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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1906)
I-VEIIY ,DAV--.H tic c j.:. sV . - 9 .) . t- good c7G:;::fcT IT. ( n '- . a?C' Jcarni! Clrc V T v THE WSATHEa. :. -' .- ...,. .. , ..,.. ... .. ' . IN' . , . - - - . , i Ml ' Generally fair tonight and northwest, winds. VOL.: V.: NO. M3. General Banderos Shot ;in Battle With Loyal Troops-iTwo Follow ers Meet Same Fate Government Greatly Encouraged Over Prospect of Suppressing r Revolt Though Insurrection It ' i Spreading Throughout Island ' Many Skirmishes Reported. 1 Hivn,"Aiii.JgOwvlCHirnri t ; IB insurgent, army at Flnar Del -sto province la prepared to advance against ' th. government "' troops. . Qurrar has telegraphed tha officials of the Weatern railway that it mora troop ara aant to . reenforc tha government ha will Mow Up the road and bridges. Ha baa aent a force to occupy Ban Juan Martinet, '".' tJooraal Special fle-vWe.l C Havana, Aug. iJ. Tha nawa of tha death of General Bandares, .' the negco S Insurgent leader,' who wa killed near Martlno 'thla morning In a battle with ' tha Ruralea, 1 waa received with great sattafactloneby the government. , Da apit .optimistic assurance ' by Prol- dent Pajm , nawa cornea from all, quar ter that tha number of lnurreetlonlt ' ia -rapidly Increasing. 1 Even . In Havana . there la a atrong undercurrent of ifffl . pa thy with the Inaurgent." r-'-'", j , ; Another aklrmlsh waa reported Jtlil ; morning between Mijor lauront, In command of the government forces, and t the rebel concentrated In the vlctntty , of BaniLula, under Ouerra, in- which ' : aeveral wer killed and. wounded; -Thla ,' battle waa not dctalv and tha Irtsurg- ant are reported to be atUI la poe- Bandaraa' bodv waa brouaht ' to f TTavana-thia morntng. It Waa; "ca pt u red y tne guaroe. unaer wapiain . ueigaoo and IJeutniant Mantlnra. Delgado and , Ma farce waa flrad on by Bandaraa' men. . but not a alngle one 'of the government troopa waa hart. The bod lee of .Ban ' da rea' dead , follower were hacked to plecaa by the Ruralea with machetee. The revolt la' making gret headway . In the province of Santa Clara, where too' Inaurrmsttonlata are reported to have gathered. fully -armed to attack gov eramnt - foreea. Bx-Congreaaman Car loa Mendota. aaaumed - command of the rebela In thla' provlnoe. ,., General Joae Miguel Oomea,- who waa arreatad -iTaeadayr' w aa bi ougtit-to" Tta' van -today. He la charged with con "api racy and la auapected of having In tlgatedr the Inaurrectlon. '..; . ' An attempt waa made Jaat night to aeaaaalrtate Oeneral Emlllo Nunaa. gov ernor of the province of Havana. - The ' man had hi revolver leveled at the governor while ho latter waa entering hla borne. A byetander aaw the weapon and cried out, whereupon Nunea fired at tha would-be aaaasaln. who dropped ''- rlv" GAGE ADLIIRES THEOSOPUY; REIURii!! TO 'POINT LOIJA' . eaaaaaaajaaejaaaBBajaaBiaaaB 1 ' . , , ," Former Secretary Not Yet . a Member of Catherine Ting- ( :l : . ' 'ley's Colony. . ; , ral Rpeetat Servles.) r Chicago. Aug. .. - Former Secretary ef the Treasury Lyman O. Oage, who came on a hasty mission to Chicago, declares that the theoaophlata are a re markably Interesting group of people, 'possessed of unusual mental attain menta.- Oaga- will return -to hla new home at Point Loma. California, tomor- . row, hot, as he explains, because he haa -embraced the thaoaophioal cult of Mrs. Tlngley. but because he . thlnka he has found the moat delightful part of the -country to dwell In. ' . To Chicago friend Oage ha spoken frsnkly of hi attitude toward the Point Ixrma cut. , "He ha not joined the . cult." aaid a. friend today. ' 'This he positively -enlee." . . Oage has been here two' days, but the fact baa been kept secret. He did not ' visit any of the hotel where he Is well . known and hi business, apparently of a hasty nature, waa transacted In tha bnk parlor without' attracting atten ' thm. . mmwu MAE WOOD GONQBY: NAME Off MRS. PLATT ' IN KALAMAZOO HOME '.' !' (Jearnal Special Rer-lce.) , . Detroit, Mich., Aug. .S.