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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1906)
C- f i v;d. vd:;z:dav lvz::i:;o, august 2. 1:; 0" Ued I.iL'Juj .1) ; lIulLIuIii Coming ContesrAttractmj Mor Attention Thari Anything ". EIm Irf Flghtdom. :" . CAN COLORED BOXER : CONQUER THE DANE? Old-Timers Seem , to Think That Btltlmor ;' Lad WW Give "Bat tling" . a. Severe Drubbing Hit , Craftiness Will Count - Joe Gsns, Hrht weight 1 champion. Battling Nelson and the 10-tound battle . " , they hope to have on September i. La tbor dav. are' attractlne- fnnra attention throughout the country than any fight affair since Jeffrie was defending his ''.title In the heavyweight olass. Oans and Nelson have been talking of fight " m J . .J BUB ...... wftnmjw . -been wlnhlna to Mr ra rv hut NalaAn draw the - color line. - Nelson laid claim to the lightweight champion-hip and he '' cartalnlv haa tfeei maklii mnri mnnev out of the ring than the champion. .For the past six months Oana has . ' shown voor form, and this, coupled with ;. the fact that the men have been guar ' anteed a rich miraa. evnlaUia vhv llin. ; agar Nolan la ready to let uana right ... apllt t JO.OOtt and fight the full , 39 rounds they will receive on an average .,- 26e per minute. It Is no wonder that V they have agreed1 to fight. ' ' Is the question that the followers of . the ring game will have to decide. If -, Osns la the Cans the rugged, crafty Tighter of three yeara ago, clever, fast ana powerful no wui beat Nenon to a certainty, : On the contrary. If Oans is not. at bis best he wilt encounter In Nelson a relentless fiahter. whom pun-! lshment seems only to make more ag- lay's glove on Abe Attell for five I ' ' rounds of. their six-round, no-dec I a Ion I fight at Philadelphia. In the sixth round Attell slowed un a bit and Nel- - aon got to him with a couple of wal lops, but Attell managed to get almost in even break In the final round also. - uans, at nia neat, was as cisver as At tell. Attell la but a featherweight. - Oans Is a heavy lightweight. -Jt stand" ' to reason that if Nelson could ' not reach s clever featherweight like At tell for six . rounds, Oans,' a harder mi nf.h,rf than ihi, that nhan Inm v la abls to -make tho Dane guess a bit ', when ths oolored man's glowes start coming bis wsy, - , . - , . VI,.."' - How. STslson Figures. '- " Nelson and Nolan are figuring on t the fart that. In a 10-round fight with - Ti.... , 1 1 . 1 mis nun nv ivn vrv, viiw iini , , who Is no world-beater, boxed the full route . with Oans and closed one . of . . joe a eyes. - iatcr, in nia ngnis 1th Willie Lewis, Harry Lewis and Jack . uiavauui is vets lies bvwvu win jr wiunwi j . form., Whether, he waajnerely "play '. Ing possum" In these fights to draw - Nelson Into s match can only be settled s when Nelson ana uans meet .in mo ring -, - ;' ' When Billy Nolnn went east he in ' iiilrw1 that nartlrulara of avarv one o ... . . .-....-., mS urea that Oans has seen his best days and the time la now ripe for Nelson to come out and trim blm ' end gain . the legitimate lightweight champion- kin . v It la aald that Oana cannot make 1SS pounds. ' Oans can make the weight as easily niHni Kwvniini w wvn w m. . know the colored lighter well and nave been around his training Quarters..