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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
Til- CHECC:: DAILY JOURNAL. raHTLAifD. THURSDAY . LVr::ir:0. AUGUST REGATTA'- OFFICERS J3::s DISPUTE GUJS PUZZLERS DEAT OAKLAND - iqc; cw P0LITIS3 CtlHI fl 10D L111ID8 KCIIUSETTS 00E FIGHT - - "... ' OODDUiS !tst Side Lads Assert' That Amateur . Championship . ' Belongs to Them. V; CRAINARD TEAM HAS v'. t MADE GOOD SHOWING Manager Smith Seta Forth HU Res tons in a Letter and Offers to Set j. tie U Affair by XaIlicxigtJtJji , Came-The Real Situation. ' Th Maroons dispute' Woodburn's claim to the state champlonahlp. .' In , Manager . Smith's letter tht follow there U a aweeplng challenge for a match te aettle the point.' It may be mentioned In connection with the state ment, that those teams calling them ', selves "amateurs''! are not amateur, having forfeited on different occasions the right toJU).f11a. This explanation- appears neceessry at this time be cause of the large number of so-called amateurs who are receiving money for playing baseball, by virtue of which the principles of amateurism are cast to the four winds. The letter reads: "Portland. Aug. li. To the Sporting Kdltor of Tne Journal The Woodburn team, since their game with the Schil ler last Sunday; are advertising them selves as amateur champions of Ore iron,' basing their claim on the defeat of -the flchlllers.. Their, claim Is rather weak, however, as the Bchlllers were : defeated by the Maroons on August 3 for the championship. The Woodburn has been defeated by th. Trunk makers, who were in turn defeated by the Bchlllers. also by the gun compan nine, which was -defeated by. the Ma roons on several occasions. , The Woodburn team defeated the Maroons June IT In a Close game, and at that time promised a return (ami In July or August, but for some reason . lias never named a date. ' Th natter should now . be settled between these teams, both of which claim the cham pionship, and as manager of the Ma roons I wish you erould publish this challenge.- which. la direcuTd particularly -to the Woodburn team. - We have an open date on September I and one on Hepteaiber , end will play the Wood burn team on Its own grounds on either . of these dates, the winner to be consid ered the amateur champion of Oregon. Terms of- the gam to be settled by the respective managers of the opposing 1 earns before the game la actually called. Umpires to be chosen by the managers of the opposing teams and each teajn to play, only such men as are regularly engaged on 'he club. - A refusal to play win rve considered as equivalent to the withdrawal of all claims to the cham pionship. HARRT K. SMITH, ' . t "Manager Bralnard Maroons. ' "P. S. Now, Woodburn, it Is up to you." , " ,.; .. V , : .. ? . 1 i AMERICAN LEAGUE. won. -Lost- 1 44 ' ,. 2 6 4 ill Philadelphia . . ....', .(4 r'leveUnd .....ft New York . i. ........ tl Ht. houlM . St Itrolt . ....... Wsshington . .........41 ....... . .17 .t7l .165 .547 ,37 .4l .J87 .904 . At Im ThIl ' First gam . R. Chicago .....................I New Tork . ' .....I Batterlea Walsn snd Sullivan; bro, Clnrkson and .Thomas. Second gam , R. Ohloago . . 11 H. E. e 7 l Ches- H. E. It i New York I . 4 rrmeriei ijwefis ndTTi owne; Hogg,' Orifflth.and McGulre. At Wkshlmrtea. R.H. Wsahlngton .. ............... .4 u( , Clevelund ........,........ 41 .. Batteries Hmitn and Warner; Bern hard and Bemla. r -, - . '". : At raUaaelphi. R:H. E. ....I 10 4 f!t Tuls . ...... Philadelphia . .6 1 Batierles Peltv and Spencer; Coak- jey,. rraaaeu ana ocnrecB. "' R.H. K. Boston , . t Detroit V. 1 4 Batteries Young and Carrtgaa; Don- wnw ana rayne. . 1 V NATIONAL LEAGUE. '" ':. ." ..'Won. Lost.. Pf thicago . . ......... .'... tl . .7 new T or . 72 . Pittsburg . . ,..7s Pliiiadelphla . . 61 Cincinnati . ...40 Hrooklyn . . ..........43 ft. Louis ...41 Boston . . . : . , . . . . . . , . .! a 4 s 4 07 4 .043 .4S .434 li 74 3u( 70 v At Obioago. . ' R.H. E. 4 10 1 Chicago l ; IhllB41nMa ' Batteries Tsylor and KllngV Sparks and Dooin. Umpire Conroy. .....J 7 Z R. H. E. ..I 4 st. iouis ' . . . .". r.. ttoston I 10 Bsttsrles K.rr.r mnA ua,at,.ti Toung snd Need ham. L'mplre John tone.,'. .