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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
ct.zzz:: daily jsusijal, rcr.TLAirD, tiiuhsday EvziJiira august ca, iscx moms -markets- 1 1 U I II 1 ' i i i i ; ) POTATOES Local Market Is In Good - Con dition With Recefpts Somsvvhat TUn3er Culrfenf "Demand. " '." . ' I i a 1 1 'it r-iat C " OFFERED TO PRODUCERS ItAtest' Government Report ofDepart- mtnt of Agriculturs Shows De In Prnn Vrnm Estimate of V Mnntk Arc.' k ':. ; . rront Street, Aug. 22. Tk prlaclpsl festal f th Portland wholesale markets today:, .; Delayed fruits, srrivs this aeoroin. .- . Peah suppllee Buck better. .. Illack grapee dragging nasrhst. Common cantaloupes too plentiful. . E(ga aod poultry very aim.- v,: , Priam meat position I good. ' -Local lomatoe ara very rough. " i rotate market holding atirr. - ' ' Local onerts com (lightly (eater.' , , tjutat (eallDf to hop markrt. t Prana demand k it low ebb. '' , r Butter and cheese tnarheta bold., . . ' "rotate Market Holding Stiff. ' ' A very stiff feeling te snow by the potato aiarse.. vvcvipia, wniw lair .or wuav m ,ine jurr, ara oonaiaerBDiy ugnier maa w mead. For Bret-claas atock dealers ara very 'freely afferlna ae blab aa BOfrafto ner hundred 1 pouude. while eny old kind of potato la now .being aouffbt at prices that will not Ian nailer . . TTleiMaj Bi""apawpaa"?irTrTTiy r , colter tba condition of the crop la' all eee- -tlooa of tha oeuatir la falling, Voattnned dry . -weatber baa bart tba prodacttoa oooalderebly 'In tba PariAc eoaat ate Ire. tba yield la Ora- mnm C 11 fnn.1 tA tu.l.a Mfl.llw cut down. Other atatea here suffered about the same oa ecouunt of oootiaued drough. One .' ,eaarkable feature of thta year' prodnetlo ea th Paclac coaet la the ret email alsea ' eowa by tba rarloua gredea. While tba eeeena kt yet rather yoang tbfre kra lutttM MMlnd nf ImMl HitiiM ThM fa. all arrrrab) have abowa rerf email alaa oa ae- couni or the ary weatber. but quality is roily ao mod aa tba aTeraaa. Market la rood abaca at quoted guraa. , . ,(. J . JMayed rraita Arrira Thla Heralag. ' Seroral cars of delayed fralu. that abould bTe arrived bars yesterday noralog, eamo la leat nlgbt and wr. enloefl-'d early. There ara now better euppllre of white grapea. Blacks are a drug oa tke Bertret end ara aelllng as low . aa ana aee rra r ano nmM that tha nrtM mmm as high as t.2S per crate, although Boat of the tranaaralAii. apah affMnnal Bl Tha arhltM mwm , In pest draund a 1th reluee ruling from 1.60 to ' aa par craM. ... a Peaok Suapllas Ara Beet. 1 ' '" Beet auppllca of peaches of tba eeaeem were . annwa aloeg tha street today. The markrt. while not weak, kt not ao Arm aa during the early part of tba waek aad price today range between TSe aad ft per boi, arlth many ealee of fruit at 90e. ' A few boxes of oatra fancy stock sold aa high as 11.10, but thla nrica ; eras tba Halt sad waa tba atcentioa Instead of the rule la the market. It la therefore OBIttefl fa tba feeuler market.' Oral aery rcabtaleupea tboae ' i at- rulooua apatoaa .oa.scoount . af poor- aaullty; Soma from tba north ara selling quite wall aa .high aa2.b0 a crate. rnua tble Igaro-tbo .. price ruie anwa to Si a a. , . Seearal Tars of -wsteraatlon and eantalonpea arriTed la from California thla Borntna. Oood ceoflltloo. Watermeloa market food with black e aaning aa niga aa i9 today. Nectarinea ara eoBlog In goes shape and are qumea ataaay at fl a boa. local tomatoes ara errlrlng In a ry rough condition aad for then ' tbe eery top of tha Barbel today Is $1 a boi. Bona ealee down to TbCj Borne three-tier fancy ' stock from Call- xorsit Boeing well at Sos. Prune demand Is vary alow for tbo dried mill, rilwa aaftaa Iff Wftaiiaai. avaa m a. 11. wlUi tbuos offeied tt shippers. Tbma nefaay ue Baraei m DBU. Brief Votes of Tarlaag Karfcta. Kggs ara not coming nearly so freely and the . price m nrmor wiia most sale today at z3c. rouiiry aemaaa la axceiieat with all ar rteaia cleaned ap eroro being aaloaded. Price ine eamo. '. , Very small trade la resorted la tbo' hop mar ket . Dealer etlll waiting to eee bow tba . crop ara taming oat. Grower excited and do boi seem eeg.r to oaslaoss at any price. n BatU sad cboesa markets ara Ira with beat irme in ine rornier. espeeiaiir mr dry - Price the same. Position of tbe dressed Best ' market waa aeeer better tbaa today aad some high Igure :re beleg aaxtd fee th few reel that ar rrlrlng. v Wheat aad lower aiarketa atoadv tat. mi. 