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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
.3 I If id 20,080 UEDGHOE: U. A. Collier of Coquille WIM Spend Fortune In Bringing Son's Murderers to Justice, ROBBERY "IS MOTIVE TC: ASSIGNED FOR CRIME Young Collier Thought to ,; Have JeenJLaredJ Moscow In Belief That ; He' Had Money About Him.; (Special Dtopatek te The Joereal.) '. Moaoow, Idaho. Aug-. !I.-Wu David JA, Collier of Coqullle City. Oregon, lured : to the disreputable section of town with , the belief that he had currency In the urn of fits about hla person and thl , could be taken away from Mm,: and that whan It was found, that he did not pos aess the' money, the would-be .- robbsre , proceeded .to administer him a serere beating from' 'the effects of which he eUedt. t , . v This IS the belief of the prosecution. and a Is the Intention to Introduce tes timony 'which? will show this. The pre liminary hearing-, of, Roy Taylor and i. W. Shrievaa, ' wha are- charted with the murder of the Ore on man on the morning- of July t. Is now on, and the testi mony belnr given would lead to the be lief that a moet atrocious and cowardly murder was perpetrated by two men who pretended to be firm friends of the dead man. - , ' -,- A lavish Speadec. - Collier was. the owner of considerable property at Coqulll City from which he i derived a monthly Income of some Hit. Hie father being: a resident ef Moscow, the young- man had eome here some four months SCO to spend the summer. A ; prince of good fellows In the fullest , meaning whloh the term Implies, he ., made many fHsnda lis spent his money with a lavish hand and his expenditures . wereta excess of his Income. , He bor rowed heavily from hie father and spent much In charitable acts. . A note for I50S which was due him waa paid July II and more than fSvO of this sunt wes spent eo persona who know declare. In "stak ing" men who were going to different sections of the country to hire out for the harvest season. On the night preceding Collier's death the young maa fell in with Taylor, Bhrieveg and Victor Hays. While ca rousing, about town. Collier repeatedly I Have Made Ollani 7i r-7"'fi Id Villi FOR Rich or Poor, This Is Your Chance nLzvet make millions more. This stock has Increased In value more than 10 This stock should make you a life inoome. The natural increase of business v'-- up several limes; it win coon go The Bidwell Cold Mbtor Will Double the Caoacitv of Anv Motor '- I. V W I nor. mraoi bdwiu . Inventor of the Trolley Oar System. Xaveatea-ef the Ballway Oa Teie- phoae Byatem. Inventor ef the Bidwell Cold Motor. - 'j' "' taveate ef the Water Blectrle Oeav . orator, :'-: will be the same as the profit on every ether share. In short there will be nothing but a square deal all round. This stock is fully paid and non-assessable. ..'...).., ., . ... , ' ' I have a lifelong reputation for square dealing. I will personally see- to It that every Stockholder gets a squsrs deal on this. . i .,. .'.. .-' . ''-.- , . '..- ; ' , .. . These Are Cold Fac?tsYou Must Act Quickly If you want aome of this stock at the present low price you must come' in now. There la only a small amount to 'be Sold at the-present price. ' "-'-.,'.' - . I firmly believe that within m ehort time tha stock will be selUnw at ft a share. This is your opportunity. It la a case of come quick or not at all. As to our reliability and flnrrt ial standing we refer you to any commercial : agency, . ' . '-.,'..'-. . . ... . , , i In order to make it posalble for every man and woman to get In atth me on this big deal. I have decided to sell the stock for a short time only at the following prices: . SO shares, $39.00, 100 shares, e8.00( 180 shares, t9T.S0! too shareo. 