrluslre, block I; h.ts I to a, ' IncltislT. block 1 Wbelpley Terrace... Title Guarantee A Trust company to A. 50 10 v. uase ana n. u. i nomnaoa. im it, t block IT, First addltloa to Holladay ' ' Park addltloa 10 A. . aad Busa A. Kills to H. W. Lytic, part of lot IS, block . Alblas Home- .. stead ..... .., 450 emum inarsiasral eomfasy ta p, H, Hsl Uad. lot in, block t5, Vernon., - ZSO carne at. Eiwert to rr. H. Parr 11 ua. let S, block 1. East Portland 1,000 r. at. ana rnrence at. winiama to neima . A. Palm, lot 1. block 30. Uncola Park ABBea ... 1.300 laroiine ana naner bacons to uerlnna Pearl Hafu, lot S, block a, Buaayalde. . TOO For abstracts title. Insurance sr Bssrtgaga kass. call oa Pacific Title A Treat company, formerly Peciac Coast Abstract Guaranty -A wya;. ew-o-o-i railing auiiaing. Get year tnanraaee aad abstracts ta real estate from the Title Guaraatee A Trust com pa ay. WTST aeoOUO. MEETING NOTICES. , WEBFOOT CAMP, No. 83, Woodmen ef the World. msets- riidsy alcbt la W O. W. hall. Tenth and Washington sts. All mem bers reouested to b ent. Visitors welcome. ' R, O. MOBRDW. C. C. A. L. BARBIE. Clerk. Multnomah camp, no. tt. W. O. W., meeto tonight In tbelr hall. East Sixth, Bear Esst Aider. All visiting neighbors cordially .weieaawa. . . H. B. INGRAM. C, C J M. ' WOODWOBTH. C. , . MACCABEKB Port Is ad Tent No. I. ssaeU every Thursday. Bight la K. ef P. hall, 11th and Aider 'Sta. Visitors ara areleome. . - - R. M. LA NCR. at W. A.. Oregon Grape Camp. No, A3T3, hfoa- eaya. ITts ane maranau; vmixorn weieoms. at W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 8408. Wednesday eveniog. Allsky bldg.. Third asd - Morcleoa srs. NOTICE. PROPOSALS for Feeding County Frfsn Bide will be received by the county court of Multnomah eeeuty for feeding the prisoners eenSned la the ooonty toll of this enonty, for a period of. 13 months beginning Sep tember I, 1oa. ' two meals s day to he served ss followa: - ' - Breakfast Served bet wees ' tke boars of T.30 snd 8:30 s. m., to consist of one order -f meat snd potatoes, coffee with sugsr asd sne-bslf loaf of bread fee each prisoner. Dinner To be served betwees Ihs hours of- 4 snd A gy m., to ealat at ens srS.r ef soon, meat, notatnes sad ens other vege table, tea or coffee with augar, aad one half k-af of bread for each erlaoner. Bid will be received until Taesday, As- test 3d, 1008. at 13 aooa. whoa they will a ripened. All bids should be sealed and addressed to F. S. Fields. County 'Clerk. The county reserves the right to reject ssy -sad all bid. F. S. FIELDS, County Clerk. Bids Wanted Wanted Bids te do stone work en W. E. Church, Seolh. All bids to be Is br September 8. Plena and eparlncstlona at restdeoee af S. H. Mew re. 873 Halsey ot- NOTICE is hereby given that I will not be reepeeethle for any debts eontrrtrted br mr wife, tllashetb Bkrlver. she baring left my bed sad board. (aigacd) EDWARD SflxUTSB, LOST AND, FOUND. UiT ldy'a watcb' with pearl pin.' aoj-rarad - u. at. b. ' Hew ara St 434 Beat rtne. LtHST Oa the abow arounda. a sold medal lib the letters "W f. T. D." and Ora torlal Prkte" ansrared oa trout; reward. 4U0 votuaooia n. FOUND At the circus, a small porsat owner a claim same by statins eoaieota. uau at 4M Kaat Clay, corner Math. LOKT Eaameled wreath pla containing tare ".fr-H'w and s peer!; trae psan am Ins. liberal reward. Phone Eaat 47ia). Umt pruhauly at Oaks. - .. LOST Anguat IT. small fas terrier, body white, bead black, with tan tnarklna-e. license HIT: nnewere to name of "ftuuny Jim": reward for rerura to Mra. J. C. mtchard,' 84 Eaat couca at. LOOT la baaineaa district. - grera eaameled . gold lady'r watuh sod drsgoa pin. Finder . return to Downing Honkln Co., Chamber of . comaiorea; linrral rewaro. LOST A diamond at irk pin. Please return to Mrler A Frank's sitr.ti..n.r.vm. Reward. . HELP WANTED MALE. ' ' VAN'TKD Toung maa to leara tolegrsphy asd UMMsaBiaaBdanBW dJas-ailaaJk For free catalogue address Moras College at Telegraphy. Bed 13th St.. Oakland. Cat. k vTrtiTwo or three fleet-class, all-sraaad machine man: permanent position, good wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam soad. WB get work fog ear memberst special mem- sx. g m. c a. ronrra ui iiasiu. 4 : - Union Hotel , '' tl NORTH SIXTH BT. Free employment to ear patrons. ' Weekly rates: Room. tt.3B up: room hoard. 04.