-Mae Wood, the former ' Washington . department clerk, who achieved notoriety by her allegation of marriage to Senator Piatt of New Tork, filed suit in the Kalama aoo clroult court this afternoon, to -which ah algned her nam Mae Collier Piatt, and her affidavit bear that alg nature, She I now a resident of Kala mazoo, having bought a home at that place. Her house fsces the track of the Colon Riding Park association.' Sh Friday; - mm. w : .... . - . ' . r m ; . Havana, Aug. . II.'-deoeral Quebtla Banderaa.' the 'negro . Insurgent d leader, waa krtlod thla morning in an attack on hla force by the ruralea 4 between Martlno and Hoyo Colorado.4 Hla body . 'waa fully Identified. '4 Tlie fight occurred at t o'clock thla morning, Banderaa .pitched hla camp - and stationed guard, thinking had eluded pursuit. Two of his d ' follower were also killed, but "the balance of the Inaurgent force ea a ; caped. . ; '.'N : 5 ;'''" ' (-' ' J ... ': ' The r a rales' consisted of 100 e troopa number 110. He waa surrounded yesterday, but managed to ea 4 cape,"' He has been operating throughout the western part of the prov d 1 nee of Havana, looting estates and seising property, .- . c ! T'i i" Tne aovemment I much gratified by the. new of Banders' death, - as he waa regarded as .one of the most' Impllcable of the revolutlonlat , and one who wielded a tremendous Influence among the,negroea of the ' island, His career ha been a plcturesquo one and he played a leading d part In the Cuban war Tor' Independence. . . ; ' . ' t--..--.;-:-t.l:.: .-.-. V!.,' v , ' IVILD RIDE ON FLATCAR 17ITII riilLlES DEIIIfJD Fletcher Linn and Party to Es- , cape Forest Fire ' Fly Down " Steep ' Grade on Car V Unre - strained by Brakes and Escape '"hi t:. . A wild ride on a. flat car-down a mountain trade to escape a, raginr for est fire waa a hair-raising experience undergone by Fletcher Unn and a party of friends during a three- week' outing trip up Breltenbush canyon.. . " Mr. Unn. who I manager of the Ore gon furniture company, arrived home yesterday witn nia wire. , Botn were crrejif and dnety froiay Hnrtr' trip, but de spite their thrilling . f licbU beforar . tb fiamea they . report having had a fin time . , , i i ! 4 The camping party waa composed of Fletcher Linn and wlfo, Iem J. Zan, wife and daughter of Portland; , Miss Delta Watson of Portland. H. A. Nel son, wife and daughter of Albany! P. A. Yonng. wife and daughter of Albany; Oladys. Gibson of .New York, Jack Ym.- tourette of Oregon CUy. Clarence Bishop of St. Johns, and Chauncey Blahop of Baletn. r '." -r - - Tha start' was-made from Albany on August .: the' Journey being made on the C. aV K. line up Breltenbush canyon. The. outfit was -carried In a box-car. which was awitched on a side line trav eling Jto, a. logging ramp fsr up In the forast. Camp was made a half mile below the logging1 station and every thing went merry until, the 11th, whan, wnue tne company wore -seated al din ner, they noticed .a line of black amoke In the distance , and. listening, they could hear tha roar of the flames. Presently two men from Detroit, a town two and one half mile above the Junction on the main line,, came by and warned the camper to flee at once. The (Cinitlniied un Pate Two.) UAKES $9,000,000 PROFIT BUT KICKS ON TAX De Beers Diamond Syndicate to Move Its Office' From