'tertor baying of wheat etlll reported Mod at . top Igure. Th trade pay the following quotitlone te , rmn eireei. race 10 eaippers ara we eonv SraJa, Tlear aad feed. I BIUI!... BA25 c,,ett-- He Suylng ' price; selling. HC. " ; wntAi new crao,' rncj red . Boaelaa 66c oinwiira, ivi Taiirjr. lie. ' BARLEY New yed, $21.00; rolled, $23.80; brewing, $23.00. .. CORN Whole. $2700; cracked. t28.00 por ' BTB-$l.n per ewt, ' 4 ' " ' OATS New Prodacer price Ne. 1 white $2a00M.0O; gray, $21.0023.00. . .. . . ' . OLJtr5K,."er".. Vt!l ! ayi !! aviVUO.WV, WSDOTX. S.lll! : ' " 1 - ."'71 , ea . mill 1 ur re ura a, fie.60 per oar tnn. mtA dllnea. a 24 00 : ahorta. ronfiht. aia ka. $17.60; chop. 1 0021.00. ' Ht-roducer' otic Timothy. Wtlleaeft valley, fancy, $1100; ordloary. $10.004110 60 sitters Oregoa, $le.00a 17.00; mixed, (lo.oee, il'Soifc("' r?3 V10 eb.t. Batter, tgg aad altry, BUTTER FAT ". . . b. Pertiaad flwMt cream, 94 Vie; eoor, S2H(, . ' BUTTER City creamery. Met osteid hap, ta iirt Me; ordinary, tin, atoro, 14c . . . EOU No. 1 freah Orocon. caneile oa.. erdinary, 1 UH( aocaadlod, S0Ht21c; muC CHUB". Nw roll era. flats, ISUalldri tonne America. 1SO16U0. . . 'W"'l ' POTJLTRI Mixed chJekca. ItUe n.. ency bene, lee per ibi moater, old. 10 We r lb; stega. UVUtte per lb; fryera. iR, roller. 14 par lb; eld docks, iiuata.; Id tbt oprln duck.. 13HOIH Ibi eeeee. Sfiioc Ih; turkey, lee p-r lb; draeeid. 10 net ibi equaba, $1$00-M 9t aosTY-a iafto Ber dos. v 1 BTepa. Wal aad'XId, .' ' ' HOPS Oontracta, IBM crop, JgQIOe per lb. ' WOOte IMS clip Valley, soaree to ajedlnm. Sir; In., f 4e; eaatera Oregoa. aOdJSl, . a'ni.ntw, awavinaj. MBEPRKINS Shearing, lttt rb( oaort eroel. aedJeOe; edla woi, . 07 . b long wool, Tftrvll.OO each. J? AltSlToT,T,M' '-" "a; rea... lAxUa. 100, t8He per lb, . ..HlDtS-Rry; he. I. U Tb. end aa. Uu. line per l; dry kip. Fo. 1. I to 16 rbe. I4ci THURSDAY PRICES IN - t : THEy WHEAT MARKET . . ,"r- Sept." Pac. 4 Chicago ..1..$ .71HA I .74HA . q s 8t Louis. .... .... .714 q Jdlnneapolla ' , 7B . 4) .Duluth ......... .711 - iVfUwaukea ... ,m ' ,74H Kanaaa City. , ,$7S q Liverpool '..1 - tn tH4 ;' . fs$Hd , JOURNAL'S DAILY TIPS 01 HftRKFTS -: qqd at ' Ht Kvardlna' aV Parroll ' a. Tha poultry market Jiaa been in q vary healthy ahap tha past q freek. rocelpts lightened yp con- hlderably, and demand seems to q liay improved.' Oood fat hen ' hav been In demand at 111 and 14 cants, and springs ara Ulna; q at 14 cent. The demand 1 for lrit"gprtnsg,"" and ' "very "mll"d q ones are not wntd badly. W d . ar Of the opinion that th da- mahd for tare aprlnga next week d q trtif -bt-very g-)P(t. Truc)cirq q selling; a llttla better, and-soma d q good onee will brine 11 and II tt q osnts. . Geese ara also firmer at q present, and are selling at and q , 10 cents. . Turkeys ara scxc, q apparently, at IS and 1 events for . good old, and fancy spring tur q keys will aell for a premium over q theaa prices of aeveral cents. Aa q w said before, we ar of tha , q q opinion that there will be a very q q fair demand for all grood poultry ) 'th coming week, and think that " q q shipper will make no mlataka In . , q ahlppinf liberally.. ' t , ' dry eslf, Ho. 1. aader lbs. lci eaited bide. Steers, soaad, 40 lba and over. lOtgllci eowa, HCHo stags end bulls, suaad. dOTe; kip, IS to SO Ibe. be; calf. Bound, under 1ft lba, 11c; greea. aaaalted, 1 Wee; culle. l ear lb leae; boraehldee, eaited. each. ll.Sriet.Tt; dry, each. Il.ooai.66; eoU bldee, XSOSpet. goat akin. rolBUtua. aacm. IDellAet . Aiurara. aeob- ZaVcal - , FraHa aa. TtUaa. -POTATOBM New. OTk-rtXl no aa aaaki ara ducera' . nric tor car lota, J0Q86 per cat; weeia. So lb. v ONIONS Jobbing price New Walla Walla. 16 per sack; new California, red, $1.76; allrere. $1.75; gerilc. le per lb. PRBSH FRUITS New, apples, octttl.M: orangae, Vaktacia, M TBftS ( uu; eananaa. ocy 6V4c lb; lemooa, cbebva, l,75fcS.OO box; faacr I i nrnu 1 Ml K - . 'I al QK aa. vm;; - BawallaB, $8.0095.00: plnms. ioe ti"6e ner crate; raateloupea. $l.(Mig2.bu; raepborrlee. )l block fure. ); I'altornla grape. $1.00; Oregon. S0t7BC: ' bleekber rtee, $1.0013 1.M per Crete; wetermHone. I1.0OQ 1.10; crated, gl.26: peacaee, Tocajgi.ooi peara. 1 01.60; prunee. bulk, Sc par lb; packed, fiOt ooi; nacaierjerrlea, lile. , VRaKTABI.Ba Turnlpa, haw, $1.00 see sack; carrots. i.ou par aaca; oeeis. si.ou per eeca; Kranlps, $1.(0 per sack; Oregoa radlsbea. 9 par doa: cabbaae. Oreaoa. Se: . bell peppera, etJlOe par lb; toeaatoee. ' oAc t1.23 per box; paranlpa, 0cl1.00; airing beajia, Oregon, title par lb; eee II flower. 11.00 per os; pea. Q5e; . boree. rediab. 7e Ber lb:- arttcbekes. . T3a per do: sauaak. ikr! areea mien, breeoa. 12V4a nor doa buachea; cueaabera. Oe per box; celery. TS per doe; green corn, HUftlSc doa; eua- mejaonaeh; TSc$la.OO see boat aggplaat. . DBIKD rBUlTB Apple, evaporated, US) 14c per lb; anrleota, ltUQiac per Hi: peerb. 12alXUe nee Lb aaeka U.e ia.1 Ik Irae. araaM. 