(0 a p. - Aadsrsoa. proprietor. W NTEn-taare makers: steady work B8 North rroat corner or lrarie. SALESMEN to Introduce the world's wonder ll iraue urmH vw ..... r 1 " (Miracle). Choice ef territory. Caah weekly. Address Washington Karaary esmpaay. Tea peniah, Weahlngtoe. WANTED Mori ng-plcture machlne-eperatoesj will xeacsi yow oe , .nw --- eons hie: positions secured: good salary. Mew maa, 14BVi Blxtk at. .,. WANTED At once. SO common laborers st gX.SO per day. call at engineering oepert- rient Oregoa Water Power A Railway Co., Irst sad Alder, sta.. for particulars. . . WANTED Boy; M H. Frost, corner uewia. MEN AND WOMEN 'to leara barber trade to eight works; graduates eara from gia to wjo wsrekly: expert Inatractora; caulogua free; sneclar rates this month. Molar ifrstam ef DON'T MONKEY! Be s WHOLE MAN. FBEE OF ALL IHBKABr-B. It. Hsaisoa. aucceanor to Red Cross Dtspeassry, cor. Third sad Asa. WANTED AT ONCE 33 carpenters aad car penter belpers; wares I or csrpeniers so. rnr carpenter helpers 4300. Call at engineering department, Oregon Water Power A Railway Co., First asd Alder ata., for particulars, WANTED Aa eleetrV-isa wlta experience Is outride work lor Plant 19 small was. a.o dress O 31, esre Journal. J. . i . WANTED Young maa stenographer who has bad some experience; sum sge, reierencee ssd experience. D. 44. JoaraaL WANTED Fifty loggers at Eastern A Weeters Ijimberliuj eompauy s camp no. a. atuiauia. Hill. WANTED 4 competent men for eollcltlng dethes for cleaning ana ayeiBg; gooa set sry and commission paid for good buetlen, st the- East Portland -Steam Cleaning A Dye Works, 148 Grand are., city. PRACTICAL maa to take charge of hardware and furniture business; must Bare security. D 83. care Journal. BOY wanted, not aader IT years ef sge, at . IB aad hi f ront st. WANTED Beach bands for cabinet work. Ad' drees Too Wheeler -Osgood Co., Taeome, Wash, WAJfTEISM-Yoaaa seools to sretwre thsmssless aa bookkeepers and stenographers; bare had ' MS calls since September .1; placed 354 ta peettiooa, We erIU place yoe when eosa - netrnt. Day or night- Catalogue. Behnke- Walksr Bnalaeoa collage. WANTED Ex earstina or light gradlng bsaement work by contract. J. T. Smlta. city. WANTED Toang maa. IT. to work la grocery store sad care for horse; ssst side. Inquire , K 73. care Journal. WANTED Competent arjekermea. Addrma Tke Wheeler, Osgood Co., Taeosss. Waahlng. WANTED 3 aVst-elass eshiaat-makers. Art Furniture Mesufarturlng Co., 473 Washing ton st. ...... ..--A WANTED Strong boy te work la grocery. . 603 Waahlogtoa at.. - . - Call B .i . Mh.fB aa else' If ssllafgctory. Addrees W. P, ScrlTaer, Heppnet. Oregon. - TWO young men waated for factory. 303 s,t ziat at., cny. .. . . BOY to feed press ssd set type. Printing Co., 122', (Jrend are. Esst Bids OOOD sll-aiwnnd carpenter wishes contract sr i dsy work from owners; plena reraJehed. Y . 42, care Journal! HELP WANTED-f FEMALE. WANTED Girls to tasks "Bess of AU" ever slls st TO First st HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. BUM Washing ton st, cor. Seventh, a pat airs. Psoas Mais tst Fsmsle help wanted. GIRLS WANTED Operators te work ea shirts snd overs lis. Lessons given ts Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. 3. Graad svs. - aad East Taylor stv - - - THB HOME LArvuSt AGENCY. . Female kelp fomlsheXi free te employer. Reglstratlos Free. 14SH Fourth st, a pat a Irs, room 2J. Mala M28. W ANTED Competent girl for general , work. Apply . IM Eaat 10th st LADIES wanted to do easy fancy work at borne, spare time or steady; experience nn neceeeary; good pay. Call 3 to 4, 328 ' Fleldoer Bldg., 40T Washington at ' WANTED A girl fog general housework. Tillamook at 423 WANTED Ladyr easy, profitable posit ion salary sad commission. i. 11 1 11th st' WANTED A stenographer, fair sslsrr: good cue no te leara. D 84, care Journal. WOMEN and girls wasted to work la fruit cannery. Apply Holmes Canning Co., East a-ignta ana xJivuioa. WANTED Kitchen girls st 104-8 North Brvtsth . .St., st ones. f , , . WANTED Experienced waitress North Sereath t.e at once. - at - J04A COOKS, 840 and 8o0; 4 waltreeaea st seseld. same place, $3, room and board, fare paid. 3 months' work, 8 In the city; housework la ; and eat of the city, $30; and ether good posi. .. tlooa, Hons Lamer Agency. . Mala 0828. WA NTED Experienced aterjnrranber thne- ougbly capable of tearhlng: one that caa brlns fsw paplls; ststs system. Y 2T, esre JonrasL SEVERAL ladles eg pleasing personsllty to visit the home of Portland la the Interest of .The Pointer; nothing to sell; verv pies as nt work; $2 s day eslsry. Apply 128 Seventh st. GOOD plain cook wanted at private boarding. notise. ruin St., euy. , MALE AND FEMALE HELP. VOI Nil men sad women to tears honkkeenlns: newest sno moei mooern enriipmeni en the rseinc cmsi; nans, wnoieaale, eommieslon, freight, real eststs snd Ineurance of A. to; all furnished wltb loose-leaf ledger, adding ma chinas, card II Us, ate. Holme