London to Escape Assessment, u. ' : (Jnaraet Bpeolal Serrle.) New Torn, Aug. !. To escape an annual income tax amounting to 1700. too a year, the DeBeera eonaolldated Mines, limited, which controls the dia mond market. Is . about to move Its headquarter from London . to a city outside of England, according to a mea sago received today by Importers of this city, who buy their rough stone from -the- Kngllsh syndicate. Desjors ay thr.t New- York may be selected a the headquarter for the ' larger and finer atones, but Parla la mora likely to be chosen.' -.,-. The decision of the house of lord was announced a few day ago,, hold ing that the company must pay an In coma tax. In England, as well as In Cape Colony, Representative of the com pany .declare they would rather move than aubmlt to the double taxation. The proflta of the DeBeera company for the last fiscal year, according' to It annual report to shareholders, amount ed to nearly $1,000,000. . . v haa filed suit In the circuit court to have the park declared a nubile road. It Is this petition to which ; sh ha Igned the nam of ' Piatt, - Since moving to . Kalamasoo, Mae Wood ha Inalated on using tha name of Piatt in all her business transactions She ha mingled, freely In social af faire of tha city and haa been received without question by the exclusive fami lies. She l addreased aa Mra. Piatt by her social intimates, and her use of the New York senator nam la received .without queeUoo, . . ! v - - . ' PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY ' EVENING, AUGUST J77 n n 1 n r V '. I Til MM II ! V f ' ,.BaaTWgfMeBBBMeaaa ,. . . (. t rural guards and regular. Photograph of Victor ; Erowne, ia Fancy Bail Costume. Company With. Capital Formed to Work Br mmByim : i: C . VI , , J ;V. I i- V VtV'u ""v-" i - ' " "i I I TLA , 'J&. V ' . Jr " -TTUJ-. 5T- f i-'i'V'.-.-x'' 1 I--'-1 Y -V Vttv-w?na-J :A'lMW'':?rS. jrL;. a i- a - i i . k. ' an i a , v , Ul !; I aangrr ;, ft. ,-v..-k f l w m W ...m I a: ' v- MMTf : v . I ' . II 1 1 1 1 111.1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 J . . C-?!2a5Btt2arS .-C , ' HUH Ul If UUII U Deposits Near Ontario r A company 'with f 1,000,000 capital stock I being organised to begin oil and gaa development la eastern Oregon. Another natural gaa discovery, larger and more Important than any preceding It, haa set the town of Ontario and aur roundlngc6unirytnrqDblhf "wltlt ex citement. Experts' wno have made In vestigation aay tha region 1 underlaid with a lake of petroleum, and- that -the oil la comparatively. near to the surface. ' oKr years It hss been known that the Ontario .district Is oil bearing, but, Ilk many Other resources of Oregon, ' the deposit haa received little attention. A number of farmer who, In boring wells, tapped gaa reservoirs, hsv piped the gas from the wells Into their houses and utilised It for lighting and heating. A few weeks aao I. T. Clement. ex-coUnty judge of Malheur county, waa boring a well when, at a depth Nof lit feet, he strode clear,- pure drinking water that rose to within six feet, of tha mouth of the well. - -i .- .. .. . .MIIIIIIIMIIIHHMIHI AMONG THE 1 ' TrtatHHirtyrcat erybody - - grer L . .t. . - . . 