0 to 40, tc: He drop oa oarb 1-1 aatallor else: Igs, CaUforr.le bUck. CH per Ibi rellfornls whits, He par lb; datea. golden, in per 10; xare. per lo-ia oos. Sieoailsa, STata, Xta, ,f . ' 8rr3Att AU Terinertee Cube. $8.90; powdered. I-JH; fruit, graaulated, $6.06; dry graauletad. 4.1.06; cenf. A. M; weetera P: C. $4.H: Hawaliaa C. C, 441! extra C. $4 U; gnlrlea C. $4.66; D, yellow. $4.60; bbls. 10c; t Shw. trie; boxae. So ndeanc oa ek baaav, lea 28c ? wt for aaak, 16 dayt Baplo, USJloe per lb. (Abor prlee apply to ealee et lea tha ear lots. Car lota at special prices subject te uctuatlnns.1 . . . .... 1 .. , ' HONBY $ par crate.: - Packara heanda. llVaiR.TlL ' i BA LT Ceeree nail aeiaa4, lOwa.- .- 00; lOOa, 001 100a, BO, to, ark. rpool luas roca. Dor ton; 60-lb rock. $0,00; 100a, fS.00. . ItlCB Ireperlel Japaa. o. .L: He. & $ftl4ei Nwi)reaBked.TlLAJ1j Creole. Bt,e. BKAN8 gtnin whit. $4 IB; lara whlt. E.0O; pink. $2T6; tayoa, $4 I; Uaaa. $6J3 eilre red. NUTS Pee out, gaaibe, Sc per Iti; Virginia, Ue per Ibi roaetod. kO4e aer Tbl Jap' eeroH! roaetee. in (He per in: aula. BOnaiW) iter doe; walmte. l.lAUUe per lb; plaenata, lOOlxtte pee lb; hickory ant. 10 per lb; chestnut, eeetent, let) Me per lb; I Brail 1 aula. 16 per lb; fllherte. 14Q16 per I lb: faacr oacane. Bc; almooaa. lgfllTe. .- Batata. Oaal 00, Xt. v. ROPE foe htsalls. 14ei ataadard. lUte; deaL 11. COAL Oil Pearl a Alfral Case MA nee gl; water white, troa barrel 14a per gel, wooden IT per gal; boadllght. 170-deg, eaaea line per gel. - . . uiwium " aag, anas mm par gat, troa bbl le nee raL BESZIW ejdeg, eaaea SB per gal hoa bbl lSUe ner a il. TURPENTINE la ease tee par gal, wood bbl. 3c per gal. WHITS LEAD Toa lota, TV par lb! ftOCIh ajts. He pel lb, lao lotst Stt per tb. Winn NAIXS Present baela at II ML LINHEEP CI Pre raw, la SIiTjI 10a. aac; l-bbl lot, B3c; raeea, S3 nor gal; geaalae kettle boiled, eaee. SO par gal; t-bbl fcta. 64c; l-bbl lot 66 per gal; ground cake, car lota. $30.04 per . bob; lee xaaa car wia. aou.wj a tea. Boat. Slab aad Frsvlaloaa. PBESR MEATS Pront Btrost Hog, faacr. He; erdinary, 7UOc; poor, 7Q7S per lb; buna, aoane par id; vi, extra. av,e per i; ordinary. 7H per lb; poor, e per lb; Button, fancy. I.IV par lb; lamba, SQb. H1MB, bacu.-, uu. rorriaaa rc. Portland Back floral. sck rieeel) hi ma, 10 to 14 lbs. 17 per lb; 14 to IS lba. ie Vb per lb; brMtriit becoo. ifljj;ie tier lb: plenlc. 13M pet lb; cottar 10 1 per lb; regular tnort cir, nemoaea. u per lb; smoked, 13 per lb; clear backs, unsmokad. ISe per lb; imoked lie pee- lb; Union batte 10 to IS lba; cnemoked, 8c per lb; smoked, be lb: clear aeuiea. uamoaoa. 14e par Ibi ranked, 16 per lb; (houldere. 13 He per lb; pickled' tooguee. ge.oo quarter pel. UWllvI. f.AKD Kettle leaf. 10a. 13Ua nae lb; 6a, 1344c per lb; 00-rb. tine, 13c per lb; raaro reanereo. ine, .1 per mi ae. 11 per irex componna. tue, ote. UArlriau BAlaam'!' Columbia river. I -lb rail. l.M; S-lb talla, 33.71; finer, lib Seta, fl.bu; 4-lb fancy Seta. $1 IS; fancy 1-lb ovals, $3 76; ilssha ufls. Dink. HaOOci red. ll.Lui mimlui 3a, tall, $2.00. 11811 Bock eod, Te par lb! Sounder. per tk: halibut. 6c per lb; crab. $1.60 per doa; atrlrwd baea. 13Wo nor lb: ratnsh. Be nar lb: salmon, Colombia river Chinook, Sc per lb; steel heeds, sc per lb; bloeback. Be per lb; herring. por in 1 eoiee, c per in: enrimpa, 10 per porch. Be ner lb: blaca cod. Te ner lb: to mood, 7e per lb silver smelt. Be per lb; kbetere pee lb: fresh Backer!. Sc per lb; erawflab, SO per doe; shed, ft par lb; sturgeoa, 10c per lb: black ban. SOe. .. OTSTEBB Sboatwater bay., pw gal. $3,; per aiiu-10 eacx. e. w, ' CLAMS Hardshell, per box. $3. 00t rar Vasaia, Bakiai per vex. TirrrzB states soyrsmtsirr sobds. New Tork, Aug. S3. Gorerement bonds! Data. Btfil. ah Two, recietered. ..........r Opt. 1044 do -COUpOU. ...,.... ki. Opt. 10AU 104 J 104 104 in' 104 131 131 L Three, retl.tered ....... ... . Opt. a erainon. ........ .. ...... Otrt.. Small bond roura, reglaterad. ........... 1POT do coupon .., latrf Poo re, reglaterad 19M coupon..... 1R25 riatrlrt of Columbia........ llu Phlllpploe .... 1... ssir msiroisco 1-ocax stocks Saa- rraneeiee, Aegr S3. Official Coejtr Coat Water.,., print Valley Water..: (Heat Powder. Hawaiian Commercial.. Makewell Rngar. ...... Onomea Sugar....,.,..' ...a...... ran ; Paauhad Sugar. ., la . Hutrhlneon Xugar 66 Z Aasnclated Olf....' 40l ia : $e . 166 .. J Fe-pDDB, , . , , , v, . tlTESrOOI,. SBATJg BLABXIT. Uverpool, Aug. 23 -OfflrlaJ price: i ' Onen. - cu. taa, 1-. - Pee...,;, ae slid u Jd a SVad 4d CORN. . 4 7SA , 4a M ' . 4a i u $M 4 7,4 4 S'Ad toe; 60. ta.60 table.-dairy. 