- His fight with Jimmy BrUt. when he won over james Mwani in tuia rvuuu on a foul after Brltt had hammered him about the ling and finally knocked - him down and struck him while he wss on the floor. Is generally regarded as a "fake." Osns ahowed that something must nave wwn nmni vj '- vmg rsme back end msde a monkey out of Mike (Twin) Sullivan at Trlsco. final ly knocking him out. His bout with ' Sulllvsn took plsce only a short time ft iiiiivan had nliwd a zO-round decision ovsr Jimmy Gardner. Gardner waa far from being at his best when M III IT , wu " II van danced around him like a hawk. Then Oans came back and did the same ining on euinvan. Oolored Xaa Is Crafty. ' : Old-timers, almost to s man. think that , the clever, crafty Oans will win from Nelson. They say that even were the fiarht longer than 10 rounds, which would be to Nelson's advantage, Oans .would win lust the asms, as. he may - be exoected to cut . Nelson's' face to " DieVaW. 1111 BIIIW b.hwu... mar - vanceei wnen iiauii . tiiw ' i-ti ' Brltt, but Nelson finally wore his man down and aliDDad over the - winning ' nuncb. If the fights that Oans haa been putting up In the east of late are his best,' then Nelson wilt win to a cer- talnty., ' ;, ' . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won. XjouL PC. - Pnrtlanel .Tt .til .(21 .4t .181 mn Franctaco 43 I Atiftea - M elttlA a 4 ' 9 Oakland ; Fresno it . Aagete Bad Bnors. " (Jearsal Seeelsl Service, f - Oakland, Aug. at. The Angels' errors .cost them the game yesterday. Score: ... ' .. R.H. E. Ia Angeles 4 f - i an Wranr.laco .. T I . Batteries Nsgla and Mangarlna; Si mons, and Wilson. Umpire Hodson. " Tigers Arc satea. ';. . - -' Meeraal Sseelal aervwe.l . ' Los Angeles, Aug. The Seattle- Itee won out yesterday In the eighth Inning. Soore: v . A " R.H. B. Seattle ......................... I IS . 1 Fresno ; 4 i t - Batteries Jonee and Blankenshlp; Hall and Daahwood. Umpire Perrlne. . nmsnra Dendere the bile more fluid and thus helps the blood to flow; It afforde prompt relief from biliousness. Indi gestion, sick and nervous headaches, and overlndulgenoe In food and drink, ' O. I. Caldwell, Agt. M. K. A T. R. R.. Checotah, Ind. Ter., writes, April II: "i was sick for over two years with en largement of the liver and spleen. The doctors did. me no good end I had to give up all hone of being cured, when my druggist eovlsed me to ase Herblne, ' It hue msde me sound and well."-' its Wnodard. Clarke A Co. C SLjiu Cji mi llGL!5 Cltvar i TvvlrUr Compels th A Locals to Knock Easy Onas V ' to Fialdars. ' . ; CALIFF WAS WORKED , TWICE FOR A SQUEEZE During the Contest Seven Commut- erg Trotted Across the Home Plata wWork of. Devtreaug, Haley ' Franckt, Meitmuller and Litter. Oakland 7, PortTarjd 9. . Batteries Beldy and Hackett; Calif f and Donahue. Ths game was a, tiresome affair yes terday.. It was one of those contests thst make a fan grow wearier every minute and long for, the end. It wasn't tiresome because Portland lost, because the Olanta' winnings have become mo notonous; ths local's raw errors were the cause. Another distressing, feature was the number of cripples that en deavored to perform. Hackett is lame and sore, so is Haley, and Donahue was hopping around on one leg. But eJIml hating the stunts of the criDDlea. Calif t's off day in the box and a few more tricks tossed into tho contest by the locals, the game was not so bad after all. when one ' thinks over local history carefully, one may find a precedent for fort lands poor work. In the fact that the Olanta never work well after a day's rest. This msy not always be true, but yet there Is more truth than Jingling rhyme to it . Oaaae of Defeat . " ' ' The Immndlita ' nf PapIUiiiI1, defeat, was the pitching of Reldy. Thla clever fellow had things his own way. He eent In alow ones snd fsst oaes, and It made no difference. ' He teased them In and the Olanta would swing wildly and blindly. In nine Innings Reldy had allowed but five hits, and they were perfectly scattered.