1. A I inc cniKraa oi. cxium vmerica; , w.. j. .ryan on tne Bospnortis; tne. story of' the' human torch,. a woman who risks her life) every day to. get money .with which to open a. hospital; Portland's Woman Exchange and what .it It doing for the; "cjty;; the experience! of mtn Vba have made uccernes in life; what ' fashion -'dictates'; in dreaa; true account. of sea erpetlts; funnies in, fine. color. These "and S" hundred more'are W .v , a-zi-.v. o r,-, IN THE SUNDAY JOURNAL lAAAAAAAAAAAAAAijAAAAAAAAA Photographic Study of rr rv i ' : ! .. Banderaa' I II; 1 : ) i r: I- : II 3 &''"ilteij.t I"" : -f j Latest Poaed Photograph - of Mrs. BrowfC- of One Million Dollars Petroleum and ?; Gas He Installed a' email gasoline engine and pipe to Irrigate hi lawn and gar den. It waa noted that the water, when first pumped Into a vessel, would pre sent a milky appearance and bubble furl oualy, but on stsndlng a moment the water, would clear and be good, tasteless drinking water. After two week of nearly steady pumping. Judge Clement had mhpt down hla gasoline engine and waa standing about when the well be gan making a chugging noise and water quirted spaamodlcally from tha pipe. The. Judge, in alarm, called expert advice to- learn if possible whether his well was .going dry, or what waa the meaning of the noises. It was decided by the. wise one that either the well was about to go dry or there was gaa pressure at the bottom of It. On sug gestion that there might be a flow of gaa, the Judge lighted a match and held It over the end' of the pipe. There was - Continued en Pege- Fou -.-- , .. FEATURES i - Tlie try of ;thc life of Caotro, X . . .1.. I 1 .L . .- A A. A -k. fc A A -W A -k -k k k -s, T k X 23. 1808. SIXTEEN ' PAGES. Mr. James Pernberton Brown. , PhotogTaph - of Mr. Verrault ' and ,. . Mrs. r Brown,' taken in court, and t: facaimtle of Mrs. ) Verrault's mg- RICH UEII DUPES MMEJll Wall Street Millionaires and Railroad Kings'Fall Victims to "Matrimonial , Syndicate Oper ated at Great Profit by Pretty Women Under Arrest, : T ' (Joornal Rpeelal Servtes.) ' New Tork, Aug. SI. The most re markable women In the metropolis are Mra ' "Helen ' Hamilton," ..whose seal name Is Mrs. Bin F. Verrault, and her bosom friend. Mra. James , Pernberton Brown, owner of ther-"lov syndicate,' which numbered among ita victim mil. llonalre Wall street men and railroad magnates. The. galaxy of charming "widows" worked not only upon the auaceptlbllltiea of merchants, auoh aa James V. MacClellan, . - and lovesick counts, such as Ignas Zollnoff, but Into its . entanglements were drawn - men known the length and breadth of the land. The women are under arrest en federal Warrants, . charged with using the msll In duping their wooer. . . f It was Mrs. Iselia Brown, the blonde of captivating manner and deep hasel eyes, who took car of the "big game," aa the millionaire wer called, while to Mrs.-George T. Verrault was, left the suitors of the . MacClellan stripe.. The method -of. holding .' the . attention of these various clients were unique, run ning the gamut from plain Jove sitting to the gambling table and splrltuslistlo seances..- - . Seeped Heavy Profits. .Tha syndicate went Into the business on m wholesale scale and cleaned up many thousands or dollar. - And these two unusual women calmly face- all of these charges smilingly, tak ing refuge in the general plea that their alleged, victim were really looking for easy prey In some womun of wealth. Mrs;. Brown when '-a girl ran away from Halifax SO yeara ago with J. P. Brown, 'a civil engineer. The couple were married In Brooklyn' They lived In .New Tork until- Brown's death, 16 year ago.. Then began i aerie of transactions In varloua ' parta of the country, with Mrs. Brown and Bin Flnnegan as- principals whloh aroused the attention of the police. ' . They made a circuit of the country. touching Chicago,. ... Philadelphia and other cltlea.. Then, after a separation, during- which Miss flnnegan wa mar rted to George T. Verrault, they met In New Tork. , ; SCra. arowm'a Oaieer. , Mra.. Brown returned tor New Tork a a' stenairsphsr. . She did not waste her spare minutes, but became acquainted with prominent financiers. Then aha , (Continued