Business eel leg, Washington aud loth sts. . HOPPTCRBR8 waated; good camping grounds; bout 14 day' work. For particulars ad dree Harrison Bru., North Yamhill, Or. CAPABLE solicitors, every dty sad county; enmstlaeloB - orteeleryt the beat policy and CDmpasr. $24 Lomber Exchange, Portland. WANTED too hopplrkera by Sept, j, yars in ore eon; goon sccommodstloaa. Apply te A ad raw Kaa A Co.. ml Morrlsoa St. 1,300 HOPPICKERS te nick 834 eeree bops st eiic per oox; isrgeat aopysra rn tb world; best sccnmrsodstloas: ask fer 8-pege bonk, giving psrttculers. at 83 Fourth at. Kreae Bre. Phone Mala 4870. Uloue hew 8 a. at, ts S p. at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. SELF wsated sad supplied, mass at wmale. B. 0. Drake. 30614 Waahlogtoa sC Paaine Igie. WANTED Tf boppickars. Taylor at. Call at M. HOPPICKEHS Ws pay Oe per bos. bankbonaa ' free. .Will be at the St. Charles hotel last . week 1a Aagust to aell round-trip tlckata to Brouka. tome by train Hcptembet 4. Ad dress Homer Gouley, Brouks. Orasosi tl 4aoree. , P. P. ieouley. Braoka. XXegoa), to aerea, ... ' ' WANTED 100 hopplrkera st Star per box! best grade In ralley: 00 acres. Also en moons to tun bosrdlug bouse., I red" J. Miller, Hub bard. Or. ' ' WANTED TO bopplckeru to report bare be ' tweea now and the 35tbV to be ready to start for Balem Monday., tha 27th. Sd Taylor at. 40 HOPPICKEHS to pick two yards, close la . fee and fern $1, which Includes free hauling oi ramp outdta to and from yarde: regiater sow Hsnsen's Ofdce. 3d North aecoad St. .. , HOPPICKER8 wsated 3S Osrbett. corner Pes I noyer; good shacks, hops and water. - r sons . . r.i-ii-.- ."fi" WANTED Adrsnced pupils la telegraphy fbr apeed elaaa: positions wnen compsieni: nay and eeealug. Paring Telegraph lastttats. Commonweali Its bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALK. WANTED A place te work la a re grocery store. Addreas sis eroauway. WANTED By aa elderly . man. place la efgee . st low wages. Address A. C. BagtBra. sVr lets, uregua. PAINTEB sad paperhangar wants to work for owners by toe aay or conirmci,- reaeonsww. a Meraa, T3S Albtna are. . ELECTRICIAN wants poaltloa la email towa; long experience sad cananie si nanaitng snuu plsat. D 07, cars Journal. . ' CLARINET player waste to play ta band or . orchestra playing atandard muoir; ae objec . tloa to going out ef the city. T 14, Journal. A YOUNG married man wiahes to leara the baker's trade. Address U H. Kewmsa, Bex. Oregoa. - ' - . SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE KIDDLE-AGED widow wants a poaltloB as hooaekeeper tor widower or parneior. vau 3otl Grand ave.. or phone Eaat 4258. ' LADY wants work by day. Mala 3410. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. V HANSEN'S .EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. -38 Neeth 3a sen I st. Phone Mala 1538. W ANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RSNT Heasss. cottagea, fists, tores, offices, rooming honass. eta. LaaA lords will d well to cell ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORBOOH. Pbooe Ba. TA A A Cor. 3d sad Oak. HOUSES,- fists, eaomlag-boassa, stores, af- nces, str, rrompt sttentloB aasnrea. raoae Mala 1171. . Una hire at Jac. atcaay Bang. WANTED Br Bent. 10. Ai betwees Ash snd Hswtborn. Best 13th to 18th. H. A. KM esre Marshall-Wells Hard ware CO. L - RESPONSIBLE teasnt with Brst-clsa reference snd 30 years' business experience Bars la Portland wants to leas large rooming-bouse. J. Lsadigaa, 184. Shermaa at wixern em nvjwr rnrnlabed vaneb! will lease for sot less thaa three (8) years. AeSJ draw Mr. Bert Lambert, St Johns. Oregon. WANTED To rent bare to stable 3 and room fog 8 wagon. Address T A care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WILL SILL your property, no matter what It I or where Iocs ted. Bead deeerintlea now and ws will do the rest Investor' Gold Co., 311 Marquaa bldg., Portland. Oregon. GOOD Income aad residence property, hrts, farm ing and timber lands. UNDHARD A JACK. MeKay bldg. ' WANTED Business sr rendeeca ii ouotty ta the city la exchange for good farm landst eta handle enythlug from $1,000 te 380,000; we Stan have same sxeeUsst bays ta timber . ' and grsslng land. Call asd ase aa; we weal to get eeonslntsd wltb yoe. . TURNER A WALKER, -'. ' t Room A 30H Waahlngtoa st. CITY proyeily eachsBged for good farms, sad far ma for city property, by F. yrCHS. 231 Morrtaos at. I WANT a 8 or T-room bones ea east ilde; gtee price snd Iocs tioa la first letter. D 80, eara Journal. WANTED Modern house, vacant lot. .