1 30.00; ISO sharea, lia.60 900 aharee, US-OOi MO ahares, 3a6.00 1,000 sharea, feso.OOt IOO shares, gagO.OO. over ,OM shares will be sold to any sme person. Our Monthly Payment Plan , BO shares, $8.50 cash aad five meathly payments ef 95.00 eaoh; 100 eheres, tia.00 cask, sU monthly payments ef tt.'oo eaeht 150 ahares, $ls,00 eaeb, aU ameathlr paymeats ef glt.M eachl aoo shares, 3XBO oash, seven monthly payments of 15J0 eachl ISO shares, 538.80 eaah, aeveet meathly paymeats ef $1IJM each! 500 shares,' 533.50 eaah, eevea meathly payments of 553JM eaoht 500 aharee, aeo.OO eaah, atgM monthly paymeats of 535.00 each; 1,000 shares, 505.00 eaah, tea monthly paymeats foOJO eaehei 5,000 shares, 9300 eaah, tea monthly paymeate 9300.00 each. t -Jj Send ail money by bank draft, express money order, postoffice order or registered .letter. Special to Elelc Li W r now prepared , te accept your orders In our awn new factory,' where we have room io employ 101 people. We are now manufacturing the Bidwell Cold Motors.. We araaklng-erders for cold motors and cold generators for aro ' and Inrandescent lights on a guarantee not to burn out for 15 yeara. .-Also self-cooling motors and generators, guar anteed not to burn out for three yeara ' - . a ...... - Bidwell Electric Company, Ch icago :.. The undersigned la an authorised broker for the eale of our stock- In the West ' If yoa eaaaet eaU, write aad ash fer oat free booklet, tt gtreg fall tafenaattea. Address aa orders aad laqalrUs to F. H. ma5e tfee assertion that he had Jir t re ceived hie monthly Hoorae ef lioi. He took hie companies from saloon to saloon and squandered his money- rlcht and left Bled Prom Slow. '. While In the street, states . young Hays. Taylor struck Hays a blow which relied hire and then turned on Collier and struck him a blow which knocked him on hla back in the atreet ' Hays in the meantime had started on a run. Five blocks away he met the night mar- Altai ltM lh ntnmw K-ft h.Hitnfll. lolred - and together they started-fOT-The VI IU, II. J. iHf ilflVI and Shrleves. The two were searching for Taylor's hat The officer and Hays then began to look for Collier, but they could not find htm.- The young man waa found unconscious early that morning in a vacant field and removed to the home of his father, where he died two houra later without regaining conscious- Grace Fleming says ' that - she saw Taylor , and- Shrleves kicking and beat-lag-Coll lei aa theirrietlhfTay proatrate In the middle of the street .She called te them to atop and they threatened her with -like-treatment. Thev went away and aha etepped te the -street -aacTTourNj T Collier unconacloua. She entered - her home to telephone the police and - also to get some water . and . towels "with which to bathe' the unfortunate: man. When she returned five minutes later, Collier had disappeared, v - ,' '- ' Hlaa Fleming also says that Shrleves entered her " house and demanded that she give him money, with which to skip town, l- , '.'-.; . . A..!. Hansom, who conducts the Pas time restaurant, and billiard-rooms, tes tified that early on the morning of July II Taylor and -Shrleves -came to his establishment and Taylor proceeded to dress the knuckles of his hands, which were severely cut; Bhrlevea Is said '-to have 'declared that there had been .a fight.' that Taylor had struck and kicked Collier and had left htm lying in the street' 'Bhrlevea, 'according to Ransom, theft asked for the toe of a few. dol lars, 'saying that he wanted the money to leave town on as he - was' afraid the hf fair would turn out to be a bad one. ,. . wthev Seek Teegoeaos. ; J.' A.-Collier, father of the dead' man and a former 'resident of Portland and Coqullle City, has left ao stone unturned to bring forth all the light possible In connection with the murder or hie eon, and William 1C Morgan, mayor ef Mos cow, and one of the leading criminal attorneys of Idaho, was retained, by him to am tnejrosecniion- 'ayIora parents are quite well-to-do and the firm- ef Forney es Moore, who have had the defense of a number of murder easee la - this state, have the handling ef the defense. - Mr! Collier, before departing for Coqullle City with the remains ef hla eon, made the eig nf f leant remark that - he would epend every cent ef hia aon'a' fortune ef 119,00 er mere and his personal fortune aa well to bring the. murderers to jus tice. tee Allen dt Lewis Best Brand. of Dollxrc for Tftouand of Pennle hr Mv Paten . nigner. ; X never made .an nnaucceaaful Invention. ran. Just as It la run, all .over this country ion it but see what a tremendoua success it lal - I next Invented the Trolley Car Bystem, Just as It Is run today. I made It . perfect and successful right from the start It has never been improved einee . i invented it. Look at the millions of money it has made for the stockholders. - The stock In the trolley manufacturing companies sold below 11 cents a share la 111! and 14.