- .. -, i. . . . : . . At nttsbotf. ;. ;'(,-'' Pittsburg ;;....h.ia Io i New York . ....... ....... ,"j Batteries Willis, and Gibson; Math ewsoa and Bowerman. . - r- -'ll:. ; Otaetaaati. , Cincinnati . i ........... ..'. 4 - 0 Brooklyn i V 7 u 1 Batteries rraser, Wefmer, Hall, snd oiwcj. aoioran ana ttergetj. -XMMm Ttrt tr Weaaka meosrvaT-- ' (Seeeiel Dteeateh n, Tt Jearaal.l Pendleton. Or., Aug. 21. Forest In spector E. T. Allen, who has been In specting th Wsnaha reeerv for the past three weeks,, states t lie re haa been ' but one fir la th reserve this sum mer, which raged In th. vicinity of Huckleberry ereek until th recent rains. Although th fir covered about 00 cr of territory, no valuable tim ber was burned. When peine or irritation exist oa any r-rt of th body, th application 1 of rd s fc-"w Llnhnot give prompt r t 1 Wj Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan J -e, ! 1 peno, O. T., writes, June 0, !..: "I t-e pleasure In recommend ln rn"rd a Snow Liniment to all who re e.. .icled with rheumatism. It Is the onl remedy I hsve found that gives 1 mediate relief." tie. Bad fl.00. VeMtard. Clark 4V Co. DA Commuters Find. No Comfort j Whatever in Playing With' ' v-!-: the Giants.' v -;. vv; . 1 HOPKINS WAS EASY '"n" '. " FOR THE LOCAL MEN At No Stage of the Contest Did the Visitors- Pro Dangeroue, ' Cum . Having Perfect Control ofthe Sit- uation at All Times. .. n. - Portland . Oakland 1. .Vs ' ' Batteries Oum and Donahues Hop kins and Bliss. ' " Although Manager van Haltren said that . "Oum d Id-i t have nothing '' this clever young t wirier, wearer of a con ceited grin and pink ruffles- on his cuffs, managed to hold the Commuters down to three starved hits yesterday, I and while this was In progress dear old Van fanned th festive brees on two distinct occasions. Gum must have had something or els good hitters as Kru ger. Van Haltren and Heltmuller would have pelted hi offerings far, far away. But as Oakland couldn't hit, and a runs are essential to victory, then the lame and heart-sore Oaklandera ' went down one more to defeat. Th gam lacked eicltement and at times there wasn't th slightest bit of noise, not even th deep base vole of Dr. Anderson aor th shrill, clarion notes of Judg Oieon.-' Gum "would go In the bo and tetlre his opponents In brder, walk back to th bench without ever changing a .feature. Hopkins, th abbreviated, red-.teaded, smiling - Oak. whit teeth, grin i-omplacently, shoot a few balls down the channel, smil again and then hie bark to his seat on the bench. Such a difference. . Oum had a spanking team behind him. whll poor little -Hopkins wss not so fortunate, 8 till th youngster did well, consider ing th . fact that he was up against hard game.. . Portland, as customary, brok Into th run column In th first Inning. . After two were down a hit' and a base on balls gave th Giants a tally. There was nothing doing again', until i the fifth, whan Mitchell's safe drive sent Oum and McHale across the rubber. . In th eighth Charlie Moore's pretty hit to left, that went through Kru ger, scored Mitchell snd McCredle and mad Port land's total sis. In this Inning McCre dle tried to bunt and th ball hit his arm, but Mahaftey let th Jong-legged manager walk to Hist. - . j Ouk land's two runs cams along In ine ninin. omun ana nruger got on the circuit through peculiarly hit ball, and football hero Heltmuller chased them home with another funny bit that bounced over Moore's head. Bile couldn't get th ball out' of th dia mond, and Devereaux hit a difficult fly to Mitchell, who promptly perished It. That was all. , " - I It is nearly a that Portland can beat Oakland every day in th week. In' eluding Sundays and holidays.. Th score: ., , ' -. PORTLAND.' - 1 .'- ' ' . - . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. McHale.- ef. ......... 4 1 1 I Sweeney, ss. Mitchell, ir. I McCredle, rt S Hmlth, Sb. .......... 4 MooYe. i!b. ,4 Donohue, &..,...... t Lister, lb. .......... 4 Gum, p. ............. 1:1 i Totals I 17 II I t - . OAKLAND. AD. lb Hi POi Ai R Smith, rf. 4 1 0 Van Haltren, cf. ..... 4 0 Kruger, If. .......... 4 1 Heltmuller. lb. t 0 0 5 0 1 II 0 ( miss, c. ............ r s v Deveresux, lb. , , 4 0 Halsy. lb. 10 Krancks, as. , .-. 1 0 Hopkins,' p. ... toe Totals -. 11 s I 14 11 4 . . SCORE BT INNINGS. Portland 1 fl 1 10 0 1 Hlte ...1 0 0 1 1 1 1 Oakland'. . ....... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 1 Hit , 00010000 11 ' SUMMARY. - - Struck out By Oum, I; by Hopkins, S. Bases on balls Off Oum, I: off Hop kins, 2. Sacrifice lilts Mitchell. Smith. Stolen bases Mitchell, Heltmuller. Hit by pitched, ball McCredle. First bsse on errors Portland.. 1; Oakland, 1. Left on bases Portlsnd, t; Oakland, 4. Time of gsme One hour and It minutes. Umpire Mahaffey. Mountain, Resorts. '. The moat attraotlv mountain resorts la th world - sr In -th Canadian Rockies less than 41 hours' rid from Portland. Th' Canadian Pacific baa mad a very low rate to- these- resorts, which ' include Olacler, Field, Las ran and Banff. Round trip - rat 116.00. Tickets good for 10 days with stopovers. Doubls dally train service. ; PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. ( - won. Portland . . ............71 i Ban Francisco . ...... .47 Los Angeles . ,.......,64 Sea ttle . 4.,.. ...,. .47 . Oakland . . 41 Fresno.. ............44 Lost J! . p.r. .7 .416 .610 .476 .184 .184 . '. Coals Ars BMtsa. , ! - (Joarsal Speelal Serriee.) 'Oakland, Cal., Aug. II. Th Angels plsysd splendid ball yesterday snd de feated the Seals. . Scor: ' . - ' R. H. E Los "Angeles .. . .01 100100 01 7 1 San Francisco ..1 000001001 T .I Bsttsrles Randolph and Eaarer: Clark. Hltt and Wilson. Umpire Hod- son. , ' :. , . 4 - SaaStW (rets Bnsy. -Homrwi Seeelel Hililii.l ' Los 'Angeles, Aug. 11. Seattle got buey In th seventh - Inning yesterday and knocked out four runs and -victory. Th scor: R. H E. Seattle iVr..iv. 1 t 1 4 T li 4 Fresno . tl0 a is 1 Flatteries Vlckers and Blankenshlp; Wolters snd Dashwood. Umpire Per rlne. - PENDLETON PLANNING - FOR ELABORATE FAIR (Spatial Dlapateh te The Jnvrsal.) -Pendleton, Or, Aug. 11. Arrange ments are being made and plans laid for the first exposition of th Third Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Fair aasoclstlon in this city from Sep tember 14 to 21. .. The officers of the fair at present are endeavoring to set earnlval attractions and - letting tne privileges for the fslr, which promise to be a great event In this section. Ap plications for informstlon or for privi leges, should be addressed to H. C Wil lis, the secretary, U this city. Clever California Boxer Despairs f of Ever . Meeting "James . v Edward Britt. - 1 WOULD LIKE TO GIVE . ., " f HERMAN A CONTEST "Cute". Eddie Is: Training Faithfully at San Rafael, With High Hopes of Being Given the First Chance in ; San Francisco. . , v , (Joe ma I SoMla! Berrke.t San .Francisco. Aug. 13. Despairing of getting a match with Jimmy .JJrltt, Eddie Hanlon Is casting about for an other opponent, and declares that next to Britt he would Ilk to flsht Kid Herman. '' , , , ' Hanlon has never been satisfied with the decision ajade in his last bout with Herman amrbelleves'h could reverse It ' '. -Eddie Is training hard over at Shan non's villa In San Rafael, and he re ceived so msny callers yesterday that he kept the urbane Mr. Shannon very busyservlng refreshments. J .Hanlon Is - training faithfully every day and looks In fair shape now. He says ha would be ready to fight by Ad mission day, and that if "Kid" Herman can be secured for that date be will meet him, Eddie's friends, and he counts them by the hundreds, are all anxious to see the game little fellow get th first dat here. They figure. that Eddl could pack th house with a good opponent Hanlon worked a couple -of hours In the gymnasium, and he showed wonder- ul speed. , .HouncMino&ag Jlth.. a vim and vigor that would mass any opponent shiver som. ' .:1 . Eddl does road work every morning. Th little fallow certainly Intends - to be In good condition for his next op ponent ' It Is well known that Hanlon was not In the beat of shape when he fought Herman. It was that decision that Herman cot over Hanlon that made Herman.' puglllstlcally . speaking, snd many .of the sporting men believe thaiiRardson. Astoria, Herman could . well afford to glv te Hanlon a return match. 