oa Pag Four.. , PRICE TWO Hi Ontario Man Says Hol manDefraudedWidow ot a Small Fortune While Building House Real Estate Dealer Accuses Clergyman to His Face at Po- lice Headquarters - Ontario Of ficer Coming to Portland to I Getlhe Prisoners.. If the' Information Is authsntio that haa come to light as tha result of the arrest of Rev. Henry Hiram Holman, former pastor of the Congregational church of Ontario on a charge, of de frauding an Innkeeper, i the preacher's operations brand him aa a wolf In sheep's clothing. It I aaid that tb al leged failure to pay for abetter and sus tenance la only a circumstance com pared to reported defrauding of Mra. Sarah Joiner, a widow, out of tl.100 - Full details of this aUeged shady transaction were furnished to ths police thl morning by W. E. Lees, owner of the townslte of Ontario and prominent- real eautie ae&ier or that community, . Holman. according to hla nromla- tit Chief Oritamacher yeaterdav. anneared at ponce Headquarters thla morning, but 8. C. Wing, arrested with him. had not been found up to noon, today, and De tective Hartman 1 searching the cltv for htm. Inquiry at SIT Morris street revealed the tact that be had left there early this morning and has not been sen since. Sheriff Odell boarded a train at Vale early thia morning and should arrive in Portland thl afternoon for the prisoner. ... The telegraphic warrants requested or the Malheur au thorities for tha minister and the car penter were received last night. -" ' ''" x-a Telia hi stotr. " 8. B. Lees' story of the alleged wrong doing of Holman place the clergyman in a most unravoraDie light. The On tario real estate man atate that the minister and Wing accepted a contract to' build a house at Caldwell. Idaho, for Mrs. Sarah Joiner, a widow realdtng at Ontario. On or about July it the building waa completed and It la claimed that Holman -collected $1,100 to pay for the lumber and labor. Instead of ap- p. ring in mnneT,Anuo--8'ejiforj which It waa Intended, It ia al iieged tnat Holman and hla associate. Wing, board ed a night train and decamped for other part. Holman waa supposed to have gone to De Moines, Iowa, while -Wing and Mrs. Holman are aaid to have com on together to thl city. Lees la-discussing1 tho-ee declared that the preacher bear the reputation of being addicted to tb use of Jlquor (Continued on Psge Two.) , STEP jTO RIVER TO DEATH Two Deckhands, Teddy Tobiason and John Mitchell, Victims of Similar Tragedies. Comrades Tell How Men Met Death ... Beneath the water of the Wilfamette and Columbia river lie the bodies of Teddy Tobiason and John Mitchell, two deckhands, who met death In a strange ly almllar manner. Tobiaaon stepped from th barge Churchley at the foot of Tamhill atreet early this morning Into the river, and at I o'clock yesterday morning Mitchell atepped from a wood barge anchored alongside the dredge Co lumbia at Knapp'a bar and aank from view. The Tobiaaon case waa reported to Coroner Finley, but the Mitchell case Is beyond hie Jurisdiction, the accident having happened in the Columbia river, about six mile below th mouth of th Wlllamett. - - According to Louis Lai-sen, Russell Lewis and John Pitman.' fellow-employes of Tobiaaon on the barge, th unfortunate deckhand walked out of hi bunk at t o'clock thl morning, (tum bled ever a cavil on tha deck and fell DOOM SOUNDED FOR STAGE IRISHMEN BY DAUGHTERS OF ERIfC ' , (Josraal Special Servke.l "" Chicago, Aug. 31. "W are sick and tired of having Irishman portrayed In cartoon and on th stag aa monkey faces, with ted hair and green whiskers, and we will atop It by boycott if w can, by mors forcible meana If neces sary." .. . .v ... VI '.