- Poor men ceuld buy that stock then. Thouaanda of them did buy It, and every one who held on to It la a riob man today. .. No Man on Earth Ever Lost a Penny He Invested With Me If so, I will make It good. Next I Invented the Railway Car Telephone" System. It la a system by which paaaengera or train crews can telephone, frn" t movlng carsjlDCTtltre the same aa If seated ill aa Office. It le a more perfect gy trim In operation than any other telephone you aver eaw. This is en the road towara millions lor the stockholders. , This Is Tly Greatest Invention Now X have Invented 'Something bigger and greater than either of the above. It is called the Bidwell Cold Motor. It ie guaranteed not to burn out, and la exactly the kind of a motor the steam railroad people have been looking for. It will change all the steam railroad systeme over te electric roads, because It will be cheaper to run than steam and eaa be run faster and more safely than any present method. . , ' ! r -The one drawback the" railroads have had In changing ever to electricity has been that no motor as at present made can be run 110 miles at miles an hour without burning out.. It would melt the very wires. , By using the Bidwell Cold Motor a train of cars could be run from New York to San Francisco without a stop at the rate of 10 or 10 miles an hour and , aet even warm up and without a bitch. Besides running faster, they would be more eafe and sura than steam, ooet lees to .operate, and would last longer than any other motor now known. The Bidwell Cold Motor Is the greatest invention out since I invented the .trolley ear. - - , ' - .; The Opportunity of a Lifetime X want to give every man and woman' a chance to come In with me on this. zor i expect to man millions for the stockholders out of this new patent The stock will be sold pn the square There will be no hocus pocua about preferred or common stock, nor any ether scheme, trick or wrinkle by which anybody can be f rosea out , Every dollar invested will represent one hundred cents of the best stock. Every share will be exactlv like everv other ahara. Tha nmfu nn avarv ah.ra JOHNSTON, J. P. R. Webber, Prom! rnt In insurance Cir cl:it to Represent the Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Mr. J. p. . R, ' Webber, formerly well known In Insurance circles in the-north west aa special agent for the Hartford Fire Insurance Company nnilfir Oenr rsl Agenr J. W. O. Cor ran, and for the past 10 years assistant secretary of the Home Fire '4s Marine -Insurance 'company .(In liquidation), ; has "1 ' to hid heme rn FortlaBaT'TJregon, in. associa tion with the Bprlngf ledd Fire Marine Insurance company of Massachusetts, as superintendent of agencies -for Ore gon ana Washington. .The . Springfield has made' Itself .con spicuous aa a leader for fair ' dealing and honest settlements in .the Ban Fran cisco conflagration. 'Its coast manager, Mr. George D. Dornln, made an enviable record In promptly resigning-the 'man agement of ita associate company, the National ef Hartford, with which be had been successfully connected. for over IS years, when that' company announced ita intention to' demand a horliontal cut of II per cent on au claims. , NEGRO BUSINESS LEAGUE IN. SESSION AT ATLANTA - (JoaraaT Special eerviee.1 ' Atlanta, Oa.t Aug. 21. Those in charge of the local arrangements for the seventh-annual session-of the National Negro Business league, -to, convene here next v week, n expect - between ' 4,000 . and 1,000 delegates te attend.. They will coma from more than II states, and will represent the beat element of the negro race, in business and professional pur suits. . Booker Washington Is the presi dent of. the league, and will deliver the Dead. ; IgescUl Dksatca te Tke ImuLI - Cottage -Grove, Or Aug. tl. Alvaro Hawley Hubbard, one ef the best-known pioneers in- this section, died yesterday. Mr. Hubbard .was bom in New York state, on