1 ",. Brit and Baakespear. "I see Britt every now and then," re marked Hanlon. "He's too busy read ing Shakespeare now. to think of fight ing nt. Maybe after he gets through hla course of study I will have a chance, but I believe Jimmy would rather read Bhakespear than fight me. It does not look as though I can get Britt. ' In such a cas I would Ilk to meet 'Kid' Her man. I can beat him. and he can fttv any bet on the side that he' wants. Ot course, I am doing a little work here. Just enough to keep me feeling right and get me' reedy for a hard training spell. If Herman don't com through then I'd like to get a match with Dick Hyland. ' In the past McCltntlo and other of Hyland'a friends mad cracks about me. Now, If Hyland wsnts to get a bout, s 11 he's got - to-d-ls- noise like a challenge and I'll be ready for him. I km getting ready to right, continued Tianlon. "and I'll meet any body who has any pretension to class, and some of these wis fowls who hav been talking about me 'going back and such guff, can get a good side bet" CRACK TEAMS TO KEET OM BASEBALL FIELD M Maroons Will Journey to Kelso on Sunday to Play Stars at That Place. What promises to be a great baseball battle will take. Disc on th Kelso. Washington, diamond next Sunday aftert noon; th opposing giants will be th team, champions of southern Washing ton. Ths title of "champions of. south ern Washington" will be the prise. The Kelso tm is undoubtedly . the fastest aggregation the Maroons will meet this season. Tb team - has a record of many games won from th best In southern Washington, and Inci dentally has trimmed the wings of som or Portland s crack teams. Including th Trunkmakers, th . gun company, th Blues. Flsher-Thorsons snd East Port land Grays. . The Maroons hav In turn defeated the best of the Portland and Oregon teams. They wrested th title of Oregon champions from tb Bchlllers several weeks ago, and are ambitious to add that of southern Washington. A large party of Maroon sympathisers will accompany th team over the Northern Pacific, and another coterie of fans hav chartered a boat to make the trip.- Hull, hero of a scor of baseball bat tles, will occupy th flab for Kelso, whll Thurston -will receive his shoots and slants. . For th Maroons Blebels will oblige and Brock will handle th big mitt. - Portland Is so, fsr ahead of th Oak land team In every department of base ball that th results of th games are generally known beforehand. . HOT WEATHER DEBILITY Sow to Protect OncaeU Against Heat, . rttg-n and Somme Disease, Msny ' people are ' so easily affected by the hot weather as to be capable of but little work during th sammer months Inquiry smong this claas will show; that- in -nearly every' ' Instsno there Is a weak stomach and more or less indigestion. Put th digestive organs right by using Mi-o-na stomach tablets snd th summer time will prove the pleasantest, most desirable and en joyable sesson of ths year. On little Ml-o-na tablet before each meal will give you life, vitality, energy and physical endurance during th bested term and ward off th ordinary dis eases ot summer. Ml-o-na is not sn ordinary summer tonlo or-dlgestlve, It is a true etreng thener of th dlgeatlv system, building up th organs to per fect health and vitality by curing the Indigestion snd absolutely removing all pains and distress In th .stomach, specks before th eyes, . sick and nerv ous headache and other symptoms that com from a weakened stomach. Mi-o-na makes positive and lasting cures snd is sold by Woodard, Clarke Co. tinder sn absolute guarantee that it will cur sll diseases of. th - stomach, aoept cancer, or th money will be re funded. - " t .Ask Woodard, Clark A Co. to show yeu th guarantee they give With evtry too boa of aU-e-BA, , ' Queen of the Astoria Fete Names Sixteen Young Ladies aar ' Attendants. . . TO BE TRULY A MARINE , CARNIVAL THIS YEAR Costumes of the Royal Rulers to Fol low '. Closely . Sailor ' Fashion Charles McDonald Named for Com modore and Chief si Staff. ' (Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Journal's Astoria Bureau, Aug. 13. Th plans for Astoria's greatest regatta' are rapidly taking form and todsy all of th Important details of th tnimmoth three-day event were practically decided upon. The young ladles who will attend Miss Esther Anderson, th queen, were announced this afternoon, and Admiral Kuettner has named his .official staff.' Th program Is being prepared and will be published In a few days. Queen Esther'a attendants will b Misses Lets Drain. Ellen Nolan. Gertrude Upshur. Lola Foard, Freda Foard. Martha Foard, Sally Oray. Louisa Gray, Margaret Taylor, Irene Blmtngton, Ethel Oerdlng and Frances Estes of Astoria, Lulu McFarlan ef Taeoma, Maud Rahies of Portland, Helen Dawson of Florida and Miss Relchel of Germany. ' A Marine Canal val. Th commlttea has decided ' to hav th functions In connection with the oueen of a purely marine nature, and together th queen and th admiral will take part In th waterfront vents. Th costume of th queen wilt be after th sailor fashion. 