60a, t. Ill 78; Imported Ueerpool. (Oa. glT. io.wit 334a, fis.oo; extra aa. Ben, za. 4.aoaa.Bo; Duit. no ine, fd.vot.a.on; oa. waasei un , Bid. Aek. ... tii si-i ... T ' SO k a 0 Sept.,.i I'ec.,.., .. Q4tS. HOT FOLLOWED Decline at Opening of Foreign Markets Is Not Heeded by Chi, cago -Market There Higher. MAYOPTIOCHASTHE t LARGEST GAIN TODAY Advsnces Thrcs Quarters Whils De ce'mber Is Up Fivs Elghthf Sep tember s Half Higher Fsnners' Elevators Everywhere" Lose. BtLATIVB WBBAT TALUE8. Aug. IS. Aug. IX Oata. 19011. .862 September. Iecembr.. slay ...$ .71HA$ .71 $ .0014 , -.l'1fc .78 A ..7dB.. '0OK Chicago, Aug. 23 Tale market did not fol w the lead of Lleeroool todae waea- that mar ket showed a decline In wheat, both at tlie opening and closing. Tbl market we rather dull but 'strong and Ui advances at the close ran red from lit to 44c ever yesterday. Farmer' eleretnre tbrousnout the eouatrv bar been making big knoee, particularly en oata. beceueo of unramlllarlry with modern merch and lain methods. Tbe farmer' coai- d to make bodging sales agalnat kasea. and a aumhae of them loaded ap with high-priced property. A prominent broker ears: .''Wheel the coe- rrnment come to Its October report reTleioa 1 seiiere it win rate lie corn and oat figures much ae It did laet veer. . It will no ahown. If the finding are hi coord with the facta, that thla year' corn crop 1 the greatest tbe country has erer raised." Wlrt-Traoiailbn by Over beck, Starr took company 1 , " WBBAT. - J Open. High. September ...... T014 77W Jay. ' Tin, 70-. 71V4A T'jZ - 74A 47 ' 4H .Si ; b jatt ; ' ani . oiii $34- . UStB 1700 'I70SA 1337 - - 134ftB , , - mtr eWJ ' HftftH 7W 1H2U W -. ' M ST IMS 711 722 ieceaor ...... t.t T4H May , T7tS ' 7S CORN. September December . May ...... " 40 . OATS. September V..... 2tj . n Iecmbr nJ 31 May , t2'2 U4 MENU PORK, lean . 170T ,..e-lSo ' 134ft -LARD. MM . (WIT .... W3 , sea ...... 7 HO f2 iHonT itrwtr aeptemher January gep tern ber October .. Jaaaary ,. September October .. January u Me) 723 ecu 723 WASHINGTON CROP SHORT. State'araU ZaspaeVsz Sars Crop Za Cat V Oest, . (Special Dlepa'cb to The J.wraal.1 - Tanoma, Aug. -33, State Grain Inapeetor Arraamltb. who la in Mstern Weehlngton. hue written the state grain offtc hero that tbe etate'a -wheat crop will be -36 per rent abort tbl sossob. Mr. Arraamltb . ear be bee elated a number of. far me where threshing Is In pragrea and haa found tbe grain running snorter ban ho bad anticipated. There . ara a few t recta, he aaya. where the wheat will average 0 hosae. to to acre, put such grain la la a lareo minority. New wheat has begun arriving her la targe qaaatltie la tn past lew ner. . . HILIX WnAtMAtE.2z (Speasl Plsnarch to Tbe Jouraal.) ' ReHx, Or., Aug. 33. W. W. Scott, oa of tbe big wbeatrrowere at this pUee. bss made a aaie or v.ouo rmabeta nr rluo wheat to w. W. Raymond of Walla Walla, for th letter's Bills oa tbe sound. This wheat brought ftfle straight, which la the hiatieat price paid for ciun tma year, except or a uuie mat waa pat on ine marxec real eariy. rrw nninfTaainic.-BTi ' (Special ntaoatcb to Tb Journal.) Aberdeen, Aug. S3. A new commission bous will oon be opened here' by Clyde B Weatberwax and Frank Davie of Portland The Sra will handle all kind of fruit end vegetable, which will be shipped to them direct from th localities where they are grows The Bra expocta- tooxtead ite -opera tloe all over Cb-halla county, doing a wholesale boil Dree. Mr. Deris ha bad yeare of experience la tola iue or. nuaioes in rorusae. ' , CHICAOO CASK WHEAT. : Chicago, Aug. No. t red....... No. $ red. ...... No hr4 ,. . No. I hard No. 1 norther. . be. S nortbera. . 33, Caeh wheat: Aug. 33. Aug. 3Z. .7144 .71 .70 .70 .77 ' .70 .71 1 70 .IS SECRETARY PLULIMER SAYS HOGS ARE FIRM ' " '. 4naaaaBaBaeinBaBaaa..BB.BM ',. Receipts Light With Price Main tained Cattl Are Dull but Steady. , Portland T'nloa Stockyarda, Aag. ta.uv. etock receipts: . , , nogs, cattle. Bheep, Today 26 300 noo Week, ago ... . .. 37 34 Month ego... a...,...A... ... . loo Hear ago. i isg . i.iaa Thla 1 today' livestock market, accord log to Secretary plnmmer: "Hog ar quoted irlth Sra tone, beet heavy selling readily at $3.86)3.60. Cattle, while dull, at holding ateady at price Hated by Tbe Journal. Sheep srs ateady sad unchanged." Today 30 horaee arrived la the yard. Official livestock quota t lone: Hon Beet eeatern Orexon. ' 37 3817.50: bkarket and China fats, $0.30; Stacker aad feeder, $3.00; bulla, $3.60. Cattle Beat oeetera Oretron eteer. S3.B0: beet cow and heifer. $2 60X78; stacker sad feeder. 32.60; bull, gz.60. Sheep Shearling. 