- Whenever a hit meant business for, Portland Reldy would put on a little - more power, and It was all off for the locals. . Of course. In -giving Reldy his full share of credit. It must not be forgotten hatMs support wss of the brilliant hue. Devereaux, Haley and Frsncks did Herculean work In their depart ments, cutting off many runnere by accepting difficult chancee and making gooa in mem. The only side to score waa 'Oakland In the second Inning lams Tom Hackett made a hit Bliss, who ran for htm, got hold and appropriated second. Dev ereaux laid down a pretty sacrifice, moving Bliss to station No. t. Tim Haley appeared with his hind leg band aged, two strikes had been called, and Bliss started for home on the "squeeio" play. Haley was equal to the emer gency and bunted the - ball, allowlria? - , ' 7. ... J. V, ii uiv nun uvKimo veni two across on a pass, an error and two hits. In the sixth two more came along through good hitting and fat Tom Hackett work ing the "squeese" on Calif f . The sev enth saw Oakland tally two more. This msde a total of seven, and the Com muters rested their side of the esse. The Olanta made several feeble efforta to get a men around the circuit but Reldy had the locals faded and there was nothing doing. The score: , , ;,i , PORTLAND. i . ao. n. . ni. A. J. McHale. cf . . Sweeney, as Mitchell, If . McCredie, rf ....... e i e l i ....... sell ....... I e t t ..;.... e o Smith, lb Moore, 2b e as I I 0 I ; i a Donahue, e Lister, lb I II a wami, p ToUls .t OAKLAND. , AB.R.H. Pa A Smith, rf A... 4 1 t 1 van naiiren, cr...... s Kruger. If ( Heltmuller, lb ....... 4 Hackett, c 4 Devereaux, tb I Haley. lb 1 Frsncks. ss ' 4 Reldy, p , t 1 1 1 t It I 1 a .i t s 1 Totals T I 17 14 8CORB BY INNINOS. Portland .........11 9 t 9 9 Hlta ...1 11 1 1 I 1 I S I Oskland ....... ..1 1 0 0 11 1 I e T tins i i e o xi i a a i , SUMMART. eaBaeMW an tk-. J.. WM a 1 1 0S ssiiri v sa via. mj iem j . ui vain v 1. Basea on balls Off Callff 4. off Reldy 4. Two-bane hits Heltmuller 1. Double Plays McHsle to Donahue; Heltmuller to rrancks. eacririce hits Van Halt ren, Sweeney, Devereaux, Haley 1, Francks. Stolen bases Donahue, Kru ger. Hackett. Wild pitch Callff. Left on bases Oakland 7, Portland 7. Time of game 1 hour, II minutes. . Umpire aianairy. . AMERICAN LEAGUE. ' Won. 47 Lost II . ' PC. Chicago .0 .141 Phlladelphl ! M 41 61 New Tork .16 Cleveland ............ .110 St. Louis .ill Detroit 14 Washington 41 Boston It .4f .13 ,7 At H. K. 11 1 Boston Detroit T f Ban itterles Dlneen snd Carrlgan: Sle anfl.: Pavna. ... Mrer ' -: ' At rhlladetokla." R. H. H. St Louis ............1 11 Phllsdelphla .1 I natteries roweu ana Bpencer; Ben der and Patera, -i. 1.. A Waakiartan. ,"' Flrat game Washington a i a Cleveland ,.t Batteries Hugnea - and warnsr; Rhoadea and Bern Is . " . . - Second game . " ' . Washington I I 1 Cleveland 1 I I Batteries Patten and Wakefield: Hess and Buslow. -. . Boa; jraew a Aatsoy Park. - (Jeersal gpaclal atrvlee.) ,V' Asbury Park. N. Aug. I.. A bench ehow under the auspices of the Asbury Park Kennel club opened In the Beach. auditorium today. Four hundred dogs of all elaeses are on exhibition, Including aoms of the most valuable canines In the country. Boston terriers lead, but the entrlea of bulldogs,' bull terriers, Irish terriers snd St Bernards sre especially good. The show will continue over tomorrow. There la some talk of the Trl-State league expanding next season.' Perhaps the organisation will be the third major ague one or these days. The Ameri can league .waa a minor , ii. c. r"vr The Father of These Cuba Waa a Tiger and the" Mother a Lioness. They .'