-..11 . k . Khwsm C all iaiisii.ei.vwiei rra -r-.. , i aooTs. LAMONT A HARRIS, 107 tt Sixth St. WANTED 1 or S acres la city limits, ea er Bear car line; must be good soil snd lay well for platting. Address 884 14th, or phone Mala 2S1B. - WANTED New Aroon boos, fun lot. a Holladay school., ens or two blocks ef ear. WANTED Te buy boose snd lot, west side. oa terms, rnone raeioe w. WANTED FINANCIAL. $1,000,000 TO build Srst-clas betel, Portlaad. o 12, esre journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. PAINTING, spraying Snd whitewashing trees, aiMHents barna. dneka. ate! Israear assellna , sprsylsg outfit oa the cos at. 11. G. Morgaa A Co.. 323 ualoa are. Phone East BIT. WE WILL' BUY your furniture any eld time. W eatersi Saltsga Co.. 82T WsshUgtoa at WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADR ANY OLD THING. -rVESTERN BALVAGB CO., 827- g28 wunviigiuH, - racinu iws. Mala 8868., - -irBSnu wuini ' FOR BP0T CASH PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS til First at Mala 8851 HIGHEST caah pries paid for eeeoadAaad good. Phone Baat 0077. 138 Ualoa are. WHO IS M. 0. MORGAN A 00. t WANTED A light driving buggy. Addrees Box D 38. JooraaL I' boos Mala 04 IS. WANTED Te buy good heavy worl must bs all right; for caah. phone Mala 081 A FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THB GRAND, 4oH North Third St. I gentlemea gi.xo per wees ass sp. THB RICHELIEU, 83 tt North Sixth st Bla- gsatiy ruralsbeds a tea a Mat aad bathe. NICELY furnished room, alngl er ea suite. board If desired, free bath asd phone, trie lights. . Mrs. Brows, 80S 10th st FOR RENT 3 or 3 eo furnished rooms la Band era flat, private ramuy. gov clay. . 30 ROOMS, famished, for rent or sshv 17 Front et. Apple NEATLY ftrnilahed room, bath and phone, $S monm. niu rioyt at. -, FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. TUB MITCHELL Flanders sad Seveetb Rooms, housekeeping snd trsssleati -. ese enlestt price reasonable, LABOR elegantly furnished boneekeevdBg . room; gs range, running water. Tke Lowes. dale, OOStt Alder at $1.39 PES WEEK Large, eleaa furnished housakeeplng-roomet Isundry asd bath. 184 Shermas, Amth Portlaad. THE JKFFERSON1AN. 814 Jeffersoa St. Nicely furnished suites sf I we or three ream with all conveniences; cheap. $ FURNISHED housekeeping month. 0.13 Seventh t rooms, $8 per FOR RENT 3 furnished rooms for light house keeping, with wood, light aad psoas.' 818 Hales svs., north. SAVE half hotel expenses; $1 week ap, clean. fiwslBbed bonseftecslnr rooms, suitable fog two; parlor. Isssdr, bat ear A sta Staa- tea. V est, . y , , . . ROOrrS AND BOARD.1 ROOMS, ana board at MB Orertoa ot, ' Pat lac luuo. TUB WOODLAND, 3W Bhth. cor. of Madlaoa Cloae In: beaatlful prlrate reeidoace: large lawn, alsgaat roouia. cbolos table board: raa soasbls. . . BOOM 4 with board for two people; arlTV rnone Main !VKl.' ke 14tk st. FOR RENT HOUSES. KADDBBLT TBANSFBR CO., prompt sad re liable plane and furniture-roovors; alas atoe ' age.- Pbona Mais 1686. OtAce 110 M. Third. FOB RENT B-ronm snttsge, Ms. 143 ISth at., c between Hoyt aad being. Apply- next door, f 18, 318. 320 THREE modern houses. Sixth aad larataart gts. rnone Mala soar. HOUSE for rent; alee suite houeekeeplng iBuuIre ISO Bhermaa at. FOB RENT Two ft-room aottages ea Grand ave.i also one 3-story kou uMawtbuine ate. ' in. J. B. Foe, 4O0 FOR RENT House 8 rooms: .ana. bath I 81 West park. Inquire Sup Waal Park or 341 runt, sir, Koeaier. . rnx neyr- xj-.i- Hma e rooms and bath; beet eondltioa, . $18. . Fred Vlereck, Er xnira sao svaa. . FOR RENT 8 handsome modern T-roeai houses, convoaleatly located en Thlrd-at. earllne: 810, 12 snd 814 Oorhstt at; rent reasouspls to desirable tenants. David A Slearna, 348 W aahlngtoa at - FOR RENT Aroom cottage. Kenll Pboa East T38. worth. 31 A Keys next door. FOR RENT 8-room cotUga, 8T0 Esst Irving st Phoes Esst 88T. FOR RENT, Mount Tabor T-room house with large orchard, ban, ehlcken-hooaea, city water, sear earllne. - Inquire Charlse Loading, William sve Mount Tabor. - FINB slightly aaed' high grsd plane for sale -e- at s bargain nee, call to see it Auea Gilbert Co. Ixth and Morrlsoa. FOR RENT FLAT! ( BOOM Bat; steal sad gas range, ' window. abaoes, large cement easement. HasMy, FOR RENT FARMS. ' FOR RENT f room bosse sad W seres. T miles from Portland, ea O. W. F. - Ry.. wltb some fruit; will runt for S year. Addrees Mis Carrie- Tracy. Lents. Oregon. R. F. 1. 1, FURNISHED HOUSES. X- ROOMS.- arranged for S fa ml 111 gso. can Hathaway's Bixtb aad HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI . TURE FOR SALE. MUST be sold maids 10 day.