4t4Hc; lambe, ac. EASTERN HOGS LOWER. Xearfer Beoelpta Oevose Otoy of Tire Oeata la 01ii4raJro. . . Cblcage, Aag. 28. Mteatoclr, receipt; . Hoee. ' Cattle. Sheen. rhlcago .............26,000 S.nno ift.ono Kanaaa CltyrTtTrT.T .0i" a.ono , 4 000 Omaha 7.000 - 3 600 7.600 Hogs o lower wiia t.hoo irt ever tmm yesterday. Keceint ar year ago were JS.pon, Prices: Mixed. $ 60tJ.84: good and heevy, 34.liiC4.47 14 : . rough and hraTy3B.Maa.0; ugnr. en.iaiaji-.Bv. cattle Pull Sheep St eady. Sterling Exckanr Sato. New York. Aux. 33 Mterlmg eichapr: Do. mand, 4M.40i44.SO; SO day. Teti are mot properry laoktaff awt feS $fo. I aaleea roaj srateih rBe Sewjraa4 waat AVda. d4 q portlaad. BaaB snatrma, - riearlnge today ...... tl.04 13 q q Clearlnge year $o,.. $U.$4$.0$ q , V '- q ' Gain today S40S.1S7.SO ' q . q Ctttsr Dmand Chown for Pct&toes nd Dealers Are Offsrlnj ttth Prices Govern ment Report Cuts Down ths Size of Crop. L408SEiai!DIJl in HEIV YORK Stock Market Acts Quser With Good Advance In Some Lead 7 era and Declines in Others. MONEY RATES ARE - ' DOMINATING FEATURE Copper Acts Strong 'With Advance of Ten snd s Quarter Points In An. ; sconds snd Two snd Three Eighths in Amalfsmsted. KET GAINS. Anaconda ... ,, Amalxamated 8mltr Car Peundry. Brook Ira ..10 .. . s ... Nortbera Pacific. Norfolk N. V. Ceatrai. Penney Irani ..... a Toledo i IH I'nhm Pacrfle 1 Colorado Fuel.. t). J W. W..,.. aaOCOBaOtlVe V i Steel do ' prefer rod. . , . . NET I.OSHKS. ... 'i'Mlirwirl pacific..., ... - Kll'reeeed Steel Car.. ... 4,iKeiibllc Steel ... KIRock lalaad ,.. lIHoutbera Railway.. . .. . ijiHouilieru Pacific... ,.. HITenneee Coal..... Atcblaoa ...... Sugar ....... Baltimore St. Paal. ...... Caaadlae ...... V 00 tea ........ Erie , Wall Street. New York. An;. S3. The atnek Barket we erratic today, there being preaeur oa aome laauea aad good strength In other.. Copper was actlte and lield Strang threugnmt tbo .. day. Aiisconda adrsnced 1014 points snd Aaislgamated went on 3S point. H0II1 advance, are seM 10 he duo to a aqneeae of the preferred was weak and loot aeveral polnli. while Northern Pacific sdrsnced 1U pnlnta. Money rate eoatioae th oominnng rest a re or tbe msrkt. DB8CBIPTI0N. AmaL Copper Co Am. Car A round., eon. do preferred..,,..,... Am. Cotton OIL mm.. ab. lancooeotlve, eom.. Am. Sngar, com..,,... Am. Smelt,, com....,. Anaconda Mining Co... Am. Woolen, com.,., . Atrhlaoa, com...,.,... Baltimore A Ohio, .com do nreferred Brooklyn Rapid 11 naotan I'arliu Central Leather. ChL A fit. Weet., com. rni., mil at, Paul. Chi. A Northwest. , com rbreaneak Obi (ok. Fuel A Iron, cob. D. K. u.. eom...,. do preferred Erie, com.. do 3d preferred...,. do let preferred .... lymlrillle Nashville Manhattan By........ M.. bl. A T.. com..... do preferred Mteeour! Pacific....... New York Central Norfolk A Weetera, com . do preferred ortn American.-... JtOHbWR Pclc."1ropi r-pnavyivenia my....... Beading, com . do 21 preferred...... do let preferred..... Ben. Iron Steel, com do preferred , Bock lelend. com - do preferred. nTrnrr. St. U A . W cob.... do preferred......... Soarhera Pacific, coa... Southern Br., coa...... Texas At Pacific t'nioel Peclnc, coa 11. 8. Rubber, cam...... do preferred. C. S. Steel Co., com. . do preferred. , , wtnaah, roi r ""Total ealee foe day. 1.384.400 share. Call aaoney eloaed SttJ4 per cent. 2,000 G01C0M MB SOLD ON 'CHANGE Five Thousand Shares Record of Day's Trading More In terest Is Displayed. Portland Stork Erchanre. Asa. 23. Flv tbouaand share of storh were Bold on the local exchange today. Oolcood waa In demand aad 2.000 chare were sold at 4c. A tbouaaad cach et -Nicola Coal, IHxie Meadowa and Alsaka pioneer were sold with prices 3c, 4 He and 63 paid respectively. . -, uinciai price : ,- . , . BA.NK STOCKS .' f Bid. Bank of California. .v .....A-.... 303 Merchant' National........-........ ITS 160 Oregon Trust Saving. ,.W. . ., Cnlted Stetea watl-inal. ......... poo Portland Truat Co .(,.,. .., Bankers' A Lumbermen's.... -.. '120 106 If ISCELLANKOVS. STOCKS. Leaser Manufacturing Co......;; 164 CampbeU'e Oaa Burner.. Union on.,. soo Associated Oil Mi Alaaka Packer' 87 Pacific State Telephone.......... ... Horn Telephone ... puaet aouaa Telephone Oregon Life laaaraaee, ... l. C Ia CO. . ar. ( em.ot produea uo. . O. B. N. Ky. 4.,.. Merita Townalt. (a ira.n vajaij. ,v, a. ... , International Coal MINUta STOCKS. Alaska Petroleum......... Alsaks Pioneer Standard Consolidated., Oregon secariuee.. Snowsrora .,.,,. Lee Creek Oold.......... , Teeoaa Steel Salic Coneolldated. , Oallaber OolrVn Bole Coneolldated Bullfrog Terrible Oolconda North ralrview Lc Roy ..a. Hiawatha.... Casradla .. ......... Heel Rambler -Carl boo.... tlxl Meedow Great Northern v. SUGAR STOCKS. HawaHaa Coaaarrlal Honoke Sugar. .........a....... Ilutralnaoa, Sui -4 86 31 Makaweli Swar. .. Onomea Sncar..... 