."' . ' Wert Nino Days Old When Photographed. .' BI6 BLACKLIST BY THE , HATIDTIAL BOARD Thirty-One Players Are Put Un der the Official Ban for Different Causes. ; The national commission haa lasued list bf players who sre Ineligible to play with 'national agreement clubs. . Bp me of these, who have jumped contracts and whoso names la the following list' sre marked by the notation, "violated con tract." are practically on the national agreement blacklist and will never be lelnstated. . The others may be reinstat ed on the payment of a fine Inflicted by Chairman Herrmann. The list of play ers blacklisted and suspended by the leagues in the. national agreement la aa follows: , ' . National' league Boston R. 3. Brass ier, violated contract: H. S. Wolverton, felled to report; F. C Rsymer, failed' to report; E.'J. Abbstlcchlo, failed to re port.-.- . Brooklyn M. Broderlck. violated con tract; J. H. Doescher, violated contrac'f Oscar Knolls, violated contract; T. L. Owens, violated contract; F. C. Relsltng, Violated contract; Oeorge C. Bell, failed to report; Herbert Brlggs, failed to re port; Joseph Corbett failed to report I. C Dobbs, failed to report; L. Durham, failed to report; Henry Pattee. failed to report; C Welgand, fsiled to report. : Chicago James Bebrlng. Thla player waa under contract with the Cincinnati club In 1904. He left that club and went to Wllllamsport, where .he aUo played In HOB.- He signed a contrset to play with Chicago in 1101, but failed to report to that club. Cincinnati F. J. Ferguaon, failed to report - New Tork William Lauder, failed to report Philadelphia H. E. Mccormick, failed to report; Joaeph Ward, violated eon- tract St. Louis M. J. O'Neill, failed to re port American league Philadelphia Joa eph Meyers, failed to report St Louis Harry Oleason, sold to St. Paul, refused to sign contract and failed to report. - Boston Robert Cnglaub and Ed Barry rat lea to report. Washington Arthur Hlllebrand fatted to report . - American association Toledo F. C Relsllng, Thomas L. Owena, O. C Den- ninger. . Minneapolis W. H. Chappelle. INSISTS SALVIDERE IS THE GREATEST John E. Madden declares Salvldere Is ths best racehorse he has owned since the days of Hamburg and Irish Lad. Recently he refused an- offer bf tll.ouv for thla 1-year-old aon of Belvldere. It will be remembered that Madden bought Salvldera out of a sale at Brighton Beach for $1,700. , W., Harry Brown, who looks coldly upon sport snd the turf, sold the colt In lino with his an nounced Intention of disposing of all of the racing properties Inherited from bis brother, the late Captain "8am" Brown,. of Pittsburg. Pennsylvania. It was a foolish thing for Brown to do, aa he let a colt which had not .been thoroughly tried, out go . f oi a comparative song, Salvldere has won for the Madden- Hitchcock confederacy Just s little over lis. 000 since leasing the Brown stable. Madden's luck still continues. There la little question now that, the 1-year-old. Convllle, will probably cut a wide awath In the running of the Futurity next September. Thla colt, too, came to Madden through a sale. 'He paid Newton Bennington 1 7,100 for him. Aa a Judge of the thoroughbred In training. Madden atande without an equal on the turf. He la one man David Harum could not load up with a "dead one." NATIONAL LEAGUE. . i ' Won. Lost II - II 40 ,: .11 -' II 7 74 7 PC Chicago 13 .7? New York ......73 .161 Pittsburg ....71 .140 Philadelphia ,Z .471 .4J7 -.180 .151 .141 Cincinnati 41 Brooklyn ............. ,l , St Louie '...,.40 Boston ....,.,.,. II" At Pittsburg. R. H. E. ritsburg - ....1 u 1 Brooklyn '..7 J I Batteries Lemeid, Phlllppl and Phelps; Strlcklett Mclntyre. . Berse n and R It ter. Umpire Emalle. At Chloage. -. R. H. E. , 