1 Admiral Kuettner" official s staff Is follows: -v ": Vice-admiral Oswald West, Balem; Walter Robb, Astoria. Retired admirals Charles V. Brown, Astoria;. A. N. Smith. Portland. Commodore and chief ot staff Charles McDonald, Portland. Rear admirals Captain Tosler, Port land:- Byrne, Astoria; Oregory, Astoria; Vice-admiral Frank L. Parker, As torta. Commanders George W. Brown, Port land; B. C. Morton, Knappton; C W. Haldennan, Astoria; J. H. Burkhardt Portland; George E. Walters, Balem; Dr. Frank McKeon, city; W. R. Hum, As toria; Charles Sanger, Portland; J. A. Clect, Portland: Charles Callender Asltrottbj tone; reion iiDtr. jiaiorisi onn fox. Astoria; T. Laurln, Astoria; F. Vaughan, Astoria; Frank Wood field. Astoria; R. O. PraeL Astoria; C. ' H. Abercromble, As toria; David Dunne, Portland; A. M. Williams, Th Dalles; E. L. Crow. Th Dalles; Dr. Smith. Salem; Frank Hughes, 'Salem; Gilbert Salem; Captain Bailey, Aatoria; Al. Waddell, Portland; F, H. Ransom, Portland; R. V. Holder, Portland. r-. - ' Miss Esther Anderson, th queen. Is a natlv Oregon girl and was born In Mel ville, Oregon, . 10 years ago. She has f resided In Astoria for four yeare, where sh has mad hosts of friend with whom she Is very popular. Sh m a graduate of the Monmouth normal school and has held positions aa Instructor In several of th schools of th stat. SPORTING GOSSIP. Her Is what -ths Mew Tork Herald had to say about th good showing th Portland craw mad In th national re gatta: , - - "Th most Interesting race of th day was that of th International four- i ssatast, la whisk Svs ed, including th famous Portland Row Ins club, of Portland, Oregon. It was a straightaway contest down th lake for on and a half ml lea, and from the start It was a fight between th Nonpa reils of New Tork and th Pacific coast ers. Th two crews were nearly on even terms at th half-way buoy, but coming down tb horn stretch th Nonpareil quartet- drew -ahead and won by two length. ; Th however, .and sprinted continually for the last hundred yards, but had to be content with, second place. ' It finished two 'lengths ahead of 4 he Ravenswood crew of Long Island City, and was four lengths shead of th Winnipeg men and seven lengths ahead of the Metropolitan Boat club - representatives from New Tork." - , '"v. . . : e e , Sweeney' base running In th fifth inning showed what a live man can do if h keep his eyes open. e e Mike Mitchell kept up his good work with th stick. Out of three times up Mlk connected sareiy tnr times. '3 - -- , ' e - '. i - If Pitcher Oum would smlls now snd -then people might learn to think that h isn t so sourballad or bored as h ap pears. Grin, by oum, grim e. e . - - Little, freckled-faced, red-headed Hop kins had many sympathiser at - th gam. This fellow is s coming slab ar tist. - -..:' ., ' s e ' Heltmuller Is on of th most popular young man in th - Coast league "Helney" was a star football and base ball man at th University of Califor nia during hla dsya at college, and bids fair to be a great first baseman. Lister got In Heltmuller's way yes terday whll th latter was rushing to first snd th first thing Ldstar knew h was standing on his ear. Afterward, when "Helney" came . along, Peter stepped aalde and let him pass, "What sver's th rul," says Ptr. . - ' . ; Sam Stow, a college .chum of Helt muller's and Bits, sat on th Oakland bench yesterday and enjoyed a chat with his old pals. Stow, It will, b re membered, played s star gam for th Multnomah club . football eleven two years, having to retire from th gam whan he suffered a sever wrenching of his kne. ' ' .. - - . -r-' . -- Lou Mahaffey Is doing fin work ss umpire at..Hecreation park. L011 make few mlstskes, snd then they nre not serious ones. Keep It up, Mahaffey. ,-- '-.' Th crowds on Tuesdsy snd Wednes day ar th allmmat of th season Everybody feels that Oakland wilt gst walloped, so there is no need of attend ing. ., , - ": . . .. . :., - e e Three of th beat patrons of baseball. In th city ar Judge Williams, Judg Olson snd Sheriff Stevens. They rarely miss a gam. Only a hanging would keep ' th sheriff sway. Then Judg Cameron1 slides In occasionally. Yes terday his genial clerk, Mr. llennessey, took up a few square ft of spac in, u stand.. - -i District Attorney Moran Butts in ; as Candidate for Governor ' .'