May T, 1 III. and crossed the' plains la 1111. locating at Roseburg. In 1171 he moved te Cottage 'Grove, be ing one of its first citisana, and had continued to make hie home here. He married Miss Busaa Crlmehaw, in till, and they had 10 children. - The funeral took plaoe today, Interment being-made In Brumbaugh cemetery. per cent since September 1, 1105. and Inquiries for motors haa forced the ,v , ' M v first Invent Inn waa th alMifU in- hot weather. I didn't aet a Detent Broker IIL'CE GdElT Elaborate Plant "r Riyfcaaavj day Evtnt at 'Redmond Next Month. " WILL SHOW PRODUCTS OF IRRIGATED LAND KUarShapedaco Trwck-BetntuIIf and Racing Will Be a Feature) of JbJExporiricmtreet Gala Time Opening Day. (8cedl tHssateb te The Journal.) Redmond, Or., Aug. It Great prep arations are being made for the first annual fair ef the Deschutes Irrigation and Power Settlers' association," to be held la this eity oa September tt. II and II. An army of men are at pres ent engaged la clearing a large tract of ground adjoining the elty, on which will be constructed a modern kite-shaped race track,- three quarters of a mile long. An Interesting race program has been arranged for the three days, in cluding running 'and driving raose for professionals as well as amateurs. Great Interest Is being centered upon the gentlemen'e driving race on Sep tember II,.. aa great rivalry exists among ths many owners of fine road horses in this locality. Hsndsome premiums are te be offered the stock-raising people ef this section for the best display ef stock. A pre mium of. li will be given for the best Individual display of grass, grain, veg etables and fruit from Crook county ana also a lis prise for best individual display open to settlers on Pilot Butte canal,- . - On the last day the Modern Woodmen of America tug-of-War team of Bed mond will iMMnr-fttejigmlrigt any and ell teamr composed of members of this or ganisation. A prise of 165 la. offered by the management for . the winning team. The fair will open with a big atreet parade in Which will be ths Prlaeville band, secret societies, blooded stock and many floats ef the business houses. On the evening of the opening day a puoiie meeting will he held at the fair grounds at which addressee will be made by several prominent speakers, In cluding Professor Wilson of the gov. ernment experiment station at Twin Falls. '. ' .., .' The Deschutes Irrigation AV Power eompanyhaa donated 11.005 towards the fair and this, with many ether smaller donations by Individuals, shown the spirit of tha people in their efforts to maka tke flrat fair a success. , PACKERS USE POISOn TO STOP LEAKS in KEfiS C Packages Doped With Silicon, , 0ygn nd CedcweoMrj, tt1 Sulphurous Matter; , (Journal Special Serriee.) Kansas City, Mo Aug. 13. In Ita cur rent laaue the official Journal of the Cooper s International Union of North exposes- what it terms another trick of the meat trust end one which failed to eome to light In the federal and other recent investigations. The article refers to the practice of sllleatlng cooperage packages in which maata are cured, and in which butterine and varloua meata are packed for ahlpment The article says In p1i "T" is all barrel and kegs used for food products In meat packing housea were planed out clean Inalde and the leeks carefully repaired through mechanical meana For instance. If a barrel con tained a defective piece of wood (stave or heading) the defective piece waa re moved and a new- one inserted. ' In the process of economy it .was found that many of the leaks could be temporarily stopped and the services ef the cooper dispensed with By doping the pecks ges lids with a mixture containing alll- eoiw oxygen and ether calcareous sul phurous matter. In case of a 'bad, leak, the package le coated and recoated with thle preparation until a considerable thickness of It Is formed inside the package. This - poisonous preparation. though at flrat dry and. hard. In the course of time dissolves into the con tents of the package and through the usual course finds Its way Into the stomachs of the unsuspecting consum- OPENING BIDS E0R PHILIPPINE CERTIFICATES (Jearaal Special Berrtca.t ' Washington, D. C. Aug. II. At the Insular bureau of ths war department bids were opened today for the forth coming issue of 11.000,000 In 4 per cent Philippine certificates. This Issue Is to be employed in retiring the 11,600.000 Philippine temporary certificates ef In debtedness maturing the first of next month. -The remaining 1600,000 will be paid In cash. These certificates were Issued to provide for the maintenance of parity Philippine coinage. The max imum amount outatandlng at any one time waa t. 000.300, which waa reduced by the retirement of 11,000,000 on May 1, 1106. and 11,000.000 on September 1. 