4 I t rhleSgo New York 1 10 Batteries ttrown and Kllng; Ames end Bowerman. Umpires Klem and OOay. , Detroit fans would like to see. "Red" Morgan, now with Boston, back la the Tiff era lineup. ., v , ,- t .r:3 i::z rrn YACHTSF.iEH VIIL COMPETE ASTORIA REGATTA . Thirteen Yarhts Will Sail Satur- day to Take Part In Next Week's Aquatic Sports. - The Oregon Tacht club haa decided to call off the challenge regatta that waa scheduled "for- Saturday afternoon. Instead of the Intended program- It yachta of the club will leave Saturday afternoon at o'clock for Astoria wbere they will take part, In tho-annual re gatta at that place. ' . On Friday afternoon of this week the Anona and Mischief will sail for the perpetual challenge cup for class A boats. The sudden determination of the local yachtsmen to take part In force at Astoria la pleasant newa for those who love yacht racing, and Judging from the class of boat a and sailors that will go to Astoria there will be some great sport wltneaaed during the annual fes tivities. The yachtsmen will tske about three daya In making the trip down ths river and will spend three days at Astoria. In all the yachts will be away from Portland about 10 days. The boats that will make' the trip and their owners are: - Corsair. Max Meyer; Gadfly. Carl Bhlvely: Naiad. Breyman and McKelvIn: Diamonds. Leo and Ralph Hahn; Buster Brown, R Austin; Comet H. F. Todd, Hoot Mon, Msckle Bros.: Bynamox, Jack Honey-. man; Zephyr, Roberta, and Bannon; An ona. Frank. DArcy; Albatross, George Shepherd. Two other hosts will make the trio. but their names have not yet been an nounced. , . . ' RAIN IS JCHEGKIKB FIRES ON THE BREITEHBUSH Conflagration Still Rages With Fury So Great as to Make -. Inhabitants Uneasy. , (Special DUestek to The Journal.) Detroit. Or., Aug. 12, Forest fires are etill raging In thla vicinity, causing the inhabitants to feet eomewhat un easy. Boms of the mills are deserted, the men being engaged in fighting the fire. A number of employee at Hoover'a mills, located about three miles above Detroit, are moving their famlllea to thla place for safety. Though there la not much fesr entertained of any loss of life ss a result of the fire. It la poe slble to hear the constant roar of the fire and the falling of trees In the forest - Thousands of feet of timber are being consumed, which will repre sent a greet financial loss to the owners , A welcoms shower csme up at ''clock laat night, which will have the effect of checking. the fire,. If not en tirely aubdulng- It. - There Is a shortage of men here: wagea are good, ' the climate excellent and good board can' be secured at rea sonable rates. , - , Hundreds of campers are located In this vicinity and all kinds of "fish" snd deer ' stories are beard. Some of the campera are returning home, having fin isned their vacation. OPP MILL IS CLOSED v BY WATER SHORTAGE (Special Dlsoetek te The Journal.) Grants Paas, Or., Aug. II. Harry Foster of this city, manager of the Opp mine near Jacksonville, has closed down the mill on the property for the re mslnder of the summer on account of a lack of water. To overcome this diffi culty the management le installing a long pipe line to tap Jackson creek and by a system of reservoirs create a per manent ana adequate water auppiy. Though the mill la ahut down the de velopment of the Opp contlnueo and the ledgea are making a aplendid showing. Schedule of T. J. Potter. The T. 3. Potter leavea Ash street dock for North Beach, touching at Aa- torls. aa follows: August ZJ. 7 a. m I August It, 1:10 m. ; August It, :Jo a. tn. From Ilwaco: August 14, 11.10 n. n.t August it, p. m.; August tt, l a m. Tickets