- furniture f T-room house; bargala seekers call; good loca tion: rent reasons Die. ana naruua st, airs. : a. a mama. a MODERN e-room flat for rent wttb high -grsd furniture. Including plane, tor asls. Apply esa Koaney see. FOR " RENT STORES-OFFICES. PART ef shop te rent, seJUhes tag palate eg plumper. r. sue a our is tv. t , , 0FFICB-ROOMS. Bfuralshed ronsns gad ssmpl. tooma for reat Ooodaoagh bldg. Apply sle- v vsior. FART ef fsmlsbed office far rest ta Lumber sTxcnsngs bldg., Becoua and Btark. Addi ' R. 41, care Jouraal. ,1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL snd batlrsem, aeparata er together: new ana wiin su convenienrea. raene alaia ava, SUMMER RESORTS. THB BRITT, family hotel. Leaf Beach. ROTBL BALT AIR, CeatarrllM stattoa: flaest sawammooMtaaaa. THB PORTLAND, leadmg hotel. North HOTEL WICK HAM. Mewtoa tatiea ezesllsal cutame. nseai AUCTIONS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. --- A. SCHUBACH, Prep. - til First st Phone Msln BehTA. - Asetfea dally at t p. m. Highest caah arte paid for fur altars; ale good sold oa eon eignmonx. " f '' BUSINESS CHANCES. aorth; doing goad basis FOR tnformattou er far ah ares ef the Nleels coal mines, nmitea. write te Paul Bockmlet, siaaaxw, s-aiomee, nasi. FOR BALE A general merchssdtse store: stork 1 no rices shout $3,000, cheap rant , la towa wlthla 38 miles ef Portland, ea Souther racinc rairroau; paying boainass; good rea son for selling. Address B 33, care JoaraaL PHILOMATH. OREGON, waste a bask, creamery, trait eeanery aad a Soar mill; s 8ne opening here for eseh of these enter- rleea; capIlslleO pta4 Tn vest Ig ate; sak '. for list of Baa farms and pro per tie foe sal er exrhauge. , Caldwell A Co., Phlle- ssata, oregoa. - . DRUG store for sals cheep; the only eae ta Sood college towa: stock complete, - esk xtsres, marble fou stain, corner etere, rent , $10, . else trie lights snd telephone: owner going eat of business; ' splendid evening for - druggist; eoBxs sad see for yourself; part xime u oirsa.-appiy arug siors Moual sngei, vrvgon. . . WHO IS M. O. MORGAN A CO. t FOR SALE Good mercantile bullae reontr Ing 84,600 cash; big proflts ssd cash business. ueorg alelviB Mlllsr, Eugene. Oregon. THB best mooey-maklng bnitneas la the city ror sa is oa account ox aicRnasa; seuo ib vested will realise $40 weekly er mors: ex. pertence anneceesary. Address X 1, Journal. HAYS - s good feed and mem buslneee oa O. W. P. railway,, a few miles from Port land; doing good Business, but want to sell sa sccount et sickness; will tell proper tf . snd business er toek only snd less tke prop erty; will sell at actual lavotoa. , Addrse O A cars JournsL PHENOMENAL rise la arte of Herat Switch expected sny day; - this may he roar last - tpportunltr to buy before subscription book srs riosea. Key bldg. J. F. Hunt A Co., 308 ,Mc- SMALL restsurant ta good Iocs tloa with lease, for aale. Address 0 82, care JoaraaL BALOONMEN larestlcate thla sarins corner . elegant fixtures, long Is, cheep rent Phone weooiswn bus, ' - FOR SALB, CHEAP Restaurant outfit, good ss new; pnee siouAaaress re iron at. STEAM woodaaw and teem for set; sweet going a war; a gooa saying Bullosa, call W8 Eaat Eighth et. - A Genuine Snap t oomlng hoflaes, one 13. one 34 room; be sold; clos In. Inquire A, 83 11th. mast WANTED Ambitious young msn, who Is now , employed bnk clerk, to help orgsnls s small corpora tloa ssd set ss treasurer. D 81, care Journal. FOR SALE or exchange for real eatat. 8 lunch .counter Call 844 William av. OLD established confectionery, cigar and fruit etnre; 3 large living-room la oonnectloa. 3uT A' ''- . .... WANTED Mining maa to Incorporate and nnsnee, or tax working Bona an a arat-euea lead and Silver property t show sample ef ere bare. Addreaa T 12. cars Jouraal. WANTED Off and ehophonae; vmst be good iocs non ana a Bargain; give price ana per ticuiar. Aaarsae x ii, ear WITH the tavestment ef $1,000 te $2,000 a goog posit loa la a Portland Business boose le ope a la dry goods tins; cloea IsvsstlgltKB la vltsd. Y 38, cere Journal. $400 RESTAURANT en the best street In the city, aolng a an psalasss; eee for yonranir; cheap rent, .good leaae; I hi place Is making money eee; call at once. H. W. GARLAND A CO., 188 Fourth St. FOR SALE Bakery In su barbs, reasonable! brick oven for 3v0 loavee; doing good business. Address a 88, ears Jesraai, . FOR . SALE RHAL ESTATE. I - SPECIAL BABGAINS. 100x100. with 3-reom auuae and etshle ground covered with fruit; Jorated on eisr- uiia Hill, with spleatlld view of the city. This property ef II W sea be eold at the low pries so.dOO buys S aaodera 10-room hoc as. as B. Sixth St.; well located and la first-class condltlos; wlthla walking dlauaes, aad tips view. IS. Boo bur - a fin sew modern Ar bouee, located close to business center of Bunny aide every thing, modern snd up "raiik""ftaobed'lT " ba'tBr xeggDraage! See mi aeiora ouriug. ..' r JAM KB GIBSON. ' Phone Psclfle 1IMX Room 180 Abtagtoa ' Acreage 1.000 seres to be cut sp la small tract frooj 1 to 8 acres snd up; west side, excel lent locality, soli ansurpassed; market open XOUnyi eOU I .tow p.r m ir-, urrsua. . 