106, and the payment of 1600.000 in cash next month will leave outstanding only the new issue of 11,000,000. la connection with this issue the gov ernment haa seen to it that there Is no opportunity for another "Brlerly"' to turn a. handsome profit at the risk of a pontage stamp. All bidders were re quired to enclose-with their bids certi fied checks to the smount of 1 per cent of the bids aa an aarneat of their will ingness to take the certificates allotted to them. SHINGLE MILL STRIKE AMICABLY SETTLED " Hoqulam. Aug. 11. The shingle weavers etrlke at this plsce ie ended. both pertles making concessions. The strike haa been one ef the longeat ever known here, and It enda with credit to all concerned. The peeceeble ending la due In a great measure to the effort of C. O. Toung of Tacoma, general or ganiser of the American Federation ef Labor, who haa been in town for sererai daya. The shlnnle mill ef the North western mtn te running to ita full limit, and the mill of Poison at Matthewaon will begin operations as soon - as ths repairs are completed. The Moqulam Lumber dt Shingle company la uatng pert of Ite kiln space te dry lumber and lath, ao it will not cut Ita full output of OTCniA qEGATTA! Al. 30 to Sejpt I An unusual chance to buy good reliable merchandise at a 'great reduction in price. AlleTOTegodds marked lower for our Great Week End Sales. UNDERWEAR SPECIALS ., Ladiet' White Frenck-Ribbed Union Suits, open front, cloie fitting, high neck, nicely trim med, medium weight, long gleevei, ankle length; 5QC Ladies' . White Frenck-Ribbed Extra Fine Fleeced Vetts and Pants, medium weight, for fall; special Week-End 25C Ladles' High-Grade Vests, Pants and Tights, extra fine for particular -. people, nicely finished, high-neck vests, knew and ankle length draw- Cflr ers, fine fleece........... OUt LADIXS FRENCH ,. LOISITTB SHIRTWAISTS White Ground, black dots and figures, very swell, standard $2.00 value. Choice while they last at, each ;' j SEE MORRISON STREET WINDOW. ! Linen Handkerchief Centers, very sheer, size 7x7 in.; Friday and Saturday, ca. ' I W Ladies' Real Lace Silk Mitts, hand -made, elbow length, standard $5.00-value; f QO Friday and Saturday ej 1.7 O 'Ladies' Fall Hosieryi la plain colors, black and fancy, 'double soles, heels and toes, 35c OCr and 50c values..,.., ?. bO - Special reductions on all Rib bons, Allover Laces, Purses, Belts, etc. - ' LADIES NEW FALL SUITS, $20.00 Values, Friday and ' f J yi v x if " in 1 "Write for Samples CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON soiifou;;D.:oinRHnr,Gi;:s FROM OVERHEAD RAFTER Washington Woman Ended Life While Her Son Was Coming ' With More Sad News. (Splil Dbpatcfe te Tke learaal.1 Spokane, Wash., Auf. II. The coro ner and police were notified at midnight that Mrs. A. Renshaw, a widow, living on Pleasant Prairie, had committed aul clde by hanging. She had been suf fer ine extreme melancholy since the death of her husband In April. She leaves two sons. The ce Is doOWy sad, because Berkeley Renshaw, a son. Is in the hos pital with a broken shoulder and frac tured collarbone, the result of a horse falling- on him yesterday In .this city. - The other brother was In the city and after the accident started -for home to tell his mother. He found the plnce in silence and upon Investigation dis covered the limp form of his mother hanging from a rope tlej te a rafter overhead. . ' . , IN WAN TOOK LIQUOR ON TH PRESERVATION . (Spedil IMspalch te Tke Jeoraal.) Pendleton, Or Aug. JJ. Olenrt Bush bee, deputy United States marshal. Is here serving subpoenas on witnesses In this section