at Third and Washington streets snd st Ash street dock.' Mesls may be secured on the boat. Preferred gtoett Oaaae Oeetd. Allen Lewis' Beet Bread. SiulilG OF THE IP DAY Larry McLean's Salary Has Been Garnisheed ; by Dr. LISTER'S FINE PLAYING FEATURE OF YESTERDAY Brief Items of Current Interest la Sporting Circlet. Throughout the Country A Few Rule Suggested for the. Golfera at Waverljr. : '. ;V John Lawrence McLean's salary was garnisheed yesterday by Dr. R. J. Chip man to recover tliO, The money la due, so tho doctor asserts, for professional services rendered Mrs. McLean, The papers were served on Judge McCredie, Walter McCredie and Attorney Oeorge Shepherd. -. V... . ... : ' ... : - .. ' ' Reporta from Goldfleld state that the railroad companlea will charge one-fare rates from New Tork to the acene of the light. Gana was examined yeeterdsy and found in fine condition. ' ., . e - e ' ;","'' Fred Rayner of the Boston Nationals, who refused to report here In the early part of the aeaaoa. haa been placed on tho blacklist for playing" In the Outlaw league -- ''."',':,' V " From the preparations , being made, thla year'a regatta scheduled for August 10 snd II and September -1. eclipse all previous sf forts of the good people of Astoria, It ought to be a record smasher, with Dick Smith, the famous football player, aa aeoretary, .;. ' e Soma fans, In their enthusiasm for present diamond heroes, may forget that there were aome mighty cudgel wielders in the past, ssys Horace Fogel In the Philadelphia Telegraph. Just to remind them these facta are presented: - Adrian C. Anson, in the 1 eeaaona between 1I7 and 1112. played In Loll ball gamea and made 1.11 hlta la that time. Hla batting average for the en tire 1 seaaona waa .. .;. Mike Kelly. In 1.161 games, covering It consecutive sessons, hsd a batting average of .111. Dan Brouthers In T1 gamea, tn II consecutive years, had a grand average of .164. ' Roger Connors tn I.0T1 gamea. In It consecutive seasons, had a grand aver age of .116. . ' , e e ,- . Pete Lister's playing on first was ths finest that haa been aeen here tn a long time. ' ' ' -, ," V "- e e ' The New Tork World oaya "Mugger" McGraw has gone beyond the point of endurance. Oh, reel All of that, and then aome. . . . v - e . e ''. '-' ' Dueling la becoming the national sport of France since Dreyfus wss exonerated. It wouldn't be such a oad game, either, If the contestants would take their but tons off ths foils. - . ,- ... . "...' ':-: . By Seymour asked for a piece of the 110,000 given the Cincinnati club for hla release, but he didn't make-much of a fuss st not seeing It. By was quick to discover that most of ths wsd wss negotiable only behind (the footlights. The crowd likes to give Tom Hackett the laugh, but Tom la the lad who can deliver the goods, even though he la fat. '" ' e e ' '. "Umo" O'Dav Is back In the game. He msy have paid hla fine, but If be did they promised not to toll on hlta. . '- e e The Latonta bettlng-rlng la aald to Have reached the strangle hold stage. Thla, we presume, meana a public purse ao low that the bookie have to choke It out. ' - -1 . e e , Heltmuller gave Calif fa shoots sev eral severe Jolts yesterday. One drive waa Called a foul after "Helney" had reached third on it. It didn't look like a foul, aa Mitchell had both feet Inside the line when he tried to catch It, and It drooned from hla handa. Heltmuller went back to bat and promptly drove another to the fenoe for a double, e . e As there are several ipeclaf golf matchee to be decided tn the near fn ture at Waverty links, the following brief rules are submitted for the regula lion of the contests and protection of the