-.. Thl was the ultimatum mad today by Mary McHortr. secretary of the Indies' auxiliary of the Ancient Order of Hibernian, now la biennial session her - , .. ... M.. CENTS. ar-i, ii v a c.a . !'.. . 1, 1 1 1 I1 J 1.J 30 VISITED C? Spectres Continue-to Dominate Trial:; of Blue Mountain Forest Reserve Case Testimony of Witnesses Point to Mays and Late H. A. Smr.' and Deals With Early Stages ol the Alleged Conspiracy to De fraud Government. ' ,; v " Little was said of the late Senate Jobn H. Mitchell at thla morning's' pro ceedings in the federal court In tha trial of the Blue Mountain reserve case, but another ghost stalked about and com manded attention.- Tbl waa the ahad of H. A. Smith,' saved by death from the ordeal of being put to trial In the flesh along with Franklin Pierce Maya, Willard N. Jonea and Oeorge Sorenaon for eonaplracy to defraud the United State government out of 100.000 acres of land. The evidence Introduced this morning pointed to Smith and Mays and . dealt with the early stages of the al leged conspiracy,' . t t. A. Q. King, now of Seattle, but 'from July, lata, to July, 10J, a resident of Vale, Oregon, and county clerk of Mal heur..' county,, took the stand -for th government. While a member of th "third bouse" at Salem In 101 he met Smith, -Who was than a member pf th legislature, ' In August ef that year he and Smith came together by appoint ment In thla city, and Smith talked of hi timber lands in Malheur county and of a plan to put up a sawmill on the Malheur river. . The friendship oontln ued and the next month Smith asked the witness to circulate some petition for the creation of the Blue mountain forest reserve. ' King said he wouldn't have the time, but at Smith' request agreed to get some one else to do IU Objectlo-a ax . Ovrralee , Ex-Judge Pipes, . counsel for Jones, argued at length that admissions made ty Smith were not competent evidenc against the defendants. , ' Special Assistant Attorney-General' Heney declined to take the .argument seriously. "I love "to argue points of, law with, my brother-' Pipes," he aaid. "but when he geta Into the domain of metaphyaica I-can't follow him. I'm ---p""-''- Heney," retorted "Brother" Pipe. Tha ' Mln,nttM . .! ,-. I a . v Judge Hunt, defendant took an excep- testimony wss resumed. . Witness Kirur nat told of m-aflnv Senator Mays In th latter" s office about the middle of October, 101. They (aiaea aoout tne circulation or th Blu mountain reserve petitions. Prior to (Continued pn Pas Twa.) overboard. The steamer Nellie waa ly ing about four feet from the barge, and Louis Laraen say he heard something strike heavily first, and then, a splash. Thl lead to the belief that Tobiason, after stumbling over the cavil, struck his head agalnat the steamer and waa rendered unconscloua before falling Into the water. At any rate, he never rose to the surface,' although he waa a good swimmer. ; - . Telle S stalls of Srew-lmg. "W arrived in. Portland about o'clock last night with the barg from Johnson' landing, near Willamette slough," said Louis Larsen In relating th details of th drowning, "and went up town for a while. We returned to the barge at 1:30 o'clock and Tobiaaon went to bed. I remained in the cabin reading and amoklng my pipe until I (Continued on Psge Two.) orao "Th public get an Mea from t' cheep comedies snd cheaper p !! -tlona that th Irish Women ara f t s t untidy, with eagglng clothes snd frna hair. Th fact la that Irlah men I womsn sre th hanilrmment In world. We will positively not r these insults any longer. "Tou remember -that sct'-s t egged off ths stage In New 1 elsewhere for this erTensa. T Is mild, to what will hsrrn cartratur of .th Irlsn r I f at a.'., '. .'..-., i , : . . .... '. i ..-- i v.