344 STARK STREET. 1JW0 BEAUTIFUL bulMing lot, STtb aad 'xaarmaa aui., juivs xetru. toon, BEST hie a led 'ttaBW 87th and ' Esst Taylu. Wsshlngtoa street. tut In A, P. Smlta. 43 1 LOT 80x100, 13tb aad TlUsmook sts., Irving- son. mono saaia van, . f3.8fTBU YB BXIdSIB-BoTng TxTTrrrngtOk, " fran, owner. . van si oj, .ass jsta, seat Till moos saa eee it. Every. Youns: Man- Should be a landowner; great sals ef acreage now on; ear aiae tract xrom l to to acre snd np; $38 to $iau per sore; choice locality, west Bias; easy lerms. sea 344 STARK STBEET. IF yea weat te build any kind ef building, email - er large, go to American Inn for lumber, tlsv her. doors, wlndowa. plaster bnerda. etc BEAUTIFUL amdera 8-room boose, esst front, run vox, ee.ow; oouu. osmso. gen sBOauity. uvsm rnone avast uie. 4-ROOM modern eottsgs with bath, hot aad eold water, fine carpets snd shades, t lots, corner, alee lawn, fruit and Bower. 1 block e sj, r.M on,M j.. a, saa halt cash'. Town, SuAfe Morrlsoa at! Phone raciae sole, 500 Homes For. Sale ; Farm and eity property. THB INVESTORS GUIDB CO.,-. 311 Marqasm Bldg., Portlaad. Oregoa. NEW earllne going In; buy fine level lots cheap. Be J. B. Hoe mar, T3T Lswa aortA Eaat 8100. are.. FOR SALB, CHEAP A acre at Moaat Tabor; vermst - vwner, bus svsac Morrison, Unloa are. going np; prices from $000 te isoo; terms If , desired. m. m. THOMPSON. 848 Mlealaslppl a. Pbooe Woodlawa tot. er branch ernce- en . the ground. Twenty second sod Morrison. Open dally 8 a. m, to 13 m. Moaat Tabor and Buaayslils cars. FINB building lot ea East Salmon at. sosino; street is improvea ana su improvemel psia; sua BSHgauvrusoo. . inffairw M. B. THOMPSON. Sa Mississippi av. I'hoBa Woodlawa 303, or at branch ofoc, 33d st sad Morrlaoa, v a. m. te J- FOR SALB er trade, B acres; 8 Bsoney-aUkar tsTBxa. xr an, cars eosxraax. . FINB home for $3,100, oa easy terras: S room. nuu ttun water.- eaio, gaa, rail bsssmsnt, lor- 80x100, iellnt Mlrborbood. J. B. Hosmsr, T3T Unlea are., aorth. - East 8100. A ROOM bene, bslf block fruit Sower, aaag alBcsnt view, $1,800, 813 Commercial block. HOUSES built ea Installments, lot If deaxreA 813 Csmmerclal bldg.. Mali : Over 25 Per Cent & Has been made on Piedmont lota the' list erg months. How I thst for as Investment I Lets 8400, $500 snd $800. Installment. Bound te Increase again a much before spring. Bee Piedmont Take St Johns, Woodlawa or U ear. '-.- ' ' , FOR SALB FOR 31 300- 8-sere tract oi lane toestea st - rtwsev ca pte-ssnng ststioa; au cleared aad fenced, good 10-room house, good dairy barn, station Tor 14 cows; new cream separator ssd milk eaose 3 boggles, 1 light wagoai 3 pbrwe, 1 new harrow. 4 Ke. 1 milch sows; UUs gssranteea. I. WA MILLER, Naestte, WsshbartoB. Here Is a Few of Wiley . Allen & Co's. Fine Bargains 8314 aerea Fair 8-coom house, t ef sood orchard. It erss under cult ratios SS acres of good timber, near earllne aad ea good roe a; seiy gso per acre, . Several 8a plesss . ef beeverdam land ea Johnson creek, near Lasts; grst class fog garara purposes. Also tt aad cere tract with reel da soes; keusee to rent fnralshed aad u furnished, at 4 Aacre tract, . all Imnroved bnUdlags. S minutes walk from school and csr ststlon, 8 fsrss te say part ef Port land, and the cheapest Iota ea the Moaat Been una. Wiley iUlen & Co. LENTS, OREGON. DON'T forget the place The New Bra Patat at Tarnisa co.. now at itx rtrat, pat Mur- neon aaa iiaaui. FOR SALB Cbeai ip. 8-eoeca cottsga, lot (11x126: an ef fruit vsii ss saarsss sal wniia AROOlf home, $1,300. esay terms: owner called esst, .msib swa. sis wmmsreisi block. LAST $1,800 cottage sold; snother slnxeet eern- pieteo. win ge quicu; eaay terms. J . Hosmsr, TZT Unloa srs., north. East 8100. U BLOCK, small boa ad tent. Bear ear. ioir casa. oeiance saonrniys. nay thai; quit renting ataia awsa. via vommereiai Stock 3S0O A HOUSE. Only $4,000 for 100x100 and 8 bona. South Portland, easy walking distance; rant $M per esfssia. , FREW a KING. 808 Cote motels! bldg... Second snd Wash. sta. SUNN YSIDB New modern 8-room Sottas. OSflovi swu casa, piiaact to SUIT, H. H. VAN? FOSSE N A CO.. Psclfle 3881.. ( 301 tt Morrison at. SUNNYS1DB 8 Iota ready to build en streets graueo, sswsrs m; goou; sou casb, w H. H. YAN .FOSSEN A CO.. Pacific 3681. 