- of Bay Statej;;: WHITNEY CONSENTS TO BE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE Bryan Men Recognise Moran by In viting Him to ReceptionCon gressman Sullivan Will Be Nominee ' for Lieutenant Governor. ' (Journal Spselsl Service.) Boston. Mass.. Aug. 21. The fact that Henry M. Whitney and -Congressman John ' A. Sullivan .have conaanted to appear on the Democratic ticket aa candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, respectively, haa not relieved th muddled stat of polltloe In Massa chusetts to any great extent. District Attorney John B. Moran Is still In the field as a candidate for governor, and h declares .1 will mov said for no man. .But th announcement, of th Whitney and Sullivan candidacies with out doubt, has caused consternation In the Moran camp.. Th Moran support ers had figured strongly on th strength of their candidate in Boston, but hopes In this direction hav been dispelled by 1 th bringing out of Whitney. Congreas- man Sullivan also will, add strength to th ticket In Boston, which forms-about on fourth of ths voting strength in th nominating convention. George Fred Williams, a Bryant te. Is In control of th Bryan committee and has placed Moran on ths oommltte to receive Bryan, In spit of th afforts of the,"old-llne" Democratic leaders. To add to the confualon, Colonel A. - Drlnkwater, a Bryan man. but a member of th stat committee, is strong for Moran. Hearst, whll booming Mora, through his Boston newspaper, is said to be juggling for th Massachusetts presidential delegation, and It-la said would npt hesitate to com out against Bryan If there Is a good chance to corral th nomination. Colonel William A. Oaston, of the banking-house of Kid der, Peabody Co.. and Morgan's agents hav taken a hand in th gam and hav been trying to get Moran to step aside In favor of Whitney. Th interest of th banking- men in that they fear Moran will move against th street rail ways, gas and other public utility cor porations In which Morgan and others are heavily Interested. - Th Republicans are in fully as much r-therrTipponenta. but with them the difficulty-is not men, -but principles. Th Horn Market club is seeking to Induce th approaching- stat convention to depudlat th tariff re vision plank of laat ysar and com out squarely on a standpat platform. This Is a direct etab at Governor Guild, who Is nnquestlonably to be renominated, and should it carry, . which la hardly posslbls, might result in his refusing to run. The friends of former Governor Bates, too, are putting In a "knock" whenever occasion offer, declaring that Governor Guild has - not treated . Bates fairly or kept hie promises to Bate made before election. HAVE ELEVEN CHILDREN AND SUING FOR DIVORCE A. t-' (Special Dlspeteh te The JearssL) Freewatsr, Or., Aug. II. Aftr t years of married life, Mrs. Mary Jsn Dexter of this pla has eued for a di vorce from George B. Dexter. Th Dex ter were married in Kansas In 1177, snd hav 11 children, flv of whom ar still minora Th plaintiff, says that TnrTlrsT-ywirs-of tneir marrieJTifirVaf happy, but that about li years ago ths defendant underwent a chang of heart and nature. Sine then sh alleges h has been cross, sullen, nagging snd his general behavior has been such as to make life miserable. She asks for on thtrd'of th defendant's real property. Nora Halllday, also of this place, haa commenced divorce proceedings sgalnst her husband, A. W. Halllday, alleging drunkenness and failure to properly Sumner, Washington, in lit! and hav four children. ) . .- . - Yovtafal rorgse resoled. (Special Dlipatch te The Jeoraal.) Pendleton, Or., Aug. It. Carl Karg, a youthful check forger who attempted to pas a bogus check on H. H. Wessell a short time ago. In this city, was ar raigned In th circuit court yesterday. He entered a plea of guilty. In consid eration of th youthfulness "of th pris oner and ft th request of th district attorney, Judg Bean sentenced th boy to two years in th penitentiary and aamutM mm to parol. . , " .