31 Peeuhaa Suaar...... t'nloa Sugar Total aie tuday. i.ono mare. " Trolley Oars for lUltoa. (Special Dwpetch te Tbe Joornel.) . Milton.. Or.. Aug. 13. The Milton olty council haa granted a franchlae to the walla Walla Valley Traction company. which allowa tha company tha privilege of constructing a trolley line through Ha atreet. The franchlae call for tha completion of tha project within aia months. A force of mart have begun work at tha Walla Walla end of tha line, t Tha Columbia A Walla, Walla Traction company waa a)aq granted 'a franchlae, their Una to be completed wiuua tore rar ' V fffr ;i(W.!iii. Iiotsi limti. 41 407 .....I 100 nui nv. 704 70VJ l4m'l41Vi 1394 140 INtl IKH V74 2TV4 n ..... ..... . 103 lonu 11 117 77H T7 jieaiiea iiMHUd. ia ..... 1S 181 '4 1B14 189 no 211 1 1 3e4 BS 44V4 44 an I 4SV4I 464a 44V I 4AU ::::: U t ISO'1 181V. 140Va 14IIS 144 T ?? :::::::::: 8-: X MU 474. OR rua, 142 H434ll4mll42V 4 4:-::::l::::: t l mn. I 1 UT- 3'" 2MVI 14tV.ll' 1411141'i 140 140 137 V. 1K X M J. 3o q KM' ino q 27 27 2S 27 J ::::: ::::: w 54tq "'4 BO SS St e m , ..... 34 S4 1M 133 isi lxz 83 4 ..lOAU q 40 4 40 41 X 104 108 107 I' T i;s4S..t VOH'JFAGES TERi'l III JAIL Stole Furs From Seattle Em ployer and Sold Them to v ' '' Portland Firrri. SPENT MONEY FOR - CLOTHES AND FUN Theft Is Piscovsred snd Boy Traced IJjoPortland snd Placed Under Ar rest by Detective Will Be Taken Back to Face Consequences. ; H. 8. Franka, a lt-year-old youth, waa arraated thla morning In front of tha Oregon Truat a. Sarlnga bank by De tective Vaughn and Hellyer and De tective Kennedy of tha Seattle depart ment on a charge rjfjiavlns atolen $30 worth of fHirf'frora a dealer In tha sound city. - Tha youthful prlaoner will be taken to Seattle thla afternoon to atand trial on a charge of larceny. l Franka waa employed Tor about one month by tha Petkovlta Fur company of 110 Marlon street, Seattle, and while la. their employ It la alleged that ha carried away 2$ marten aklns, which he disposed of to a local furrier for $2$1. Franka la alleged to hare comniunlcated with Portland firm by letter and eon rayed tha Information that he waa an Alaaka trader seeking; to dispose of a quantity of fura. . Ha signified his Intention of shipping tha aklna to them and that they could remit to hint by money order. Not bus pectins that the gooda had been atolen, tha dealera here, after examining tha aklna and finding them to be aat la factory, forwarded a poetal order for $2$1 In payment. Franka incidentally taieulOLjfcom - pany tha order ao as to do away with tha neceeelty of an Identification. After receiving the money Franka realgned hie position and came to thla city. . -: After' his departure tha theft waa discovered and the caaa placed In tha nanda of the flea t tie police. Through tha medium of an envelope found In hie room; i bearing the name Georg Van Aredale, $83 Eaet Thirteenth atroet, Portland, the young fellow waa traced to thla city. Detective Kennedy arrived here yeaterday 'and with tha local de tective want to tha addreae given but could find . no trace of . Franka. .... Ha waa found thla morning and taken. Into cuatody. It waa found that be had apent nearly all of tha money for clothe. . RUSHING WATERS WASH v OUT HUNDRED GRAVES q q e 4 q d (Special Dlepateh te Tbe Journal.) . e , Kanaaa City, Mo.. Aug. 23.- q Tha f looda In tha rlvere ara do- q tng aome ghastly work. ..This . morning tha ruahlng water waahed from tha gravea in Elm- q wood cemetery between 190 and . q 20$ eorpaea, Tbe "bodleg' were waahed Into a ditch that had been opened preparatory , to ' q building a aewar. Persona who aaw tha gravea q . open and their contenta floating q on tba water declare that only a q few of tha. bod lea found a haven In the open aewer trench and q that many or tnem In corflne q -floated on down the Blue river. . The employee of tha cemetery q recovered aa many of tha bodies aa they could find and raburled q them. , . . d Every effort la being made by e the cemetery officiate to conceal q tha true state of affaire to pre- treaa of lot ownera. NEW FOREST RESERVE IN NORTHERN IDAHO (Joaraal Special Serrice.l Oyster Bay, L. I.. Aug. 13. Poatmaa- ter-qeneral Cortelyou called on Preal dent Rooaevelt thla morning and held qulta a long conference wltd the chief executive. Superintendent Pinchot of tha forest reeerva aald that It is likely that a new reserve in northern Idaho will bo 48' tabliahed. Superintendent Pinchot will leava on September S for Boise, Idaho, where ha will attend tbo National Irri gation congreaa. A report waa received from General Bell thla morning. In which he aald that there would be no more trouble with tha colored troopa at Brownsville. TO PROBE CHARGES OF RAILROAD DISCRjMINATION (Jouraal Special Service.) Cleveland, Aug. 33. Attorney Mar- ehand, representing tha interatate com merce commission, waa in conference today with Charles