281 tt Morrlsoa t gUHNitun wi. oooa e-reora boues, 83,300; a west sine snap. svinssu, 0U3 Commercial bib. vaia avuu. SB, ACRES In ths dty for sals; It will make enmenoor a iortane: it i in the right place. Bee J. R. Homr, 78T Union are., aorth. 7 -ROOM boos, I lots. 14 block from ear, aa weat slop Mount Tabor; fine laws, gardsa ana cnH-sen-ysraj os in, nun Kan water, larg airy room: boos furnished eovonlete rsrpete, chair, (tovee, dish, furniture ef an a inns, s oearoome, neudlng, stc:; $2,000 $000 cash. $20 month, 8 per rant. An elegant awner. i-oono onny, TO iu a. m.. Mala 8oS4. FOR BALI sp, so acre tmtmproTed bind 18 miles from Vancouver. . 41s. easy cleared. from railroad; $400. u. A. Wester, R, F. D., Vancouver. Wash FOR SALB A onartsr block. Improved, beat we. i em part or city; no ageate. Inaulra D 80. cars JoarnsL I. . . ROOMINO-HOUSB ef 48 roome for sele cheep; ai.iv enja, vwuer leeving CIIT. Call Real Estate Cc. 8t First st . . 83.280 JUST a aire modern home, a oa sasi kib tt., Jins self nnorkood; only part cash. 31,800 for s 8-room toodera home en essy payments. AS. Hon for a -38.500 elegant bom'. grounJ 100x100, with bsrn: overlooking liver. Here borne nd lot at all prices en mosthly paymanta. Iina't Walt for - those cheep price thst so many eroaker laid wsrs surs to com after the fair. , . STEINMETZ A CO.. The Homssellers. log Morrison tt GET RICH QUICK I Buy lot cheap, right wnere the business part r the city I bound to he la a abort time; adrlre free. . J. R. Hoamer, T2T Union av., aorth. Eaat 8100. FOR SALB er reat tn right party, new well- rrangea cnTisxsr nenwooa; wo rest tows esrllnee. Particulars n ST, csrs Jouraal. CHOICB LOTS In Rlehmoad for sale. AA aress laora box sea, city. $3O0 CASH. $30 awathly, 8 per cent, hny Is rye mooern i-mom noose, j- iota i nor too; nevef been offered for as I before, today. Phoa Shay, Main 8334, 8 to 10 a. at. KRW 8,-eoem cottage st Montavllla, oa saay tea-aae, or. Hraaa-uje. rsons aast Slow. re f v " . . - a ewe" tuO FA 8 eeq r -ma M ! bre eaj O. w r. e --urt i -e. t. bl Adsb--a, U Oregoa. x e Luont, kxMt ssr. be. FOR SALB tt intarsat la Srt-U at roots event to sood rssnoa'.e aook on y ' "-- , vwy pins gauwuai. wcaten; $400 nevus d. Apply tin; csntrai te ' Barasus st FOR SALE On S sad eae a-rom Eaat 418. $3,800 BEAUTIFUL SOW est, 8OXI00; sirs I lent surroundings. J. H. Hclltrcirrr CTCo. . 818 Lamb Ex change, Second aad Start. t.2U-hVOOM heoss la sood soadHlon. mn ABCOlHi m. 000 Corns lot, Ssst 30th aad Aider. -Ouu-i-Lot, east front, an Baat link st SS ftt seres seer So earllne. eaat side. e , acres, au CJeaxeo, aaa ehssf X. O. DAVIDSON. ' . - . ' ; 408 Casmbs ef Clow wares. e wit ei wooaiawu,-g block trrABayUae, . vw pes- est, a rour owa term. - . , , . , OTTO A CROCKETT, ' ; " 11 Si Waahlngtoa at. "Lfs1 V.a'T' Tt, Sbtly. 4eB0rMglB . mn. 813 Commercial block. FOR SALE FARMS. For Sale . Fares, au, f-.i t m. . bouee, ample supply ef fruits aad berrtee, in crudlng fruit dryer; Bvodera hennery. 1.008 on sand; beat poultry and variety berry farm . obtalnabl tn Washington eouaty; Urn bfecks from depot: ea Hue of trolley road new under construction. Price M.AOO; tarme. Aildreas C. IUo.d, box. 84, WlWiorerOr" FARM FOB SALB 88 acre. IB ruiuvaiioa. a acre an piling timber, all ' tJl?r?r J0"" srcharA good water; double log house, ceiled and papered; good ' barn: omI. a mlU. h.- A iZTl- A a. , . . 1 1 - ..w. au,.wj, vi .sue I pric only 10. For fnrthr particulars ' of the' Nstioaal Cooparattva . Baana Viata, Oregoa. ... Realty we.. FOR SALB F ABM 830 acres, 8 miles seats ef w court, xw ecrea enoice Bottom lauA 330 seres pasture, good orchard, house sad hero, all fenced and cross fenced, ea mala read near school; sa offering tbla bargala da order to sail st enc. Writ owner, J. F. Fraaeta. rrZ5.wr' -1001 Coanty. Orsgoa, Price, ... , , ,,. FOR BALE, CHEAP Dairy farm at 438 seres. xw wia- truss veaoDwvur; joe Biles aadf cultivation, 80-eere orchard, 80 acre timber, balance pasture; good 7 -room bouse, a large barns, 1 fruitdryer, S alio and many other buildings; all farming machinery, ee eaglets creamery outdt end complete water works; 48 head of cattle, T serses. 80 ahaap and 30 bogs. H. It. Browning Realty Ce- 131 Mor rison t r 3 180 ACRES with peed boose end bsrn aad about acre csjnren, I or asks sor snuo, lgt Mor rlsoa. FOB SALB 880 seres land; 138. heed ef eettl. w awsn, mis year a erop, isrm xmple- , menta; place hss 300. fruit trees, berries ef sll kinds; good water, near to Umbos, good rssge, not In forest reserve. Far lnforxsatloa writ te Go A. Kysua, Mount . Vwaoo. Grant oswaty. Oregon. ; FOR BALE BY OWNER Small highly Im- wT roved farm 8 miles frees heart et Partland. M. Hiraey, mat A etty. - Bargain salry rallle A Eaatsrn rallrosd. 