-, ' 1 J - tl... - To Bass Clack llnwlll Dtanatek a Tfc Mumt . Gladaton Park. Or.,' Aug. 11. Plans sr being prepared for developing th water -power of the Clackamas river at this point A charter ha been granted to th Clackamas Power company of Oregon City, snd it will build a hug dam across th river at this place.' The stock of th company la now being sub scribed for and several capitalists hav been Interested In the project. THE POPULAR ROUTE. Go East via th CANADIAN PACIFIC and visit these famous mountsin resorts In th Canadian Rockies: . v ' HOTEL SICAMOU8 '. Th rendesvous for expeditions. ' On th shor of th beautiful Shu- swap Lakea. --'--Near th lovely Okanagan Valley. HOTEL REVELSTOKE . In th basin of ths Columbia. - Th gateway of th mining regron. Surrounded by malestle mountains. GLACIER HOUSE, Olscier. B. C Swiss guide. Situated In th heart of th Selkirk. Surrounded by matchless pesks. Where th great glacier rules su- ...."' preme., ... . The Great Caves of Cheops EMERALD LAKE CHALET, near Field . Where th Views sr Incomparable. . Th resort of anglers, artists snd lovers of the beautiful. MOUNT STEPHEN HOUSE, Field BwlaS guides. - Ths center for expeditions.. Mountaineering outfits. Where sport I plentiful. ' . W LAKE LOUISE CHALET- 1 ;4 -Swiss guides. . Mstchless scenery. . Magnificent environments. : , Surpassing Swltserland. BANFF, THE BEAUTIFUL Entrance to th Canadian National - - Park. . ' - - Medicinal springs -and baths. -Glorious mountain scanery. For rates snd descriptive matter' call on of address F. R. JOHNSON, W. and P. A, Portland, Or. , ' , , ; ( Toureliivltecl to Call " Every young,' old or middle-aged man who has been guilty of vio lating nature's Isws, exposure, etc. To men with Feeble Thought, Falling Memory, Varicocele, Rup ture, Piles. Weak Back. -Poor Stomach, eto. , . . , , 3e Make No Charge for Private Counsel " . ' Our first thought Is to sscer- iain inv real huh 01 your an- . mentr our second thought is to ascertain If a cur Is possible; our ttitxd. thought, la o-ioduref speety snd lasting results. Our I nxt thought Is . the. qulpkest I .method by which this can be done ana inen to ngure tne low est prlc for th , treatment ot your cas.1 ....,'. Over 50 Per Cent of Cured for J 10.00, end Ikny Only $5.00 ' ' ' During afsst Seventeen Years W Cive tba Dett Trestcsst it the Lowest Prices We are alwaya willing to arrange terms to suit. Tou can pay by tb visit, by th week or by th month, and w glv liberal discount for cash. Remember, our charges ar th lowost ana most reasonable in th city, i st the very beat treatment, at once; it will b th happiest day of your life. Consultationfree. You Naed Not Pay UctH Yon Afo Cured Should sou destr vou may deposit th fee with any bank or business house In Portland, to be paid to us after you hav been restored to health. - ' - . al Toung and mlddla-ageds men who hav injured themselves in body and mind, with weak back, falling strength, sunken cheeks, hollow eyes, bad habits, dissipation, poor memory. W cur secretly and cheap ly. ' TAKXOOn TBnrS Wormy veins, varicocele, reduced and cured with out cutting. No pain. - Rupture, Hydrocele and Pile cured. Consult us free and find out how w cure without kntf.r Our. prlc for a cur Is th eheeneat In th Northwest. . - , - OXmOSTZO Ain IDS DXnASBS constipation. Itching, heart, kidneys, -gain. - Consult us at one upon arrival and maybe you ean be cured before returning homa Many cases can be cured la on or two or more visit. Consultation and advice free. Write People who llv in outald town and in the country who cannot call ahould writ for consultation and advice- free. Many eases hsve been cured by bom treatment. Offlc hours a. m. to I p. m.; Dr; W.Norton Office in Van Noy Hotel II H Third St. Co"rnr pin. Portland. Or. fcAjeoxsT' m sionn atrnxoAA ustitut-si . n srOJtTSTWAAT. astauuhsn u rwttui lm "leas. a-c: ii DISEASESCUREDFOIa i ESTADLISCED 25 YEARS N P03TLAND We Will Treat Any Single Uncomplicated Ailment For fs- and have a private and ounlldeauai tain aoout yoar uvuotes. BLOOD. POISON - r vVw- Is th roost dresded, ' dangsrous snd