contestants r The neighing ef a horse threw a golfer off hla stroke the other day, and for all we know nipped the hopes of a budding champion. The horse, If jus tice triumphed, waa atrung up to the sams tree that eaw the finish of the fellow who cried: "Buck up. old man, at a critical moment. Things of this kind, like other forma of crime, go In waves, and It la high time that the So ciety for the Prevention of Proetratlon of Golfera passes stringent rules affect ing both man and beast The following are some of the prohibitions that ought to prevail: Leaves are forbidden to rustle under Density of being raked. Do not speak aloud. The effect eould be no worse If you exploded a bomb. Be gentlemen while on the links. Whistling Is one thing the tense nerves of the tournament player cannot stand. Ths wind Is strictly bidden to abstain form it. Never etrlke a match while a player la driving or putting. Learn the deaf and dumb alphabet and ask your neigh bor for a llghfc . Birdlee are requested not to sing, twitter or warble. Bilk skirts or petticoats will not bs permitted within 40 feet of a tee or green. During a tournament sheep,, graslng on the links, must not bleat. Moving of feet Is the mark of a die respectful golfer. People should con duct themselves like statues with the exception that quiet breathing la per- mlsslbls. Asthmetlo persona should remain on the clubhouse porch. Crickets and frogs are a pest and must be exterminated by all green keepers. ........ . . e .. e ; 'v - Frank Chllds, a former gladiator of tha ring, would like to Issue a defl, but he doeen't want- Joe walcott to hear It. .-'.-. ' e , a ; Deer are getting more numeroue every year In the woods around Port land, eventually they will become ao thick that aome of them will be killed. e e It le a aretty safe bet that from now on the race In the National Isgue will be between Chicago and New Tork. Kven tha great Rubena Wadtlla could not atop the slaughter ef the Athletics st Chicago and St. Louis. - , . e e Tha Pirates were stuns Ave times In succession by the Olanta In New Terk RECEIVES in our business course, from first to last. We think it impossible to overdo that branch. Practical "short cuts" are applied in all calculations "trick workiaTstudionsly avoided. Accuracy first is out, doctrine. . Besides arithme tic, these branches are included in the business course : namely: spelling, grammar, writing, correspondence, com-; mercial law, bpokkeeping banking, business forms, busi ness practice, corporation; accounts, office work. Call, phone or write for copy of new catalogue. ' Do it now. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE OPEN ALL srk snd Waahlnftoa Streets Men calls for help than we can BeaatlfsUy located la Portlaad. Orsgea, efers enearpatead fscUltiei for the ml- tare asd' edscstiea of fount; womta. Special epportnnitlei la Meek. Art Laatnaaes sad Lltec atura. Well eanlpped Pbrsicsl ssd Chemical Las sraloriss. Herbsrina ssd Mineral Cabiaet. The largest aad eldest Ladies' Seeiieary la tbe Facias Northwest M eajers a aatioaal repatatioa for Isr parting the best ebyticsl. stents! asd aiersl train ing aad develoeiag tree wemsahsed. Euipe socially aad edacaHosally for the aoet exalted statioa. Coalers Academic and Collegiate Degrees br State Aatherity. Iaterlereace with ceavfetioaa el aea-Cathellcs isscniaeloaalr avoided. Academy Is ideally located, amid iatairing scenic advan tages. Social epsertnaihes seek as sre avallaeW ta ae ether city ea the Coast. Baildiats large aad cemmedioaa well-lien ted. heated asd ventilated: dormitories sad privste rooms (applied with all odera ceaveaieacee. The laatituuea le liberal aad