In the land: fraud trials. He waa in the Echo country yesterday serv lng papers and returned here leet night te take young Albert Murray to Port land. Murray was examined yesterday and bound over -to the federal court, charged with taking liquor oa the res ervation. He is. a young quarter In dian and haa been in the reform school, from which he escaped twice. leaaa tradessTreuad Stake, (gpeelel Dispatch te Tke JearaeLk Gladstone Park, Or Aug. n. WhUs workmen were digging a well en the farm ef C A. Warren they uneovered an underground lake. Water was first found wnvn ane weu wae m unp ana upon going two feet deeper a lake ef clesr. cool, sparkling water waa found. Thle lake was eight feet deep aad several pr-ir. 'a :'yL7 i-M llIaLA.V': ana :S ATPtiJ RDA VtdoubySJ ' S F JR C I A Li eS - The pricea etioted hero- aro for two daya only. Out-of-town or ' ders will be filled as long as goods last No mail or telephone orders can bo filled for long silk gloves, for we regret, to say the lot is limited.' " .".. .. . - Warner'f and Thomson's Corsets, long skirt with dip hip and front, "Security", hote supporters front and sides, best ; French coutille, Warner's and Thomson's Corsets for average full figure, "Security" hose supporters front and sides, made of best French coutille, $2.50 pHc;.!?!!,:;.?:..-;;:. $1.95 Warner's and Thomson's Corsets,' long skirt for .imedium form," ''Se curity hose supporters attached, one of our" best sellers, black, white e.?!::;$1.45 Warner's and Thomson's Corsets, made of best quality batiste, long hip, medium bust, hose supporters front and sides, reg. price OC $1.25; sale price. .VOC Our regular weekly shipment of Silk aioveeS ' Long Silk Gloves just received-by-express. Two great specials in black and white for Friday and 'Saturday at....f.3 and s)1.4 We fit gloves. No mail , or. phone orders filled, aa quantity is limited. The Kind You Have) hraya in use Ihr orcr 80 years, Allow CORSETS r-' TO5 - t rjyjz u zs u y All Connterfelts, Imitations and Jnst-as-ffoodM are Ire) V Experiments, tl at trifle with and endanger the health ef . Infiints and Childr : rIrperlcnce sifainst Experlmense . What io CAST ORIA Castrrla Is a harmless snbstlta'e for Castor OU Fan ,,' gorlc Drops and Soothing Syrups. . It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Ophun Morphine nor other Hmmatis ubsttuico. Its age is its grJaranteek It destroys 7omj and &Uajs FcTerishncss.' .It eurea DlarrhoBa aad Triad . ' Tolie. It relieree Teething Troubles, eurea. Constipation and aalrnutte the Food, ngnhvtes tha Stomach and Bowels. o'lTlng healthy and natural sleeve . The Children i Pamaceev The Mother's Friend. . . ccnuinc CASTORIA Vy Bears th The Kind You HaYO Alrr E. In Uco For Over CO ' Vcsrc 'AuheS to Ccrli.b " Cut this ad out and save it, as it wm pay you to cc values are the best tor the money that will be offered . this sVsson. specials: FOR MEN .t.,,:;..-r7.v' . v.v',; Men's English Cashmere Sox'; in black and gray, fine quality, standard , 25c value; for f 0 -Week-End Sale, pair...,l"C Box, 6 pairs. fl.OO . Men's Pure Linen Hemstitched1 Handkerchiefs, fine sheer grade, size 18x18 inches, sold any where at 20c; special, Qg Men's Pure White and Fancy Colored Border Handkerchiefs, fine grade,' full size; also plain , hemmed, ." fancy. . border : (J . each ,.iJw , 3 - 30 DOZ. MEN'S SOW""' AND STIFF, FRONT Made 'of best French Cheviots,' .v.. i - - . ' $1.25 valuea Special, each , , ' SEE THIRD ST. -WINDOW, Suit Dept. , Ladies' Jap Crepe Kimonos, in pretty new oriental designs, all., the latest colorinsr. $1.50 value: special Friday, and Satur- fg f 15 dozen Ladies' Silk Petticoats, in black only, extra quality silk. a standard $600 value; special' Friday and Satur- ' tjg Black Sateen Petticoats, bestl. mercerized sateen, deep, ruffles, a good $1.75 value; special for Friday and Satur- - ; : NEW SUITS NOW ON DIS PLAY. ; - Saturday. .916.85 STS. Write for Samples J Donghtt and which has been . has borne the signature , T . g 5 M and has been made under bis per ' sumal a niutnl airkn shiM ffa rnfaiw. no one to deoeire rou In this, t Denature cf 410 Bltel BuUd!nir9 3eattle9 Wash. ahlnglea for a while. jrards la diameter. t