18 mllss frees csaat, ltt mile from railroad ststioa sad town; 100 acres cleared sad la pasture and culti vation; good T-room bouse, good bsrn snd shoes shed; good orchard, all kinds ad fruit: l.MO scree of entrants joining, watered by several springs; trout pond ea plaet; ka bench land; ell block and very deep: western slops; . Is selling $40 worth .or eem par month new, ssd caa be Increased. . . If you want s good stock or dairy ranch, call aad laveetlgat this. Price only gSAOO; 18 oaah, haianc easy terms, 8 per cent tntoreat, . JAMES GIBSON. 7 Paon Paetflc 14. Room Its) SB OR 80 ACRES clear lead sw pes pose 4 new . Hiisibaro-roreat Wrove arc trie Dae for aale; value , $78 jper sere. ddrem Aaala L. r i i.rKM, sxiunoorat Or. FARM FOB SALB 308 aerss .140 is cultlvatx, bslaaea ta issturs and timber, all feared, good build- ess, frail ef ell kinds, well watered, tt Kile te a good graded school ssd rallresd . Msttoa, sU hrveL gne soil; teem, hsrneee, wagon, hack, 11 cow. - ersssj separator, plows, harrows, hinder, mower, S acre p. totose and A acre of eora ge with the gleca for $10,000; 8T.O00 eseh, balance to gall gurchaaar et 3 per ssnt Inoulre of - WARREN A STATER, McMlaarlUe. Oregoa. ' STOCK, DAIRY AND HAY RANCH la the White Salmon Valley. Bed seres perfectly level sad all and fence: 100 acre la cultivation, balance assy cleared; well watered; 8-room hones, 1 arssdlua-alsed bsrn. ttt miles to stores, P. ' O. sad 8 cb area ss, tt mile te cbeee factory, ea county road, stags Bna, dally Basil sad uepsens nasi s ssap at 313,80 pas a, but mast sail at oacai tersss eaav. . A. W. E8TES," White Salmon, Wuhlngtoa. AT A BARGAIN 88 scree eleared farmlag had wear sbogene. u in. care eournai. , FOR SALE TIMBER. FOB SALB. If takea quick , at a bargain . tono acres et timber la the Nehslem valley In line et the proposed railroad; crate 48.000 to the cre; $38 per acre far a abort time, Charksa Hall. Hood River, Oregon. HOMESTEAD rallnrra lab meet for ssle cheep; 180 scree witb s.uuu.'wju reel el tlmoer, a mllss ETwm rniu-wse. - -iwi CBBTTFIED set 'ho."C lOWtMst eT Dense pric. : W. G. US BARTER AND EXCHAN0E. SALB OB BIUHANGS at r-oata mi. la oor, tine ou, aigsiy impreved. fruit, brrrlee. Tine, choice young orchard la fall bearing; A room . hard-flnlssed house with basement large barn; good view and no dust: would take cottage In desirable loca tion. Booth Portland preferred. Owner, D 38. care Journal. . T ACBEB (er pert), st Mllwsaklst sll clear. aye along tns uregon iity ear una; tor n choice piece of cleared land, valued st from $3,000 te 34 000. near Aarora, er between S. P. snd Wlllamett alrer. Bog $8, toato 1, Mllwsnkle, Or. CHICKEN-RANCH, 3tt acres, near email towa. , aaar Kn county; a-roem, oweiung, orchard. .iviiuiu, cow, sjag, ev cwicaena, tool; vain $000; for beet offer, heals r eoaat ranch. Addreaa 0 20. anre Jouraal. FOR gXCHANOE--00-scr fnlly aqal cms plsoer mine, tor Portland property mine are dlvtdead-prodaeer and Will stssd lnvsstlgsttoo: wster right ef the beet,. Ad dreaa P. O. Box. 881. flrsats Psss, - TO EXCHANGE Nearly new . alx-rnesn hawse and large lot. Hoe locatloa, 31,800, Oregoa City, for Portland property er email farm. Fine opportunity for mill workers. I. 3, Jour- Sl ' - V S18 ACRES. 100 la enltivstion, rest pastor, three mile from towa, free delivery, kill land: worth $5,000; exchange for Portlaad property. Addrae T IS. cere Jouraal. FOR EXCHANGE Vshtsbls English pa teat for raraat bits er farm: this IS a patent , ef merit worth Invent (gating; pee maa. . 8 iv, cure eournai. , 40-ACRB farm, well Improved, good buildings. orensra. near niitsooro, mr rortiana noma, Hagamann A Blaaeaard. 81 Fifth st 1 FIRST-CLASS photograph outBt for amateur rnotogrepBor- win rxrnange rnr. anything at ta ealue. R 47, ears Jours L FINB block sf lot la 8t. Johns tn strbsage Ifw mnwmw suv mm . . . , r l L st HORSED VEHICLES,-HARNESS. VEHICLES ef all kinds, new and seeosd-hsndl largest aroca, mweet prices; aorae and rig rented by day br month. Tomllnsng Cos alday. 311 Waahlngtoa. ; PiciS 60T. WANTED Tn buy good heavy work horse mint be all right; for rash. Phone Mala : MIA MINES AND INVESTMENTS. THB J. 1. I.EB COMPANY - r - iv-v HIGH ( LASS STOCKS AND BONDS. , A i ara slweya la the market either tn bur ,, w are slweya la th market either tn bur or aell any active mining or Industrial g tacks, ' . wii. I'- .... i. . . .mr pi ii ea. H. W. DONAHUE, Mgr. - Sroksrage Dept. 10-20 Lefsystts Bldg. 4KMBBR Portland Stork Exchange) orders Of. en ted en all mdnalrtal ad mlalng etoek. W. J. Curtis, SIS Cemmerslal hike Psom Mais seAil V