Chamberlain, eecre tary of the National Petroleum' aoclety. Marchand aaya tha eommlaalon will likely reeume work here aoon . to In veatlgato tha chargea agalnat the roads of the central weat on alleged dis crimination. . BELL DISCUSSES TEXAS . RIOTS WITH PRESIDENT (Joaraal Special Service.) Oyster Bay. Aug. II. General Bell, chief of ataff, called on the prealdent today to dlscuaa the Brownevllle (Texas) troublea before taking further action. Ha aaya that he replaced the negro 'troopa with whites and sent tha blacka .to Fort Reno. Glfford Pinchot alao talked with toa prealdent on foreatry. . , CAPTAIN BURNETT OF 'FRISCO POLICE IS DEAD (Joaraal Special Serrlr.) : flan FTanciecOi -Avr. 23 Jrnrrpti J. Burnett, raptaln of detectives of the San Franclaco police department, and well known in police circles, died laat night at Paclflo Grove from asthma and heart trouble. He was on leave of ab sence at tha time of hla death. Ha bad been ill for aome time. : UNCLE JOE CANNON BUYS BIG FARM IN INDIANA fSoedal Maneteb I Tbe Joaraal. I La Porto, Inn) Aug. II. "Uncle" Joe Cannon la evidently going Into farming eatenelvely. He haa Just purrhaaed a 108-acro farm near here, and it la un- deritood .that ha .will buy eonalderabl mora property u uis-seouoo, . , The BREAKERS -I ' .' . ' -"-r 'v - : "' ' '' ;' a; "'" -. -. ' ' :- r"" -,-.' - - :- -if. I ":-.' pf - ' .. A f --".v.-,. v...-A " f J' V' I I aaaeaua .. i ipiawrt rtaeUM UA9TJIS) aOSOOSI SVBSOB OF f KB ACXriO 2fOBTBIWX89. ' (bMUte Uaht, Staaa, Hot aad Cold Salt Water la Bvary Too. Buy T tea .la t Sinker, t Pacts Ooeaty. Waah. Poetofnce Addreea. Breakers. Waah. NEW BOOKS Jr OR THE .-. LIBRARY. .PHIteOSOPHY. - Iaibnlg, Q. W. New Eaaaya Concern ing Human Understanding. Warner, Francis Study of Children and Their School Training. . . RELIGION. . ' ' - Foote, R. L. Librarian of the Sun day School. Prltchett, N. B. What fa-Religion? And other Student questions. Van Dyke, H. . Qoapel for an Age of Doubt; ad. $. . SOCIOLOGY. Anderaon, W. : L. Country Town; a 8tudy of Rural Evolution. Pratt, E. A. American Railway. Riohardaon, B. J, Woman . . Who 8penda. ,. Smart. Willian Diatrtbutlon of In come. EHILOLOQT. Laraen, A. U Dictionary of Dano- IJlojr Fngll-iri Ungliagca; a- ' ' weglan and Engiisn uinguageai ea. . SCIENCE. . Carhart. H. S., and Chute. H. N. Phyalca for High School Btudenta. Comstock, J. H. -Inaect Life. Dana. J. - D- RevleetJ Textbook of Geology; ed. t. Tarr. R. 8. New Physical Geography. USEFUL ARTS. American Steam and Hot Water Heat ing Practice. . Flelschmann. W. Book of the Dairy. Bandera, T. W. Book of the Potato. " 8 watt, A. .E-T-Piinciplee of tha Mall Order Busln'esa. Waring, G. E. How to Drain -. a HousfM2detl FINE ART8. (Including Amusement.) Cutter, Mr. 8. J. Conundrum, Rld- dlee,-Pussies and Gamea. Strange, E. F. -Alphabets, ed. 4. Upton, G. P. Standard Cantata, , LITERATURE. Bangs, J. K. Woraled Man. .,' 'Shakespeare, William - Midsummer Night's Dream, ed. by W. 1.. Rolfe. . Schiller, 1. C F, von -Drama, v. S. HISTORT AMD TRAVEL. ' Babcock, K. C. Rise of American Nationality.'- .. . ' MacJionald. WITIiam Jackaonlan De mocracy. - . - . .. i."...., . -. Phillips. L. M. In tha Desert. ; Turner, F. J. Rlaa of the New Weat. BIOGRAPHY. (INDIVIDUAL). Cobbett, William, by E. D. Carlyle. -Cortes, Hernando, by F. A. Ober. . Ellsworth, Oliver, by W. O., Brown. Farragut, D. O., by J..R. 8 pear a. . Franklin, Benjamin, by P. E. More.' BIOGRAPHT (COL-LECTIVB). ' Bouve. Mr. P. C (R.) American He roes and Herolnea. Degener. H. A. 8. Wer Ist'st Unsere Zeitgenoaaen. , . FICTION. j Clemena, 8. L. Soliloquy of King Laupuld. Crockett, 8. R. Cherry Ribband. Day, H, F. Squire Phln. i Phllllpa, H. W. Red Baundere. Phllpotta, Eden Portreeve. . .. Sherwood, M. P. Story of King Syl- vain and Queen Almee. . ; -FRENCH BOOK8. - Belot A. et VUletard. E. Testament de Ceaar Glrodot Dealya, Charlee Grand'maman. ' Fenelon. Francoia de la Sallanae de la Moth, abp. Telemaque. Lablche, Eugene Maria, . et Martin. Edouard -Le Voyage de M. Perrlchon. M oiler. J. B. Poquelln de. Lea Fem- me Savantea. Muaaet, L, C. A. de Un Caprice.'' Musaet. L. C. A. de II Faut Qu'une Porta 8olt Ouverte ou Fermee. MuBt, L. C A, de Oeuvres, 18 v. Bandeau, L. S. J-Catherlna Bandeau. L. 8. J. Mile de la Setgllero. SOLDIER CITIZENS HAVE RETURNED FROM CAMP Oregon's volunteer soldiers returned from 'their 10 daya' atay at American lake laat night, aad all report that they had tha beat time of their Uvea. The drill and maneuvers put a healthy tan on tha facea and arma of the - young Soldtera, and aa they marched down Waahlngton atreet laat night, with th band playing "When Johnny' Cornea Marching Home," they gave the appear ance of aeaaoned -vetera na returning from a long and hard campaign. Brigadier-General Flnaer and the members of tha Oregon rifle team that la to eompeta In the national rifle tour nament at Seagirt, New Jeraey, left Se attle Monday for the eaatern city, being the only members of the Oregon guard that did not return yeaterday. See Buffum e7tPmdIeton ad. on page. 2. SWITCH ENGINE AND WORK TRAIN COLLIDE A work train and a Southern Pacific witch angina came together last even ing on the crossing at the east end of th steel bridge. Tha tender of . the ewttch engine waa upset, but no one waa injured.