destructltve disease- known. ' This dlsesse not. only unfit you for your work snd duties, but mskes a man unfit for marriage, for holding responsible positions. When his '-system becomes inoculated with th germ the wbol body undergo a ehang of decomposition and not only results in a disfigurement of th body but also of th man. This dlaeaae can b en rod. W hav received' the vrlatlng gratitude of ' thoss whom w have oured snd wh shsw thsir appreola- S other case. NERVOUS DttDILITY Los of snergy, will powsr, lack ef concentration ' of thought - less ef memory, which -weakens your entlr system, mental ss well as physical. This lowered vitality of the nervous and physical eondttton is trength ened so that In a short time yon will hsve.Jtpur original strength and be yourself again. V - 'V V. ' ' , . All acute and chronic skin dlsaae, uleera.' rheumatism, heart kidney. varicocele, stricture, gonorrhoea, liver 1.,.., al.M.ieiA M,(hMll WRITE, If you cannot call. All correspondence strtetly eonfldentisl and all rsplles sent In plsln envelopes. No names, eases, lstter or photaw graphs of patients published or exposed. Inclose i-oent sUmp to Insnrs reply. A i. v - V,- :: '. . ; ...... s . , ' -'J Hours I s. m. to p. n.; Evenings, T te ; Sundays, a. m. to II nee. - St. Louis UEEICAL AND SUSGICA1 ooms ssooini Ajny tajckzu Every Uc-:ti , a Unarm ill sail aheaM ksow . aoooiuie woaaarrsi MAKVCL ftbirUafl Spray tmm II ia &.? . -Mow ronrsBlent, swWkrt. eannot earplT ths SVKL. aam as ether, hut atnd Mama for lllnatnled book p.lii. Tt f nU aarttoalara ami dtreetinna 1m. valuabla to Uullas, Htaftl, rX . sea sr.. ants tunic S. . SKlDMOkl CO.. Ul '-KIM 11111 AMD WOODAAO, OLASJU OO. Scctf's S23tal-Pejsia c?sc!-j A POSITIVE CURE VerInmnstleaerOstsrrhef the BlailVr and DlMaea Kid- enirkly ss4 sarsiaBeiitiT the woret tann of Haaianaiaaa I ae sistter el sow atasdlns. Absplatslf ww, som y srnsawa. 41.1. er br Mil. asst. sid, !., I Sous, at. IX TKESAsTAL-rtniUa . fMI-seertame, 04rie. ty Waeears, Otorke Oe, Pare. Safe SasTC Dr. Sanderson's Compound Hnvln and Cotton Root Pills The best and only rallsbls remedy for Belayed Fe rteda. Cures the moat ob stinate casss In I to 14 days. Price f t per bos. mailed In plain- wrapper. Ad dress T. I. P1F.HCE, D. O. 181 Tirst street, eorner Yamhill, Portland. res anlek teemtts as the Wan Oel. Sanaa ef la Joazaal. -B, Ei - ib?F I -Ti'-'"' Meannet supply tb 9:' J'WL. x . ' f ' 1 Pes Sato V , Our Pctients Have Been call and find out about your Ecsema, ulcrs. sores. piles. liver, stomacn oatarrn. rnsumatiam 0 -J 11 ssr II Sundaye and holidays, le a. so. to II m. a $12.50 $12.50 for the fee ABSOLUTE GUARATfTEE NO PAY UTOESS CURED W desire to reach the . poor ee -well as th rich mis, and by making our fee only tll.. pay on easy terms, we increase our business and se cure lasting grstltud front thousands, who would otherwise remain affllotsd if it war not for this liberal offer. ',.-; ') . . - itloh. and we are sled te hav you call , ... . and st-mach troubles cured y the .V.; ..f - num. C. GEE WO ; . Portland's Widely Known snd Successful -Chinese ': Medicinal, k .Root and ; v Herb Doctor , Hla CasMO rtswolea "tbs Issredleeta ef which we Import 4lreet from the Orient Is - large esastitiM ana srepar ssa pet as tor se is hla op-to-at labatory. No aiarearr, poUons er erass of snr klsl sat. Parely eeretable, The Doctor treats seeeeMrally and gssrafiteee te ear all stomach troables. catarrh, atthna. bins, throat, rtienmatlem, saransaaaas. Uvsr, ' RMne and loaf maehnnS. . ruiALS raotrsT-rs aim tu nnirr . DISEASES.' . He ralM sr aualeadlas' statesMsts t the aflleted. A safe sad laatlns cura la the alc. ' 9t piaelble time and at the leweat east pas, SIM tor noneat rreatsient. If rm eanaet fall, write foe syaintow blssS as etrrslsr. tneV 4 east la stawss. conitnTATias ran. the O. ee W ChlBM MedMiae Os' 1SSH tint St., Car. Karrlaem, rMlui. 0a . Plaaaa ai.alloa this sane. OUJtesudy. ' Htwtom. vast Knows vatu Taeraat's Eswaet et Oabsss 4 Copaiba la . I OAPSULII. i, I The aiK,ni,fialoae4iai'aas esse e susorrhaaa. akwt, w hi too, oaa, fjmmf (a take, eMTaalaet a earry, f i. aaae saaeaaafal sea. Pitaa!. a w w. m Hanui a. sal Mlah hm. . st roHlasd. Orernai a kr aiall fraaa Tk Dispensary . rOBTLAJTO, O Xsrtsat Sh 44 UXm st Mew JCetk.