preereesive witkeat sacritciag the charactsr and traditieee si age aad achievement - Terme mad eat. Selisfactery relereacse reejaired. Write lor aaaenacemeal booklet Board aad tmittoe HW pet year. Address Sister Bsperier. St Hsry't Academy PORTLAHD. OREOOir, U.S.A. PORTLAND ACADEMY Portland Oregon ' Utk TBAB WZU Om 9MW9, IT. Fits boys and girls tor Eastern aad Western oollegea - includes, a primary and , grammar Boarding hall for girls affording the evmiorta ana care ox a rennea om Office hours during the Bummer frees la a on a . For catalogue write ta the add given above. Columbia University University Park, Portland, Oregon. Classical, scientific, commercial and grammar trade courses. Apply for catalogue., and will end the aeaaon nurttber three from the top. . '-. e , The New Tork Americana will have to take a brace If they expect to . atay near the top. ; - e e ..... The race for the South Atlantic league pennant eontlnuea to be a red-hot af fair between -Augusta and Savannah. EUGENE MERCHANTS ASK ANOTHER TRAIN Eugene. Or., Aug. II. The Eugene Merchants- protective association, which haa been a great factor for. the good of the- city during the past year, Is now endeavoring to secure an Interurban passenger train service between this city and points on the Woodburn-Natron and 'Wendllng branchee after the Spring field brings le completed, it Is expected thst trslns will be .running ewer the bridge within a few weeks. The association a ska the. railroad company to put on a train to make three trips from) Eugene to Wendllng and 7 .-W MxikX . '.e V s A Business Oponlns Wc will place you In a pczltha C3 soon as you beccstc a ccziptlzr.t bookkeeper or stcno&rCLphzr. Gut course , will accomplish thorough preparation In the shortest tlzic We are better prepared than ever to do a superior quality of work. More teachers, many new applh ances, and new Ideas gleaned fron the large commercial centers of the East, Both principal and president have spent weeks In the offices of great business concerns for new Ideas. : - We spare no ex pense to give our students the best. Catalogue free. Day and evening; - Behnke-Walker THE LEADING - Business College Tel. Main 590 Elks' BldgfClty ATTENTION THE YEAR A. P. Armstroaf , LL. B., PrlncaJ meet. It pays to attend our school. SuccessStoriesZ tj Scores of young mm awl have been tint saade ec ay stent by iLe Holne Busineai College, and ifm aaasted In Doaiboas whers nSeir Jjy mi tnea dStnnftini and cceapaaMliov Tne Holam BuaWss CoOege aqoips you with the practical knowMga that wiskes aveiy bk of yow energy count for guocen. '' . -9 Here are glimpses into the Wcanm of three Holntes Bisaneai CoQega gnoV ttattn. We will Bippiy their aamee il fajcsIalthe-ConWaahaigtcwaBi enda Streets . , MaVplof PmiImhI Cm CmiWe Ink cMI amce wiaiaiHri, mi aswhsidl Be' psyiac ew 1100 par ansa al ei nSs PadCt Csad Tel- spinas Cs, et a alary ef 112 pw SaMnV Mis task a esane sf a fubbc Paea. Fsama. eswa a' --L Aaaa hakaaAaaal aj tLaa bum. awn Js jvsBia q Writt hr or (Jdo. Iti. eraftK getting and worth: keeping. We will gladly tend it to yon podnpaid t jvt will writ oj your name ind addVesv p p"sir.sGC 11 Busir.zss cctLcr. WASHINOTON sVTTNTXi. tnuTAr.; acade::; A Board Ina and Day School f"T T Manual Training. Military C.nW.m, Pr.narattnn. Of ratio admitted at any lima V....e i t t rated Catalogue. Dr.J.W. EHU Pre;. t I?: Fall term win open s t. i . i. FOXTXVAT, C back each day and two from Natron and hack, also a daily I tween wooomirn r.n-e east side lias aad prln; WaaSiaglsa. Ml wmmmmm m CMBM M AaMMMl tm HokamBmmes) Bsainaai Cofiaga. aaw iiaaVnl SmepscKia aaVa sf kar earn in mkaeU iassms asd HILL 7 ;?.V Y