- Thla .morning a crew righted the tender, which waa but slightly dam aged. The tracka were not blocked by the accident. . . - Oalvestea'a Sea Wall - make life now.'ie safe In that cHy aa on the higher upland. E. W. Good Ioe, who reeldea on Dull on atreet. In Waco, Tex., need nr eea wall for safety. He wrltea: "I have used Dr. Klng'a New Diecovery for Consumption the taat ova yea re and It aeepe me wen and aaf Before tnai time 1 nan a couga which for yeare had been growing worse. Mow It a gone." Cure thronlo Coughe, La Grippe, Croup. Whooping Cough end preventa Pneumonia'. Pleaeant to take. Every bottle guaranteed at Skldmore Drug Co. Price 10c and 11.80. Trial bottle frea G 7 1 r- - my utaiMKataaxjaiitzgaagTr : Cloud Cap Iriii Oregon'a famou . mountain; - reaort at enow line . -V:- on Mount ; Hood Away ' from the heat of the city. Tbo -most delightful resting place In the nqrthwcat. . Full information ' al ' tha O. R. 4V N. '-';' '-vV.", TICKET OFFICE, Third &. . Washington Sts. HOTEL MOORE ' orasr AU TBta TBAB.' ; - - Clatsop Beach, Seaside, Cressa tku eurr xoubb or oajscMST." v ' Directly on the beach, overlooking the ocean. Hot .aalt hatha and aurf bath- tng. Recreation pier for flahlng. Sun urlnT i. electrl 1cTlgnTir, fireplace ana I furnace heat. Fine walks and drivea. Sea fooda a apeclalty.; Rates $2.50 and S3.C9 Per Cay sraciAXi svatbb bt n wnx. DAN J. MOORE. Proprietor. Hotel Eaton 00 B. MOBBIIOB ABB WIST SAAB STS. .NEW : Handeomely fare I abed, elegaatly eejnlppad, fireproof, Arc raloote walk froaa heert of shopping and boein dletrtct. ell large. lrr. eutltda too tea ataira heeled, eleetrle tlsbte, telephone in each apartuwat. et. Large- ofaere, loanging. enMklng, writing, ladle reception parlor. Soo me ree.reid bv snail er telenhone. : Privet oaaaibue meets tratsa aad ateaaiai. Hoomt fl.OO to 93.00 a , Special Sate te Oommereial M Day ' - BBS. MAS 8AT0B. ... - trereterly ef dot: r'dpath. 8pohaaa.f SEASIDE HOUSE SEASIDE. OREGON ' ' B. S. SAOOITT, Haaagsr. Seaaide, Of. . ' Coder new ntenegeeaent, remodeled and newly fsrnlened. electric llslita, freeh and aalt water bathing, boating, netting, milk aad cro from onr owa dairy. Freeh reset. hire froaa oaf own garden. Bates: 82.80 to $.&0 not day. Special retee br tbe week or month. Free baa. North Pacific College of Dentistry On of the largeat and beat equipped Institution of Ua kind in tha entire West.- No dental echool can boaet of a better force of specially .trained teach enc Who raev6le"Uieir etUTre tlme'IO the" tntereete of the atudenta Th cllnlca are unsurpassed, being In excens of the needs of the Btudenta The annual aeaslon be gin e October 1. For Information and Illustrated catalog addreea the dean, 1 DR. HERBERT C MILLER. Portland, Oregon. PORTLAiACADEfllf Portland Oregon . isth TV as tu oni mxrt: it. Fits boya and'girla tor Eaatera aad Western colleges. Includea a primary' and gramma echool. -, Board Ina- hair for girls affordin tha comf orta and car at a refined home. Office houre during the Summer, froaa I a. m, to 12 m. - - For rateloguA writ to th addreas given above. Columbia University . University Park, Portland, Oregon. Classical, scientific, commercial and grammar grade courses. Apply for catalogue. Medical Department , or THB University of OrerjOn 20th Annnel Sesatoa Begin Sept, IT, IPOS. Addreae S. E. Joerj.hl. M. l.. Peaa, .., SIO Deknm Blilg.. Portland. FREE TO ASTKIA SUFFEur3 A Sees Cere That Anyen Oaa Vee Leia si lima ar IWt tni J V We want every tnfferer from S.tkra I writ n today tut ire trial ef Mir oiii--f ill N-w Method foe earing A.ihm. . eaperlallv deelr thieo rear ef Inug whlrh have triad , all the .rt.-.. k Inhaler, dourlie and petrat tuft 1 an in tier and ellbotit relief. t o- -rare them. He aim to and nr. prove H abselalely free of c-.. aende e e-'-itd thla ocr-' aow cured te no f- i ' Id or ymg, rlr p.r. ! c suffer from A.tbaia after -...g i -frlotia elf.r. Our tneinod i act wrely a w- " lief but a cre Ike) la l."i.l.d uie 1 principle, ewe that nitre by rem "I'ton't pet thle " 'entlf yo bare ' attack !" en right" ..a .ir , ,ae ll.fbcd. It e free a- . efltb all.eare prcld. A A.ihma tn.. Hea ii, ! ... (uflale, BatJ koth. j